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S03.E06: 710N

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I had heard the episode was amazing from someone who had seen 5 and 6.  And up until he left for the dinner party, I thought it was good but holy heck was that last half phenomenal. 

I hope we get to see more of Mitch the beg-net guy/therapist.  The sequence of the bikers trying to kill Barry with him singing, switching vehicles (one would think these accidents would eventually get back to him), the singing again and the whoosh of the radios as he split the cars was perfect. 

And then to end it like that?  Amazing. 

I really thought they were going to kill off Fuches now that he has released the chaos.

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Wow, did not see that ending coming! Too bad he didn't listen to the beignets guy (Mitch?). It's kind of crazy how many of these people are just willing to believe Fuches and willing to commit murder (although the motocross people seem like they are already criminals of some sort). But, like Fuches, I think Barry has nine lives and will somehow survive this.

In lighter news, the scene with Barry texting Sally in the clothing store and her reading the text was one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. And I'm always happy to have a Vanessa Bayer cameo.

Edited by MerBearStare
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There's a little featurette showing how they did The Taylor Chase.

Hader came up with the idea himself and the stunt people wanted to do real action movie sequences but Harder wanted some unreality to it to fit the tone of the show.  So Barry is nonchalantly disposing of all these assassins, unarmed until the end.

Based on the accidental shooting and then these motocross people coming after him, he should have thought something was up.  He was just too happy to be having this dinner that he started looking at his IG and figured out the motocross assassins were related to Taylor.  But he was munching on the poisoned beignets and I thought the name Goulet would register with him but it wasn't until he saw the card on the table that he thought something was off.

Fuches rescued by random people living off the grid?  If they took him to hospital, cops would have questioned the Raven.  Not only is his life saved, a beautiful young Latina wants him?  Kind of like the young Chechen woman?

But he wanted Barry dead more than being with beautiful young women.

He's not the only one getting unbelievable opportunities.  Noho is offered a piece of Beignets by Mitch before it's franchised!  

And Gene is offered his own Master Class show, which he offers to share with Annie, his former gf.

Sally gets another gig at Banshe, which canceled her show immediately because of algorithms.  It's not what she wanted but it's a lot better than where she was a year ago.

All Barry got was a dinner invitation out of the blue.  And the dinner party sucks!

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Oh, Barry!  Being a sociopathic hitman is one thing, but recording an audio message in public like that is just plain rude!  Disappointed in you!

Looks like the biker gang ended up not being that effective either at taking out old Barry, but at least they got a fun action sequence out of it.  Of course, it's not over yet and it now looks like Moss' father might be entering into the picture.  And since he's played by Robert Ray Wisdom, I suspect he might be more of a threat.

Granted, that all depends on everything plays out with Sharon/Chris' widow.  Did not predict that Fuches already got to her and she would flat-out poison Barry like that!  I obviously doubt he's going to die, but I'm curious to see how this all going to end up.  All for more Karen David being awesome!

Certainly looks like Albert is already suspecting Barry.

Fuches gets shot but manages to get saved by another family outside the grid.  But once again, he just can't help himself and throws away a possible peaceful life to get his revenge on Barry.  He really is his own worst enemy now.

Gene gets a good offer to have his own show and he's hoping he can use it to make amends with Annie/the woman he ruined back in the day.

Sally is back to the drawling board and will now join the writers' room for "The Three Medusas": a show that sounds hilariously bad but, again, I can totally see being successful.  Loved seeing Vanessa Bayer as the executive.

Not much of Noho in this one, but Anthony Carrigan still made the most of it.

Every person/city and use a Mitch in their lives!

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I'm still thrown by how BanShe is like Netflix but it seems to airs shows as they're being produced, network style, rather than producing 6-13 episodes per season all before ever releasing the season as a whole. First with Joplin, and now it sounds like Sally's being brought aboard The Three Medusas while it's in its first season.

Vanessa Bayer as the BanShe exec was great. I liked how absolutely batshit she and Sally's agent were.

