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S01.E03: Episode 3

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I'm not one who has ever thought AshLee was pretty, granted she has a slamming body, but her face is squished and she has a crossed eye, not even counting all the crazy eyes she throws at everyone.

I keep telling my wife that she reminds me fo Renee Zellweger... same kinda look. Just like I think Marcus reminds me of Ryan Gosling - and he even did the Dirty Dancing move in the pool with Lacy (reference from "Crazy, Stupid, Love") this episode.

If this show is any indication, what men are looking for is hysterical, clingy, desperate and controlling,  with nice boobs.

The women on this show do appear to exhibit these qualities in spades.

Most of them, men and women alike, seem to be overly concerned with looks. I roll my eyes when a new woman sashays up the beach and some of the women instantly feel less-than. Yeah, it's hard to be above being judgey-judgey sometimes, but the comments can be rather off the wall, as in, do they really believe what they just said? No surprise the show retains a psychologist or psychiatrist, if I heard that handler right.

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I intensely dislike everything about AshLee, from the spelling of her name to her superficiality to her downright unpleasant personality. I don't see her as lacking in confidence regarding her attractiveness; she seems to spend a lot of time preening, looking in mirrors, and favorably comparing herself to the other women (like that time when she fumed that Clare 'wasn't even pretty,' for example). I believe her insecurity comes from the fact that she knows she has nothing else to offer other than her looks. I know a lot of pretty young women with very little going on upstairs who have this kind of insecurity, knowing that their only assets will erode in time. (Speaking of assets and erosion, I do wonder why her face is so weirdly tight. Did she get some work done already?)


I feel sorry for Graham. I didn't watch the season he was on at all, so I really don't know him from a hole in the wall, but he seems like a nice enough person. Oddly, he reminds me of Clay Aiken. I think it's just his speech patterns, really. Of the women, I think Clare is coming off well; she's a dimwit to be sure, but at least she knows how to enjoy herself. I wish there were a better match for her than Zack (whoever the hell he is).


i see Jackie as very plain, and certainly far less striking than Danielle was. She has toned thighs, I guess, but what's going on above the neck is not special. Danielle lost out because she had a really bland personality and had little to say. Is it too much to ask that the people cast on TB franchise actually be interesting and able to articulate a thought now and then?

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AshLee has abandonment issues from being adopted when she was 5 (or so). I vaguely remember her story of her adoptive dad coming up to her and saying you're my girl--or some similar sentiment. So I can almost see why she thinks she can just walk up to Graham and say, "You're mine and we'll live happily ever after!" Now I know nothing of Elise's upbringing, but she must have some deep issues; I'm guessing daddy left and mom had a string of boyfriends or step-dads.


I'm not sure why she should be confident just because she's pretty.


Erm, because there is a pervasive focus on beauty, shape, clothes, etc. throughout society, especially in the media and especially on a reality show where appearance is the coin of the realm?



Also, are "quiet" and "demure" what modern men are looking for these days?


Trends come and go but it seems that being a lady has never gone out of style and will remain a highly valued quality.  I hesitate to break the guy code but while we enjoy a bit of the Girls Gone Wild stuff (or at least claim to do so), behind closed doors we certainly establish and maintain efficient if slightly unfair and unyielding classifications, among them the emotionally needy, the foul-mouthed, the hot-but-she-knows-it etc.  The mundane-sounding but coveted title of 'cool chick' i.e. relationship material is awarded only after much discussion and consideration and it's almost always bestowed on those girls who are sociable but not garrulous, are attentive but not obsessive and who can maintain an air of mystery.  As nature abhors a vacuum, men cannot stand ambiguity.  We will move heaven and earth to solve any mystery thus the trap is sprung.

Edited by Rainsong
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From this chair, Jackie Parr is outrageously hot and, frankly, another case study in 'this person hardly needs a reality show to attract a mate,' assuming you exclude the self-promotion and fame-at-any-cost angle.  Redheads tend to get lumped in together but the auburn hair types are different class.  They don't have the washed-out, pale, freckled look.  And for those questioning the praise for her physique, I can only offer the proverbial 1,000 words: http://goo.gl/FULnVb


For good or ill, the cast page at the ABC site has 'surprise' participants' photos/bios already posted.  In other words, they're spoiling their own show!  Is this sloppiness, laziness, other?


