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S01.E05: Spock Amok

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32 minutes ago, UnknownK said:
7 hours ago, paigow said:

How is everybody supposed to sign the scorch? It is tiny...

What about putting on a suit and using the transporter?

That would be cheating and easy to verify since they probably monitor the outside of the ship 24/7 365

I think it’s supposed to be hard. If it was easy, everybody would win the game. It looked like more of a scavenger hunt type thing, not BINGO. Unless BINGO means something else in the 23rd Century. I think my favorite part of that whole thing was the ensign not wanting to work with Chief Kyle because “he’s so mean”.  Now I want more Kyle back story. 

I enjoyed the “Hijinks” but maybe next time throw in a cunning plan or crazy caper.   

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After last weeks very dramatic intense episode, we get a low key cool off episode filled with hijinks, even if T'Pring wasn't thrilled. "In this case, hijinks are the most logical course of action." Get used to hijinks Spock, you have an entire franchise full of them to look forward to. That was a lot of fun, I enjoyed all three plots, although the wacky Vulcan body swap was my favorite part. I am to have a lighter comedy episode that never went too far into farce the way some Trek comedy episodes can, or getting caught up in a silly gimmick,  hijinks were kept to a logical minimum. Plus it gave the cast time to lighten up and explore their characters more in more casual situations, you can sometimes get more of a feel for people when they are just hanging out then when they are in the middle of a particularly intense day at work. This was just a nice fun time.

Its a bit sad seeing this happier version of Spock and T'Pring knowing what is going to end up happening. It does seem like they really had a connection. We are also already setting up Chapels crush on Spock that will go into the TOS era, although I never would have thought she was such a lady/gentleman killer when she was a bit younger. 

La'an looks even more like Drummer from The Expanse than ever when she plays bad cop.

I like how Pike ended up connecting with the aliens, it might have been a hunch and a big risk but he clearly gave it a lot of thought, based around what he had seen of the aliens and trying to figure out what was most important to them. Their sailing ship really did look cool. 

"You can now quite clearly see the very clear difference in our mannerisms"

"...yeah totally." 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Also, I guess there's no Roger Korby in this universe.

The guy that T'Pring(Spock) punched? I know that guy. I had a screenwriting class with him. That was cool.

So a thought struck me when Pike figured out how to talk to the new aliens. I thought, if Burnham had done it, would I have immediately thought "of course, Burnham does it all." I mean, I don't think so, because Pike has already proven that he will take others; suggestions and let them have the win, that he doesn't always have to be the one that saves the day.

But still, I'm going to watch myself for that. 

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Wasn't predicting a body-swap scenario would go down.  Especially with two characters who are a lot a like in many ways: most of the times, this is used for two characters who are completely the opposite.  Credit to both Ethan Peck and Gia Sandhu though: I thought they did great jobs at showing the little differences between Spock and T'Pring that made it obvious that they weren't the same people.  And it looks like they now have a better understanding of one another and will communicate better going forward.  That said, I'm curious how this will play out knowing what will happen according to the original series.

Also looks like we're seeing the beginning of Chapel's crush on Spock.  And apparently she's a bit of a heartbreaker herself!  I so want to hear more of the stories that apparently end with Ortegas having to bail her out (including dodging phaser fire?!)

Ignore the haters, M'Benga: wear that fisherman's hat with pride!

Una and La'an letting lose was fun.  In particular, La'an was really enjoying herself getting to be the "bad cop" with those ensigns.

I like how amongst the folksy charm and one-liners, Pike really is just good at reading people and other species, which help make him an excellent captain and diplomat.  They really struck gold with the Anson Mount casting.

Great "hijinks" episode all around.

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Stupid retconning.  Why not just designate STN and Discovery as being part of an alternate universe?  It would make watching these shows so much easier.

When T'Pring first appears in "Amok Time," Christine Chapel is right there on the bridge watching the big screen TV with the rest of them but she registers NO recognition whatsoever, despite knowing damn well who T'Pring is (according to this show).   And when Spock declares T'Pring his wife, Chapel appears as stunned as everyone else even though this show wants us to believe she has intimate knowledge of the relationship between Spock and T'Pring.  

Wish they hadn't shown Ethan Peck as a human.   The Vulcan makeup seems costumey to begin with but placing him alongside his natural self doesn't do the Spock characterization any favors.  Speaking of make-up, the faces of the Rongolians looked amazing.

