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S14.E16: Are You In, or Are You Out?

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Sigh. It is really apparent that none of these participants think that they need to compromise at all in a marriage and that it all needs to go exactly as each one of them thinks it should go (other than Michael as he seems to have really tried to adapt to what Jasmina wanted at any given moment).  

I think that in this episode it solidified for me that Mark really should have been rejected again for this show.  There's a reason he didn't make it the first time he applied and I doubt that he changed anything since then.  The fact that he wanted them to move into his mother's apartment and keep things the same even though he admitted he doesn't have much of a relationship with her and that he had an unhappy childhood, would have sent me running at that moment.  I was with Lindsey in that I would want to build our lives together moving forward instead of reliving his past.  

However, I also think that none of them are really willing to start new lives with their spouses.  Overall, this was a really boring and disappointing season for me.

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13 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

This sperm test is so cringe, TMI, EW! 

That was so fucking gross.

10 hours ago, Yeah No said:

True to form Olajuwon can barely hold a knife and fork and then drinks his wine straight from the little wine carafe he got with his meal.  D'oh!  What an ignoramus. 

I was thinking, he couldn’t tell me anything if he doesn’t know that that’s what you pour from, not drink out of. He fronts like he’s worldly; he is not.

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12 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

So next week is not DD, it’s other people talking about the couples and DD. I’m not watching that. 

Definitely not. They always make the seasons like 3 episodes too long.

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13 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

What does Olajuwon want? He wants to travel but wants Katina to work, go to school, cook, clean. I don’t see a yes on DD but if there is a yes it won’t last long. 
Mike, Jasmina is basically saying she’s always going to be in the friend zone with you. 

O makes ZERO sense when he rambles on and on.  He wants kids?  Or does he want to travel?  Or does he want a stay at home wife who cooks and cleans?  The way he belittled Katina's job was horrible (I work at home and believe me, I work!).  And he continues to strike me as someone who could be very scary as a spouse. 

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11 hours ago, potatochips said:

sure hope Katina kicks Oj to the curb. She should not stay married to a man who tells her he has to be selfish and do what is best for him. He will never cherish her. 

He was also telling her to be selfish and make the right decision for her. I think he wants her to say no also, so he doesn't come across as the bad guy.  Supposedly, they haven't had sex yet.  Has anyone else thought that maybe he really wants a wife that's a virgin, so that he's the only one she's been with?

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18 minutes ago, Kimboweena said:

He was also telling her to be selfish and make the right decision for her. I think he wants her to say no also, so he doesn't come across as the bad guy.  Supposedly, they haven't had sex yet.  Has anyone else thought that maybe he really wants a wife that's a virgin, so that he's the only one she's been with?

He would totally be that hypocritical- it’s fine for HIM to have slept with a lot of women but not for women to have slept around. I could absolutely see him thinking that.

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11 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

Did anyone else catch that when he was zooming in on the photo and saying he was choosing 'F' for color ( which is good btw), to the right of the photo of the ring it said "lab created diamond." Oh hell no!!! 


Nooooo. Lab created????  He might as well go to JC Penny’s jewelry counter. I’m going to have to take another look at that!  Wow!

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47 minutes ago, Kimboweena said:

He was also telling her to be selfish and make the right decision for her. I think he wants her to say no also, so he doesn't come across as the bad guy.  Supposedly, they haven't had sex yet.  Has anyone else thought that maybe he really wants a wife that's a virgin, so that he's the only one she's been with?

Given his archaic idea that women should be the ones to cook and clean, and only work if it won’t interfere with their household duties( Lindsay called him out on that) i wouldn’t be surprised if your theory is correct. 
His thinking that working from home isn’t work is so old fashioned.  Being home doesn’t mean you have  hours of free time to cook gourmet meals.  It often means your employer monitors every keystroke and  will call you out for not touching the keyboard often enough. 

Yes she  is getting a late start on school.   As his mentor tried to tell him  - if she is the one, then you accept the entire  package.  Same thing should be said to Lindsay - if Mark’s the one, then he’s the one no matter what the sperm count is. 

I still think the only couple  that should say yes is Jasmina and Michael - If she would have just tried to kiss him.  They might be one that would say no and then get back together later. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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2 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

I don't even care what happens on DD. I will check in here to see if anybody stayed together. I think they will be 1 for 5 at best.

I don't trust D Day anymore. I prefer the Reunion show after 3 months of being together with. no cameras.

