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I agree!! Couldn't they have gone on some tours or something? So we could see the countryside?

I DID love when Paul's Mom came to visit Delores, she looked like a cutie and even called Delores a "hussy".  I found her adorable.  

It just seems like all these bitches do is fight, drink, eat, fight some more, eat some more, sleep, eat, drink and fight.  UGH!

The guys at Joe Benigno's house at least smoked some weed and had some fun!  Even little JoeGo got himself stoned and sort of didn't act like an ass.  It was very unusual.

All in all, even though the women were in IRELAND.... I'd have had MUCH more fun at the husband's get together.  That's all I've got.

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Melissa: (not) Slainte. Is it so difficult to learn one word?

And the inevitable guys' party.

Jackie: in-credible source (which was Laura, Margaret's ex friend). Did she mean not credible?

Melissa shouldn't be upset. Bravo decided to film Teresa’s wedding well into the season, and it invited other HWs. She missed her chance to attend. 

Melissa's outfit at the ladies' last dinner is hideous. 

There are rumors this is the last season of the Gorgas. 

Edited by ZettaK
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Melissa is annoying when she’s fake drunk.

Lol Paul’s mom speaking the truth about the calendar.

Once again go away Jackie and shut up Fuda.

Yuck I do not like chickens.

A puppy tho!

Lol Jenn drawing Teresa flipping the table.

The more Teresa talks about the wedding the more awkward and yikes it is. She’s a huge moron too lol. Bill being in the wedding is stupid. How many bridesmaids and groomsmen does there need to be. Getting embarrassing lol.

Jen Fessler has the potential to be entertaining.

Joe Gorga didn't even really smoke anything. Just fake acting high.

So over the argument about Margaret and the arsenal of information. Who fucking cares. Margaret should not be giving advice on family relationships to anyone. She’s a fucking joke.

The previews with Jen’s kid - fucking yikes!

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Teresa wanted her brother, Joe, to be in her wedding. He said no. 

Teresa wanted her godson, Gino, to be in her wedding. His parents (Joe and Melissa) said no. 

Teresa eventually asked Melissa to be in the wedding - her way of extending an olive branch. Melissa said no. 

This is Teresa's wedding. She can have whoever she wants in it, she can have whoever she wants on the guest list. Joe and Melissa chose not to be a part of it and they ultimately chose not to attend. How are they blaming Teresa for their own choices? It's insane. 

In happier news, Paulie's mom is adorable. Dolores' arms and booty (though the latter may have been surgically enhanced?) are enviable. 

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Not a bad episode. Danielle  brings  up her brother,  every darned episode. I laughed  when she yelled at Rachel,  calm the F down. Rachel  was calm, Danielle wasn't,  she's a bit of a mardy ass. Nobody  likes me, boo hoo. Oh please.

I liked what Margaret  wore for the dinner,  it looked good.

I thought  the farm was okay, I have no idea what Teresa  was trying  to say, she's better without Louis around. Is there another  shower next week. I'll be glad when this zzzz wedding is over.

As usual  I like when the men get together,  in his TH, Frank looked  well. Weed  agrees with him..lol

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I don’t find the games entertaining but I guess the farm agreed to cameras so that’s what we got. Did the ladies really even paint those scenes? 
Melissa is enjoying acting butt hurt over the wedding. Joe too. So Louie only knew Bill a year, who cares? Teresa’s known them longer and they like Jen and Bill better than Joe and Melissa  It’s just tiresome to watch because at this point we know the wedding is more about Bravo than anything else.

Margaret is kind of brave trusting her friend to hang with Joe Benigno while she’s out of the country. They looked suspicious to me.

Why did Weird Beard bring up the rat thing at guys night? Rats husband and Joe Gorga calling Bill an afterthought kind of threw an edge on an otherwise nice guys night. What a couple of bitch boys.

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7 hours ago, funnygirl said:

This is Teresa's wedding. She can have whoever she wants in it, she can have whoever she wants on the guest list. Joe and Melissa chose not to be a part of it and they ultimately chose not to attend. How are they blaming Teresa for their own choices? It's insane. 

