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S04.E14: A Hard Way to Go

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Well, that was half-assed in just about every important way: plotting, pacing, themes, outcome. Even the acting was sub-par compared to previous seasons. This finale season was so bad that it's making me wonder if I rated the previous seasons too highly...

...Nah, this was just shit. 

Edited by Penman61
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5 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I am still weirded out by John Boy Walton saying "have a blessed fucking day" 

Spoiler - this should tell you my age :)

Me too.  I don't even remember his character's name - I just thought of him as John Boy.  An evil John Boy.  The actor did a great job doing a totally different character.

I am just so pissed off.  The writers think they are really cute, don't they?  Killing Ruth off and leaving us on a cliffhanger regarding Jonah shooting the annoying private eye character.  WTF?  That's the kind of show this is, but this time they are not coming back to show us what happened next, so that's just a nice howdy-doo.  Guess they were afraid to tie everything up too neatly and make it too much of a Pollyanna ending, but that was just mean.

Oh, and as another poster mentioned, NO WAY would Ruth just walk up to an unknown car like that.  They had to really dumb her down to get that scene.

Edited by Blue Plastic
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Well, that was really disappointing. I don't understand why they'd have an ending that most people won't like. I don't buy that they were staying true to the show. Ruth survived impossible situations before, so why not this time? Many evil people died on the show and many evil people survived. 

Jonah shooting the PI at the end wasn't particularly interesting. He wasn't even the first (or second) person he wanted to shoot. He should have at least told him to put down the ashes before he shot him. Now poor Ben is probably blowing in the Ozark wind.

I get that the Byrde's couldn't as much as gesture toward Ruth or their kids would be in jeopardy, but they could have simply called her during the time when they were out of sight and nobody would have known (or to protect themselves further, called Rachel and had her tell Ruth).

I enjoyed this season up until the last ten minutes.

Edited by Badlands
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I liked the end. The whole reason Marty and Wendy did everything they did was to get out of that life and go legit and that’s what happened. 

I hoped Ruth would make it out but unfortunately she had to pay for Javi, just like Javi did for Wyatt.

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Maybe it's just me but I felt the ending was kind of incomplete.

I going into episode 8, I had the feeling that the adult Byrdes were gonna die at the end... and that did not happen.

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The actress playing Camila played another character also named Camila on Queen of the South that also ran a cartel. I watched the entire part 2 calling the character "Camila" because I'm thinking of her character on Queen of the South. She was gonna be "Camila from Queen of the South" until I remember character's name.

The character's name didn't stick for me until the FBI meeting at the funeral home and I'm like "oh shit. The character's name is actually Camila."

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5 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Let me get all deep here. Jonah shooting the PI was the ultimate corruption of everything Marty and Wendy wanted, Marty in particular. What did Marty want? For the kids to be safe and uncorrupted and untainted by the criminal life. Up until this point - they could have moved back to Chicago and pretended the Ozark interlude was just that. Wendy in particular has a deep center of denial and Marty was willing to go along with it because the kids were safe and uncorrupted.... and now Marty is forced to see the truth.  That it was ALL FOR NOTHING and his family has gone down the shitter. 


This is a good interpretation, but my only problem with it is Wendy and Mary appear to be slightly smiling and encouraging Jonah to do it as if they don't care that their child has been horribly corrupted. It made me sick. I wonder if showrunners care anymore about the rewatchability of their shows? It felt to me like times when I'm reading a book that I hate the ending of so much I throw the book at the wall. I will not do the same w/my laptop. 

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4 hours ago, tomsmom said:

I liked the end. The whole reason Marty and Wendy did everything they did was to get out of that life and go legit and that’s what happened. 

I hoped Ruth would make it out but unfortunately she had to pay for Javi, just like Javi did for Wyatt.

I don’t feel like the Byrdes did get completely out. They still had to deal with Camilla, and they lied that they didn’t know who killed Javier.  Now they will assumedly have to bury Mel somewhere, too.  And now Jonah is finally a murderer.

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5 hours ago, tomsmom said:

The whole reason Marty and Wendy did everything they did was to get out of that life and go legit and that’s what happened. 

I don't think Wendy, specifically, wanted to get out of that life without her stuff.

