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S10.E11: Fraz-zzled


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When Fraser gave Alissa the authority to command the other stews when he isn’t around, he created a monster.  The way she was ordering Hayley around about cleaning the bathrooms early in this episode made me angry and Fraser was right there.  Alissa is also talking too much crap in front of the guests and apparently in ear shot of Sandy as well.

Because of the hair in the food on Below Deck Adventure, I really appreciate that Chef Rachel usually wears her hair pulled tightly back and often with a headband or scarf to keep everything in place.

Edited by Emmeline
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Like a deckhand with a hidden talent, these comments are in the order of the episode scenes broadcast.

It wouldn’t be morning on the boat without a session of Tony grunting!

Fraser says he wants to do better when talking with Rachel, but when the new Stew asks him should all the beds be ironed, Fraser says he’s OK with shortcuts “as long as it looks good”.  Not exactly consistent with the best of service, eh?

Now Alissa has her sights on Hayley.  Didn’t think it would take long for Alissa to show her true colours.

I hate to admit it, but Captain Queeg is right when she points out Fraser is not doing a good job.  Fraser takes it personally, regarding the tasks he’s taking on since his crew won’t or can’t do them – he’s not doing a bad job at his cleaning/service tasks, but he *is* doing a bad job as HOD for the interior crew.  In the interest of full disclosure, it took me many years to learn how to delegate/train rather than taking on tasks myself in my job, but when you get to certain levels, your days of cleaning the toilet yourself are over and you must train up the next generation.  And as if to prove the point, the new deckhand/stew is working hard doing laundry while Fraser and Hayley are playing fart games.

Rachel asked the interior to set up the bar area with snacks, etc., before the guests arrived.  Alissa said she’d ‘handle it.”  Apparently, “handle it” means tossing out a bowl of crisps.  And then Alissa complains in front of the guests!  What a snake. 

Fraser is right when he supposes, since Camille’s firing, that Alissa has developed an attitude of doing whatever she wants – for example, making personal phone calls in the middle of work or yawning in Fraser’s face as he tries to give her instructions.  Alissa thinks she’s a shark of some sort, but the rest of the crew are bigger fish and have recognised her for what she is. 

Captain Queeg says she’s “not going to get involved in Fraser’s decisions” because he needs to learn from mistakes he makes.  Thing is, this isn’t a training boat – you’re there to provide a top experience for the guests.  I suspect if Captain Lee were there, we’d be hearing something like “there’s better be improvement or I’m gonna be making changes and handing out plane tickets.”  Queeg is no better at managing her HOD than they are at managing their crew.

And with perfect symmetry, we end the episode as it began -- with Tony grunting.

What will happen next week?  Will Ross get drunk and put off Katie (again)?  Will Alissa take the trash out?  Will Captain Queeg take the trash out and clean house with the interior crew?  Stay tuned, and stay under cover!

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Honestly I am more angry at Alissa on WWH than the show.  she was so full of shit it's amazing.  Her whole "I was there to work and then this happened was a crock."  Shame on your Andy for allowing her to get away with that.  She was a HUGE problem on this show and you let her get away with it all.  Ugh and allowing butt kisser Kyle on with her agreeing she was so great too.  Good grief!  This woman was a huge problem on this boat.  We found out after Camille was fired how bad she was.   I was fooled by Alissa but she needs to be called out.  She is the cause of everything on this. Alissa was the worst.

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How hard would it have been for Sandy  to ask Fraser to stay for a minute after the pref sheet meeting and talk some specifics with him then instead of calling him out in front of his peers? And how hard would it have been to give him some specifics instead of saying, "Turn them around"? 

Katie, Katie, Katie . . . you revealed that you'd already been with a cheater before. Stop letting Ross walk all over you. He had a chance to redeem himself and didn't. You're better than this. 

Alissa's actions on WWH made it pretty clear that she wasn't there to work, no matter what she said. She wanted to develop a career in something other than yachting. 

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Any Captain on the BD franchises wants the HOD to handle the situation or at least bring problems to their attention.

