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S12.E19: We Need to Talk About Kathy

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I was really excited for a moment when it appeared that no one would attack Sutton this week.  And no one did.  Instead, with filming time running out, it was time to try to take down another fan favorite. Rinna saw an opportunity and is going hog wild with it.  Too late Rinna.  BTW, I noticed you licking your swollen lips.  Totally grossed me out.  Diana - Harlow became a star in the 30’s.  Check your decade.

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2 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

The description of Kathy’s behavior sounds just like Erika’s on a weekly basis, which they all almost to a person ignore or excuse.

I’m taking ALL of this with a HUGE grain of salt. Kathy probably just reached her limit. Can’t blame her.

And Rinna can just shove her armchair psychoanalysis.

Social media and message boards are a study in bias.  People who have likable personas are given passes and the benefit of the doubt while everything is spun negatively about people who are deemed unlikable.  We don't even know everything Kathy said yet or what she will admit to, yet people are already sweeping it under the rug.  Why?  Because she pulls off her Rose Nylund act?  None of us really know her.

Edited by Talented Tenth
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18 minutes ago, Surrealist said:

Crystal: "I'm hoping we can leave all the tension behind."

Oh, Sweet Summer Child.

Why is Erika wearing a Statue of Liberty crown?

I thought the same thing, but then, I actually googled 1920's crowns/tiaras and saw lots of images of similar crowns to what Erika was wearing.  Makes sense she would wear a crown, because she really is the Ice Queen.

I couldn't figure out her over-done pink eye makeup and the rest of the non-blended contouring on her face.  

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4 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I thought the same thing, but then, I actually googled 1920's crowns/tiaras and saw lots of images of similar crowns to what Erika was wearing.  Makes sense she would wear a crown, because she really is the Ice Queen.

I couldn't figure out her over-done pink eye makeup and the rest of the non-blended contouring on her face.  

Maybe Mikey was on vacay!

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19 minutes ago, Beachdreamer said:

This is the second week in a row that I think Erica has hinted at having the goods on Kyle.  When she is talking with Dorit at the chocolatier, I think she very clearly hints at KYLE having secrets, then switches to Kathy.  I think Erica and editing make it look like Kathy was always the subject, but I'm skeptical. 

I definitely thought Erika was referring to Kyle, too. 

Personally, I think they all (Kyle, Dorit, Erika and Rinna) all have some secrets they could spill about each other. 

13 minutes ago, Beachdreamer said:

"All Kathy has to do is admit it and apologize," says Erica. 

But why does she have to admit it and to whom is she apologizing?  It makes no sense. Erica was raging and yelling at people and called Crystal an A-hole and she wasn't admitting it and apologizing.

Well, in all fairness, Erika does admit to doing all these things, but she never, ever, ever apologizes for any of them. 

Erika doesn't apologize because she doesn't ever think she is in the wrong.

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The Erika flashbacks reminded me that I really did dislike her from the jump.  Back in 2015 she had that baby, Betty Boop voice. 

This whole “Kathy said horrible things” build up has been exhausting.  I am sure nothing will be clarified.  We will ever hear the real story.  I am sure Kathy was still feeling pissed about the stupid tequila snub from all the girls, and for Kyle and Mauricio being so dismissive.  She probably had a few drinks or took some meds and her anger turned into bitchy comments that she may not have said when sober.  I just do not believe Rinna’s exaggeration of what was said or done.  I think Rinna has learned she will not be able to take down Sutton or Garcelle or Crystal, so she’s looking for the next weakest link. She knows Erika will gnash her teeth at whoever Rinna tells her too.  Dorit is a follower and will switch sides if she thinks she can stay in favor with the majority.  Kyle is too Bravo-Strong, so none of these women will put their future paychecks in jeopardy.  Diana is a mean girl who will attack as part of a pack. Sheree is a nonentity.  So that leaves Kathy as her next victim to slander and force off the show.  Rinna has a long history as Bravo’s paid bully.

Rinna has to be involved in any drama to make herself relevant.  If there’s not any, then she will manufacture it. 

It’s infuriating to hear ERIKA of all people demand Kathy be called out for bad behaviors.  IF, IF Kathy said nasty things about her sister, that is not on par with Erika’s bullshit for the past 6 years.

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6 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

what??? lol I'm sorry but you are attacking Kathy based on what Rinna is saying with no proof but saying other people are sweeping it under the rug?? LOL Erika just said FUCK the victims of her husband and the girls laughed and giggled the next day ... rinna str8 to Suttons face said she just loves bullying her and crickets from the girls .... I am sorry I get you have your opinion on this but saying its being swept under the rug I call Bull crap ... they are latching on to this in hopes of deflecting from their behavior this whole season but its us the fans that are backing the wrong horse? did we watch the same show? 

