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S05.E17: Tell All Part 2

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2 hours ago, Adeejay said:

However, I don't believe for a second that she was sick.  

I didn’t either.  She was probably worried they would question the timing of that last pregnancy.  

Edited by Kid
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39 minutes ago, Spectator said:

Mahogany should go into politics. She is tremendous at manipulating a conversation and brilliantly deflecting whenever she feels cornered by a tough question. Although her behavior is not admirable on principal, her skills are quite impressive for someone with so few years of life experience. Even before this tell all episode, she exhibited these same skills. She’s asked a tough question and she delivers an incomprehensible word salad in return. Ben catches her in a lie and she turns the tables and somehow Ben winds up being the one who apologizes. Granted, she found an easy target in Ben, a desperate fool who sops up her manipulation and comes back for more, but man, the woman has some skills. 

My favorite exchange:

That is my university.

Why don’t you live on campus?

I don’t know.




13 minutes ago, JeanJean said:

"Te quiero" is more like saying "I love you" to a friend or family member. To a lover or spouse you would say, "Te amo." 

Ella said touch is her "love language." (Groan - aren't we passed all the new age stuff yet? Get off my lawn!) Unfortunately for her, most other people's love language is "Don't cheat on me or we're done."

Next she will tell us what her spirit animal is.  Cheap joke — bison?

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Shaun really dropped the ball this time.  Why not confront Usman with the fact that he was doing more than flirting with Zara? That he called her the second Kim left, wearing the necklace she bought him, never mentioned her, but did talk about getting back together with Zara. While that's not cheating, that's damn well planning to. So why is Usman being let off the hook so easily by everyone? Him saying "I didn't cheat" isn't the issue. He betrayed Kim emotionally the first chance he got. 

I will never stop shaking my head about these messy-ass lunatics all advising and counseling each other, as if they all aren't involved in enormous dumpster fire relationships themselves. Kim is the #1 offender, with PastorBen a close 2nd. Oh, they got counseling and advice for errybody! And yet their own judgment is just demonstratively so monstrously disastrous. But sure, Life coach Ben...  interfere in other people's lives, since your life has gone so spectacularly well. Sure, psychotherapist Kim. Keep doling out that shitty advice. Look how much public humiliation that's brought you.

Thank dog this season is over. This one was brutal. Such awful, awful people.

Edited by FrancescaFiore
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My goodness, fellow snarkers! I just dozed off and started to dream Shaun and Mike were getting into a tub together and sharing snacks! The nightmarish aspects brought me back to full wakefulness. Zounds!

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6 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Shaun really dropped the ball this time.

This time?  She drops it ALL THE TIME!


6 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Sure, psychotherapist Kim. Keep doling out that shitty advice. Look how much public humiliation that's brought you.

Thank dog this season is over. This ine was brutal. Such awful, awful people.

They all were very awful, yes?  I exempt Jonny.  But he is a doormat.

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14 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Also, Hamza and Nelcy's husbands need to learn basic guy manners. When your wife leaves a group environment suddenly, you go with her, at least to walk her out to the car.

Yes, I was thinking the same.  She felt sick?  Bullshit.  He loves the new life and being on American tv.  I don’t blame the guy.  She probably told him when things get hot, I’m leaving.

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I just had a birthday and didn't know it was my right to fly in companionship.  All I did was eat chocolate cake and lose $100 at slots within 45 minutes. 

Speaking of throwing money away I bet Ben actually spent the least with his $1,000 compared to the rest of the panel except Memphis maybe and Ella spent hers domestically.

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I must be in the small group that thought Ben's friend asked good questions of Mahog that she dodged like an expert.  And when Stephanie realized Ben was coming to her spilling the tea on Mahogs and Stephanie advised him based on what he said, only to find out he told Mahog that Stephanie was drama, she apologized to Mahogs.  Ben was talking out of both sides of his mouth and I applaud Stephanie for calling him on it on National TV.  She said things to him I wanted to say.  So I give big kudos to Stephanie for not going after Mahogs and actually acknowledging Ben lied to her about the whole relationship.

