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S03.E10: International Break


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4 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

The writers have grossly overestimated the importance of Nate. IMO He still hasn't actually apologized to warrant forgiveness or be redeemed for his nasty behavior in season 2. His letter to Will is not even close to sufficient. And they've wasted so much time telling his little story while neglecting almost everyone else...

...like Roy and Keeley getting back together. So happy for it, but it's too bad we couldn't see more of the build up to them reuniting.

Rebecca investing in KJPR should've been what happened in the first place, but I'm glad Barbara is sticking around as CFO. 

The spit-take at the end was hilarious. Rebecca looked especially beautiful in that pink dress. 



I think they also underestimated how good a job they did at making us hate Nate.  I’ve mentioned before Jason’s shock when he was on a US morning show just before the season premiere and one of the hosts said she hoped Nate died. 

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What I liked about this episode was:

1. Roy and Keeley

2 Everything about Keeley (was a change from how I have been feeling about her lately)

3. Rebecca

4. Jamie wearing Sam’s number

What I hated:

1. Nate and the attempt at a “This Is Us” moment with him. It didn’t work on me.

2. The Danny bit was not funny.

3. The whole super league thing, including the billionaire dude

4. The nice little bows that everything is being wrapped up in.


Edited by Enigma X
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12 hours ago, ajsnaves said:

all I could think was Chidi's "Picture a wave" from The Good Place.

Oh, man, I’m sobbing just thinking about that scene.

Mean Dani Rojas (and Van Damme’s utter confusion in the face of it) made me shout-laugh. I love them!

Barbara’s inability to accept the snow globe as a gift (and asking for a receipt and then a refund when she came back) was priceless.

I honestly don’t think I can love Rebecca more. 

I’m okay with Nate’s arc. I’m glad he quit West Ham (did not see that coming), and I’m glad that his apology tour is starting with Will.

Finally, Rebecca spitting her tea at Ted had me laughing so hard I was wheezing. 

Favorite quote: “I’m like an incomplete list of Madeline Kahn’s best films: I ain’t got no clue.”

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6 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I think Ted has already made the choice to return to the US at the season, but won’t announce it.  He will just slip away because he won’t want a fuss.  

I agree. LIke he left Doc Sharon. And I also agree with Ted: why does an "Irish goodbye" mean ghosting? Every Irish person *I* know goes around the room several times for a hug and a kiss! ;-)


5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Anthony Head did an impeccable job showcasing that something was off with Rupert. 

Well, Ms. Bread's comment about his "fecal" being good might have been a subtle health thing, and I agree with how well Head acted his scenes...it's the first time we've seen him not being in complete control, and what Rebecca might have meant to him. I didn't peg him as a working-class kid become billionaire, but he's obviously acquired all the accoutrements of old money. And if he vacations with the Sacklers, he's a ruthless SOB.

Rebecca's speech echoed Ted's about how the teams don't "belong" to them, that the owners are caretakers. And that put into words how she's come to feel about Richmond.

Nate should have gone with Jade to screw in light bulbs in Poland. It would have been good for him.

(So I guess Disco is the acting coach of West Ham?)


Edited by kwnyc
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5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

...the aftermath, where we saw everyone covered in food because he clearly threw an adult-sized temper tantrum at everyone who apparently joined with Rebecca to reject his proposal. 

I agree w/this timing vs. the idea that the owners rejected his proposal after or because of the tantrum. Rebecca finished the speech, everyone was silent, Edwin Akufo said, basically, yeah, that's nice and all, now who wants to make money? And he was smiling at the time. So I think the tantrum was a result of the owners' rejection rather than the other way around.

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For myself, regarding the challenges for the season as a whole, I look at it like this:  When I return to this series in ensuing years, this season will be the one I hold in least regard.  But that's like asking a lifelong Laker fan which Kobe-Shaq championship means the least to you -- There's an answer, but that doesn't mean it wasn't also great!

As always, YMMV on the analogy.

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Jaime buying Roy a replica of his old kit and changing the name to KUNT had me howling  

Nate’s dad’s apology was ridiculous. “You were too smart so I was an asshole to you your entire life”. I mean, I did laugh when Nate said basically “You literally told me you hated it”. The writing for this storyline is so lazy. What a shame.

I thought for sure the old guys were going to ignore Rebecca’s speech  I mean - of course they want more money. 

