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S02.E18: Teacher Appreciation

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Hahahaha, that ending. Poor Barbara :p. 

Also loved everyone teasing Gregory about his hat at the beginning. And I got a good laugh out of Gregory and Jacob trying to figure out what "BYOBG" meant, too XD. "Black Gregory?" 

But wow, yeah, talk about a night and day difference between Janine and Ayesha. I feel like most, if not all, women watching this who have a sister could relate to their big fight on some level. I know I certainly could. Now we've met Ayesha, I imagine it won't be long before we meet their mom, too. Would be interesting to see how that would play out, especially if all three of them were together at the same time. I was starting to wonder there for a time if Ayesha would find out about Janine and Gregory's flirtation/kiss. It's only a matter of time before someone else finds out, after all. 

As for the "Teacher Appreciation Day" storyline, I can sympathize with the teachers' more cynical attitudes about why that exists, but I did like seeing the gifts the kids brought them, and how they reacted to them :). 

The news about Legendary, though. Uh-oh :(. 

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I didn't like the sister. I know we're probably supposed to feel bad for her and sympathize, but I dont care, she was a hard no for me. Ten seconds after she walks in to Janine's place (which is a lot cuter than I remember) and starts silently judging it and then ditches her sister/host for friends? Fuck that. And I already know I'm not going to like the mom.


I know nothing about basketball, are the Sixers a good team? 

BYOBG is being your own black Gregory. That was funny.

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4 hours ago, Annber03 said:

And I got a good laugh out of Gregory and Jacob trying to figure out what "BYOBG" meant, too XD.

It seems like Janine was hosting a Board Game Night without any board games.

I was also surprised to see that the teachers' lounge has a dishwasher. I wonder who unloads it after someone else decides to run it.

4 hours ago, Annber03 said:

It's only a matter of time before someone else finds out, after all.

Erica clearly knows. (And Mo.) But you likely meant someone who works at the school. Jacob's head would explode if his "best friend" Gregory were to tell him. 

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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41 minutes ago, callie lee 29 said:

I didn't like the sister. I know we're probably supposed to feel bad for her and sympathize, but I dont care, she was a hard no for me. Ten seconds after she walks in to Janine's place (which is a lot cuter than I remember) and starts silently judging it and then ditches her sister/host for friends? Fuck that. And I already know I'm not going to like the mom.


I know nothing about basketball, are the Sixers a good team? 

BYOBG is being your own black Gregory. That was funny.

I agree it was rude of Ayesha to ditch her first night back. It also wasn't fair of her to be jealous of Janine getting into and getting good grades at Penn isn't easy. The sixers are a great team this year.

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2 hours ago, possibilities said:

I like hats. My opinion is that you can make any hat work if you wear it fully aware it's absurd. Gregory gave it a try, at least.

Mr. Johnson is probably the only man who could wear it all day long in school. I doubt a hat fits the classroom dress code for teachers (unless it's a religious head-covering.)

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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7 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

I was also surprised to see that the teachers' lounge has a dishwasher. I wonder who unloads it after someone else decides to run it.


"Lounge Duty" is usually assigned weekly to a specific grade level or hall. It's usually not a bone of contention except for the teachers who say they never use the lounge, so why do they have to clean it. I'm the building outlier, I don't drink coffee, yet when it's my turn, I unload the 30 coffee cups in the dishwasher without complaint.

One school I was at traded off between lounge duty and car rider duty. In winter months, a warm kitchen beats the cold car line.

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Love how this episode ran true with teacher appreciation gifts. I've received many coffee cups, lotion sets, Starbucks gift cards, flowers, picture frames and candy over the years. One year, best homeroom mom EVER got all parents who wanted to contribute in lieu of an individual gift to a Target gift card that I then spent on school supplies. Loved it! And at my site, we do lots of trading gifts with our team. Who needs 5 "Best Teacher Ever" mugs?

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I already know what Janine's mom is gonna be like from personal experience and I want to give Janine a hug and find her a replacement mom. I know she's goofy and needy but she has a really good heart and I want all the things for her, I don't care. 😭

I can't tell which one is supposed to be older, I think Ayesha? I was glad she came to visit Janine's classroom, you could tell it meant a lot to Janine. 