And asking the question about not video chatting because too shy but has sexy pictures online was a good question.  She was not shaming Mahogs, just asking a valid question.  I am not sure what Mahogs game is but she sure is good at it.  I have no sympathy for Ben.

The nicest guest last night goes to Hamza.  What a handsome polite man.  I hope the best for him.  Does the baby even look like  him?  

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56 minutes ago, mytmo said:

I bet Ben actually spent the least with his $1,000

My guess is it was more than $1000.  What did she need it for, the deposit on the Airbnb?

I was a little surprised that Memza left the reunion not feeling well but Hamza stayed, that is the sort of thing that most of these women would be screaming about, you know like they had to go back to the hotel all by themselves with no man to sit bedside and cater to them. Actually, it seemed that everyone was leaving the Tell All with luggage as though they were heading to the airport if so, where was Memza going if she felt ill?

What is in it for Johnny, he seems to okay living in China with his elderly parents and child, why would he want to leave them to move to Wyoming to be isolated from well, everything, stuck with a cheating, lying girlfriend who would make him her servant.  It's not like there is a big pay day waiting for him when he gets here.

Hamza might get the award for being the most polite person on the stage but Kim gets the pot calling the kettle black award, she has paid for sex with Usman, giving him the gaming system, laptop and lest we forget the gold tone name necklace in which she probably spent more one the shipping of than the actual necklace.

How would a normal person react to Xcema dipping in and out of their relationship three times in 10 minutes?  Mike thrives on being treated like an idiot, X is like a vending machine, you get nothing out of it until you put money in to it. Everyone sees it but Mike. how is this relationship satisfying?  A normal person would have said they were done with X a lot sooner but Mike wants every penny drained from his bank account and wants the public humiliation (does that cost extra?), did we learn if he paid for X's cosmetic surgery?

I thought it was strange that anytime Ben was looking for the always absent Mahogany she was always on the beach, why was she hovering about the area if she did not want to meet up with Ben?  They were in a town not near her home town, correct?

Ben's friend asked killer questions, please take note Shawn, please take note.

Edited by Baltimore Betty
I forgot to mention Ben.
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5 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

My guess is it was more than $1000.  What did she need it for, the deposit on the Airbnb?

I was a little surprised that Memza left the reunion not feeling well but Hamza stayed, that is the sort of thing that most of these women would be screaming about, you know like they had to go back to the hotel all by themselves with no man to sit bedside and cater to them. Actually, it seemed that everyone was leaving the Tell All with luggage as though they were heading to the airport if so, where was Memza going if she felt ill?


Probably because they had already discussed what they were going to do if things were going to get tough.

Me leave poop, you stay okay ? Okay

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12 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

You know Memphis faked the illness because she saw how ugly things had been and that she was getting grilled next.  I hope she doesn’t get paid for the Tell All and is not invited back for further seasons.

I wonder what she feared others would say about her.  I mean, she could just respond by saying her attorney advised her to get a prenupt.   I can’t imagine it would have been that severe.  Maybe, I’m missing something.  

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OMG...where to start. First of all, Shaun always does a shitty job hosting, but this was off the charts bad. Jasmine and Ben's friend, Jessica, asked some really good questions and Shaun would just sort of change teh topic instead of pushing for an answer, hell, even waiting for an answer. 

Ben/Mahogs---ok, so now we know why he was at the mall with her in Lima in the past few months. Jackass flew BACK to Peru and they rekindled their...what? Not a romance. Basically, Mahogs is doing what Ximena is doing, but in a classier, more "good girl" package. She has ZERO interest in Ben romantically long term, but hey, she will let the old fool (how many times did she refer to him as an old man or a much older man? A lot. The gap is a big deal) spend his $$ on her while she lives it up at the beach with her friends. Did you see how pised off she was that he shared his pics and video footage of the event? And pointed out that he LIED and told her he was coming back just on his own, no cameras. And even then WTF, she didn't meet him he randomly found her on the beach instead of the meet up point. His friend asked her some very valid questions which Shaun let her sidestep----why are you asking this dude you met online, who you don't even trust enough to have a video chat, why ask HIM and not your parents for the "loan"? Her point about the "provocative" pics online wasn't that Mahogs is a slut for posting those, but that she obviously is not SHY if she posted them for the world to see, yet she wasn't willing to video chat and show herself shoulders up to converse with a potential soulmate love intereste? Bullshit. I loved the total 180 Jessica did and how she called Ben out on being a narc and shitty friend. Mic drop Jessica. Every single time Ben started to "counsel" the other couples or mentioned his background as a pastor, I wanted to punch the tv. The man has zero self awareness. Loved that Kim called Mahogs out for running a game on him. Naturally, like Mike he won't ever accept that because he is the big strong man and she is the innocent little sheep or gazelle in need of protection. Hurl. 