No disrespect to Peaky Blinders (loved that show) but Nick Cave’s Red Right Hand will always be from the Duane Barry episode of The X Files.


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Well I mentioned in a different episode thread that my one big gripe with the Nate redemption storyline was that there wouldn't be enough time for him to make amends with everyone he wronged. I expected a big Nate-Ted scene, buy wasn't holding my breath for an entire apology tour that he owed many others. So I was pleasantly surprised that he started with Will Kitman and didn't even stick around for the praise or pats on the back. And we got to see Renee (from the sewers?) again after the name drop by Rupert!

Speaking if Rupert, I'm happy that Rebecca has come to peace with him. I thought that had happened last season, or at least when she stole Zava out from under him this season, but I guess it is realistic for some people to affect you so deeply that a couple little wins here and there don't heal all wounds.

And a question for the crowd: have the pundit interludes always been called Soccer Saturday? I only just noticed that last week and said out loud, "are we really supposed to believe a British-based football program is called *Soccer* Saturday?" And then I saw it again this episode and rolled my eyes again. Has this always been the title of the program? I get that Ted Lasso is an American program, but come onnnnn! 

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5 minutes ago, Night Cheese said:

And a question for the crowd: have the pundit interludes always been called Soccer Saturday? I only just noticed that last week and said out loud, "are we really supposed to believe a British-based football program is called *Soccer* Saturday?" And then I saw it again this episode and rolled my eyes again. Has this always been the title of the program? I get that Ted Lasso is an American program, but come onnnnn! 

It actually is called that and has been for as long as I can remember, honestly, and I've followed football for almost 20 years now. I guess the allure of alliteration comes before linguistic accuracy, heh!

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5 minutes ago, Night Cheese said:

And a question for the crowd: have the pundit interludes always been called Soccer Saturday? I only just noticed that last week and said out loud, "are we really supposed to believe a British-based football program is called *Soccer* Saturday?" And then I saw it again this episode and rolled my eyes again. Has this always been the title of the program? I get that Ted Lasso is an American program, but come onnnnn! 

Yes, this is an actual thing. 

From Wikipedia: Gillette Labs Soccer Saturday is a weekly television programme broadcast on Sky Sports in the United Kingdom and Ireland during the football season. The programme updates viewers on the progress of association football games in the United Kingdom on Saturday afternoons. The current host is Jeff Stelling. The programme is sponsored by Gillette Labs.


I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Don't care if parts were trite, don't care that thing are getting wrapped up in ribbons- I simply enjoyed it. I'm fine with less Ted. he was always better in small doses for me anyway.

I have loved the evolution of Jaime Tartt throughout the series, and laughed out loud with the realization that he is Roy's best friend. 

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I'm in minority but I wanted to see Nate's arc but not the way they are doing it. Why so many shows with filler and rush it now. Reminds me of the last year of This is Us. (ugh)  i can't wait for him to makeup with Ted and I know Ted will be leaving. The angel did his work and now they are almost whole teammates and friends.

I have known Nate's and Nate's style family so I always saw it with Nate even with the little they showed. I also might have read an interview with him about it early on. I don't now if the reason might be given to Ted later, but with Rupert i think he just didn't want him anymore and realized it was downhill from there. I know there will be I'm sorry's later but I noted the difference in how they were acting in the office, axe throwing at his photo which was immature and Ted, wistfully looking at phone at his article.  He's curious and I think wont be surprised, he always saw more of Nate's underbelly than most but just not enough or not given the chance to get to know him better.

Keely, I just can't like this season, I thought her and Jack with terrible together and so unseemly. She was her boss, buying her for pete's sake. Is she sad over that or losing her stature. What did she actually do there other than date Jack and pick an awful person to hire? IDK, she's more than that and I hope her an Roy end up together but just think her arc wasn't great either. Rebecca is the fairy godmother and I love her, will miss her the most.


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The show is named Ted Lasso, and the lack of Ted's presence is frustrating and it is ruining it.
It is very annoying that they are using the whole last season as a transition to set up a (possible) spin off.
And as much as lovable most of the side characters are, I do not believe they can replace Ted.

Rebecca's speech was amazing.
Too bad that in real life big teams owners could not give a dime for the average football fan and I am pretty sure they will end up 
with their special exclusive league sooner or later.

I decided I do not care at all about Keeley and I think Roy does not deserve her.
To be honest I was never a fan of hers, I found her shallow
Her whole arc was poorly written and it's only use was setting up for her spin off.
But I loooove Barbara! And her weird snowball rules!

