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S03.E12: So Long, Farewell


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So here is my take.

We all have a vision of how this is to end. I say that none of us actually watch the finale and then we can all have the show end in the way we want, the way that will be the most satisfying to each of us.


My personal story of satisfaction is that Ted is a spiritual guide - not without his own faults, but one that set the stage for each of the people he meets so that each of them can grow where and how they need to grow. Ted is the catalyst, unchanged himself but changing every one that he meets.


Somewhere between Baggar Vance and the angel that saved George Bailey. Yeah, that works for me.

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50 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Makes sense.  And great for them.

... but, screws everyone else (not on the west coast, or in the PST footprint).

I hear you, I’m an East coaster and currently debating whether to stay up til 1:30am to watch tonight or just wait til tomorrow night.  If I thought I could successfully avoid spoilers, I’d wait, but between my co-workers, my FB feed, etc, it’s very likely I won’t make it through the day tomorrow without hearing about it.  

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16 minutes ago, reallyjustjen said:

I hear you, I’m an East coaster and currently debating whether to stay up til 1:30am to watch tonight or just wait til tomorrow night.  If I thought I could successfully avoid spoilers, I’d wait, but between my co-workers, my FB feed, etc, it’s very likely I won’t make it through the day tomorrow without hearing about it.  

That sucks.

I live in the Midwest and while I do work with people who also watch the show - and other shows, as well - we are all usually very good about not spoiling if told someone hasn't watched the newest episode yet.  I pretty much avoid all non-sports only news feeds the very best I can until I watch.   Which in this case, will be tomorrow evening. 

The person I work directly with - who LOVES the show - won't likely have watched the episode tonight yet either, so I should be good ........ aside from probably constantly thinking about what will be waiting to be seen when I watch it tomorrow evening.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Apple has every right to hold the show back until Wednesday Proper (EST, at least).  But a) they really should have made the announcement days ago.  If I'd been holding a viewing party tonight I believe I'd be channeling Roy Kent.  Fuuuuudge. 

b) if they did hold it back for so that studio execs/high rollers in LA to have a party?  It is kind of ironic that they are ignoring the fans that made it a hit during a season where the show made a point of dissing the idea of a Justice Super League because it disrespected the fans that made football a hit.  (I remember the old days when I used to watch the show by candlelight...) 

Oh well.  I'm retired.  I haven't been sleeping well this week.  Bring.  It.  On. 

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Well, it wasn't perfect, but it did wrap everything up.

I appreciate that they got the truth bomb out of the way immediately. There was no trick, it was pretty much what we all expected. So, getting it out of the way meant that they could have the show say goodbye properly. I mean, it makes all the sense in the world....except I do feel like Rebecca pointed out a very valid compromise by asking Ted to just have Henry and Michelle move to England. It's not like anything besides Henry was pulling him back to Kansas. But I guess the show felt like Ted needed to go home instead of stay. 

Still, some very lovely moments in the finale. I'm sure I'll miss a whole bunch of points throughout. But Ted/Rebecca had a lot of lovely moments, we got to see Richmond win their final game, even if they got second overall, and we had every character get some semblance of a happy ending. 

I had some issues with some plots (we did NOT need the Jamie vs Roy over Keeley plot, we did not need to see Beard/Jane's ending) but honestly, it was still a very solid finale. It did what it was set out to do, and it mostly got it right. 

But it does solidify the end of the show, and I will miss it.

At some point, once I process further, I'll think of my favourite moments because there WERE a few. I think there were more pros than cons for me, which is all I can ask for.

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Sweet and imperfect finale. Much like Ted himself. Looking forward to reading everyone’s feedback on stuff I probably missed. 

a few smaller notes:

-Cat Stevens for Ted Lasso. You know those writers have to love Harold & Maude.

- I wish we’d heard a bit of Trent’s book as narration at the end. 

-I don’t think you can bring snow globes on planes because of the liquid. 

A girls football team! Maybe Roy’s niece will play for them some day! 

Edited by Cramps
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I had my issues with the season, but I really enjoyed this. I teared up when the fans came pouring onto the field and Colin got to kiss his partner in public. 

A few quibbles:

- They should have made it clear that Michelle dumped Dr. Jacob after he expressed zero interest in something that mattered so much to her and her son (and, you know, because he's a predator).

- I'm not sure how I feel about Beard's abusive relationship with Jane being portrayed as cute.