None of my comments attacked Kathy.  I'm going to wait for more information to come out, but it's clear that she behaved badly and said some bad things.  So many people are ready to downplay and dismiss it simply because she's been funny and kooky on the show and because it was Lisa who saw the worst of the meltdown.  Yes, Erika and Rinna have behaved badly, but that doesn't mean that Kathy gets a pass.  If they need to be held accountable for their behavior, so does Kathy.  She doesn't get to be above it all.  She voluntarily signed up for the show just like them.  Also, Kathy 'raised' Paris and Baron who both have displayed reprehensible behavior.  I've always side-eyed her.

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Just now, Talented Tenth said:

None of my comments attacked Kathy.  I'm going to wait for more information to come out, but it's clear that she behaved badly and said some bad things.  So many people are ready to downplay and dismiss it simply because she's been funny and kooky on the show and because it was Lisa who saw the worst of the meltdown.  Yes, Erika and Rinna have behaved badly, but that doesn't mean that Kathy gets a pass.  If they need to be held accountable for their behavior, so does Kathy.  She doesn't get to be above it all.  She voluntarily signed up for the show just like them.  Also, Kathy 'raised' Paris and Baron who both have displayed reprehensible behavior.  I've always side-eyed her.

more information? So wait for her to slowly start adding to what was allegedly said by Kathy? Sorry Rinna has been proven a unreliable narrator point blank period when her husband went on WWHL and said he never said ANY of that stuff to his wife ... and with Rinna admitting to do anything to remain famous ... DID Kathy vent even she admitted that already on this episode... DID she rage so hard that it gave Rinna PTSD no no fucking way and Rinna wants the girls to rush to her acting like Kathy beat her or something 

3 minutes ago, Talented Tenth said:

Also, Kathy 'raised' Paris and Baron who both have displayed reprehensible behavior.  I've always side-eyed her.

because having children that act out make you a horrible person? Erika dumped her kid to move to cali lol Rinna dumped her mother till she could use her for this show KYLE drug KIM through the mud LOL but you side eye Kathy?? 

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This is a perfect “she said/she said” scenario. There is really nothing Kathy can say in her defense — look at the wildly diverging stories that have already been told about this. Was it racial slurs, or attacks on the family? Will anyone ever know what really happened? With all the attention, would it do Kathy any good to try to explain it?

Somebody (think it was Key West Kid) said Rinna took all of this and weaponized it — EXACTLY. She took a private, unguarded, and yes, probably drunken  moment — which just about everybody has from time to time — and is using it to destroy, and she’s reveling in it. Look at the grand exit she made tonight  because her delicate sensibilities couldn’t take being around Kathy. But next week, what do we see? Rinna smack in the middle, between Kathy and Kyle.

Combine all that with the apparent complicity of Erika and Diana; Erika’s veiled threats earlier about everybody having something to hide; and the gullibility of stooge Dorit, Crystal (who is easily swayed), and sadly Kyle; and Rinna has created a perfect takedown of somebody who really has done nothing to her. 

This is Lisa Rinna at her absolute worst. I hope what comes around goes around. If she thinks this kind of deviousness is job security — Andy, PULEEZE prove her wrong.

I wish this season from hell had ended tonight. 

28 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Storm the dog probably had her feelings hurt during the trip.  She probably always thought she was a good girl and didn’t understand why she had been chosen to be in the middle of that cluster f@@k of a trip.

Then you had poor Tiago, looking like a hostage in his own home.

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Just speculating here, but I think most of the problems with Kyle, Kim, and Kathy stem from Big Kathy and how they were raised.

The 3 of them talk about her as if she was a wonderful loving mother, but there is some truth out there that she was anything but.    Of course abused and exploited children/adults often make up stories or embellish for many reasons.

Little Kim was supporting her family while Big Kathy groomed all three how to snag a rich guy. Little Kathy was expected to marry big time and she did.  Kim did too, but the drugs and drinking took their toll.

I am not saying Kyle is a saint, but I think she just wants her family to get along. She is addicted to wishing, hoping and the drama.

Kathy to me looks medicated. Walking thru an airport in slippers like us mortals wear in private?  Making a fuss about her tequilia? Who knows whats wrong with her, but we all know the biggest rule in that family is to NEVER let anyone know whats really going on.

I do agree the whole cast has dirt and hidden secrets, but look where they live. In the city of make believe. Its all fake and fucked up.

