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S08.E15: Wreck the Halls

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1 minute ago, nexxie said:

Why didn’t Leva and Naomie just sit next to the business partners, instead of at the other end of the table? So planned and stupid. Pretty room though, with all those trees and lights!

There were a lot of odd cuts so I wasn't sure if they were trying to make more of the seating issue or show less of what an ass Craig is. Naomie & Leva bug but I do not believe for one moment that Craig is anything more than the public face of the company.

Venita was going out of her way to approach Naomie in a way that guaranteed the worst outcome possible, Madison is terrible and Taylor is a fool to trade a hole in her resume for a guy who has no interest in a future.

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I enjoyed the episode.  I think this season was much better than last season which was awful.  All the women looked lovely except for pages now and Kathryn, poor Kathryn.  She just dresses herself to excess.  Same with hair and makeup.  I’m glad she’s back to the red but it looks like a wig.

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Craig is nothing more than a bloated drunken belligerent fool. His behavior towards Leva at the party throwing her out and creating a scene was disgusting. I wonder what his sweet parents think of how he has turned out. 

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Marcie did look great for having a two-week old baby!

I kind of don’t understand the point of that party — other than being an end-of-season gathering.  There seemed to be more seating available than people attending, and his coworkers were kind of shuffled off to the side.  Not that they wanted to be with this crew, either. lol

I felt bad for Venita.  She was probably told to approach Naomie.  Wouldn’t they have had this conversation prior to the party?

Craig was an ass.

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Shep saying Taylor should quit her job and he would take care of her gave me flashbacks to Thomas and Kathryn. It was just the vibe of the convo. Aging man whore and younger woman. If Shep did want a wife tho he prob should’ve picked Taylor I’m sure she would’ve let him get away with anything if he married her. I have a feeling he said maybe behind the scenes he was gonna do some sort of commitment when they came back from travelling and totally didn’t.

Nobody cares about Austen and Olivia. Give it up show.

Leva talking shit to Craig’s team seemed pretty fucked up.

Madison should leave too. Like she pops up once in a while to be obnoxious and she thinks so high of herself. She somehow got this guy to propose to her cause he’s prob some sheltered Mormon but it won’t last.

Kathryn walked in looking like she was trying not to show how coked up she was. Her and her friend I’m sure were ripping lines before lol.

Venita shut up no one cares lol.

Of course Marcie and Shep don’t get what leaving a job means and having no funds coming in for bills. Rich dbags.

Marcie can go away.

The seating seemed so awkward. I’m sure that was on purpose by the show lol.

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I thought the event organizers did the best they could with the decor, but the venue still looked kind of drafty and cold to me.

The women looked really lovely in their sparkly gowns with the exception of Leva - what in the hell was she wearing? And Katherine, sadly looked her usual hot mess self, and sounded really drunk or high to boot. 

Really dumb move for Taylor to quit her job, but at least she got some global travel out of it. Glad she finally dumped Shep's ass.

Craig was an ass, but so was Leva - I'm sure the producers prodded her to make a scene. There is nothing watchable or entertaining about her.

Still feeling bad for Venita, although it probably wasn't the best way to approach Naomie.

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Party organizer tells Craig she wants assigned seating to avoid drama.

So of course the show and Craig were not going to have assigned seating except he decides to assign people to seats as they sat down.

I don't for one moment believe this was Craig's party.  Bravo paid for that shit and probably wanted drama from the seating and getting people slighted.  Why did he get mad that Leva was talking to the people at the other table?  She apparently knew them.  He was smiling while telling her to leave.  He knew it was a ridiculous scenario, this fabricated fight.  Some woman pointed out Leva was at the other table but they probably dubbed it in in post because they didn't show the person saying those words.  That was the cue for Craig to throw her out.

Surprised they had food for them, why not conveniently run out and give them the kids menu for more BS drama?

What a coincidence, every one of their end of season parties have some kind of fights, yelling, etc.

Yeah I'm sure this "friend group" really sticks together through it all.  Can't be the Bravo pay checks right?  Can't be that they agree to film fights and arguments on the show?

Did they really go on that trip or did they mock up fake IG shots?

3 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Craig is nothing more than a bloated drunken belligerent fool. His behavior towards Leva at the party throwing her out and creating a scene was disgusting. I wonder what his sweet parents think of how he has turned out. 

He probably tells them I'm a reality show star because of scenes like that.