I never saw Nate as the Devil (thats Rupert) so I never had a problem with a redemption story, however I am not sure the
writers handled it well. There is something not working well here. I am glad he quit Rupert's team.

I do like Jamie and Roy friendship. Best thing of the season so far.


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28 minutes ago, Zaffy said:

The show is named Ted Lasso, and the lack of Ted's presence is frustrating and it is ruining it.

The question I have is what else is there for Ted to do?

I get the frustration, but he has accomplished what he can do as a coach and his own personal journey really only has one realistic ending without a giant swerve thrown in.

Edited by Dac22
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19 hours ago, juno said:

Yes, it appears that Ted Lasso is now the co-star in a show about Nate. A mindblowingly shitty character that was destroyed, and now the people in charge have decided to spend the entire season trying to convince the fans that heck, he is just a misunderstood, gosh darn, awesome dude. I have never seen any show literally wreck itself to pull a character back and no, I still have not watched a second of Nate this season.

Honestly, if this were the first episode you ever watched, you'd be asking "Who is Ted Lasso? Which one is he? Why is the show named after him?" Because clearly the main characters are Nate, Rebecca, Keeley and Roy. Then there are some footballers and a couple of coaches. And some guy with long hair. Did I miss something?

I agree with the upthread posts about the writers totally missing the mark here, they clearly did not grasp how much they made us dislike Nate and overestimated our continued interest in that character. A lot. The guy could cure cancer and shoot rainbows out of his ass, I still don't give a shit about him. I cannot conceive why the show spends so much time on him. If anything, I bet the majority of the audience wanted to see him taken down, not redeemed.

10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, very little Ted; it seems like they're pushing Ted slowly out the door so that, if they want to continue the show, they can easily do it since Ted isn't needed. These people are growing on their own. They don't need Ted anymore to help them on their journey. Still, it does suck to see less and less Ted. 

Ah, I hadn't thought of that. A possible fourth season without Ted. Maybe Sudeikis doesn't want to do the show anymore but everyone else does.

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I really loved this episode. It had a lot of montages with less dialogue than usual. It had a poetic flow that I found unusual and yet beautiful.

I have a feeling that Nate's exit and Rupert getting a new assistant are connected. Nate's exit was definitely an intriguing plot twist. I loved the conversation with his father and the apology to Will - plus having 'guy in the sewer' showing up throughout the episode. But yeah, the redemption arc is not complete yet - not at all.

I'm so glad they finally stopped pulling Juno's hair in a migraine-inducing ponytail. And that Barbara stays around. That said I find some of the writing here pretty lazy. When was the last time we had an inkling why she's good at what she does and deserves people funding her business venture?

Rebecca was a boss and I loved how they changed her styling for the last scene.

I desperately wished for Sam's chef to have had her phone running and recording ass****'s confession how he bribed the Nigerian government into dropping Sam from the national team. 

Was I supposed to think Dani's plot was funny? It wasn't.

I agree that the lack of screen-time and character development for Ted is baffling. Everybody else is moving on but he seems to be stuck and it gets depressing.

Edited by MissLucas
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3 hours ago, mledawn said:

I thought for sure the old guys were going to ignore Rebecca’s speech  I mean - of course they want more money.



1 hour ago, Zaffy said:

Rebecca's speech was amazing. Too bad that in real life big teams owners could not give a dime for the average football fan and I am pretty sure they will end up with their special exclusive league sooner or later.

Also right.

4 hours ago, justmehere said:

I agree w/this timing vs. the idea that the owners rejected his proposal after or because of the tantrum. Rebecca finished the speech, everyone was silent, Edwin Akufo said, basically, yeah, that's nice and all, now who wants to make money? And he was smiling at the time. So I think the tantrum was a result of the owners' rejection rather than the other way around.

Okay, let's split the difference. 
After Rebecca's speech, and after Akufo says "now who wants to make money?" there was in fact a thoughtful pause amongst the other team owners. If Akufo had waited a minute, they would have come back to their greedy, self-important senses. But Akufo was already annoyed that he had to go to to these all-white men with his hand out, and he had no patience to spare. 
Throwing food was motivated by a thousand social cuts.
Rebecca's speech was only powerful enough for those guys to be affected by it for a minute.
But that was all that was required to make Akufo explode. 

