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S19.E03: Let’s Talk About Sex


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Yeah, I totally wouldn't suspect that Addison knows Lucas. Not at all.

Also not liking the forcing of surgical interns into doing sex ed videos without their consent.

And why would you assume that just because they're young it will mean they'll be good on camera?

Damn show made me tear up. I blame Marla Gibbs.

I actually liked Schmidt tonight. He was good with the high school student.

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5 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Intern Jules is totally getting pregnant from the just-one-time-and-no-feelings sexcapade with Blue, isn't she?

Ugh, please no pregnancies from the sex ed class. (Which seemed more focused on how to have good sex than preventing pregnancy.)

Who else expected the ovarian cyst patient to have an ectopic when she grabbed her stomach?

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Can’t this show ever talk about controversial topics without being so heavy handed?  
And why can’t these shows find some new sex moves then the jump up with legs wrapped around and ending with them both falling back on the bed at the end.  There are many less cliche positions.

Was the pregnant girl under 18?  I would think the parents would have to be notified. 

Edited by Laurie4H
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3-for-3 on liking the episodes this season, that hasn't happened in quite a while for me! 

I think this new group of interns is hitting the right notes - they've still got intern hijinks going on (convos in the basement hallway, personal convos during research, awkward run-in's with attendings, learning the ropes of the hospital) but they've also made them appropriately proficient at practicing medicine. After years of Schmitt and his intern class going way too far into bumbling idiot territory, it's nice to have a group of interns who seem like actual adults and doctors. The original MAGIC group had a great balance of mistakes/immaturity with learning/competence. This new group is the closest I feel they've come to capturing that again and I really like it. 

Will be interesting to see what attendings they have professional chemistry with. Some of my favorite early relationships were were George/Bailey, Karev/Robbins, Jackson/Sloan, and Callie/Christina. I think these new interns (are we going with MAGYK for them?) will integrate will with the "older" cast, and I think if they can do that will the show has legs for another few seasons.

Also I love Harry Shum Jr. They've still got me for as long as Dr. Blue is around!

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I enjoyed the episode. Explains why Adams appears mixed race, his dad is from Barbados.

Addison and Jake(?) better not split up just so Kate can be on Greys more often. Just get Benjamin Bratt for like one scene so they can just say she moved the whole family.

The stuff with Marla Gibbs was another cute callback. Cute is not the right word, but it was a moment we remember from early seasons. I do think we will see her again, and find out which doctor at that hospital delivered Simone.

Harry Shum Jr (Blue) is only a year younger than Kelly McCreary (Maggie). Had to Google because neither look their age.

White-intern's name will not stay in my brain, but so far, she's just "fine"

Teddy and Owen acted like the couple from SNL with Amy Poehler and Seth Meyer where they just yelled and yelled until they were makin out lol

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12 minutes ago, Laurie4H said:

Was the pregnant girl under 18?  I would think the parents would have to be notified. 

Laws vary by state, of course, but according to the WA state department of health website, "In Washington, people of any age have the right to independently consent for their own abortion care."

2 minutes ago, BoogieBurns said:

I enjoyed the episode. Explains why Adams appears mixed race, his dad is from Barbados.

In real life (according to some website I don't recall since I looked him up during the season premiere), the actor's mother is from Barbados and his father is Finnish. Guess they had to switch parents for the character since his mother is Derek's sister.

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So do we know which sister married/dated/had a fling with a guy from Barbados?  

ETA:  I think it's Nancy.  She's the oldest, who lives in Connecticut.  Lucas said he grew up in Connecticut.  Amelia also said she doesn't talk to his mom, and Amelia and Nancy never got along.

Edited by FnkyChkn34
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I love Addison, it's great to see her again, but I do hope tptb don't sacrifice her Private Practice happy ending just because she's guest starring. I like that she's working so close with Miranda, they've always had a great friendship.

Zola is her father's daughter. Yes, I'm giving Derek the credit. St. Meredith of the Sun gets enough praise and I don't have to give it to her. 

Marla Gibbs, legend and national treasure. The emotional heart of this episode. 

I hope the show reinstates Richard as Chief of Surgery once Meredith goes wherever she's going to go (to explain Ellen's absence for the majority of the season). It's almost ridiculous how much of a revolving door that title has been, but Richard Weber has always been Chief to me. 

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1 hour ago, Laurie4H said:

Was the pregnant girl under 18?  I would think the parents would have to be notified. 

At least in Washington State, I believe a minor can receive an abortion without parental notification or consent.  