The motorcycle stunt stuff was terrific. It looks like Taylor's whole family died, except Robbie, who may have survived. The "handoff!" joke was phenomenal, tied with the car dealership for how this chase sequence/attempted hit played out like an action movie but just slightly sideways from that. I'm disappointed not a single one of them managed to hit Barry even once, considering someone managed to hit the motorbike he was on, but his miraculously escaping unscathed only made his poisoning all the more unexpected.

I'm almost disappointed Fuches didn't die. I really thought they killed him off when he showed no signs of life as the title sequence started. And I'm really disappointed he gave up his second chance to leave the hitman-manager life behind.

Jermaine and Nick's podcast sounded hilariously bad. They're lucky the Taylor gang didn't kill them.

The Vulture recap called Janice's murder one of Barry's most unforgiveable acts, but I'd say killing Chris is about tied for worst.

Edited by arc
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I'm almost disappointed Fuches didn't die. I really thought they killed him off when he showed no signs of life as the title sequence started. And I'm really disappointed he gave up his second chance to leave the hitman-manager life behind.

Agreed, it felt like a bit of a cheat.

I will have to go back and watch this one again, it seemed like a lot happened. I rewound and watched twice the sequence where the motorcycle guy comes flying through the windshield. It was shot in a really weird way. You can see the guy sitting on his motorcycle at the intersection as Barry is speeding down the street but he seemed too far away for him to suddenly come crashing through the windshield like that.

I really want to see the Three Medusas.

This whole side bit with the guy advising everyone at the bakery was totally out of left field and bizarre.

Edited by iMonrey
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Hader said Fuches kept making idiotic decisions even though the universe was telling him to change his course.

His scenes like getting rescued is suppose to Be satire on certain types of movies about some heroic journey.

Also the way Hader has spoken of Root in the past, they seem to treasure him on the cast so the Fuches character is likely to last til thE end.

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Between this and the latest episode of Better Call Saul, it's been a rough week for sudden dead shots at key characters. At least Fuches didn't


    get his in the head like BCS's Howard.

How was Fuches still alive after taking a bullet straight on? Did maybe his fat slow the bullet down enough to divert it from his heart? But still, it seemed he had laid out in the desert unconscious and bleeding for hours before the guy found him. Miraculous.

"What do you and your people call water?" "Water."

For a minute I thought the guy who rescued Fuches after the gunshot was Billy Bob Thornton with a tan.

Beignet Mitch is like an advice-giving savant.

Barry got on the freeway with that little motorbike. I know he has plot armor but still, yikes. He was lucky those bikers were so inept.

But then Barry's luck ran out. He should've listened to Beignet Mitch and dipped that toe first.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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15 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I really thought they were going to kill off Fuches now that he has released the chaos.

Me too. Dying alone, anonymously in the desert as a result of his own machinations was perfect for Fuches. Tbh, I wouldn't have missed him. His character hasn't shown any growth and now that he's fueled victims' relatives to seek revenge, there isn't much use for him anymore.

I didn't suspect the ending until I saw Barry sitting alone at the table. It seemed odd that he was the first there considering he must have arrived late. It was definitely shocking 

15 hours ago, MerBearStare said:

It's kind of crazy how many of these people are just willing to believe Fuches and willing to commit murder

Yeah. Karen knows an FBI agent and several vets, going to one of them would be more logical than attempting murder, no? And do none of these people expect to get caught? They seem to have no plan other than getting revenge.

I did enjoy everyone going to Mitch the beignet guy though.

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55 minutes ago, raeb23 said:

now that he's fueled victims' relatives to seek revenge, there isn't much use for him anymore.

He may have shot his shot as far as getting revenge on Barry, but he can still blow up Gene’s life by exposing Barry and thus wrecking the feel-good story powering Gene’s comeback.

or maybe circumstances will make Barry and Fuches allies again. Gene accepted Barry’s blood money; maybe Barry will be backed into a corner and have to accept Fuches’ help somehow.

Edited by arc
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47 minutes ago, Accidental Martyr said:

“There’s a Starbucks just over that hill.”

Won’t the police find Barry’s car with a dead guy sticking out of the windshield?

What's crazy about the chase is that the bikers were spraying bullets indiscriminately, not caring about collateral damage at all and there was not a single cop, no news helicopters, during the whole extended chase.