I love Erica, she is exactly the friend Janine needs. Her being messy about the teacher conference was hilarious and I'm wondering if she will be the one to spill the beans to Jacob in her messiness. I cannot wait for his reaction, y'all know it's gonna be epic! 😂

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2 hours ago, Badsamaritan said:

I can't tell which one is supposed to be older, I think Ayesha? I was glad she came to visit Janine's classroom, you could tell it meant a lot to Janine. 

I thought Janine said Ayesha was younger, but not sure now.

This article says younger also:


Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Poor Gregory, I really feel for him about trying a new thing with hats. I wore a red hat one day in college and my friends made fun of me for months. Those jokes were killing me though.

"You look like a park ranger from a cartoon Boooboo." Which was my first thought when I saw that hat, very Ranger Rick. 

We finally get to meet the often mentioned Ayesha, and you can really see the dynamics of their family playing out. Janine was the responsible kid in response to their moms chaos and neglect while Ayesha just left home and never looked back, and that understandably hurt poor love starved Janine. I do like that we got some of Ayesha's perspective and that they seemed to be making up by the end, but I wish that she had apologized for skipping out on Janine the first night and being a brat about it, its super rude to just dump your stuff at someone's house and then leave to hang out with other people right away. 

Erica is awesome, she's exactly the kind of friend Janine needs, she needs someone who's a ton of fun and loves some chaos. I cant wait for Jacob to find out that Gregory and Janine kissed, he is going to lose it. 

I'm not even a Sixers fan but they're having an amazing season, I would absolutely start an alliance with my fellow second floor teachers for tickets. I totally get why the teachers were rolling their eyes about Teacher Appreciation Week, but their cheap gifts given to them by students really were cute. 

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51 minutes ago, mojito said:

I believe she felt overshadowed by Janine's accomplishments and didn't feel encouraged to achieve as Janine was.

I'm starting a collection to purchase Barbara that gift card. Anyone in?

I understand her feeling overshadowed by Janine's accomplishments, but that's still no excuse for dumping all responsibility on Janine while you get to just check out and being a jerk to Janine. I'm Janine in my sibling relationship, and I got so tired of my sister playing the low self-esteem pity card whenever I called her out on being an asshole to me. Just because I was studious and made good grades doesn't mean you can't do the same, nor does it give you an excuse to treat me like crap. However, Janine also shouldn't use her being the responsible one to play the martyr and being afraid to live life, which Janine does.

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2 minutes ago, Book Junkie said:

I understand her feeling overshadowed by Janine's accomplishments, but that's still no excuse for dumping all responsibility on Janine while you get to just check out and being a jerk to Janine. I'm Janine in my sibling relationship, and I got so tired of my sister playing the low self-esteem pity card whenever I called her out on being an asshole to me. Just because I was studious and made good grades doesn't mean you can't do the same, nor does it give you an excuse to treat me like crap. However, Janine also shouldn't use her being the responsible one to play the martyr and being afraid to live life, which Janine does.

I don't think Janine is a martyr she's too optimistic for that. I do think she's a people pleaser because she never got validation from her mother.

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“Let’s not go down this path. It’s ugly…..kinda like that hat”. Well-done, Jacob!

Even Janine roasted Gregory about wearing that cast-off Pharrell hat. Ava even approved.

It did look (marginally) better on Mr. Johnson.

“That’s hatitude”.

I bet Mrs. Howard is the best smelling teacher at Abbott.

Just two tickets? Why Ava set them up like that?

Loved seeing all the other teachers in this episode.

So, here’s awkward Janine with her equally awkward sister, Ayesha.

Whereas Janine usually dresses like an old lady, Ayesha dresses like she got stranded in junior high.

Janine is an over-scheduler like Gregory. Another thing they have in common.

Ayesha’s not staying? Dayum, that’s awkward.

That science teacher, Mr. Morton, is a schemer and a conniver and he hates everybody. I hope they make him a regular.

“Somebody swing!”! Wow, they really turned on each other.

Hey, Erica!

Janine and Ayesha both need therapy. WHO IS THEIR MOTHER??!!

Jacob, baby, read the room.

Janine, honey. You chose to stay in Philly with your toxic mother. That’s on you.

Nice twist if we find out in the end that Mr. Johnson really is rich.

Of course, the science teacher refused to apologize. Of course, he did.

Awww, somebody give Barbara a gift card to BWW.



I’m not mad at Ayesa for leaving. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t believe in “making it work” with people who are damaging to me. I feel no obligation and have no compunction about leaving them right where they stand. With me, there's only so much bad behavior that I'm going to tolerate before I'm out the door. I don’t care who you are. 