I didn't love the sex education storyline.  It felt like they treated the important educational component of it as boring and not worthwhile, and then it just devolved into the staff simply giving sex tips to high school students.  

I do want someone to tell Adams to give some more thought to trying to keep his relationship to Meredith and Amelia quiet.  You will be with these people for years, they will all eventually find out and you'll just end up looking silly for keeping it a secret.    

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11 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

At least in Washington State, I believe a minor can receive an abortion without parental notification or consent.  

I didn't love the sex education storyline.  It felt like they treated the important educational component of it as boring and not worthwhile, and then it just devolved into the staff simply giving sex tips to high school students.  

I do want someone to tell Adams to give some more thought to trying to keep his relationship to Meredith and Amelia quiet.  You will be with these people for years, they will all eventually find out and you'll just end up looking silly for keeping it a secret.    

Not to mention, it isn't like his spot was super competitive or it's highly prestigious or anything. They said they took the bottom of the med school class who had been rejected everywhere else. So no one can really be mad that he got the spot due to family connections.

I'm not sure the parents of all those teenagers will appreciate them getting tips on how to have good sex. That's not what most parents expect when they hear "sex ed class."

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Nice to see Addison again. This show has a dearth of adults behaving like adults.

I had hoped to never see Kai again. But they are back to show neurological tests that Zola can do like no adult that Kai has ever seen in their research. And as everyone ooh'ed and aww'ed over Zola, I cringed. That's not the way to be with a super smart kid.

Richard said that he took care of a sack at 15. The idea of teaching high school students the difficulty of parenting started with the egg project in 1986 when the actor was 32.

This is the most I've ever liked Schmidt. Keep him as a side character, stop the not-funny comic stuff+ and I may learn to tolerate him.

3 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Intern Jules is totally getting pregnant from the just-one-time-and-no-feelings sexcapade with Blue, isn't she?

Better Blue than Linc who appears to be slated for Jo. (Unfortunately because I thought his best pairing was Amelia.)

Edited by statsgirl
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3 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

So do we know which sister married/dated/had a fling with a guy from Barbados?  

ETA:  I think it's Nancy.  She's the oldest, who lives in Connecticut.  Lucas said he grew up in Connecticut.  Amelia also said she doesn't talk to his mom, and Amelia and Nancy never got along.

Being Nancy would really explain Addison being thrilled to see Lucas.  In season 2 (I think) or maybe 3, Addison was very excited to see Nancy and they seemed to have a good connection. I have to say I love having Addison back, even as a guest star, I do like the thought of bringing in her hubby and her son too.

3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I had hoped to never see Kai again. But they are back to show neurological tests that Zola can do like no adult that Kai has ever seen in their research. And as everyone ooh'ed and aww'ed over Zola, I cringed. That's not the way to be with a super smart kid.

This is the most I've ever liked Schmidt. Keep him as a side character, stop the not-funny comic stuff+ and I may learn to tolerate him.

Better Blue than Linc who appears to be slated for Jo. (Unfortunately because I thought his best pairing was Amelia.)

Kai doesn't seem to have a personality (IMO).  She seems to be going through the motions more than Ellen Pompeo has done in the last few seasons.  I too preferred Linc with Amelia.  They had decent chemistry.  Jo and Linc are wrong.  I still preferred Alex and Jo (way more than Alex and Izzy).  

Schmidt seems decent, when he isn't trying to be the Chief Resident. He needs to stop apologising all the time. That is becoming annoying.  

I love how Griffiths just looked up Lucas and knew who he was.  You would think he would just tell everyone.  They were all misfits and the bottom of the barrel anyway, it's not like he was invited there because he was amazing.  

I have to admit, I snorted with laughter when Owen went into Teddy at the end and he was trying out all the erogenous zones but really just touched the back of her knee and it was hot and steamy immediately.  Hopefully, we get to have them being civil now and not the ridiculous jibes at each other.  

Zola...this has been coming for a while.  Maybe she will be accelerated through school like Maggie was?  

How is it Richard approved Bailey rather than Meredith?  Is he still "Chief of Chiefs"? I would have thought Meredith should have been the one to ask?  I would have also liked to have seen some interaction between Meredith and Bailey and Meredith and Addison too.  Even dinner at Meredith's at the end with Lucas and Addison and Amelia.  That would have been way better than seeing Amelia with Kai.  I was hoping for that anyway.  

I have to say though, I do maintain that Richard is starting to look old and even a bit frail.  