Ella/Johnny---He is a doormat. That or he has some hidden agenda to get to bumbfuck USA when he seems to have a nice life in China with his sweet kid. She is one of THE most immature people I have seen on this franchise to date....the constant whining and crying. She is a perfect example of what I said about online dating---once I started, I quickly realized WHY some of these guys were still single when at first they seemed like such great finds. It has zero to do with her obesity and all about her immature, whiny, self absorbed victim mentality. She reminds me of the people in school who would just give up during an exam or when parents would push them to study/do homework---just throws up her hands and cries, "But it is HAAAARD." If you touch is so important to you, don't look for a partner on the opposite side of the globe to start up with and pretend to commit to during a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. I still call BS on the hookup she described to Johnny---when Jasmine asked her what we were all thinking, did she make it up to just push him to travel, she hesitated WAY too long to answer. Shouldn't take that long to say, YES I actually did fuck that guy. And the birthday visitor---she absolutely fucked him. Or at least engaged in some stupid kinky role play with her walmart wigs. No guy flies across state lines to just eat birthday cake with you and then go off to a spare room. Maybe a lifelong bestie if they know you are depressed, not a dude you met on a dating site. Oh, and WTF was up with her CROCS. I mean, JFC, do they dress themselves does TLC not have wardrobe people on standby? Who wears white CROCS with socks on national tV and thinks it is a good look? ?

Mike/Ximena---why was this moron sitting there hanging his head and fake crying when X told him she didnt' love him?? She has been very clear and vocal about it.....she finds his ways totally disgusting and is not in love iwth him. She cares for him, but not in love. I think the best question came from his friend Nelsy when she asked her how she would feel if one of her sons was in the same kind of relationship and she said she would not be happy about it, it would not be ok. I assume TLC has some clause in the contract that these fools have to show up for the tell all or they don't get paid. So Mike finally GTFO of her house and wouldn't stop calling and throwing offers of money at her to "work on our differences" and she relented. It won't be a shocker when she dumps him in Cartagena. Or maybe it will be rinse, repeat. If she is still stringing him along, what is the deal with the dude in Canada? I was so angry at all of the support the other cast members gave Mike. Still insisting he is such a great guy and just acting like X needed to be groveling at his dog shit covered shoes because he selected her to bestow his generosity upon. They met, she made it clear that she was not attracted to him and has made multiple attempts to end it......


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1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Curious that she sniped at Ximena "Learn EEEENGLAAAAAAYS".

Funny how that was Mike’s main goal for her rather than oh treat me with kindness and respect.

1 hour ago, gaPeach said:

I must be in the small group that thought Ben's friend asked good questions of Mahog that she dodged like an expert.  And when Stephanie realized Ben was coming to her spilling the tea on Mahogs and Stephanie advised him based on what he said, only to find out he told Mahog that Stephanie was drama, she apologized to Mahogs.  Ben was talking out of both sides of his mouth and I applaud Stephanie for calling him on it on National TV.  She said things to him I wanted to say.  So I give big kudos to Stephanie for not going after Mahogs and actually acknowledging Ben lied to her about the whole relationship.

And asking the question about not video chatting because too shy but has sexy pictures online was a good question.  She was not shaming Mahogs, just asking a valid question.  I am not sure what Mahogs game is but she sure is good at it.  I have no sympathy for Ben.

The nicest guest last night goes to Hamza.  What a handsome polite man.  I hope the best for him.  Does the baby even look like  him?  