I enjoyed the old school Star Trek music during Spock's dream kal-if-fee.   Alas, it reminded me more of The Cable Guy than Amok Time.

Anson Mount made me laugh this episode.   He was a great choice for this role. 

Now for the body swap ... in TOS episode "Turnabout Intruder," Spock says to Janice Lester/Kirk:

Complete life entity transfer with the aid of a mechanical device?   To my knowledge, such transfer has never been accomplished with complete success.

Um ... isn't that what Dr. M'Benga just did to Spock and T'Pring in this episode?   I can see where they might try to slip retcons like this past audiences in other shows, but this is Star Trek.   Audiences have had almost sixty years to live and breathe the canon, then Paramount comes along and just says fuck it all anyway. 

One last thought: I'm transgender, and if I got switched with Gia Sandhu, I'd never go back.  🙃

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So fun to watch a light-hearted live-action Star Trek episode! It doesn’t have to be all grim, dark and high-stakes, all the time.

I need to watch Amok Time again to see how closely the dream fight choreography was matched to the original.

Was that this universe’s version of T’Pau?

Did I miss the plomeek soup product placement?

Where was the super-obvious use of stunt doubles?


Edited by tkc
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That was fun. And yes, something light-hearted that provides more character insights is very welcome. It's not necessary to have all life in universe at stakes every episode (you know who you are).

The actors did a great job with the body-swap. I'm glad they came clear to Pike instead of going the established sitcom routine of trying to pull the swap off until everything falls apart.

Una and La'an trying to have fun was very entertaining. I love how they keep giving Una 60's inspired hairstyles.

What struck me most though about the episode was how beautiful some shots were - especially those of the R'ongovian solar sailship first when it unfold the Federation flag and then when it 'sailed' over Una and La'an standing on the Enterprise's hull. The latter really bringing home that this is supposed to be a show about the wonders of the universe. Together with Pike's speech about the nature of the Federation that was a healthy dose of optimism that the franchise has been missing for a long time.

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16 hours ago, paigow said:

OMG... Now Tribbles are retconned... TOS!Uhura had never seen a Tribble... now she was hazed by one.... FFS!

Again, because Uhura had never seen a tribble as of the time of the Trouble with Tribbles does not mean that Tribbles were not known within the Federation or even on the Enterprise. We don't even know for sure that Uhura played Enterprise Bingo, let alone that she ever attempted the Tribble square.

There is a Short Trek in which the notion of Tribbles being quick to multiply was something a Federation scientist decided to genetically engineer. 

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
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There are a couple ways to potentially reconcile things here with Turnabout Intruder (beyond simply saying "Spock forgot" or Turnabout Intruder isn't canon, given it's premised on the notion that Starfleet doesn't allow women to be captains).

To break it down:

1. What happened in this episode was not "complete life entity transfer." What was done here initially was sharing of katras (which in and of itself is not necessarily the same thing as a "complete life entity"). Which implies some of the katras stayed in their original host and some of it went to the other. It seemed the "guest" katra dominated the inherent katra.

2.  The mechanical device's role here was not to actually transfer the katras. Rather, to hear Dr. M'Benga tell it, it was to make the body an uncomfortable place for the guest katras to remain.

3. Spock may have had an implicit asterisk as in "among humans/non-psychic species."

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3 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

There are a couple ways to potentially reconcile things here with Turnabout Intruder (beyond simply saying "Spock forgot" or Turnabout Intruder isn't canon, given it's premised on the notion that Starfleet doesn't allow women to be captains).

To break it down:

1. What happened in this episode was not "complete life entity transfer." What was done here initially was sharing of katras (which in and of itself is not necessarily the same thing as a "complete life entity"). Which implies some of the katras stayed in their original host and some of it went to the other. It seemed the "guest" katra dominated the inherent katra.

2.  The mechanical device's role here was not to actually transfer the katras. Rather, to hear Dr. M'Benga tell it, it was to make the body an uncomfortable place for the guest katras to remain.

3. Spock may have had an implicit asterisk as in "among humans/non-psychic species."

I envy your willingness to indulge the writers' inattention to canon.  As I suggested above, make this a different universe, eschewing canon, and this show would be easier -- and I would contend, more interesting -- to watch.   Contradictions such as this would be more palatable if I could regard them as "what if" scenarios.   I found myself thinking that Spock's and T'Pring's true affection for one another in this episode would have put an entirely different -- and more tragic -- spin on the events of Amok Time.   I can appreciate that in the context of "what if?"   But this show's "convenience over canon" approach makes it impossible for me to see the two stories as truly contiguous.   Whenever this show or Discovery retcons the past, I think "Where are the time police?" because I want to report a consistency paradox in progress.