It's always amusing to watch the girls' reaction at being chosen for a rose.  There is the 'I knew this was coming' smile, the 'I want to sprint over there but I'll pretend to be demure' suppressed grin of relief, and, of course, the 'Ha!  Put one over on them!' smirk.


Hmm checked out her photo and thought she looked even worse than I remembered. This must be one of those Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus moments (straight female here). I think she has an unhealthy looking body and a mediocre face. Think Sarah for one, is much better looking. Interesting that ABC has posted their bios but maybe it's an indication that they don't really have any surprises for us here, just editing trickery. I'm sort of torn over the show so far, it's a bit of a guilty pleasure but not bad/exciting enough to be can't miss TV.



The mundane-sounding but coveted title of 'cool chick' i.e. relationship material is awarded only after much discussion and consideration and it's almost always bestowed on those girls who are sociable but not garrulous, are attentive but not obsessive and who can maintain an air of mystery.  As nature abhors a vacuum, men cannot stand ambiguity.  We will move heaven and earth to solve any mystery thus the trap is sprung.


My only knowledge of the "cool chick" is that she's fake, if I follow Gillian Flynn's description in "Girl Gone." She pretends to have attributes that a man would love but isn't a realistic representation of any woman, any where. I don't know if that's accurate or not, since it's not a term I've ever heard of before. For some reason, I have a mental image of Zooey Deschanel - admittedly interesting, and possessing unique style, but with an attitude that suggests it's all an act. I'd say most of the women on Bachelor in Paradise appear to be acting (and badly, at that),  but none of them come across as "cool" in any way. Yet Marcus fell for Lacy anyway....

Edited by PreBabylonia
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Hmm checked out her photo and thought she looked even worse than I remembered. This must be one of those Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus moments (straight female here). I think she has an unhealthy looking body and a mediocre face.


I agree, I was surprised, after reading the build-up, how unattractive she looked in that picture. Very boney. It's also taken at a weird angle. But, I'm a woman, immune to her come-hither expression. Still, even as a woman, I definitely admire the attractive female form (there's a reason women's magazines have women on the covers). Jackie's legs when she walked up looked amazing. Her face, not so much. Sort of pixieish, but with her features not big enough for her face? OTOH, I'm constantly amazed how pretty Michelle is (her features, not her makeup -- that bright lipstick is hideous). Amazing cheekbones. AshLee also has a beautiful face, and Lacy is attractive. Sarah is pretty average, IMO. If not for her arm -- or lack of -- she never would have been cast on this franchise.


As for guys... I also see Ryan Gosling every time I look at Marcus, from the second he was introduced. Pretty eyes. Marquel is cute. Robert is cute, but looks "young" -- definitely seems to fit better with Sarah than Michelle. Graham must have a great personality, because his face is pretty average. I think his maturity is what attracts the females, and I can definitely get behind that. Chris--ugh. Mostly it's his knowing smirkiness that's so unattractive. Stupid smile, too (what my dad would call a "sh*t-eating grin.")


Back to the women -- Elise has a face that screams "cheap" to me. She reminds me of the ex-prostitute Betty on Masters of Sex. Her choice of clothes (that teeny bikini last week) and her desperation don't help. Found an article on her, post this episode.

Edited by Andromeda
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Me too, I laughed so hard at Graham's face when Ashlee said "I follow you on Instagram". But then he was hypnotized by her Barbie body and butt shaking and ended up kissing her. At least he didn't spend the night with her.


A much circulated story was that they'd dated before the show, but that's been debunked.

What IS on the record, though, are Graham's words during an interview when the show was launched::



"OK!: Was there anyone specific you were really hoping would be in Mexico when you arrived? 

GB: I was really hoping AshLee Frazier was going to be there. She had dated a friend of mine and he had wonderful things to say about her. I had never met her before. I thought she was gorgeous and incredibly beautiful. I’m a sucker for a beautiful smile and she’s got a crazy cool smile. I was going into it hoping she’d be there."

