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S43.E10: Get That Money, Baby

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The remaining eight castaways compete in a reward challenge that earns them a night in the sanctuary and a letter from home. Also, one castaway has to build their house of cards high enough to win immunity.

Original airdate 11/23/22

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So disappointed Noelle left, as she was one of the last people I was rooting for.  I had a bad feeling though, when she got her big moment at the RC, and the talk at TC about perservering.  

Jesse and Cody need to go next.  It pains me, though, since they both have idols (unless Jesse doesn't give Cody's back to him) so they could play them for argument's sake even if they thought they were safe.  I don't really get Sami's game, but Karla isn't playing as good of one as I thought.  I can tell she doesn't like being in control and calling the shots, and I think having the James vote happen and she almost didn't know about it took her down a few pegs.  I wonder if she knows that people are aware she has an idol?  I know Gabler told her tonight Noelle was worried she would play it if she had it, but he didn't directly say he knew she had one.

Cassidy is just there.  For someone who won immunity tonight she was mostly non-existent.  

The season was looking promising, but tonight's episode was meh, and I have a feeling that's how the rest of the season is going to go.  One thing I would love to happen is someone get in Jesse or Cody's ear and ask them how it'll look if they both end up in the final 3, because people may give them both credit for the moves made, and therefore they can't claim certain moves as their own.  I just need some sort of blindside or chaos to happen that doesn't affect one of my remaining favorites!

Edited by LadyChatts
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Was kind of hoping that they somehow pulled off a blindside and voted Jesse out. Something about him bugs me, and it would have been quite funny if he went after that long "this is how you pull of a blindside" speech. I think we are looking at another winner that I won't like ( which is probably because I only like a couple of people that are left :) )

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After a bunch of lackluster episodes that one delivered! At this point I want Owen, Jesse or Karla to win. I could settle with a Cassidy win.  I can't root for Cody because his voice sounds like Evil Dick from Big Brother my least favorite Big Brother Player. 

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Supreme effort by Noelle. Tonight she was voted out but has sealed the deal to return as an All Star or some variation of returning player. 

I wasn't rooting for her before but after that I was but of course she was toast by the end of the episode. I know why they had to do it because you don't want to be sitting next to her at final three but still it was sad to see her go.

When I saw the stacked card challenge I said whoever wins this earns the win. I'm just sorry that it was Cassidy. I feel like I want to call her Purple Cassidy...she a complete non-entity, little more than a glorified extra and somehow she's in final 7?!

Did not like the 4th wall breaking with the sub-titles like this was some sort of Ocean's 11 Heist Movie. Was distracting and confusing at the same time. Plus I really don't like Jesse.

Fastforwarded through family letters. C'mon guys...it's only been THREE WEEKS...thank goodness at least the on island family visits are a thing of the past. Watching people bawling like their loved one showed up after having   just gotten liberated from Aushwitz has always  puzzled me these two past decades.

Wow...there really isn't anyone to root for to win...Owen I suppose as he's least offensive but yeah....not a good crop.

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31 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Fastforwarded through family letters. C'mon guys...it's only been THREE WEEKS...thank goodness at least the on island family visits are a thing of the past. Watching people bawling like their loved one showed up after having   just gotten liberated from Aushwitz has always  puzzled me these two past 

Same here.  I really wish they’d do away with the letters from home.  I know it’s a struggle and emotional out there but it’s like they haven’t heard from their family for years when they read the letters.

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2 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Jesse and Cody need to go next.  It pains me, though, since they both have idols (unless Jesse doesn't give Cody's back to him)

I still can't figure out WHY Cody doesn't have his idol back?  Is there a reason he didn't take it back right away?  Weird stuff.

Unlike the poster I quoted, Cody and Jesse are my favorites and I'd love to see both make the final three.  Will it happen?  I doubt it.  But I'd love to see those two madcap players make it to the end.

And I loved the Jesse "Three Step Plan" of setting up an elimination segment and that it actually worked.  Unfortunately it could be a set-up for his own demise later though.  But until then I'm all in on watching "Jesse and Cody's Most Excellent Adventure."