Edited by millennium
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23 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

La'an looks even more like Drummer from The Expanse than ever when she plays bad cop.

That's who she reminds me of! Thanks, that was driving me nuts.

I wish she wasn't a Noonien Singh, though. That family has become as ubiquitous in current Trek as Miles O'Brian was in 80's/90's Trek, and a little bit of them goes a looooooong way.

Is that the true difference in height between the actresses who play Una and La'An or was it just the upswept do and likely high heeled boots that made Una look so tall (or La'An so short, take your pick)?

I've said before that I don't particularly even remember the TOS episodes, but that doesn't mean to say that I want to see stuff from TOS rehashed. You have lots of new characters! Tons of new adventures without referencing or even looking in the direction of past episodes! No need to drag stuff up AGAIN.

The introduction (I presume, I don't remember them, anyway) of a new "alien" - but very humanoid-looking, otherwise it's hard on the SFX budget - and their solar sailer was good. Plenty of room to introduce new aliens - just because they never showed up in TOS or TNG doesn't mean they don't exist. Just stay away from Klingons and Romulans and invent new ones.

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27 minutes ago, WildPlum said:

Is that the true difference in height between the actresses who play Una and La'An or was it just the upswept do and likely high heeled boots that made Una look so tall (or La'An so short, take your pick)?

Rebecca Romijn is 1.8 m and Christina Chong is 1.65 m - according to Google that's 5 feet 10 and 5 feet 4. That's a noticeable difference even without Una's beehive. They are both not wearing high heeled boots but  boots with a normal block heel - I think all crew wears the same model (hooray for common sense).

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This episode was so much fun!  If I had my way, we wouldn't see Klingons or Romulans unless they are finally going to tell us how the Klingon's look evolved to what we now know them to look.

Speck and T'Pring doing a Freaky Friday was better than I expected it to be.  I am okay with giving the Canon Fairy a well-deserved vacation and just enjoy what I am given.

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4 hours ago, millennium said:

I envy your willingness to indulge the writers' inattention to canon.  As I suggested above, make this a different universe, eschewing canon, and this show would be easier -- and I would contend, more interesting -- to watch.   Contradictions such as this would be more palatable if I could regard them as "what if" scenarios.   I found myself thinking that Spock's and T'Pring's true affection for one another in this episode would have put an entirely different -- and more tragic -- spin on the events of Amok Time.   I can appreciate that in the context of "what if?"   But this show's "convenience over canon" approach makes it impossible for me to see the two stories as truly contiguous.   Whenever this show or Discovery retcons the past, I think "Where are the time police?" because I want to report a consistency paradox in progress.

I agree that the Spock and T'Pring we saw here are not the players in Amok Time, but Amok Time is happening years later, when she has come to realize that he is not giving up on the federation and she has found another lover. Relationships are hard to maintain in the military. I can see the couple we see know becoming the couple we see then. I even remember there was some affection and respect between them.

But this Spock seems willing to share things with his captain and show a softer side with the crew, some of which we know are still his shipmates at the time of 'Amok Time'. So, the Discovery/Michael incident wasn't the trauma that changed him. Some of his shipmates would have known more of his private life. And he suddenly stopped sharing at all with his friends. There is something off, so far it seems to not quite mesh. I feel the same about Uhura, though, and Chapel.

Edited by Affogato
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1 hour ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

This episode was so much fun!  If I had my way, we wouldn't see Klingons or Romulans unless they are finally going to tell us how the Klingon's look evolved to what we now know them to look.

 Enterprise explained this in its fourth season.   The Klingons were experimenting with human gene modification (the like of which created Khan) and accidentally created a virus that changed them into the more human looking Klingons we see in TOS (what remains unexplained is when and how the virus was cured).   Which of course doesn't jive with the completely different Klingons we've seen in this era from Discovery.  Which just lends more credence to the notion that this is an alternate universe where a lot the players and situations are the same but it's not the Trek universe we've followed from Enterprise through Voyager.  The producers can say it's the same universe but a viewer can just ignore that and watch them as something independent.