And another filler waste of time next week. I sure hope they can manage to get D Day with 4 horrible couples done in one 2-hour show. Then the 2-part Reunion, which might be interesting, except for seeing Allysa. 

I continue to dislike Noi more and more, which I didn't think was possible. Maybe because I liked her at the beginning. She seems to be be as dumb as a rock, totally inarticulate, immature, spoiled, and inflexible. Like many of you, I have no idea why she was picked and matched. The fact that she says she STILL doesn't understand what he does is ridiculous. Steve keeps saying that they have discussed this before. She needs to go live by herself, but I think they will say yes, with her thinking that she can live apart from him and he will be thinking that once he gives her a real ring, purchased by him instead of the show, she will be committed. (By the way, if it is a lab created stone, although she is stupid, she will be smart enough to have appraised.)

After the way the show started with O and Lindsey fighting, I think it is interesting that he is her only friend on this show. It was nice to see that she actually has a real friend, who seemed to be pretty normal. That fertility test was beyond disgusting and I can not think of any other couple who would have done that on camera. I agree that they will say yes, and, hopefully be done by the reunion.

I really want Michael to go first on D Day and for HIM to say no. I would hate for him to say yes and then have her say no.

At the beginning of the season, I thought that both Jasmeana and Katina were really pretty. Katina now looks just hard and is not pretty to me, at all. Jasmeana is still pretty, but she has yet to get her make-up messed up, so she looks the same as the wedding. I just kept hoping they would just kiss at the end to say good-bye, but, nope. I've gotta say, though, her shoes she wore for salsa were amazing! I truly want Katina to say no, but I have a feeling she may think that he is the best she can find, because she has no self-esteem and he is so horrible to her. Why they selected someone with a history of being in abusive relationships is horrible and they should be sued to pay for her therapy. He is a narcissistic misogynist and I want him to go away and never darken my screen again. I DON'T want to see any of these people show up on next season's filler shows giving their opinions.

Next week is another skip episode and then I might watch the D Day one - but only if it is one show. If they spilt it into two, I will just read the comments. I have enjoyed reading the posts here, so thanks!



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10 hours ago, buttersister said:

Noi is damaged goods. It’s sad. But her childhood scars are showing and I don’t think she’s going to get help and stay with Steve—ultimately. Based on previous DDs, deciding to stay married means nothing much of the time.

Get Lindsey off my TV. Take Ola with her. She doesn’t appear to be capable of a happy relationship. He’s #1 in his world. There’s no room for anyone else.

I feel bad for Michael. But as I previously posted, shave, smile and get out there, Mike. He’s ready and deserves a healthy relationship.

Poor Mark. I couldn’t deal with him, but he’s so lost. Imagine thinking Lindsey might be okay after all the shit she’s thrown because she offered support to him. This season is sad. And far too long.


I’ve been begging for Mike to shave!  Lots of women wonder what dwelleth in there and it’s a huge turnoff!  

Jasmina is beautifully groomed. I bet she hates it!

I’m kind of surprised the experts haven’t brought that to the table!

“Jasmina you like beards?”

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In the beginning we pretty much loved the show and couples. I’ve noticed the last few seasons everybody hates everybody!

What happened?  Too many shows?  Not enough good choices in the crowds?  Older, more set in their ways spouses?  Bad experts?

These couples seem very ill matched.  

This season has been a big disappointment!

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9 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

What happened?  Too many shows?  Not enough good choices in the crowds?  Older, more set in their ways spouses?  Bad experts?

Yes. Yes. Yes. YES. Also, they are now going for pure drama and the producers do not care one bit if anyone stays together, despite what the so-called experts keep saying. By now, if they stick to their stories, it can't be good for their professional credibility if they really do match these awful people. I believe that the only people who apply now are those who will do anything to be on TV and don't care what the editing does and how they appear. They MAY select one couple they think will make it so it is not a total failure, but for the rest of the couples, it is all about the mismatched drama.

Edited by Retired at last
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4 hours ago, Cancun said:

I laughed and laughed at that. Ignoramus indeed!


I don't drink wine but I do know the difference between a carafe and a wine glass.  Those huge chunks of meat he was shoveling in was, as above posters said, disgusting.

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16 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

Olajuwon, you have stuff to work on, too. Like table manners.

Mark holds his fork like a shovel.  And actually, I've noticed several of the men on the last few seasons doing the same thing.  But never the women.