I hope Akufo decides not to open another Nigerian restaurant in the neighborhood of Sam's because Akufo is going to hold a life-long grudge about that neighborhood and its country.

Edited by shapeshifter
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4 hours ago, kwnyc said:

Well, Ms. Bread's comment about his "fecal" being good might have been a subtle health thing, and I agree with how well Head acted his scenes...it's the first time we've seen him not being in complete control, and what Rebecca might have meant to him. I didn't peg him as a working-class kid become billionaire, but he's obviously acquired all the accoutrements of old money. And if he vacations with the Sacklers, he's a ruthless SOB.

The other important comment was when Rebecca said that Richmond was the only thing he loved. That moment when he tried to kiss her convinced me that he did love her. (He's still a shit, and his love is toxic).

I'm wondering if there's a health issue. Rupert wouldn't be the first rich man to reconsider their choices and try to fix things at the last minute. If that's the case then I think Rebecca's reaction proved that some things can't be fixed.

I'm also wondering if that was almost a hidden theme of the episode. Nate and Roy both fucked up a good situation because of their own issues.

Roy's mistake wasn't too bad, so he was able to fix his relationship with Keeley.

Nate's behavior was considerably worse, so he might be able to repair some relationships to some degree. But (I hope) that the show ends up stating that some things can't be walked back and Nate won't be coming back to Richmond.

If Rupert is similar in the sense that he did care for Rebecca and his own issues caused the end of their relationship, then the show would be saying that some behavior is completely unforgivable.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Honestly, if this were the first episode you ever watched, you'd be asking "Who is Ted Lasso? Which one is he? Why is the show named after him?" Because clearly the main characters are Nate, Rebecca, Keeley and Roy. Then there are some footballers and a couple of coaches. And some guy with long hair. Did I miss something?

I agree with the upthread posts about the writers totally missing the mark here, they clearly did not grasp how much they made us dislike Nate and overestimated our continued interest in that character. A lot. The guy could cure cancer and shoot rainbows out of his ass, I still don't give a shit about him. I cannot conceive why the show spends so much time on him. If anything, I bet the majority of the audience wanted to see him taken down, not redeemed.

Ah, I hadn't thought of that. A possible fourth season without Ted. Maybe Sudeikis doesn't want to do the show anymore but everyone else does.

They have talked about it, in an interview with Nick the glossed over it. I don't think it would be as popular without "Ted". I think as many said, he's done and they want to ease him out and give him the last show for the most air time.

I didn't know Nick really played violin.  I thought it was beautiful the way he played and they interwove it with Rebecca's speech.

Nick and Jason talked about this trajectory way back in season one and how the fans might hate him but really it's been 50/50 at it's worst. I think there have been worse characters and some understand him better than the cardboard Rupert types. He warned him of the social media rants that would come. He said turning bad and later good "Knowing so early on felt like a real privilege. And at the time, I was excited and curious to see how it was all going to be pulled off because it was going to be quite a big heel turn. They’re just such great writers and approached it so subtly, I think. It was drip-fed over a number of episodes to make it believable. There is a version that could have happened that would have felt unbelievable, and it would’ve had less emotional impact. They kept a steady hand on it, though. There were times when we were filming sequences even in season one where Jason would say, “Remember this for when we film this particular thing in a year’s time because this is what you were going to be looking back to.”

Any real significance in Rebecca putting Rupert's painting back? She's over him and made peace?

Edited by debraran
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1 hour ago, Dac22 said:

The question I have is what else is there for Ted to do?

I get the frustration, but he has accomplished what he can do as a coach and his own personal journey really only has one realistic ending without a giant swerve thrown in.

You do have a point there... however I do not think the side characters, the ones affected by Ted's magic wand, can carry the show on their own. They were perfect in small doses. But as the episodes and their presence in the show became longer the show seemed to stall. 
I did not mind Roy and Keeley story when it wasn't taking so much "space". Keeley on the spotlight this season was unbearable, as it was Nate's story, not the redemption, the length of it. 

Still, if the writers believed there was nothing else for Ted to do, they should have ended the show last season, rename it (like  Richmond FC) and move on with keeping it's running time under 30mins.

Edited by Zaffy

Jason has made it clear from the beginning it was a three season story.  I think the broad story arcs were set from the beginning.   One of the main changes this season is that Bill Lawrence moved on to Shrinking and Jason became show runner and oversaw the editing.  So any changes to Ted’s prominence in this show was Jason’s choice.  