Stephanie is the one who sells farts in jars.  I think you mean Jessica.

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I haven't watched the Tell-All but have been following this thread.   I think I've watched it through your eyes, though.

Memphis/Hamza: Hamza was great in Part 1: polite, funny, and affectionate.  I'm assuming he was the same last night.  Spoilers show that things really imploded between them, unsurprisingly.  I wish him the best and hope Memphis will somehow let him be a father to their child (with the obvious huge assumption everyone's asked about for weeks).   Maybe the real paternity of that baby came to light.

Ben/Mahogany: Ben really called the other men "weak" for chasing around their women and basically being doormats?  Rich, coming from one who was uninvited to Peru but chased Mahogany around anyway.  Then, typically, he told a story to his friend that made him the good guy and Mahogany the little minx rejecting him?  This isn't to say Mahogs is innocent; far from it.  She might have the very best game in 90D history, if she has all of us confused as to what it is.  Not quite totally gold-digging; something else is going on.  Ben let himself get led around by one of his parts instead of his big head.  Even if they are together, which I doubt for long, it's toxic.   She won't even give "yes" or "no" answers and talks a great word salad.

Kim/Usman: My flabber was gasted upthread.  Did I really read that Kim was screeching at Ximena because Mike paid rent, bought this, that and the other, and she still didn't love him?  You don't spend to get love, it just comes.  Love doesn't have some baseline monetary value.  Not that I care for Usman, but this is why I disliked Kim: she presumably paid for the video, bought Usman those gifts, and then felt entitled to sex and a relationship.  It was two weeks of a transaction.  

Ella/Johnny: Gasted again.  She's reprehensible.  Question: Was Johnny upfront from go about supporting his child and parents, and Ella didn't give a hoot about that, because...Asian man?  That's even worse.  Johnny shouldn't have gotten so invested in the "relationship" that had so many red flags and roadblocks even pre-Covid.  Ella is like a big child and needs to work deeply on herself before she will be ready for any relationship.

Mike/Ximena: While I haven't liked Ximena, at the very least she listened to her gut and didn't follow Mike to America, much less pull her kids there.  She would have turned into almost a servant for Mike, Dad, and Gramps and if she objected, it would be "I took you and your family out of poverty, got you out of sex work, gave you all this, and you're still ungrateful? You'll be making it up to me for the rest of your life".  I have a feeling Mike was much worse than what was shown on camera to make her do that.  

This was great snark on some of the worst people I have ever seen.  Don't look now, but here comes another bunch that I suspect will prove "Beauty is as beauty does", and some of these are going to be very, very, ugly.


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10 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I wonder what she feared others would say about her.  I mean, she could just respond by saying her attorney advised her to get a prenupt.   I can’t imagine it would have been that severe.  Maybe, I’m missing something.  

I think Memphis was more scared of being blindsided by bringing on her ex husband or asked questions about the timing of the pregnancy.   Pretty sure she has been gaslighting Hazma to control him. 

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30 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

What is in it for Johnny, he seems to okay living in China with his elderly parents and child, why would he want to leave them to move to Wyoming to be isolated from well, everything

She is in Idaho but fair point.

33 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I thought it was strange that anytime Ben was looking for the always absent Mahogany she was always on the beach, why was she hovering about the area if she did not want to meet up with Ben? 

Looking for replacement old American male tourists?

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17 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I wonder what she feared others would say about her.  I mean, she could just respond by saying her attorney advised her to get a prenupt.   I can’t imagine it would have been that severe.  Maybe, I’m missing something.  

That she was banging her ex during the four days she slept over, Shaun asking how often she saw her ex after the wedding while Hamza was still overseas, pressing her on the timing of the pregnancy.  Not to mention the way she treated him and his family.

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I wonder if Memphis was told by her employer or professional association to behave more professionally. She was very quiet through all of it.

Maybe she really was sick with a migraine and if she’s breastfeeding is limited with what she can take for pain relief. 
I think she’s an idiot and am definitely not a fan but she could have been telling the truth.