But I have to say that the photo of Olajuwon drinking out of the carafe kind of breaks my heart.  You don't know what you don't know, especially when it comes to social niceties. 

I have a soft spot for people who do embarrassing things out of ignorance.  Fortunately, it does not outweigh the hard spots I have for Olajuwon and many of the decisions he's made, so I can continue to dislike him. 

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
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15 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

Did that include the James Allen jewelry  “commercial” Steve put on for us? He was giving his friend step by step instructions. Too much! 

I can't help but think he's had a hand in developing the website/app and was promoting it.  He's in sales after all!

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52 minutes ago, OFDgal said:

I don't drink wine but I do know the difference between a carafe and a wine glass.  Those huge chunks of meat he was shoveling in was, as above posters said, disgusting.

Katina never corrected him !  To her credit or detriment?

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10 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Katina never corrected him !  To her credit or detriment?

K has so little self-confidence she probably doubted herself figured he was doing the right thing.  

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What does Olajuwon want? He wants to travel

O. has a full time job. He gets maybe 4 weeks of vacation a year, if he is lucky. Even if he spent every day of it traveling, I think Katina could manage that much time off work and school to travel with him, assuming that's what she wants to do.


I can't help but think he's had a hand in developing the website/app and was promoting it.  He's in sales after all!

He's in software sales; I don't think he is a web designer. I think it's more likely that the jeweler paid for product placement.


Yes she  is getting a late start on school.

She finished high school; some number of Americans don't manage that. I know she supposedly came from more means than O., but it's possible she has been financially independent since she graduated high school. If she has been working full time all this time, it's no wonder she hasn't completed an associate's, much less a bachelor's degree. I worked full time while I did a master's degree and it was really, really hard. It took me four years instead of the two it would have taken if I'd gone to school full time. 

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I know everyone likes to hate on Lyndsey, but I really think she means well. I think she springs into helper mode to get validation that she never got as a kid. I also think she said one of the smartest things ever last week when Mark was talking about living in his childhood home and she said she wasn't going to compete with the past. She talked about it this week too when he talked about living in that apartment and not making many changes. He needs to move forward and something is really blocking him from doing that. Get a therapist! My husband's mother had been dead since he was 20, before I came into the picture. One year for his birthday he asked me to make his mom's friend chicken for him. Is there a recipe? No. He just knew she used Crisco. I have never fried chicken in my life and as much as he tried to not show it, he was disappointed in my effort. Not because it was bad, but because it wasn't his mom's. He eventually recognized that this was an unfair request. Mark is like that, expect he doesn't realize how unfair he is being by asking Lyndsey to insert herself into the role of his mother and grandmother. 

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7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I agree on all fronts and have said that before myself, that Mark and Lindsey will say "yes" on decision day.  I'm not making any bets on how long they stay together, though.

Steve seems to be completely in the dark about why Noi doesn't want to live with him.  She wants to see if he actually gets a job and/or finds a way to support himself before she'll trust him enough to live with him.

Yep, Mark and Lindsey will say yes, if for nothing else than to keep whatever "fame" they have going.

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3 hours ago, Boo Boo said:

I can't help but think he's had a hand in developing the website/app and was promoting it.  He's in sales after all!

That’s a really interesting thought. He was certainly showing his friend the site in a “tutoring” or “this is how it works” sort of tone.

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8 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I keep thinking that too but Jasmina has a lot of trouble getting out of her head.  She overanalyzes everything and that's the death to attraction and romance.  She has to be willing to take a risk.  At least sample the goods before she decides she isn't attracted to him.  Why is she so positive about the relationship and how it's progressed if she won't even put in a little effort to hug and kiss the guy?  She doesn't have to jump into bed with him, just see if there's any spark.  As a woman I know how I can get in my own way that way even married.  I'm seriously not in the mood, not feeling it for my husband AT ALL, and then suddenly after a hug and kiss, it comes out of nowhere!

I really really agree with this. Mr. GP says no, she's cold, but I think she's not. We've seen her tear up and be soft.

I think MIKE thinks like my husband, so he's scared to approach her, and unless he straight up shows a ton of sexual interest, like he's really hot for her, she can't go there. She even said to her brother that if he expressed interest, it would make her more interested. She wants to be pursued in that way, and she's taking what is him trying to be respectful as a lack of interest.  If I were her, I'd at least try it out! What have you go to lose girl?

