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S44.E10: Full Tilt Boogie

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Castaways must land a win at the reward challenge to earn a night at the sanctuary and letters from home. Then, castaways will need to snake their way toward a win in the immunity challenge.

Original airdate 5/3/23

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Tibetan monks who have never heard of Survivor knew that Carolyn was going to be super dramatic in both challenges.

If you have a fake idol that you didn’t know was fake, and you tell everyone that you no longer have it because you gave it to the person who was voted out, and they don’t believe you, should they feel foolish when they found out you weren’t lying?

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This episode could have been epic, but of course, Carson, Yam Yam, and Danny get their way.  Why couldn't those 4 women stick together and vote out Danny?  It would have worked!  Anyway, since Carolyn was out of the loop, I hope she turns on Yam Yam and Carson.  

Lauren has quite an emotional back story.  I am glad we were able to see that side of her and that she's finally getting some air time.  I know she doesn't have a ton of options to work with, but I'm disappointed she joined in on voting off Frannie.  And listen, I get that Frannie was a threat and that it made sense to vote her off.  But I'm just annoyed it was a plan concocted by the 3 guys, none of whom I like.

Danny, who isn't as good at this game or as in control as he thinks, actually said to Heidi "we don't need you as a number."  I'm also disappointed that Carolyn didn't buy that, since it was true, and especially since Carolyn has been aiming to get Danny out.  She spent time with him, how could she not believe that?  I'm glad Heidi threw a vote his way.  Right now, there's 4 women left and 3 men.  I'd love the women to get together and take out the guys.

And speaking of not believing things, I can't help but adore Jamie in all her wide eyed wonder.  Who knew the story of the (fake) idol was such a burden and she felt like she was releasing a demon from within by telling everyone her (fake) idol was out of the game.  I loved it even more that no one believed it and it backfired on her.

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I really wish they had voted out Danny. I don't like his smug attitude. But then again, I'm not  really liking any of the players who are left. I have a feeling I am going to be disappointed in the winner yet again. There a definitely about 3 or 4 that I really don't want to win ! ( Yes, Yam Yam, I'm pointing to you. ) But I doubt he has any chance to win. 


I think they will regret not taking this chance to get Danny out.


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3 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

And speaking of not believing things, I can't help but adore Jamie in all her wide eyed wonder.  Who knew the story of the (fake) idol was such a burden and she felt like she was releasing a demon from within by telling everyone her (fake) idol was out of the game.  I loved it even more that no one believed it and it backfired on her.

I think I love her mostly because she has been so enthusiastically, cheerfully absolutely wrong every time about where the game & her place in it is!!  That is indeed some kind of magic!

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4 minutes ago, pennben said:

I think I love her mostly because she has been so enthusiastically, cheerfully absolutely wrong every time about where the game & her place in it is!!  That is indeed some kind of magic!

It's the power of manifesting!

I could have sworn that the chanting voices at TC were singing "Mahna Mahna".

I still kinda feel like Carolyn is more of a "the enemy of my enemy (i.e. Danny) is my friend" situation, but I'm coming around more and more on her.

Carson can join Danny in the discard pile. Yam Yam was less present this episode, so he temporarily escapes my wrath lol.

Edited by tracyscott76
Parts of speech yo
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6 minutes ago, willco said:

I really wish they had voted out Danny. I don't like his smug attitude. But then again, I'm not  really liking any of the players who are left. I have a feeling I am going to be disappointed in the winner yet again. There a definitely about 3 or 4 that I really don't want to win ! ( Yes, Yam Yam, I'm pointing to you. ) But I doubt he has any chance to win. 


I think they will regret not taking this chance to get Danny out.

I kind of wish they had since he was the one that was responsible for Brandon's exit (which was fair, and Karma after Maddy's painful demise), but the fact is he isn't wrong about wanting to get Frannie out.