Edited by Skooma
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1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

Supreme effort by Noelle. Tonight she was voted out but has sealed the deal to return as an All Star or some variation of returning player. 

I wasn't rooting for her before but after that I was but of course she was toast by the end of the episode. I know why they had to do it because you don't want to be sitting next to her at final three but still it was sad to see her go.

When I saw the stacked card challenge I said whoever wins this earns the win. I'm just sorry that it was Cassidy. I feel like I want to call her Purple Cassidy...she a complete non-entity, little more than a glorified extra and somehow she's in final 7?!

Did not like the 4th wall breaking with the sub-titles like this was some sort of Ocean's 11 Heist Movie. Was distracting and confusing at the same time. Plus I really don't like Jesse.

Fastforwarded through family letters. C'mon guys...it's only been THREE WEEKS...thank goodness at least the on island family visits are a thing of the past. Watching people bawling like their loved one showed up after having   just gotten liberated from Aushwitz has always  puzzled me these two past decades.

Wow...there really isn't anyone to root for to win...Owen I suppose as he's least offensive but yeah....not a good crop.

I believe it would have been 4 or 5 weeks because of the pre game quarantine.  10 days maybe?

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Bummer that Noelle was voted out. She kicked ass in that reward challenge, though. I was really hoping Jesse would go tonight instead. Jesse came off too cocky with the whole "how to blindside somebody" checklist. Not necessary. 

Nobody else to root for, maybe except Owen and Cassidy.

Edited by TVFan1
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Not gonna lie, I got a little misty when Noelle pulled off that victory. And then immediately knew her fate was sealed. 

This game is really a no-win situation for someone like Noelle. Either your disabilities prevent you from competing, or your ability to overcome them puts an insurmountable target on your back. But, at least she was able to prove something to herself, and hopefully others in similar circumstances. I hope that was enough for her, because she certainly impressed me throughout the game.

Interesting to see that Sami, the one she did not trust, was one of only two people who didn’t betray her.

I don’t know how to feel about any of the remaining people. There’s no one I really hate, but no one I really like. I guess I’ll root for Jesse? Because editing really seems to want me to.

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5 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Fastforwarded through family letters. C'mon guys...it's only been THREE WEEKS...thank goodness at least the on island family visits are a thing of the past. Watching people bawling like their loved one showed up after having   just gotten liberated from Aushwitz has always  puzzled me these two past decades.

I agree, I've never understood the way people wept when they got letters or a family visit. It hasn't been that long, if your kid goes away to college, it's longer than the time they spent on the island.

The way they were showing Noelle being set up, I really thought it would be someone else being eliminated, but nope, it was pretty straight forward this episode.

Edited by GaT
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Noelle was DOA the moment Peachy started holding her up as the living embodiment of the Survivor Spirit (or whatever the fuck he was going on about); after all his speechifying, NOBODY wants to be sitting beside her at F2.

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58 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Noelle was DOA the moment Peachy started holding her up as the living embodiment of the Survivor Spirit (or whatever the fuck he was going on about); after all his speechifying, NOBODY wants to be sitting beside her at F2.

Actually, One of the things I'm glad came through editing was that they were very much targeting her for her gameplay.  Several times they mentioned how strong she was at the social and strategic game, that when the game pivoted she pivoted with it, and when they tried to get rid of her allies she made stronger allies.   It's too bad that her "story" overshadowed that.

As for the family visits/letters.  It seems every season that they have them, the Survivors are extremely impacted by them, no matter who they are.  And every season there are a few people here who just don't get it, and criticize them for their reactions.  But the reactions are so universal among players that clearly there is something to it  Rather than judge  it, why not just accept that it's some piece of empathy  that  you just don't happen to have.

Did Noelle even try to shimmy along beam on her belly (I think it was Jesse? who managed that way).  It seemed like a better idea than trying to hop over.

Tough week for Karla, who seemed to be queen bee until now,  but I'm beginning to see why they target Cassidy.  She's playing a very strong but low-key game.

I like that every week Gabler has a TH where he explains why he's so important and everyone comes to him for advice, and then I completely forget that he's there.

