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S07.E01: Spring Awakening

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Wendy the doctor says "Liberry," and wants to start a bar with Peter...she could not sound stupider.  Maybe she should call Cynthia and talk about things regarding his business accumen.

Ashley cannot say what her separation or divorce looks like, Michael is not garranting giving her any money and I am sure she will have primary custody of the kids, he did not seem so interested in them but she is willing to leave the marital home without anything spelled out and is hoping things will work out because so many divorces are easy, laid back and totally fair.  OMG she needs a divorce lawyer or at minimum they should use a mediator, Michael is not a stupid man when it comes to his money or his divorces.

Mia is renting a house for $10,000/month, seems excessive.

Gizelle just keeps adding things on to her house and it is getting kind of funny, like it was built by committee. Her girls are seriously pretty.

Edited by Baltimore Betty
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4 minutes ago, Axie said:

Did Mia say she spent $65k on upgrades for a rental?  Why would anyone do that?

Maybe I heard that wrong….

You heard right, she is either lying or stupid or both. If she did spend that money on a rental why didn't she take out that date black bath tub and glass block wall?  I forgot how much side eye I give Mia whenever she opens her mouth.  

Is she just renting cancer or not renting it, I dunno.

Robin divorced Juan and has lived with him steadily ever since, how could she have any judgement for Ashley?

I feel like Karen has changed up her boob situation a couple of times now, right?

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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Mia is renting a house for $10,000/month, seems excessive.

For the size of house Mia is renting, that's probably just about right.  Regular townhouses are running $3000/month.  I wouldn't have put $65,000 into a rental, though.

1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Robin divorced Juan and has lived with him steadily ever since, how could she have any judgement for Ashley?

Because Ashley dragged Robyn for the first 3 seasons of RHOP for living with her ex-husband and here she is doing the same thing with Kickback Jack.

2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Wendy the doctor says "Liberry," and wants to start a bar with Peter...she could not sound stupider.  Maybe she should call Cynthia and talk about things regarding his business accumen.

The problem with Wendy's idea is 1) it's already been done in the area and 2) she needs to be in a really good area of Baltimore to pull it off.  And all those places are mostly taken.  Good luck to her, though.

Actually I have a problem with Wendy trying to open a restaurant at all because she has so many other balls in the air.  Concentrate on them instead of undertaking yet another venture.  Logically, she should be asking Ashley about the ups and downs of running a restaurant.  Where is Gordon Ramsey to kick some sense into her?

Lastly on Wendy, she looks quite silly going all Hey gurl! and trying to hug Gizelle, the woman she read up and down and all around last season. Looking Grace up and down in the driveway with the stank face. Gizelle did the right thing by telling her to get the hell on and Robyn would be more than justified in giving Wendy the cold shoulder too. 

I'm glad Charrisse is back because I think Charrisse's presence breaks up the Karen/Gizelle/Robyn dynamic. Charrisse's presence cracks Karen's Grande Dame narrative and puts a small wedge between Robyn and Gizelle.  

I hope Candiace freezes her eggs and not embryos because I don't see her ever having kids with Chris. He's over it and as she becomes more successful she's going to be over it as well.

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26 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

I hope Candiace freezes her eggs and not embryos because I don't see her ever having kids with Chris. He's over it and as she becomes more successful she's going to be over it as well.

I think she'll have at least one child with him. She said on Twitter that she understands he's providing for them, she's just worried about his work schedule keeping him away. Plus she's said she's basically sticking with him till death because she loves him and believes they could work through anything (including cheating), plus her stepchildren are involved and their emotional well-being is more important than her feelings.

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Wendy is all over the place. This next business venture makes her look like a desperate fool. It’s like she’s frantically trying to collect businesses like she collected degrees. Her husband is not on board, what’s missing in her life? What is she trying to prove and to whom? Is she going to blame mom again?

