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S25.E01: Season Premiere

Message added by Dustbunny,


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Well, that was....something.

So far, the twists they've introduced are not great. Having different universes screw up the game is dumb. Like, what does that mean?

Cory disappears for who knows how long but now Cirie is in the house? Cirie/Jared playing together is either going to be very bad or very good for Jared. With him on the block, it MAY help him out if the houseguests want to fawn over Cirie, but it will also screw him if they find out.

I'm not really sure how I feel. So far, I like Jag, America, Cory, and Mecole, am neutral on most others, and dislike Izzy and Red, so that's something.

Overall, I'm still processing. 100 days is gonna be a long one for this season, clearly.

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2 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

What a letdown if the 1st episode. Even the contestants didn’t seem enthused.

Yeah, everyone seemed so low energy. I don't know whether it's because the Frankie/Britney/Danielle clip scared them or if these houseguests just aren't excited over all, but none of them were really reacting to much during the episode.

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3 minutes ago, UniqBlue69 said:

Is Cirie that popular? I'm not a Survivor viewer but I did see her on The Traitors. What do you guys think of this casting twist?

Cirie is a much loved Survivor contestant.  I'm sure she has her haters but I feel like there was a lot of love for her in the Survivor discussion threads.  I watched her lead a bunch of goats to slaughter on The Traitors but I don't know if I need to watch it happen here, especially because this show moves at a snail's pace compared to Survivor/The Traitors.

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I thought Julie looked great!  I loved the tulip pattern on her dress.  Maybe she has a new stylist?  As for the episode-I'm with others that it just seemed...underwhelming.  The biggest twist ever?  Yawn.  Cirie?  I was getting tired of all of the 'second chances' she was getting on Survivor so am not particularly excited about her being on this show.  Her strategy of using her social game may take her far, but I don't think these contestants will be in awe of her to the extent of keeping her for a while.  But, she won't be up for elimination in this first round so maybe she can make inroads.

Oh, and what a surprise-most of these houseguests would be open to a showmance...

Oh, and I do not need to see Frankie Grande ever again...

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, everyone seemed so low energy.

It was odd.  I assume Production tries to whip them into a state of excitement for the televised show but other than some of their reactions upon entering the house, they seemed mostly bored.  Maybe something weird happened shortly before they taped this episode.  

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10 minutes ago, Ananayel said:

Is it Corey who is related to another Survivor? Could the twist with his disappearance be that when he returns, that Survivor comes too, to make 18 hamsters?

Yes, his brother was the first Survivor Superfan to get to the island.  And, in an unironic twist, his brother was also the first Survivor Superfan quickly vote off.  Can't think of his name, but I read this morning about his dream was Survivor and Corey's was BB.  But he also said they would love to compete together but knew that wouldn't happen.  Hmmm.  

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21 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Yes, his brother was the first Survivor Superfan to get to the island.  And, in an unironic twist, his brother was also the first Survivor Superfan quickly vote off.  Can't think of his name, but I read this morning about his dream was Survivor and Corey's was BB.  But he also said they would love to compete together but knew that wouldn't happen.  Hmmm.  

Zach (from Survivor) is running Corey's twitter. I follow him, and his writing tonight is the same as it's always been. He's pretty funny,

3 of the 4 nominees being black is giving Camp Director vibes.


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The laser thing made me embarrassed to be a fan of this show, and it totally sucked the energy out of the contestants. Some were actively cringing and others just looked bored.

Did the last half-hour have more commercials than actual show?

The house definitely looks colorful this season.

Don't have a real good feel for any of the contestants yet.

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50 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

I agree.  That whole laser cannon thing in the beginning was just plain stupid, went on far too long, and reminded me of Saturday morning cartoons from my childhood--like something Witchiepoo would shoot at H.R. Pufnstuf.  And yeah, that last "rack" challenge was boring as hell unless you enjoy the possibility of seeing people's joints pulled out of their sockets.  Did Grodner watch Youtube videos on medieval torture devices to come up with this idea? 

The whole episode seemed like they were trying too hard.  Just give us Big Brother without all the bells and whistles.

Nah, not H. R. Pufnstuf; Doctor Shrinker.  He's a madman with an evil mind! 

This was...tedious.

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It's amazing how BB can always be counted on to snatch defeat out of the jaws of mediocrity. Who the fuck designed that last comp? Could they not have simply had the contestants hang onto a short length of rope and slip gradually so we could, ya know, see who was struggling instead of staring at four prone bodies? (Not to mention the potential sketchiness of the set-up - easy to manipulate by amping up the pull on the HG you want to fail.)

And though it was unintentional (I'm assuming), having the first three losers all POC was not a good look.