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38 minutes ago, LydiaMoon1 said:

Whereas Janine usually dresses like an old lady, Ayesha dresses like she got stranded in junior high.

Yes, I noticed that, too. Ayesha gave off a vibe of looking and acting younger than her age.

Janine said that their mom "needed" her. I don't know if that means their mom has a mental or physical illness, or if she's just a difficult person. If it's the latter, then Janine needs some therapy to figure out why she feels she has to put up with it.

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3 of my sisters and a niece were all teachers at the same time and I couldn't wait for Christmas. They would all get those bath sets and every last one of them hated those so I was the lucky recipient. At one point my bathroom looked like a Bath and Body Works. Those were good times 😂

Janine's sister can walk upstairs with Judy Winslow, Chuck Cunningham and Angela the teacher's aide never to be seen again.

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1 hour ago, LydiaMoon1 said:

Nice twist if we find out in the end that Mr. Johnson really is rich.

I could totally see him in a Forrest Gump situation where he’s wealthy but does the janitor thing because he enjoys it and isn’t living off that income. He’s had like 18 other careers, maybe he’s got a lot socked away.

More of the teacher with the luscious lashes!

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1 hour ago, LydiaMoon1 said:

Just two tickets? Why Ava set them up like that?

And then she tried to set up Janine, by saying she would give the tickets to her.

Apparently, no one could vote for themselves in the ticket vote?  I wonder if everyone was honest about that (although it didn't affect the outcome.)

1 hour ago, LydiaMoon1 said:

Nice twist if we find out in the end that Mr. Johnson really is rich.

Didn't he say at one point "Don't be jealous of me because I'm rich?"  I would bet that he actually is, has made wise investments over the years, and keeps working because he likes to.


1 hour ago, LydiaMoon1 said:

Just two tickets? Why Ava set them up like that?

And then she tried to set up Janine, by saying she would give the tickets to her.

Apparently, no one could vote for themselves in the ticket vote?  I wonder if everyone was honest about that (although it didn't affect the outcome.)

1 hour ago, LydiaMoon1 said:

Nice twist if we find out in the end that Mr. Johnson really is rich.

Didn't he say at one point "Don't be jealous of me because I'm rich?"  I would bet that he actually is, has made wise investments over the years, and keeps working because he likes to.

8 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

I could totally see him in a Forrest Gump situation where he’s wealthy but does the janitor thing because he enjoys it and isn’t living off that income. He’s had like 18 other careers, maybe he’s got a lot socked away.


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15 hours ago, possibilities said:

I hope we see more of Darryl with the eyelashes.

47 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

More of the teacher with the luscious lashes!

And men really do have naturally luxurious lashes! And for why? They don't even need 'em! I want to speak to someone's manager about this. 

3 hours ago, meep.meep said:

She looked so tall next to Quinta!

Listen, there are 8th graders taller than Janine.  She's barely taller than her 1st graders.  It is so hilarious to me. (No offense to the vertically challenged)   


I'm ambivalent on Ayesha.  I know the actress from The Bear, but I think she was a miscast.  That said, it felt like the sisters were mutually envious. Made me wonder if the mother pitted them against each other as children. And what about the father? I don't recall if he's been mentioned. 

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9 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Nestor Carbonell, anyone? When you Google him the second suggestion is “Nestor Carbonell eyeliner” because his lashes are so dark and lush.

I saw him on some talk show where he joked that people were always teasing him about those eyelashes/eyeliner. 😂

Edited by Crashcourse
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4 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I could totally see him in a Forrest Gump situation where he’s wealthy but does the janitor thing because he enjoys it and isn’t living off that income. He’s had like 18 other careers, maybe he’s got a lot socked away.

More of the teacher with the luscious lashes!

I wouldn't mind finding out he has secretly paid for college tuition for kids he took a shine to throughout his stay at Abbott. I could totally see him doing that. And agreed, I think he keeps working because he likes it. And he likes working at the school and imparting his various conspiracy theories onto the next generations! 😁

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4 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

Please tell me I wasn't the only one who got teary eyed when Janine and Ayesha had their argument. And when besties Barbara and Melissa had their spat, I got so upset. Don't break up the band, ladies!