They're doomed, lol.

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Regarding drinking out of the little carafe, why were there so many different beverages on that table? The champagne in the ice bucket, two water glasses, two wine glasses, her something in a martini glass, his drink in a Pilsner type glass, at least one champagne flute and the mini carafe!?!  I'm surprised there was room for food. 

The only way I see any hope for Michael and Jasmina is if he could grow 4 inches taller. I think she's going to say no. With his history of losses in his life and his three older sisters, I don't think she can be the one for him. But I think he's learned a lot about himself thru this and there's hope for the next part of his life.  I don't think he'll ever get rid of the beard but he needs to trim it a lot. Easier to fix than O's tattoos.  I could see Michael and Katina together. 

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4 hours ago, sara416 said:

I know everyone likes to hate on Lyndsey, but I really think she means well. I think she springs into helper mode to get validation that she never got as a kid. I also think she said one of the smartest things ever last week when Mark was talking about living in his childhood home and she said she wasn't going to compete with the past. She talked about it this week too when he talked about living in that apartment and not making many changes. He needs to move forward and something is really blocking him from doing that. Get a therapist! My husband's mother had been dead since he was 20, before I came into the picture. One year for his birthday he asked me to make his mom's friend chicken for him. Is there a recipe? No. He just knew she used Crisco. I have never fried chicken in my life and as much as he tried to not show it, he was disappointed in my effort. Not because it was bad, but because it wasn't his mom's. He eventually recognized that this was an unfair request. Mark is like that, expect he doesn't realize how unfair he is being by asking Lyndsey to insert herself into the role of his mother and grandmother. 

I love every defense of Lyndsey. Because every defense of her are generally agreed upon with the people don't like her. There is a very fun, outgoing, nurturing, thoughtful and loyal person in Lyndsey. We all see that. No one is negating these things. Also, no one is negating that Mark has several things he needs to work on. Lyndsey is also loud, brash, often annoying, dismissive and loves to lord her kindness over the people she helps. Independent of her qualities, she has many flaws that keep me from liking her. She is great tv and with a little reflection, she will make a wonderful wife. I just don't think she is there yet.

Mark needs to be by himself for a bit. Work through some of his personal issues. Learn from his past dating mistakes and also look for a partner. Not a fill in for his personal needs.

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7 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Katina never corrected him !  To her credit or detriment?

She doesn’t know any better either.  She went to Italy and didn’t remember how to say gondola but she rode in one on the trip.  Neither has much experience.  Especially with alpacas.  

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9 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Nooooo. Lab created????  He might as well go to JC Penny’s jewelry counter.

Millennials are embracing lab-grown diamonds because of concerns about mined diamonds' human and environmental toll.  However, DeBeers is not going to go down without a fight.  It'll be interesting to see how they approach it, since they have a successful track record; after all, they're the ones who created the whole "tradition" of diamond engagement rings in the first place.



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6 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

O. has a full time job. He gets maybe 4 weeks of vacation a year, if he is lucky. Even if he spent every day of it traveling, I think Katina could manage that much time off work and school to travel with him, assuming that's what she wants to do.

He's in software sales; I don't think he is a web designer. I think it's more likely that the jeweler paid for product placement.

She finished high school; some number of Americans don't manage that. I know she supposedly came from more means than O., but it's possible she has been financially independent since she graduated high school. If she has been working full time all this time, it's no wonder she hasn't completed an associate's, much less a bachelor's degree. I worked full time while I did a master's degree and it was really, really hard. It took me four years instead of the two it would have taken if I'd gone to school full time. 

She clearly lived at home.  She didn’t even know how to cook eggs and didn’t know how to food shop.  She hasn’t accomplished much.  And her job s looking on the computer to tell people what social security will give the when they retire.  She hasn’t done much yet but be pretty with a great figure.  I don’t see much other development.

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Katina’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard. 

I won’t be sad to hear the last of that. 

Is that a condition or something wrong with her vocal cords. Every time she speaks I cringe. 

I feel bad even mentioning it but it’s driven  me crazy all season.  

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8 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Katina’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard. 

I won’t be sad to hear the last of that. 

Is that a condition or something wrong with her vocal cords. Every time she speaks I cringe. 

I feel bad even mentioning it but it’s driven  me crazy all season.  

It's not just you.  Lindsey's voice is annoying at times, too, but not as bad as Katina's. 