Sure he's boasting about it, but I just can't defend why it was smart to keep Frannie around.  The cast might regret it, but I don't think so.  We know Marin was a threat; meanwhile Massa MIGHT be, but has shown nothing

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I can honestly say the one good thing to come out of the corona pandemic was the extermination (hopefully for all time) of the sappy, saccharine family visits. Since they ate a good chunk of the episode, it's so much easier to fast-forward through a letter-from-home segment and skip folks bawling over people they just saw three or four weeks ago.

The JamJam poor woe is me segment was as annoying as you would expect, but I have to say he got the better deal when it came to spouses than his partner.

It took me a while to understand why Danny was acting the way he was about the idol until I realized the fake one he had planted was found by Matt, and it was someone else who gave Jamie her fake one.

I became aware by the confessionals tonight they are prepping us for a Carson win. Meanwhile, his alliance mate Carolyn seems to be losing her influence.

Matt looked dejected at Frannie's loss, and I think that he realized it was because she was a victim of her own success, but I'm sure he got over it once she hopefully went tumbling into his arms at Ponderosa (no money in the budget for some disposable bic shavers for the men? It thought everyone cleaned up once they got there. The jury I saw last night, not so much. Anyway, back to Matt...I would have loved to have seen Frannie take Matt on the reward if he had still been around and watch them making googly eyes over Margueritas ("m assuming Carolyn's was the non-alcoholic one Jeff went out of his way to mention.)

Edited by North of Eden
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Damn it, I really liked Frannie, our comp beast and all round nice person.  Why don't  the women  join forces????? Argh!!! Drives me crazy. Danny needs to go!  . Carson is smart but not smug, Yam Yam just tags along. If anyone but Carolyn wins, I'll be so upset.. 

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I totally get that Frannie was the right choice to go; in my head, I know it was a smarter move. But my heart, ouch, my heart says otherwise. I really was growing to like Frannie and with so few players that I'm rooting for, I felt myself just disappointed.

I guess, at this point, I'm only really rooting for Carolyn. If I had to choose another, maybe Heidi? Or Jaime for the laughs. 

But I am not fond of any of the men left. Danny's too overconfident, Carson's too delusional, and Yam Yam's too smug. I guess all three of them are fine players and would be deserving of a win, or whatever, but that's not quite a high bar to begin with. All these players aren't THAT good. They think they're better than they actually are. 

I did love the Sanctuary Reward Group. I wish they stuck together.

That's all I have on the episode because I left it more annoyed than anything. My head knows what went down was the right play; my heart says otherwise.

Yeah, as a player it was the right move.  Yay for Frannie being such a threat!  Who knew?  I love Matt and I hope things work out for them, but dang, he really blinded her in the game.  I'm glad she got time to play the game alone.  However, as a viewer I was annoyed that she left.  But it's because I'm running out of people to root for (not that I had many to begin with).  Carolyn was left out of the vote, so now I'm worried Carson and Yam Yam will think she's too much work or worry that she'll flip on them and get her out.  And Heidi voted for Danny, so where exactly is she on the line up?  Anyway, I'm rooting for one of the women to win.  Carolyn would be my first choice, then Heidi, Lauren, and Jamie.  Jamie accidentally walking into the million dollars would be a fitting end to this season.  I was hoping Lauren would stick with the women and am sad she trusted Danny.  As I said above, I know her options are limited, but does she really think it's a sure thing with him?  I would kind of like it if the remaining Soka and Ratu members (who outnumber Tika 4-3) got together and voted them off.  I'd hate to lose Carolyn, but I hate Carson's smugness about pitting the other two tribes against each other and playing the middle so brilliantly.  I'd like to watch him see he isn't always right about everything going on.

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10 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

I can honestly say the one good thing to come out of the corona pandemic was the extermination (hopefully for all time) of the sappy, saccharine family visits. Since they ate a good chunk of the episode, it's so much easier to fast-forward through a letter-from-home segment and skip folks bawling over people they just saw three or four weeks ago.

The JamJam poor woe is me segment was as annoying as you would expect, but I have to say he got the better deal when it came to spouses than his partner.

It took me a while to understand why Danny was acting the way he was about the idol until I realized the fake one he had planted was found by Matt, and it was someone else who gave Jamie her fake one.