As to a spin off, Roy/Bret has too many irons in the fire, so if Keely was getting a spin off, why reunite her with Roy?  Plus Juno has three movies in pre production and just finished a season of Fargo so she is in high demand too.

 I know the show is at its essence, an essence an ensemble, but it needs someone to anchor the cast and I don’t see who it could be.   Any spin off would have to go in a new direction.  

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Rupert can’t quit Rebecca.  But at last she felt empowered enough to quit him (as in not worrying about how he makes her feel).

Maybe Keeley would be more successful if she started a small firm with her own money? She has the best house of all of them. Although I assume Rebecca has multiple houses.

Lovely to see Phoebe return and just in time for Uncle’s day! Love the growth of Roy and Jaime.

Nate’s redemption to me is not realistic. People are complicated but he basically burned Richmond and Ted down on his way out. Why would they take him back? Because Ted is a good forgiver? Because Nate is a genius? I’m glad that Nate saw through Rupert and I expect he’ll apologize to Ted who will, in turn, be a goldfish. But outside of Lasso world this would be a really unhealthy turn.

Yay for Roy and Keeley getting back together. But did he really break up with her initially because she couldn’t go on vacation with him?

The last scene with Ted and Rebecca…why would she need Ted to know she was free of Rupert for good? She and Ted are friends, but it seemed an odd moment if she doesn’t have feelings for him.  Also, the soldier giving her strength…

Not worried about the lack of Ted in the episode with 2 more to go. 



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4 hours ago, mledawn said:

No disrespect to Peaky Blinders (loved that show) but Nick Cave’s Red Right Hand will always be from the Duane Barry episode of The X Files.


I will always associate it with the Scream movies 😂

Regarding the episode, I am really worried they are setting up Nate to coach the team once Ted inevitably returns home 

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I cannot conceive why the show spends so much time on him. If anything, I bet the majority of the audience wanted to see him taken down, not redeemed.

This is where I see the show's name "Ted Lasso" perhaps not literally about Ted as a character but Ted as a philosophy and way of treating people. Ted doesn't see people as irredeemable or needing to be taken down, and so I'm with the writers on the Nate redemption arc. I don't really like him but I'm interested.

And I'm trying to see it this way: a lot of the characters have arced from complete jackasses to redeemed people. I wouldn't classify anything Nate did or said as worse than Rebecca having a guy move to a different country so she could intentionally and covertly torpedo his personal and professional life to exact revenge on her ex. Nate has the unfortunate fate of not having two seasons to redeem and grow, like Rebecca and Jamie. I never thought Jamie would be a functional part of the team again (and wish that had been fleshed out more, actually), but here we are.

If anything - the whole Zava arc should have been scrapped, IMO. What a waste of time that could have been dedicated to growing out the real storylines.

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8 minutes ago, dovegrey said:

If anything - the whole Zava arc should have been scrapped, IMO. What a waste of time that could have been dedicated to growing out the real storylines.

There have been times this season that I felt that they used up all the gas in the tank at the end of last season. The crappy Nate storyline, the Jack storyline, the Keeley in her own business and the complete shutdown of all storylines connected to Ted tell me that they had nothing left to say at the end of last season and that this season has been nothing more than throwing darts at a board.

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6 minutes ago, dovegrey said:

I wouldn't classify anything Nate did or said as worse than Rebecca having a guy move to a different country so she could intentionally and covertly torpedo his personal and professional life to exact revenge on her ex.

The thing is, Ted didn’t have to take the job in the other country. He took it because Michelle asked for space and it probably pays well.  I don’t think Rebecca set out to torpedo Ted’s personal life either, for all she knew Michelle and Henry would be moving as well. Yes, she does try to frame Keeley and Ted but she gets cold feet and now they are her most trusted advisers.

Nate was invisible until Ted saw him. He promoted Nate, encouraged him and Nate got jealous, tore down the sign and bad mouthed him to the press and press conferences. I don’t think Nate and Rebecca’s actions are the same at all.

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11 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

The thing is, Ted didn’t have to take the job in the other country. He took it because Michelle asked for space and it probably pays well.  I don’t think Rebecca set out to torpedo Ted’s personal life either, for all she knew Michelle and Henry would be moving as well. Yes, she does try to frame Keeley and Ted but she gets cold feet and now they are her most trusted advisers.