Marty was willing to start fresh, forfeit everything and leave it all behind. Wendy wanted to keep the perks, the casino(s), and influence that their illegalities got them, and just leave the illegalities behind. Wendy loves the power-brokering and was not willing to give that up. Wendy tried hard to keep her stuff and surgically remove the cartels, drugs, and murders.

Are they really legit? I think the ending is showing us that the Byrdes getting out of the life is never going to happen. They are always going to have this cartel experience that will hang over their heads. Camila is always a phone call away and the Byrdes are always accessible to her. Someone will always have to die because they dug up the Byrdes' cartel past. If the Shaw deal falls apart, the first people to receive phone calls would be the Byrdes.

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1 hour ago, Blue Plastic said:

I don’t feel like the Byrdes did get completely out. They still had to deal with Camilla, and they lied that they didn’t know who killed Javier.  Now they will assumedly have to bury Mel somewhere, too.  And now Jonah is finally a murderer.

Well, they still have the crematorium at the mortuary.  I suspect they'll be smart enough to dispose of the ashes this time, rather than hanging onto them as they did with Wendy's brother.  Something tells me there needs to be a couple of burials at sea in the lake.

And I agree.  They'll never get completely out . . . especially if they have to keep getting rid of Jonah's victims' bodies.

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12 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

And I agree.  They'll never get completely out . . . especially if they have to keep getting rid of Jonah's victims' bodies.

The reason they'll never get out is because they destroyed their children. Look at Jonah, it truly sickens me. I wanted a different ending. I knew the minute they had that dumb, lazy flashforward car accident, it would be lame. They used the accident to get Jonah to go back to his family. Ick. The only pain Wendy/Marty have going forward is off-screen where we can't see because the show is over. Of course, they seem perfectly cool with ruining their son. There aren't enough words to explain how disgusted I am. Wendy, so worried in S1 that Jonah would be one of those beautiful, strange kids that would shoot up a school. Well, what about this? Is this okay, bitch wolf? 

Edited by jensunflower
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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

I hated the ending, Wendy doesn't deserve to live. 

Yes exactly. 

Reminded me of the house of cards ending when Claire gets away with everything. 

Also Wendy doesn't give a shit about any of them. She likes control and power not people. 

Edited by DrSpaceman73
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4 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

I have a soft spot for Sam (realtor then strip club manager then hotel clerk) and hope he steals Nathan's (Wendy's father) girlfriend away and has a happy life.


Yeah I assume it was headed that way

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1 hour ago, AntFTW said:

I don't think Wendy, specifically, wanted to get out of that life without her stuff.

Marty was willing to start fresh, forfeit everything and leave it all behind. Wendy wanted to keep the perks, the casino(s), and influence that their illegalities got them, and just leave the illegalities behind. Wendy loves the power-brokering and was not willing to give that up. Wendy tried hard to keep her stuff and surgically remove the cartels, drugs, and murders.

Agreed. Wendy got off on the power - that she decided to tell Shumer the senator or whatever to fuck right the hell off purely because she felt her power rising was so a sign of that She loves the power to be that bitch wolf. 


2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Are they really legit? I think the ending is showing us that the Byrdes getting out of the life is never going to happen. They are always going to have this cartel experience that will hang over their heads. Camila is always a phone call away and the Byrdes are always accessible to her. Someone will always have to die because they dug up the Byrdes' cartel past. If the Shaw deal falls apart, the first people to receive phone calls would be the Byrdes.

Oh yes. Its basically a fail on getting out. The kids maybe - despite probably shooting the PI, Jonas isn't likely to be reported by his parents for murder, so he could move forward with Charlotte and live a crime free, cartel free life. But Marty and Wendy? Are tied to the cartel and to the FBI. Frankly, as is, there's a lot of problems here. Navarro is dead but his sister seems like a bit of a bitch wolf herself. Of all people, Three Langhorne is the largest owner in the casino, and Rachel is likely to be a continued opponent to the money laundering. Marty and Wendy are not free of this at all. 

3 hours ago, BeatrixK said:

And Evil Drunk John Boy is going to scar me for life.

And you know what really creeped me out? Was how much he looks like the guy who played the dad on the Waltons now that he's an older man.