- Dani bought Van Damme a mask, so it doesn't matter that he's a psychopath! Sure.

Barbara's joy at the sight of blood was a wonder to behold, though. I wish we'd have seen less of Jack and more of her!

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That little shit Nate gets what he wants: his hostess (Jade) and his job at Richmond back.

Who were the couple they focused on at Beard's wedding - a big beefy bald guy holding a baby with a red headed woman?

No Roy and Keeley, who broke up for no reason in the first place. 

And no Ted and Rebecca. Look, regardless of what side you were on with them (friends vs lovers), you can't deny that the show intentionally set the bait with lots of rom-communism scenarios throughout the series. People weren't championing them without cause and out of thin air. 

Then Rebecca ending up with the Boat/Flying Dutchman - who just so happened to be at the airport in his pilot's uniform with his daughter - is so lazy and unearned. He's so unimportant that he remains nameless. 

Happy to see Dr. Sharon back with the team, and Barbara partner with Keeley for KBPR. A Richmond woman's league is brilliant. And I'm happy Colin got his celebratory kiss with his fella. 

Edited by funnygirl
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Really enjoyed this (series?) finale. I liked that some things were left open-ended, like Keeley/Roy/Jaime and Rebecca and her Dutch dilf. Liked the fake out with Ted and Rebecca at the beginning because I thought some of the fan theories about them were ridiculous. I'm really glad Beard stayed in England instead of following Ted back to the US. And I loved his The Darkness crop top. And KBPR! I second whoever said we should have seen more Barbara this season and just gotten rid of Jack.

This season was pretty hit or miss, but I think the writers stuck the landing. It kind of reminded me of the finale of Freaks and Geeks where it's a happy ending without seeming unrealistic and without even really seeming like an ending (in Freaks and Geeks case, I don't think they knew it was the series finale and here, they might be setting up, if not a season without Ted, a spin-off, maybe called The Greyhounds). 

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I’m going to miss this show and all the wonderful characters we fell in love with the past three seasons. Everything that I fell in love with was showcased in this episode. The players singing “So Long, Farewell” was perfect; Ted and Rebecca talking in the stadium and airport; Roy and the Diamond Dogs; Jamie and Roy fighting over Keely. The video the coaches showed the players made me cry like they did. Then I lost it when they all pulled pieces of the Believe sign out of their lockers and clothes. It was all perfect.

Nate and Ted were great as well. I wish this scene was two episodes ago before they contemplated him coming back to the team, but I felt his apology was honest.

I do wish that Roy and Keely got their happy ending, but whatever. 

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Rebecca!!!  Selling 49% to fans!!!!!  Keely & Rebecca, Richmond Women's Team!!!!  BRAVO!!

Rebecca & Boat Guy (and daughter) from Amsterdam!!!  Our romcom ending.

Roy & Jamie deciding to "let" Keeley make her own choice!!!  Well deserved door shutting on their dumb asses!

Roy!!!! New Manager!! Seeing Dr. Sharon, a permanent fixture now at club (and big fan)!!!!!

Beard staying for Jane! Perfect.

Sam! Made the national team!

Happy for Ted going home. Happy for him & Henry. And I guess Michelle? 

Too much painting bad guys bad....Rupert, black sails in the wind.  Of course, Dr. Jake not liking soccer.

And, Nate, oh Nate, I'm sorry the writers made your downfall so bad, sorry they didn't correct the resurrection...if it had only been the sign, I could see him back.  It was so much more, and not addressed, honestly, any work at all happening on screen.  I'm pretty sure if I rewatch again, he will always stick out like a sore thumb back with the team.  The writers blew it.  The actor was great with what he was given.

Huh.  So, so, so much good in this show, near perfect first season, maybe a few hiccups second season, so many frustrations this season, but wow, so, so many knock it out of the park moments and episodes throughout.

All in all, a good, sometimes great, watch.

Now to see if Apple thinks they can monetize a fourth season out of Richmond AFC......


Edited by pennben
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Thank goodness Roy got the manager job and not Nate. It was bad enough that Nate only apologized to Ted about the sign (which the entire team already forgave without an apology), and not for leaking the panic attacks to the press and his subsequent public mocking any chance he got. And Nate never did find out the truth about the photograph. But whatever. The writers say he is fully redeemed, so that’s that. Shame on me for not getting on board an month ago.

