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Jeopardy! Season 39 (2022-2023)


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She's Baaaack! 

Pretty good game today, especially in the J round. Ran It's Gonna Be May! and Doctor: Who and got 4 in World of Belief, 3-Letter Words with 2 Vowels, Sitting in with the Orchestra and TV Neighbors.

Fourth day in a row of double digit TSs. My gets were Islam, George VI, viola, St. Maarten (helps that I've been there), The Wonder Years and Tuesday. Almost had rhizomes, but added a syllable.

No clue on FJ.

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May 1:

67% / 63% / 64%

Well, I had a crappy day so it's fitting that I had a crappy game. Ran Doctor: Who?, missed one in Titles With Exclamation Points!, World of Belief and It's gonna be May, three in 3-Letter Words with 2 Vowels, and four in Dance. In DJ I ran nothing, missed one in Orchestra and R Nature, two in Islands, TV Neighbor and Angels, and three in World of Words. Did not get FJ (all I could think of was David Copperfield but that didn't make sense).

I did get several TSes, at least: Islam, Clive Cussler, viola, duck, St. Maarten, Wonder Years, Rwanda, and rhizomes.

I like Kevin's tie.

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On 4/29/2023 at 11:20 AM, ams1001 said:

Starts May 8th at 8pm

The Wikipedia page has the schedule:



Thank you for the info. Nothing against any of the contestants, but it feels as though we just saw most of them in the Tournament of Champions. And how many more times do we need to see James Holzhauer?

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6 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Yes - since it’s on network tv rather than part of syndicated j! Probably should be wherever Celebrity Jeopardy is? 

I don't think it will get its own forum like Celebrity Jeopardy!, just a thread within this forum like the prime time college tournament and Greatest of All Time did.

I thought I wasn't going to be able to watch tonight, so checked the archive earlier.  It turns out I can, so I'm going to see if I get any of the ones I missed or if flitted right through my brain without sticking (like how I never, ever commit to memory which King George was Elizabeth's father no matter how many times it comes up on here).

I did get FJ, though.  I knew thinking of a Hebrew word for devoted to God wasn't going to get me anywhere, so concentrated on the "can be easily duped" part of the clue.  That quickly made me think of gullible, which just as quickly brought to mind Gulliver.  I had no idea what Gulliver's first name was, but the timing was right, so I stuck with it.

Edited by Bastet
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19 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I thought I wasn't going to be able to watch tonight, so checked the archive earlier.  It turns out I can, so I'm going to see if I get any of the ones I missed or if flitted right through my brain without sticking

Well, no one guessing Islam as the majority religion in Albania surprised me the second time around, too (hell, even I got that one).

I managed to remember the response to two of the three titles I missed the first time around, along with one of the three I'd missed in dances and one of the two I'd missed in belief.  And, for the first time, which King George was Elizabeth's father (let's see if that finally sticks).

Unlike the first round, I'd already done quite well in DJ, only missing six.  This time, I still missed four -- all I managed to remember was Gilmore Girls and Papua New Guinea.

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53 minutes ago, chicagofan said:

I'm good at remembering that George VI was Queen Elizabeth's father. What I usually get wrong is who her uncle was - I tend to think Edward VII when it's Edward VIII who abdicated.

After Victoria it goes Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII (abdicated), George VI, then Elizabeth II and now Charles III. I don't know if it helps to remember that Elizabeth, her father, and her uncle are all even numbers. Her son, grandfather, and great-grandfather are all odd numbers.

For FJ I was casting about for a title that contained both first and last name and didn't get to Gulliver. I discarded Tom Jones and then got stuck on the idea of Tom Foolery.

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No red wig for Kevin tonight… too bad. Maybe he just didn’t want to overshadow the redhead next to him. But tomorrow, I see there’s a competitor with green hair. That could be a nice complement.

1 hour ago, Bastet said:

"can be easily duped" part of the clue.  That quickly made me think of gullible, which just as quickly brought to mind Gulliver. 

Ahh… thanks. I was struggling to see how “Gulliver” meant “easily duped”. Also, I was focusing on titles with both a first and last name (David Copperfield, Robinson Crusoe, etc.) Needless to say, I did not get FJ.

I almost felt bad for Mayim, knowing how many viewers were disappointed to see her walk onto the stage. But then she started again with her standard “Awesome!” response to contestant interviews. (Say something else, Mayim! At least pretend you’re actively engaged!) Maybe I should just make “awesome” into a drinking game. It will help to pass the summer. 

1 hour ago, SoMuchTV said:

Not quite the same, but there’s a Celebrity Wheel of Fortune coming up with Ken, Mayim, and Vanna. I think during the Masters run on abc. 

