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S27.E05: Week 5


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I feel like we missed parts of the conversation between Zach and Greer. She was rude with the whole "I don't have any more grace left to give tonight" when being sick was out of his control, but he didn't hear that until now and he's generally been gracious with the women. He seemed weirdly annoyed (although maybe he was just cranky and feeling crappy, I'm not a peach when sick). I wonder if Greer has just been bratty off-screen and he's kind of sick of her. I did hear him say in a recent interview that it was a red flag when the women sounded too rehearsed in conversations, so maybe that was it too. Anyway, it felt like we didn't get the whole story, especially since he gave her a rose. 

Kaity is my favorite, she's just nice and has a quiet confidence that I like. I loved how she was all "ooh what did you get? Are those Jimmy Choos?!" when Gabi came back instead of being jealous. I'd definitely want to see the haul too! 

There was absolutely not enough corgi footage for my liking. This episode should have been one hour of corgis and about ten minutes of Zoom/Covid. Give the people what they want, editors! 

Edited by SallyAlbright
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I think a chance to create your own scent could be very interesting, but until we have smell-o-vision, it was not very interesting to watch and I was cringing every time they said it smelled like something bad and then the camera panned over to the expert with the smile frozen on his face.  He must have been so happy when they left.  And the drunk girls twerking in front of the guard 🙄🙄🙄. That’s just stupid.

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So confused by the timing with COVID. How do they not all have it, between him and Gabi? 

I didn't mind Zach as Bachelor and think he's been pretty mature, but tonight...no.

Maybe he's sick and crabby, or we missed more convo with Greer, but I (how do you do, fellow kids) kind of got the ick. She's incredibly annoying but that was a huge overreaction on his part. How dare she bring up her career when he's trying to find a WIFE on a crappy reality dating show?

Maybe the producers did give him a sneak peek at some of her other moments during the week.

He comes off a little unforgiving at perceived slights. And at people he doesn't want to bone. He looked visibly pissed giving the rose to Greer; maybe the producers made him keep her.

Hopefully Greer just brings an excel of all her sales numbers to their next date.

I tip my cap to Kaity, who has to be the F1 or the next bachelorette lol.

London was lovely.

Edited by CrazyDog
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The awkwardness of the virtual cocktail party and rose ceremony felt like a throwback to March 2020 when most of us were trying to figure out Zoom.

There was so much blatant producer manipulation in this episode, from Gabi having to parade her shopping haul in front of the other women and Greer having her breakdown right in front of Gabi's room, to Kaity being chosen to deliver the gift basked and whisper sweet nothings to Zach through the door.

3 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

I think Zach was an asshole to Greer, and I don’t even like her. 

I agree, and it left a bad taste in my mouth after the way he treated Anastasia in the last episode. It seems to be a theme on this show that every time a woman lets on that she's passionate about her career she is vilified (unless it's a "do-gooder" career like nursing, non-profit work, etc).

Edited by chocolatine
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3 hours ago, rlc said:



OMG yes!!! Like wouldn't any of the women there have wanted the queen date?? Some people are so self involved, they're blind and sound really stupid.

I really loved Gabi, and Gabi with Whassisname. They fit well. But I see him lusting after the leggy blondes... I hold out little hope for any bachelor to find the One on this show, after watching since Day One, but he stands a better chance than most with his attitude.

Still. He was kinda mean to Greer -- she was just trying to sympathize. I figured he was already done with her with that reaction to her comment. She just comes off as immature. And a bit flighty. And really, really insecure. Dear, if you're that nervous before your video talk, maybe he's not the guy for you.

Really silly not to have Jesse hand out the roses by proxy. We're they that afraid the women would get confused and want to date him instead? It looked super lame to have them help themselves. People have been married by proxy, I'm sure they could get a rose that way.