And Barry just walks away nonchalantly after the end of it.

You'd think the cops would get there at the end.

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49 minutes ago, aghst said:

What's crazy about the chase is that the bikers were spraying bullets indiscriminately, not caring about collateral damage at all and there was not a single cop, no news helicopters, during the whole extended chase.

And Barry just walks away nonchalantly after the end of it.

You'd think the cops would get there at the end.

That chase scene was so intense, and yet, I was wondering about the "collateral damage" that must have been happening. Even (and maybe especially) the scene at the end with the used car dealership and all of those people in peril and the salesman has a rifle and enough time to dispatch the shooter?

After all the mass shootings we've had this year, I was cringing a bit at the scene. 

Worth saying, though, that Bill Hader directed this episode, and he did a great job. 

I loved the beignets guy dispensing advice while patrons stack up outside his establishment waiting for the beignets.    

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I would kill for a beignet right now!

I was laughing out loud at the shoot-out at the used car dealership.  And he totally walk away from that, who knows who is at a car dealership.  But I have realized that this show is hyper-hyper-realist, and I shouldn’t expect real-life consequences.  But that’s kind of why I love it.

And I really love it.

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10 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I would kill for a beignet right now!

I was laughing out loud at the shoot-out at the used car dealership.  And he totally walk away from that, who knows who is at a car dealership.  But I have realized that this show is hyper-hyper-realist, and I shouldn’t expect real-life consequences.  But that’s kind of why I love it.

And I really love it.

I mean, I laughed too.  And felt kind of weird about it.  But I love the show, so I'll keep watching. 

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After all the mass shootings we've had this year, I was cringing a bit at the scene. 

Yeah, this was maybe not a great week for a scene like that to air. 

So - the guy that the motorcycle gang was out for revenge for - that was one of the guys that Chris brought along to the airfield when Cristobal landed, right? Because that wasn't really Barry's fault, it was Chris's. 

I feel like this can only go on for so long, and it's already starting to feel a bit stretched. Fuches has already told so many people Barry is a hitman and not one of them has gone to the police. Yet at the same time the police are still actively searching for the hitman. 

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Yeah the obvious thing would be for Fuches to drop an anonymous tip to the cops, not their relatives.

But apparently a lot of these relatives are willing to try to take matters into their own hands.

Janice's father looks like one of those types, though he could notify his former colleagues still on the force.  BTW that actor doesn't look that much older than the actress who played Janice.  After all, she was dating Gene who's older, maybe around what her father's age would be?

But I guess the writers thought they could come up with some interesting characters and scenes of them trying to take out Barry.

Edited by aghst
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Holy Hell, I did not see that ending coming. Barry should have listened to Mitch the beignet therapist, that dinner party really did suck. I feel pretty positive that Barry will live to see another day, but I was still pretty gobsmacked watching him fall down with his mouth foaming. I thought it was weird that no one else was there considering Barry was late, but they still got me. Its wild to me how many people totally believe Fuches, a random sketchy guy, when he shows up and tells people he knows who killed their family and friends without any evidence at all, and that they all immediately try to kill this trained hitman. At least with Chris's widow I can imagine her putting the pieces together after Fuches put the idea that it was Barry into her head. 

I would have been happy if Fuches had just died in the desert, it seems like a pretty good ending for him. He unleashes hell on Barry, regardless of how many people will get hurt in the crossfire, only to die a lonely pathetic death alone in the middle of nowhere.   

I love Mitch the beignet therapist, come for the pastries and come back for the surprisingly insightful life advice. 

The Three Medusas sounds like the worst show I would watch every episode of. 

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33 minutes ago, aghst said:

Yeah the obvious thing would be for Fuches to drop an anonymous tip to the cops, not their relatives.

But apparently a lot of these relatives are willing to try to take matters into their own hands.

Janice's father looks like one of those types, though he could notify his former colleagues still on the force.  BTW that actor doesn't look that much older than the actress who played Janice.  After all, she was dating Gene who's older, maybe around what her father's age would be?

I was curious so I looked it up.  Paula Newsome (Janice) is 50 and Robert Wisdom (father) is 68, so they are cutting it close, but it's not as bad an age-range as I have seen in other instances.