Edited by pitchy
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I'm amazed at how much traction that Graham-and-AshLee-dated story has gotten. OK, along with Star, is the absolute bottom of the tabloid barrel. They just make shit up. Star got a lot of attention for that "25 most hated people in Hollywood" feature last year, as if they have sources who are studio heads, casting agents, well known actors, etc. Anne Hathaway was #2 on the list, and yet "Hollywood" gave her an Oscar right after that article came out. In reality the list was the "25 most hated people among the hags who write for Star." /rant

I think that Jackie looks better on this show than she does in that anorexic bikini shot. I agree that Michelle is probably very pretty under those overly smokey eyes, bubblegum pink lipstick, self tanner, and too tightly pulled back hairstyles. She sort of reminds me of the Zac we remember (not the one who showed up here): under the fake tan and the hair gel and the overly Crest White Stripped teeth and too pumped body, he was better looking than he appeared. I think both of them fall into the category of doing too much to their looks and not doing themselves any favors. On the flip side IMO, although Marquel's style has gotten conflicting reactions amongst the group, I for one adore his style. I think if any average-looking guy wore half of what he wears, he'd be laughed out of Paradise. But Marquel is SO good looking--I bet he was a "hot baby"--that his crazy outfits just make him look even better looking. If someone can pull off seventies style glasses and still look that good...?! (Fanning myself) His unique style just makes him stand out in a crowd even more so, when his incredible looks and personality already set him apart. I think out of the women Clare is most empirically beautiful, Lacy is more what I would assume most men would find hot, and I think AshLee is a perfect mix of beautiful and hot. (Straight woman here, BTW.)

Edited by JenE4
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My only knowledge of the "cool chick" is that she's fake, if I follow Gillian Flynn's description in "Girl Gone." She pretends to have attributes that a man would love but isn't a realistic representation of any woman, any where


Ah, but she does exist. I married one. Unfortunately, there's only one in the world so we men have to share. Currently I'm scheduled for every other Tuesday.



 I'd say most of the women on Bachelor in Paradise appear to be acting (and badly, at that),  but none of them come across as "cool" in any way. Yet Marcus fell for Lacy anyway....


At the risk of prolonging this debate, I'm constrained to point out that this is a reality show (i.e. unreal) in a literal and figurative hothouse where pairing up is the only means of continuing.  The cast members are chosen for their weaknesses i.e. character flaws as for their strengths. They may very well be acting but I think it's self-evident that no one should attempt to draw conclusions about the wider world from such a small, time-compressed sample under constant manipulation from the producers.

Edited by Rainsong
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I think out of the women Clare is most empirically beautiful, Lacy is more what I would assume most men would find hot, and I think AshLee is a perfect mix of beautiful and hot. (Straight woman here, BTW.)


Straight guy here.  I'd say Lacy is right up most dumb guys' alley: big boobs--to which I have no objection--but not actually that pretty.  Totally agree about AshLee.  I'm inclined to say Michelle is the most beautiful, but the made-up vs. just-woke-up disparity gives me hesitation.  I'd give Jackie the title of cutest, on account of her pixie-ish features.

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Went to the abc site to spoil myself on upcoming contestants and saw this bio on Sarah:

"America fell in love with Sarah as they watched the girl with one arm date Sean and live life to the fullest.  Now Sarah returns to Paradise with a newfound confidence."


Really? She was discarded. How would that possibly inspire confidence? And why, though it's obvious, wouldn't she object to the label "girl with one arm?" Shades of the Hunger Games. She's gonna "win" this thing!

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Straight guy here.  I'd say Lacy is right up most dumb guys' alley: big boobs--to which I have no objection--but not actually that pretty.  Totally agree about AshLee.  I'm inclined to say Michelle is the most beautiful, but the made-up vs. just-woke-up disparity gives me hesitation.  I'd give Jackie the title of cutest, on account of her pixie-ish features.

Straight female myself and I would have to say that Sarah is the prettiest.  Lacy, bless her heart, just seems to wear way too much makeup.  And I don't know if she's just tired or if the humidity mixed with salt air is doing something weird to her makeup but she's looking kinda rough lately.  Sarah just has that clean, fresh faced, prettiness to her that sets her apart for everyone else IMO.  She seems to be pretty without looking like she's trying so hard at it.


And as far as the guys go I gotta say Graham is still the most attractive to me.  Marcus is handsome as well and if we were going simply on looks alone I may even say that Marcus is the most handsome of the lot (those eyes are dreamy) but since I know a bit of their personality as well I would say Graham just seems to stand out above them all.

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Erm, because there is a pervasive focus on beauty, shape, clothes, etc. throughout society, especially in the media and especially on a reality show where appearance is the coin of the realm?



Except that that's all surfacey stuff, and speaks not one iota to a true core of confidence or self-esteem. AshLee (I can barely type her name it's so dumb) seems deeply insecure to me and utterly lacking in confidence. One reason I liked Andi initially is she did appear to be genuinely confident and accomplished, at least when compared to most of these Bachelor gals. Too bad she turned out to be sort of a dick.