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I had to rewind back to see why he was going off on Greer, and when I heard what she actually said all I could think is, what is wrong with you, Zach?  She mentioned work as the timing of her Covid but wasn’t elevating her job.  The whole point was that she understood the impact of Covid.  And your search for a partner is important, but you need to get a grip!  Lol

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9 hours ago, Melonie77 said:

Loved the Corgis but I don't think they were from the Queen's "royal bloodline" as Gabi kept repeating. Queen Elizabeth let her original line of dogs die out when she became older until one of her sons got her a couple of puppies after Prince Philip passed away.  

I don’t think they were claiming the dogs belonged to Queen Elizabeth, but maybe they were from the same breeder or someone somewhere got a pup from the same litter as hers, so then technically it’s the same bloodline. These pups were the Prince Henry spares of the bloodline?

If you saw “Gunther’s Millions” on Netflix, like the dogs who lived with the abusive breeder vs the dogs who lived in the mansion with the pop band/sex cult/future happiness master race? And, um, if you don’t know what I’m talking about and you’re bored enough, check out the “Gunther’s Millions” documentary on Netflix. It’s a wild ride!

Edited by JenE4
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I FFF'd (furiously fast-forwarded) through this dog's breakfast of an episode and don't feel I missed a thing.

-This was less a trip to London and more a string of lame tourist cliches from 4,289 camera shots of Tower Bridge to, God help us, the lamest tourist cliche of all, the open-top tour bus. There's a reason central London has a congestion charge and it isn't because of the foot traffic. Anyone voluntarily getting into any vehicle is asking for a frustrating, slow journey.

-The most cosmopolitan city in the world has a nearly unlimited number of activities, museums and historical sites and none of them involve driving past Big Ben - especially when you can already see it from your hotel room. Oxford St? Hyde Park? The Tate? Covent Garden? West End? Seven Dials? Canary Wharf? Shoreditch? A football match? Many of these are all certainly tourist-heavy but still more genuine and spontaneous than a guided tour. 

-Expecting cultural enrichment may be a fool's errand but it's hilarious that they try to dress up tacky spots elsewhere (eg Mexico) with musicians, dancers, etc. Meanwhile, London needs no staging and they're limiting themselves to what amounts to a school field trip.

-Dear gormless Bachelorettes: the guard isn't a guard. He isn't a soldier. He isn't standing outside a royal palace or residence. He's a prop. He's acting. We would try to give you the benefit of the doubt but most/all of you seem convinced despite the ratty, ill-fitting, obviously fake uniform. Real guards can and will stop you from making asses of yourselves and invading their personal space especially when you perform vulgar acts. But it's interesting that you revert to acting like teenagers in a pathetic bid for attention. We can only thank our stars they didn't also try to interact with one of the tiresome, ubiquitous 'living statues.'

-It's been a conscious and generally wise decision to avoid the issue du jour here but who is testing for covid well into 2022 and why? Why wasn't the test conducted before leaving, upon arrival etc? For a sick man Zach is remarkably spry. Why not test the Bachelorettes? If they also test positive then the damage is done - let them see Zach anyway in the old chicken pox-party way. If they test for antibodies - same drill. The 'protocol' is literally out of date in that it doesn't allow for contingencies, even the good ones. London lodgings aren't cheap but why not keep them there for a few days until his inevitable and quick recovery? It's not as if they're marooned at a remote mountain resort with nothing else to do. The editors can wait a day or two longer to put the season together.

-Sympathy for Zach is quickly running out as he makes not one but two rods for his own back in the form of Gabi, Professional Stalker, and Greer, who seems convinced she's a Disney princess based on the first impression rose and the second reel of the film has gone missing lost along with her prince.

Edited by Rainsong
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7 hours ago, Andromeda said:

Can you refresh my memory? What happened? I'd like to know his real feelings on women who work. Does he expect them to quit when they start a family?

Anastasia is a social media marketing manager, and he sent her home because of second-hand allegations that she talked about followers. He wouldn't even give her the benefit of the doubt that she was most likely talking about her work. If him kicking out Anastasia and berating Greer for talking about her work hadn't happened so close together, I probably wouldn't think much of it, but having that happen two episodes in a row definitely gives me pause. 