I found that scene very authentic and uncomfortable. The tension and hurt felt so real and fairly radiated through the screen. Both actresses were so good. What really sold it for me was the avoiding of eye contact and awkward, jerky movements of barely suppressed anger and pain. 

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18 hours ago, Book Junkie said:

I understand her feeling overshadowed by Janine's accomplishments, but that's still no excuse for dumping all responsibility on Janine while you get to just check out and being a jerk to Janine.

What responsibility did Ayesha dump on Janine, though - interacting with their (apparently horrible) mother?

it sounds very possible that cutting ties with the mother was the right move, and that Janine would be wise to do the same.

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3 hours ago, Blakeston said:

What responsibility did Ayesha dump on Janine, though - interacting with their (apparently horrible) mother?

it sounds very possible that cutting ties with the mother was the right move, and that Janine would be wise to do the same.

I think I misspoke. I don't think we've ever been told exactly what the deal was with the mother. It could be that as the older sister, Janine had to take on the responsibility of caring for her sister, otherwise they wouldn't be fed, bathed or clothed and would probably be taken away and put into the system. That's really the responsibility I was referring to, and I think Janine is upset because she always had to be the responsible one, and probably had to hear from her mom (and possibly others) what an exciting and interesting life Ayesha is living. No, that's not Ayesha's fault, but that's imperfect people for you. In any case, Ayesha was still being a brat by just ditching her sister immediately on arrival. I do think Janine is probably way more loyal and "attached" to her mother than she should be and does play the martyr, which is her own issues that she needs to get help for.

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I really liked the Janine and Ayesha thing because, even as the comments here show, there isn't really a good guy and a bad guy. People might project that one one or the other of them because of their own personal experiences, but I think the argument really just showed they are hurt and damaged in their own, valid, ways. I about cried at the end with Janine and "it kind of felt like you left me too"....now that the real issue is out there, I am hoping to see some growth in that area. The show has done a great job of showing how she has both grown and stayed stuck, it feels very real.

I like Mr. Johnson, but this episode was definitely one where I went "oh no, he's been Flanderized".

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52 minutes ago, Book Junkie said:

I think I misspoke. I don't think we've ever been told exactly what the deal was with the mother. It could be that as the older sister, Janine had to take on the responsibility of caring for her sister, otherwise they wouldn't be fed, bathed or clothed and would probably be taken away and put into the system. That's really the responsibility I was referring to, and I think Janine is upset because she always had to be the responsible one, and probably had to hear from her mom (and possibly others) what an exciting and interesting life Ayesha is living. No, that's not Ayesha's fault, but that's imperfect people for you. In any case, Ayesha was still being a brat by just ditching her sister immediately on arrival. I do think Janine is probably way more loyal and "attached" to her mother than she should be and does play the martyr, which is her own issues that she needs to get help for.

This is why I hope that we get more exposition on their mother. She could just simply be an emotional drain which can be as exhausting as having to deal with physical needs. Quinta, inquiring minds want to know! 

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I was pleasantly surprised by how Ayesha came across as such a normal person. A lesser show would have made her more of a cartoon. Like, it was rude when she showed up and immediately ran out on Janine, but it wasn't Ava-level rude where she proudly didn't care about anybody.

5 hours ago, Blakeston said:

What responsibility did Ayesha dump on Janine, though - interacting with their (apparently horrible) mother?

it sounds very possible that cutting ties with the mother was the right move, and that Janine would be wise to do the same.

That was my question too. I was surprised when Ayesha even went into all the stuff about not being as good as Janine, because I thought her "people move away from their hometown all the time" was enough. Why, exactly, is it bad that she moved away at all? It felt like that part of it was more Janine's thing of having some idea about people needing to do things because she puts that responsibility on herself. I kind of expected Ayesha to point out that she could leave too.

Then I figured I was maybe just not understanding things about their mother, but I still don't. It sounds like she's just chaotic and neglectful, and that Janine doesn't see her often herself, so I wasn't clear what responsibility she was taking for her.

"Indiana...Jones and the Temple of Bad Hats" is still cracking me up a day later. Also loved "I don't fuck with of Settlers of Canaan."

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4 hours ago, HappyBerry said:

I really liked the Janine and Ayesha thing because, even as the comments here show, there isn't really a good guy and a bad guy. People might project that one one or the other of them because of their own personal experiences, but I think the argument really just showed they are hurt and damaged in their own, valid, ways.

