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S09.E17: Eat, Pray, Run

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And it drove me crazy how Vicki just sat there. Again the "taking the Beadors down" crap was brought up, and Vicki is the one who could substantiate that, but she didn't. So frustrating.



This makes me wonder if Tamra was right and Vicki just said that Tamra told her the "take down the Beadors" thing just to get back at Tamra for dissing her old hound dog Brooks.  This upsets me because I've never agreed with Tamra before and it hurts me like a spear to the belly.


I distinctly remember Carole & Aviva doing the fish foot thing cuz it was when they seemed like they were friends,  It's creepy, but I've seen it already.



Not being disrespectful or anything but did Aviva put her wooden leg in the water also?  If so, did the fish sit there looking puzzled? (I know...I'm going to hell!)


Terry had his 'funny' line ready & was going to use it no matter what. Bc it's so clever.



I could just see Terry practicing his "funny" line in the mirror ad nauseum.  I can hear him now:


Terry: "Honey, should I call David a dick or should I say penis?  What do you think?" 

Heather: (clutching pearls over high collared dress) "Oh my lord, don't say that "D" word, you're a doctor for crying out loud!" 

Terry: "Ok.  Penis it is!" (fade to black with stupid toothy grin)  

  • Love 12

How has Heather been two-faced to Tamra or Vicki? She's prissy and pretentious, sure, but she's been quite loyal to both Tamra and Vicki. It's easy to speculate about their real motives, but I've yet to see her actions indicating that she is befriending them for airtime. She's never said anything rude about Brooks, for example. And she wasn't really sucking up to Tamra in Bali, she made a point of calling out Tamra on badmouthing Lizzie's dress via text.


Heather spins things around and harps on non-issues (let's down a flute of champs every time she says "yelled"!), but she's been fiercely loyal to her friends on the show. (Or "friends" if you prefer. Although weirdly enough I also think her friendship with Tamra is real off-camera.)


As for the Shannon apology, on WWHL she explained that Vicki brought up the "Terry is mad at David" issue during the dinner, which is why Heather was discussing it with Shannon. Given how choppy the editing was during that part of the episode and how random that conversation was, seems plausible enough to me.

Co-sign it all. When/where has Heather been anything except loyal to Tamra and Vicks? She was hurt about what happened at Shannon's party when she heard Tamra say that she had a stick up her ass, but who wouldn't be? She only talked about that to Terry.  After that she took her concerns directly to Tamra. When Lizzie met her in the park and wanted to talk about her own problems with Vicks, Heather didn't say a bad word about her. She said they were having issues, but that Vicks was a loyal and true friend and that they would work it out. There are a lot of things to snark on Heather about, but I cannot see how being a two-faced friend can be one of them. 


I also cannot see how Heather hangs on to Tamra and Vicks as friends just to get "air time".  She would get just as much air time if she was calling them out on their shit vs. going along with it. Probably more. A Heather vs. Tamra showdown would be epic because Heather is just plain smarter than the other gals she has had issues with. Dumb ass girls like Gretchen, Alexis and Vicks come to mind easily. 

  • Love 2

Heather is one sharp cookie and the whole point of being on this show for most of the ladies is air time.  Who gets more air time on the OC?  Tamra and Vicki.  I cant cite anything other than my impressions, but I feel that in real life Heather would look down on these two as real friends.  I remember the episode when she was flying off to see about opening a restaurant with her real life friends and they were steps above Tamra and Vicki, so I'm guessing she wouldn't want anyone as vile as these two mixing it up in her private circle.  It's just the way I've been seeing it.  Heather came on this show gunning for Alexis and this season it was Shannon.  She's not the innocent. 


And maybe we're being set up for the Heather vs Tamra showdown for next season?  Remembering how rude Heather was with Alexis and now Shannon I think she is up for the job.

Edited by stcroix
  • Love 1

She will take personal details that you stupidly shared with her in confidence to "win" the argument. She plays dirty and nobody wants to expose themselves to that.



Case in point:  If I remember correctly, Tamra outed Vicki two reunions ago about waking up with a strange man in her bed on one of her girls only vacations while she was still married to Donn.  Yeah, Tamra can really hit low when she has a mind to. 

Edited by swankie
  • Love 6



I know others don't agree, but I stand firm in my belief that Heather has always shown herself to be the only true friend on this particular franchise. She was very concerned about Vicki, and looked to be hurt about what Tamra might have said about her. Yet she didn't become hysterical or automatically believe that someone she cares about would say such a thing. She took her question directly to the source. This is rare in HW land.


We share our Heather fandom, both here and over with the NYC gals. Although I'll admit with Heather T. it's lurve, and with Heather D. it's more respect and appreciation for intelligence and ability to use the English language and that she's good in a debate because she can stick to her point. Mostly a process of elimination, really. But she does bug the shit out of me when she just can't. let. it. go. sometimes. 

I didn't think Lizzie was being disrespectful about the dance really.  And I admit I laughed when she busted out with the "Chaka Khan" at the end of her TH.  LMAO.


I had to rewind and listen and laugh at that myself.