Also, Dr. 4 Degrees did not look like she was following Peter’s numbers explanation and he was very clearly sounding like a grifter when he was doing it. That’s how people get conned and Wendy is an easy target.

My husband and I have successful careers and 3 kids. He also coaches both of our older kids’ soccer teams. We have zero time for anything and are stressed out every day. I see & feel for Eddie. There is no way that Wendy has time for the family with all that she has going on. No way.

Edited by DeeplyShallow
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I thought the Wendy/Peter meeting was a production set up. I’ll be surprised if she really invests in a Peter bar. 
Candiaces look in her talking head is distracting. The eye makeup looks terrible. 
I am surprised she wants to have kids with Chris. He seems checked out. 
Mia shouldn’t be faking people out about her health scare. Just say what it is. 
Ashley is gross. A coochie craving? For Michael? Yeah right. She must think she’s going to get a better settlement if she is open to banging him.

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Gizelle's daughters are so grown up and beautiful. All cheekbones and cheeky comments about their mother's struggle-fashion. I loved it!

Ashley is in for a rude awakening if she thinks this is going to be one of those "nice" divorces. That old crocodile will have her out in these streets setting up her mother's old tent if she ain't careful. She'd best get a good attorney -- stat! No comment on her coochie craving. Lawd.

Robin looks great.

Mia loves to exaggerate. I've seen some viewers call her out as a pathological liar. She's terrible at it. I do hope, however, that she lied exaggerated about dropping 65k on someone else's house.

I enjoyed how Candiace told Chris to stop cursing at her, then moments later, cursed at him. These two are in it for the long haul, folks!

I knew Peter would carry his ass up to Potomac eventually. He said if Marlo Hampton can do it, so can he. And if it don't work out here -- next stop, Dubai!

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Episode 1 and I'm already annoyed with the editors for using unseen scenes as flashbacks. WHY didn't we see Candiace's sit down with Robyn? That better mean they have much better footage and have less filler episodes. Gizelle is not on my team but she did work overtime for this premiere. Now, was that tea she dropped about Robyn's name being the only one on the house or was that known? Still living for her daughters shading her at every turn. 

While it's smart to put a house in an LLC, I'm not sure what Ashley and Michael are doing. She's 6 months into the separation. There's a chance they will reconcile by the reunion.

So Cynthia contacted Gizelle when rumors swirled about her dating Peter, but did Cynthia contact Wendy when rumors swirled about her working with Peter? That's the bigger issue. 

I can't get into Mia. I don't see it ever happening. 

Edited by LaurelleJ
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8 hours ago, spunky said:

I think she'll have at least one child with him. She said on Twitter that she understands he's providing for them, she's just worried about his work schedule keeping him away. Plus she's said she's basically sticking with him till death because she loves him and believes they could work through anything (including cheating), plus her stepchildren are involved and their emotional well-being is more important than her feelings.

She's worried about WHAT???

Edited by StillHere
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On 10/5/2022 at 3:16 PM, TexasGal said:

Airdate: 10.09.2022

Ok here we go, Ashely please chile please spare me the BS with this so called divorce or whatever.  Giselle, you wasted no time being messy , you may be confused about Mia's  instagram post , but to say to her it screams attention is just downright cruel. Chris truly seems to be over it with Candance ,  Giselle let the cat out of the bag on Robyn and Juan business, Juan's name is not on the new home ?  Wendy slow your roll and take care of home first .  However I don't blame Wendy on trying to secure the bag while she has a platform on this show , you never know when this will end.   

11 hours ago, Axie said:

Did Mia say she spent $65k on upgrades for a rental?  Why would anyone do that?

Maybe I heard that wrong….

No you heard right, I was thinking the same darn thing ?? Why ? 

Edited by byrd
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9 hours ago, rustyspigot said:

So this was pretty much a set up episode for the season which is fine. And its spring in case you didn't notice for the hundreds of shots of flowers blossoming,

I guess Wendy's candle empire melted. Let's invest in a bar!