I became aware by the confessionals tonight they are prepping us for a Carson win. Meanwhile, his alliance mate Carolyn seems to be losing her influence.

Matt looked dejected at Jamie's loss, and I think that he realized it was because she was a victim of her own success, but I'm sure he got over it once she hopefully went tumbling into his arms at Ponderosa (no money in the budget for some disposable bic shavers for the men? It thought everyone cleaned up once they got there. The jury I saw last night, not so much. Anyway, back to Matt...I would have loved to have seen Frannie take Matt on the reward if he had still been around and watch them making googly eyes over Margueritas ("m assuming Carolyn's was the non-alcoholic one Jeff went out of his way to mention.)

I thought the non-alcoholic mention was referencing Carson, who is under 21.

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18 minutes ago, pennben said:

Could have been either, but I assumed as Carolyn is a recovering addict, it was meant for her.

I believe when Jeff was announcing the reward at the challenge and mentioned the drinks, he said something like "with virgin margaritas for those who can't partake" and the camera showed Carson reacting. But at the reward itself (which Carson was not present for), they showed Carolyn talking about having a non-alcoholic drink. So I think they were meant for both, for different reasons.

Edited by tracyscott76
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Well, it was the yearly fast forward episode (letters from home) and disappointing seeing Frannie go.  She was the only one left I liked.  I’m sure I’ll be fast forwarding for most of the rest of the season now. I just don’t find anyone left likable at all (especially the men).  

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Another vote I was not surprised to see. Frannie going sucks. I get that she was a challenge threat and likable, but it still sucks to see her go. I wish the reward group stuck together and voted Danny out. He's so smug. Oh, yeah, Carson is too. What a twerp. Nobody to root for now. I'm hoping Jaime keeps sliding by and gets to the end and possibly wins. I can dream.

Anyone of the men can go at this point, though Yam Yam doesn't piss me off as much as the rest. 

Edited by TVFan1
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I couldn’t stand Frannie till tonight.  And I’m sad she went, but she was a huge threat.  
Jamie is bugging with the giant artificial smiles and the idol story. 
Can someone please tell me why, other than his arrogance, people all over the internet have been rabid about voting Danny out for weeks now? 

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I enjoyed Jaime’s vanishing “fake idol” chyron, but I would have made it mosey off the screen in a loping, dejected manner. A quick swipe right would have sufficed, also.

Speaking of Jaime’s vanished idol, why would it not occur to her that they might suspect her story? She lucked out tonight by the shift to Frannie, but she may not be in the clear yet. A whole lot of drama over a few beads and a f*ing stick. (TM Eliza)

What was up with the perv shoe-mirror camera angle on the spinning part of the challenge? For the contestants’ sake, I was happy for the sunspot glares on the camera lens, because I don’t think they signed up for public viewing of their junk.

Note to Danny: Comp wins alone do not make legends. Just ask Mike Holloway (who?). Boston Rob and Parvati stand out because of their comp wins PLUS strategical play PLUS personality. I’m sorry to say it, but I don’t think Frannie was ever destined to be a legend. (And neither is Danny.)

2 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Danny, who isn't as good at this game or as in control as he thinks, actually said to Heidi "we don't need you as a number." 

What a dumb thing to say to a close ally. “Yeah we’re working together, but you’re totally extraneous right now.”

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Add me to the "disappointed about Frannie" group. Before this episode, I was thinking she was pretty much my favorite. Sorry if that was the jinx.

It would've been funny if Frannie pulled out a letter and it was from Matt. I also thought it would've been funny if Carolyn played her idol for Frannie. Since Danny already had.

Was not crazy for pissy Yam Yam scenes. Someone's always going to be left out of the reward. 

Jeff seemed especially...exuberant this episode. Telling them how great they looked at the challenge and then seemed kind of hyper during Tribal Council. More than usual.

Still mad about Frannie.

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

I enjoyed Jaime’s vanishing “fake idol” chyron, but I would have made it mosey off the screen in a loping, dejected manner. A quick swipe right would have sufficed, also.