Nate was invisible until Ted saw him. He promoted Nate, encouraged him and Nate got jealous, tore down the sign and bad mouthed him to the press and press conferences. I don’t think Nate and Rebecca’s actions are the same at all.

She didn't have the Ted/Keely photos published because they were traceable back to her, so she immediately hired Trent to write a hit article on Ted to disparage him (which also backfired, and so then she got rid of their star player). Hiring a person to move across the world knowing your only goal is to completely ruin them for your own gain, only to say "well, you chose to move here and how could I know" would...not be a good look. IMO. I'm glad she copped to what she did instead of making bad excuses.

Having watched the whole series (up to this point) for the first time in the last month or so, I see both season one Rebecca and Nate as coming from extreme places of bitterness and being supremely shitty people in their bitterness; so, to me, it's very much the same. Rebecca has had the favor of time and development to redeem herself and have the people she tried to hurt forgive her and become her close friends. YMMV. 👍

Edited by dovegrey
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5 hours ago, Schweedie said:

It actually is called that and has been for as long as I can remember, honestly, and I've followed football for almost 20 years now. I guess the allure of alliteration comes before linguistic accuracy, heh!


5 hours ago, rlc said:

Yes, this is an actual thing. 

From Wikipedia: Gillette Labs Soccer Saturday is a weekly television programme broadcast on Sky Sports in the United Kingdom and Ireland during the football season. The programme updates viewers on the progress of association football games in the United Kingdom on Saturday afternoons. The current host is Jeff Stelling. The programme is sponsored by Gillette Labs.

Thank you both! Color me absolutely shocked that this is a real thing. 

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Some nice moments, but overall a very lazy piece of writing. Way too many things wrapped up in a box with pretty wrapping paper. Nate redemption story just really badly done--gesture is nice, yeah, but. . . he was an ass because he was a genius? And I find it VERY hard to believe that he would not try to tell his side of the story about quitting--hell, last episode he was saying that Rupert was "really a lovely person"?? (And someone had reminded us all last week that Nate would have seen yeeeeears of Rupert's bad behavior so he is well aware he's awful. Charming at times, but awful.)

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2 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

The last scene with Ted and Rebecca…why would she need Ted to know she was free of Rupert for good? She and Ted are friends, but it seemed an odd moment if she doesn’t have feelings for him.  Also, the soldier giving her strength…

Those two scenes/hints were very on the nose, imo. 

Does it necessarily mean they're setting up a Tedbecca endgame?  No, but pairing that with Ted pulling out the green matchbook a couple episodes ago as well - combined with Ted receiving Rebecca's text to call her, at the same moment that the busker is singing the Hey Jude lyrics "remember to let her into you heart", in the same episode - and its getting really hard to ignore or think differently. 

It was mentioned above the reappearance of the green matchbook could mean Amsterdam, however the matchbook paired with the little green army man and to me that indicates Ted instead of the Dutch houseboat guy - if Rebecca actually has an endgame pairing.

22 hours ago, DearEvette said:

Speaking of... I didn’t think any couple could have less chemistry than Sam and Rebecca and then Nate and Jade said 'Hold my beer."


21 hours ago, AD55 said:

I have been mainly neutral on the question of Nate's redemption, except that I think it has been done poorly. But I HATE that Roy echoed Nate's Jesus fucking Christ when Keeley caught him by surprise. Are the writers seriously suggesting that Nate and Roy have been on similar paths toward redemption this season? Words fail me. Those two scenes make me think that Nate is going to end up coaching Richmond. Ugh.

YOU ARE SCARING ME. Please show do NOT do this. Roy will forever be the better human being.

(Also: since when is Nate a genius? We knew he had a knack for football strategy. But. . . a genius? Whatever, show writers.)

12 hours ago, Trillium said:

 I also agree that Nate’s story seems like they skipped a bunch of things. I expected a redemption but I wanted him to suffer the consequences of his behavior. He seems to have so far gotten away with being an asshole. I’m glad he apologized to Will, but he needs to have a reckoning with Ted.  Ted needs to not just aw sucks and forgive him immediately. He needs to tell Nate he hurt him. 

Yes. Nate has MANY apologies to make and a lot of good behavior to make up for his bad behavior.

10 hours ago, Juneau Gal said:

Ugh, we are heading to Nate returning to Richmond, aren't we?! Where else,what else would he do? And, if this is the case, the show will have forever ended for me at the end of Season Two. If/when I rewatch, this Season will not be in the rotation.