I did not see that ending coming at all, but I can't imagine that Barry is dead because the show is named BARRY and Bill Hader does half of the stuff on this show.

The episode-direction was really interesting and had a lot of interesting shots.  This show really has so many ridiculous over-the-top moments, but they somehow work!

Edited by aemom
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36 minutes ago, aghst said:

Yeah the obvious thing would be for Fuches to drop an anonymous tip to the cops, not their relatives.

It does make a little sense to me. Fuchs is telling these people because he's hoping that at least one of them will go after Barry for him and kill him--he's creating that panther army fueled by revenge. Tipping off the cops might put Barry in prison--but why wouldn't Barry then tell the cops where (who) he was getting his hit man assignments from?

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1 hour ago, aemom said:

I was curious so I looked it up.  Paula Newsome (Janice) is 50 and Robert Wisdom (father) is 68, so they are cutting it close, but it's not as bad an age-range as I have seen in other instances.

I did not see that ending coming at all, but I can't imagine that Barry is dead because the show is named BARRY and Bill Hader does half of the stuff on this show.

The episode-direction was really interesting and had a lot of interesting shots.  This show really has so many ridiculous over-the-top moments, but they somehow work!

And Henry Winkler is 76 so maybe the age of the actors wasn't something they worried too much about.

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16 hours ago, cardigirl said:

I loved the beignets guy dispensing advice while patrons stack up outside his establishment waiting for the beignets. 

Yeah, At first I thought the long lines were because the beignets were so awesome, but it's just because the owner is some kind of Napoleon Dynamite guru.

Oh, and one more thing I forgot to say: I hate the 710.

Edited by carrps
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I'm about done.  This show used to be a treat in its mild irreverence. It was offbeat, quirky, and smart.  

Now it's offbeat, quirky, and fucking stupid.

Vanessa Bayer's character was painful. The beignet bro was Common Sense.

And where the hell did the motorcycles disappear to when he was hitting the other guy?  They were right behind him when he made the turn.  He sat there for several seconds, plus he had to get out and get on the broken bike.

I wouldn't be surprised if the ending is just a hallucination like he's had in the past.

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1 hour ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

I'm about done.  This show used to be a treat in its mild irreverence. It was offbeat, quirky, and smart.  

Now it's offbeat, quirky, and fucking stupid.

Vanessa Bayer's character was painful. The beignet bro was Common Sense.

And where the hell did the motorcycles disappear to when he was hitting the other guy?  They were right behind him when he made the turn.  He sat there for several seconds, plus he had to get out and get on the broken bike.

I wouldn't be surprised if the ending is just a hallucination like he's had in the past.

This season while still being quite funny is missing too many ingredients that made it a fun watch. Barry's plotline where some unknown guy shows up to a complete strangers house and tells them (without evidence!) that this is the guy that killed their significant loved one is insanely stupid. Then add to it that these people instead of going to the police suddenly decide to become killers themselves is shark skiing time.

I don't like Sally and nothing in this show has shown me that she has the ability to be at this level where she is show-running and writing.

The acting school was a major part of this show and it is missing.

NoHo is still the most fun part of the show.

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No one has mentioned the scene where Barry is dictating a text message in the shop. I thought that scene was pure gold, with him dictating, out loud and annoyingly, and then Sally reading it, spliced together.  🤣 

And the scenes with Fuches after he's shot. He ends up in a paradise, again, with some angelic young woman finding him desirable, again, and even her kindly father saying he can tell Fuches is a good man. He's only known him for five minutes! I was laughing so hard during that entire sequence!!! Yet Fuches decides the best thing, the ONLY thing for him to do is to keep building his army of vengeance. 

I just read that Bill Hader will direct all of season four.  Wow! 

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It's interesting that some people aren't loving this season as much.  That's how I felt about last season but I'm finding Season 3 Barry's best yet.

6 hours ago, cardigirl said:

No one has mentioned the scene where Barry is dictating a text message in the shop. I thought that scene was pure gold, with him dictating, out loud and annoyingly, and then Sally reading it, spliced together.