6 hours ago, Melonie77 said:


Check out Zach's Instagram post and what he wrote in the comments...

It looks like he's in a Meta office (parent company of Instagram and Facebook), hence the hashtag and quip about followers. Some of the Meta offices have a silly photo op room like the one he's in; the one I used to work at in Seattle has a room with everything upside down, so when you take a picture in it it looks like you're in zero gravity. 

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Truly the most dramatic season of the bachelor yet, an entire week of dating in London waylaid by illness! Oh the pathos! Oh the torment! Oh the bagpipes!  Oh the awkward Zoom dates! 

Of course we have to hit up every super stereotypical London thing to do, but we also got to see corgis so I cant complain. More corgis! Always more corgis! I have mostly found Gabi to be sort of bland and whiny, but I thought she was pretty fun on the date, she and Zach seemed to really be hitting it off, they seem to have similar senses of humor. I think my favorite part though was the perfume guy just barley resisting the urge to roll his eyes while they jokes about the perfumes smelling like weed, I always love watching the expressions of the professionals they drag into these dates, their expressions ranging from bemusement to barley concealed contempt to camera hog. 

I really cant tell if Gabi was trying to rub in her gifts or if she was asked by producers to show off her gifts, or was just excited and wanted to see her cool new stuff without any malicious intentions, but wow did some of the other girls not handle that well. Greer looked like she was eating lemons even before she ran off to cry, which I always find to be such a weird reaction on this show. I can get being rather salty about one girl getting the luxury brand shoes as part of her date, but she does know what this show is, right? Zach's dating everyone, not just her. 

I guess because we were in London we didn't get our customary "unknown country singer who's contract is also owned by the network" singer for the one on one. Thanks Ghosts!  

All of the girls endlessly whining about Zach being sick was not a great look, its not like Zach deliberately didn't show up for the date, he had COVID, what do they want? Being upset about the situation is understandable, but its less understandable to be mad at Zach and acted like he stood them up. Especially Greer, who was about to start throwing hands. "cant give him grace?" What? He has COVID! This isn't just some cocktail party that got canceled because the bachelor/ette was upset about a wrong reasons accusation, this is an actual medical issue, its not his fault. 

Also, I had no idea that Greer had a monopoly on all tea! Doesn't Zach know that Greer likes tea? Has a tea tattoo? That her family bonds over tea? Tea is more important to her than it is to any other person on the planet, how could Zach NOT give her the tea date?! She is the only person who could possibly deserve to have tea! 

That being said, I think that Zach was needlessly mean to her on their Zoom date. She was clearly just trying to show sympathy for him and what he was going through, it was actually sad seeing her face fall while he snapped at her for just trying to say she gets that having COVID when your busy sucks. Maybe he was just in a bad mood because he was sick? Or saw some of the footage of her being bratty earlier? I don't even like Greer and I still felt bad for her. 

I think that Kaity is my favorite so far, she seems so sweet and very confident in herself. She looked so truly excited to see all of Gabi's swag while everyone else just wallowed in jealousy. 

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1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

Anastasia is a social media marketing manager, and he sent her home because of second-hand allegations that she talked about followers. He wouldn't even give her the benefit of the doubt that she was most likely talking about her work. If him kicking out Anastasia and berating Greer for talking about her work hadn't happened so close together, I probably wouldn't think much of it, but having that happen two episodes in a row definitely gives me pause. 

It looks like he's in a Meta office (parent company of Instagram and Facebook), hence the hashtag and quip about followers. Some of the Meta offices have a silly photo op room like the one he's in; the one I used to work at in Seattle has a room with everything upside down, so when you take a picture in it it looks like you're in zero gravity. 

Yep, that's the Meta office in NYC. Zach did an interview or some sort of promo there last week. 