Fraser never did that. When Sandy learned about the disharmony between Camille and Alissa Fraser commented it has been going on since day one. That is not what a Captain wants to hear this far into a season.

Fraser pretended all was well, when it wasn't. Hide it. Ran from it. Did not deal with it or ask for help.

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Alissa really let her mean girl fly.  Poor Hayley.

As a great tweeter @Stonekettle would say of her performance on WWHL:

"No more self-awareness than a dog licking its butt on a public sidewalk"

She  never takes out garbage.  oy!

She loved Frazer because he's spineless and let her lead him around by the nose.

All the stews should be equal.  Giving her any power is a bad idea.

I liked Camille showing up at dinner.  Alissa was of course the only one that had a problem with it. 

Katie should drop Ross like a hot rock.  He won't change.

New guy seems cool.

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8 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Alissa really let her mean girl fly.  Poor Hayley.

As a great tweeter @Stonekettle would say of her performance on WWHL:

"No more self-awareness than a dog licking its butt on a public sidewalk"

She  never takes out garbage.  oy!

She loved Frazer because he's spineless and let her lead him around by the nose.

All the stews should be equal.  Giving her any power is a bad idea.

I liked Camille showing up at dinner.  Alissa was of course the only one that had a problem with it. 

Katie should drop Ross like a hot rock.  He won't change.

New guy seems cool.

Alissa said on WWHL she never takes out the garbage "because she's a lady".   I don't think she acts very ladylike when she refers to the almost all the other women on board as "bitches" (Camille, Hayley and Captain Sandy).  Also, stating that her female boss "sucks deck crew dick" is really not a ladylike comment, either.

Camille was a problem employee, no doubt, but it's clear that Alissa is also a problem, and perhaps a bigger one than Camille was.  She really let that firing of Camille get in her head-I think she thinks she can get/do whatever she wants now.  She certainly was displaying some superior attitude on tonight's episode.

Also, if you are so grossed out by your shower (which was definitely gross), and your roommate isn't cleaning it, clean it yourself.  Spray some heavy duty bleach solution in there 20 minutes or so before your roommate's normal shower time and leave it to soak.  She'll get the hint that it was her turn to clean.


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1 hour ago, rur said:

She wanted to develop a career in something other than yachting. 

Hate to break it to you but they all are there for that. It's called getting on the Reality circuit where one season your on Big Brother the next Amazing Race then Survivor and on and on to the next Reality show. That's what there all there for. And in order to do that you either gotta be super charismatic or super b!+chy and Camille and Alyssa has that. 

Edited by Brown44
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1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

Alissa said on WWHL she never takes out the garbage "because she's a lady".   I don't think she acts very ladylike when she refers to the almost all the other women on board as "bitches" (Camille, Hayley and Captain Sandy).  Also, stating that her female boss "sucks deck crew dick" is really not a ladylike comment, either.

Just before, and ever since, Camille was fired, Alissa was behaving like a hood rat, even when spot checking on her own, she'd mumble horrible stuff about the crew. And sorry, but her assertion that she's "way hotter than her" about Katie just shows Alissa regards sexual conquests as "winning"... Not realizing that sexual hookups are just that... A hookup, NOT a win, (especially with Ross).

1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

She certainly was displaying some superior attitude on tonight's episode.

Alissa is very talented at standing beside a mess; then radioing interior and deck crew to complain about the mess, while asking for a minion to clean it up. She needs to go now.

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3 hours ago, maggiemae said:

Fraser pretended all was well, when it wasn't. Hide it. Ran from it. Did not deal with it or ask for help.

I think Fraser was responding to Captain Lee's usual expectations, whereas Sandy loves to micromanage. She says she wants Fraser to learn through trial and error, yet she undermines him, which makes him 2nd guess everything, and spread himself even thinner because he's so afraid the interior will mess up. He's attempting to control everything, which will cause him to implode.

Edited by Chalby
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4 hours ago, MyMaui said:

Honestly I am more angry at Alissa on WWH than the show.  she was so full of shit it's amazing.  Her whole "I was there to work and then this happened was a crock." 