So much this.  The Gorgas continue to act so aggrieved but why? They've turned down every invitation and olive branch Teresa (and Louie) have extended to them to continually act like victims. Of what exactly? That they aren't the #1 focus in Teresa's life? That she didn't plan her entire wedding around them? Sick to death of hearing them complain about every little thing she does or says. It's her life, focus on your own.

Marge should remember how she got Joe B.  Wouldn't be surprised (and it would be karmic) if something did happened between him & Lexi. I find him smarmy as hell.  Speaking off, the Fuda guy is so unattractive. I can't even look straight at him. Not sure why there's always a guys night, guessing there's some clause in baby Joey's contract. Certainly an interesting location choice for the party. Who's the disheveled drug addict now, Marge?

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2 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Why did Weird Beard bring up the rat thing at guys night? R

Because since being friends with the Gorgas they’ve learned it’s best to never let anything go and continue to bring up stupid shit endlessly to get as much screen time as possible. And that’s all they got going right now (meaning being called a rat). 

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The show would have been so much better if they had the women sitting around getting high; They'd be all fired up about some alleged slight, then lose their train of thought mid-sentence and forget what they were arguing about. It would have been exponentially more entertaining and would have saved the airfare to Ireland,- we didn't get to see or enjoy any of it anyway.

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Melissa and Joe throw the word “hate” around too much. Teresa does not hate Antonia. Milania does not hate Antonia. They were just disappointed that she wasn’t at the party. Gia and Gabriella don’t hate Melissa and Joe for bad mouthing Juicy every chance they get. They are merely sticking up for their father and while they may be upset and angry by Gorga behavior, none of this is the vicious hate that they are being accused of.

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5 minutes ago, snarts said:

Forgot to add, I found it incredibly rude that they were wearing pajamas for Paul's family visit. It wasn't clear to me whether Dolores told them about it in advance but even she chose to wear a sweatsuit!  I was embarrassed for his family, how awkward they must've felt. I heard my grandma in head, talking about "getting ready to receive company"

I thought the same.  They dress to the nines for everything else, but not for this very important first impression.

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12 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Melissa: (not) Slainte. Is it so difficult to learn one word?

And the inevitable guys' party.

Jackie: in-credible source (which was Laura, Margaret's ex friend). Did she mean not credible?

Melissa shouldn't be upset. Bravo decided to film Teresa’s wedding well into the season, and it invited other HWs. She missed her chance to attend. 

Melissa's outfit at the ladies' last dinner is hideous. 

There are rumors this is the last season of the Gorgas. 

What Men hug each other Everytime they get together?  My husband is Italian, and they don’t do that.  
Goodbye Gorgas.  Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.    Is it a fact that this is the Gorgas last season?  I have nothing against them, but they have nothing of value except being Teresa’s brother and sister in law.

Edited by kristen111
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12 hours ago, ZettaK said:


Jackie: in-credible source (which was Laura, Margaret's ex friend). Did she mean not credible?


Incredible means impossible to believe, so I believe that Jackie used the term correctly.

12 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Melissa's outfit at the ladies' last dinner is hideous. 


That was one of the worst things I've seen any housewife wear.  She looked like a 1980's 42nd Street hooker.  Trashy and cheap looking.

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1 hour ago, snarts said:

Forgot to add, I found it incredibly rude that they were wearing pajamas for Paul's family visit. It wasn't clear to me whether Dolores told them about it in advance but even she chose to wear a sweatsuit!  I was embarrassed for his family, how awkward they must've felt. I heard my grandma in head, talking about "getting ready to receive company"

One of them (Danielle maybe?) did express some concern about the cast being in pajamas when Paul's family arrived so I got the impression that at least she was not previously made aware of the visit, but who knows.


5 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Melissa is enjoying acting butt hurt over the wedding. Joe too. So Louie only knew Bill a year, who cares? Teresa’s known them longer and they like Jen and Bill better than Joe and Melissa  It’s just tiresome to watch because at this point we know the wedding is more about Bravo than anything else.

How about little Joey scoffing and ridiculing Bill having been asked right to his face during boy's night. Like a child! Naturally the other Y-chromosome yentas chimed in. I still think those cast additions to the bridal party were completely producer driven anyway.  