As for Anastasia, I do think his instincts were correct about her based on a glance at her social media. My favorite is the staged photo of her naked in the bathtub, covered in bubbles and laughing like she's just heard something hilarious while holding champagne and with flowers and candles around her. I'm picturing her alone, setting up that staged scene on a tripod in her bathroom and then jumping into the tub 😂

Edited by SallyAlbright
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1 hour ago, SallyAlbright said:

Yep, that's the Meta office in NYC. Zach did an interview or some sort of promo there last week. 

As for Anastasia, I do think his instincts were correct about her based on a glance at her social media. My favorite is the staged photo of her naked in the bathtub, covered in bubbles and laughing like she's just heard something hilarious while holding champagne and with flowers and candles around her. I'm picturing her alone, setting up that staged scene on a tripod in her bathroom and then jumping into the tub 😂

Yes, isn't it funny sometimes when you see photos on social media you then realize someone had to set up and take the pic.  Even something as mundane as Reese Witherspoon having a moment with her son--it looks natural as if someone just took the pic, but the reality is that it was most likely set up by her as no one else was around but those in the pic :-)  

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6 hours ago, JenE4 said:

I don’t think they were claiming the dogs belonged to Queen Elizabeth, but maybe they were from the same breeder or someone somewhere got a pup from the same litter as hers, so then technically it’s the same bloodline. These pups were the Prince Henry spares of the bloodline?

If you saw “Gunther’s Millions” on Netflix, like the dogs who lived with the abusive breeder vs the dogs who lived in the mansion with the pop band/sex cult/future happiness master race? And, um, if you don’t know what I’m talking about and you’re bored enough, check out the “Gunther’s Millions” documentary on Netflix. It’s a wild ride!

I'm not sure...I thought all the Queen's Corgis were descended from one dog, 'Susan' that she received as a gift when she was a teenager. But I know she also had Dorgis - a Corgi and Dachshund mix. LOL at the idea of the "spare" corgis"!
Wherever those dogs came from on last night's show you could tell they were used to greeting and meeting with people. That was probably a tourist place open to visit for a royal experience. Gabi sure got a fabulous date!👑

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I really had a hard time with Zach telling Gabi over and over how gorgeous she is. I mean, none of these girls are unattractive, but Gabi isn't at the top of my list. Personally I think Kaiti (sp?) is gorgeous, as is Ariel. I guess he really likes her!

And I just have a seriously hard time with (I know) the whole premise of the show. Like him saying that his future wife is in this room. Like "one of you awesome gals- I like you ALL!" 

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Every week I'm genuinely surprised at how many people on this board seem to like Zach. I disliked him intensely on Bachelorette and am liking him even less over here. To me he's a narcissist without a genuine bone in his body and his behavior last night really spoke to that. It started with his "They must be having such a terrible time without me" comment. Like okay, dude. 🙄 And then the way he spoke to Greer was so cruel. Anyone with half an ounce of sense could see that she was (albeit clumsily) trying to empathize with him by sharing her COVID story but he had to make her feel stupid by turning it into "my JOURNEY for my WIFE is more important than some JOB." I felt really sorry for her. And this is coming from someone who up until that moment had been hysterically laughing all episode at her distress over every little thing. (I was on the floor when Gabi came toddling down the hall with all her bags, stepped over the two girls, and then came back because they were actually in front of her door. Hilarious, show.) I agree with everyone that said there's no way he wanted to give a rose to Greer. He made no effort to hide his fury when he called her name and he was utterly expressionless when she came up to get her rose and when Jesse was congratulating everyone. Every time Zach talks to the women, his eyes go dead and it seems to me he's only listening as much as he has to in order to formulate a response that makes him look like a nice guy, not because he really feels anything for what they're saying. It bothers me, too, how he speaks of Rachel with such vitriol, mostly because a) I don't believe for a second that she was the only who revealed her true colors behind the closed doors of the fantasy suite; and b) I think his end goal the entire time was to become the Bachelor so he ultimately got what he wanted.