Gizelle's Pee Wee Playhouse makeover continues.

Lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I declare that house is really odd.  the west wing needs to be demolished or at least the exterior need to match the rest of the house.  

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19 minutes ago, byrd said:

Lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I declare that house is really odd.  the west wing needs to be demolished or at least the exterior need to match the rest of the house.  

See right there is the difference between having a contractor and having an architect.  The inside of the house is bad too, why does she not get the right professionals for the job, interior designers don't just pick paint colors! 

I picture the girls having to go outside then in to another wing to get to their rooms, lol.

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47 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

So, does Mia actually HAVE some type of cancer?  I wasn't sure exactly what is going on there.  And, she supposedly announced this on social media, before getting any kind of diagnosis or consultation with an oncologist?  Just sounds so strange to me.

I have a lot of thoughts about this mess, remember when Kim Z of RHOA thought she had cancer because she was losing her hair (we all know that it is the chemo that causes hair loss and not the actual cancer) and led all her friends to think she did have it but did not.  The other thing is her mother asked her if she had heard any news from the doctor and she straight up asked "what news from the doctor?"  Putting any of her maybes on social media does scream she needs attention, where is her husband in all this mess?  Wouldn't her kids be completely freaked out if they heard from someone about their mother's cancer claim, they have friends whose parents see her SM, we know how people talk, sort of irresponsible on Mia's part.

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14 minutes ago, spunky said:

Chris usually gets home from work around 2-3am

What is Chris' line of work now? Even if he's in the restaurant business you still don't work till 3am. Something smells. 

I see Ashley got her bangin' body back and she's going to show it every chance she gets. The baby weight is gone but what the hell was that mess she was wearing to the Spring party? She's not ready for a divorce, she's just needs a storyline and I guess she's going to drag this back and forth BS out all season. 

I thought every thing Peter Thomas touched turned to shit. Isn't that one of the reasons Cynthia divorced him? Does he even have one bar that remains open and is successful? 

Mia lost me when she said the doctor told her "It looks like Lymphoma". Looks like it? Dr's don't talk like that. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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Wendy said "liberry" stop the world 😑 Lots of educated people mispronounce words; myself included. And speaking for the black people THAT I KNOW PERSONALLY lots of us say "liberry" and "axe" especially when we are cutting up speaking with each other. Some of us don't care to code switch.

None of us are going to talk about Ashley recreating the Vanessa Bell Calloway look from Coming to America in her confessionals? 

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49 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Mia lost me when she said the doctor told her "It looks like Lymphoma". Looks like it? Dr's don't talk like that. 

It seems that there are so many diagnostic tests, bone marrow aspirations, endless blood work, etc...you are right, oncologists say exactly what it is.  If Mia is in for the long con this is a horrible thing to embark on, please tell me she will not fake cancer, please.

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15 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

Giselle’s daughter “I thought we upgraded your wardrobe”


Her daughters are great. They need to pick out all their mother's clothes because G' looked pretty good at the Spring Fling.

15 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

People are saying that Taylor Armstrong is the first housewife to change cities (RHOBH to RHOC), but isn’t it actually Peter Thomas?

Season 4 Reaction GIF by grown-ish

14 hours ago, Axie said:

Did Mia say she spent $65k on upgrades for a rental?  Why would anyone do that?

Maybe I heard that wrong….

I know. I was like WTF?

10 hours ago, Hiyo said:

Wendy starting or investing in a bar isn't the worst idea ever.

Her starting or investing in a bar with Peter, of all people? That could be a worst idea ever, given his less than successful track record of late.

6 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I thought the Wendy/Peter meeting was a production set up. I’ll be surprised if she really invests in a Peter bar. 
Candiaces look in her talking head is distracting. The eye makeup looks terrible. 
I am surprised she wants to have kids with Chris. He seems checked out. 
Mia shouldn’t be faking people out about her health scare. Just say what it is. 
Ashley is gross. A coochie craving? For Michael? Yeah right. She must think she’s going to get a better settlement if she is open to banging him.