I really hope Nate doesn't return to Richmond. Just. . . wrong.

6 hours ago, mledawn said:

Jaime buying Roy a replica of his old kit and changing the name to KUNT had me howling  

No disrespect to Peaky Blinders (loved that show) but Nick Cave’s Red Right Hand will always be from the Duane Barry episode of The X Files.

Spiegel im Spiegel will always be the music from one of the Shibutanis' (ice dance team from the US) best free dances.

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10 hours ago, dovegrey said:

She didn't have the Ted/Keely photos published because they were traceable back to her, so she immediately hired Trent to write a hit article on Ted to disparage him (which also backfired, and so then she got rid of their star player). Hiring a person to move across the world knowing your only goal is to completely ruin them for your own gain, only to say "well, you chose to move here and how could I know" would...not be a good look. IMO. I'm glad she copped to what she did instead of making bad excuses.

Having watched the whole series (up to this point) for the first time in the last month or so, I see both season one Rebecca and Nate as coming from extreme places of bitterness and being supremely shitty people in their bitterness; so, to me, it's very much the same. Rebecca has had the favor of time and development to redeem herself and have the people she tried to hurt forgive her and become her close friends. YMMV. 👍

Not only that: she only told Ted after Keeley found out. Even after he helped her with Rupert and her knowing he had a panic attack recently. So yeah: season 1 Rebecca did really shitty things. 

I'm kinda liking that Nate's arc is different from Rebecca's or Jamie. The first one got caught and started to apologize because she didn't want to lose the respect and love Keeley had for her. 

Jamie was backed into a corner when he didn't have any options and resorted to Ted/Richmond. Even Colin and Isaac stoped messing with Nate because of Roy (not because they understood that they were wrong).

I like the idea that Nate is discovering how awful he was even if he was victorious. That he left West Ham because he saw how Rupert didn't have any limits.. I'm okay with that. Ted Lasso is a bit like Good Place. It's a fantasy and a sort of philosophy essay about human beings changing and having the possibility of doing better. It's a rom-com. It's a Jane Austen novel. 

But maybe it's because I always thought the show was more of an ensemble and that Nate was one of the main characters.  

ETA: I don't know if was intended but I thought it was such a nice touch that the moment in Rainbow when Nate starts to unravel with jealousy it's also illustraded by the part of the strings section of She's a Rainbow. 

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13 hours ago, Trillium said:

I knew Roy was in the house when Rebecca showed up, if we know one thing about Keeley is that vulnerable Roy is her kink. It does seem like their reunion was a bit rushed but they breakup was dumb in the first place. They were in love, basically living together, she didn’t suddenly stop loving him. She hadn’t been The Independent Woman at all this season, and Roy showing up right then to remind her, that’s all she needed. Maybe I missed it because I was lost in Rebecca’s speech/music, but what did he buy? 

Roy bought stationary to write the note to Keeley.

I’m a bit embarrassed to admit this because I know David Hockney is a famous artist, but I thought that drawing was hideous.

Edited by Athena5217
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12 minutes ago, braziliangirl said:

I'm kinda liking that Nate's arc is different from Rebecca's or Jamie. The first one got caught and started to apologize because she didn't want to lose the respect and love Keeley had for her. 

I said back in Season 2 that I thought it was fascinating seeing the origin story of an actual villain in real time.  How often does a show take a character that you like and root for and want to win and purposely, brick by brick make them hateful? More often than not it is he other way around and they redeem a hateful character.  I thought it was ballsy and wish that the show had simply leaned into that.  Some people like the dark side.  I kinda wish they had just kept Nate there.

I also think Rebecca's change wasn't just because of Keeley, but she started to like and respect Ted as well.  Her facade started cracking and she was finding it hard to maintain the schemes even before Keeley found out about the photos.  Her convo with Keeley took place after the darts game and after Ted came to her rescue at the charity gala and after the Karaoke panic attack. You could actually see the schemes wearing on her.  And when Rebecca confessed to Ted she started out by saying 'I am a fucking bitch." Then she laid out everything she did, why she did it and her remorse and she sincerely apologized to Ted's face.


