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S10.E05: His Watch Has Ended


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First a cat fight then Sandy arrives.

Oh no!  Did not see that coming.

Time will tell.  She seems reasonable so far.  The stews are going to blow up.

Camille isn't the brightest bulb, but she's in a tough spot.  Her bosses aren't the brightest bulbs either.  Ross is rather clueless and Alyssa is full on mean girl.

FIRE!  Especially scary on a boat.

Rachel's food seems to impress.  Portions look small, but it's hard to tell how much food there really is.

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Like a trapped wolf chewing its leg off to escape the trap, these comments are in the order of the episode scenes broadcast.

OH MY EFFING GOD IT’S QUEEG!  We get Captain Queeg as the replacement for Captain Lee?  Please.  No, not please.  F-U, Bravo.  Queeg is hands down the worst Captain of the series.  Even that weird pillow guy who was captain for one episode on BDSA was a better captain.  Hell, infected puss would be a better captain.  And is Queeg wearing a hospital bracelet when it comes on board?  Escaped from the local hospital, are we?  Makes sense…

Camille:  “I didn’t sign up for yachting to do *bleep-ing* laundry.”  Yeah, well, sister, you didn’t sign up to do pretty much anything, eh?  Your lack of work ethic is rivaled only by your lack of skill at anything.

Sorry, folks, I’d be much more on station with comments, etc., but the shock of having to deal with Queeg again is daunting….

Chav Hayley – thanks for confirming your class level when talking about your boyfriend.  Knew you had hidden skills.

What will happen next week?  Will the deck crew or interior crew be the first to experience the Wrath of Queeg?  Will Rachel hold it together?  Will Queeg complain about missing strawberries?  Stay tuned, if you can stay sane…

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Yikes!!!  When people on this forum mentioned they hoped Sandy wasn't filling in for Captain Lee, I didn't think much of it, except why would she?  I guess there was info online that I missed because I am gobsmacked!  Ugh.  Isn't it enough that we have to endure her on BDM?  At least her closing line was apt: "This is a nightmare."  Yes, for us!

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<Into the void> NOOOOOOOOO!  Sandy is a nightmare.

Is anyone shocked that Camille was a bitch in high school?  A beautiful girl back then and could get away with anything - but those looks are already fading.  She better get responsible and develop a personality before they're gone completely.  Tick Tock, princess.

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6 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

Yikes!!!  When people on this forum mentioned they hoped Sandy wasn't filling in for Captain Lee, I didn't think much of it, except why would she?  I guess there was info online that I missed because I am gobsmacked!  Ugh.  Isn't it enough that we have to endure her on BDM?  At least her closing line was apt: "This is a nightmare."  Yes, for us!

I recall seeing something in passing — maybe on Reddit? — a few months back, but didn’t see anything else so I didn’t feel comfortable bringing it up. But as soon as I saw the white capris and blue sneakers followed by the glow-in-the-dark veneers… Yikes is right.

At least my last memory of this season is Camille stomping around with a towel on her head, in a rage because people called her out on her shitty work ethic.

It is truly astounding how Andy and Bravo keep giving their viewers the middle finger.

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I feel differently than most.   I will miss Lee but I think Sandy is an interesting addition to this crew.   Clearly the interior need some Leadership 101- Fraser I am looking at you.    Rachel is so amazing that Captain Kitchen Sandy may not need to butt in leaving more time for interior and deck meddling.  They definitely deserve some good old Sandy-isms since poor captain Lee couldn't get around on deck.   

Sandy rocks the white pants.   

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I don’t know anything about Captain Sandy because I haven’t watched other BD franchises.  So, as of this first meeting, I am ok with her as lead.  I liked how she wanted the deck crew to be scheduled for anchor watch as part of their duties.  Looks like this crew is not used to doing real deckhand assignments since Ross and Tony are carping about it. Tony is worried he can’t do his sunrise grunting yoga and it will be detrimental to his health? Maybe hustle a little more around the boat to get your muscles moving?  Could he do some of his workout on his break? Maybe skip the drunken sexy times on your night off and stay in? Between his sense of priorities, and Camille’s laziness, I’m convinced even more that theses kids are hired for drama potential only, and actual experience is only a fraction of a percent of the casting criteria.  I would say looks were the most important factor, but none of these wannabe influencers are extremely attractive.