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1 hour ago, Laurie4H said:

I don’t agree with teaching teens sex techniques.  I know they are going to do what they are going to do and I think it’s good practice to teach safe sex IF they decide to have it but I don’t think it should be condoned either.  They need to know that they are probably not emotionally ready.  

They are a teaching hospital.   “Condoning” is not their space…they teach the facts, and some people find the facts uncomfortable, but teens have sex and need to understand consent and pregnancy prevention.  Teaching them how to make it pleasurable and safe for their partners also helps to minimize both unwanted pregnancy and helps the young people understand their own bodies…such as the most effective way to get the pleasure without the risk of pregnancy was taking care of things themselves.  

I wish they had spent more time on consent…a great chance to teach but with great comedy potential such as the English video using serving tea as a proxy for secular consent.  

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32 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

They are a teaching hospital.   “Condoning” is not their space…they teach the facts, and some people find the facts uncomfortable, but teens have sex and need to understand consent and pregnancy prevention.  Teaching them how to make it pleasurable and safe for their partners also helps to minimize both unwanted pregnancy and helps the young people understand their own bodies…such as the most effective way to get the pleasure without the risk of pregnancy was taking care of things themselves.  

I wish they had spent more time on consent…a great chance to teach but with great comedy potential such as the English video using serving tea as a proxy for secular consent.  

I love the fact that they tried really hard to debunk that porn is not pleasurable sex.  That pleasing your partner is a good thing, not trying to replicate what they see in porn as being the socially acceptable norm.  And then add in the be safe and considerate and don't assume consent is a given, that was a good thing. 

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7 hours ago, LexieLily said:

When Adams looked up the chart for Denise Griffith it said her DOB as 1970 and her death as 1995. 

It also said she was a 35 year old when she gave birth to Simone. 

Definitely a production mistake. I imagine that, at the very least, Simone's mother was born in 1960, not 1970, to make it work. 

It was an ok episode. I'm very glad the interns are doing SOMETHING this season than just being background characters.

I wish the sex education portion was done better. There IS a balance between spewing cold facts at kids vs telling them how to have sex. The show doesn't seem to know where that is, though. On a sex-drive show like this, I'm not surprised. Unfortunately, as an asexual, I was hoping there would have been some progress with having one character express that they aren't into sex, but alas, probably never going to be this show (but we got confirmation that Mika is LGBTQIA+). 

Especially with that end sequence, with Blue/Jules, Teddy/Owen, Amelia/Kai, Jo/Link in their weird foot arousal thing and then the slightly more ambiguous Lucas/Simone (not quite sex, but probably a romantically-driven scene). 

Especially with Jules/Link never letting us forget how THEY'VE SLEPT TOGETHER, and now she's also sleeping with Blue, is this going to be some weird love...square thing, now with Jo back in the picture? Is Blue going to turn into an antagonist with him doing anything to be at the top, including blackmailing Jules when he inevitably finds out about her and Link? Where is all of this going?

Glad to see Addison back. She's always a joy to see around, and I loved her recognizing Lucas immediately. Although it does point to him being Nancy's kid (living in Connecticut and Addison clearly being close enough with the family, and Nancy loved Addison the most); that doesn't make me happy, because Nancy has not been nice in her few appearances on this show so her being Lucas' mom doesn't bode well for him (unless he takes after his dad). Not that Kathleen is a better choice, since she was worse than Nancy was in her ONE appearance. I guess I'm still holding out hope that it's Liz. 

Simone's grandmother storyline was very sad, but I was happy to see Meredith get involved and finally be a mentor to an intern. And Simone/Lucas know each other's secrets.

Schmitt as Chief Resident is not what I expected him to be like. I wish we had gotten more of a build-up to Mean Bitter Schmitt besides just last season with him killing his patient. It might have been more fun to see him slowly grow into Grumpy Chief. 

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11 hours ago, funnygirl said:

Zola is her father's daughter. Yes, I'm giving Derek the credit. St. Meredith of the Sun gets enough praise and I don't have to give it to her. 

Obviously neither Derek nor Meredith are Zola's biological parent. So any "gifts" she inherited did NOT come from them. And brilliance can not be taught.  Also someone as "gifted" as Zola was just portrayed would have been tested in about the first or second grade. Some teacher along the way would have noticed. IMO

Actually I didn't mind the show sounding the alarm! Body Autonomy can NOT be taken for granted anymore!!!! I am old enough to remember a time before Roe V Wade. I remember when my mother was "allowed" to get her own Credit Card -- without her husband or father's permission.. I am with Addison on this-- I can't sleep at night as my rights and those of my daughters are slowly eroded.