I loved that.  And another small moment I loved was the cop deciding who could be a violent criminal based on how he's dressed. "He's wearing leather.  He's dangerous," vs. "[NoHo Hank] couldn't possibly plant a bomb.  He dresses too silly." It's all background noise because we're focused on Albert realizing the person who took out the monastery had to be trained.

Edited by Irlandesa
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I can't decide where on the line between hilarity and awful watching Sally working in a writer's room would be. Sally? Having to cooperate with other people and consider their opinions? Yikes. That poor writer's room.

4 hours ago, cardigirl said:

No one has mentioned the scene where Barry is dictating a text message in the shop. I thought that scene was pure gold, with him dictating, out loud and annoyingly, and then Sally reading it, spliced together.  🤣

In reflection that scene is both funny and kind of sad because it was actually a really nice text. Someone on reddit basically decoded the latter half to say that Barry was telling her he'd keep his distance and give her all the space she needed. He was fully owning his behavior and apologizing without trying to get back together. Honestly it sounded like him just wanting to end the relationship on at least somewhat good terms. And it became...that.

Is it weird that I actually felt like I understood what Sally's Agent and the Banshe Lady were saying to each other?

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I didn't enjoy this as much as others did.

Barry being a superhuman who's invulnerable to bullets is a tired gag for me, at this point, and kills most of the suspense.

The recycling of the Fuches plot (once again throwing away a beautiful woman to get petty revenge) wasn't very funny to me, either. 

Sally being so separated from the rest of the characters isn't working very well for me. I stand by my previous statement that her plotline is totally unearned, and mostly just a way for the writers to mock Hollywood types who annoy them.

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After finishing the season I went back and re-watched the pilot, since it’s been several years since I saw it, and when Barry first arrives in LA the very first scene is him stuck in traffic on the freeway when two motorcyclists whiz past on both sides and he yells “Assholes!” Not sure if it was actually a callback or just coincidence but made me go “oh huh! Neat!”

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On 5/30/2022 at 5:29 AM, arc said:

considering someone managed to hit the motorbike he was on,

Did they shoot the bike? I kept expecting the little bike engines to just run out of gas.

On 5/30/2022 at 11:45 AM, iMonrey said:

I really want to see the Three Medusas.

Was that pitch based on the commercial for the sunglasses? https://youtu.be/9HnqAASXpSU

On 5/30/2022 at 9:12 PM, cardigirl said:

After all the mass shootings we've had this year, I was cringing a bit at the scene. 

Yes, but Hader et al. showed those wimpy networks how you do it without pulling the episode. You hang a lantern on the violence, with the Used Car Salesman (yes, an f'in' Used Car Salesman, as in the guys who everybody loves to mistrust) yelling when the motorcycles and guns first show up:

  • "Ah, fսck. No fսck¡ng way. Not today. Not today."

--like the dealership getting shot up is a regular occurrence.
And then after:

  • "Is everybody okay? Nobody's hurt, right? You all right? You okay? I'm okay. Everybody good?"

--showing that, unlike traditional shootout scenes, nobody got shot. Not even the extras.
But, admittedly, it works because it's a dramedy.

And then the final scene is someone whose loved one was murdered seemingly getting revenge.

On 6/1/2022 at 9:17 AM, pasdetrois said:

Chase scenes usually bore me. But I was riveted

Yes, shoot out, chase, and fight scenes all usually bore me, but this was just as riveting as the rest of the show, if not more so. 

So will the FBI agent former fellow-Barry-soldier-buddy (who we saw in the previously scene at the beginning that Barry saved, right?) arrive in time to give Barry an antidote? 


An insightful interview with Tom Allen (Mitch, the stoner who sells beignets while dispensing insights) reveals quite a bit about Bill Hader's directing technique: 

Edited by shapeshifter
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On 5/30/2022 at 9:12 PM, cardigirl said:

I loved the beignets guy dispensing advice while patrons stack up outside his establishment waiting for the beignets.    

Are they waiting for the beignets or for the advice?  It's weird seeing Mitch always in that same pose, with his head at the same angle.  Makes you wonder if he has some sort of health issue.

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