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This episode left me feeling really sad.  Looking at Kathy, I observed how unhappy and awkward she was feeling even though Kyle wasn’t there. Over time I have come to the conclusion she has some sort of neurological, communication issue or disorder and she might even be on the spectrum or have a form of Aspergers.  Her eye contact, facial expressions, communication, tone and mannerisms suggest this to me.  The fact that Rinna used a private moment of hysteria against her this way to expose the REAL Kathy Hilton, to even the playing field with Erika even though Kathy is a friend not a housewife is probably the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen on Bravo.

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2 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

Well, the rest of the coven (Diana) is now in it. I think those three have decided to go after Kathy. Goes back to what Erika said earlier about everybody having some dirt on them.

This is what I thought I as well. Kathy getting mad at Kyle is not too surprising to me since the three sisters do seem to have up and down relationships. I agree with what was said upthread that Rinna weaponized it all. Rinna texting Erika feels a bit planned. I think maybe Rinna and Erika made this all into a bigger deal to get people off Erika's back, and I do think Rinna, at least, was jealous of Kathy's popularity last season.  I suspect we will never know the truth, but it is hard for me to believe anything Rinna says.

My eyes rolled back into my head when Rinna said she had PTSD, because of Kathy. Seriously? If that is the case Rinna, imagine all the PTSD you caused with your outbursts. 

I was the youngest in my family and only girl, so my brothers did pick on me quite a bit. I threw a whole pizza at my brother once when I was a kid. It wasn't a great throw and it hit the wall. Not the best move, because I was out a whole pizza.

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Rinna and Erika are all worried Kathy is getting preferential treatment and they aren't playing that game.  Aw hell naw.  They have to bow and scrape to Kyle some, because they have that much sense, but they don't have that same allegiance to big sister Kathy and it's time to push back.  They don't care if it puts Kyle smack dab in the middle of it, that's her problem.  Which it is.  Now.  I don't feel sorry for Kyle at all.  I feel sorry for me knowing she's going to cry a lot more, and her voice will be all sad and quavery.  So annoying.

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You can’t convince me that the editors don’t hate Erika, Rinna, Kyle and Dorit as much as we do. Whenever they flash back to a reunion- - I don’t know if they maximize the contrast or what, but you can see every bulge, line, sag and irregularity in filler. They make their outsides match their insides.

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1 hour ago, Misslindsey said:

My eyes rolled back into my head when Rinna said she had PTSD, because of Kathy. Seriously? If that is the case Rinna, imagine all the PTSD you caused with your outbursts.

I thought I was going to die in my seat. Rinna talking about this as if she were talking about surviving a plane crash or a terrorist attack.

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1 hour ago, Mrs peel said:

Just remembered that Erika claimed she and rinna were texting during Kathy’s “meltdown.” Hmmm…….I notice we haven’t seen those texts.  If they supported rinna being traumatized I think we would have seen them.

Some of the texts were shown at the end of last week's episode and repeated tonight.  It was the text that Rinna said Kathy was raging in the sprinter van and then that Rinna locked herself in her room.

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Rinna (overe)acted, and she supposedly had PTSD about the incident in Aspen. She didn't, she just pretended she did (and yes, she is a bad actress). She wanted the other HWs to acknowledge it, and confront Kathy per the HW recipe, but it didn't happen.

Sutton who is reliable said she saw Kathy's behavior at the club, as well though.

As for Rick and Kathy Hilton: there is no hotel fortune. Rick's grandather (Conrad, the founder of the hotel chain), and father (Barron) sold the hotel business in the 1980s and left almost everything to charity. The companies that bought the business can use (and do) the Hilton name for the hotels. Barron Hilton, Rick's father disinherited the family because of mostly Paris, and Nicky's behavior in the 2000s. Rick's wealth is from his real estate business (Hilton and Hylan). Mauricio, Kyle's husband was working for him until 11 years ago, he left to create his own real estate agency, and he is really successful. There was a rift in the family because of this. 

Edited by ZettaK
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Yes, one need only look at the reactions to sense that’s something is going on.

It’s a given that Kyle got upset. I’m no fan but there a long-standing family dynamic there that makes her reaction no surprise.

Sutton: She was upset about a conga line and got in my face about going home

Crystal: I’ve known Kathy a long time, and it’s hard to imagine whatever it is was THAT bad

Dorit: Um, Rinna took her home I guess

Erika: We all saw a BREAKDOWN 




Storm: “These nasty ladies give the word ‘bitches’ a bad name.”

Sutton’s reaction to Erika’s apology made me LOL 

Ohhh I didn’t realize the chocolatier was Compartes. I LOVE THEM. They have some bars that are out of this WORLD. 