2 hours ago, QQQQ said:

Loved what Margaret wore to dinner. So much better than the usual cleavage-to-navel outfits. That's all I have.

Wasn't there talk of her being on a weight loss drug?  I saw an article yesterday about hair loss being associated with at least one of the drugs. I noticed how very thin her hair looked during one scene while she wore it up and was wondering if that was the reason.  No wonder she had a wig or hair piece with her that was prominently displayed on a lampshade during one scene in the episode.


3 hours ago, snarts said:

Marge should remember how she got Joe B.  Wouldn't be surprised (and it would be karmic) if something did happened between him & Lexi. I find him smarmy as hell. 

I won't make any guesses about that but I do want to say that I don't get why Lexi keeps getting featured in episodes.  Is she filling in as a housekeeper in return for being allowed to stay with them? What happened to the little woman who used to fill that role, the one who really seemed to enjoy the cameras? 


56 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

That was one of the worst things I've seen any housewife wear.  She looked like a 1980's 42nd Street hooker.  Trashy and cheap looking.

Whatever she has done to herself has not been to her benefit.  She's looking really rough this season. The lips in the talking head clips are so inflated it appears she is having trouble speaking.  There have been a couple of times the camera has caught her looking really harsh and much older also.  As for the clothes?  Everyone in this franchise suffers, some more than others, but none of them an be called a really sharp dresser.

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3 hours ago, snarts said:

So much this.  The Gorgas continue to act so aggrieved but why? They've turned down every invitation and olive branch Teresa (and Louie) have extended to them to continually act like victims. Of what exactly? That they aren't the #1 focus in Teresa's life? That she didn't plan her entire wedding around them? Sick to death of hearing them complain about every little thing she does or says. It's her life, focus on your own.

Marge should remember how she got Joe B.  Wouldn't be surprised (and it would be karmic) if something did happened between him & Lexi. I find him smarmy as hell.  Speaking off, the Fuda guy is so unattractive. I can't even look straight at him. Not sure why there's always a guys night, guessing there's some clause in baby Joey's contract. Certainly an interesting location choice for the party. Who's the disheveled drug addict now, Marge?

I thought that was kind of weird, too.  Plus, whatever happened to that other lady who was Marge's housekeeper (I can't remember her name).  Shouldn't she have been the one setting up for the guys' night?  I also find Joe B. to be smarmy, and also, a bit of a shit stirrer, like his wife.  Of course, he had to bring up, in front of Joe Gorga, that Bill Aydin was asked to be in the wedding.  

And, agree 100% on the "disheveled drug addict" comment!!  If anyone constantly looks disheveled (and high) it's Joe Benigno.  To me, he always looks sloppy and like he needs a shower.  

Edited by njbchlover
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Paul's mom is cool. Loved her reaction to the calendar. 


I absolutely hated the hen thing. Why is it a business to let people chase them like that? Leave them be. They waaay over did the cock jokes too.


I don't buy the wedding timeline at all. I get they have Bravo footing the bill and Teresa probably would think of these last minute things but I just don't believe they're adding to the bridal party with less than a month to go, in terms of dresses/tux other arrangements. It was probably set a while ago but this is the story.


Joe Gorga pretending to be high was lame. He repeatedly says his nieces were raised with hate and his kids aren't but Joe literally accused Joe Giudice of putting Nonna and Nonno in the grave and one season started with Gia and Melania having an issue with him speaking to them like that via text and he flipped out when they wanted him to stop. I get why they don't wanna hear their dad trashed especially with claims he's the reason the grandparents are dead. He's their Dad no matter what he's done and Joe Gorga shouldn't be going off on him with an expectation of them to just take it. Then he calls Gia to get Teresa to put Melissa in the wedding even though he doesn't think she should get a say in if he goes off on their dad. I don't think they hate Joe and Melissa, I think they're fed up. I would be too. 