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Being 5-day-old leftovers finally paid off for Marquel! I've made a number of impolite assumptions about him, and knew the minute Jackie (sp?) came sashaying up that Danielle was toast. The contrast of the woman encouraging her to pick whichever man she wanted, while casually draping themselves all over their chosen menfolks, was kind of hilarious. I might have rewound just to watch Claire headbutt Zach's shoulder like kitten. 


Michelle's frantic scramble to snow Robert into thinking her love was true had me rolling. That's something I would expect Chris B to pull, "oh yea, baby, I was totally thinking about you the whole time I gave that other person a rose!". But she and Claire are the only people providing proper entertainment so far, so I'm glad Chris Harrison, I mean Chris B, bailed her out.


Sarah seems to be oscillating between realizing the other women are unhealthily desperate, to thinking she's broken because she's not as desperate as they are. You gave Robert the rose, mami, he should be the one constructing surprise dates for you.


The more they show of those accommodations, the more wretched it seems. It must be so stank in there at all times, probably why Chris B was so snippy about immobile.

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Straight girl here and I find Lacy really pretty. Her eyes look good with her tan. Oddly, while her boobs played center stage first ep, I've noticed them less since. I think she seems like a nice person and I'm rooting for her and Marcus. Marcus is hot as hell. But as much as I think I would love him physically, he seems to have no sense of humor. Give me an easygoing guy who can make me laugh over a Gosling lookalike with no wit all day long (or night :) hey, it's BIP.

I love reading about the elusive cool girl that is discussed behind closed doors. As if the converse of that is a given all men are "cool guys".

Chris B harmed himself walking on sand and is ugly. He made multiple other infractions but he's so fucking ugly I can't care.

There is no honor in being passive agressive. Saying "you should hang out with other guys, hee hee not really" is asshat behavior.

Having a penned I love you after 2 weeks letter in your North Face pack whilst whoring yourself on tv is lazy at best; worst boring.

There are both the bad and good in life. Real life or reality show But there are tons of cool girls out there. I was raised with them and remain their friends. The coolest part is we realize in any given group some people will suck and others won't. We tend to hang with (and yes, dirty lamguage fuck) the cool ones.

Edited by KnoxForPres
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This says it all:

per the above mentioned article:

"When asked whether she was still dating Bukowski, Mosca declined to answer. But she added that "all decisions in life lead to something good and the path you are meant to be on," and said if things don’t work out, she'd be open to doing a show like "Bachelor in Paradise" again."

Impossible! It's YOPO, not YOPT (you only Paradise twice) or YPES (You Paradise every season).

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The contrast of the woman encouraging her to pick whichever man she wanted, while casually draping themselves all over their chosen menfolks, was kind of hilarious. I might have rewound just to watch Claire headbutt Zach's shoulder like kitten.

From what we saw, though, it seemed like Michelle was the one who came up with that rule and the one who repeated it, and none of the other women really jumped onboard with her; they just didn't disagree. I think Clare was just doing the path of least resistance--not arguing with Michelle's rule, but making it clear to the new contestants that Zach was with her. 


I felt bad for Clare when Zach gave the interview snippet saying that he'd be interested in Jackie. I've come to like Clare a lot, and I want her to find her person. And I didn't find the turtle "sign" particularly nuts--I think a lot of people who have lost someone close to them see signs in the world around them. When you're sharing a nice moment with someone and thinking about the person you've lost, and then something cool or unusual happens, it's not always a huge stretch. She didn't necessarily have to tell the camera, but that's just Clare. She's a total open book. 



I didn't watch much of Andi's season, but I'd heard of Marquel as a fan favorite. I don't understand why the women were so upset he accepted a date with Jackie. Clare went on 2 dates (almost 3) before picking her BIP-buddy and no one called her out for it. The fact that he hasn't made a move on any of the women till Jackie makes me think he wasn't that into Andi either.


The difference for me is that both guys Clare went on dates with prior to Zach were actively pursuing other women as well, and certainly neither was at all bent out of shape that she was going out with someone else, whereas both of Marquel's previous dates seemed to feel somewhat hurt and abandoned when he chose to go on dates with other women. Perhaps I'm being ungenerous, but I tend to think it's less of a gender double standard and more that Marquel was still sending mixed messages to his previous dates and hedging his bets by not establishing a more clear understanding with them until he decided whom he liked best. I totally agree about Andi, though, and it kind of makes him more of a jerk for questioning her about letting him go at the MTA when he clearly wasn't feeling it either.