As Camille was ranting and grumping and being insubordinate, all I could think of is how happy and relieved her ex boyfriend and his family must be that they don’t have to deal with Camille at family functions.  What a sense of self importance and entitlement.  She told off her principal and got expelled? Speaks volumes of her attitude toward authority figures. I am sure she had a loooong history of being a belligerent snot. Her professional resume is probably 5 pages long, with tons of jobs where she was employed for not much longer than her probationary period at each.  I bet her exit interviews all read the same, “I was hired to laze around the break room, smoke and make out with coworkers, not to wait tables/stand at a cash register/assist customers!”

Haley isn’t getting very much camera time, and after her 4000th reference to her sex life in the few times she has spoken, I am ok if we keep her to a minimum.

Fraser is doing the same shit he did last season…lots of tittle tattle with the crew about the bad apple aboard,  versus confronting the problem directly. 



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10 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

We all know that Captain Lee would drag his dick through a quarter mile of broken glass to stay at the helm. His body would not allow it and I wish him a speedy recovery.

I think that caused some of his ill-temper in addition to the nerve damage. I mean, who wants to admit that they’re no longer physically able to do a job they love? Give Lee credit, though, for knowing when to step aside.

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Well, I am ok with Captain Sandy so far.
I do not mind having her as a captain, my only issue with her is that she is behaving like an alive walking motivational poster!
Can she talk about anything without doing the motivational thing? I am very curious if she behaves the same in real life or this is just her reality tv persona.

So, this was my fav episode of the season so far, even if I found the whole Captain Lee situation awkward... I mean it was more than obvious that he should not be there in the first place. Was this whole thing planned from the start so we could have Sandy on board or Captain Lee was too stubborn to admit his couldn't start the season?

So that dude did not want to do the night watch cause he would miss his morning workout. 
Well he would miss his chance to keep showing off his body and charm and weird moans every morning, so I get why he got pissed off. I did laugh loud when Captain Sandy said they need to do the night watches cause one day they will become captains.. LMAO! Sure thing Sandy darling! Sure thing!

Ah, Rachel...you are back at your game girl! Yay!

And I like the guests, they look so normal and down to earth. Who broke them? 😁

p.s. WHY Captain Lee had a ... whip in his luggage??

Edited by Zaffy
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As soon as I saw the little feet, I knew/feared it was Capt. Sandy. The only surprise to me is that Bravo didn't already have a new, previously unknown captain locked and loaded and waiting for a franchise that they could plug into the gap. It seems like a bit of a missed opportunity for them, since they had to at least suspect that Capt. Lee might not make it for the full length of the show.  

That said, I do think her approach to dealing with Camille showed some good managerial skills . We'll see whether it works or not. 

On the other hand, it was made to appear that she was micromanaging the deck crew. IMO, it would have made more sense to give the bosun a schedule that she'd like him to follow, including anchor watches, but let him decide who to plug into the slots since he'd know his crew. But it's possible (probable?) that the producers had her make the schedule to create more drama. (rme)

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Ugh, how can they do this to us? Don't they know how much we hate her? Are they really that oblivious to their audience? Or is there some vocal Sandy fanbase out there I'm not aware of? I guess this just speaks to the fact that there was literally nobody else that could take over, especially on short notice. But good grief. Bravo should have dumped Sandy two seasons ago after the Hannah fiasco. When Camille (or whoever it was) said how great it was to have a "girl captain" I thought, "Let's see how great you think it is when she's screaming at you."

And the situation with Camille has gotten past the point of ridiculous. And Fraser continues to fail at his ability to manage the situation. He has had plenty of opportunities to speak with her, one-on-one, and in this latest episode she's bitching about everyone calling her lazy and all he does is go "We can talk about that after . . . " and walks away. What a wimp.

Ross, despite his many issues, was much better at handling her. As soon as she started bitching to him he nipped it right in the bud and told her it's not her job to tell him what her duties are or where she's going to work. See, Fraser? That's how you be a manager.


Is anyone shocked that Camille was a bitch in high school?  A beautiful girl back then and could get away with anything - but those looks are already fading. 

The things that "work" for you in school don't necessarily work for you in real life and in the workforce. 

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1 hour ago, rur said:

As soon as I saw the little feet, I knew/feared it was Capt. Sandy. The only surprise to me is that Bravo didn't already have a new, previously unknown captain locked and loaded and waiting for a franchise that they could plug into the gap. It seems like a bit of a missed opportunity for them, since they had to at least suspect that Capt. Lee might not make it for the full length of the show.  