Edited by Gigi43
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1 minute ago, Gigi43 said:


Joe Gorga pretending to be high was lame. He repeatedly says his nieces were raised with hate and his kids aren't but Joe literally accused Joe Giudice of putting Nonna and Nonno in the grave and one season started with Gia and Melania having an issue with him speaking to them like that via text and he flipped out when they wanted him to stop. I get why they don't wanna hear their dad trashed especially with claims he's the reason the grandparents are dead. He's their Dad no matter what he's done and Joe Gorga shouldn't be going off on him with an expectation of them to just take it. Then he calls Gia to get Teresa to put Melissa in the wedding even though he doesn't think she should get a day in if he goes off on their dad. I don't think they hate Joe and Melissa, I think they're fed up. I would be too. 

It’s disgusting to say children were raised with hate. Truly, I think it’s an indictment I couldn’t forgive. It’s also patently untrue. Gia wrote a song begging for her family to reconcile. I’ve never seen anything but all the Giudice and Gorga kids getting along despite their family dysfunction. 
However, children grow up and become adults. They see things for what they are and they can then draw their own conclusions. 
I was like Gia. I had family members like the Gorgas who used, abused, and bad-mouthed by parents. I realized as an adult how toxic they were and how I was a pawn in their game. My parents never once asked me to “side” against or hate these relatives. They were heartbroken when I came to my own conclusion to remove these people from my life because their abhorrent behavior couldn’t be ignored or tolerated. 
I can tell that’s where the Giudice girls are. They understand now and they’ve seen too much. I don’t think anyone hates the Gorgas - but they are tired and fed up, and who could blame them? I don’t even think Mel hates Tre or Luis or the girls - she’s just playing the victim because she’s addicted to  attention and she must remain on the show.

Joe Gorga is the one filled with hate - for his sister, for Juicy, for his own father who saw him for the useless succubus he was, and likely for himself. He displays it clearly every time things don’t go his way and the females around him don’t kowtow to him and his ego. There’s a metric ton of footage over the past decade to illustrate this.

I hope the Giudice girls find peace, considering all they’ve endured. I do believe that will only happen away from their aunt and uncle, sadly. If a relative said I was raised with hate, I can guarantee they’d never get a chance to say another word to me.

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Hens are way better than gross oily men dancing. I would love to have chickens. However, I don't ever enjoy watching creatures get manhandled for entertainment. Fuck that farm (and all animal attractions like that). That said, it was kind of sweet that the farm guy thought a puppy would make a crying woman feel better. Also, get better paints, man -- it was all so dried out and faint on the wall. Reminded me of those crappy "art sets" I would get as a little kid!

The mud jumping made me laugh. Something about how they just plopped into it -- no splashing, no falling, no stumbling, just plunking on in there.

I just realized we have a Fuda Tile store about 2 minutes away from here. Maybe I should go there to see if I can get a glimpse of that beard in real life.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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4 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

They really didn't need to go to Ireland to do what they did.  What a waste of money and my time.  and @funnygirl - your comment is perfection!

I didn't understand why they did the farm thing. Isn't there anything more interesting they could do in Ireland?

Regarding the bridesmaids, since this is a second wedding for both of them and Theresa is like 50 years old why do they need a dozen or so bridesmaids? Couldn't she just have her daughters and maybe one friend? Louie could have his sons and a couple of other people.

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2 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

It’s disgusting to say children were raised with hate. Truly, I think it’s an indictment I couldn’t forgive. It’s also patently untrue. Gia wrote a song begging for her family to reconcile. I’ve never seen anything but all the Giudice and Gorga kids getting along despite their family dysfunction. 
However, children grow up and become adults. They see things for what they are and they can then draw their own conclusions. 
I was like Gia. I had family members like the Gorgas who used, abused, and bad-mouthed by parents. I realized as an adult how toxic they were and how I was a pawn in their game. My parents never once asked me to “side” against or hate these relatives. They were heartbroken when I came to my own conclusion to remove these people from my life because their abhorrent behavior couldn’t be ignored or tolerated. 
I can tell that’s where the Giudice girls are. They understand now and they’ve seen too much. I don’t think anyone hates the Gorgas - but they are tired and fed up, and who could blame them? I don’t even think Mel hates Tre or Luis or the girls - she’s just playing the victim because she’s addicted to  attention and she must remain on the show.