At least Dani finally apologized to Van Damme Zorro, instead of continuing to grin and pretend nothing ever happened. But apparently the old mask had better mojo.

Well we got a throuple in the end, just not the one some were hoping for, lol. That was so very very dumb of Roy and Jamie. “Oh, you mean I get to decide who to be with?” They deserved the door slammed in their face. But at least Roy’s finally getting into therapy (with Dr. Sharon, back at Richmond!) so there’s still hope for the Roy/Keeley fans.

Even though it was telegraphed a mile away once we saw the return of his boyfriend picking up tickets, I’m glad Colin got his kiss.

So much for the human side of Rupert that was teased a couple weeks ago. Basically trying to put a hit out on a player, assaulting your new coach, sporting an evil cape/coat. Not sure I buy that the relationship scandal would do him in at West Ham, but he sure did dig his own grave.

Not sure why Apple+ had been so coy about whether this was indeed a series finale. Everyone besides Ted staying put at AFC Richmond with a happy ending seems to confirm this being it for the show, as opposed to continuing the show slightly retooled. If they do decide on a spinoff, it’d probably be centered around the new AFC RIchmond Women’s Team.

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I cried many many times and there were things I loved, but overall think I... didn't really like it. Which bothers me, because there WERE so many great things:

The Richmond players crying before kickoff.

Rebecca selling part of the club to fans.

Nate coming back as "assistant kit man", at least to begin with. Nice touch with Jamie putting in extra money this time instead of a piece of gum like he did the last time Nate went around the room with a box.

Jamie reading The Beautiful and Damned. I cried.

The decoy play and "I WANT THE BALL PLEASE"

Keeley proposing a women's team.

Roy opening up to the Diamond Dogs and actually going to therapy.

Sharon being back at Richmond.

Rebecca's happy ending. I know some think Dutch guy was unnecessary, but I loved their chemistry and I hoped he'd show up again.

But for some reason the Keeley/Roy/Jamie thing ruined so much of it for me. Why did they end one episode with it looking like Keeley and Roy were back together only to walk it all the way back? I don't get it. And I was so happy when Roy said "Hey, Jamie" instead of "OI, TARTT!" (progress!) and asked him to go out and grab a beer, like friends do, and then it turned out it was just all an excuse for him to tell Jamie to back off with Keeley. That's just not fucking on. (ETA - and it coming after his whole spiel about being proud of Jamie, like he was buttering Jamie up, makes it even worse for me - it's feels manipulative and almost cruel, and that's nor Roy.) And Jamie telling Roy that video was for him? That's not your information to share, you twat. I absolutely hate that they left this bloody triangle unresolved, and I hate that they made it into a triangle to begin with.

And I just really, really wanted a moment with Ted and Jamie. Jamie thanking Ted for giving him his second chance the year before to turn everything around, and Ted telling Jamie he's proud of him. I wanted more than that little nod in the dressing room.

I hate that Richmond came in second, even though it was completely realistic. I'm just glad we didn't get to see the part where that news came through. I HATED Jamie's montage moment being reconnecting with his abusive dad. And I hated that it seemed so unclear if that montage was actually things that would happen, or just Ted dreaming.

Edited by Schweedie
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I had the Cat Stevens CD for so long, Father and Son was a fav for sure. That made me tear up.

I never liked Keely this season so the 2 of them coming to her home wasn't funny to me, it was too dumb. Sometimes 2 grown men doing something like fighting and then asking a girl to pick one of them is a bit too silly to be funny but maybe fans were laughing. Move on guys and Keely.

I loved the Rebecca talk and how silent Ted was, he wasn't going to pretend. Uprooting his son is one thing not to be done lightly but Michelle has family and friends (even if we don't like her). Can't blame Rebecca for trying though. Not mentioned in words, but no reason Ted can't visit one day and bring his son to see the guys.

I wouldn't have minded a corny ending with win but glad they were realistic.  Beard thing was a bit silly but classic Beard.

 I did like the montage and yes snow globes usually aren't allowed unless they are very small and in plastic bag but hey, I can suspend reality since it was a cool gift.

Do we just assume Michelle left the creep? He was in room when she was cheering but of course off to the side and then he comes home? Did I miss something?

Edited by debraran
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I think Michelle left the creep but I’m not sure she is back with Ted. They are just parenting well together, shown by their interactions at the kids’ soccer game. More interactions with Henry than with each other. 

