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S11.E12: Top 8 Perform + Elimination

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Regardless of what one thinks of his motives, the show doing this tribute right after Wade testified to the details of the molestation feels like a slap in the face to someone who has been a valuable choreographer. It also seems strange and unnecessary given that MJ's hits are old, and his reputation hasn't been the greatest in years. It seems like a dated choice and maybe not the best way for a struggling show to go. Why do a theme night at all? The show hasn't before.


Wade's testimony and the timeline is a tangent so all I'll say about it is that a maid testified that she witnessed the showering years ago back when Wade was still denying everything (so there's corroborating testimony even if you don't believe the more sensational recent corroborating testimony) and that there's nothing unusual about molestation victims taking years to come forward.


Also, it is hard for me to believe that Jessica, Jacque, and Valerie are the top 3 female contestants. I love Jessica as a contemporary dancer, but I don't think she performed better than Bridget or Carly. I don't feel Jacque has ever been bad, but I don't remember any standout dances for her either. Likewie, Valerie. I never questioned that Tanisha would be the female winner because it seemed so obvious that she was on a different level than everyone else. 


Ricky - Anya seems like a pairing doomed to be a hot mess. I love Anya, but she's a mature, curvaceous woman and Ricky is a bendy twig. I hope they shock me, but I have a tough time seeing that pairing pull of ballroom. I think Ricky would have paired better with Linsey or Jenna (or Chelsie or Ashleigh).

Edited by Zuleikha
  • Love 4

Tonight's results shocked me. Yet I'm not really disappointed. I can't believe Valerie survived the critique last week. I might miss Tanisha, and Rudy was a total mess so I felt bad for him.

I was surprised by the song choices. Not a lot of massive hits.

I actively hate Jessica. They aren't challenging her at all in my opinion, and she's not memorable or likable enough for me to be OK with that, like I am with Ricky. The fact that she has Ade next week is absurd, imho.

I disagreed with the guest judge's comment about Tanisha. The piece was about the guy's longing, she wouldn't necessarily have that kind of emotion. She was just a memory.

I thought Jaque brought it. Surprisingly.

Here's hoping next week brings memorable routines.

Edited by phoenix780

I'm so, so happy that Rudy is gone... and so, so annoyed that Tanisha went with him. She was my favorite girl in the competition. First Carly, now her. I am not here for this, show!


Jacque and Tanisha were the two more talented girls, so I believe the wrong two were safe. I started out really liking Valerie, but she's just not at the same level as everyone else at this point in the competition. That samba wasn't terrible, but even to my amateur eye there were quite a few flaws, and the judges barely touched on them. That's when I knew she'd be getting a tongue bath to the finale. Ugh. As for Jessica, she's a beautiful contemporary dancer, but I don't feel anything in her routines (other than the one with Casey) and all she really does well at is contemporary. She's subpar at all the other styles of dance.


Basically just rooting for Zack at this point. I feel it's a lost cause because Ricky's practically the preordained winner (I do like him but the judges' over-the-top fawning makes me unfairly annoyed at him), but I don't care, I'll throw him all my votes until the very end. Boy has charisma and he's such a chameleon with dance styles. That tap solo, wow.


Speaking of "wow," I loved the group of poppers. Their performance was classy and controlled and so synchronized and skillful. I couldn't look away.

  • Love 4

I'm sure I'll have more thoughts later, but for now all can do is giggle over how much Rudy and the Dirty Diana number reminded me of the final number from Staying Alive.  He was doing this over dancing guy thing that was so prevalent in 80's dance movies (see also the backlit NotKevinBacon solo in Footloose) that he was doing.  I didn't mind Rudy, but I don't mind seeing him go either (not OK with Tanisha leaving).


Oh and Hi Mackenzie!! Loved that girl last year and knew Spencer would love her after that Too Darn Hot Number with Jacob last year.  She's delightful.