Look at my big paychecks from Bravo!

He was smirking as he threw Leva out, because he was playing the role they wanted him to play.

Can't have a Southern Charm finale without drama.

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Naomi’s is a bitch, Craig’s a fool, Shep’s a child, Kathryn’s a mess.  Austen’s a bore, Madison’s a whore, and I don’t want her on my TV anymore. 

Paige, run for the hills - like Taylor finally did.  Olivia, I’m hoping you hang around and continue to tell the assholes where they can stick it.  Hey, Bravo - how bout giving the next event a WWE theme and she can clothesline both Shep and Madison as they saunter in and scope out their next bedbuddies? 

I feel for Venita, but hopefully it won’t take long for her to realize that losing a “friendship” with Naomie was actually one hell of a gain.  She was never a true friend.  She has the maturity of a pre-pubescent tween.

I never thought I’d want to warn Whitney to stay away from a toxic chick.  Not sure how I missed what a mean, spiteful child she can be.  EEK.

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I think all the +1 randos really threw off the cast table. Kathryn’s complete stranger of a date sat right next to Craig!! Really?! Excuse me, sir, you do not belong there! Likewise we had Venita and Madison bringing random friends, as did Naomi at the kids’ table. If you counted who should have been there, it would have been enough seats. Kathryn and Madison hardly showed up to anything all season—and now they’re coming with extra people? Tsk, tsk. I mean I guess Craig said they could bring dates/friends since there were enough plates for everyone, but it’s not typical for a bunch of strangers to suddenly show up for the final cast party. You managed to go to every other party with just your castmates.

Well, it’s Bravo Law that there must be one final fight at the end-of-show party to end the finale on. Somehow they came up with Craig and Leva—and almost Venita and Naomi. I guess Craig wasn’t going to ruin his big party by fighting with Naomi, again. Austin just avoids Madison now. Shep just had his big “proposal” for you to become financially dependent on me—until we run out of money…and then what? Wait by the mailbox? So Leva’s like, yeah, I can stir shit up by trash-talking Craig to his business associates at his company party!!! Damn! That’s really f’ed up! I’m Team Craig on this one. Perhaps he could have handled it better than just yelling over from his table, but her behavior really crossed the line.

Edited by JenE4
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Craig has a split personality. He and Paige won't last because he already has two people in there.

Never thought the former "star" of the show Katherine would fade away into obscurity.

Austin and Olivia would make a good couple if only Austin actually liked "nice" girls.

Give it up Venita - you and Naomi are not friends. Admire your Barbies on the shelf because you will never be one of them.

So many couples like Shep and Taylor think that traveling across Europe is the ultimate "test" of their relationship and if "we can get through this, we can get through anything." It's easy to get along with anybody on vacation; it's coming back to the day-to-day mundanities of life that is the true test of a relationship. If you're constantly looking for the next "big adventure" with your partner, there's something fundamentally wrong. 

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I find it hard to believe that Venita & Naomi have really been friends for years because Naomi was one cold ass bitch to her. Then again, she often acts like a petulant (only) child. 

Which brings me to, her reaction to being relegated to the other table. Yes, the exact same table located merely feet away. The one where Craig's business partners and other non-Bravo guests were seated.  I sure hope that was scripted because Naomi & Leva acting as if they were sat in the kitchen was ridiculously over the top.  I've been to 50+ corporate parties and there's never once been a seating chart.

That's my biggest issue with Naomi, The dramatics and hyperbole. When she said to Venita that Craig was "attacking" her. What? When? She went at Craig at dinner demanding an apology for something that he didn't even say. Leva  completely misconstrued what was actually said and then had to gall to act as if she's defending her friend by running around calling Craig toxic to his business partners, all because she & Naomi were forced to sit at the same table they're at!

Finally, why does everyone act like Craig should be ashamed that he has business partners?  Business partners simply mean that someone else saw your vision and believed that it could be so successful that they invested their time and/or capital into it.  Leva should understand this, most restaurant concepts are funded by capital management groups.  Heck, there's a rumor that most of the cast are investors (including Craig) in one of Leva & her husband's restaurants.  

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Did Whitney ever sit down? Or was he just standing around directing all the faux drama? Maybe it’s time to put his production toys away and get a real job. But then, he’ll be fine once good ol’ Pat kicks the bucket. Maybe he’ll live in that big house with Naomie as his pretend wife.