Someone mentioned  she was wearing a wrist band. I bet they had her stowed at a resort close by in case she was needed to take over. After all, it was obvious from the first, that Lee was failing.  Loved him when he said he had to give him self a plane ticket home. And Rachel laughing about it. She and Fraser seemed really upset to see him go.

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10 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

 But good grief. Bravo should have dumped Sandy two seasons ago after the Hannah fiasco.


Not everyone sees it as a fiasco. While not liking the way it was brought to Sandy's attention she then had no choice but to get rid of Hannah who besides hiding the prescription drugs also lied (by omission) about them as she knew she wouldn't get the gig if she had said she was taking a controlled substance.

I'm not a big fan of Sandy's but in that case I think she was in the right.


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Even though I usually think everything that happens is 99% producer driven, I think Captain Lee's departure wasn't planned.  I think he thought he would have a smooth recovery and didn't want to give up his lucrative gig.  When he had these setbacks, he tried to hang in there, but decided it was best for everyone if he left.  Calling in Sandy as opposed to a new, more exciting captain with potential to take over a franchise, speaks to the lack of planning involved.  

I agree that Yoga guy is complaining too much about the night watch, but his schedule is grueling.  Easy fixes:  Ross could use Camille, the deck stew who does nothing on deck, to cover longer breaks for the night watch crew.  There are definite holes in the galley and on deck that Camille could fill, but the department heads are too dense to see it.  Also, I don't mind Yoga guy (even though his name is slipping my mind); I believe he is on a learning curve with this job and that is what we are seeing.  I don't know much about night watch, but could he do some of his routine while there?

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I agree that Capt. Lee tried his best to stick it out, but at some point he realized it was now not just bearing the pain, but a safety issue. That, of course, would be his first priority. As far as Sandy is concerned, that ship is a behemoth for where it's docking. I'm sure the owner has some say and Sandy would be the logical choice on many levels. Lee knows her and knows she can handle larger vessels and Bravo has face recognition and their drama. Win-win.

Edited by aqusdealer
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3 hours ago, Welshman in Ca said:

Not everyone sees it as a fiasco. While not liking the way it was brought to Sandy's attention she then had no choice but to get rid of Hannah who besides hiding the prescription drugs also lied (by omission) about them as she knew she wouldn't get the gig if she had said she was taking a controlled substance.

I'm not a big fan of Sandy's but in that case I think she was in the right.


It amazes me that people still think the whole Hannah - Malia - Sandy situation wasn't scripted by the production.

What a bunch of whingeing fuckers, oh dear you have to work instead of doing early morning yoga.

How pathetic of them all crying because Lee has to leave the boat, for god sake, most of you have only known him for about 2 weeks. 

Frazer and Ross need to grow a pair and tell Sandy that Camille is a waste of space and brings nothing to the team as she's a lazy bitch, and needs to go.

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Loved him when he said he had to give him self a plane ticket home. And Rachel laughing about it. She and Fraser seemed really upset to see him go.

Amusingly so. It's not as if he's dying for goodness sake.


Not everyone sees it as a fiasco. While not liking the way it was brought to Sandy's attention she then had no choice but to get rid of Hannah who besides hiding the prescription drugs also lied (by omission) about them as she knew she wouldn't get the gig if she had said she was taking a controlled substance.

I'm not talking about the fact that Sandy fired Hannah (or even Malia's maliciously driven reason for ratting her out). I'm talking about Sandy trying to talk to Hannah. as she was waiting for her ride. When Hannah wouldn't have it, Sandy walked away screaming FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU. Then next season she turned her wrath on Malia herself after Malia failed to report David's injury and started screaming at her. She's a hothead and an embarrassment to the franchise (which, is saying a lot).


There are definite holes in the galley and on deck that Camille could fill, but the department heads are too dense to see it.  Also, I don't mind Yoga guy (even though his name is slipping my mind); I believe he is on a learning curve with this job and that is what we are seeing.

My first thought was to put Camille on anchor watch, but she'd just fall asleep and they'd all drown. That's the problem with Camille, she doesn't really want to do anything.

As for Tony, I do sympathize but he cannot reasonably expect to be accommodated for his morning routine in a job like this. It's standard operating procedure to have deck crew switch shifts. If his workout is that crucial to his well being he needs to find a job with stable hours. 