Edited by RachelKM

it is ridiculous that trained dancers must learn the artless and ugly hop hop routines but the hip hoppers are never required to do ballet, tap or ballroom. Different standards for different contestants. Totally unfair!

Do they make the contemp do tap? Or ballet really? Last I remember, they used to make the hip hopers do everything else ( although they didn't have tap, ballet, etc in the early seasons).

I love hip hop and find contemp a snore. I also love ballroom. I haven't been watching much this season but I thought tonight was boring. Although I actually enjoyed Rudy's routine and the twitch routine mostly for twitch but the ballet girl kinda sorta held her ownish. I thought comfort was great as usual but her routine sucked. I was

shocked to see that girls samba praised so much because she looked all wrong to me!

On mj, I had no idea Wade was personally hurt by him! I am going to have to look that up. I do think America's best dance crew had a Michael Jackson special that was a hell of a lot better than this one and less fawning. This was kind of the wrong crew of contestants to talk about Michael influencing their dance anyway and with the wade thing? Bad choice all around IMO.

  • Love 1
WILL WINGFIELD.  That man gets more gorgeous every time I look at him.


I have no idea who this is, but I agree with how gorgeous the man is.  I don't think I watched his partner once during the routine.


I like all the guys left and can't really identify the ladies.  Still in the shallow end of the pool - Ricky has beautiful eyes and yes, I do like his dancing too.


I cringed when I heard they were doing a Michael Jackson night.  Why show, why?   As soon as the music started for each routine I lost a little bit of interest in watching.  I usually PVR the show to rewatch some routines, catch things I missed the first time around, but this time I took it off the recording knowing I only needed to watch it once.

Yeah, I agree Tanisha was booted because she isn't as pretty as Jessica or Jacque (I couldn't even remember her name, had to look it up) or as spunky as Valerie.  The shame is that she is obviously a more talented and versatile dancer than the other girls.


Most of the all stars danced circles around the competitors.  It's hard to take one's eyes off of Twitch or Comfort or Ryan or Allison or Will when their partners are so bland.

  • Love 4

Popping group was the best thing about the show.  


I didn't love any of the routines. At least Valerie looked like she was having fun. She had Ryan though, and he's a great partner.

Will - just wow. That's one handsome guy - I think the hair is a really good look for him.


I had completely forgotten about Jessica.   It seems to me that they want her in the top 2 or 3 and that's why they aren't challenging her at all unlike some of the others. Has Ricky had a hip hop?  I love Ricky's solos but I am not really a fan of him with a partner most of the time.

Is it just me or is Jacque's pointe work not strong enough? I'd noticed this in her piece with Jourdan and I noticed it again last night. She's graceful but her feet just doesn't seem strong enough. Her solo was just a lot of poses. More interesting than contemporary solos though. I think I'm just at a point where I'm sick of people flailing around (no matter how flexible they are). My favorite solos were from the two tappers. Valerie's not the strongest dancer but tap is really the style for her because she can exude so much of her natural joy with tap. And Zack is just cool and full of swagger. I hope both of them will get tap again if they make it into top 4.

Edited by waving feather
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I liked all the routines last night.  I'm still waiting for one to really wow me this season, but I thought everyone did a nice job last night, and the choreography was mostly interesting.  I'm surprised that Rudy left since he'd never even been in the bottom 2 before, but it's all good there.  I cannot believe that Tanisha left, though.  She was clearly the best female dancer on the show.  I'm glad Valerie was safe, though, as I do like her.  I know she's not the strongest dancer out there, but I find her charming, and I swear her tap has gotten better since she's been on the show.  I really enjoyed both tap solos last night.  Loved Ricky's as well, but thought most of the other solos were just okay except for Rudy's.  Did not care for that at all.  Couldn't believe Nigel said Jessica was his favorite dancer.  Really?  Why? 


I'm almost a little afraid to see Zach and Fikshun dance together next week.  That might be cuteness overload.  :)

  • Love 1

I was so betWitched lat night that I couldn't remember the rest of the show. But now, after reading the comments, I'm reminded:


I never got the Comfort love in her season. She never seemed that good to me. But now, wow. Talk about growth as a dancer!