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For some unknown reason I have always maintained a little affection for Craig. This season totally ended that. He now joins Shep as a guy I once actually kind of liked and now cannot stand. I have never, and will never, like Austen. I know Leva is disliked by many here but his behavior towards her was inexcusable. You want someone to leave your home or your party speak to them privately. Or, in Craig's case, since you really cannot get along with anyone, hire security. I am reminded of Patricia and her security guy quietly and elegantly throwing Ashley out of her party. I  cannot stand Paige either but she should run for the hills. After his drunken path of destruction at Patricia's dinner party, his constant berating of Naomie-and really everyone else, he has shown his true colors. And, as someone said already, no one cares about Austen and Olivia's fake romance. In fact, no one even believes it. I am truly sad, as I once loved this show, but it is OVER. I can't believe even Andy thinks this is salvageable now.

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1 hour ago, nexxie said:

Did Whitney ever sit down? Or was he just standing around directing all the faux drama? Maybe it’s time to put his production toys away and get a real job. But then, he’ll be fine once good ol’ Pat kicks the bucket. Maybe he’ll live in that big house with Naomie as his pretend wife.

No, Whitney was busy playing chauffeur to mommy. Patricia wanted to leave after the cocktail hour, so Whitney left to drive her home just as they were going to sit down to dinner. Then he came back just as the after-dinner drama was ramping up. Poor guy never got his lamb chops and scallops…which individually I love, but I’ve never heard of that as a surf and turf combination. Then again, I’ve also never heard of a chambong, so what do I know.

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That was the most disjointed, badly edited season finale I have ever seen. 

Naomi was lucky to be at a table at all. This bish disappeared for 2 yrs, shit talked everybody because she thought she found her perfect man. She has no "friend group". Craig should never have re-invited her. 

Speaking of Craig, his speech was stupid and his behavior to Leva was so inappropriate. He should have pulled her aside and asked her to leave if she was so miserable there and take Naomi with her. 

I don't think all those people at the other table were "investors". I think most of them  worked for Craig in some capacity. Web designers, store associates, store manager, etc....Clearly he's not at the store every day, he needs staff there.

I'm disappointed in Taylor's decision to quit her job. I hope she told Shep she would go with him if he paid her mortgage and bills while they were gone.  I also hope she got her job back when she returned. 

The previews of the reunion looks like the same ole arguments except Taylor loses her shit and claims she still loves Shep. I don't know if I have the stomach for that. 

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It's a small store so it's a small staff so why the cavernous room?  And to have long tables?  I thought I heard Craig say something about someone leaving their purses trying to save spots which looked like front and center.  Was one of those handbags Leva's?

I hope the only blow job Shep receives is Hurricane Ian blowing him out to sea.

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The whole thing was nonsensical re seating.  Craig said he didn’t want assigned seats because they are all adults (lol).  But then he micromanaged men on one side  and women on the other.  And then people were made to get up and change seats, apparently because they didn’t want Austen near Madison.

When Craig called Naomie at Patricia’s she didn’t accept the invitation so unless she did later if she just showed up she can’t expect that there would be a guaranteed place at the main table.  And Craig yelled at one point that Leva wasn’t even invited so if she crashed the party she can’t really complain about where she ended up sitting.  I suppose we were supposed to think the second table was somehow humiliating like a kid’s table.  Good thing they didn’t seat Venita there or there would have been racial outrage.

Of course this was all production instigated but even if we pretend it wasn’t it doesn’t make much sense.

1 hour ago, mytmo said:

It's a small store so it's a small staff so why the cavernous room? 

They sell on QVC and have a website so they may have much more staffing needs behind the scenes.

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Wow.  At least now I understand the reports that Leva unfollowed everyone after filming ended.  Good for her.

Was this the same place that hosted Patricia's "Winter Wonderland" party at the end of the Ashley season?  It looked like it from the outside.  And that one was sparsely decorated, too, just like this one.  There's so much you can do with that theme - why do they make it LOOK like the staged event it probably is?  

At Patricia's party, at least, the drama was more entertaining and over more legitimate issues than "you won't let me sit at your table!"  That was ridiculous.

Shep's cousin did look great for just having a baby - I'll give her that.  Everyone's dress looked beautiful, and Katherine looked less tacky than usual, which is a step.

Reunion should be interesting.

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

That was the most disjointed, badly edited season finale I have ever seen. 