Peter was looking worse for wear. I heard he might have some addiction issues.

1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

I see Ashley got her bangin' body back and she's going to show it every chance she gets. The baby weight is gone but what the hell was that mess she was wearing to the Spring party? She's not ready for a divorce, she's just needs a storyline and I guess she's going to drag this back and forth BS out all season. 

Ashley has a fabulous body but that dress was both thirsty and unflattering. I know she is on the hunt for Sugar Daddy number 2 but that was doing too much. I was cold just looking at her.

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It seems that there are so many diagnostic tests, bone marrow aspirations, endless blood work, etc...you are right, oncologists say exactly what it is.

Actually I'll give her a break here because w/Epic putting med records right on our phones, tests read in by radiologists first can get to patients, before the doctor has had a chance to write a note summarizing their interpretation. My dad went through a scare last year because the dumbass radiologist read his covid scarred lungs, and his pancrease as "full" of cancer .  The pancrease turned out to be fatty tumors.  and the lung spot was again prior Covid.  But the doctor had to do another test before ruling out the 'full of cancer' first take. It took about 2 moths for confirming negative results to come in. That radiologist report was traumatizing AF, so if Mia had a similar one she could have been in limbo and yes sometimes during the diagnoses process there is cancer/not cancer space.

I think she was 100% attention seeking but so are most people that discuss their health problems on social media/internet IMO. 

I don't know what was more hilarious from Gizelle her  cancer not cancer accusation or her telling Wendy to not to touch her. 


What is Chris' line of work now? Even if he's in the restaurant business you still don't work till 3am. Something smells. 

He manages a hotel kitchen, between Catering and Room service the kitchen could be open until 1am and cleaning and closing it down would take at least another hour. Chef hours are for sure wild. How bitch ass Candiace didn't realize this is the case for a chef is amazing and it's why I think he didn't deserve an itch of ish from anyone about living off her because it's exactly what she wants from him: to be her man servant.

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Thank God These hiefers are back. I am nearly done with these howives franchises with Beverly Hills leading the pack of trash. Giz is so gorgeous but someone please get that chile a stylist. Ash is some sneaky shite with the Old perv man of the Barbie- Girl u ain't craving that wrinkly mess. Stawp. Her babies are so cute tho. And Giz's daughters are stunning. 

Sigh Robyn is still a lost cause with her situationship marriage and Wendy is not utilizing those 24 degrees if she would collaborate with Peter. Wouldn't collaborate with Peter pop up lemon stand but what do I know? I only hold one degree.

1 hour ago, lamujerdecente said:

Thank God These hiefers are back. I am nearly done with these howives franchises with Beverly Hills leading the pack of trash. Giz is so gorgeous but someone please get that chile a stylist. Ash is some sneaky shite with the Old perv man of the Barbie- Girl u ain't craving that wrinkly mess. Stawp. Her babies are so cute tho. And Giz's daughters are stunning. 

Sigh Robyn is still a lost cause with her situationship marriage and Wendy is not utilizing those 24 degrees if she would collaborate with Peter. Personalyy I Wouldn't collaborate with Peter pop lemon stand but what do I know? I only hold one degree.

Edited by lamujerdecente
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15 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

You heard right, she is either lying or stupid or both. If she did spend that money on a rental why didn't she take out that date black bath tub and glass block wall?  I forgot how much side eye I give Mia whenever she opens her mouth.  

Is she just renting cancer or not renting it, I dunno.

Robin divorced Juan and has lived with him steadily ever since, how could she have any judgement for Ashley?

I feel like Karen has changed up her boob situation a couple of times now, right?

Yes, before this time the cleavage was way off.  Looked weird. 