Ugh and allowing butt kisser Kyle on with her agreeing she was so great too.  Good grief!  This woman was a huge problem on this boat. 

Was Kyle aware of the episodes after Camille was fired? I would have defended Alissa as well, based upon the first couple of charters. I was made aware of Alissa's nasty side during the episode where Camille's fired. That's when I felt that ominous... "Uh Oh". .. lol

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Alissa has been a problem since Day 1.  She is entitled, disrespectful and cannot understand the concept of authority.  If you don’t like being told what to do, then you shouldn’t be working in the service industry where you are told what to do by all your clients and your managers.  Unless you run your own business, there will always be someone telling you what to do.  Alissa will only find short term success as a minor reality personality. She looked like a fool in that under boob d outfit on WWHL.  She says she was on BD “for the work” and not the drama. Sure, Jan….

I feel bad for Fraser, but he is absolutely not being HOD.  It’s hard to be the boss, but that’s why you get the bigger title/paycheck in the grownup world of work.  Managing means not only getting tasks done well and on time.  He has to manage people and their ability to get tasks done.  Ross is a complete scum bag as a human being, but he seems to know how to run his crew well.  Of course it helps that his team is mostly drama free and have a good work ethic.  

Both Fraser and Alissa have been on WWHL and neither has hinted that they were let go (as far as I can tell).  PLEASE a let it be Alissa who gets tossed off the boat next.  Fraser is not a good manager, but Alissa is just so unlikeable and has been a toxic presence for too long.



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Now there's the real Sandy. Instead of confronting Alissa directly about overhearing her comment, she takes it out on the rest of the interior team during breakfast service.

She always has a target. She tried to go after Rachel but Rachel kissed her ass so she moved on to Fraser. He certainly has his faults as a chief stew/HOD. However, I'd argue that Sandy's management style is to further undermine him & criticize his every move. She's just itching for more screentime before Captain Lee returns but you'd think she bother combing the back of her hair first.

I think I called Alissa shady or snake in ep1. Nailed it. She's the absolute worst. I keep waiting/hoping for Hayley to knock her out.  

Why are they trying to make Kyle happen?  Putting him on Galley Talk, now bringing him on WWHL?  NOOO!!!!!!

Edited by snarts
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Alyssa is awful but apparently Hayley shirked her responsibilities to clean the bathroom that they shared more than once.

The entire interior is a disaster this season.  Sandy may be showing favoritism but it says something when the exterior, led by Ross, is better regarded.

Katie is such a doormat but it shows how much this is a TV show, not anything close to a working situation of any kind, that Ross and Katie can have sex on the work premises and make out during working hours.

The little row over Fraser encouraging guests to pack up early vs. Sandy thinking it was rushing them off the yacht looks like something manufactured.  In a real hospitality situation, there are hard deadlines on checking out But no drama because the deadline is observed without incident.  Only on reality show would it become a big deal.  Producers working overtime for Sandy to alienate the crew or become alienated by them.  I wouldn’t put it past them to encourage Alyssa’s vulgarity or give her actual lines or add it in post to “punch up” the scene or the growing hostility.  Same with her cursing out Hayley under her breath about their dirty bathroom.

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12 hours ago, MyMaui said:

Honestly I am more angry at Alissa on WWH than the show.  she was so full of shit it's amazing.  Her whole "I was there to work and then this happened was a crock."  Shame on your Andy for allowing her to get away with that.  She was a HUGE problem on this show and you let her get away with it all.  Ugh and allowing butt kisser Kyle on with her agreeing she was so great too.  Good grief!  This woman was a huge problem on this boat.  We found out after Camille was fired how bad she was.   I was fooled by Alissa but she needs to be called out.  She is the cause of everything on this. Alissa was the worst.

Andy loves the sh##$stirrers,  so yeah,  he wasn't going to call her out and Kyle is angling for additional exposure.  Alissa has certainly shown her true colors,  she is a nasty piece of work for sure.  Too bad she appears to be getting away with it.  And Alissa honey?  Your boobs aren't all that, just sayin.