I don't know what mixed signals Michelle was getting from Robert, because it seemed very clear to me that he wasn't that interested and was just going along as best he could so as not to hurt her feelings. But there was no genuine engagement on his part at any point. I think Michelle was more wishful thinking than correctly reading him. 


Ashlee is pretty, but I can't seem to look beyond her awful eyelashes. Does she do that on purpose? It seems to happen way too frequently for it to just be accidental bad makeup application. 

  • Love 2

From what we saw, though, it seemed like Michelle was the one who came up with that rule and the one who repeated it, and none of the other women really jumped onboard with her; they just didn't disagree. I think Clare was just doing the path of least resistance--not arguing with Michelle's rule, but making it clear to the new contestants that Zach was with her. 

I think Michelle is, either by request or because after all her run-throughs she has a real handle on this thing, carrying the producers' water for them.  Obviously, the "pick anyone and don't ask questions" rule makes for the best TV, and she's had a track record of helping bring the show along ever since Chris Harrison praised her as a narrator when she was on Brad II.  (As I think of it now, I think her "bury her head in the seat and not look at the camera" bit after Brad eliminated her may have been to hide her lack of tears, not her crying.)

  • Love 3

There is also the beautiful irony that the two times she said that it was her man who was taken out. Makes me think she's totally a plant who was likely promised lots of screentime or possibly a stint as the Bachelorette in exchange for saying and doing what production asks her to. Of all of them she seems the one most likely to whore herself out for unlimited chances to be on TV and therefore justify her existence...I mean, er, provide for her child?


I'm still in shock over the fact that Claire is my favorite right now. Claire!??!! What is happening to me? lol But seriously, after seeing her here I really wish she had been the Bachelorette. She's kind of adorably dorky, willing to look like she believes in this shit while also seeming like she's just in this for a good time.

  • Love 3
Ashlee is pretty, but I can't seem to look beyond her awful eyelashes. Does she do that on purpose? It seems to happen way too frequently for it to just be accidental bad makeup application.

I don't think she used to have lashes like that, I'm afraid it's a new style.  The wholesome single mother on Juan Pablo's season had points for lashes and I see ads for something called Miss Manga mascara that seems to clump lashes together on purpose. I guess it's one of those things I'll just have to get used to -- probably on the day it goes out of style.


I have always liked Clare.  I think she's one of those rare reality TV people who can't help being herself, even in front of the cameras, so we get what we came for, a fly on the wall look at a person "looking for love.".  I think she really did want to go skinny dipping with Juan Pablo and he really did lead her on.  Putz.


Edited by JudyObscure

Makes me think she's totally a plant who was likely promised lots of screentime or possibly a stint as the Bachelorette in exchange for saying and doing what production asks her to. 


I am 100% behind Michelle Money for Bachelorette! She's beautiful, confident, would be a real draw for guys, and genuinely entertaining.  I love Claire on this show, but I think her awkward cadence would grate if she were the lead. My main concern is if the guys in her realistic age range would take time off from their jobs to go on this dippy show. 

I'm still in shock over the fact that Claire is my favorite right now. Claire!??!! What is happening to me? lol But seriously, after seeing her here I really wish she had been the Bachelorette. She's kind of adorably dorky, willing to look like she believes in this shit while also seeming like she's just in this for a good time.


I know how you feel. She came off a bit deluded in the Bachelor, but seems it was just the usual story of the Bach being put on a pedestal because he's the only guy and all the girls want him. Now that there are several guys around to date, she seems to be much more relaxed and just having fun and seeing where things go. That's why I think she could thrive as the Bachelorette. She seems to really want to fall in love, but she's also a proper flirt and has a fair bit of confidence. I think she'd be like a kid in a candy store with 25 guys looking to woo her. Too bad they went with grumpy Andi.

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I am 100% behind Michelle Money for Bachelorette! She's beautiful


LOL (I'm laughing at myself) Every time I read or hear (my BFF says it too) that Michelle Money is so beautiful I have to actually google her to make sure I'm not getting her mixed up with someone else. I just don't see it. She's pretty, in a kind of cheap, trying too hard way, but I just can't see beautiful, not in any single pic of her, or on the show. She's cheap looking to me, and comes across as more desperate than confident. I would watch her season like I watched Andi's...not at all. (though I did think Andi could be stunning at times and came across as confident, confrontational and exhaustingly obsessed with the way people phrase things but at least she was (and acted) intellegent).