 I really don't understand the obsession with focusing on this era.   At least the movies established they were an alternate timeline, but really what are they adding to the franchise by constantly revisiting the same period, characters and aliens?   They could at least do something between the TOS and TNG era, where there's room for both originality and a lot to mine, like first contact with the Cardassians and the Tzinkethi war.

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31 minutes ago, Maverick said:

Which of course doesn't jive with the completely different Klingons we've seen in this era from Discovery

It was the Skeksis-Klingons that made me decide that Discovery (and this show, consequently) actually is set in alternate timeline, despite what the producers have said. It makes the headaches go away; try it! (It also makes the Continuity Fairy just say “Ah, you know what? F*ck it!” It’s fun that way.)

I enjoyed the scene between Chapel and Spock. In particular, Spock’s “Oh, I know. Humans are almost as easy to tease as Vulcans” was rather … lovely.

l always thought that the point of the “Always parted from me, and never parted” greeting was that Spock and T’Pring were already telepathically bonded, at least to some degree. But if the Vulcan version of Freaky Friday means that T’Pring continues to say things like “We are not in a town,” I might actually begin to like her a little. 

Edited by Sandman
“We are not in a town” — Vulcan comedy gold!
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59 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 I really don't understand the obsession with focusing on this era.   At least the movies established they were an alternate timeline, but really what are they adding to the franchise by constantly revisiting the same period, characters and aliens?   They could at least do something between the TOS and TNG era, where there's room for both originality and a lot to mine, like first contact with the Cardassians and the Tzinkethi war.

My take is by focusing on this era, TPTB feel like they have a built-in audience of people who want to connect/reconnect to TOS. It's like a security blanket. Even though Strange New Worlds would be as good or bad as it is if it were about Captain Spike and his first officer Number Two and his science officer Spack, Nurse Church and Cadet Uhearda, it probably makes the suits and the writers feel like they are guaranteed a number of people who will tune in to see how this fits or doesn't fit with the established canon.

The sad thing is even revisiting the old aliens and time periods, there is a lot of material that is left on the table.

59 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 I really don't understand the obsession with focusing on this era.   At least the movies established they were an alternate timeline, but really what are they adding to the franchise by constantly revisiting the same period, characters and aliens?   They could at least do something between the TOS and TNG era, where there's room for both originality and a lot to mine, like first contact with the Cardassians and the Tzinkethi war.

My take is by focusing on this era, TPTB feel like they have a built-in audience of people who want to connect/reconnect to TOS. It's like a security blanket. Even though Strange New Worlds would be as good or bad as it is if it were about Captain Spike and his first officer Number Two and his science officer Spack, Nurse Church and Cadet Uhearda, it probably makes the suits and the writers feel like they are guaranteed a number of people who will tune in to see how this fits or doesn't fit with the established canon.

The sad thing is even revisiting the old aliens and time periods, there is a lot of material that is left on the table.

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I liked the episode. It was fun, I laughed a few times.

I loved T'Pring's dress in the opener. It did seem futuristic and alien enough to work as something Vulcan. Iris Van Herpen does really interesting stuff. I also liked the old-time fight music being shown when Spock was battling his non pointy eared and human self.  Plus he is only starting to redecorate his quarters to make them more Vulcan. It takes time, T'Pring. I am also impressed on how big the ship is and how large the senior crew's quarters are.

The Freaky Friday plot was fun. It may have been more fun with a human and a Vulcan. Plus no real way to figure out how to reverse it.

The aliens were interesting and again, it wasn't all about Pike saving the day. I did like his green jacket. Wardrobe has done an excellent job reworking the old uniforms for modern times.

I did like the Enterprise Bingo, and related to Number One being the place where the party dies. She and La'an do have a nice friendship.

So Nurse Chapel has a bit of a crush on Spock? That'll work out well. I thought that the body switch would just wear off after 24 hours.

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2 hours ago, Maverick said:

I really don't understand the obsession with focusing on this era.   At least the movies established they were an alternate timeline, but really what are they adding to the franchise by constantly revisiting the same period, characters and aliens?   They could at least do something between the TOS and TNG era, where there's room for both originality and a lot to mine, like first contact with the Cardassians and the Tzinkethi war.