I don't hate the new interns but no one is standing out to me -- yet -- but time will tell. I don't remember any of their names.

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25 minutes ago, NaughtyKitty said:

55 minutes of a very heavy-handed "safe sex" PSA with the last 5 minutes being a montage of couples having presumably unprotected sex. WTF?!?!?!

Owen/Teddy and Amelia/Kai are consenting adults in long-term, committed relationships.  So what if they do?  And Jo and Link didn't do anything.  Of course the Blue/Jules hook-up will come back to haunt them, but that's a soap opera...

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43 minutes ago, NaughtyKitty said:

55 minutes of a very heavy-handed "safe sex" PSA with the last 5 minutes being a montage of couples having presumably unprotected sex. WTF?!?!?!

To be fair, we DID see an opened condom wrapper in Blue/Jules' on call room. And the others are in a committed relationship, so they likely did use protection. And Jo/Link didn't have sex, but they've established that Link does have sex regularly, so he probably has condoms lying around if they did.

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The irritation about them teaching "kids" to have pleasurable sex is misplaced. The point they were making about pleasurable sex is that there are lots of other way to please each other WITHOUT the possibility of pregnancy; ie without penis-in-vagina sex. The intent was to have a safe-sex discussion in order to reduce the number of unintentional pregnancies (to avoid those now-illegal-in-many-states abortions). What they were teaching after the "boring facts" was probably more effective. Instead of contraceptives and condoms (which kids know/hear about regularly and probably still don't use effectively), they taught about pleasurable touching and erogenous zones and ways to enjoy sex that didn't necessarily involve penis-in-vagina intercourse. And, yes, those tips were more likely to go viral.

OF COURSE Zola is gifted.

That is all.

Edited by marcee
I didn't love my sentence fragments...
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I like that these new interns aren’t glorified extras or over the top bumbling caricatures, like they’re still learning but also clearly qualified. They’ve all got pretty good chemistry as a group but I would’ve preferred to see some friendship pairs(I liked Jules and Simone’s scenes last week, oddly enough they reminded me of Callie and Cristina)before the inevitable romances, but Greys will Greys lol. I miss the easy camaraderie of original interns and even though Jo’s class never quite got there in terms of closeness, imo this show is best when it embraces the friendship/found family angle. It balances out the soap operatic romances.

Which, actually, they haven’t really had all that much of lately? Or maybe the current couples just don’t do it for me. Teddy and Owen have always been unbearable, even in the earlier seasons(Owen branded himself an enemy of mine when he publicly yelled at Cristina about her abortion in season 8 and Teddy is great as a teacher but otherwise they never quite seem to know what they want to do with her); Meredith isn’t sleepwalking through episodes anymore(her scenes with Griffith were some of her best in years)but she and Nick have zero sparks; Winston and Maggie are cute, but bland and Kai and Amelia(who I thought was going to have a romance with Carina all the way back when, so having them finally confirm she’s bi was cool)had the potential to be interesting but whatever they’re going for with Kai just doesn’t translate for me? They developed as this slowish burn that on paper, sounds romantic and fun but in actuality is just buckets of boring. I mean, I get that Kai’s meant to be highly intelligent and reserved but the actor constantly sounds like they’re reading the lines off the page for the first time. Which is weird because I watched them in Shrill and they were charismatic and really sold the role. Maybe it’s the material but Kai and Amelia are pretty underwhelming together at the moment. 

I like that they’ve nudged the older cast to the background though. There are only so many storylines they can revisit with those same handful of people and they’ve been scraping the bottom of the barrel for a few seasons now. Pairing them up with interns and having rotating services again is already breathing new life into them. And I really hope they keep it up with the interns and giving them solid stories. I like Griffith(she’s the best actress of the newbies, very natural in her role, and a great crier but I hope her plot isn’t this depressing for the entire season) and Jules(she gives me early Izzie which I like, but they need to drop the Link thing; their chemistry is nonexistent and it’s already gotten old)who both feel like the main characters of their group. Mika and Blue need a little more depth but they’re fun and McNephew reminds me a lot of George, but less fumbling nice guy and slightly more grounded. 

It’s a solid start. I’ve been watching the last few seasons off and on and didn’t expect this season to be as good as it is but so far I’m really liking it.  

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Oh yay. They brought back Kai.