Edited by ivygirl
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3 minutes ago, Surrealist said:

I thought I was going to die in my seat. Rinna talking about this as if she were talking about surviving a plane crash or a terrorist attack.

And the fact that it is Rinna saying how bad Kathy was just defies credibility because Rinna has displayed the most foul behavior over the years including several huge blow ups this year and the absolutely insane threatening Kim with a broken glass in Amsterdam.  

I am also skeptical because the narrative has changed over time.  According to Rinna right after the incident, Kathy was raging against Kyle and her family and Bravo.  But, soon, there were rumors about Kathy making homophobic and racist comments.  I  hope this is not true, because that would be very disturbing.  But, those accusations did not surface until later.  

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10 hours ago, Castina said:

I think Kathy has played up her ditzy side since she came on this show.  And fine because they all show what they want to show.  
Seeing how angry she got about the tequila I can very well believe she got angry about not being able to conga and left in a snit. 

But do I think Rinna and Erika were beyond thrilled this fell into their lap and they played it up and made it THE Aspen story.  Absolutely. 

I mean Rinna and Erika had their own unhinged outbursts this season.  And I take what Diana says in the preview with the tiniest grain of salt considering how she described what Sutton did to her in Mexico as bad as she did. 

I also think Kathy would have been pissed at Kyle for not going home with her.  This all happens the same day Kyle went from crying like a wounded puppy because the mean girls blanked her and her hat trip but then as soon as she made up with Erika in that backroom at the bar she was all over them again telling the other ladies to put a pin in it.  

I think there is a pattern here of Kyle choosing her show friends over her s

Things that confuse me from the preview coupled with things we saw earlier:
-Crystal said somewhere that more of them were going to leave but it was taking her so long to get her coat (for some reason Rinna made it into the club with her coat) that she told them to go ahead.  So at least Crystal was going to leave in that car with them.

-There are older previews of Kathy standing in what looks like a open garage saying she is soooo pissed off and wanting to leave.  After watching the preview of them talking on the plane does it appear Kyle and Maurizio just left the house with Kathy in it and didnt' say goodbye?  

Kyle who was so distraught that Erika moved out the previous night without talking to her just walked out of her own house in Aspen without saying goodbye or any sort of contact?  Alls very very bizarre. 

I agree there appears to be some holes in the fabrication. I could be wrong but i thought Kathy was supposedly in the bunk room but I thought I also heard she had left and went somewhere else but maybe I wasn’t really paying attention by then.  But what shit disturbers are Rinna, Erika, Diana and also throwing in Dorit….. they’re just defecting from their own horrid behaviour this season.

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4 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

Don’t forget Kim, who Rinna said was “near death,” and then when confronted with it, looked shocked and claimed amnesia. I don’t claim to have a clue about what happened, but I’m sure as hell not taking Rinna’s word for it.

Perfect example!  Rinna is basically a walking delusion - reality and truth are not important to her.  She doesn’t give a single shit about what her tall tales do to others.

To her, the world’s a soap opera set, and she’ll do whatever it takes to be the leading lady.  Unfortunately for her, it’s no secret to viewers that she’s a fucking nutjob.

I don’t believe 99% of what came out of her mouth about that night - especially when it comes to what she claims Kathy said.  This reeks of a calculated takedown to me.  I’ll be the first to say that I have no idea whether or not Kathy might have used racial slurs or homophobic language - I truly hope she did not.  If anyone but Rinna claimed she did, I would have no reason to doubt that it’s completely possible.  The fact that it’s Rinna’s claim makes it highly suspect.  

Potential slurs aside, I do NOT believe she talked about taking down Bravo and NBC.  That just sounds asinine to me, and Kathy is not a stupid woman.  This, in my opinion, is a direct hit aimed at sabotaging Kathy’s future on this show, or any other Bravo/NBC-affiliate show on which she might have appeared at some point.  Rinna marched right in with a sickle on this one.  I call absolute bullshit.  

Is this Rinna’s last-ditch effort to save her own neck?  Could be, and I hope it turns out to be the final nail in her own damn coffin.  

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So it’s a private club so cameras were conveniently not available to film Kathy’s rant. Ok fine. But per Lisa, it got worse in the van, and then worse at Kyle’s, and STILL no mics or cameras? 

Uh huh.

I noticed she threw in the “she threatened all of us”, similar to how Kyle and Brandi were able to get Teddi, Erika and Lisa to fully turn on Denise by throwing in all the insults she’d said about them.

The thing with Sheree and the card was a very poorly acted bit. I felt second hand embarrassment for Garcelle having to play along. 

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