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13 hours ago, MyMaui said:

Honestly I am more angry at Alissa on WWH than the show.  she was so full of shit it's amazing.  Her whole "I was there to work and then this happened was a crock."  Shame on your Andy for allowing her to get away with that.  She was a HUGE problem on this show and you let her get away with it all.  Ugh and allowing butt kisser Kyle on with her agreeing she was so great too.  

Thanks for the warning. My DVR included WWHL like it was part of BD for some reason, and I debated whether to watch it, but I cannot stand either Alissa or Kyle. Or Andy Cohen.


Why are they trying to make Kyle happen?  Putting him on Galley Talk, now bringing him on WWHL?  NOOO!!!!!!

Ugh, I don't know. I think they think he's "funny" just because he's gay and "sassy." But that doesn't make him funny. He's actually pretty pathetic. I'm surprised he's not on Big Brother, he's the very stereotype they always cast as the token gay.


How hard would it have been for Sandy  to ask Fraser to stay for a minute after the pref sheet meeting and talk some specifics with him then instead of calling him out in front of his peers? And how hard would it have been to give him some specifics instead of saying, "Turn them around"? 

Yeah I wondered that too. As hard as Bravo is trying to redeem Sandy's image her true colors always come through. 


She always has a target. She tried to go after Rachel but Rachel kissed her ass so she moved on to Fraser. He certainly has his faults as a chief stew/HOD. However, I'd argue that Sandy's management style is to further undermine him & criticize his every move. She's just itching for more screentime before Captain Lee returns but you'd think she bother combing the back of her hair first.

Yeah, this. There's no side to root for because it's true that Fraser is being a crap Chief Stew. He absolutely refused to manage the situation with Camille until forced to do so and is letting the same thing happen with Hayley. But Sandy isn't doing any better managing him that he is managing his staff.

I'd really like to know why interior thinks the deck crew is supposed to come down and get their trash. Are they just making that assumption, or were they told it was deck crew's job? It seems odd none of the deck crew has said to them "this isn't our job, take out your own trash."

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23 minutes ago, iMonrey said:


Ugh, I don't know. I think they think he's "funny" just because he's gay and "sassy." But that doesn't make him funny. He's actually pretty pathetic. I'm surprised he's not on Big Brother, he's the very stereotype they always cast as the token gay.


He's what my old boss (who is gay although you wouldn't know it) would call a "flaming gay" and a caricature of a gay man and if Bravo isn't shoving his gayness in our faces then they can't show us how inclusive they are.

And just to add he was one of the best bosses I have ever worked for & is still a friend long after we both left that company.

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14 hours ago, SHERMDOG said:

ALISSA...Please!! That outfit you wore on WWHL was horrid. Boobage HANGING out the bottom is NOT how that look is supposed to "LOOK"!!

she sucks..and Fraser I want to root for you but you make it really, really hard!!!!

My god I could not believe the way her boob was trying to exit through the bottom of the cut out in that top.  When Andy mentioned it you know it was bad and not a good look.  I looked at her Instagram and it’s clear, she really thinks highly of herself.  

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1 hour ago, Welshman in Ca said:

He's what my old boss (who is gay although you wouldn't know it) would call a "flaming gay"

That was certainly big of him.  Internalized homophobia is real.

Thank goodness for flaming gays! 🔥🔥🔥  If it weren't for the flaming gays of the Stonewall Uprising the gay rights movement may have never happened.

I'm not a huge fan of Kyle's either, yet I don't find Kyle's flaming gayness to be objectionable, in fact it's one of the few things I like about him.

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I'm not a huge fan of Kyle's either, yet I don't find Kyle's flaming gayness to be objectionable, in fact it's one of the few things I like about him.

The "flaming gayness" (if we want to call it that) is not objectionable in and of itself. His behavior during his season was the issue. He made an ass out of himself over a charter guest that was clearly out of his league, was a lazy, whiny crybaby and a total bitch to his co-workers. I think he's awful; Bravo clearly thinks he's "great TV."