Cody's story line sure has faded from early in the season.  It's like he's at summer camp now, and Jesse is the older, cool kid talking him into smoking.

Win or lose, I think this show has been a game-changer for Owen.  He hardly seems like the "lovable curmudgeon" we saw  early on.

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I wouldn't mind anyone left winning.  They all have had either good storylines, faced adversity in the game or had strong gameplay this season (some all three).  I especially don't understand the claims that Cassidy has been a nonentity.  She has been on the right side of the vote every single time except for once (and that time she knew what was happening but threw a safety vote in case of an idol).  I think she is a very good player and would definitely be a deserving winner if she makes it to the end.

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I really enjoyed this episode!

Noelle is a bad ass competitor, but I'm not that sad she was voted out.  (As someone else said, she will be/should be #1 on the list for the next all star season.)  Karla is my favorite, so as long as she stays I don't much care who gets voted out.  Sami, who just last episode didn't want to make a move without Karla's input, surprised me by writing her name down tonight.  Hopefully he will get a talking head next week that explains his reasoning. 

I totally understand the emotions that come out when reading the family and friend letters.  A few years ago I went out of town and was away from my family and pets for the first time ever.  To pass the time in the evenings, I read a true crime book that detailed a murder from the early 1900s.  The man who committed the murder formed an intense bond with a stray dog while he was in the local jail.  When the man was transferred to his final prison before being executed, he had to of course leave the dog behind (he got the promise of his jailers to take care of the dog).  I cried like a baby for that long gone dog and because the thought of him and his dog being separated made me miss my cats so much.  I had only been away for two days at that point, but the emotion was so very strong.  Being separated from those you love is stressful!

3 hours ago, Skooma said:

And I loved the Jesse "Three Step Plan" of setting up an elimination segment and that it actually worked. 

Me, too!  I also like Jesse but am still on the fence about Cody.

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Maybe I shouldn't watch the previews. I couldn't concentrate from the moment Cassidy won immunity, all through Jesse's checklist etc, because the whole time I was waiting for the bit where Gabler targets Cody and/or Jesse... Enormous relief that Jesse didn't go home, possibly still with Cody's idol, as well as the one he got via Dwight from Janine, in his pocket. Even greater enormous relief Cody didn't get blindsided. 

Quite relieved Noelle is out, but she's already done the damage blurting out that story about Cody and the beads and his hat the second they merged, tipping off anyone in the know that Cody has an idol. I really would have preferred Karla got blindsided out with her idol in her pocket.

Every week I feel like a bad feminist, but I haven't had any interest in any of the women playing this time, apart from like Nneka, and look how that turned out! I really hope Cody and Jesse do make their way to the end, and that one of them wins - preferably Cody. For me, they've been great to watch from day one. 

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So, a fairly straightforward episode, which may be boring, but at least it wasn't a confusing vote like so many this season. I am disappointed Noelle left but, let's face it, she's been on the bottom from the start; nobody, besides Owen, was ever vouching for her. Plus, I do agree that she was a real threat to win. I pretty much figured she wouldn't make F5 with how people were intimidated by her. And for good reason; she beasted the reward challenge, even when she was severely behind. But also, that reward challenge proved, despite Noelle fighting her way through it, that the show is not accessible in any way. Noelle's an athlete, so of course she got through it. But the show really didn't prepare for anyone with a disability and seems to not really care to make any challenge accessible. 

Jesse's plan was fine, it was good to listen to, but at the same time, Noelle was always at the bottom yet he was treating her like some mastermind. Yes, she survived some votes, but they were acting like she had so many number 1s....but nobody was fighting for her to stay? It's more that others became bigger targets ahead of her or, in pre-merge's case, they never went back to Tribal for her to be voted out earlier. 

I'm annoyed that Karla's edit took a severe hit with people knowing about her idol. I really have liked Karla, so it's a shame it looks like she's not really in the know like I thought. Which means Jesse or Cody will probably win this season, with a small chance of Gabler taking it.