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10 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

In the beginning we pretty much loved the show and couples. I’ve noticed the last few seasons everybody hates everybody!

What happened?  Too many shows?  Not enough good choices in the crowds?  Older, more set in their ways spouses?  Bad experts?

These couples seem very ill matched.  

This season has been a big disappointment!

Oddly enough ill matched couples usually make for drama. This season they are boring ill matched couples. They should make candidates take a lie detector test. Far too many of them are full of BS. Sadly I think Chris was one of the few sincere folks that would have worked hard with whomever he was selected.

I heard a report Aylssa was last seen still daubing her eyes...


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13 hours ago, kristen111 said:

30 yrs old, gets married, has to get Bachelors, nursing school, husband.  What was she thinking?  Personally, I think she is immature.  I don’t remember her ever saying nursing before.

Agree, feels like she's just been bouncing around, kind of partying and hoping for marriage to settle her down.

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LOL!  A lot can get in the way of completing plans   Took me twenty years to get my teaching cert and that was a time university tuition was a tenth what it is now    Life happens      No critiques from me   

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22 hours ago, Cancun said:

I laughed and laughed at that. Ignoramus indeed!

I'm editing my reaction, based on the sensitive observation of @StatisticalOutlier.  It is a bit sad that production chose to exploit his lack of worldliness for entertainment purposes. (I once sat next to a guy at a fancy work dinner who sipped from the finger bowl because he thought it was some kind of special tea. I certainly did not laugh at him, and my heart broke a little.) But this is O…so now I’m all kinds of conflicted since he loves to say how Kat lacks life experience.


Production showed this because Olajuwon has throughout acted and spoke as though he were the final arbiter and author of "How A Wife Should Think and Behave."

Arrogance, Meet Carafe.

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10 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Millennials are embracing lab-grown diamonds because of concerns about mined diamonds' human and environmental toll.  However, DeBeers is not going to go down without a fight.  It'll be interesting to see how they approach it, since they have a successful track record; after all, they're the ones who created the whole "tradition" of diamond engagement rings in the first place.



Diamonds are a universal and colossal scam, and are far more plentiful than most realize. DeBeers is the world's most successful monopoly. 

However, diamonds are yet actual, real, mined stones. 

Moissanite is not. Cubic zirconia is not. "Lab-created" is not. Pretty colored glass is not. 

Famous and rare diamonds are in museums and national vaults. Stories, myths, legends, and superstitions surround them. 

So it is not hard for me to understand  why someone would want to be part of the diamond story. 


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14 hours ago, OlderThanDirt said:

Regarding drinking out of the little carafe, why were there so many different beverages on that table? The champagne in the ice bucket, two water glasses, two wine glasses, her something in a martini glass, his drink in a Pilsner type glass, at least one champagne flute and the mini carafe!?!  I'm surprised there was room for food. 

The only way I see any hope for Michael and Jasmina is if he could grow 4 inches taller. I think she's going to say no. With his history of losses in his life and his three older sisters, I don't think she can be the one for him. But I think he's learned a lot about himself thru this and there's hope for the next part of his life.  I don't think he'll ever get rid of the beard but he needs to trim it a lot. Easier to fix than O's tattoos.  I could see Michael and Katina together. 

I get the sense that Katina probably dates bad boys.  O has enough of an edge but probably a step up in terms of career and where he is in life.  I think MIchael is too kind and quiet for her.

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23 hours ago, Empress1 said:

That was so fucking gross.

I was thinking, he couldn’t tell me anything if he doesn’t know that that’s what you pour from, not drink out of. He fronts like he’s worldly; he is not.

Exactly.  He's trying to be something he is not and we all see right through him. 

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15 hours ago, OlderThanDirt said:

Regarding drinking out of the little carafe, why were there so many different beverages on that table? The champagne in the ice bucket, two water glasses, two wine glasses, her something in a martini glass, his drink in a Pilsner type glass, at least one champagne flute and the mini carafe!?!  I'm surprised there was room for food. 


I'm thinking the server was told to bring everything so as not to interrupt filming. 

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On 4/28/2022 at 8:34 AM, Ms.C. said:

I sort of wish Katina had been matched with Michael because he’s so genuine and accepting

Yep, they would have been a good match. The experts got it wrong again. 