And just how creepy he was - I'm still musing, seriously, about who was telling the truth, Wendy or him? Was he genuinely always evil or was Wendy such a wild hateful teenager that she drove him to his behavior?

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14 minutes ago, Pike Ludwell said:

Or, instead of having Jonah do a surprise shooting to kill the PI, they could have had the surprise shooting be "Three" shooting Camila from the roof of the trailer.

WHy not both? I rather like the idea of Three shooting Camila but I did like Jonah killing the PI too.

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2 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

WHy not both? I rather like the idea of Three shooting Camila but I did like Jonah killing the PI too.

Right you are. Both would have been great. I guess I was thinking that two in a row was maybe too much. But still way better than this ending.

Edited by Pike Ludwell
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5 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Are they really legit? I think the ending is showing us that the Byrdes getting out of the life is never going to happen. They are always going to have this cartel experience that will hang over their heads. Camila is always a phone call away and the Byrdes are always accessible to her. Someone will always have to die because they dug up the Byrdes' cartel past. If the Shaw deal falls apart, the first people to receive phone calls would be the Byrdes.


2 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Agreed. Wendy got off on the power - that she decided to tell Shumer the senator or whatever to fuck right the hell off purely because she felt her power rising was so a sign of that She loves the power to be that bitch wolf. 

To me Marty & Wendy will never be legitimate bc they never were. The fact that they were always talking about "getting out" at some point like they weren't the ones who volunteered to work for a cartel was laughable. As was Wendy's attitude that voter fraud was a shocking! bridge too far when they've been bribing for all their political influence.  

Granted I had a similar bloodlust for Wendy that I had for Elizabeth Jennings and maybe I'm tired of television characters being as unindictable as folks I watch on the news every day. Maybe writers want to make the less conventional choice bc they think it's more honest or daring.

But what just absolutely set my hair on fire are the last two episodes and the scenes with Wendy explaining herself to her children, recognizing her role in Ben's doom, feeling sort of bad that Ruth is going to die. It felt like something tacked on and strange and I don't care that Wendy's dad is a pig. Because Wendy is still the absolute bloody worst. 

And they wasted the character of Rachel again. And I still think the folks in Osage are way overstating Marty's likability.  

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Well, that ending was such a let down. What was the point of the flashforward with the car rolling? I thought that a least one of her would be dead. Instead, it was, oh, we were in a car accident. Why show of this suspenseful moment for it to end up being totally meaningless.

I thin Ruth expected to die. But she is not stupid enough to get out of her car and approach a stopped ve Nile, Maybe she figured that it was inevitable and she has made peace with it.

I really thought all of it after the car crash was kind of pointless and more of the same.

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I didn't have that much of a problem with the finale. The Jonah story is interesting. We've seen him pull and use a gun before, but he never took the shot. He'd even made the comment about going straight (at least through high school). But now we can assume, to save his family, he took the shot, finally crossed the line and showed that he has the capacity to kill. My imagination took me to Wendy being pleased and Marty seriously struggling with that realization.

With the emphasis this season on Wendy's flaws, I really thought she wouldn't survive. I was less surprised by those that died than who didn't. While I might be a bit disappointed with Ruth dying, she did murder Navarro's nephew. As soon as Clare gave her up, that ending was sealed. As for Marty and Wendy, there were so many close calls, but they have continued to survive. Marty, at least, considered the consequences of decisions. I watched a bit of the 'Farewell to Ozark' episode and the Byrdes were described as an 'invasive species' who arrive, take over and destroy everything around them. Seems pretty accurate.

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I knew one of the main characters was going to die, just wasn't sure which one.  I'm fine with it being Ruth.  Her plot armor lasted until the end.  She, as well as Darlene, should have died when the union mob boss sought retaliation for his son getting his junk blown off by Darlene.  It could have been one of the Byrdes, but oh well.

Fade to black ending was stupid on The Sopranos and it is stupid here.  Having the PI reappear was all kinds of dumb.  For some one that was a good cop, he was real stupid.  He broke into their house, no warrant, to get evidence that would immediately be thrown out and ruin any case against the Byrdes.  Right, it would ruin their reputation, but that wouldn't last.  How easy would it be for them to discredit him and say he held a grudge?  Better to never have brought him back.