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2 hours ago, spunky said:

Chris usually gets home from work around 2-3am , and she's usually up doing lives because she waiting to make sure he gets home safely. Her worry is that his work schedule would prevent him from being able to adequately spend time/bond with the baby. 

Dude ain't a on-call physician, or touring performer or fireman. He's a cook at a local restaurant, right?

Sis is either fast and loose with the truth or has some serious abandonment issues to sort out.

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5 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

Now, was that tea she dropped about Robyn's name being the only one on the house or was that known?

It's public record in Maryland; you can type in any of the cast members' names and if you know what county they live in, pull up their tax records.  Robyn is the sole owner of the new house.

5 hours ago, byrd said:

However I don't blame Wendy on trying to secure the bag while she has a platform on this show , you never know when this will end. 

But Wendy is grasping at any old bag, paper bag, plastic bag instead of the reusable bags she needs to be grabbing. Why are you inexperienced in restaurant running and trying to open a restaurant in the middle of Covid? It might be different if she opened up a franchise but it sounds like she's trying to open up a Busboys & Poets clone.  There's already a Busboys and Poets in Baltimore.  There are actually 9 Busboys & Poets location in the DC/Baltimore area.  Why are you not doing market research (same issue with the candles)? Why are you not concentrating on your one wick candle? How will you find time to run this restaurant with your speaking and television engagements?

More importantly, why would a potential competitor (Peter or not) give you advice on setting up your own restaurant in their marketplace? I could see if Peter did not have the Baltimore location because he wouldn't be a direct competitor. But he has a Baltimore restaurant ---why would he want to help you take away his customers?  Why do your 4 degrees not give you common sense?

3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Mia lost me when she said the doctor told her "It looks like Lymphoma". Looks like it? Dr's don't talk like that. 

Actually they do.  Had a radiologist tell me "Hmm, this doesn't look good at all, I don't like how this looks" after a mammogram (after a painful biopsy, turned out to be nothing).  So I'm reserving judgment on Mia and her medical situation...it's a scary time and could be a couple of months before you know what's really going on with your body.

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1 hour ago, lamujerdecente said:

Thank God These hiefers are back. I am nearly done with these howives franchises with Beverly Hills leading the pack of trash. Giz is so gorgeous but someone please get that chile a stylist. Ash is some sneaky shite with the Old perv man of the Barbie- Girl u ain't craving that wrinkly mess. Stawp. Her babies are so cute tho. And Giz's daughters are stunning. 

Sigh Robyn is still a lost cause with her situationship marriage and Wendy is not utilizing those 24 degrees if she would collaborate with Peter. Wouldn't collaborate with Peter pop up lemon stand but what do I know? I only hold one degree.

5 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

It's public record in Maryland; you can type in any of the cast members' names and if you know what county they live in, pull up their tax records.  Robyn is the sole owner of the new house.

Yes I know. I just meant that unless someone is pressed, the average viewer is not going to look that up and know that. Gizelle is pretty calculating, so if she slips that into a conversation, it's for a purpose. What is her purpose for saying that about her friend, knowing everyone is waiting for them to get married, and that the wedding talk will be a big part Robyn's story for the season. 

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

What is Chris' line of work now? Even if he's in the restaurant business you still don't work till 3am. Something smells. 

I see Ashley got her bangin' body back and she's going to show it every chance she gets. The baby weight is gone but what the hell was that mess she was wearing to the Spring party? She's not ready for a divorce, she's just needs a storyline and I guess she's going to drag this back and forth BS out all season. 

I thought every thing Peter Thomas touched turned to shit. Isn't that one of the reasons Cynthia divorced him? Does he even have one bar that remains open and is successful? 

Mia lost me when she said the doctor told her "It looks like Lymphoma". Looks like it? Dr's don't talk like that. 

He's the General Manager of the Vue Rooftop in DC. Ashley needed to throw that dental floss dress away. I'm not even commenting on Mia at this point.  