I do now get Olaj's concern. Kat is still working on her associates degree. She's gonna be one of those people that stays in school forever. He said he just went through this with his ex. Plus he's way past the college years and has established his career. I totally understand. Doesn't make me like him any more than before, still don't like his approach and attitude towards Kat but they are in different phases of their lives. 

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Olaj has mentioned student loans several times, so I wonder if Katina is funding her lifestyle with student loans and he envisions years of paying off the loans as she has years of education ahead if she really wants to be a nurse.  Yes, I know Katina works (and from home as Olaj reminds us...) but she may still be funding a lot of things with student loans.

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On 4/28/2022 at 1:36 AM, GettingGray said:
On 4/27/2022 at 8:36 PM, kristen111 said:

Of course Lindsey had to go in the bathroom with Mark to make sure he got the sample.  

I think Lindsey was either giving him a helping hand or lip service.


How come there's no emoji here for "gross"  ?

Edited by rebel2u
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15 hours ago, evansmom10 said:

See, Noi's is the one that makes me want to punch myself!

So, are you "like" saying "like" you don't "like" care for "anNoiyings" voice?  Or, "like" is it "like" how many "like" times she can "like" use the word "like" in a sentence?

"Like", I'm "like" just asking if this "like" bothers anyone other than "like" me.

"Like" GOODNESS.  It was "like" hard just "like" typing this.

Edited by Sycophant4Lease
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On 4/27/2022 at 8:27 PM, mythoughtis said:

Especially if she isn’t willing to try a kiss or more.  They are so busy friend zoning each other that they don’t even attempt a kiss to see what would happen 

Exactly!  I once was friends with a woman who was dating a guy who she said was the greatest, but she wasn't attracted.  I said if he's so great why don't you try kissing him and see what happens.  She did and said it was great!  Then I never heard from her again - but I did find out from a mutual acquaintance that they got married 2 months later!! 😃

On 4/27/2022 at 10:26 PM, Adeejay said:

Well, this season was underwhelming!  While I can think of several low notes, I am hard pressed to remember a high one.  

Chris dumping Alyssa and the expression on her face was my high one 😂

On 4/27/2022 at 11:07 PM, Yeah No said:

That scene where Lindsey talked about taking $500 (it would take more to do what she wanted) reminded me of "Big Bang Theory" when Bernadette moves into Howard's late mother's house and he balks when she says she's going to completely redecorate.  She got her way anyway, and truthfully she was right.  And incidentally Howard also had an unhealthy "momma's boy" relationship with his mother so I see some parallels there.

I do too - the difference (besides BBT being fiction 😄 ) was that Bernadette knew when to STFU and then just act and let Howard deal with it.  When Mark asked Lindsey about the $500 I was willing her to say, "Just to freshen the place up a bit" but she just. can't. help herself

22 hours ago, GettingGray said:

I think Lindsey was either giving him a helping hand or lip service.

Or trying to!  When all he wanted was to jerk off to some porn 🙄  I was surprised that when the screen said "A few minutes later . . . " that they weren't still arguing! 😄. But no, instead we got Lindsey being the grossest she's been yet 🤢


11 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

In the beginning we pretty much loved the show and couples. I’ve noticed the last few seasons everybody hates everybody!

What happened?  Too many shows?  

Yes - and too fucking long!  One hour shows were good.  And they talked about different things.  Now each couple gets assigned a "conflict" and beats it into the ground.  For two hours!

5 hours ago, Racj82 said:

with a little reflection, she will make a wonderful wife. I just don't think she is there yet.

First she actually has to start reflecting! 😄

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5 hours ago, Sycophant4Lease said:

So, are you "like" saying "like" you don't "like" care for "anNoiyings" voice?  Or, "like" is it "like" how many "like" times she can "like" use the word "like" in a sentence?

"Like", I'm "like" just asking if this "like" bothers anyone other than "like" me.

"Like" GOODNESS.  It was "like" hard just "like" typing this.

YES!!!!! At least she stopped saying that everything was "cute." But, enough with the 'like.' And that goes for many of the cast. Too many filler words when most of the show is just filler crap to begin with.

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She clearly lived at home.  She didn’t even know how to cook eggs and didn’t know how to food shop.  She hasn’t accomplished much.  And her job s looking on the computer to tell people what social security will give the when they retire.  She hasn’t done much yet but be pretty with a great figure.  I don’t see much other development.