Glad to see America wearing practical sneakers instead of high heels. I didn't hate Red as much as I assumed I would (have to admit I've never heard of "chillbilly" and thought it was kind of cute). And I'll hang out at a table for one in not caring for Cory. I think it was the slick suits and cheesy photos of him debating/speaking/whatever that put me off - seems like a precocious youngster who may flame out early.

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2 hours ago, Ananayel said:

Is it Corey who is related to another Survivor? Could the twist with his disappearance be that when he returns, that Survivor comes too, to make 18 hamsters?

This premiere was a hot mess. Though, since I have both Paramount + and Pluto, I can have feeds everywhere!

Yes, it was Corey. I hate when they mix up my shows. Although,  I'd rather have that, than Frankie!

Well, I liked Matt, he reads lips, could be a really  good thing not to dwell on that. His body is also quite nice.

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Total bore, big old snore! 😴💤

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised but I am… it’s hard to believe that they could fuck up a season premiere that badly!

The contestants seemed embarrassed and bored by all the bullshit, Julie was trying to make it sound exciting but it just sounded stupid and she was stumbling over her script.

the whole Frankie, Brittney and Danielle segment was dumb as hell and wayyyyy too long!  Ugh!!!!! 🙄


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I hate that this show makes me put words into my brain like "humiliverse."

My foremost thought during this entire premiere was - what if any of these people have to go to the bathroom?  How long is Julie going to make them stand there?  It felt like she was moving at a snail's pace.  And I agree, I don't recall ever seeing a more underwhelmed set of contestants.


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11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Having different universes screw up the game is dumb. Like, what does that mean?

I think it means they will be using this excuse to get rid of the boring players, keep the interesting ones, help the players who are most loved by the audience when they are in danger and in general manipulate the game.

I don't want cirie or anyone not new in the game. Being there with your son is so unfair, I have lost all interest in this season. I guess Rob and his crew will feel obligated to say they love it because Rob's first job is survivor but I am sure Taran and the rest of the live feeders will hate her being there because it's an unfair twist.

The premiere was boring as we expected, many minutes seeing people run or talk without making sense of what they are saying and listening to stupid music. I don't know why Big brother producers don't care more about their product. They have a goldmine in their hands and they just s#@ on it.

How the hell is a deaf person supposed to understand what Julie is saying from the speakers? So inconsiderate..

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Cirie’s last Survivor appearance was six years ago (when she was booted by some right bullshit), think some of these people who were teenagers then even know who she is to get excited about her?  Cod’s sack her first appearance was 16 years ago.  I remember because I have no life, but wouldn’t expect much younger people to know her.

That first episode was TOO MUCH.  Just play Bug Brother.  You aren’t Marvel.

Although the headlines that Jeff and Rachel were married and Memphis married Halloween made me giggle.

Edited by mojoween
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6 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Cirie’s last Survivor appearance was six years ago (when she was booted by some right bullshit), think some of these people who were teenagers then even know who she is to get excited about her?  Cod’s sack her first appearance was 16 years ago.  I remember because I have no life, but wouldn’t expect much younger people to know her.

That first episode was TOO MUCH.  Just play Bug Brother.  You aren’t Marvel.

Although the headlines that Jeff and Rachel were married and Memphis married Halloween made me giggle.

And Kaysar won his 2nd All Stars Season!

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After (I think) the 3rd commercial break where all the contestants were simply standing there in front of Julie (who kept teasing the "twists" they'll soon encounter), I started yelling at my TV "Just start playing the game!!!".  Way too much build-up - and way too many commercial breaks!

The competitions were good (except for that last one where they were just laying on the ground while dramatic music played).  I just re-watched the movie "Idiocracy" earlier in the day, so seeing the "Kicking Butt" competition reminded me of the "Ow, My Balls" show in that movie. LOL

Adding Cirie as an extra contestant adds nothing to the show for me.  I guess we'll also be getting at least one more surprise contestant soon?  With 100 days to kill, they could add so many twists that the show becomes unrecognizable - something I hope doesn't happen.

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I wish CBS would get the message to stop adding all these stupid twists to their top reality shows. I know they think they are keeping things fresh and exciting, but they are just screwing up their games so badly that it makes actually winning one nothing more than a crapshoot. It also opens them up to accusations of shenanigans and manipulation.

They have apparently also not gotten the message that nobody ever wants to see Frankie Grande again, ever. That whole bit was embarrassingly stupid even by Big Brother standards.

So Cory is apparently the brother of another Survivor contestant, but they didn't mention it here. I wonder if that means he will be showing up too, like Cirie. Maybe that's the big twist this season - they are ALL related to former Survivors and all of them will be showing up at some point. 

I can't tell who I like or hate yet, they really didn't give us enough time to get to know any of them. Too much time wasted on idiotic bits and boring challenges. Some of them could have potentially lasted hours, I don't know how they edited this thing.