I can't say I disagree, but I think that in the case of SNW and focusing on this era is a complete fluke. This series exists for one reason and one reason only - Anson Mount and his portrayal of Captain Pike(who honestly was not properly "mined" up till now.)  The fan reaction was uniform in praise and volume(both amount and noise) that Paramount, seeing the $$$, really had no choice but to greenlight this series and remain "stuck" in the same time windows as previously introduced.   

Now while I enjoyed this episode and enjoyed the Freaky Friday element, a few things came to mind:

  1. Wasn't the aspect of the R'ongovians imitating whomever they were interacting with, a slight rehash of TNG episode Liasions?
  2. Since when are civilians allowed to walk unescorted aboard a military ship?  I mean why wasn't Spock at the transporter room to greet T'Pring when she came aboard?  Even the R'ongovians appear to have walked out of the last negotiation meeting unescorted to the Bridge( the conference/ready room only exits is to the bridge.) The first time we see them La'an escorts them in, but after that nada.    
  3. While I can understand that Spock has his insecurities about being half human, I am a bit disturbed that they seem to be writing T'Pring as being prejudice?!?!  I mean the comments about Spock's quarters being too "human" and that "being in Starfleet is making him behave in a manner that is so human."  What was that about?  Why would you say that to someone who is half-human? Was that some sort of passive-aggressive swipe because of her perception that Spock puts Starfleet ahead of her?  Or is that in fact betraying how she really feels about humanity?   If it is the latter, then why would she want to be with a person who is half human?  Why would someone that is half human want to be with her?  And yeah yeah yeah I get that they were bonded as children but that doesn't mean they have to be in an "actual" relationship.  Also why would T'Pring's parents, if they had the same prejudice, agree to bond their daughter to Spock in the first place? And how does T'Pring to develop the prejudice independently while knowing all her life she would eventually marry a half-Vulcan/half-human?  Resentment of her parents? Was she teased as a child as well because she was to marry the half-human?   

Loved that they brought in the green jacket for Pike, but is it me or did it look a bit sloppy?  All of the other uniforms look fitted and sharp but this one looked too loose like Pike just got out of Martial Arts class. That said the color was fabulous and loved the leather shoulders/arms.

Edited by salaydouk
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3 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

My take is by focusing on this era, TPTB feel like they have a built-in audience of people who want to connect/reconnect to TOS. It's like a security blanket. Even though Strange New Worlds would be as good or bad as it is if it were about Captain Spike and his first officer Number Two and his science officer Spack, Nurse Church and Cadet Uhearda, it probably makes the suits and the writers feel like they are guaranteed a number of people who will tune in to see how this fits or doesn't fit with the established canon.

Exactly - it's the same reason they made Burnham Spock's never before mentioned sister and squeezed in Pike as Discovery's acting captain.  It's nostalgic and safe even if it drives some fans nuts with the canon breaking.  TV audiences don't have nearly as much patience as they used to, so they need to have as many hooks as possible to grab viewers.

2 hours ago, salaydouk said:

Since when are civilians allowed to walk unescorted aboard a military ship?  I mean why wasn't Spock at the transporter room to greet T'Pring when she came aboard?  Even the R'ongovians appear to have walked out of the last negotiation meeting unescorted to the Bridge( the conference/ready room only exits is to the bridge.) The first time we see them La'an escorts them in, but after that nada.    

To be fair, most of the negotiations were taking place on the starbase, not the Enterprise - only the first meeting was on the ship, and that was because the R'ongovians insisted on talking to Pike right away.

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I enjoyed the Freaky Friday hijinks. 

I'm actually really enjoying this series so much.  I love the cast and Anson Mount is killing it and I loved the green jacket as a nod to Kirk wearing something very similar. 

The fight scene with the classic ST fight music had me cackling. I love how they try to hit so many nostalgic points, while at the same time giving us new things in these episodes.

They may stretch canon a bit from time to time, but I'm willing to let that go because trying to fit everything into a very well established 55 year-old franchise makes it really tough if we want them to have the freedom to explore certain things in the show.

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34 minutes ago, marinw said:

The SolarSailing shipreminded me of how in my home City of Halifax, where every few years years we have some preseved Tall Sailing Ships sail in to the harbour and everybody gets all excited.

There's something immensely appealing to sailing ships - no wonder both science fiction and steampunk graphic artists can't resist, much to the chagrin of physicists and engineers 😁 (Yes, I know solar sailing concepts are real.)