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Right now Sandy doesn't bother me.  I know she will soon.  I would have preferred Captain Glen but not sure if a sailing yacht and this boat would cause problems.  I would not be able to handle the other captain that was in season 8 was it?  Too high strung and too over everything.  Made me feel like I had 4 cups of coffee watching him.

Frazer is not a good Chief stew. 2nd stew yest but not a cheif at all. He can't lead at all.  Seems like he wants to be hanging out with the red head who wants to talk about sex all the time.  Alissa you don't go to Sandy right off.  Tell Frazer things need to be settled.  Honestly the bickering with them was embarrassing in front of the captain.  Camille is lazy.  She doesn't want to work on interior nor on deck.  She wants to hang and drink.  That's what she wants.  when she is on deck she does nothing to help at all.  She's on interior and she does a half crap job.  But she is over worked.  Yes, between taking a swim, lounging on the deck, taking a shower and missing the Lee's departure.  Yes you are over worked....wth.

Ross nor Frazer wants her on their team. Only thing Ross did that I like was put her in her place when she demanded to be on deck.  I would have told Frazer too that I don't need her on deck, you can have her. Have her cover breaks and do laundry.  She doesn't like that then give her a ticket and be gone.

And for the morning workout guy who likes to grunt.  The boat isn't your gym.  You are there to work.  You don't like your shift, then you can go as well.  You will have plenty of time for morning workouts then.  Schedule sucks too bad.  Ross told him they could tweek it next charter.  


I really want to see how Rachel and Sandy work together.  Rachel is beyond genius with her food.  I hope she doesn't tick her off with her micromanaging.  She is the last person that needs it. Rachel blows Dave out of the water.


I hope Capt Lee comes back soon and is 100%.  Miss him already!

Edited by MyMaui
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The goodbye meeting was so melodramatic.  Some of this crew have only known him for a couple of weeks at most?

How the F are they crying over him leaving to get treated?

Saw most of the crew standing around while the engineers worked on getting to the source of the smoke.  Then afterwards, Ross explains what happened, as if he figured out why the problem was.

Sandy rushed out of her cabin, barely dressed, no time to put on a bra under a sweatshirt.

Camille thinks everyone is against her.  Yeah because you've shown yourself to be a lazy drama queen.

Hayley proudly announces on television how proud she is of her skills at keeping her man.  What finishing school did she attend?

BTW, those mountains are called Pitons but simply means peaks.  Sort of sounded like they were saying Tetons, which people have joked refer to breasts.


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I have always been pretty indifferent to Sandy. I do not really like or dislike her. I have been over Captain Lee for many seasons now, but it was hard to watch him in so much pain and not being able to do his job well. I would have preferred Captain Glen (though not sure if he does motor yachts), Jason, or Kerry over Sandy, because I really enjoy those three more than Sandy and Captain Lee.

I cannot with Camille. She seemed so proud that she got expelled for telling off the principal. 

Ross is going to make out with every woman on this boat isn't he?

I believe all the other BD franchises make the deck crew do anchor watch, so I did not think it was that big of an ask for this deck crew to do it. I kind of want them to put Camille on anchor watch.


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Katie warms up to Ross again the next morning, after learning the previous night that he was making out with Alissa.

Then he's openly flirting with another woman in front of heragain.

See even if he decided only to focus on her, she'd have to be prepared to give him sex everyday, often several times a day.

She probably felt special because he was giving her attention but he's going to give attention to any and every woman who might have sex with him.

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I can’t believe I made it through the recent horrible season of Below Deck Med and thought I was saying goodbye to Sandy for close to a year only to have her show up on Below Deck.

I think the reason I like Fraser so much is that he’s not Kyle, the male stew on the recent horrible season of Below Deck Med. That’s not enough to make him a good chief though. He needs to sit Lazy down and give her some lists of shit to get done. I’d also tell Alissa to let him handle her for the time being since she’s being counterproductive. I’m still rooting for him.

Ross seems like a dog in heat running around the yacht until he finds someone to hump. It’s a shame cause he might be a decent bosun if he wasn’t so unprofessional.


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3 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I think the reason I like Fraser so much is that he’s not Kyle, the male stew on the recent horrible season of Below Deck Med. That’s not enough to make him a good chief though. He needs to sit Lazy down and give her some lists of shit to get done. I’d also tell Alissa to let him handle her for the time being since she’s being counterproductive. I’m still rooting for him.