I would've opted to make it go poof in a cloud of pixie dust. Or pixel dust, I suppose.

C'mon, ladies! You still have the numbers—it's not too late to pick off the guys! Start with Danny, then toss a coin.

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Jamie told the worst "truth" ever.  Her whole dippy delivery said she was lying from the get go even to me and I knew better.  🤣

Glad Frannie is FINALLY gone.  Too much of a threat.  But more important to me, maybe we won't get the endless glances of gooey-eyed what's-his-name every episode.  Go do your thing at Ponderosa and let me get back to watching Survivor instead of the As My Stomach Turns soap opera crap.

Hang on to your idol, Carolyn.  Keep it silent as you have.  Ace in the hole for you.  You and Carson and Yam Yam bring it home for me please.  You three are the only people I will remember a week after this season ends.  Go, Three Stooges!

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i was hoping for a all-female top 5, but as usual, they can't hold it together for 5 flipping minutes.  it was the perfect time to blindside Danny or break up the Three Stooges by voting the always annoying Yam Yam off my screen.

The only one I want to win is Carolyn.  Danny, Carson and Yam Yam are the usual smug misogynists this show loves to cast and can't be gone soon enough!

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I guess I'm the only one who likes Carson and is rooting for him.   I like smart people who aren't necessarily physically threatening.  Love the way he goes through those puzzles.   

I began to like Frannie at the end but am not sorry she left.  

I hope Carson hasn't alienated Carolyn with his Frannie vote.  If Carolyn with that idol wins I won't be unhappy either.  The rest, meh.   

All in all its been a so-so season.  I haven't looked forward to seeing anyone on the screen except Carolyn. 

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I seem to be the only person on this thread who cheered when Frannie got voted out! I was thinking the poor saps would vote out Jaime, and then be upset when Frannie won every single immunity here on in.

I love Carson. He's impish and yet also level-headed. Also cheered when he won immunity.

All in all, a good episode. Couldn't relax until the votes were read, as it seemed too good to be true.

Frannie was likeable enough, but she got her beau and best ally voted out by pursuing the full win in that split tribe challenge, foreiting a chance to save him for some sandwiches, and then insisting Heidi misplay her advantage on YamYam, when putting it on Lauren would have been a better move; she was out of the loop in voting alone on Jaime last tribal. Terrible strategist.

I am so glad Carolyn has been saved from a sentimental alliance that would have ultimately sunk her game.

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I'm sad Frannie was voted out but yeah, it was the best move for the other players.  I liked her spunk.  Now the rest of the women have to team up and get rid of Danny, who thinks he's calling the shots and is the physically strongest player.

Didn't one of the women (other than Carolyn) on the reward choose to drink the virgin margaritas?

Heidi has been getting a lot of attention by the editors lately.  I hope that doesn't mean she wins since she was such a nonentity for so long.  It took weeks for it to register there was even a Heidi playing.  

I'd love to see Carolyn win but no one seems to hold her in much regard.  She seems so flaky, doesn't do well at challenges,  everyone just disregards what she has to say, and she's often not in the loop when it comes to the vote.  The only way I can see her winning is if the jury is holding serious grudges against whoever is sitting with her at the end.  The ultimate goat.

14 minutes ago, violet and green said:

but she got her beau and best ally voted out by pursuing the full win in that split tribe challenge, foreiting a chance to save him for some sandwiches,

Intentional or not, that was the best thing for Frannie.  Matt was far more valuable to her on the jury than cuddling up to her at night.

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27 minutes ago, violet and green said:

I seem to be the only person on this thread who cheered when Frannie got voted out!

Could you not hear me cheering across the miles?  😁

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1 minute ago, Haleth said:

Intentional or not, that was the best thing for Frannie.  Matt was far more valuable to her on the jury than cuddling up to her at night.

Given they are both now sitting on the jury, it was clearly not the best thing for Frannie! It was a dumb move.