I felt uncomfortable during Allison and Rudy's dance and kept averting my eyes. Rudy was so stiff and "un-dancing" that it looked to me as if Allison was over-dancing and over-emoting in order to hide his failings. If she'd had an equal partner she could have been more subtle.


I, too, was happy that tWitch didn't dance down to whoever it was. I think I may have glanced at whoever she was a couple of times, and then just gave it up to him. If the show is going to give me such bland contestants, then I'm going to watch for the pros. THAT was dancing.


Will, my goodness! I have never seen the first season, and so I never knew what I missed!


I love Zach, but man, does he ever need to lose the sad hangdog expression. I hope Fik-Shun can give him a jolt of cocky, sweet charisma. Zach, you've earned the right to look happy and confident! Even if you get auffed next week, you've still earned it.


I figured Tanisha was doomed when Nigel criticized her for not showing vulnerability. I absolutely agree with everyone who thinks she was the best female dancer, but I can kind of see his point, and I thought it was on full view when she had to stand next to blubbering Rudy. If only she could give Rudy some of her cool dignity and he could give her some of his exuberance and visible emotion.


I ff'd through everything the new judge said and most of what the other two said. Can we find a new system of judging? How about points held up on cards?


Cat. Give that woman wings and call her what she is, an angel.


Can't remember anything or anybody else, except that I thought the theme night was distasteful, and that was even before you guys reminded me about Wade. 












IMHO, last night was Valerie's best performance of the season. Not that her performances are all that great. And that said, in what universe does Valerie--whose posture lapses and moments of awkward movements manage to show up somewhere in every performance--stay over Tanisha?  


Then again, it's not the judges (or a group of people who know a thing or two about dancing) who are voting, It's home viewers. And their criteria don't necessarily include "must be a great dancer".


I can only hope that Tanisha's visibility on this show gets her a lot of good work.

  • Love 1

Eh? Michael Jackson music? It seems like a tired concept and perhaps a kind of tasteless one, due to the show's Wade connection. I don't want to derail discussion, but man, the Wade stuff makes me sad. That man is a huge, huge talent, and I hate that the MJ connection and his reversal of claims (not that I'm saying he's wrong or I don't believe him) will probably be his biggest legacy, instead of his fabulous, creative choreography. In my mind, that's one of the saddest things about the whole story.


Onto the dancing. Again, color me kind of eh. Also, color me surprised that he whom I shall never name again didn't have some godawful angsty contemporary set to "Man in the Mirror." I was waiting (and nearly flinching) for it all night.


Allison outdanced Rudy, duh. Comfort outdanced Casey, duh, though I think Casey tried like heck. But, dude, it's Comfort! She is so beautiful, though I have to say that the small red vagina patch on her costume was all kinds of ick. Ryan was a fabulously generous partner to Valerie, as Ryan always is, and I thought Valerie did pretty damned well getting the feel of the samba. Ricky is wonderful, but man oh man he is short. Maybe it's shallow, but it affects my perception of his partering. Jacque -- meh. Tanisha was lovely, lovely and should not have been eliminated. Jessica...I always forget about her by the end of the night. She seems like a nice girl, but she lacks a certain maturity. Zach, Zach, Zach -- I love that kid. He won't win, but I hope he's in the final four. I don't think anything can stop the Ricky juggernaut, though I really, really wonder how he'll do with Anya (oh Anya, I love you as a brunette even more:)


So far Ricky and Valerie are the only two who have never been in the bottom. My predictions for going home next week: Casey and Jacque, though I could see it being Zach.


While this seems like a nice group of kids, it's certainly not the most...charismatic? I just think that some of these kids will be so much better in a few years, with some age and life experience. Wish the show would cast in that direction.

  • Love 3
I ff'd through everything the new judge said and most of what the other two said. Can we find a new system of judging? How about points held up on cards?