To to fair, Bravo does not typecast gay characters the way other reality shows do (*cough*BigBrother*cough*). Season 1 had a gay deckhand named David and the new deck stew this season is also gay and neither are stereotypical tokens of what TV thinks gay should act like. Neither is Fraser, really, either, nor Josiah, another former stew. So I'll give them that. Kyle is actually the anomaly.

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So, Sandy overheard Alissa say that Sandy is sucking the exterior crew's dicks and Sandy did not fire her on the spot. Ok, I get it, they are on charter but man if I ever called a coworker much less my BOSS that I would be fired.  I am assuming it will be visited next episode.  Even if Sandy is not going to fire her, she needs to put Alissa on notice that, yes, you shit does stink.  So, stop with all the superior attitude and get to work.

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29 minutes ago, gaPeach said:

So, Sandy overheard Alissa say that Sandy is sucking the exterior crew's dicks and Sandy did not fire her on the spot.

That's bc she didn't hear it. It's called editing. Then the producers told Capt Sandy to mention something about hearing on the yachting then they edit it to make it seem Capt Sandy heard that comment. 

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44 minutes ago, Brown44 said:

That's bc she didn't hear it. It's called editing. Then the producers told Capt Sandy to mention something about hearing on the yachting then they edit it to make it seem Capt Sandy heard that comment. 

I know they're notorious for doing that yet, if she didn't hear, why'd she go from 0-60 on the interior yelling about standing around when they could be stripping her bed?  She was literally seeing red, screaming at Fraser.  Overhearing Alissa's comment was the only thing that would justify that reaction (albeit misplaced).

Then again, it's Sandy, so...

I also just read that Captain Lee is retiring for good and Captain Kerry (Adventure) is replacing him next season. At least it's not her!!

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Why did Fraser go so overboard in praising Alyssa for handling dinner?  What did she do?  Did you see the table—completely bare except for wrinkled placemats and silverware.
Those one-day charter broads didn’t seem to care as long as they were shoveling food into their gobs, but it seemed like praising a 5-year-old for a crayon drawing. 

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Wasn't Fraser back on board  for the amazing Alissa led dinner with the wrinkled placements and no centerpiece?  

 I think Sandy is right to call Fraser out on the management of the interior.  Being able to take constructive criticism and adapt is part of being a manager.  He just gets defensive. It makes him look like a whiny baby and proves Sandy's point.  

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On 2/8/2023 at 4:32 PM, snarts said:
On 2/8/2023 at 3:42 PM, Brown44 said:

That's bc she didn't hear it. It's called editing. Then the producers told Capt Sandy to mention something about hearing on the yachting then they edit it to make it seem Capt Sandy heard that comment. 


I know they're notorious for doing that yet, if she didn't hear, why'd she go from 0-60 on the interior yelling about standing around when they could be stripping her bed?  She was literally seeing red, screaming at Fraser.  Overhearing Alissa's comment was the only thing that would justify that reaction (albeit misplaced).

She heard Fraser not Alyssa. That's why she went off on him. I'm supposed to believe that the Captain over hears you saying " the Captain sucks the deck crews d!ck" and not say something or reprimand them?

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On 2/6/2023 at 9:18 PM, rur said:


Alissa's actions on WWH made it pretty clear that she wasn't there to work, no matter what she said. She wanted to develop a career in something other than yachting. 

Oh, she's there for a career in yachting. I think she's hoping to be a "yacht girl", which is not a stew or a deckhand. The way she throws herself at Ross and slinks around. She really thinks she's hot stuff that all men want to party with.

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I know they're notorious for doing that yet, if she didn't hear, why'd she go from 0-60 on the interior yelling about standing around when they could be stripping her bed?  She was literally seeing red, screaming at Fraser.  Overhearing Alissa's comment was the only thing that would justify that reaction (albeit misplaced).

Then again, it's Sandy, so...

Production might have told Sandy what Alissa said and asked her to respond, which might be what set her off on the interior crew in the first place. That sounds like something the show would do. Now that Camille is gone they need to stir the pot some other way.


 I think Sandy is right to call Fraser out on the management of the interior.  Being able to take constructive criticism and adapt is part of being a manager.  He just gets defensive. It makes him look like a whiny baby and proves Sandy's point.  