Glad Gabler pointed out Jesse/Cody being dangerous. I knew Noelle would still go, since Gabler was the only one to voice Jesse/Cody being a danger duo, but I figure it's being set up for Jesse or Cody to be voted out soon.

Overall, a decent episode (loved seeing the women win this time) but it just continues to be such a lackluster season for me. 

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7 hours ago, Fretful said:

As for the family visits/letters.  It seems every season that they have them, the Survivors are extremely impacted by them, no matter who they are.  And every season there are a few people here who just don't get it, and criticize them for their reactions.  But the reactions are so universal among players that clearly there is something to it  Rather than judge  it, why not just accept that it's some piece of empathy  that  you just don't happen to have.

Nope. My cold dead heart thinks it's so over the top. These people they are bawling over (if they are anything like typical families) are  the same people they probably spend half their time quarreling or disagreeing with back in the real world. The overwrought reactions just seems at this point as what you are expected to do in the family letter/visit episodes and is border line ludicrous.

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8 hours ago, Nashville said:

Noelle was DOA the moment Peachy started holding her up as the living embodiment of the Survivor Spirit (or whatever the fuck he was going on about); after all his speechifying, NOBODY wants to be sitting beside her at F2.

Well shell prob get the sia award. Girl has grit i like her

3 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Nope. My cold dead heart thinks it's so over the top. These people they are bawling over (if they are anything like typical families) are  the same people they probably spend half their time quarreling or disagreeing with back in the real world. The overwrought reactions just seems at this point as what you are expected to do in the family letter/visit episodes and is border line ludicrous.

Agreed. Hated the family visits. Just too much. And i feel like they have to emote over the top or people will think theyre “ cold”

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7 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

Well shell prob get the sia award. 

Are they still doing that?

I didn't think this episode's family segment was too much at all. Noelle and Sami didn't even cry and Jesse and Owen were pretty tame. I don't have a problem with the family segments but they're definitely usually way more overwrought than this one.

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I guess I’ll root for Jesse? Because editing really seems to want me to.

Yes. I think the show made that pretty clear in this episode. Almost all of the pre-tribal segment was devoted to Jesse's Three-Step Instructions For A Blindside, replete with helpful captions and sound effects. That's when I started to go "Uh oh." It's very rare to see something like that. 

Then Gabler gave me a glimmer of hope that Jesse might get blindsided, but that hope was quickly dashed. Jesse got the episode's title quote, and opened the episode with a monologue about what a great position he's in. Now, either the show really really likes him, or he's the winner. Or both.

But someone in the live chat sort of summed it up for me. The show is trying really hard to make him look sympathetic with his hard luck backstory, but he still comes off pretty arrogant, and it's hard for me to root for him. 

This would have been the perfect time to get him out when he was so confident his plan to blindside Noelle was working. I don't know why Gabler decided against it, and I'm afraid they won't get another chance.

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5 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Nope. My cold dead heart thinks it's so over the top. These people they are bawling over (if they are anything like typical families) are  the same people they probably spend half their time quarreling or disagreeing with back in the real world. The overwrought reactions just seems at this point as what you are expected to do in the family letter/visit episodes and is border line ludicrous.

yeah, I kind of feel that way, too.  but then remember they are constantly having to wonder who is lying, who to trust, etc.  it must hit  a nerve to be reminded of people you didn't have to do that with.

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10 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Are they still doing that?

I didn't think this episode's family segment was too much at all. Noelle and Sami didn't even cry and Jesse and Owen were pretty tame. I don't have a problem with the family segments but they're definitely usually way more overwrought than this one.

Sia gave money to Drea last season, off air. 

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18 hours ago, Fretful said:

Did Noelle even try to shimmy along beam on her belly (I think it was Jesse? who managed that way).  It seemed like a better idea than trying to hop over.

I thought the same thing when I saw Jesse crawl but then I wondered if the "knee" of her prosthetic leg bends that way to allow her to crawl like Jesse did. I'm trying to remember, but I think when she walks, that leg is pretty stiff and not bendy. Her amputation is above the knee, so there's not a bending joint there. 