Joe Gorga is the one filled with hate - for his sister, for Juicy, for his own father who saw him for the useless succubus he was, and likely for himself. He displays it clearly every time things don’t go his way and the females around him don’t kowtow to him and his ego. There’s a metric ton of footage over the past decade to illustrate this.

I hope the Giudice girls find peace, considering all they’ve endured. I do believe that will only happen away from their aunt and uncle, sadly. If a relative said I was raised with hate, I can guarantee they’d never get a chance to say another word to me.

Love your post.  Joe is nothing but a little bitch.

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I think Melissa is very aware of the camera when it is on her. She seems to purposely put on a sad face and look forlorn because of the issues with the family. 

Also, I have noticed this season she dresses differently from the others at times. First time I noticed was at Theresa’s party where she came alone and she wore a simple shirt while the ladies were dressed to the nines.

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4 hours ago, Gigi43 said:

Paul's mom is cool. Loved her reaction to the calendar. 


Paul's Mom is awesome!  Loved her comment about "Do they think they look good?" - made me spew my iced tea!  Plus, her disdainful comment to Dolores - "THIS is your ex-husband?"  🤣

4 hours ago, Gigi43 said:


I don't buy the wedding timeline at all. I get they have Bravo footing the bill and Teresa probably would think of these last minute things but I just don't believe they're adding to the bridal party with less than a month to go, in terms of dresses/tux other arrangements. It was probably set a while ago but this is the story.


I think that the dynamic of the bridal party changed because Bravo decided to make a special episode(s) of the wedding.  There were probably stipulations that a certain number of housewives needed to be focused in order to get the whole thing filmed (and, probably supplemented by production to a degree.)  

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4 hours ago, Gigi43 said:


Joe Gorga pretending to be high was lame. He repeatedly says his nieces were raised with hate and his kids aren't but Joe literally accused Joe Giudice of putting Nonna and Nonno in the grave and one season started with Gia and Melania having an issue with him speaking to them like that via text and he flipped out when they wanted him to stop. I get why they don't wanna hear their dad trashed especially with claims he's the reason the grandparents are dead. He's their Dad no matter what he's done and Joe Gorga shouldn't be going off on him with an expectation of them to just take it. Then he calls Gia to get Teresa to put Melissa in the wedding even though he doesn't think she should get a say in if he goes off on their dad. I don't think they hate Joe and Melissa, I think they're fed up. I would be too. 

Joe Gorga was as sober as a judge, and just faking a high, as you said.  (I think that a lot of those guys were faking it, too).  I also think that again, Joe Gorga is just perpetuating this "fued" because he is really, deep down, totally jealous of his sister and probably has been for most of his life.  I think Nonno was probably very hard on Joe growing up, while Teresa was the apple of her father's eye.  Teresa becoming a breakout star on RHONJ was just another point of envy for him.  

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16 hours ago, Axie said:

Some of these people are old enough to be grandparents.  Enough with wanting to be in a wedding.  And, truth be told, if you’re over 30, nobody wants to be in a damn wedding.

Thank you! Teresa and her damn wedding is just so bleeping ridiculous. She's what...50? Second wedding no less and she's carrying on like a 22 year old marrying her college boyfriend. Good lord...give me a break.

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1 hour ago, amarante said:

And yet two D list celebrities managed to find this hideous outfit and wear it in public.

Where do they sell this stuff? I have never seen anything like it in a normal store


Maybe Bravo has some kind of deal with someone, somewhere. I only mention this because, a bunch of years ago, so many various Bravo people had a certain dress in various colors. It was a fairly conservative/bland, knee-length, and formfitting, and had cap sleeves (I think) and an asymmetrical V neck. I believe Caroline Manzo had it in black, someone else had it in pink, and someone else had it in blue/purple. I think I posted about it way back when!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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6 hours ago, kristen111 said:

What Men hug each other Everytime they get together?  My husband is Italian, and they don’t do that.  
Goodbye Gorgas.  Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.    Is it a fact that this is the Gorgas last season?  I have nothing against them, but they have nothing of value except being Teresa’s brother and sister in law.