Overall, I liked Ozark.  Lots of twists and turns.  Beyond that idiotic ending, I am fine with it.  Byrdes are "out", but not really as they're still on the FBI and cartel's radar.  They will forever be looking over their shoulder.  Well, onward to the next show.

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My sister had recommended "Ozark" for a while, so I binge-watched it this spring and waited a whole month (LOL) for the rest of Season 4.

I agree that the writing was anemic, and I'm truly pissed that Ruth was killed, yet Camilla is around. And I'm disgusted that Wendy is still alive. Johah shooting the PI doesn't fuss me too much; that character was beyond annoying. And we didn't actually see the PI killed - maybe it was a warning shot?

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12 minutes ago, Katalina said:

Johah shooting the PI doesn't fuss me too much; that character was beyond annoying. And we didn't actually see the PI killed - maybe it was a warning shot?

The PI showing up and having Ben's ashes after breaking into the Byrd's home was a weak point for me. 

Mostly because his loyalty to chasing the case made no sense, and worse, once you let yourself be bought, you can't regain the moral high ground. He knows the Byrds are in the cartel and that they consistently "make things happen" to people. He knows that they had the power to wipe out a drug charge and get him reinstated. He's a cop - a reinstated cop - so he has to know that *breaking into their house and stealing Ben's ashes* makes Ben's ashes as evidence inadmissible.

Also, maybe I am over thinking this but didn't the Byrds install a massive, super loud alarm system after Darlene etc got into the habit of breaking into the house?

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32 minutes ago, Katalina said:

My sister had recommended "Ozark" for a while, so I binge-watched it this spring and waited a whole month (LOL) for the rest of Season 4.

I agree that the writing was anemic, and I'm truly pissed that Ruth was killed, yet Camilla is around. And I'm disgusted that Wendy is still alive. Johah shooting the PI doesn't fuss me too much; that character was beyond annoying. And we didn't actually see the PI killed - maybe it was a warning shot?

Yes I wondered if he shot the PI or could have shot one of the others instead?  Is it supposed to be a mystery ending?   

But probably the PI

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I'd rather think that Jonah shot the cookie jar, scattering the ashes, and then they chased the PI away while they cleaned up the ashes.

Totally out of character for Ruth to just walk up to that vehicle empty-handed after everything that's happened on this show.  She would have either u-turned out of there, dropping f-bombs all the way, or marched into her trailer to get the shotgun like she's done so many times.

That deep into it, there's no way the Byrdes are getting free of anything.  At best, it's a temporary respite until the cartel or the FBI want something else.

A disappointing finale, in my opinion.




Edited by cdnalor
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I was talking to a friend week and said I was convinced Ruth would die. Once I saw her shoot Javi I figured I was right. I would have preferred it be Wendy but it is what it is. 

I enjoyed the show and I thought the ending was ok. (no how I met your mother levels of hate from me). 
overall it was a fantastic show.  

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17 hours ago, Pike Ludwell said:

Or, instead of having Jonah do a surprise shooting to kill the PI, they could have had the surprise shooting be "Three" shooting Camila from the roof of the trailer.

I was totally hoping for that to happen!  The whole set up was pretty weak.  Why, all of a sudden, does she just pull up to the strange vehicle on her property instead of turning her truck around and getting away? 

Wendy should have died in that car accident.  That was so ridiculous.  

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Wow, Marty actually yelling and threatening Ruth. She did come through on her end. I totally forgot about the accident until all 4 got into the car! That was one big stunt. 

I'm still a little surprised Navarro didn't realize his sister ordered the hit until now. All the back and forth with him and Camila this episode I'm holding my breath the whole time. 

Clare. Of course. I mean, the Byrdes have to just let it happen. tbh, I feel like if Ruth didn't make the take on the casino nothing would have happened. You don't play Pete Rock and CL Smooth for a happy ending. Ruth went out boss though. I'm impressed that Camila had the spine to do it herself. 

I laughed at Mel at the end. You could have just gone back on the force. I liked Wendy's 'since when?' I don't know what this says about me, but Mel was sanctimonious and only stuck around because he was in to Mya. She screwed up and her sanctimony got him got. For what? Mind your business, do your job, get out. 