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21 hours ago, Fretful said:

every season there are a few people here who just don't get it

Yeah I get it.  I would be more surprised if they weren't moved after spending so much time with no break in such a stressful situation, hungry and tired and uncomfortable, cut off from everything and everybody they can trust constantly reevaluating this ever shifting and complex game.

Was amazed by Noelle taking out the reward but have never really connected with her.  Not anyone really this season but still enjoying it.

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I have to tell you, with the editing focus on Jesse early in the episode, I was convinced Jesse was a goner.  Then there was more focus on his scheming, then the whole Oceans Eleven (Tm @North of Edenchecklist and I was even more convinced.  Then I realized they wouldn't waste that much production $$ in a loser, so I relaxed.

Sorry to see Noelle go, but we're down to that part of the game where I'm a little invested in everyone left.  Jesse is working it hard.  Maybe too hard, and it all falls apart soon.

I'm not sure how long Noelle could have hung in there after this last episode.  She mentioned at the end of the comp when she was clutching her prosthesis that she'd lost suction, so it was coming off, and she attributed that to sweat.  Mr. HV mentioned that the fit of the sleeve might be too loose with all the weight loss, so that was going to get worse the longer she stayed in, and comps--or hell, just getting around camp--were going to get harder for her.

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I am curious if her weight loss will be different compared to others.  How much if any of weight loss comes from the leg and does she count the weight of the prothetic or not when she weighs herself.  I was sad to see her go, she was my favorite because my MIL has an above knee amputation like her.

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On 11/23/2022 at 10:16 PM, Skooma said:

I still can't figure out WHY Cody doesn't have his idol back?  Is there a reason he didn't take it back right away

Jesse has only said that Cody didn't ask for it back after the shell game at F12.  This was in the same TH when he revealed he had Jeanine's idol.  Cody's probably thinking that since Jesse is his main ally, that he can ask for it back at any time and Jesse will hand it over.  Or he might be thinking about doing a spectacle like getting it at TC.

On 11/24/2022 at 1:13 AM, Fretful said:

Actually, One of the things I'm glad came through editing was that they were very much targeting her for her gameplay.  Several times they mentioned how strong she was at the social and strategic game, that when the game pivoted she pivoted with it, and when they tried to get rid of her allies she made stronger allies.   It's too bad that her "story" overshadowed that.

After the vote out, I commented that Noelle did have too much social currency and that was what led to her vote out.  And while I understand the logic of targeting her and not wanting to sit next to her in the F3, I do think it was too soon to make the move.

19 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm annoyed that Karla's edit took a severe hit with people knowing about her idol.

Technically, Jesse only suspects that Karla has an idol.  For the same reason Elie and Jeanine "knew" Cody had an idol.  People kept talking about their other original tribe members collecting beads.  Since Jesse helped (read: masterminded) Cody get the beads for his idol, him hearing about Karla doing something similar perked his ears up.  (Despite Karla apparently floating the story that Lindsay was voted out with the idol in her pocket.)

However, I'd guess that if Cody, Sami, Owen, and Gabler also heard about Karla collecting beads, they're also suspicious.  Only Cassidy (and Noelle) would be totally in the dark.

7 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

I thought the same thing when I saw Jesse crawl but then I wondered if the "knee" of her prosthetic leg bends that way to allow her to crawl like Jesse did. I'm trying to remember, but I think when she walks, that leg is pretty stiff and not bendy. Her amputation is above the knee, so there's not a bending joint there. 

My thought was that she had the wrong leg for that challenge.  She had on her running blade.  Her other leg with the artificial foot (and convenient hidey-hole for advantages) might have been better for the balance beam.  But not having limbs like those, I wouldn't know for sure.

Edited by SVNBob
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I think Cody's time is coming.

What confuses me is why Sami voted against Karla. Last week he said he feels closest to Karla. What a confusing game 😅

Maybe next week they split the votes between Jesse and Cody and Jesse plays Cody's idol for himself so Cody leaves. This might explain why Jesse doesn't get votes to win in the end.

I'm still convinced Karla wins.

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On 11/24/2022 at 9:58 AM, peachmangosteen said:

Are they still doing that?