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11 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

WTF did I just watch?! Everybody defending Incel Mike like we didn’t see him literally try to buy her affection? Buying her a couch means she’s required to marry him? She told him it was over and to stop sending money and somehow HE is the victim here? Sometimes relationships don’t work out, we’ve all been there.  She met him In person and decided he was gross. Harsh, but she told him the truth. Mike is choosing to ignore the many, many, many times she’s told him the truth and he is choosing to send her money because he thinks that’ll make her beholden to him. I’m shocked everyone was on his side. He’s so disgusting. 

All of this, exactly! Did X even fully know all of what was being said? She couldn't respond much because either she couldn't understand or all the panelists were going at her relentlessly, which would have been somewhat intimidating. SHE DOESN'T LOVE HIM. SHE OFFERED TO GIVE EVERYTHING BACK. Yet, these people were total Team Mike. Like you say, Mike, the poor, heart-of-gold, sweet VICTIM, everyone rooting for a relationship for him with someone - and that someone being X, the only woman who has ever given him the time of day, and who cares if he sickens her? Make a relationship with him work, damn it! Finally she had to give in because of the relentless badgering, all fingers pointing at her as the bad guy. Mike "wins" again - but only temporarily, as I'm sure that there is absolutely no chance of that relationship happening.

Jasmine is "hoping for a miracle" that makes X fall in love with him. Thank you, Jasmine, for your contribution. I had to laugh at that one.

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At first I thought John had a hickey on his neck but then it looked like a tattoo meant to portray a lipstick kiss?  Ugly as fuck.

Mike all smirking and condescending about everyone else’s relationships and then covering his face and sniveling his whole segment?

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27 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

At first I thought John had a hickey on his neck but then it looked like a tattoo meant to portray a lipstick kiss?  Ugly as fuck.

Mike all smirking and condescending about everyone else’s relationships and then covering his face and sniveling his whole segment?

Aerosmith?  I noticed it the first time they showed him, in a t-shirt.  It's unfortunate that that doesn't even clean up in a dress shirt.  Seems a bit young to be a fan of that band.

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37 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

I don’t remember this storyline at all.

Oops...in teh couples thread 


There have been pics posted on reddit from X's insta that she is engaged to a man from Canada. Online snoops alleged to have tracked this poor sap down and posted some deets about him, I think he is from Edmonton? 


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3 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

They all were very awful, yes?  I exempt Jonny.

See, I don't exempt him. He was ready to put Ella on some funky herbal weight loss regimen before he ever met her IRL. He just wanted an American girl and Ella was what he could get. Both of them are more into each other as a token of their respective cultures than they are into each other as individuals. Ella has an Asian fetish. Johnny has an American fetish. If they were genuinely into each other, they would have met in Dubai. Covid didn't stop any of the other couples from traveling to meet each other. If Johnny was on fire for Ella the way Kim was on fire for Usman or Ben was for Mahogany, no amount of quarantine, no level of risk would prevent him from getting to her. But he is in no great hurry because he's really not all that excited about the reality of her - only about the idea of being with an American woman in America. Johnny's fantasy isn't being with Ella in Dubai, so he blew that/her off. Johnny only wants what Johnny wants.

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3 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Johnny only wants what Johnny wants.

SHaun mentioned that he has plans to meet her in February (I guess they filmed this in Jan?)....curious if anyone knows if that meet up ever actually happened. 

Oh, the other biggest lie of the evening goes to Ella when they took a break and asked her if she wanted to go have lunch "I lost my appetite." Sorry, don't think she has ever lost her appetite. It's just something she has heard people say when they are upset and she was playing a role......victim. Always the victim even though SHE is the one who fucked up. Not Johnny

Edited by Stuckathome
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5 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:
8 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:


SHaun mentioned that he has plans to meet her in February (I guess they filmed this in Jan?)....curious if anyone knows if that meet up ever actually happened.

I understand that they need some lead time for editing but it would be nice if the Tell All were taped closer to the air date.  Three months old seems stale.

6 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

SHaun mentioned that he has plans to meet her in February (I guess they filmed this in Jan?)....curious if anyone knows if that meet up ever actually happened. 