Which is partly why I am frankly not impressed with the note Nate left Will.  It was a nice gesture, sure, but it was cowardly.  Will did something really nice for Nate.  And because Nate got triggered by a complete stranger on twitter, he went  to Will's face completely wigged out on him.  He told him 'If you ever humiliate me again I will make your life a fucking misery." And he threw the very nice jersey that Will had made for him in his face. I am sorry but if you are going to be mean and cruel to someone in their face, at least have the courtesy to apologize to their face as well.

If they have to redeem Nate, then at the very least I hope we get some of the same heartfelt face to face apology instead of some symbolic gesture which results in a hug and everyone welcoming him back to the fold.

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19 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

I also think Rebecca's change wasn't just because of Keeley, but she started to like and respect Ted as well.  Her facade started cracking and she was finding it hard to maintain the schemes even before Keeley found out about the photos.  Her convo with Keeley took place after the darts game and after Ted came to her rescue at the charity gala and after the Karaoke panic attack. You could actually see the schemes wearing on her.  And when Rebecca confessed to Ted she started out by saying 'I am a fucking bitch." Then she laid out everything she did, why she did it and her remorse and she sincerely apologized to Ted's face.

I agree that it wasn't only about Keeley and that she liked Ted. But I didn't get the impression that she regretted her schemes. Right after the darts scene she's telling Higgings to do something that will benefit the other team. That's why he quits. 


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For now I'm going to assume Uncle's Day came about because Phoebe's father is nowhere to be seen. So since she can't celebrate Father's Day, her mother created this day since Roy plays the part in a lot of ways.

And everything with Jamie in that scene was great.

From how sweet he was with Phoebe, the thoughtful gift for Roy, and his quip about how "fit" Roy's sister is. Then later, wearing Sam's number in his first game representing England is a far cry from him pointing at his back and yelling ME over and over again in season one. 

While I know it's rather divisive at best, I'm on board with what they're doing with Nate so far. He was never going to grow until he became comfortable with who he is, and the show has done a decent enough job with that for me, with the scene with his dad playing a part in that. 

I certainly understand the perspective those he wronged shouldn't necessarily forgive him, but I buy the idea he could/will be a better person going forward.

Not much to say about Roy and Keeley beyond it was inevitable. Using Phoebe's teacher as a catalyst for his epiphany was a choice, but her "smooth move, (insert name)" was worth it for the chuckle.

Some other quick thoughts: Higgins is essentially right about the Willy Wonka kids, I didn't mind Rupert's moment of humanity because there had to be something there to successfully woo Rebecca years ago, and I'm not sure how I feel about Akufo's extreme pettiness. 

Edited by Dac22
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2 hours ago, braziliangirl said:

Right after the darts scene she's telling Higgings to do something that will benefit the other team. That's why he quits. 

Higgins also seems to get a pass for backing Rebecca's scheming during S1. I get that he works for her, etc - but he's pretty gleeful at first as she plots. It never really comes up (that I remember) how he was also a jerk at first. That has always bothered me a little, as much as I like him.

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1 hour ago, mledawn said:

Higgins also seems to get a pass for backing Rebecca's scheming during S1. I get that he works for her, etc - but he's pretty gleeful at first as she plots. It never really comes up (that I remember) how he was also a jerk at first. That has always bothered me a little, as much as I like him.

To be fair to Higgins, I don't think I ever saw him be gleeful about it. He does that gagging noise every time he feels particularly bad about something, and we heard that quite a lot (it's always been up there with my favourite character details). But he was cowardly, for sure.

I agree with those upthread that Nate owes Will more than this as an apology, and I'd hope he tells him that if they meet again, but I also still think that what he did do was a nice gesture. Not sticking around hoping to be forgiven, just doing something nice, and showing with the lavender branch that he remembers specific instances when he was mean to Will. (I still don't think his redemption is earned, and is being rushed with two episodes to go. They've spent way too much time on him just being sort of stagnant.)

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11 hours ago, debraran said:

Any real significance in Rebecca putting Rupert's painting back? She's over him and made peace?

Yes, that's how I read it. She's truly moved forward and feels secure in herself. She no longer needs to do anything out of spite and can simply enjoy her life (including gifts from Rupert that once had to be put away).

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19 minutes ago, rlc said:

Yes, that's how I read it. She's truly moved forward and feels secure in herself. She no longer needs to do anything out of spite and can simply enjoy her life (including gifts from Rupert that once had to be put away).

I'm also wondering if she's allowing herself to remember the good times and not just how it ended.

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