Except that calling him out in front of his staff just undercuts his authority and is bad management on her part. I agree Fraser is not up to the Chief Stew job but Sandy herself is a terrible boss, with several seasons of Med as evidence.

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Production might have told Sandy what Alissa said and asked her to respond, which might be what set her off on the interior crew in the first place. That sounds like something the show would do. Now that Camille is gone they need to stir the pot some other way.

Or say that Alissa said it and then loop it in afterwards in post.

Still think of UnReal show, where different producers were gaslighting different cast members, stoking them into confrontations.

If reality show producers weren't that awful, that show probably became a bible for producers to stoop as low as possible in being manipulative.



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On 2/10/2023 at 4:12 PM, iMonrey said:

Production might have told Sandy what Alissa said and asked her to respond, which might be what set her off on the interior crew in the first place. That sounds like something the show would do. Now that Camille is gone they need to stir the pot some other way.

Except that calling him out in front of his staff just undercuts his authority and is bad management on her part. I agree Fraser is not up to the Chief Stew job but Sandy herself is a terrible boss, with several seasons of Med as evidence.

I completely agree with this statement.  In the past, if Sandy had an issue with someone (anyone - deck or interior), she would either call them up to the wheelhouse, or have a conversation with them privately to express her concerns and criticisms (often hidden within a lot of "therapy speak" word salad).  I don't recall Sandy ever calling someone out in front of others - even Hannah, whom Sandy seemed to dislike with the heat of a 1,000 suns.  Sandy even took Rachel off the ship for coffee to talk to her about what she thought was a problem with Rachel;s performance as chef.

Sandy does seem to have a lot of issues with all of her interior teams and her chief stews.  I think she does show a fair amount of favoritism toward the deck crews.


Edited by njbchlover
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I wonder if Camille was a recovering alcoholic and fell off the wagon on this show. I'm rewatching an earlier episode (via Galley Talk) and she's in the crew mess drinking a big glass of wine with sunglasses on and is kind of wasted and says to the others, "Hey, you know what's kind of hilarious, you guys? That I'm drinking again." Then the others gradually go off to bed and she just gets absolutely wasted by herself and ends up alone lying on the dock talking to Elon Musk about going into space. Then continues to drink whenever she can throughout the rest of the season, even when working.

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If you've ever had a boss like Sandy, then you know exactly what you're dealing with. The "Cool" boss, ingratiating, friend and mentor to underlings, big public displays of magnanimity. But only to certain people, not all people. And you know exactly what side of the fence you're on if you're not one of the chosen.  They have their work buddies/favorites, and exhibit their tough side to underlings who don't make their personal popularity cut. They're not subtle about it. And throw in cameras and there's even more incentive for someone to demonstrate how "even handed" they are by loving on the in-group and cracking down on the outsiders.  (Which doesn't mean the interior doesn't have major issues - just that she's not interested in helping them so much as getting tv kudos for offering empty platitudes and then being tough on them.)  Other captains wait for problems to make their way to the wheelhouse - she's worming her way into every scene she can cram herself into. Except the deck team's sexual harassment lawsuit/industrial accident waiting to happen drunken escapades. 

I respect the zero tolerance laws about not drinking/using drugs on board and how it endangers not only the safety of the people on board but the very expensive yacht itself.  Yet they have drunken cast members running up and down staircases, slipping around hot tubs... if there's a fire on board and 3 of them are passed out senseless and the others are staring  blankly at the wall shoveling cereal into their mouths... how is that not a danger to the boat? (I know, unseen crew would handle it  - but they'd still need to rescue the incapacitated people)

Lee really likes Fraser, and I suspect Fraser reached out to him about what was going on. Hopefully he got some good advice. If the rumor is true that Capt Kerry is replacing him, that is a good move. Like Lee, he has no problem walking up to someone who's out of line and telling them to take a step waaaay back or they are gone. First time in any BD series a captain went up to a chef being an asshole and told her she was abusive and he wouldn't tolerate it.  Shut her up fast because she knew he meant it. 

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