Naomi was lucky to be at a table at all. This bish disappeared for 2 yrs, shit talked everybody because she thought she found her perfect man. She has no "friend group". Craig should never have re-invited her. 

Speaking of Craig, his speech was stupid and his behavior to Leva was so inappropriate. He should have pulled her aside and asked her to leave if she was so miserable there and take Naomi with her. 

I don't think all those people at the other table were "investors". I think most of them  worked for Craig in some capacity. Web designers, store associates, store manager, etc....Clearly he's not at the store every day, he needs staff there.

I'm disappointed in Taylor's decision to quit her job. I hope she told Shep she would go with him if he paid her mortgage and bills while they were gone.  I also hope she got her job back when she returned. 

The previews of the reunion looks like the same ole arguments except Taylor loses her shit and claims she still loves Shep. I don't know if I have the stomach for that. 

What gets me is Naomi.  She leaves the show with her Doctor like she’s hot shit.  Then comes back and gets the most screen time.    So tired of seeing her face.  Yeah, like she’s Whitney’s love interest, lol.  I still think Craig is not over her.  Has this show had it?  So sick of all the guys.

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I would have liked to have seen Craig trash-talk Naomi and Pat about being down on his sewing and now he's a big success.

They'd probably have a good comeback about how he's selling some junk to groupies of the show but it's not going to last.

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What’s with Olivia picking up Austin?  He doesn’t have a car?  Don’t like his hair since he colored it lighter.  Is he going to go out with all the girls one by one?  Taylor .. I can’t even.  Zero respect for herself.  Katherine looks like she came out of a horror movie with that cape.  I do like all the clothes tho.  Have to say Madison looked gorgeous.  Her dress was to die for.  Whitney with his hair crumbled.  Trying to look younger, lol.  I never cared for Leva as she’s a big gossiper.  Craig got his reward, but still looks unhappy. I think the reunion will be the best.  I’m wondering if this show will be back, as it seems that it’s done everything.

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She didn't pick him up. The car service that the producers set up for the cast had them come together so they could shoot their convos in the car and also make an entrance together.

In early seasons, I think they leased BMWs for cast members and they drove together on their own.

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When Leva was asked by people on IG why she was no longer friends with Venita, she said to “keep watching”. Did I miss something? Was she expecting Venita to come to her defense after Naomi clowned her in front of everyone, and Leva didn’t do shit to support her?

Also, is my memory failing me? When Venita was getting it from both Kathryn and Olivia, did Naomi jump to her defense? I certainly remember Venita coming to her defense at her party, which is why she and Olivia got off on the wrong foot to begin with.

Did I miss something here? I’m Team Venita unless I hear differently. To me it seems like she learned her lesson the hard way in the beginning and then from there decided to just try and keep the peace. Especially in a room where these fools are drinking. Is Naomi upset at Venita about more than just what happened at the dinner table on the trip?

Edited by PositiveBean
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2 hours ago, kristen111 said:

What’s with Olivia picking up Austin?  He doesn’t have a car?  

2 hours ago, aghst said:

She didn't pick him up.

Their joking script made it seem like she did--and he appreciated it.

2 hours ago, aghst said:

The car service that the producers set up for the cast had them come together so they could shoot their convos in the car and also make an entrance together.

We and they know it...we were just going along with the gag.

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2 hours ago, PositiveBean said:

I’m Team Venita unless I hear differently.

I could be Team Venita if I had ANY idea why the producers tried to damage her life by making her a "character" on the show.  If she's Greek Chorus, give her the right time and place.  Doesn't she EVER have a date?  Can't she get one? Is she doomed to be a single or a plus one?

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I liked/disliked seeing Craig sauntering into HIS "company party," and seeing he had little or nothing to do with any of it.

He showed us the set-up on paper, but did HE create it?  I think his main investors, accustomed to planning large gatherings, did EVERYTHING and Bravo's Craig was allowed to walk in and pretend that he did it all.  Just like he "does it all" for "Sewing Down South."

Will anything remain if the Bravo money goes?

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15 hours ago, CallmeCray said:

Naomi’s is a bitch, Craig’s a fool, Shep’s a child, Kathryn’s a mess.  Austen’s a bore, Madison’s a whore, and I don’t want her on my TV anymore. 