Nick always seems overwhelmed and slightly stoned. I know there's been plenty of discussion about Meredith as a mother and I mostly stay out of those but I was 100 behind her anger at Zola being assessed without her knowledge. Nick needs to be  little more careful in his interactions with Zola. As soon as he found her wandering he should've called or texted Mer just to let her know, especially since we know Zola's having panic attacks. Come on Nick do better.

I didn't think it was possible but Teddy and Owen are even more toxic than they were before.

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18 hours ago, BoogieBurns said:

The stuff with Marla Gibbs was another cute callback. Cute is not the right word, but it was a moment we remember from early seasons. I do think we will see her again, and find out which doctor at that hospital delivered Simone.

That should be really easy since Adams was able to pull up the hospital record easily.  I tried to see if the record they showed on screen had the doctor's name on it, but they didn't show that.

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1 hour ago, izabella said:

That should be really easy since Adams was able to pull up the hospital record easily.  I tried to see if the record they showed on screen had the doctor's name on it, but they didn't show that.

Would a hospital really have almost-30-year-old patient data that easily accessible? You'd think they'd archive it at some point. Staff aren't going to need to go back that far on a day-to-day basis, and with the number of patients coming in and out that's a lot of server space for information no one's likely to be looking for (and it would probably make their searches take longer). 

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13 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

I don’t agree with teaching teens sex techniques.  I know they are going to do what they are going to do and I think it’s good practice to teach safe sex IF they decide to have it but I don’t think it should be condoned either.  They need to know that they are probably not emotionally ready.  

When I was a teenager, we had mandatory sex ed class in New York. This was back in the early 70s. It taught me everything I knew for a long, long time about sex and contraception. I never had an unwanted pregnancy, thanks to that class.

I haven't watched the show in years, but did tune in because I heard the topic of the episode. So many people I don't know. I was never a fan of Addison, but she is a wonderful doctor.

22 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Yeah, I totally wouldn't suspect that Addison knows Lucas. Not at all.

I would absolutely expect Addison to know Lucas. She would have been married to Derek when he was born and if she kept in touch with his mother after she and Derek broke up, it makes perfect sense.

22 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Intern Jules is totally getting pregnant from the just-one-time-and-no-feelings sexcapade with Blue, isn't she?

If they are continuing to mirror the original interns, then I can absolutely see at the very least a pregnancy scare.

22 hours ago, Laurie4H said:
1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

Would a hospital really have almost-30-year-old patient data that easily accessible? You'd think they'd archive it at some point. Staff aren't going to need to go back that far on a day-to-day basis, and with the number of patients coming in and out that's a lot of server space for information no one's likely to be looking for (and it would probably make their searches take longer). 

Simone was born in Seattle Grace.  What is now Grey Sloan  has been renovated several times. I would think between it would be archived off site.

I don't mind Amelia being bi. It tracks for the character. I just don't see any chemistry between the 2 actors.  I also don't care one bit about Owen & Teddy. 

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11 minutes ago, Milaxx said:

I would absolutely expect Addison to know Lucas. She would have been married to Derek when he was born and if she kept in touch with his mother after she and Derek broke up, it makes perfect sense.

That comment was my reaction the scene where she sees him for the first time and he is all "It's nice to meet you Dr. Montgomery who I've never met before in my life please don't let my coworkers know who I am...." which obviously did not fool Simone.

Edited by ams1001
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14 minutes ago, Milaxx said:

Simone was born in Seattle Grace.  What is now Grey Sloan  has been renovated several times. I would think between it would be archived off site.

I don't mind Amelia being bi. It tracks for the character. I just don't see any chemistry between the 2 actors.  I also don't care one bit about Owen & Teddy. 

Since the data has all been digitized, it is more believable that it could be accessed. It absolutely would have been archived if they were paper records, but if it is digital why deal with archiving. 

Maybe they have a database where it searches older files if they can't find something in recent ones. That would mean the extra records aren't slowing down most searches.

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40 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

Since the data has all been digitized, it is more believable that it could be accessed. It absolutely would have been archived if they were paper records, but if it is digital why deal with archiving. 

Maybe they have a database where it searches older files if they can't find something in recent ones. That would mean the extra records aren't slowing down most searches.

I guess it depends. We have a lot of hospitals in my city and they limit how far back they go to convert records to digital and the rest are archived. I *think* the limit was 20 years. I guess if they converted all the old Seattle Grace records to digital, retrieval would be that easy.

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On 10/20/2022 at 9:20 PM, shantown said:

3-for-3 on liking the episodes this season, that hasn't happened in quite a while for me! 