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The Three Stooges - Tika Alliance survives another day. Yam Yam, Carson and Carolyn are the most entertaining people this season. I'm glad they're still there. It will be interesting next week to see how Yam Yam and Carson finesse their reasoning  for voting off Frannie with Carolyn. That will take a masterful explanation, especially from Yam Yam. I think Carolyn has the strongest bond with Yam Yam and then Carson. 

Bye, Frannie. Go chill with Matt at Ponderosa and ponder who you'll vote for at the final tribe council.

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8 hours ago, Meowwww said:

I couldn’t stand Frannie till tonight.  And I’m sad she went, but she was a huge threat.  
Jamie is bugging with the giant artificial smiles and the idol story. 
Can someone please tell me why, other than his arrogance, people all over the internet have been rabid about voting Danny out for weeks now? 

Same as you.   I enjoyed Frannie's exit interview.  They were smart to vote her out and am glad the googlie eyes at Matt have ended.  Jamie has bugged me with from the beginning and has seemed as fake as her idol.   

I don't love Danny but don't hate him. I can't see him winning.   However, he does have the most well groomed hair on the island.   

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The editing for this episode felt a bit strange. Probably due to having to fit 2 challenges in AND the Letters from Home segment, so they didn't have as much time to dwell on anything in particular. 

Count me as someone else who fast forwards through the Family sections. I have no interest in stories from home in general so they do nothing for me. 

I'm glad they acknowledged having non-alcoholic drinks available. I would hope that option is always available, even if they don't have someone who is too young. Not that I'll ever be on the show, but I just don't drink alcohol (never have, and have no interest in starting), so if the reward challenge 'only' had say Beer and Pizza, I'd be in trouble. 

In hindsight, Frannie should probably have thrown the reward challenge. Two Immunity challenges in a row is a huge target on her back, and tossing a reward challenge on top of it is basically carrying a blue and yellow flag into Moscow. Had she thrown the reward challenge, and (assumably) lost the immunity challenge, the target would be diminished and she might have been able to play out a way to stay in the game. 

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1 hour ago, Midwestern Lady said:

However, [Danny] does have the most well groomed hair on the island.   

When they were standing in the rain after the reward challenge he looked like he had just wandered over from a production of “Jersey Boys”.

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Count me with the minority who likes Carson and has enjoyed his game play. He's not a physical threat the way Danny is and he (Carson) showed that he knows it, so he makes up for it in the puzzle work. 

Yam Yam can go, I don't really find him compelling at all. and I liked Danny at first but I'm over his arrogance as the game has progressed. Well done Survivor Editors.

I liked Frannie and I'm sorry to see her leave. I would have been on board for a Frannie, Carson, Heidi final three. I think all three of them could have made compelling arguments for the jury and it could have been a close vote.

I've never liked Carolyn and I still don't. I appreciate and respect that she has a very good read on the social aspect of the game and strategy, but I find her personality annoying; the constant screaming in challenges is old.  She has become her own worst enemy in terms of her game play, but blames every one around her.

To be honest, Lauren and Heidi have kind of been inter-changeable, which I blame on the Survivor Editors. I feel like I'm watching the same backstory / same game play from both of them.

Jamie is a bubbly person and I have to give her personality really does light up the screen. But man is she a bad player of Survivor.

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1 hour ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

The players laughing at Grandpa Probst’s groovy “full tilt boogie” slang was my favourite bit.

Jeff was really bringing the cringe this episode, between that and his "look at how shitty you all look! It's great! What warriors you are!" bit at the challenge.

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I'm repeating myself a bit from the live thread, but I notice they never do the "break the bottles and eliminate your tribe mates" type challenges anymore. The ones that forced them to show their hands and reveal the pecking order. It's because the show is now so obsessed with being obtuse and keeping everyone guessing and paranoid. It's why so many people are being targeted for dumb reasons. Not because they are threats, but because everyone is paranoid about idols and advantages.

Even if Jamie and Heidi are lying about idols and votes, that doesn't make them threats to win. In fact Jamie is the ultimate goat - nobody believes her, everyone thought she was telling a ridiculous lie, nobody would vote for her in the final three. Why would you get rid of her? Same with Heidi.