Paige, run for the hills - like Taylor finally did.  Olivia, I’m hoping you hang around and continue to tell the assholes where they can stick it.  Hey, Bravo - how bout giving the next event a WWE theme and she can clothesline both Shep and Madison as they saunter in and scope out their next bedbuddies? 

I feel for Venita, but hopefully it won’t take long for her to realize that losing a “friendship” with Naomie was actually one hell of a gain.  She was never a true friend.  She has the maturity of a pre-pubescent tween.

I never thought I’d want to warn Whitney to stay away from a toxic chick.  Not sure how I missed what a mean, spiteful child she can be.  

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I would think the Naomie drama was manufactured, except I think she really is that awful. If I were in that situation, I’d just sit my ass down at a table with my friend and my drink and get on with it - like I have for every wedding or event I’ve been unhappily obligated to attend. Wouldn’t anyone? She was mad because she wasn’t getting main cast seating. Similarly, I think she resents Venita just because she’s featured on the show. I see that all the time on these franchises. It’s like the friend doesn’t know “their place,” and stole the spotlight. But Venita has been dragged through the mud…they make her look absolutely pathetic. She’s not my favorite, but she doesn’t deserve this edit. Sorry to say Taylor also seems like a damn fool. There’s not a single person on this show I could stomach for 5 minutes in real life. 

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I’m a total magpie: LOVED Olivia’s dress. She looked amazing. Also loved her getting tired of Madison’s nastiness and calling Madison out on it.

The rest…meh.

Edited by Toodleoo
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2 hours ago, Toodleoo said:

I’m a total magpie: LOVED Olivia’s dress. She looked amazing. Also loved her getting tired of Madison’s nastiness and calling Madison out on it.

The rest…meh.

I loved Olivia's gown and I loved Taylor's gown. The rest were fine, but didn't wow me. Those two ladies nailed it. 

I have to admit I was pretty much only listening to the shenanigans surrounding seating and not actively watching.)In my defense, I live in coastal SC and was scanning weather apps for tracks on Hurricane Ian.) Here's my question: Naomi had walked into the party with Madison Simon, the other Madison from Gwynn's Department Store where Kathryn once "worked," almost as if Madison was Naomie's plus one. I suppose she could have been invited separately, but I didn't get that vibe. Was she sitting at the friends' table, while Naomie was relegated to the hinterlands? 

The whole seating thing was SO contrived. It seems to me that several of these people share business interests (Craig, Leva, Naomi, perhaps Madison Simon) that it may have made more sense to have them seated at the business table rather than at the friends' table anyway. I do recall that Leva, Naomi and Craig were involved in the opening of Mesu, the Mexican/Sushi restaurant a while back. 

Just an observation: All the lesser players were at this party, yet no Pringle. 

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Honestly? If I'd have been Leva or Naomi I'd have just quietly left. Peace out motherfuckers, I've got better things to do, like clean the lint outta my purse. Seriously, they make a big fucking deal out of seating, when they don't even like Craig (and who can blame them, he's a grade A asshole). And I agree with the upthread comment about Craig acting all "I did this myself" and his fake scripted-for-television girlfriend cooing 'yes you did baby, you did this all by yourself!'. No bitches, he just doodled some bullshit on a napkin and his partners and everyone else there made that shit happen. It's beyond delusional at this point.

And doesn't Leva have multiple restaurants to be managing or overseeing managers of said establishments? And is Naomi's family restaurant still open? If so, doesn't she work there? Why are these people (Leva, Naomi, Olivia, Venita, Taylor) hanging around with stunted Peter Pan man boys and mean girls bitches (Madison and Kathryn)?

Edited by gingerella
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On 9/30/2022 at 3:09 PM, PositiveBean said:

When Leva was asked by people on IG why she was no longer friends with Venita, she said to “keep watching”. Did I miss something? Was she expecting Venita to come to her defense after Naomi clowned her in front of everyone, and Leva didn’t do shit to support her?

Yeah I saw nothing that would make me understand why leva doesn’t like Venita.  Leva is a total asshole, and also beyond boring.. I pray I don’t see her again.

17 hours ago, RedInk said:

I would think the Naomie drama was manufactured, except I think she really is that awful. If I were in that situation, I’d just sit my ass down at a table with my friend and my drink and get on with it - like I have for every wedding or event I’ve been unhappily obligated to attend. Wouldn’t anyone? She was mad because she wasn’t getting main cast seating. Similarly, I think she resents Venita just because she’s featured on the show. I see that all the time on these franchises. It’s like the friend doesn’t know “their place,” and stole the spotlight. But Venita has been dragged through the mud…they make her look absolutely pathetic. She’s not my favorite, but she doesn’t deserve this edit. Sorry to say Taylor also seems like a damn fool. There’s not a single person on this show I could stomach for 5 minutes in real life. 