It really is a fantastic turnaround for the show. I chuckled a bit when I pulled it up on my dvr screen, I still have the last four from last season sitting there not viewed. Thought I was done, but here I am pulled back in. There are still annoyances, but I’m really enjoying this refresh. 

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11 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Since the data has all been digitized, it is more believable that it could be accessed. It absolutely would have been archived if they were paper records, but if it is digital why deal with archiving. 

My workplace archives digital data regularly and purges it from the live tables. If we need to go back further, we have to get IT to restore it. Some hold ~3 or 6 months worth, some go back years (I think it depends, at least in part, on the level of detail). 

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10 hours ago, pennben said:

It really is a fantastic turnaround for the show. I chuckled a bit when I pulled it up on my dvr screen, I still have the last four from last season sitting there not viewed. Thought I was done, but here I am pulled back in. There are still annoyances, but I’m really enjoying this refresh. 

This is what they should have been doing all along.  Every few years (since time means nothing on GA), have a new crop of interns as the old ones leave.  You know, like normal hospitals!  Instead, they did everything except for that.

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3 hours ago, izabella said:

This is what they should have been doing all along.  Every few years (since time means nothing on GA), have a new crop of interns as the old ones leave.  You know, like normal hospitals!  Instead, they did everything except for that.

For a while they were doing just that. After Jo's class they stopped making the interns actual people and other than Schmitt, didn't actually give them story arcs or personalities.

50 minutes ago, Milaxx said:

For a while they were doing just that. After Jo's class they stopped making the interns actual people and other than Schmitt, didn't actually give them story arcs or personalities.

Deluca was an intern when he first came on, he definitely had a real story arc and personality.

And they seemed to set up some interesting characters with Schmitt's class, they just never followed through and let them all leave. 

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On 10/21/2022 at 6:20 PM, ams1001 said:

Would a hospital really have almost-30-year-old patient data that easily accessible? You'd think they'd archive it at some point.

It's unlikely records for a patient that died in 1995 would have been digitized and are as easily accessible as shown here.  Washington State has guidelines that healthcare providers keep patient records for 10 years.  I can't imagine what purpose there would be in digitizing such old records for long dead patients, except, of course, for drama!

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23 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Deluca was an intern when he first came on, he definitely had a real story arc and personality.

And they seemed to set up some interesting characters with Schmitt's class, they just never followed through and let them all leave. 

They definitely picked one or 2 to give actual story arcs and personalities, just not entire classes. The frustrating part was many of them did have potential.  Casey, Qadri both had potential. Helms didn't really have a personality outside of being Levi's BFF and having a crush on Grey. Just so many missed opportunities.

Edited by Milaxx
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12 hours ago, Milaxx said:

They definitely picked one or 2 to give actual story arcs and personalities, just not entire classes. The frustrating part was many of them did have potential. The Casey, Qadri both had potential. Helms didn't really have a personality outside of being Levi's BFF and having a crush on Grey. Just so many missed opportunities.

Yeah, I mean these characters actually have all back stories to them. It's nicely refreshing, and some are actually a bit embarresed by things that sadly they have no control over. Like with the grandmother here, which also you know, ties into established character's history. I also like the turn around with the Sex Ed story. How they went from: "Come on this is stupid" to: "You know what, you raise damn good points and why did I know this stuff when I was their age." I also like the two C stories with both high school girls. One was realizing how a simple mistake happened and why you have a right to choose. To of course the other one where the mother just never got in her head, that it isn't just a "monthly thing" but also the fact the interns were: "You could have never known this, the important thing is everyone is ok and can move on." 

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This episode wasn’t great. After two really strong episodes it felt like they went back to old habits with the roe v wade heavy handedness. I like Addison but as already said it’s annoying that they’re likely going to reset her happy ending from Private Practice to service the guest stint here. i also thought it was very soon to start hooking the interns up. They could have continued to develop the friendships first. The Blu/Jules hook up came out of nowhere especially as they don’t seem to be done with her and Linc so I really don’t understand them repushing the Jo/Linc thing. I’m not looking forward to the eventual quadrangle. I didn’t care at all for the Zola stuff. 

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I didn't watch Private Practice to the end so I don't have Addison concerns. I just want her back with real storylines.

This episode reminded me of old Grey's in the way it pulled all the interns to do something that had nothing to do with surgery, leaving me wonder why on earth they would do that. It turned out ok in the end but I prefer medical case storylines.

I had hoped Kai was gone for good. Darn. Why do they write her so dull? 

I agree with others that this was one of Glasses' best episodes. I'm still ok with him getting run over or something but if he is going to stay, please make him competent. 

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