I'm not convinced judging is even necessary, though it's part of the reality show format.  I'd replace it with commentary from the choreographers. Drop their explanations at the beginning, and put it after a routine so they can tell us how they feel people did or didn't live up to the assignment given.  As it stands the only value in judging is the guest judge, and they aren't pulling in big enough stars to draw in viewers based on their presence (they don't even announce them, so it's not like that's the point), though I assume they get something out of the opportunity to pimp the guest judge's product...if they have any.  


So yeah- since they don't really critique movement consistently, I'd ff'd much of their commentary last night too.  What I sat through was predictable and unnecessary.  I swear the last three female guest judges had exactly the same script.


The guest group performance was my highlight, too.  They reminded me of mimes in a way, just with more fluidity and more interesting movement, though my exposure to miming is generally limited.


Are they having a bottom 2 next week?  It seems unnecessary.  But that reminds me- the new way they've revealed who's in the bottom...has Jessica had to dance with the pressure of not being sure she was safe?  I feel like she knew she was clear both this week and last, but I'm biased because, as I said, I can't stand her in the context of this show.  When I can remember her, that is.

  • Love 1

I wasn't a Rudy fan, and I didn't really care for his showmance with Jacque. But as he was crying his eyes out after his elimination, I couldn't help but find it a little odd that Jacque didn't look like she seemed to care much at all.


Throughout the entire elimination portion at the end, I was repeating to my husband, "They must have broken up. They must have broken up. She's not even looking at him. She's not hugging him. Why is everyone consoling him, but her?" I wish I knew the gossip, because I think that Jacque wouldn't have lasted as long as she has without that showmance.


Speaking of Rudy, Cat did not follow through and call him Scarlett O'Hara one last time. Thanks for nothing, Cat! (Just kidding, you wonderful, long-legged dreamboat)

  • Love 1
Nobody has commented on Nick Lazzarini's presence, so I'll start.  Unless Tanisha was screwing up (a dubious proposition), he wasn't all that good as a partner.  Blake shoulda won that season or Jamile or Kamilah.



I didn't pay much attention to Nick as I was looking at Tanisha, but I had to do a double take when Nigel said Nick was one of the best dancers the show has ever had. No Nigel, he really wasn't.


Will, my goodness! I have never seen the first season, and so I never knew what I missed!


He was on the fourth season (but didn't have the dreads back then).

  • Love 2

Yeah, I agree Tanisha was booted because she isn't as pretty as Jessica or Jacque (I couldn't even remember her name, had to look it up) or as spunky as Valerie.  The shame is that she is obviously a more talented and versatile dancer than the other girls.


Most of the all stars danced circles around the competitors.  It's hard to take one's eyes off of Twitch or Comfort or Ryan or Allison or Will when their partners are so bland.

I agree with this.  I'm really disappointed that Tanisha is gone.  She was my favorite girl and she seemed the most versatile.  Besides appearance, I think another reason is because ballroom must not get a lot of votes.  Her AT was one of the best ATs I've seen on this show (if not the best).  She also acted more mature in a sense that she wasn't giggly or have a showmance.  I say this because Malene was in the bottom after her samba with Marcquet and she shouldn't have been.  Older Latin ballroom women don't do too well on this show, e.g. Iveta, Anya, Karen.  At least, Tanisha and Serge do have connections with DWTS so there's a good chance they will be in the troupe and eventually pros on that show.


I'm disappointed in Mary.  Valerie's samba was not good and yet she didn't give constructive criticism.  Again, the judges didn't acknowledge Ryan even though they gush over the other all stars.  Anya and Ricky is going to be like Anya and Kent.  She's too mature for him.


I also agree that it's difficult to look at the contestants when you have Comfort, Allison, Twitch, Ryan, and Will.

Edited by realdancemom
  • Love 4

I was furious after Tanisha was voted off and shut off the tv.

I only watched from top 20 on and it took me 6 weeks to finally straighten out who all the girls were, except Tanisha.  And she has been exquisite that last few weeks in particular.