She seems truly horrible.

Oh you hit the nail on the head with that!

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22 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

I think Madison said Leva looked like a whore in the black dress.

That dress was not trashy but I thought the top half of Leva's dress looked like a batman mask.

I am not crazy about the bare midriff look for myself and for anyone who wears a dress like that sitting down and avoiding the "tummy roll," would be my main worry, I would be tugging at my dress constantly or trying to sit up as tall as possible, I give Leva a lot of credit for feeling secure to wear it.  Paige and the hip cut out dress, no underwear, no thank you.

Kathryn was a dissaster in her white dress and cape. 

Craig kept saying how he did everything for the business and that party and then we see his business partner who I never heard about or knew of til that moment doing everything to set up the party and he was to lazy to make a seating assignment.  Did they even have dancing at that party?

I've known men like Shep, a lot of great women wasted their time because they were waiting for a ring that never happened, why did Taylor think she would be the one to change him? He even sort of stepped out on her but she didn't pay attention to any red flags.

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2 hours ago, ProudMary said:

Here's my question: Naomi had walked into the party with Madison Simon, the other Madison from Gwynn's Department Store where Kathryn once "worked," almost as if Madison was Naomie's plus one. I suppose she could have been invited separately, but I didn't get that vibe. Was she sitting at the friends' table, while Naomie was relegated to the hinterlands? 

The Madison that came into the party with Naomi was sitting at the kids table.

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I re-watched the party scenes, albeit with a LOT of fast forwarding, and I answered my own question. Madison Simon was sitting at the shunned table across from Naomie. Venita may have come out on the short end of the friendship argument with Naomie, but at least she was still at the friends' table. 😄

Leva was right when she said she'd rather sit by Amanda. Why would Naomie choose to sit at the far end of the table? It would have made more sense for the three of them to sit next to Craig's team. I'm sure that each of them knows 1 or 2 people in that group. Just deal with it as you would being seated at a wedding with strangers.  You can't just make small talk?

2 hours ago, gingerella said:

And doesn't Leva have multiple restaurants to be managing or overseeing managers of said establishments? And is Naomi's family restaurant still open? If so, doesn't she work there?

Leva definitely is part of management for several downtown restaurants, which she alluded to, when she said to Craig that she works on the same street with his whole team. BTW, why does Craig think that he gets to decide who Amanda should talk to?

As for Naomie's family, I don't know if they're still involved at all with Nico, Mount Pleasant since her father's death a couple of years ago. Chef Nico has been building his own Charleston area restaurant group, having also opened Bistronomy downtown and most recently this past spring, Laura, a rustic Italian restaurant in the Charleston suburb of Summerville. Chef Nico is listed as Chef/Owner of all three, seemingly with a different backer. I have no inside info; just what's listed on the respective websites.

Edited by ProudMary
Added final paragraph on about Nico.
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29 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

Leva definitely is part of management for several downtown restaurants, which she alluded to, when she said to Craig that she works on the same street with his whole team. BTW, why does Craig think that he gets to decide who Amanda should talk to?

The issue wasn't that Leva was talking to Amanda. In fact, it would've made mush more sense if Leva & Naomi had sat down to eat with them. Instead, she went over mid dinner, camera in tow, only to stoop down between the chairs and badmouth Craig, calling him "f***ing toxic" within earshot of the other table & guests. All because she didn't like her seat?

Also, the reason she unfollowed most of the cast back in December is because they stood and clapped when she left. I know this because she's been running around doing interviews all week explaining how in her mid 40s, she's too mature for them,  She also had a falling out with Cameran & they no longer speak.

Edited by snarts
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4 hours ago, gingerella said:

And I agree with the upthread comment about Craig acting all "I did this myself" and his fake scripted-for-television girlfriend cooing 'yes you did baby, you did this all by yourself!'. No bitches, he just doodled some bullshit on a napkin and his partners and everyone else there made that shit happen. It's beyond delusional at this point.

And ANDY COHEN is the puppetmaster!  He's in love with Austen and Craig, so they're here for dur-ack-ack-ack-ation.

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