Plenty of people move out from their parents' homes without knowing how to boil water (my brother for one). Katina made no secret of the fact that she enjoys eating out a lot. And it wasn't that she didn't know how to grocery shop; she could shop just fine for herself. My husband and I have been together for six years and there are still things we don't know about each other's grocery preferences.

There are a lot of paths through life and no obligation for Katina to have a long list of "accomplishments" by any age. She seems to have had fun in life; to have good friends and people that love her. She has a job which, even if it is "just looking things up on the internet" is nonetheless, a job that someone is willing to pay her to do. There is no rule that says people have to progress from high school to college to successful career. Perhaps being happy and enjoying life is enough?

O. is so proud of himself for finishing school (I don't know if he has a two or four year degree but whatever) and buying a house and those things are great. He should be proud. Where I disagree with him, vehemently, is that he is somehow more "ready" to be married than Katina or that he is somehow a "better" husband than she is a wife. She seems like a kinder and less judgmental person than he is, from what I can see - conventional accomplishments or not.

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On 4/27/2022 at 11:07 PM, Yeah No said:

True to form Olajuwon can barely hold a knife and fork and then drinks his wine straight from the little wine carafe he got with his meal.  D'oh!  What an ignoramus.  Then, also true to his narcissistic form he tells the world that he will do what's best for HIM on decision day.  Yeah, we know, in the end t's all about Olajuwon.  Katina will say yes but she'll regret it someday.

Lindsey is right that Mark lives in the past, can't handle change and is very defensive about himself and his things, but that's not because he's an only child, it's because he is a momma's boy and mentally and emotionally still hasn't cut the proverbial apron strings.  I realized that about him tonight.  Lindsey herself doesn't know what it's like being an only child.  You don't come out like that unless you have an unhealthy attachment to your mother and lead a sheltered life.  I didn't come out anything like that.  I shared my toys with all the kids on my block.  I loved change, I couldn't wait to get out of my parents' house.  That scene where Lindsey talked about taking $500 (it would take more to do what she wanted) reminded me of "Big Bang Theory" when Bernadette moves into Howard's late mother's house and he balks when she says she's going to completely redecorate.  She got her way anyway, and truthfully she was right.  And incidentally Howard also had an unhealthy "momma's boy" relationship with his mother so I see some parallels there.



On 4/28/2022 at 1:36 AM, Auntie Anxiety said:


Did you see the chunks of beef he was stuffing into his mouth? It was sickening. Run, Katina!! 

The minute Chris and Alyssa left the show, I knew I’d rue that day. 


On 4/28/2022 at 4:09 AM, NowVoyager said:

Lol! I thought I hallucinated that! I was like: Wait. Whut? Did he just? ... No. No, no, no. 😅

The thing that irks me is: Olajuwon is constantly putting Katina down. Saying that he's achieved certain things in his life and she hasn't. Welp:

🗣 Olajuwon, you have stuff to work on, too. Like table manners.


On 4/28/2022 at 8:20 AM, Cancun said:

I laughed and laughed at that. Ignoramus indeed!

I'm editing my reaction, based on the sensitive observation of @StatisticalOutlier.  It is a bit sad that production chose to exploit his lack of worldliness for entertainment purposes. (I once sat next to a guy at a fancy work dinner who sipped from the finger bowl because he thought it was some kind of special tea. I certainly did not laugh at him, and my heart broke a little.) But this is O…so now I’m all kinds of conflicted since he loves to say how Kat lacks life experience.



On 4/28/2022 at 9:09 AM, Mr. Miner said:

Mark the Shark should change his nickname to Mark the Dork. I don't even care what happens on DD. I will check in here to see if anybody stayed together. I think they will be 1 for 5 at best.


On 4/28/2022 at 10:26 AM, Allison1 said:

O makes ZERO sense when he rambles on and on.  He wants kids?  Or does he want to travel?  Or does he want a stay at home wife who cooks and cleans?  The way he belittled Katina's job was horrible (I work at home and believe me, I work!).  And he continues to strike me as someone who could be very scary as a spouse. 


On 4/28/2022 at 11:28 AM, Jeanne222 said:

Nooooo. Lab created????  He might as well go to JC Penny’s jewelry counter. I’m going to have to take another look at that!  Wow!


On 4/28/2022 at 11:32 AM, mythoughtis said:

Given his archaic idea that women should be the ones to cook and clean, and only work if it won’t interfere with their household duties( Lindsay called him out on that) i wouldn’t be surprised if your theory is correct. 
His thinking that working from home isn’t work is so old fashioned.  Being home doesn’t mean you have  hours of free time to cook gourmet meals.  It often means your employer monitors every keystroke and  will call you out for not touching the keyboard often enough. 