I didn't think this episode's family segment was too much at all. Noelle and Sami didn't even cry and Jesse and Owen were pretty tame. I don't have a problem with the family segments but they're definitely usually way more overwrought than this one.

True, that year the kids came….

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8 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

I think Cody's time is coming.

What confuses me is why Sami voted against Karla. Last week he said he feels closest to Karla. What a confusing game 😅

Maybe next week they split the votes between Jesse and Cody and Jesse plays Cody's idol for himself so Cody leaves. This might explain why Jesse doesn't get votes to win in the end.

I'm still convinced Karla wins.

I'm trying to figure that one out.  Because Sami went from wanting to work with Karla and clueing her in on the James vote, to voting against her.  Was he out of the loop, or is he going to try and pin the vote on someone else?  

Jesse might play Jeanine's idol and pass it off as Cody's, since no one knows that Jeanine's idol is still in the game.  I don't think they would have shown us Dwight giving him her idol unless it goes somewhere. 

I don't know about Karla, her stock fell for me this week.  She was out of the loop last week until Sami clued her in, and I think up until that point she was sitting pretty and felt like she was in control.  Then we saw Jesse say that people know or are pretty sure she has an idol, which maybe isn't the best kept secret she thought it was.  So I don't know.  Right now, arrogance aside, I think Jesse has a good shot.  Either he's getting set up for a big blindside or he might be there in the end.

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On 11/24/2022 at 8:44 AM, Lady Calypso said:

But also, that reward challenge proved, despite Noelle fighting her way through it, that the show is not accessible in any way. Noelle's an athlete, so of course she got through it. But the show really didn't prepare for anyone with a disability and seems to not really care to make any challenge accessible.

Just speaking for myself, the idea of "dumbing down" the physical challenges to make them easier for people with disabilities is more insulting than appreciated.

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Watched the episode on Thursday while (trying to) clean for company (that had to cancel). I'm still not feeling it.

Thinking about that Reward Challenge . . . I'm amazed rainbows didn't fire out of Probst's cargo shorts. Noelle's performance almost made me forget that a similar game was played on The Amazing Race weeks ago. Funny timing . . . the Racers were in France, and they had to complete three Medieval French games, and that included "Throw The Sandbag Onto The High Stand." They also had the "Use Levers To Get A Ball Into A Hole" game, which made me wonder if the "Dream Team" had a yard sale.

As great as Noelle's victory was (at that moment), I think the others should be pointed out for botching their assignment. I think that they had to throw the sandbags from a distance away, meaning they couldn't just go to the pole and fire upward. Given how long Noelle struggled, you'd think at least one person would've figured out how to win. IIRC, Karla's bag kept going on and off the top, meaning she was throwing a little too hard. Apologies if I got the details wrong . . . I'd check to be accurate, but that involves investing time in this series, and I don't feel like doing that.

Once again . . . Probst should have come rainbows. Also, I'm guessing Noelle was limited to bringing one prosthesis with her. The one she had on was not made for balance beams.

Nobody used an idol or advantage. Is this a record?

I'm not caring for any one person, though the thought of Cassidy or Karla winning tickles me, especially since most of the female players went out early.

Here's Erik's take:


I think he could make money if he managed to create garden gnomes that looked like Gabler.

Edited by Lantern7
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1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

Also, I'm guessing Noelle was limited to bringing one prosthesis with her. The one she had on was not made for balance beams.

She has 2. One that has a foot and the blade one she seemed to almost always wear for challenges, which it seems like that might not have been the right choice for her.

I also think her prosthetics seem like they don't fit her properly just based on how she walks in them compared to how I've seen others with prosthetics walk. How long ago did she lose her leg?

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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

She has 2. One that has a foot and the blade one she seemed to almost always wear for challenges, which it seems like that might not have been the right choice for her.

I also think her prosthetics seem like they don't fit her properly just based on how she walks in them compared to how I've seen others with prosthetics walk. How long ago did she lose her leg?

She lost her leg in 2016, so 6 years ago.  