The fortune came true:  Rebecca became “mother” to the little girl and mother to the team (“matriarch”/“soccer mom”).  So she realized she couldn’t sell the whole team. 

Edited by EtheltoTillie
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I didn’t cry all the way through the show, but….

So many thoughts… yes, Roy and Jamie were childish to each other and to Keeley, but I’m glad she threw them both out.  She has probably been with a man all he life and now is the time for her. 

I’m good with the Dutch guy’s return. Sure it was corny, but romcommunisn has always been a theme of the show.

Nate came back in a humbler role than he started.  I agree he will probably be a coach next season, but the humility shows his sincerity.  

Rupert… loved the calls of Wanker as he walked out.  

The song had me crying 

The Diamond Dogs…and Roy talking about how he has tried to change…he probably really isn’t ready for a relationship until he works more on himself.  

Enjoyed Ted doing the dance. 

Have they been planning Zorro since they named the goal keeper even before the show started?

I have to admit the fake out at the beginning had me fooled.  

And of course Rebecca bought a first class ticket just to say good bye to Ted. 

Glad Colin could kiss his fella and that they didn’t win quite all.  

There is talk of a spin off ,but I don’t know if they could capture the magic again with the creative team going in different directions.  

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1 minute ago, DEL901 said:

Enjoyed Ted doing the dance. 

And of course Rebecca bought a first class ticket just to say good bye to Ted. 


Ted's dance:  isn't that the same dance he did on SNL in the What Up With That skit?

Rebecca's ticket:  That type of ticket would actually be refundable--no?  Or do you have to cancel before the flight takes off?  Maybe she just bought a first class ticket to a local flight but it would still get her through security.  Oh, well, still a funny bit.

Wow, those football teams are worth a lot of money!

I loved the Sound of Music song.  This was a setup from the Julie Andrews film discussion a few episodes back. 

Roy Kent's niece was playing with the new little girl at the party.

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40 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I will say, one of my favourite moments in the finale:

After the team performed So Long, Farewell to Ted, there's a shot of Trent just whipping his sweater around wildly. It was just such an unexpected moment to see, I cried laughing at it. 

The little moments in that scene were perfection—I loved Roy singing along and Trent’s legs tapping to the music.  And the look on Ted’s face when he realized what was happening. 

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I didn’t love the finale, but I didn’t hate it, either. I didn’t like that Beard and Jane’s relationship being toxic was dropped. (I also thought it was weird that Ted wasn’t at the wedding.) 

I’m glad that Keeley and Barbara are working together. (I’m assuming that a women’s football team is the/a potential spinoff? I’d watch if it were well done.) 

I loved seeing Dr. Sharon again and that she’s working with the team. Seeing the Ussie guy again was fun, too.

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This was the most "Ted Lasso" episode of a season that wasn't!
I quite enjoyed it, of course I did expect everything to get resolved nicely, so there were not surprises here.

I am not sure I will ever re-watch season 3, apart from this finale. MVP of the season: Jamie with Barbara coming close.

Overall that was a wonderful "feeling good" series, even if it overdid it sometimes and there were moments that was dangerously  close to treat some characters as caricatures (like Coach Beard was.. sorry but at the end he was just a caricature).

Best episode of the series, the Christmas one, a classic one!

Was I the only one that when Rupert was walking wearing that black trenchcoat I  expected to listen the Darth Vader theme?

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I didn't love the finale, but I didn't hate it either. I need to watch it again to sort out my feelings about it. My heart hurt when Roy asked "How do you know if a girl likes you?" My biggest disappointment is Roy and Keeley not getting together. I understand the rationale, but it didn't work for me.

James Lance is the guest on Films to Be Buried With this week. I listened to it while I was walking my dog. He did not disappoint.

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8 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

Rebecca's man was a pilot, a little too rom-com but it was cute them meeting up again.


I did a quiet “squee” (other people sleeping in my house 😄) when he appeared 😄

8 hours ago, kwnyc said:

So a few weeks back, when they were in Amsterdam, I noticed they paid a lot of attention to a poster on the wall of the houseboat which looked like an antique KLM poster and I thought huh, what if hot guy is actually a pilot for KLM? Then I thought nah, they won't go there.


I remember seeing the KLM poster, but it didn’t occur to me that he might be a pilot. Well done! And his name is revealed in the end credits to be Matthijs.

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