Their episode airs Wednesday 5/10, right after that night’s episode of Jeopardy Masters, or whatever they’re calling this season’s desperate attempt to resurrect the magic of Amy, James and Mattea. (Not that I won’t watch, so I guess it’s working. Although it might seem a little more special if they let more than 6 months pass between appearances… just saying.)


7 minutes ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

Tom Foolery

Love this. If it had occurred to me, I’d have been stuck there, too. 😉

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15 hours ago, Bastet said:

I did get FJ, though.  I knew thinking of a Hebrew word for devoted to God wasn't going to get me anywhere, so concentrated on the "can be easily duped" part of the clue.  That quickly made me think of gullible, which just as quickly brought to mind Gulliver.  I had no idea what Gulliver's first name was, but the timing was right, so I stuck with it.

Same here. I was a little worried they'd want both names, but they accepted Gulliver, so another FJ for me this week!

It was a pretty good game for me. I ran May, nearly ran Doctor and TV Neighbor (missed one because my husband got it first). I got at least three in the other categories.

I got a slew of TS: Papua New Guinea, Clive Cussler, George VI, Dienstag, Viola, Wonder Yeaes, Gilmore Girls (being short, I envied Sally's character's furniture), and rhizomes (that was a surprise)

I didn't mind Mayim - I prefer Ken by far, but she's gotten a lot better. I just wish I could understand why they thought they needed TWO hosts (and even more tournaments)

Edited by Clanstarling
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17 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I know Ken can't play anymore, but could he do an exhibition game with the top two Masters with no prizes? That could be fun.

Maybe for charity?

I agree Mayim was much better. She's got more of an even rhythm going, and isn't being as distracting. Also, the still-long pauses are at least a lot less long than they used to be. 

I got lost trying to think of a character from Isaac Bashevis Singer, from his Schlemiel and Schlemazel opus. I was amazed they thought that was considered mainstream enough knowledge for FJ....and of course, it wasn't. 


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The less said about today's game the better, especially in the J round. Gotta stop taking naps before Jeopardy airs.

Got TSs of rudimentary, Ajax and Adam's Rib - should have had the missed DDs of Tasmanian Devil and La Paz (duh, peace was in the clue). Again I blame the nap.

Got FJ - as a matter of fact I got both of the accepted answers. First I thought "What is pertussis"? Then I said no, "What is whooping cough"? which was my final answer. Too bad I can't count it as 2 correct FJs for the week.

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14 hours ago, chicagofan said:

Got FJ - as a matter of fact I got both of the accepted answers. First I thought "What is pertussis"? Then I said no, "What is whooping cough"? which was my final answer.

That's what I said too. I don't know why I thought whooping cough was a better answer than pertussis since I know they are the same thing.

I also got the ts's or missed DDs of Tasmanian Devil, Robert De Niro, and Andromeda.

I was also pleased that the judges came to their senses and gave me Eros.

Edited by Trey
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May 2:

60% / 60% / 61%

Another crappy game but at least it was consistent..? Ran Australian Wildlife, missed two each in Jr. in Entertainment, Double Double Letters, and Jeopair! Boarding Process, and three in Battles and Grammar. In DJ I ran That's So Extra, missed one in Eat Food, two in Comedies, and three in Mythology, Nonfiction, and Cities.

FJ was pretty much an instaget.

The only missed clue I got was Tasmanian Devil (DD).

So vicious.


Edited by ams1001
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I said measles. I didn't think that was a respiratory disese, but I couldn't get MMR out of my head after she said it was combined with 2 others.

I got the missed clues of tasmanian devil,  and the republic.

I got the entire categories of battles and extra right. 

I had an OK first round and a horrific DJ.

8 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

he only missed clue I got was Tasmanian Devil (DD).

So vicious.

I saw a tasmanian devil at a wildlife park in Australia. He ran around and around and around and around and around and aroudn and around in circles.  I was exhausted just watching him for two minutes.

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I missed the game and watched on YouTube, which for some reason skipped over the Mythology category entirely. I wasn't pleased with that, especially since it was the source of controversy. Viewers are arguing that Paul was robbed by being ruled incorrect for "Eros." Even though he got the money back, he lost the control of the board at a crucial time. Story here.

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Yesterday I felt smart for instagetting the TSs of Pogo [stick], rhisomes, and viola.
But yesterday I had no clue for FJ.
But I floved Kevin's flower tie.