I know in the challenge this week, I think at the end, she said her leg was sweating and about to fall off.  It made me wonder if maybe she'd never been in this type of environment with her leg before, so maybe it wasn't fitted correctly or something.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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Just speaking for myself, the idea of "dumbing down" the physical challenges to make them easier for people with disabilities is more insulting than appreciated.

Well, you can't have it both ways If you're going to say "I want to prove that I can do anything anyone else can do" then you can't ask for special accommodations. If you get special accommodations you can't play the "I can prove something" card.

That said, I'm sick and tired of these America Ninja Warrior style obstacle course challenges. It's the same damn thing week after week after year after year. Spin around, get dizzy, climb under something, go over a balance beam, toss bean bags. There hasn't been an original challenge on this show in ages. 

I like to watch live sometimes so I can post in the live chat thread but Good God these challenges are boring and annoying as shit, especially having to listen to Jeff Probst's nonstop blathering. 

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On 11/26/2022 at 12:21 PM, ICantDoThatDave said:

Just speaking for myself, the idea of "dumbing down" the physical challenges to make them easier for people with disabilities is more insulting than appreciated.

Dumbing down isn't equal to making it accessible, though. It's not asking for challenges to be altered for anyone to complete, but recognizing that there are specific challenges that people with disabilities (ie. Noelle using prosthetics) might not be able to do due to their disability. Even though Noelle signed up for the show and knew what challenges she'd have to participate in, and despite her doing a great job completing almost all the challenges, would it be difficult for the show to recognize that they should have put away specific challenges for another season? Look at the challenge a few episodes ago where Noelle couldn't get through the net in the mud. Look at how long she struggled at the balancing challenge (maybe she could have completed it faster had they told her to bring her other prosthetic instead).

It's not about making challenges easier for people with disabilities; it's more about making challenges with their disabilities in mind and recognizing if they're even able to complete it. How I see it is Noelle has to adjust herself to meet production standards but have they met her halfway? She's clearly capable of a lot, and has done so much; I just wish they would have seen that a couple of their challenges have been not so accessible for her. Again, not asking for every challenge to cater to her; maybe have the balance beam be a tad wider, or leave out the mud aspect of that net challenge a few episodes ago, or hey, have more mental challenges.

But also, this show has the same physical challenges and haven't tried to make them unique in any way in years. I am just so bored of the same ten challenge types they cycle through each season. Come up with something more unique, Survivor! Imagine if they had more mental challenges instead of all physical with mental mixed in. They used to have that, as well. I remember early seasons where a challenge would be solely mental-based. 

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Are you disabled?  I have a Below Knee Amputation on my right leg (Noelle's is Above Knee).  There are some things we simply can't do that "normal" people can.

IMO it would have diminished what Noelle just accomplished in that Reward Challenge if it'd been "made accessible" for her.  She legit won - it wasn't "made accessible" for her, & that's why she's inspiring.

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Normally the balancing challenges give me the willies, but this particular one made me think of Sophie yelling at Albert in South Pacific, so that was fun 😆

Went back and forth on Noelle early on, but ultimately I liked her, so that was too bad. Still kinda rooting for Cassidy, but my hopes aren't high so I'm reconciling myself to one of the others.

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Noelle did play a good game.  She was strategic, made allies, adapted when multiple things went against her.  I decided in episode 1 that I wasn't going to root for her just because we share a similar disability, but she won me over with her gameplay.  Now, I guess I'd oddly be fine with anyone winning, which is unusual at this point.

If I had to pick, I'd say Cassidy & Gabler would be my favorites to root for, just because they seemed so obviously on the outs before now but have survived & will have to be extremely strategic to pull off the win.  Jesse is playing a really strong game though.  As I think about it, I have to stop myself from listing reasons why all of them are my "favorite" or else I'd just list them all.  :)

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So I like Owen, Karla and Gabler (reminds me of Phillip who was a fun watch). Cassidy and Sami are OK too. Really can't stand Jesse at all. And Cody is my next not likable. Who else is left, I need to go look....