He had Ben's ashes, but there's really only circumstantial evidence at best. They could have blamed it on Omar. 

On 4/30/2022 at 9:22 AM, tomsmom said:

I liked the end. The whole reason Marty and Wendy did everything they did was to get out of that life and go legit and that’s what happened. 

I've been rooting for them to 'get away with it' since the start. Marty was good at his job. It's criminal, but he was the best. Wendy was good at her job. Being massively manipulative. The tragic part I guess is that the kids can't live a normal life, but that never was really an option once they moved to the Ozarks. 

On 4/30/2022 at 1:59 PM, Blue Plastic said:

I don’t feel like the Byrdes did get completely out. They still had to deal with Camilla, and they lied that they didn’t know who killed Javier.  Now they will assumedly have to bury Mel somewhere, too.  And now Jonah is finally a murderer.

As much as they think they're going 'legit', I have no doubt Wendy will fall back on her ways when she needs to. She was willing to go with the voting machines. Clare is clearly (ha) the weak link and if pressed will give up the Byrdes being there when Ruth took care of Javier. So that other shoe is always hanging there and always will be. I think they made a tactical error going with Camila because she was not nearly as rational an actor game theory wise as Omar, and I think if Omar found out about Ruth, he wouldn't have retaliated.

Bad people get away with stuff sometimes. 

Anyone watching "A farewell to Ozark"? Even the actor playing Darlene was like 'Darlene can't be kicking around for so long.'

I guess there's no more Langmore curse if there's no more Langmores. 

Edited by DoctorAtomic
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I did not like the ending,   Ruth's behavior at the end, was out of character.  

But  I wonder, since they were showing her remembering her family,   seeing them, talking to Wyatt, was that foreshadowing that she would be joining them soon?  Or was she missing them and just tired of it all.  Money and power don't mean much if you have lost your whole family.    

I know she still had Three.  But maybe she thought since he would inherit  all that was hers, he would be able to make a fresh start.   He could sell out and do whatever he wanted, no ties, nothing. That is sad too but maybe best for him.  

I really do not care about the Byrde's.  Maybe Jonah shot Wendy.  Hah.    

And i was also waiting for someone, anyone, Three, Rachel, Jonah, anyone, to shoot  Camilla from the roof.  



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3 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Does he know that though? 

Wyatt’s attorney and Rachel are still alive? So they’d know Ruth was Wyatt’s heir and if Ruth didn’t have a will, then Three would be next of kin. His best option would be sell it the Byrdes (Rachel wouldn’t have the cash and installments would leave him dependent on the Byrdes, too) and gtfo. Leave the Ozarks and find a place no one knows him. Legal name change, the whole works.

The highlight of the entire series was Helen’s headshot at the end of the S3, and the only time I laughed was when REO Speedwagon’s manager flat out said Marty wanted to launder some money after Marty pussy-footed a word salad about renting equipment. The only character I liked was Myra and then they messed that up, too.

This is why I don’t usually watch shows like this in real time. I watch them when the series is complete because when I realize it’s an overrated crapfest I can skip to the Wiki page. This is a Wiki read.

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4 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Yes I wondered if he shot the PI or could have shot one of the others instead?  Is it supposed to be a mystery ending?   

But probably the PI

The new favorite thought your post planted in my mind: The pause between the screen going black and the sound of the gunshot was just long enough for Jonah to turn,  take aim,  and shoot Wendy.  Suddenly, I don't hate the ending any more.

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28 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Does he know that though? 

Well, he knows Ruth had a shit ton of money from Darlene and Wyatt dying. He may not specifically know that Ruth used the money for a legal purchase of a majority share in the casino but the purchase was a legal, documented business deal, and now Ruth is dead and he's the only family survivor so lawyers will be in touch. Its not like we're talking about a stash of cash in Buddy's mausoleum. As it is, the lines of inheritance make me wonder why *Ruth* was the sole beneficiary of Darlene and Wyatt dying. I can buy that Darlene might not have had any other relatives alive, but Wyatt had Ruth the cousin and Three his younger brother to inherit...