Granted they targeted the right person this week, Frannie was obviously a big threat to win.

I really don't see a path for Carolyn to win. She's got a good shot at final three since nobody is looking at her, but she has no case to make for herself. She has not orchestrated any votes, is terrible at challenges, and even if she pulls that idol out of her pocket it could backfire on her. People might think she was foolish not to use it on someone else to blindside someone. Like she could have saved Frannie this week.

And it was kind of dumb of Carolyn not to want to target Frannie anyway - does she want to sit next to Frannie in the final three? Does she think she can beat Frannie? She might seem like the most reasonable narrator this season but she's not playing a very good game.

This is shaping up to be another season where someone will win I either don't like or think didn't deserve it.

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I may have missed it, did Carson discuss how he built a miniature star puzzle on his 3-D printer at home? /s

Kane has nerves of steel - when Jamie told everyone at TC that he left with her (fake) idol, all eyes swung to him and he managed to maintain a great poker face.

I wonder if Matt and Frannie will even pay attention at upcoming TC's or will they jut sit next to each other and giggle?  If their exchanged glances were even a fraction of what we saw at TC, the other players must've seen that plus more, which was another good reason to vote off Frannie - she had at least one definite vote and someone rallying for her on jury if she made it to Final Three.

I really want to like Carolyn but she makes it so hard sometimes with her theatrics.  Still wouldn't mind her winning, though.

Edited by laurakaye
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Carolyn screams even when she has stuff in her mouth. I wouldn't love to be her neighbor to be honest.

Sad to see sweet Frannie go but I'm sure she had a great time in ponderosa with Matt.

Kane's poker face was amazing. I laughed so much.

Edited by SummerDreams
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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I'm repeating myself a bit from the live thread, but I notice they never do the "break the bottles and eliminate your tribe mates" type challenges anymore. The ones that forced them to show their hands and reveal the pecking order. It's because the show is now so obsessed with being obtuse and keeping everyone guessing and paranoid. It's why so many people are being targeted for dumb reasons. Not because they are threats, but because everyone is paranoid about idols and advantages.

Even if Jamie and Heidi are lying about idols and votes, that doesn't make them threats to win. In fact Jamie is the ultimate goat - nobody believes her, everyone thought she was telling a ridiculous lie, nobody would vote for her in the final three. Why would you get rid of her? Same with Heidi.

Granted they targeted the right person this week, Frannie was obviously a big threat to win.

I really don't see a path for Carolyn to win. She's got a good shot at final three since nobody is looking at her, but she has no case to make for herself. She has not orchestrated any votes, is terrible at challenges, and even if she pulls that idol out of her pocket it could backfire on her. People might think she was foolish not to use it on someone else to blindside someone. Like she could have saved Frannie this week.

And it was kind of dumb of Carolyn not to want to target Frannie anyway - does she want to sit next to Frannie in the final three? Does she think she can beat Frannie? She might seem like the most reasonable narrator this season but she's not playing a very good game.

This is shaping up to be another season where someone will win I either don't like or think didn't deserve it.

I don’t think they do the “eliminate your tribe mates” challenges any more because the contestants on 29/San Juan Del Sur kind of broke it by just throwing it to one player. And Probst can be a big baby when he doesn’t get the manufactured outcome he wants.

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15 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

This episode could have been epic, but of course, Carson, Yam Yam, and Danny get their way.  Why couldn't those 4 women stick together and vote out Danny?  It would have worked!  Anyway, since Carolyn was out of the loop, I hope she turns on Yam Yam and Carson.  

What seems to happen a lot is that they're targeting someone who makes sense, like Danny, and then someone sidebar mentions someone who doesn't seem to matter, like Heidi, and suddenly they're all in to vote off the inconsequential person.  I don't get it 🤷‍♀️

6 hours ago, weaver said:

I guess I'm the only one who likes Carson and is rooting for him.   I like smart people who aren't necessarily physically threatening.  Love the way he goes through those puzzles. 