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I’m annoyed on Cassidy’s behalf that she’s being so ignored. She was a BEAST at the reward challenge — she took awhile to finish the spinning portion but then she RAN straight to the next sections and didn’t look dizzy at all, which is how she was the first one to arrive at the sandbag toss. But of course Jeff didn’t notice. And then usually the person who wins immunity has more power in the vote but it was all the Cody/Jesse show. Boo. 

I appreciate that this season isn’t breaking down along tribal lines, but I’m having trouble keeping alliances straight. At the start of the episode, Cody/Jesse/Noelle/Gabler/Owen/Sami were planning on targeting Karla/Cassidy? But wasn’t Karelia aligned with Cody/Jesse previously? Did the James vote-out break that up?? IDK, everything seems pretty fluid, which is great, but then I want more clear strategy talk to find out how people are resetting after each vote. 

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I get that Noelle was being viewed as a strong player already, but Jeffy's prolonged speechifying about how great she was to win the reward, in a manner that only he could do, was the nail in her coffin.  Nobody wants to sit next to an amputee who survived so much in life blah blah blah.  One of these days after someone gets voted out because of Jeffy gushing about them or manipulating the vote like he always does, I would love for someone to turn to him just as he snuffs the torch and say "Thanks Jeffy.  I was having a good game going until you opened your mouth and made me out to be a huge threat."

On 11/23/2022 at 9:38 PM, KeithJ said:

Same here.  I really wish they’d do away with the letters from home.  I know it’s a struggle and emotional out there but it’s like they haven’t heard from their family for years when they read the letters.

I dislike the Family Visits and I'm glad that COVID seems to have put an end to them for now.  Dislike almost everything about them... Jeffy saying "who's ready for some LOOOOOVVVVVEEEE".  The sobbing.  The endless sobbing.  Jeffy asking them what they are thinking, as they are sobbing.  The enormous eating of show airtime.  The letters are a lot better, but the reactions are a bit over the top still.  Owen sobbing over the handwriting of his parents and girlfriend?  Oh you mean the parents that he just two weeks ago was saying are white and implied that their whiteness and raising him in a white household and white community made him feel ashamed to be Asian?  Ummm ok. 

On 11/23/2022 at 8:12 PM, willco said:

Was kind of hoping that they somehow pulled off a blindside and voted Jesse out. Something about him bugs me, and it would have been quite funny if he went after that long "this is how you pull of a blindside" speech. I think we are looking at another winner that I won't like ( which is probably because I only like a couple of people that are left :) )

On 11/23/2022 at 10:16 PM, Skooma said:

I still can't figure out WHY Cody doesn't have his idol back?  Is there a reason he didn't take it back right away?  Weird stuff.

Unlike the poster I quoted, Cody and Jesse are my favorites and I'd love to see both make the final three.  Will it happen?  I doubt it.  But I'd love to see those two madcap players make it to the end.

And I loved the Jesse "Three Step Plan" of setting up an elimination segment and that it actually worked.  Unfortunately it could be a set-up for his own demise later though.  But until then I'm all in on watching "Jesse and Cody's Most Excellent Adventure."

On 11/24/2022 at 4:19 AM, violet and green said:

Every week I feel like a bad feminist, but I haven't had any interest in any of the women playing this time, apart from like Nneka, and look how that turned out! I really hope Cody and Jesse do make their way to the end, and that one of them wins - preferably Cody. For me, they've been great to watch from day one. 

I like Cody a lot but Jesse is starting to grate on me.  Jesse does seem to be the brains behind the two of them, and he does seem a bit cocky.  The odd thing is that everyone recognises that Cody and Jesse are a "Survivor power couple" but nobody seems to be trying to do anything about it.

I too don't understand why Jesse still has Cody's idol.  I get that Cody thinks they are a team so it doesn't matter who holds it, but really?  This is Survivor, people turn on you like a dime.  And considering that people are viewing Jesse as a threat, shouldn't Cody be concerned that Jesse could get blindsided and go home with it?  I'd have asked for it back, pronto.

The way Jesse said he has two idols really rubbed me the wrong way.  As if it were his idol.  The one he bamboozled Dwight into giving him, yes, that one is "his".  But Cody's is not his.

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