Then to have to listen to Nigel rave about Jessica, and her pimp spot placement.

And listen to some of the least MJ-like MJ music for the supposed MJ tribute.

It was just too much to take at one time.  I don't know if I can stomach two more weeks of bland dances with the majority of the dancers left.

It just looks like more of tptb putting in some really weak dancers, yeah I know America voted them in, but I wouldn't be surpised if they had some help, to make sure no one would be able to touch the male and female they want to win.

If Jessica wins this season it will be my last.  Possibly she is the best girl remaining but that isn't saying much.

Ever since Nigel gave Ricky the ott you're the one to beat, you're the best, even though you look like a Hobbit speech, and certainly isn't giving him anywhere near the tongue bathing he is giving Jessica, I have been uncertain if he is pushing for another winner.  But maybe he just wants to make sure Jessica gets in the final four.  Because likely the guys are getting a lot more votes than the girls this season making it less predicatble who is going to go through.

Maybe these guys need to get a new panel of judges and see if they can recapture some of the their earlier magic.

  • Love 1

If I were one of these contestants, I'd be pissed that the choreographers can't seem to stop creating dances that feature the "all star" more than the current season contestant.  



Ricky's solo - This kid can launch himself into orbit with his leaps alone.

Yeah, but he can't go left.  It's always that right leg up in the air.  He's a great dancer but it's the same solo over and over and over again.


Zack nearly fell on one of the slides in his solo.

  • Love 2

Only the all stars impressed me last night.  I think if they are renewed for another season, they should do and all all-star season.  That would be worth watching. 


Of the dancetestants, I enjoyed watching Valerie the most.  I just love her joy.  I would rather watch flawed technique that exudes joy than the bland dancing of most of the other ladies (Tanisha is the exception, but I don't even remember what she did last night, and she is gone now.  boo!)


I also was a bit put off with the whole MJ night.  Wade has not choreographed for the show in a few seasons, and his presence is greatly missed.  I loved all of his routines.  All of the choreographers now blend in to one another.  I can't watch a comtemp routine and tell who the choreo was.  I could always tell Wade's routines.  Last season they at least had the one that Mark choreographed, which is one of the only routines I remember.  This show would have been better served to dump the MJ crap and beg Wade to come back.


I guess I hope Zach and Valerie win.  But that is not a ringing endorsement.  Can Twitch win? 

I was also hoping that one of the choreographers would have done a "very special routine" highlighting childhood sexual abuse just to stick it to Nigel and co for forcing them to use MJ music.  And I deplore the "very special routines" but in this case it would have served a purpose.

  • Love 6

Maybe it's just me but the group dances this year just don't seem as sharp and together as they have in the past. I kept thinking it was the weaker dancers throwing the syncopation off but now I think it may be the over-dancing of Ricky and Rudy (thankfully gone now). They seem to go a bit higher and further than the rest and that split second does make a difference.

And can they please stop covering up the faces of the group dancers with make-up and masks? I find myself trying to figure out who each dancer is and completely miss the actual dance...well, except you can always tell who Ricky is because he is always front and center and if the guys are wearing cowboy hats--he isn't or if all the guys are in togas he is in pants. It drives me nuts.

Also for my money if the women want to stand out they should cut their hair very, very short aka Melanie. To me, all the women look the same with long hair and it takes weeks to figure out who is who. I'm very shallow but Tanisha would have looked so much better with very short hair rather than the mid short haircut which only emphasized how thin her hair was.

  • Love 1
I'm disappointed in Mary. Valerie's samba was not good and yet she didn't give constructive criticism.

Totally agree. I was shocked they let Valerie get away with that samba. Don't get me wrong - I like Valerie, and she tried her best, but it was just plain sloppy. Poor Ryan was dragging her all over that stage, trying his best to highlight her, but it was obviously sub-par. The judges didn't need to trash it, but should have offered her some tips for improving her form, and making her movements sharper. Why do the judges seem so reticent to critique the top 10 this year? I know they can no longer "save" anyone, but isn't their purpose on the show to help inform non-dance experts on the quality of the dancing? It just feels like they're not doing that at all. Very disappointing.