Oh, the other biggest lie of the evening goes to Ella when they took a break and asked her if she wanted to go have lunch "I lost my appetite." Sorry, don't think she has ever lost her appetite. It's just something she has heard people say when they are upset and she was playing a role......victim. Always the victim even though SHE is the one who fucked up. Not Johnny

Some large people don’t like to eat In front of others because they don’t want them to see and comment on the quantity ingested.  She will eat plenty at the hotel I’m sure.

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11 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Shaun really dropped the ball this time.  Why not confront Usman with the fact that he was doing more than flirting with Zara? That he called her the second Kim left, wearing the necklace she bought him, never mentioned her, but did talk about getting back together with Zara. While that's not cheating, that's damn well planning to. So why is Usman being let off the hook so easily by everyone? Him saying "I didn't cheat" isn't the issue. He betrayed Kim emotionally the first chance he got. 

Completely agree. I thought there would and should have been more with these two. Her begging for sex should have been brought up, if only to further humiliate her in front of everyone. That was a big topic during their story. And WHY WAS THERE NO DISCUSSION AND ACCOUNTABILITY FOR JASMINE'S histrionic outbursts and rages? This was the epitome of bad hosting on Shaun's part. Gino was roasted relentlessly for his shenanigans, yet was there was nothing regarding Jasmine's over-the-top behavior? Did this happen when I left the room for a minute to snack-up? Jasmine now thinks she was totally in the right for her abusive rages. She will go on thinking she was justified and one day her rage may even escalate further.

I also didn't appreciate Jasmine's "I'm sorry, sweetie" during Kim's segment. Jasmine, just be quiet.  It always seems condescending for a younger woman to say that to an older woman.

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12 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

My favorite exchange:

That is my university.

Why don’t you live on campus?

I don’t know.

I liked "Why did you tell me you were 24?" (putting on coat) "I've got to leave now..." Exit stage left! 

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13 hours ago, Spectator said:

Teary eyed Ella: “I just wanted to have a good birthday”

Me: “wtf!??!!!” (while throwing a shoe and a slice of pizza at the tv)

What is she, 12 years old???? Does anyone over the age of 21 really put that much importance on celebrating his/her birthday????

She reminds me so much of that idiot Whitney Thore, even right down to the foreign boyfriend she only met online! IIRC, Twit also made a big deal about a birthday celebration and it wasn't even like it was some kind of significant milestone year. Maybe there's some connection between self-involvement, immaturity and morbid obesity. 

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1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

Oh, the other biggest lie of the evening goes to Ella when they took a break and asked her if she wanted to go have lunch "I lost my appetite." Sorry, don't think she has ever lost her appetite.

I have a disappoint. I know we snark in this forum, and that the folks on Reddit went to town with this, but I consider this to be low-hanging fruit. Too low-hanging to go for, in terms of snark fodder. There is so much fertile soil from which to sow snark where Ella is concerned... her weight needn't be the go-to. Just my opinion. Sorry to be that person.

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29 minutes ago, magemaud said:

My favorite exchange:

That is my university.

Why don’t you live on campus?

I don’t know.

To me this was the strangest....because, at least years ago when I lived there, Peruvian universities did not have college dorms. It is cost prohibitive. If a student was from outside of Lima, or not in a commuting distance, they rented rooms in pensiones....A family with a large house or apartment could make a nice extra income renting to a university student and providing room and board. Maybe now things have changed....but again, if (and that is a big if) she actually is from San Bartolo, that is south of Lima.....beach town. If she is studying at Cientifica, she probably rents a room nearby or lives in a house of a classmate. She is NOT most likely commuting each day from San Bartolo. Why didn't she just say, oh in Peru we don't have dorms or in Peru that is not very common instead of "I don't know." WTF

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I hope I'm not the only one angry with the men who think that after a woman says no they go out there anyway and blow up their phones and stalk them in their own country, trying to show up at their homes.  Both Mike and Ben have been the worst offenders.  Woman says no, go away I don't want to be in a relationship with you, should be the end.  Do they think that stalking them will make them change their minds?

My ex did that.  I told him outright to get out of my life.  It was only till he found someone else that he agreed to go away.  Even years later he'd try to contact me to catch up on things then ask about our past relationship.  Dude, it's been 10 years, leave me alone!  I ended up having to delete my email!