If I had to judge just by looks, I think AshLee is gorgeous. I think Clare is lovely too (to me she would look even better if she kept her roots/highlights up), but unfortunately for her I think she is getting to be too long in the tooth for this franchise. Michelle Money is attractive to me in a harder looking/more cheap way like the poster above said. But I am 40 so maybe I am "just jealous". ;)

LOL (I'm laughing at myself) Every time I read or hear (my BFF says it too) that Michelle Money is so beautiful I have to actually google her to make sure I'm not getting her mixed up with someone else. I just don't see it. She's pretty, in a kind of cheap, trying too hard way, but I just can't see beautiful, not in any single pic of her, or on the show. 


Lol.  Well I'm laughing too, because I know exactly what you mean. I do think production could class her up if they wanted to, but 3 Bachelor pad/in paradise stints can make anyone seem pretty trashy and desperate.  This photo, from her SI photo shoot during the Brad season is what I see in the Beauty department. 

Wow, I hardly see any resemblance to the girl on this show. I don't remember her at all from Brad's season. I think I watched Brad's season (seriously, they all run together in my head so I can't remember who was on who's season after said season ends) 


But that is definitely the best I've seen her look. Girl should seriously lay off whatever it is she's doing in Paradise cause she is really looking...used. And I can't stand that stupid necklace she wears around her head. Especially when she's drunk and talking about her connection and shit. I just can't take her seriously with that thing on. I always find myself laughing when she's trying to be all deep and serious.

I missed the first hour of this show.  Presumably there is no money involved, and the prize would be a relationship should any of them make it to the end?  So at some point when it is apparent that they are all coupled up, then they'll stop sending in a new person strolling down the beach?


I find it refreshing that Marquel - the only non-White male - has been highly sought after and has gone on three dates.  Did he make it far on Andi's season (I didn't watch)?  Usually you have the token man of color who ends up going home right away.  Or did Jackie only choose him because she thought he was the only one not coupled up?


Is it any surprise that Chris and clingly Elise already don't seem to be together?  Didn't everyone warn her that he was a player?  I still can't get over Chris saying something like "Elise is talking a lot.  I'm all for talking but at some point I'm just ready to stop the talking and get down and dur-tee..."  Sleaze ball.  He needs to wear a permanent body condom.

  • Love 1

The difference for me is that both guys Clare went on dates with prior to Zach were actively pursuing other women as well, and certainly neither was at all bent out of shape that she was going out with someone else, whereas both of Marquel's previous dates seemed to feel somewhat hurt and abandoned when he chose to go on dates with other women. Perhaps I'm being ungenerous, but I tend to think it's less of a gender double standard and more that Marquel was still sending mixed messages to his previous dates and hedging his bets by not establishing a more clear understanding with them until he decided whom he liked best. 

He might not have been sending mixed messages to them- it seems more than possible that Michelle and Danielle mistook a friendly interest and a fun date for having a 'connection' with Marquel.  Given the format of the show (partner up or leave), I think that a lot of people actually have much less of a connection than it might appear, no matter what they say.  Michelle certainly managed to move on from her 'connection' with Marquel in less than a day (and latch on to Robert to get a rose), and while I've got a girl crush on Danielle and can't imagine anyone not having a connection with her, maybe it just wasn't there for Marquel.  Or maybe he is just a player, in which case he's doing the show 'right'. 


And who else was Jackie supposed to date?  Robert was already tied up with two women, Marcus and Lacy are joined at the hip, and I wouldn't have tried to go through Clare or Ashlee to get to their men. The producers certainly don't want everyone paired up, or to have a new person show up with a date card and have everyone say 'no thanks'.  Given that the producers are apparently releasing new people into the wild when things need shaking up, instead of on a pre-determined schedule, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she'd been nudged in Marquel's direction. 

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Lol.  Well I'm laughing too, because I know exactly what you mean. I do think production could class her up if they wanted to, but 3 Bachelor pad/in paradise stints can make anyone seem pretty trashy and desperate.  This photo, from her SI photo shoot during the Brad season is what I see in the Beauty department. 

What a difference 3 years makes!  I wish MM would lay off the makeup and weird fashion.  In that photo shoot, she looked so natural and so out-staged the other two women (was it Ashley and Chantal?).

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