Really, this whole episode was disappointing. The all-stars completely ate the contestants for lunch. I was especially appalled at the tongue-bathing they gave to Rudy. That dance was ALL Allison. She was completely amazing, but I barely noticed he was there. She could have danced with a mannequin on wheels. Again, he wasn't awful, but he was not standing-ovation worthy - only she was. The only good thing about the episode is that he was sent home before he could reap any further benefits from being paired with a stronger partner.

Speaking of which, Rudy's former stronger partner Tanisha was the LAST girl who should have been sent home. I almost threw something at the TV. She was the best dancer on the show, after Ricky. I agree with others here who note that her less-than-model looks and mature demeanor might have gotten her sent home prematurely.

With Tanisha gone, there are no girls I can root for left, so I'm pretty much only interested in Ricky and Zach at this point. This may be my least favorite top 6 ever. Edited by StupidSexyFlanders
  • Love 5

Comfort outdanced Casey, duh, though I think Casey tried like heck. But, dude, it's Comfort! She is so beautiful, though I have to say that the small red vagina patch on her costume was all kinds of ick.

I didn't see it that way, I just saw it as a black widow spider costume.


New fans of Will W. may want to watch his pas de deux with Katee and "Silence" with Jessica. (And if you're OK with Mandy Moore, "Alone.")

  • Love 1
I guess I hope Zach and Valerie win.


This year they are back to only one winner.  They cheapo'd out.

Kudos to the poster who said that The Shomance was one sided.  I never saw any reciprocation on Jacque's part. Can you imagine going on a date with Rudy and putting up with the schtick for 3-4 hours straight??

  • Love 2


Has Ricky had a hip hop?


Yes, a few episodes ago, while he was paired with Valerie.  He played some kind of magician, and she was his voodoo doll.  Pretty silly piece, but they both did their best.  The judges really focused on Valerie in their "critiques", but if you watch the performance, Ricky was actually pretty good.

Edited by StupidSexyFlanders

This year they are back to only one winner.  They cheapo'd out.

Kudos to the poster who said that The Shomance was one sided.  I never saw any reciprocation on Jacque's part. Can you imagine going on a date with Rudy and putting up with the schtick for 3-4 hours straight??

Wait- what?  They're back to one winner?  


Then why cut one guy/one girl each week so consistently instead of letting the bottom 2 of either sex go?  They have all-stars to fill in the partner dances, but there's no real need to keep it balanced if only one wins. 


I totally missed that they were back to one.  Congratulations, Ricky.


I didn't really pick up on a showmance either.  I fast-forward sometimes, so I only caught a couple comments over the weeks.  Was that really played up?

Edited by phoenix780
She is so beautiful, though I have to say that the small red vagina patch on her costume was all kinds of ick.



That red patch is the distinctive red hourglass of the black widow spider, several pictures down in the wiki aricle helpfully linked above.  I thought that this was one of the worst dances I have ever seen Comfort do - didn't like the choreo, the music or her partner's dancing.

  • Love 2

That red patch is the distinctive red hourglass of the black widow spider, several pictures down in the wiki aricle helpfully linked above.  I thought that this was one of the worst dances I have ever seen Comfort do - didn't like the choreo, the music or her partner's dancing.

It was certainly a black widow mark, but I agree with the other poster that is was badly placed.  It should have been higher to avoid looking like a vag patch. As for the dance, I agree that it was bad.  Comfort was fine in it, but she has certainly been better.  I get the impression Casey kinda sucked, but the camera work made it really hard for me to see what he was doing.  The angles kept obscuring his movements.  I think there may have been some parts out of sync with Comfort and/or the music, but again, hard to see.

Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 1
Also, with this kind of a precedent established, it really makes me sad to know that Wade Robson will probably never return to SYTYCD. I hope he's doing well in all capacities.



I couldn’t stop thinking about Wade throughout the entire 2-hours. I naively thought that Nigel might mention Wade in a very delicate way, I don’t know, I’m sure there are legal reasons all surrounding this whole crap-bag, but it’s just another reason why they NEVER, no matter how much money they got from the company putting out MJ’s new “songs”, never should have gone through with this theme show.


I for one was ECSTATIC that Rudy went home. He should have done so weeks ago. I also don’t understand all of the Casey hate – he’s really very good.

Valerie should have been cut loose and not Tanisha who is a much more dynamic and over-all great dancer. And Tanisha’s body is SICK.


Jessica/Will and Zack/Mackenzie were the dances of the night for me.



I love Spencer Liff, but doesn't he know that any dance set to "The Way You Make Me Feel" is supposed to include a motorcycle and ballet stripping?  Get it together, Liff!


God bless you Lindsey, I needed that laugh so much!!

  • Love 2

I love Spencer Liff, but doesn't he know that any dance set to "The Way You Make Me Feel" is supposed to include a motorcycle and ballet stripping?  Get it together, Liff!

I love this - that was exactly what I thought when the song started!


I don't really have much more to say on this episode because this morning someone asked me what they missed and what dances they should watch first and I totally blanked.  I can't remember any of them without looking them up.


I do remember Ricky and Zack's solos though - they were both fantastic!  And I remember not recognizing Mackenzie - I know who she is and I watched her season and I thought she was fine, but something about either her face or her outfit or something made it so that if they didn't say who it was, I wouldn't have realized it was her.


I am not a fan of themes in general, and the only theme I will approve of is if they go with one whole night of having no contemporary dances.  If that is too extreme, they can do one whole night with no stories.  The intro package can be the dancers and choreographer talking about working through the routine but they can't explain anything.  That would be the perfect theme.

  • Love 1

It sure seems to me, too, that the judges really want Jessica to win. Ok. That's fine. I don't care in this boring season. She is pretty, she seems nice, and there was at least one of her dances that I really liked, but. . .why do they want her? Can someone out there who knows dance and admires her dancing try to say what they may be seeing in her that I may be missing? I'm willing to have my eyes opened!

Edited by picklesprite

I didn't see it that way, I just saw it as a black widow spider costume.


New fans of Will W. may want to watch his pas de deux with Katee and "Silence" with Jessica. (And if you're OK with Mandy Moore, "Alone.")

There were so many entertaining routines during S4.  All of the top 10 dancers were great performers. They took each style seriously.  They had great chemistry with the other because they seemed to love one another.  Will is so often forgotten but he was great..


Most people say S3 or S5 was the best but for me, it was S4.  S3 had the best technical dancers in their genre but only a few were versatile.  And they were not a cohesive group.  Nor were they as good at performing as S4.  S5 had versatile dancers as well but this was the season that the show really started shaping their critiques and manipulation of styles from the start of the season.  Before, they would pick a couple of dancers to put through the ringer and then save them.  But in S5, they started having over the top critiques and routines for their favorites.

  • Love 3

Random Thoughts:

Still annoyed because Tanisha is gone.

Allison was emoting away during that number to blank-faced Rudy. For someone who is called Scarlett O'Hara, he didn't have one emotion to spare for that number. Trying to get me to believe Allison was pining for Rudy was a useless endeavor.  I've seen her hubby remember....

Missed the Hip Hop because I was mesmerized by that ill-placed black widow spot.  Agree with previous posters that it was a serious ick.

If Jessica was supposed to be a big-city girl, why was she dressed as a schoolmarm.

Agree with the recommendation for an all all-star season.

I'm glad I know that there will be only one winner.  I don't have to waste anymore votes on the ladies.  Voting for Zack (who I want to win) and Ricky (who I think will win but he won't make me want to break my TV if he does)

Edited by Heather Lynn

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