You're not - I like his enthusiasm

18 minutes ago, jsm1125 said:

I don’t think they do the “eliminate your tribe mates” challenges any more because the contestants on 29/San Juan Del Sur kind of broke it by just throwing it to one player. And Probst can be a big baby when he doesn’t get the manufactured outcome he wants.

But wouldn't they have to keep going until everyone but one was eliminated?

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Someone (Danny?) lied about something Kane related and said that no one would know since Kane is not there. But when they go to Ponderosa they could just ask Kane and know that Danny (?) was lying, thereby costing him a jury vote if he is F3. I don't understand that logic at all. 

Edited by tvfanatic13
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Just now, tvfanatic13 said:

Someone (Danny?) lied about something Kane related android that no one would know since Kane is not there. But when they go to Ponderosa they could just ask Kane and know that Danny (?) was lying, thereby costing him a jury motif he is F3. I don't understand that logic at all. 

It was Carson. But I think his plan was "well, as long as I'm still in the game and it keeps me here, I can talk my way out of it later on."

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6 hours ago, weaver said:

I guess I'm the only one who likes Carson and is rooting for him.   I like smart people who aren't necessarily physically threatening.  Love the way he goes through those puzzles.   


I like Carson well enough when he isn't being a jerk and telling us how smart he is.  But I would really like to see how he does with  puzzles he hasn't built at home and practiced a thousand times.  That will show whether he's as good as he tells us he is.  

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Even if Jamie and Heidi are lying about idols and votes, that doesn't make them threats to win. In fact Jamie is the ultimate goat - nobody believes her, everyone thought she was telling a ridiculous lie, nobody would vote for her in the final three. Why would you get rid of her?

The others' attitude toward Jaime's "lie" was a bit confounding to me. "What a ridiculous lie! Does she expect us to believe that?" Then: "Oooh she's a threat! Look at how coolly she lied! She's so devious!" Well, which is it? If her lies are so obvious, what's the big deal?

1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

Kane has nerves of steel - when Jamie told everyone at TC that he left with her (fake) idol, all eyes swung to him and he managed to maintain a great poker face.

There's a good chance that expression of Kane's was flown in from some other point at TC. I'm sure he didn't say "yeah she's right" or nod or anything, but I think they used that particular stone-faced look (perhaps a Sophie-esque reaction to all the "full tilt boogie" nonsense) for comical effect.

Edited by tracyscott76
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10 minutes ago, tracyscott76 said:

There's a good chance that expression of Kane's was flown in from some other point at TC. I'm sure he didn't say "yeah she's right" or nod or anything, but I think they used that particular stone-faced look (perhaps a Sophie-esque reaction to all the "full tilt boogie" nonsense) for comical effect.

Good point.  I assumed it was "live" because both Danny and Yam Yam (I think) reacted to his stone face with expressions of their own indicating that Kane's lack of emotion validated their belief that Jamie was lying.  I should know by now that what we see often doesn't tell the real story. :)

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4 minutes ago, GenerationX said:

Tribal alliances inevitably breakdown post-merge in the modern Survivor game, but one old school post-merge Survivor rule still holds:  You do NOT want to win Reward Challenges. 

I agree, and I've said that forever, but I can imagine when you're tired, dirty and hungry, and they offer you food, a bed, and a shower, it must be pretty tempting.

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I just don't get Jeff's "you're warriors" as well as the cry-fest over the letters.  They have only been in the game for about 2 1/2 weeks (since the whole thing is now less than 4 weeks long).  It's not been that long since they've been clean or been at home.  I am just not as invested since they shortened the seasons so much (I was fine when it was clearly due to covid, but now that it's just the way it's going to be it just doesn't seem like they are really 'surviving' at all).  Jeff sells the season as "but it's harder, we're not giving them food" but that is negated by the fact that they even told the participants that they were going to negotiate for rice at the next challenge AND the price was that people would just sit out at the Immunity Challenge AND that the people who sat out weren't going to win anyway (IMO).  Ohhhhh, that really cost them to get some rice...

And the survivors aren't even worried about shelters anymore.  Most of them are just sleeping on the ground outside of whatever excuse for a shelter they built.  

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