Also, how is Matt getting instructions during these challenges? He certainly can't be reading Julie's lips when she's offscreen. They didn't say if he reads sign language, but maybe there's an interpreter off camera, or a screen closed captioning everything for him. In either case, it didn't look like he was looking at anything in particular while Julie was describing the challenge. Maybe someone explained it to him off camera beforehand. 

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Even the Chenbot seemed not to quite understand this lame twist. Her speech seemed like it was over-enunciated, halting, and slow motion.   Not much enthusiasm.    It's not a good sign if her batteries are already running down. 

I don't watch Survivor (gasp!) so I don't care about that twist.


Edited by Cosmocrush
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18 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I wish CBS would get the message to stop adding all these stupid twists to their top reality shows. I know they think they are keeping things fresh and exciting, but they are just screwing up their games so badly that it makes actually winning one nothing more than a crapshoot. 

I just did a rewatch of BB4 and I couldn't agree more.  I don't know how the players are supposed to go about forming any type of strategy at all if they're aware that at any moment, Julie can toss some inane, poorly thought-out twist with a stupid name that makes it all moot.

And I don't understand how the "Universe" twists work - each 'Verse gets thrown into the mix every few days?  Does Julie even know?  Does anyone?

Edited by laurakaye
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Sigh.  My least favorite part about Big Brother are the comps.  I know that's what a lot of people live for, but a lot of people inexplicably like liverwurst, so....whatever.

Since I don't care for comps, I fast forwarded through nearly the entirety of the premiere, though I did endure the painfully slow and boring entry into the house because I kept thinking something might happen.  Spoiler alert:  It didn't.

Hello, Cirie.  I like you, I really do, but I hope you're only here because your baby boy forgot his jammies and you'll be on your way after you've tucked him into bed.

Go away, Frankie.

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13 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

The laser thing made me embarrassed to be a fan of this show, and it totally sucked the energy out of the contestants. Some were actively cringing and others just looked bored.

A few thoughts:

  • The only positive spin I could come up with for that entire Space Laser embarrassment was that at least Britney got a paycheck out of it.
  • That final “Scaryverse” comp was lamer than Jar Jar Binks, in part because some of the participants were doing such an absolutely SHITTY job of selling it - and yes, DoucheBro McGlasses*, I’m looking at you.  If you’re supposed to be “hanging on for dear life” it helps if you, yaknow, KEEP YOUR HANDS ON THE GRIPS AT LEAST; half the time #2 in the comp lineup wasn’t even hanging on with his right hand.
  • And with this appearance Cirie assumes the title of Professional Reality Show Contestant - which means she can get right the fuck outta my face.

* I think his name IRL is Luke, but at this point I can’t yet muster up enough interest to give a shit.

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48 minutes ago, Silver-hyren said:

Does Matt have an implant?  It wasn’t mentioned in his intro package, and his hair covers his ears, but that could explain how he was able to follow Julie’s directions.

I'm pretty sure he said he was born deaf and his parents didn't realize until he was 2 years old. I'm guessing he is completely deaf so I don't know how an implant would work and I'm very interested to find out. I noticed when they were getting ready to start the competition he was looking back to Kirsten to see when she would start so he would start too so I'm pretty sure he can't hear anything at all.

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It sounds like Matt uses hearing aids...

Matt said: “I am not from a deaf family. There is no explanation why — I was just born this way. It was before universal hearing screening was done on newborns, so my parents did not know I was deaf until I was two.”

“I was able to read lips early on,” he added. “My mom said that when they programmed my hearing aids and she spoke, I immediately turned my head towards her. Then my dad talked, and I turned my head toward him.”

And he doesn't plan on telling the other Hamsters he's really good a reading lips...

According to Matt, his ability to read lips is his secret weapon on Season 25 of Big Brother. 

“I’m definitely not going to let anyone know my little secret, which is lip reading,” he told Sharon Tharp. “I can read anyone’s lips from far away or up close, and I’m not going to let them know that because that’s going to be a huge advantage for me.”


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15 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

It's amazing how BB can always be counted on to snatch defeat out of the jaws of mediocrity. Who the fuck designed that last comp? Could they not have simply had the contestants hang onto a short length of rope and slip gradually so we could, ya know, see who was struggling instead of staring at four prone bodies? (Not to mention the potential sketchiness of the set-up - easy to manipulate by amping up the pull on the HG you want to fail.)

And though it was unintentional (I'm assuming), having the first three losers all POC was not a good look.

Glad to see America wearing practical sneakers instead of high heels. I didn't hate Red as much as I assumed I would (have to admit I've never heard of "chillbilly" and thought it was kind of cute). And I'll hang out at a table for one in not caring for Cory. I think it was the slick suits and cheesy photos of him debating/speaking/whatever that put me off - seems like a precocious youngster who may flame out early.