On a side note, the girls certainly did not present their best sides last night either. Not one of them expressed any sort of concern over Zach's health when Jesse let them know Zach tested positive. It was all about how upset they were that he couldn't hang out with them. The blatant "How dare he be sick?" attitudes were. . . not exactly a good look, ladies.

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I’m going to cut Zack some slack. How frustrated he had to be to contract Covid in London, possibly the trip of his lifetime, and with women clamoring for him. I’d say that’s a pretty once in a lifetime situation as well. 
Unlike some of you, I think Zack is surprised to find himself The Bachelor. When I compare his introduction on The Bachelorette, I see a stark difference with the Zack we see now. He was nervously uncomfortable meeting the 5 ladies. I think he got some excellent advice (from Puddy?) to chill and own his new found celebrity. 

I don’t think he played himself into being The Bachelor. I don’t think he ever imagined getting this far into the franchise. He doesn’t fit the typical B.  

For these reasons coupled with feeling awful, and possibly not being into Greer, I think his snappiness was not his typical behavior. 
I’m calling this strike one. I’m not calling him out YET. 


Edited by MissPriss
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1 hour ago, JenLily said:

Every week I'm genuinely surprised at how many people on this board seem to like Zach. I disliked him intensely on Bachelorette and am liking him even less over here. To me he's a narcissist without a genuine bone in his body and his behavior last night really spoke to that. It started with his "They must be having such a terrible time without me" comment. Like okay, dude. 🙄 And then the way he spoke to Greer was so cruel. Anyone with half an ounce of sense could see that she was (albeit clumsily) trying to empathize with him by sharing her COVID story but he had to make her feel stupid by turning it into "my JOURNEY for my WIFE is more important than some JOB." I felt really sorry for her. And this is coming from someone who up until that moment had been hysterically laughing all episode at her distress over every little thing. (I was on the floor when Gabi came toddling down the hall with all her bags, stepped over the two girls, and then came back because they were actually in front of her door. Hilarious, show.) I agree with everyone that said there's no way he wanted to give a rose to Greer. He made no effort to hide his fury when he called her name and he was utterly expressionless when she came up to get her rose and when Jesse was congratulating everyone. Every time Zach talks to the women, his eyes go dead and it seems to me he's only listening as much as he has to in order to formulate a response that makes him look like a nice guy, not because he really feels anything for what they're saying. It bothers me, too, how he speaks of Rachel with such vitriol, mostly because a) I don't believe for a second that she was the only who revealed her true colors behind the closed doors of the fantasy suite; and b) I think his end goal the entire time was to become the Bachelor so he ultimately got what he wanted.

On a side note, the girls certainly did not present their best sides last night either. Not one of them expressed any sort of concern over Zach's health when Jesse let them know Zach tested positive. It was all about how upset they were that he couldn't hang out with them. The blatant "How dare he be sick?" attitudes were. . . not exactly a good look, ladies.

Thanks for sharing your perspective. It is always interesting for me to hear what others see on this show. 

I don't see dead eyes from Zach, I think he actually looks interested, but now I want to look closer. 

I do think something was left out of the Greer conversation. Greer was on my last nerve last night with all her whining, so I didn't mind that he snapped at her, but I want to listen to it again. 

Overall, I'm really enjoying this season. I really like Kaity. Not sure what he sees in Gabi. Sometimes she looks really good and other times her hair is so limp and 70s it drags her down. Glad Kylee (was that her name?) is gone and that Mercedes is too -- since I swear I hadn't even seen her before last week. We need to cull the herd. 



Edited by jackjill89
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3 hours ago, Melonie77 said:

I'm not sure...I thought all the Queen's Corgis were descended from one dog, 'Susan' that she received as a gift when she was a teenager. But I know she also had Dorgis - a Corgi and Dachshund mix. LOL at the idea of the "spare" corgis"!
Wherever those dogs came from on last night's show you could tell they were used to greeting and meeting with people. That was probably a tourist place open to visit for a royal experience. Gabi sure got a fabulous date!👑

All her dogs were descended from Susan, but the original poster is right.  She decided to stop having pups because she knew she probably didn’t have many years left and didn’t want them left alone.  But when her husband died, her son Andrew thought getting her the new pups would give her something to focus on.  She had also adopted another Corgi a few years back that had since died…her and her groundskeeper and used to walk their Corgis together.  When he died, she adopted his dog. 