Regardless, Ruth had a lawyer and Rachel was aware of the money. Rachel is reasonably honest and unlikely to somehow screw Three over and if there's no will, there are trackable known financial assets, and there IS the reality that Ruth had legal custody of Three, her cousin so after the estate lingers a bit, it goes to Three as the last Langmore standing. 

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The problem with the second half of this season is that basically every character had to carry the idiot ball for the sake of drama.

Omar: Sure, I'll lie and tell my sister that I had her son killed. She'll totally be cool with that!

Camilla: I totally won't have Marty and Wendy killed even though I could do it at any time and they are the only thing standing in the way of my taking over the Navarro cartel, and also it's possible that they will figure out that I put the hit on Omar and they might tell him. Also, apparently I'm not going to bother having anyone do some basic detective work. Because that would have revealed Javi killed Darlene and Wyatt shortly before he was killed (a possible motive) and that Javi took a call from Wendy the night of his disappearance. It probably would not have been too tough to get footage either from Shaw's security or elsewhere showing that Javi did in fact return that night. Also, I think despite having an army of mooks, I am going to personally drive out to Ruth's property and gun her down. And despite being willing to inflict graphic violence on someone for merely lying about my son's death, I'm going to single-shot kill the woman who killed him. 

Marty/Wendy: We won't tell Omar about Camilla and in fact we'll suggest a plan where Camilla takes on greater power in Mexico.

Charlotte/Jonah: Sure, we'll agree to go move with Grandpa even though a) he's super-religious and we're not b) Mom describes him as an abusive monster c) there's nothing in NC really for us and d) them moving to NC likely won't have them safe.

Maybe I missed it, but was there an explanation of why they were willing to move with Grandpa other than "Mom's also a monster?" Did Marty ever express a personal feeling on the kids possibly moving to NC? Did either Marty or Wendy think for a second well, maybe the cartel will leave the kids alone if they are in NC so it would be a good thing?

Ruth: People have already talked about the approaching a strange car unarmed. But I'd also add the whole maneuvering to become the majority owner of the Missouri Belle plot. Why exactly would she do that? Once she had all of Darlene's money, she didn't need more. Was it purely to fuck with Marty? But why would she do that when she knows all too well about the cartel's involvement and what it would mean if she screws with the cartel's laundering scheme?

Mel: I have put together a whole bunch of circumstantial evidence that the powerful Byrde family has cartel ties and likely was involved in at least three murders (the lawyer, the sheriff and Ben). But building a stronger case by the book is for saps. I'm going to break into the Byrdes' house, casting doubts on any evidence I procure from there, and if it supports my suspicions, I am just going to confront them alone and in the dark at their home, rather than in a public place or with the full force of actual law enforcement behind me. 

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14 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Well, he knows Ruth had a shit ton of money from Darlene and Wyatt dying. He may not specifically know that Ruth used the money for a legal purchase of a majority share in the casino but the purchase was a legal, documented business deal, and now Ruth is dead and he's the only family survivor so lawyers will be in touch. Its not like we're talking about a stash of cash in Buddy's mausoleum. As it is, the lines of inheritance make me wonder why *Ruth* was the sole beneficiary of Darlene and Wyatt dying. I can buy that Darlene might not have had any other relatives alive, but Wyatt had Ruth the cousin and Three his younger brother to inherit...

The show brought up that at some point Ruth became Wyatt's legal guardian. As such, the show put forth that Ruth would be the sole beneficiary.

I don't think that is how the law would work: At most, according to the chart at the link below, Ruth would get half and Three would get half. And that's assuming "legal guardian" has the same status as a parent.  More likely Three would get everything.



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2 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

The show brought up that at some point Ruth became Wyatt's legal guardian. As such, the show put forth that Ruth would be the sole beneficiary.

I don't think that is how the law would work: At most, according to the chart at the link below, Ruth would get half and Three would get half. And that's assuming "legal guardian" has the same status as a parent.  More likely Three would get everything.

I agree. Its not the biggest error but yeah, it either should have been split, or Three the sole heir. Easily remedied too, with a throw away scene of Darlene saying "Did you make your will? The property needs to stay in local hands" and there's how Ruth is the sole heir. 

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