Today I was stressed, tired, and distracted — knowning a lot of answers, but almost always a few seconds too late.
But FJ was a near instaget.
Going in order of DTP, I did briefly consider Diptheria because of the throat being upper respiratory, but then I quickly corrected to Whooping Cough / Pertussis.


Mayim must've gotten some coaching and practice so she's not so startled by the DDs anymore, which seemed to be causing her to giggle uncontrollably. 
She's not terrible, it's just that her breadth of knowledge is, well, kind of narrow. Like mine. 


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The Adam's Rib TS was a big bummer - I love that movie - but I had a strong feeling they weren't going to get it.

Paul's koala bear response to being asked about an Australian carnivore with a fierce reputation was quite something.

In that same category, I cannot simply answer a dingo clue without imitating Seinfeld's Elaine: "Maybe the dingo ate your baby".

I was back to form after a mediocre first round last night; I ran grammar, Jeopair!, and double double letters and got all but one in the rest.  In the case of battles, that was a pleasant surprise as that is traditionally a weak category for me.  Three of the four I got right in juniors were guesses - well, De Niro wasn't really a guess; I had no idea was a junior, but the Raging Bull robe meant it had to be him - but, hey, whatever works.

In DJ, I blew mythology entirely (a stunning development, I know), and missed three in nonfiction, which is typically a good category for me.  I only ran plants and extras, but I got all but one in cities.  I missed two in comedies.  So, not great, but fine for a DJ round.

FJ was an instaget.

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Yeah, Mayim not allowing Eros and Psyche was a major 'Wait, what?' moment for me, and even though he got his money back, I felt bad for the contestant being similarly thrown off his stride. (As was suggested in the article GreekGeek (appropriate name!) linked to, they should bring him back at some point, perhaps if they do another Second Chance tournament.) Though I have to say, as a big enjoyer of rail trails, I'm getting a kick out of Kevin's run.

I'm curious whether 'Tasmanian Tiger' could have been argued for the largest carnivorous marsupial, depending on how seriously one takes the various post-presumable-extinction sightings.

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18 minutes ago, Bastet said:

The Adam's Rib TS was a big bummer - I love that movie - but I had a strong feeling they weren't going to get it.

I wasn't surprised that it was a triple stumper either. I did get it correct even though it was before my time (and I'm old) so it was way before their time.

25 minutes ago, Bastet said:

In that same category, I cannot simply answer a dingo clue without imitating Seinfeld's Elaine: "Maybe the dingo ate your baby".

Whenever there's a dingo clue I always yell out "A dingo ate my baby!" - just can't help myself.

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9 hours ago, Driad said:

A moment to remember Gordon Lightfoot, who wrote and performed "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald."

Aww… I love Gordon Lightfoot. He’s one of my favorite radio singalongs.

37 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I cannot simply answer a dingo clue without imitating Seinfeld's Elaine: "Maybe the dingo ate your baby

In response to the clue “This wild dog of Australia rarely barks but it does howl like a wolf”, I yelled “And it also eats babies!!” So, yeah. I think we’re coming from the same place.

TSs for me were Rudimentary and Adam’s Rib. Love the old bantering romantic comedies. 

FJ was a tag team get between me and Mr. Helens. I immediately threw out DTaP, and he jumped on Pertussis. But I’m claiming it because I would have landed there, too.

I also have to note that Mayim did not disappoint in providing a good start to my daily drinking game. I don’t remember what Kevin talked about for his contestant interview, but it was definitely “Awesome!”

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57 minutes ago, Emma9 said:

Yeah, Mayim not allowing Eros and Psyche was a major 'Wait, what?' moment for me, and even though he got his money back, I felt bad for the contestant being similarly thrown off his stride. (As was suggested in the article GreekGeek (appropriate name!) linked to, they should bring him back at some point, perhaps if they do another Second Chance tournament.) Though I have to say, as a big enjoyer of rail trails, I'm getting a kick out of Kevin's run.

I'm curious whether 'Tasmanian Tiger' could have been argued for the largest carnivorous marsupial, depending on how seriously one takes the various post-presumable-extinction sightings.

The host doesn't decide which answers are acceptable the judges do.

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

also have to note that Mayim did not disappoint in providing a good start to my daily drinking game. I don’t remember what Kevin talked about for his contestant interview, but it was definitely “Awesome!

Is there also a drinking game when Mayim laughs at something that isn’t funny?  So bugs me.  She’s a smidge better, but has a long way to go.  I only watch during Mayim’s hosting because I’ve loved the show and the brain challenges for so long, but gosh, it’s hard to wait for Ken to return.  While Mayim hosts, I’m far less engaged when I watch — that’s not the case for me when Ken hosts (or when Alex did).  

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