Ross seems like a dog in heat running around the yacht until he finds someone to hump. It’s a shame cause he might be a decent bosun if he wasn’t so unprofessional.


I want Fraser to succeed and agree that Alissa is totally counterproductive.  I liked Fraser before but he looks like a wimp as a leader. Ross is trying to be like Gary on Below Deck Sailing.  I am not as repulsed. by Gary's horndog behavior as I am by Ross's and I don't know why.   I think Ross putting Entitled Camille in her place was perfect and professional but then I see a preview clip of him horn dogging Camille in the hot tub?!

Who wants to room with someone who admits they used a roommate's toothbrush to masturbate?   Cabin for one, please.    The less we see of her and that hair the better.  

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3 hours ago, Midwestern Lady said:

Who wants to room with someone who admits they used a roommate's toothbrush to masturbate?   Cabin for one, please.    The less we see of her and that hair the better.

I don't like her one bit because I don't understand her hair.  It's just hideous.

Edited by Oosala
Removed quote with spoiler.
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13 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

I kind of want them to put Camille on anchor watch.

Well, she would have plenty of time to smoke.

Ross is trying any female on that boat, for him it is a numbers game, sooner or later someone will say yes.

Sandy mopping the galley floor seems like she does it real life but I wish she hadn't used the sink for her bucket, she could find the mop but no bucket, did she use any cleanser?

I blame Fraser for not reigning in Camille and giving her a structured work shift, why are the head stews so opposed to making lists? When Camille is on deck duty she has been shown to be standing around doing nothing, why won't Ross make a list or have her shine the metal on the boat when there is nothing going on?

Why is that big red head allowed to have her hair loose? Wasn't that a thing with the other Chief Stews, I know Capt. Lee reprimanded a deck hand for having her hair loose, it could get caught up in the lines, but Big Red hair in the food, that is a no no.


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1 hour ago, Oosala said:

I don't like her one bit because I don't understand her hair.  It's just hideous.

I *knew* she reminded me of something from Greek mythology:  "In Greek mythology, Medusa was one of the three monstrous Gorgons, generally described as winged human females with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Those who gazed into her eyes would turn to stone."

Explains the face as well.

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5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

For all his faults Gary can be charming and funny. Ross doesn't seem to have any personality.

And Gary has a good helping of self-deprecation in a good and amusing way--he acknowledges his jerkish times and that they get him into trouble--in addition to no personality, Ross doesn't have this either.

I hate posting without watching the whole thing, but as soon as I saw Sandy, to echo our first poster RoseAllDay, I'm out.  I'll have to fall back on the questionably entertaining BDAdventure for now.  At least I like that Captain.  

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On 12/20/2022 at 4:33 AM, Midwestern Lady said:

I feel differently than most.   I will miss Lee but I think Sandy is an interesting addition to this crew.   Clearly the interior need some Leadership 101- Fraser I am looking .   

I'm glad Sandy is helping because Captain Lee had too many health issues to properly oversee the crew. Sandy was faced with some ridiculous behaviour on board within 24 hours. She will deal with Camille properly. I have to say, I'd snap at bossy Alyssa because when she micromanaged the water bottle situation, she's  clearly power-tripping. Camille should only be taking orders from Ross and Fraser.

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Why is that big red head allowed to have her hair loose? Wasn't that a thing with the other Chief Stews, I know Capt. Lee reprimanded a deck hand for having her hair loose, it could get caught up in the lines, but Big Red hair in the food, that is a no no.

You're thinking of Sandy (unfortunately) telling a deck crew member to pull back the hair from his face. I don't imagine the same principal applies to the stews. Long hair isn't really a hazard while mixing drinks or cleaning toilets. Although I imagine the guests examine their food pretty carefully for stray hairs. 


Thing is Lee never wanted to know anything....  do your job. And is was sooooo surprised during reunions.

Yeah. Sandy is the only one who wanders around the boat micromanaging the crews. They showed a marathon of Season 1 yesterday and even as far back as that, all Lee did was sit around in the wheelhouse. 


I have to say, I'd snap at bossy Alyssa because when she micromanaged the water bottle situation, she's  clearly power-tripping. Camille should only be taking orders from Ross and Fraser.

I won't argue that Alyssa is power-tripping, but technically she is the 2nd stew and has the right to boss Camille around. And point out when she does a half-assed job.

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