Yeah, not a fan of Corey's, either. He seems pretentious and full of himself, but my first impressions of HG's are usually way off base, so....

48 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Anybody else notice ChenBot evidence a programming bug - i .e., mispronouncing “GooPocalypse” as “GooCopalypse”? 😁

Yep, noticed that.  I also LOL'd when she purposely turned to the screen displayed in back of her, where those orb thingies or whatever they are were displayed, and paused awkwardly for a few seconds before somebody remembered to activate the Scrambleverse orb to light up.  Then she said something like, "oh noes, look!  The Scrambleverse is changing the (whatever it was)!"  It made me laugh really hard for some reason.  This show is comedy gold sometimes.

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2 hours ago, Nashville said:

A few thoughts:

  • The only positive spin I could come up with for that entire Space Laser embarrassment was that at least Britney got a paycheck out of it.
  • That final “Scaryverse” comp was lamer than Jar Jar Binks, in part because some of the participants were doing such an absolutely SHITTY job of selling it - and yes, DoucheBro McGlasses*, I’m looking at you.  If you’re supposed to be “hanging on for dear life” it helps if you, yaknow, KEEP YOUR HANDS ON THE GRIPS AT LEAST; half the time #2 in the comp lineup wasn’t even hanging on with his right hand.
  • And with this appearance Cirie assumes the title of Professional Reality Show Contestant - which means she can get right the fuck outta my face.

* I think his name IRL is Luke, but at this point I can’t yet muster up enough interest to give a shit.

Yes to all of this. New to this forum, btw. 

"DoucheBro McGlasses" 🤣 A hamster that can't even fake all that well is usually toast early on, aren't they?

And Frankie is a legend in his own mind, not mine! 

1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Anybody else notice ChenBot evidence a programming bug - i .e., mispronouncing “GooPocalypse” as “GooCopalypse”? 😁

haha I caught that immediately and thought yep, she's already melting down.

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Oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear. Cirie is arguably my favorite Survivor ever and I hate that her endgame got screwed not once but twice by the unexpected (the surprise F2 after several seasons of F3s and Idolgate). But dropping her into BB—why? Two Survivor relatives and this multiverse thing aren't gimmicky enough? Plus I was looking forward to seeing if Jared is a Jedi like Mom. And if not, let him flounder on his own.

Buuuuuut since she's here, I'm torn. Do I want them to recognize her game and bounce her so she doesn't dominate the season? Or do I want her turning everybody else into a circular firing squad because it's fun watching her do that? I think it'll come down to whether I like this cast or not, not that the premiere gave me the slightest inkling, positive or negative, about any of them.

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Just now, HurricaneVal said:

Hi @Ineeda Vino!  The more the merrier, we're a snarky bunch, and it looks like you'll fit right in. 

Hi @HurricaneVal! Thank you for the welcome! I haven't watched BB since the debacle that was S22 (I skipped 21). The episode last night convinced me to watch the feeds, especially now that's easier for us Canookians to watch them.

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Now that you mention it, even if I like this cast or not (my money, based on 24 prior seasons of experience is NOT), watching Cirie manipulate everyone into a circular firing squad would be a lovely way to spend the remainder of this season.

I am hereby on "Team Circular Firing Squad" or "Team 2πr."  Sadly, what this means is that Cirie will get screwed by a "twist" and she'll be gone before she can even set up the first 90 degrees of arc.

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 So Brittney, Danielle and Frankie are totally joining the game and making it an even 20, right?

 I don't like most of these people already but Corey is near the top.  How did he fit through that hole when his head is so big?

 I didn't get the last comp. At all.  Was there any pull being applied?   Julie was trying to channel Jeff Probst about how awesomely tough they were and they're all lying there like a dog commanded to play dead. Also Julie, "nether regions" has a completely  different connotation than "nether world".

 For Food Network fans, Red is like some bastard child of baler and Food Network Star winner Jason Smith and pumpkin carver Tater.  This is not a good thing.  

 I call foul on the Humil--no, I'm not typing that.  The kicking comp.  Those boots were hitting the seats. Not asses (or buttocks) were hit. 

 Were there HGs given downers before the live show?   It was so weird watching their packages where they play along about being "surprised" by their house key and going on about what huge fans they are and then in person it's like the cast 16 Darias. The time laser skit required some kind of reaction (I opted a double helping of second hand embarrassment) but from them?   Nada. 

 You can get a degree in flute?   Not music but specifically in flute?   More surprising, apparently "a lot" people play flute and it's a cutthroat world.  I wouldn't put those things together but then again I was surprised years ago when I watched a show about the Pillsbury Bake Off and the pie bakers are catty AF and granny will cut a bit h if you mess with her crust. 

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Message added by Dustbunny,


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