And the doxies…it was her late sister Princess Margaret who owned the Dachshunds who got frisky.  

1 hour ago, dleighg said:

@JenLily I agree with everything you've said above. Especially the cruelty to Greer. She was awkward, sure, trying to find some common ground. He really went overboard on the criticism of her. 

I don’t even like Greer, but I was on her side and thought he over reacted. 

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14 minutes ago, phlebas said:

Oh, mine either. I'm a Jess Guy. But Gabi has really pretty eyes.



I don’t think Gabi’s beautiful . If I saw her on the street I’d think she’s cute but nothing out of this world . I think she looks better in pictures than she does in real life . But I do think if she changed her hair ( lightened it up , cut it and even wore a headband ,) she’d look much better . All I see when I look at her is dimples and hair . 

I think this is the best looking group of girls this shows had in a while and they      (mostly ) all seem like decent people . Kaity is very pretty but her and Kat look Interchangeable to me . Would their perfume together be  Kaity Kat ? 😂

I like Zach for the most part , though I did think he was an asshole to Greer . I’m also pretty sure her career is more important than his probable 6 week - 2 month engagement but that’s whatever . 
I think it’s hard to be a perfect lead . You’re bound to have an imperfect moment and that one moment can make people really dislike you to the point of no going back . He’s doing a good job and certainly much better than bachelors before him . I do think he is very aware of the cameras and what he’s being portrayed as on tv but I think that’s a good thing . That takes self- awareness and I think it’s nice to see someone who is image conscious . 

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21 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

I think Zach was an asshole to Greer, and I don’t even like her. I continue to wonder what happened in the FS with Rachel last season and when I see his barely contained condescension toward Greer tonight I wonder… did he pull some shit like that with Rachel? I’ve mostly liked him but I’m starting to see some rigidity and condescension that makes me pause. 

He was rude. I hate that they have a formula where some girl is sniveling and telling the camera what she could have done better and how she’ll die if she doesn’t get the rose…… and she gets the last rose.   

Greer is holding on for the vacations, not goofy Zach.  

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I’m kind of in the middle on Zach. I don’t like the way he has to make out with every woman, even the ones he is sending home 10 minutes later. Not all the bachelor’s make out with everyone or have their hand on the woman’s thigh. There is no reason why a woman can’t mention her job although you usually don’t hear any of the cast talk about work unless the lead has a job like a pilot and then it’s talked about constantly.

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Am I the only one wondering why the show couldn’t have just delayed this all for one week. I don’t know the shooting schedule, but you’d think they would have extra days built in for this sort of thing, especially since Covid.  And I agree that Gabi should have been sequestered. Which makes me think there must be days between these dates. And I did laugh when the girls were all whining about missing their dates and how much it sucked and no one seemed particularly concerned about Zach.  

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How did I hate this episode? Let me count the ways….

I don’t like Gabi at all, and hurray if Zach finds her beautiful but I think she’s the plainest one there…giant chin and all.

A houseful of nurses,  but they’re not worried that Zach has a contagious disease that has killed many people…no, they’re all pissed that he can’t be with them and it’s ruining London for them.

On that note, all these women with their free trip to London and lack of enthusiasm for it once Zach can’t come out to play. 

Greer thinking that Zach remembers the detail that she is the original tea party, that she has a tea tattoo, that her family bonds over tea. I’m sure he has heard a thousand throwaway comments from all the women. If he likes you, he’ll file it in his memory. If not, not. 

Despite Greer being annoying and complaining for the entire episode, Zach was on his high horse during their Zoom. She was just desperate to relate to him somehow, and was trying to empathize with him regarding getting Covid at a critical time. 

Gabi kissing him and being near him when he had incipient Covid, and yet she wasn’t isolated as a close contact?