Edited by MissLucas
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11 hours ago, Maverick said:

 I really don't understand the obsession with focusing on this era.   At least the movies established they were an alternate timeline, but really what are they adding to the franchise by constantly revisiting the same period, characters and aliens?   They could at least do something between the TOS and TNG era, where there's room for both originality and a lot to mine, like first contact with the Cardassians and the Tzinkethi war.

1. Because they believe fans want to recycle everything TOS and references and easter eggs are enough to please us.
2. They are completely incompetent to write decent stories for new eras, as we clearly saw in Disco, when they went so many years in the future only to write stories like if people had been stuck in the 23rd century.

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Ahh we didn't get anything from Hemmer! Still a great episode.

Is Enterprise a teaching ship? I would explain why a cadet sits on the bridge and those ensigns looked like teens.

I believe Christine Chapel becomes a doctor by the first Star Trek movie. She is really growing on me. Not sure why she is so insecure. Her crush on Spock does not seem to abate in the coming yrs. Not to mention she's much more direct and open than the original.

Spock! Something happens to him between now and when Kirk takes over, because either the writers have decided to just throw out all that back story or something very tragic or life altering happens to him to make him the very stoic and controlled person he becomes. Dr Mcoy  jaw would be dropping to the floor if he ever met this Spock 😂

La an and Una, lol such fun. But it does point to the fact neither seems comfortable with the lower crew. Lower Decks has to take a run at this.

I love the space port. Having a whole lake area in space is cool. And they have animals there as well. I love how we've gone from sterile space ports to the JJ Abrams space port to now the Starbase 1. These places are big enough for flying vehicles to manoeuvre.

Pike is just super hot! That green jacket/shirt was a great update on the Kirk era version. Not to mention almost nothing gets by this guy. He's incredibly perceptive .

Spock and TPring. Something is not right with those two. Its clear as bells Spock doesn't really try to make TPring the centre of his life. He does lose himself in his job by the time Kirk comes around. Heck he hasn't even seen his parents in yrs by the original era. No wonder Starfleet started to include families on board. I can see them losing very valuable crews to the choice of family or work.

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Spock's fiancée is a lot. A. Lot.

Where fun goes to die. That's our Number One!

TMW you're just DTF but the guy wants to DTR first.

So is Vulcan soul-sharing the new Vulcan mind meld?

T'Pring is not about any of these human hijinks. Unclear how she feels about shenanigans though.

Extreme empathy or reverse psychology, Pike? Eh, whatever works.

Yeah, Nurse Chapel is feeling a little something for Spock it seems. But she knows she can't go there since he's engaged. Perhaps the light application of a few hijinks would help give him some second thoughts.

I didn't understand what Una and La'an were doing with the transporter and chewing gum. Were they expecting the flavor to have changed or not? Seems to me you would not want it to have changed at all, though I guess if you make repeated trips in a row there might be a "copy of a copy of a copy" effect.


Pike is just super hot!

I know that's right. 😍

SNW still fire.

  • Wink 2
On 6/2/2022 at 5:28 PM, cambridgeguy said:


For those wondering about Enterprise bingo.

2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I didn't understand what Una and La'an were doing with the transporter and chewing gum. Were they expecting the flavor to have changed or not? Seems to me you would not want it to have changed at all, though I guess if you make repeated trips in a row there might be a "copy of a copy of a copy" effect.

First line in the screeenshot is "Use transporter to reflavor gum."

34 minutes ago, aemom said:

First line in the screeenshot is "Use transporter to reflavor gum."

Then I guess I don't understand how transporters work. Do they send you and the things attached to you back in time because otherwise how would the gum get reflavored? Also, it's my understanding that in the short run, gum doesn't lose its flavoring so much as one's tongue becomes "bored" with the taste.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Then I guess I don't understand how transporters work. Do they send you and the things attached to you back in time because otherwise how would the gum get reflavored? Also, it's my understanding that in the short run, gum doesn't lose its flavoring so much as one's tongue becomes "bored" with the taste.

The transporter turns matter into energy and then back into matter. So the trick would be to change the matter making up the gum to include more sugar/sugar substitute/flavor crystals or whatever. Since we know teleporters have some sort of buffer where patterns of energy can be stored/analyzed/manipulated before being reconverted to matter, it could be as simple as transporting a fresh piece of gum, chewing the same piece of gum until it loses its flavor and then transporting the gum again, only telling the computer to use the information from the previous transport when materializing the gum so that its flavor was restored. 

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
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