Yes she  is getting a late start on school.   As his mentor tried to tell him  - if she is the one, then you accept the entire  package.  Same thing should be said to Lindsay - if Mark’s the one, then he’s the one no matter what the sperm count is. 

I still think the only couple  that should say yes is Jasmina and Michael - If she would have just tried to kiss him.  They might be one that would say no and then get back together later. 


On 4/28/2022 at 11:34 AM, Retired at last said:

I don't trust D Day anymore. I prefer the Reunion show after 3 months of being together with. no cameras.

And another filler waste of time next week. I sure hope they can manage to get D Day with 4 horrible couples done in one 2-hour show. Then the 2-part Reunion, which might be interesting, except for seeing Allysa. 

I continue to dislike Noi more and more, which I didn't think was possible. Maybe because I liked her at the beginning. She seems to be be as dumb as a rock, totally inarticulate, immature, spoiled, and inflexible. Like many of you, I have no idea why she was picked and matched. The fact that she says she STILL doesn't understand what he does is ridiculous. Steve keeps saying that they have discussed this before. She needs to go live by herself, but I think they will say yes, with her thinking that she can live apart from him and he will be thinking that once he gives her a real ring, purchased by him instead of the show, she will be committed. (By the way, if it is a lab created stone, although she is stupid, she will be smart enough to have appraised.)

After the way the show started with O and Lindsey fighting, I think it is interesting that he is her only friend on this show. It was nice to see that she actually has a real friend, who seemed to be pretty normal. That fertility test was beyond disgusting and I can not think of any other couple who would have done that on camera. I agree that they will say yes, and, hopefully be done by the reunion.

I really want Michael to go first on D Day and for HIM to say no. I would hate for him to say yes and then have her say no.

At the beginning of the season, I thought that both Jasmeana and Katina were really pretty. Katina now looks just hard and is not pretty to me, at all. Jasmeana is still pretty, but she has yet to get her make-up messed up, so she looks the same as the wedding. I just kept hoping they would just kiss at the end to say good-bye, but, nope. I've gotta say, though, her shoes she wore for salsa were amazing! I truly want Katina to say no, but I have a feeling she may think that he is the best she can find, because she has no self-esteem and he is so horrible to her. Why they selected someone with a history of being in abusive relationships is horrible and they should be sued to pay for her therapy. He is a narcissistic misogynist and I want him to go away and never darken my screen again. I DON'T want to see any of these people show up on next season's filler shows giving their opinions.

Next week is another skip episode and then I might watch the D Day one - but only if it is one show. If they spilt it into two, I will just read the comments. I have enjoyed reading the posts here, so thanks!



Did you guys hear that Olaj will "allow" his wife to cook him dinners and work?

What a peach!

Unless Katrina only works part-time then working from home is very much a REAL job. Perhaps Olaj is unhappy with the amount of money she makes?

That diamond commercial told me the ring was totally comped and I doubt Steve paid for anything.

Noi said something about her past relationships with men who flew her to different countries. Was it a sugar-baby type of thing?

Jasmina had more chemistry with her friend, Miles, than she has ever shown with her husband.

I now know what makes me uncomfortable about Mark and Lindsey. She is a bit of a bully and he is a goofy dork. They will never satisfy each other.

That sperm scene was disgusting.

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On 4/28/2022 at 12:01 PM, Jeanne222 said:

In the beginning we pretty much loved the show and couples. I’ve noticed the last few seasons everybody hates everybody!

What happened?  Too many shows?  Not enough good choices in the crowds?  Older, more set in their ways spouses?  Bad experts?

These couples seem very ill matched.  

This season has been a big disappointment!

I've watched some of the earlier seasons on Netflix and Hulu, and the vibe is very different. I think there's too much Production Manipulation that makes this show less enjoyable.

There's enough inherent drama in regular people getting married at first sight; there's no need to manufacture more by choosing and pairing off couples that have no shot at making this work. So instead of having a mix of couples, with at least one or two worth rooting for, they force (yeah, I know watching is optional, but still . . .) the audience to sit through hours of painfully unworkable relationships so that we all can't wait for these people to never have to see each other ever again.

Edited by Vanderboom
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