As for the rest, well, as an overweight woman, I understand some of Ella's viewpoint, but don't condone the things she did.  She'd better be on the straight and narrow with Johnny from now on.

Jasmine, wow.  There are times when she seems almost reasonable, then she starts screeching and losing her mind.  And Gino is no prize either.

I find it ultra manipulative for Usman to tell Kim that he could have any woman he wanted but he picks her.  Oh right, like you are doing her a favor.  Kim needs to wake up and dump him.  He can never be trusted.

Hamza is lovely.  Honestly, what a good guy.  And his family.  I hope that his heart doesn't get broken.

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1 minute ago, FrancescaFiore said:

her weight needn't be the go-to. Just my opinion. Sorry to be that person.

I agree and it isn't my go to---as you mention there is a LOT of stuff to snark on with the Ella/Johnny relationship. I feel though it was another example of her being an over the top super drama queen. In her mind that is the epitome of being distraught so she threw it out there to get even more sympathy from the other couples (Oh my god, where is Ella? Oh, poor thing is soooooo devastated she didn't join us for lunch when they have us here all damn day filming this crap and taking a million breaks) and I think the producers picked up on it as an easy target piece of snark because they included that footage......

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10 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

I agree and it isn't my go to---as you mention there is a LOT of stuff to snark on with the Ella/Johnny relationship. I feel though it was another example of her being an over the top super drama queen. In her mind that is the epitome of being distraught so she threw it out there to get even more sympathy from the other couples (Oh my god, where is Ella? Oh, poor thing is soooooo devastated she didn't join us for lunch when they have us here all damn day filming this crap and taking a million breaks) and I think the producers picked up on it as an easy target piece of snark because they included that footage......

I wonder why Ella, with her love of Asian culture (and as we all know, there is only one Asian culture) wasn't looking to be on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way. Or maybe she tried and couldn't get any takers.

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15 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:
47 minutes ago, magemaud said:

My favorite exchange:

That is my university.

Why don’t you live on campus?

I don’t know.

To me this was the strangest....because, at least years ago when I lived there, Peruvian universities did not have college dorms. It is cost prohibitive. If a student was from outside of Lima, or not in a commuting distance, they rented rooms in pensiones....A family with a large house or apartment could make a nice extra income renting to a university student and providing room and board. Maybe now things have changed....but again, if (and that is a big if) she actually is from San Bartolo, that is south of Lima.....beach town. If she is studying at Cientifica, she probably rents a room nearby or lives in a house of a classmate. She is NOT most likely commuting each day from San Bartolo. Why didn't she just say, oh in Peru we don't have dorms or in Peru that is not very common instead of "I don't know." WTF

Somehow this strange exchange comment got attributed to me, but @MrBuhBye should get the credit. 

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21 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

To me this was the strangest....because, at least years ago when I lived there, Peruvian universities did not have college dorms. It is cost prohibitive. If a student was from outside of Lima, or not in a commuting distance, they rented rooms in pensiones....A family with a large house or apartment could make a nice extra income renting to a university student and providing room and board. Maybe now things have changed....but again, if (and that is a big if) she actually is from San Bartolo, that is south of Lima.....beach town. If she is studying at Cientifica, she probably rents a room nearby or lives in a house of a classmate. She is NOT most likely commuting each day from San Bartolo. Why didn't she just say, oh in Peru we don't have dorms or in Peru that is not very common instead of "I don't know." WTF

I was thinking maybe she attends online classes and didn’t want to say that.

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7 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

I was thinking maybe she attends online classes and didn’t want to say that.

Or......she doesn't really understand the concept of American University dorms just like I didn't understand that they don't have dorms where she is from (but do now because someone explained it).

14 minutes ago, Gobi said:

I wonder why Ella, with her love of Asian culture (and as we all know, there is only one Asian culture) wasn't looking to be on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way. Or maybe she tried and couldn't get any takers.

Their rules are probably to strict to let her in if Johnny was going to have that much trouble going back from Dubai.