1 hour ago, StillHere said:

Dude ain't a on-call physician, or touring performer or fireman. He's a cook at a local restaurant, right?

Sis is either fast and loose with the truth or has some serious abandonment issues to sort out.

He's the General Manger of the Vue Rooftop. He's always posting Instagram stories with Candiace's fans who went there to see if they could meet him. He seems to enjoy that aspect of his job. 

Edited by spunky
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1 hour ago, spunky said:

He's the General Manager of the Vue Rooftop in DC. Ashley needed to throw that dental floss dress away. I'm not even commenting on Mia at this point.  

He's the General Manger of the Vue Rooftop. He's always posting Instagram stories with Candiace's fans who went there to see if they could meet him. He seems to enjoy that aspect of his job. 

About 100 years ago when I was younger I was living in Rockville, working at Bloomingdale's and I had a date take me there, back then it was an open porch and the view was fantastic, when I told friends where I went everyone was impressed, I hope it still has that same panache as it did back in the day.  Chris has gotten a taste of noteriety so I am sure he likes to be recognized, food service can be a grueling gig, the perks of a fan base should be enjoyed, I hope Candiace does not weaponize his job like it seems like she is heading for.

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38 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

About 100 years ago when I was younger I was living in Rockville, working at Bloomingdale's and I had a date take me there, back then it was an open porch and the view was fantastic, when I told friends where I went everyone was impressed, I hope it still has that same panache as it did back in the day.  Chris has gotten a taste of noteriety so I am sure he likes to be recognized, food service can be a grueling gig, the perks of a fan base should be enjoyed, I hope Candiace does not weaponize his job like it seems like she is heading for.

Chris said on Twitter that they only showed a small part of their 2 hour conversation. Candiace said on Twitter she understands that he's providing for his family.  Her main worry is that his schedule will keep him away. He's said himself that he leaves home around 12pm to ensure that everything is going well at the rooftop restaurant before opening and gets home around 2-3am because of the clean up after closing. I don't think it's as fancy as it used to be based on some of the reviews, including some of the negative ones about him.

Edited by spunky
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Very happy to be back in Potomac! The picnic underneath the cherry blossoms looked pretty. 

I'm hoping Karen and Gizelle will continue to be on friendly terms. I also have some hope for Candiace and Ashley. I like that Candiace said Ashley deserves better. 

What was up with Gizelle's chunky highlights in her talking head?

I have a feeling there will be some sort of fall out between Mia and her best friend Jacqueline because the editor's kept putting best friend in quotes whenever she was shown. 

Edited by MaggieG
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2 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

Yes I know. I just meant that unless someone is pressed, the average viewer is not going to look that up and know that. Gizelle is pretty calculating, so if she slips that into a conversation, it's for a purpose. What is her purpose for saying that about her friend, knowing everyone is waiting for them to get married, and that the wedding talk will be a big part Robyn's story for the season. 

The purpose is Juan can never put Robyn out of that house, unlike Michael who could boot Ashley from the house that is being purchased under the LLC.

2 hours ago, spunky said:

He's the General Manger of the Vue Rooftop. He's always posting Instagram stories with Candiace's fans who went there to see if they could meet him. He seems to enjoy that aspect of his job. 

Let me just say if Ashley posts an IG story at 11pm and Chris doesn't see the story until 2:46 am and comments on it, that doesn't mean he's sliding into her DMs, it just means he commented the story and the comment shows up in your DMs.  Much to do about nothing. Gizelle and Ashley need to sit down with that.

2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Robyn just say you aint getting married and leave it at that and you lived with your ex so maybe don't have an opinion on what Ashly is doing with creeper McCreeperson .. LOL 

Robyn absolutely should have something to say about Ashley living with Kangaroo Bob, since Ashley spent 3 straight seasons clowning Robyn for doing the exact same thing.