A few years ago some of the men were making some side money doing "shows" around the country. "A Night with the Real Husbands" or something of the sort. Their whole shtick is that they're above all the petty women stuff, just ADORE each other and are amazing bros. But with cast changes it's probably harder to maintain the façade, so they're working harder to sell every get together as an Amazing Good Time!

I wasn't looking at the screen but I laughed when somebody pointed out that this was NOBODY'S first wedding, and the fuss was stupid. 

We only got to "know" Nonno and Nonna in old age, but there must have been some real awful stuff going on in the Gorga household to raise two rage monsters like Joe and Theresa.  Whatever Melissa's sins, they're trivial in comparison.

Bill continues to try to lose his medical  license or at least his client list, participating in the pot thing. Nothing against recreational marijuana, but I don't want to suspect that the guy about to open my face might be feeling extra relaxed.

The previews of Frank next week... yikes!  He's really spent the last 25 years convinced he got away with blowing up yet keeping his nuclear family and he was going to have his cake and eat it too for the rest of his life.  

Edited by kassa
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2 minutes ago, kassa said:

A few years ago some of the men were making some side money doing "shows" around the country. "A Night with the Real Husbands" or something of the sort. Their whole shtick is that they're above all the petty women stuff, just ADORE each other and are amazing bros. But with cast changes it's probably harder to maintain the façade, so they're working harder to sell every get together as an Amazing Good Time!

I wasn't looking at the screen but I laughed when somebody pointed out that this was NOBODY'S first wedding, and the fuss was stupid. 

We only got to "know" Nonno and Nonna in old age, but there must have been some real awful stuff going on in the Gorga household to raise two rage monsters like Joe and Theresa.  Whatever Melissa's sins, they're trivial in comparison.

Bill continues to try to lose his medical  license or at least his client list, participating in the pot thing. Nothing against recreational marijuana, but I don't want to suspect that the guy about to open my face might be feeling extra relaxed.

I don’t care if people use pot but I don’t want my doctor (Bill) or my investment advisor (Evan) using it. But I don’t think we actually saw either of them partaking. They were just there.

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1 hour ago, amarante said:

And yet two D list celebrities managed to find this hideous outfit and wear it in public.

Where do they sell this stuff? I have never seen anything like it in a normal store


I guess I'm just too old or out of touch with modern fashion, but this dress looks so hideous to me.  The fabric looks cheaper than Luann De Lessep's blue sparkly reunion dress and I don't think the dress does either of these women (is that LaLa Kent from VPR?) any favors in the bodice/bust area.  There is just too much going on - the puffy, ruched sleeves, the cut outs, the side ruching, lack of bust support and horribly contrasting colors.  If any of you are Project Runway fans, I would love to hear Nina Garcia, Michael Kors' (current and past judges) thoughts on this.

I just asked my daughter-in-law (she's in her late 20's) what she thought of the dress and she thought it was great.  I was surprised because my DIL is a more conservative and not flashy dresser.  

If you look on Envy's website, there are quite a few cut-out dresses similar to this, so I guess it's a thing.  I'll bet we'll be seeing lots of young girls with similar iterations of this style for junior/senior prom dresses. 

Edited by njbchlover
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50 minutes ago, kassa said:

Bill continues to try to lose his medical  license or at least his client list, participating in the pot thing. Nothing against recreational marijuana, but I don't want to suspect that the guy about to open my face might be feeling extra relaxed.

 You really think most doctors aren't partaking in alcohol, marijuana or worse in their off hours? Hahahaha. Are you also shocked & surprised if you see your child's teacher at the bar?  They're not saints, it's how they've chosen to make a living.

1 hour ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

Thank you! Teresa and her damn wedding is just so bleeping ridiculous. She's what...50? Second wedding no less and she's carrying on like a 22 year old marrying her college boyfriend. Good lord...give me a break.

Interesting, I don't see much carrying on at all from Teresa.  She wanted a smallish backyard wedding. Louie wanted it to be a bit bigger. Bravo then swooped in with a wedding special offer. Hard to turn down that $$$!

Teresa herself really doesn't even mention it much, it's the others who have been co-opting the wedding and invites for their storyline. 

Edited by snarts
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