57 minutes ago, magemaud said:

She reminds me so much of that idiot Whitney Thore, even right down to the foreign boyfriend she only met online! IIRC, Twit also made a big deal about a birthday celebration and it wasn't even like it was some kind of significant milestone year. Maybe there's some connection between self-involvement, immaturity and morbid obesity. 

I think there is a connection!  I think Ella had something happen early in life that stunted her emotional growth and drove her to this level of weight gain and neediness.  Now, Twit?  I don't think she had any trauma.

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21 minutes ago, Gobi said:

I wonder why Ella, with her love of Asian culture (and as we all know, there is only one Asian culture) wasn't looking to be on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way. Or maybe she tried and couldn't get any takers.

I think her "love of Asian culture" isn't strong enough for her to actually immerse herself in it.

Ella just wants what she wants, when she wants it, and where she wants it. As someone mentioned above, if "touch is your love language" don't get all caught up with a guy who lives halfway around the world.

I can't see Ella going off the ranch and forging out on her own. She likes her ranch life, it's a family biz so she probably doesn't face what many people have to face:  limited number of PTO days, getting good annual reviews (and thus hopefully raises), etc. I feel like for all her whining and crying, she doesn't want to work hard at anything. And she wouldn't want to put in the effort to move to a foreign country.

I still have to watch this, but of course I'm enjoying reading all the snark. 

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4 minutes ago, hookedontv said:

, she doesn't want to work hard at anything. And she wouldn't want to put in the effort to move to a foreign country.

In fairness, and even though I'm not a fan of her, ranch work seems pretty hard -- despite how cool it would be to ride horses all the time. 

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37 minutes ago, Gobi said:

I wonder why Ella, with her love of Asian culture (and as we all know, there is only one Asian culture) wasn't looking to be on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way. Or maybe she tried and couldn't get any takers.

She'd have to learn the language. And I have a feeling that she'd either expect everyone she encountered in China or Thailand or Japan to speak English, or do that thing where she speaks English really loudly. She was snarking at Ximena "speak EEEEENGLAAAAAYS". I bet she gets mad at people who speak Spanish among themselves at restaurants and in line at Target. 

53 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

To me this was the strangest....because, at least years ago when I lived there, Peruvian universities did not have college dorms. It is cost prohibitive. If a student was from outside of Lima, or not in a commuting distance, they rented rooms in pensiones....A family with a large house or apartment could make a nice extra income renting to a university student and providing room and board. Maybe now things have changed....but again, if (and that is a big if) she actually is from San Bartolo, that is south of Lima.....beach town. If she is studying at Cientifica, she probably rents a room nearby or lives in a house of a classmate. She is NOT most likely commuting each day from San Bartolo. Why didn't she just say, oh in Peru we don't have dorms or in Peru that is not very common instead of "I don't know." WTF

I thought she just didn't want to explain that to Ben. It was a topic of no interest and why bother? If dorms aren't common she probably doesn't get the concept. Easier to just say "I don't know" and move the conversation along. She also probably did not want to get into a convo about where she lives anyway. 

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After now seeing part 2, I remember something I saw on reddit related to Ben and now it makes me want to punch his smug face even more. I will spoiler it below but let me just say it is another instance of him getting out ahead of something to paint himself in the best possible light...


Prior to the episode airing, Ben posted a pic of Jessica and wrote this long ass message about how she doesn't deserve all the hate she has received online, how she was just helping him out, and he was so sorry for the trolls attacking her (paraphrasing of course). And how he knew that after this episode she would be facing another round of hatred because she was just being a good friend. I read it and assumed he meant she would go off on Mahogs and Jas, etc. But now, after seeing how at the end she did a 180, apologized to Mahogs and called Benzo out on his narc tendencies and shit talking and just being a horrible person, I think he was getting out ahead of it all. Sort of like with his DUI, he had to put in the story he posted that he "went to minister to a homeless couple at a Red Roof Inn" and golly gee, silly innocent Benzo accepted wine that was apparently drugged! He had to get out there and say, oh my goodness, Jessica, you are such a sweet soul, thank you for what you have suffered for being such a good, loyal friend---when he knows damn well the world was about to see her call him out on his BS. 


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