12 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

I have a feeling there will be some sort of fall out between Mia and her best friend Jacqueline because the editor's kept putting best friend in quotes whenever she was shown. 

They are currently fighting on social media; don't know if the fighting started while filming took place.

Edited by drivethroo
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58 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

Robyn absolutely should have something to say about Ashley living with Kangaroo Bob, since Ashley spent 3 straight seasons clowning Robyn for doing the exact same thing.

It just to me makes her look foolish like really you are clutching your pearls about Ashly when Juan walked in on you episode one wearing a whole wedding dress? Like you stayed living with your ex what are you not understanding? She should be the most understanding of Ashly at this point I thought .. not this weird thing she is doing 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Juan did not have a good night. After an hour everyone learned that he was not the breadwinner of the house, and that his name isn't even on the house. Nice that they applied for the marriage license because after last night's episode a marriage was looking pretty unlikely. I still don't think Gizelle should have shared that info on camera about her friend. It's a smart move no doubt, but she could have told Ashley in private. 

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3 hours ago, drivethroo said:

The purpose is Juan can never put Robyn out of that house, unlike Michael who could boot Ashley from the house that is being purchased under the LLC.

Let me just say if Ashley posts an IG story at 11pm and Chris doesn't see the story until 2:46 am and comments on it, that doesn't mean he's sliding into her DMs, it just means he commented the story and the comment shows up in your DMs.  Much to do about nothing. Gizelle and Ashley need to sit down with that.

Robyn absolutely should have something to say about Ashley living with Kangaroo Bob, since Ashley spent 3 straight seasons clowning Robyn for doing the exact same thing.

They are currently fighting on social media; don't know if the fighting started while filming took place.

I agree, they're making a mountain out of a molehill. Which is why both Chris and Candiace are upset. Not only do they now have to defend their marriage,  Candiace now has to protect her husband's reputation.

I don't believe Ashley is leaving Micheal. I think this is a way to keep her on the show and keep Micheal off of our screens.

Edited by spunky
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51 minutes ago, spunky said:

I agree, they're making a mountain out of a mold hill. Which is why both Chris and Candiace are upset. Not only do they now have to defend their marriage,  Candiace now has to protect her husband's reputation.

I don't believe Ashley is leaving Micheal. I think this is a way to keep her on the show and keep Micheal off of our screens.

I like your thinking on this. Ashley is coming across real casual for a woman who's admitted that she's never paid a single bill during that relationship. She also said she has no idea what she should ask for in the divorce. Maybe that's because she ain't going anywhere.

This season is Michael Darby's Rumspringa. This storyline has been cooked up so that when social media drops deets of Old Croc lusting after young, viral athletes, Ashley can just shrug it off since they're "separated." They'll mend the marriage off-camera and return in rare form, just in time for Season 8.

Besides, ain't no way Michael's allowing Robyn and Juan to remarry. Ain't. No. Way.

Edited by eXiled
You know, I almost corrected my mistyped "viral" for "virile" but I'm gon leave it right there as it is....
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Conspiracy theory time. What if Ashley and Michael aren't getting a divorce. Ashley wants a house for the kids, Michael doesn't want to film. They say ok what if we say you are getting divorced so Michael doesn't have to film, Ashley gets the house, and they can "get back together" while the season is airing and reunite at the reunion. I wonder just how much Michael, if any, we will see this season. 

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The less Michael the better. Him buying the house and putting it in an LLC is his way of making sure Ashley doesn’t get half. Or he has shady finances and doesn’t want ppl to find out some stuff so Ashley is agreeing to not push in exchange for him buying her a house. Ashley’s kids were annoying me in her scene. I don’t want to hear screaming children while I’m watching this show it’s annoying.

I kind of like Charisse being back.

Gizelle’s house doesn’t seem that bad to me. I don’t get all the hate lol. Maybe I just live in crappy houses lol.

Wendy meh.

Robin eating the taco in the invitation made me laugh.

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