Totally agree - I thought the show was setting it up that Janine was actually the problem and her sister was the one with her life together, but I was surprised to see they are both damaged in different ways which really rings so true to what happens with siblings in real life. Nobody knows how to get to you like your family....

Being from California, that Drought board game hits a little too close to home, although maybe not since our state is about to float away.....

Who else expect Mr. Johnson to say "TRASH" when he asked where Gregory's hat belonged? ;-p

And more scenes with the entire faculty please - sometimes it feels like the school has six or seven teachers......

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5 hours ago, HappyBerry said:

I really liked the Janine and Ayesha thing because, even as the comments here show, there isn't really a good guy and a bad guy. People might project that one one or the other of them because of their own personal experiences, but I think the argument really just showed they are hurt and damaged in their own, valid, ways. I about cried at the end with Janine and "it kind of felt like you left me too"....now that the real issue is out there, I am hoping to see some growth in that area. The show has done a great job of showing how she has both grown and stayed stuck, it feels very real.

I did too.  At first I didn't think I was gonna like Ayesha too much, especially since it seemed like she was just using Janine's place as a place to crash while she hung out with other people and wasn't just there to see her sister and had falsely raised Janine's hopes.  But the argument, while not specifically telling us anything, changed my perspective on Ayesha and Janine a bit.  By the end I could see that neither was wrong, but both were damaged.

I love how this episode opened up so many more questions about Janine.  And  how we are getting little dribs and drabs of her backstory. I hate it when shows get too expositional.  This is letting the story come out in a more organic way.  I especially love that the show did have Janine or Ayesha spell out exactly what was wrong in their family so we the audience got the entire backstory.  That is not how people argue.  They knew their history, there was no need to explain it in that moment.  We will learn more I am sure.

4 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

I was surprised when Ayesha even went into all the stuff about not being as good as Janine, because I thought her "people move away from their hometown all the time" was enough. Why, exactly, is it bad that she moved away at all? It felt like that part of it was more Janine's thing of having some idea about people needing to do things because she puts that responsibility on herself. I kind of expected Ayesha to point out that she could leave too.

See, now, I read that "people move away from their hometown all the time" line -- especially the way she delivered the line -- as someone who feels guilty and are justifying something they did.  She is 100% correct that people move away from home, but the way she said it, imo, made me feel like she knew it was less moving away and more running away.

One little throwaway thing that I thought was a little funny and a little meta was when Janine made a stupid joke and Ayesha said something like "is that supposed to be comedy?"  Because of course Ayo Edibiri is on The Bear and the The Bear and Abbott have been competitors in the comedy categories during this award season, despite a lot of people wondering loudly if The Bear is actually a comedy.  Even Janelle James got in on that action and made a joke about The Bear in the comedy category when she was hosting the WGA awards last weekend.

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1 minute ago, DearEvette said:

See, now, I read that "people move away from their hometown all the time" line -- especially the way she delivered the line -- as someone who feels guilty and are justifying something they did.  She is 100% correct that people move away from home, but the way she said it, imo, made me feel like she knew it was less moving away and more running away.


That's a great point. That was good writing and acting, that while that might have been what I would have said from my perspective, the way she was saying it made it clear there was more to it that that and Ayesha was honest enough that she couldn't gaslight Janine about it. And of course Janine plowed right through it.

Not that Janine doesn't have her own issues, like we saw with their Facetime call a few eps back!

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32 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

The set is really small - more people and they'd be sitting in each other's laps.

When they had their hallway conversation, there was an extra teacher standing in the back of the group.  Not the eyelashes guy or Jacob's nemesis.

Yes, but my point is that you seldom see anyone coming into the break room, even if it's just to get something and leave.  I guess the teachers have lunch shifts, and we only see the main characters on their shift?

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On 3/9/2023 at 7:00 PM, rollacoaster said:

What really sold it for me was the avoiding of eye contact and awkward, jerky movements of barely suppressed anger and pain.

Ayesha runs because she's angry and doesn't know how to express her feelings or work through her childhood pain. Some people are bolters, some are fixers.

The best part of teacher appreciation day is the little givers with their shy sweet faces. My family member is an elementary public school teacher, and he has received key chains, homemade bookmarks, cologne, and a pocket dictionary. One memorable year he received a box of Band-Aids because he had cut himself shaving (from a tiny first-grader who clearly put some thought into it).

Edited by pasdetrois
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