The too, too, too many stabs at a British accent. Cute for a second and then no more. 

I would have liked to have seen Mercedes on more than just her swan song episode. I don’t think we’ve heard from her at all before now.

Even though that wasn’t an actual royal guard, the twerking was annoying. 

I like Kaity and I know it’s producer shenanigans, but if the boy has Covid, let him rest! 





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Zach isn't perfect, but he seems to be a decent guy.  We've had some doozies as the Bachelor, and he isn't one of them.  I am usually multi-tasking while watching the show, which is probably why I don't know the ladies.  I was shocked when he called Ariel, because I don't remember ever seeing her before.  Anyway, I just wanted to say that the Bachelorette who was twerking in front of the guardsman should be ashamed of herself.  Her parents must be so proud.  

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16 hours ago, chocolatine said:

It looks like he's in a Meta office (parent company of Instagram and Facebook), hence the hashtag and quip about followers. Some of the Meta offices have a silly photo op room like the one he's in; the one I used to work at in Seattle has a room with everything upside down, so when you take a picture in it it looks like you're in zero gravity. 

Yeah, I thought it was funny how he mentioned followers right after the whole Anastasia incident.
I feel bad for Zach that he's not getting much engagement on Instagram and what little he's getting is negative. He seems to be trying to accept it w/ humor.

I still like the guy despite what happened with Greer this week. I admit that his reaction was odd and I didn't think there was anything wrong with what she said, but maybe some of it was cut or he was just tired of her self-absorbed attitude? It really is odd that he hasn't paid much attention to her despite having given her the first impression rose.

I do think Zach is quite good-looking. He's not my type but he is a handsome guy, photographs well and is tall enough to model. Check out this photo from London:



Edited by Melonie77
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On 2/20/2023 at 10:41 PM, Melonie77 said:

Loved the Corgis but I don't think they were from the Queen's "royal bloodline" as Gabi kept repeating. Queen Elizabeth let her original line of dogs die out when she became older until one of her sons got her a couple of puppies after Prince Philip passed away.


9 hours ago, DEL901 said:

All her dogs were descended from Susan, but the original poster is right.

That was me! I loved the Queen's Corgis and how they followed her everywhere. They even co-starred in the Jame Bond Olympics skit she did a few years ago.
The Dorgis are cute too. They made a good mix!

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5 hours ago, Arkay said:

I like Kaity and I know it’s producer shenanigans, but if the boy has Covid, let him rest!

What was that all about? I mean, she must get some special permission to go find his room, right? And what shopping trip did she go on to find his goodie basket? (Which they didn't really show us what was in it-- seemed to be some Union Jack themed stuff). So you think some assistant producer gave her a basket and directions to his room and sent along a camera-guy? What do the other girls think? It's all secret?

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Speaking of Gabi, I am enjoying this recent trend of casting a woman who doesn't immediately stand out with the lead, comes off as a big nutball, then emerges as a serious contender. Of course, that lead is never worthy of her, but that's not a shock. That happens when you cast the same tired jock every time.

I look forward to meeting, I don't know, Ghabi on the next Bachelor. We need more ladies from India anyway.

Good luck on DWTS, Gabi!


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So far this has been a lukewarm season for me. I’m bored. I guess I like Kaity the best with Zach, but I don’t really care. I’m fast-forwarding through a lot. 

Given how many women he has kissed, I’m surprised they don’t all have Covid. I didn’t notice his hand on the thigh move until someone pointed it out, but now I can’t unsee it. It creeps me out because he does it with so many of the women. 

Greer was immature and dramatic, but Zach was a sanctimonious jerk to her. No need for him to treat her way. 

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12 hours ago, Arkay said:

I like Kaity and I know it’s producer shenanigans, but if the boy has Covid, let him rest! 

I know rest is super important, but when I had it, I was going stir crazy.  Slept about half the time, looked for something to do the rest of the time. I would have loved having some hottie to talk to through a door.

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