Edited by SnarkKitty

Sad to say, but I think Lizzie is a liar. A lying liar who lies. I wish it wasn't so because I would love to see her really organize a take down of Tamara, but I don't think it's going to happen. I think Lizzie did say "your husband wants to fuck me." I don't really think that's all that bad given the context of the night and the game, but I do think she's lying about it. I also think she's lying (or at least manipulating) a good deal of the story about her birthday party. Her story about who texted whom when about what has this tendency to change mid story. Same with the Marry/Shag/Kill game. When she first told the story I swear it seemed like she was about to say Eddie chose her to fuck and then she changed her mind mid sentence to marry. What's really annoying me about her lies is that they wouldn't actually be that bad if she told what I think is the truth, but she's so hell bent on creating a narrative about evil Tamara that I think she's shading the truth by quite a bit. Silly because I don't think you have to embellish to make Tamara look like a bitch. And I totally agree with the poster up thread who said everybody is getting so hung up on these minor gossiping indiscretions that they're missing the point that Tamara then goes and tells tales out of school ( the "Take the Bedors down" thing) with the express purpose of causing trouble. Why does Shannon even care that Tamara made fun of green Martians around her head when the real issues is that she's constantly tried to pit Heather and Shannon against each other by misrepresenting what each has said about the other to make it seem much worse than it is. Focus ladies! This is why Tamara never really looses. You all are too easily distracted.

  • Love 3

Interestingly enough, while I don't think Heather or Shannon has gotten the best edit the year, they both came across pretty well in Bali. They both managed to have fun and enjoy the area without making asses of themselves. And they were pretty calm at dinner about clearing the air. They head the other out and both apologized for their own part in things. And when it came to Tamara they were both pretty adult. Shannon said her piece without getting sarcastic or defensive and when Heather was hearing stuff about Tamara she just calmly went and talked to Tamara about it. Gold stars ladies.

  • Love 6




We share our Heather fandom, both here and over with the NYC gals. Although I'll admit with Heather T. it's lurve, and with Heather D. it's more respect and appreciation for intelligence and ability to use the English language and that she's good in a debate because she can stick to her point. Mostly a process of elimination, really. But she does bug the shit out of me when she just can't. let. it. go. sometimes. 

You said it better than I ever could SnarkKitty. The fact that Heather T is my favorite on the NY show is simply because she is awesome. I tend to like Heather D the most on the OC show because she is just the best of this particular bunch in quite a lot of ways. I also appreciate the fact that for the most part she seems to be a pretty happy person.  I tend to gravitate towards folks who don't look for reasons to be miserable, or consistently rejoice in making other people miserable. I admire other folks on this forum who are able to watch these shows and snark equally on everyone. I tend to need to have a gal to root for. Once I don't have that anymore, the gig is up for me. That is what has happened for me on the NJ show. I don't like any of them, therefore I just don't give two shits about the show anymore. 

  • Love 1

Interestingly enough, while I don't think Heather or Shannon has gotten the best edit the year, they both came across pretty well in Bali. They both managed to have fun and enjoy the area without making asses of themselves. And they were pretty calm at dinner about clearing the air. They head the other out and both apologized for their own part in things. And when it came to Tamara they were both pretty adult. Shannon said her piece without getting sarcastic or defensive and when Heather was hearing stuff about Tamara she just calmly went and talked to Tamara about it. Gold stars ladies.

I agree with it all. It is also interesting to me that I think production didn't like the fact that they might not continue to be at odds with each other. It seems clear to me that the "someone" Terry mentioned spilling the beans about David saying nasty things about Heather was probably production, since it was only their gang hanging around at the time. Also interesting that they left out the part about Eddie also taking part in the discussion when they revealed this info to Terry.  Also the way they edited it to not show how the conversation at dinner began in Bali about this particular issue. They clearly wanted to keep up the narrative that Heather was still trying to keep the drama going and couldn't let it go. She has a habit of not letting things go easily, so it wasn't hard to imagine that she would go in this direction. 

  • Love 1

I agree with it all. It is also interesting to me that I think production didn't like the fact that they might not continue to be at odds with each other. It seems clear to me that the "someone" Terry mentioned spilling the beans about David saying nasty things about Heather was probably production, since it was only their gang hanging around at the time. Also interesting that they left out the part about Eddie also taking part in the discussion when they revealed this info to Terry. Also the way they edited it to not show how the conversation at dinner began in Bali about this particular issue. They clearly wanted to keep up the narrative that Heather was still trying to keep the drama going and couldn't let it go. She has a habit of not letting things go easily, so it wasn't hard to imagine that she would go in this direction.

Oh I agree. And to a certain extent I sympathize with production, or at least get where they're coming from. I'm 38, which puts me right in the Real Housewife age group, and I can not even imagine giving a rat's ass about 99% of these fights if they happened in my life. A friend of mine was frustrated with me and vented a little to another friend? Whatever. People are talking about a subject I bring up every time I've had more than two drinks? I had it coming. People don't like my boyfriend? As long as there reasonably polite, that's life. But this is why I would make a horrible cast member. I stopped fighting with my friends when I was about 22. What would we fight about? We all grew up and learned to stop giving so many fucks about so many things. So Bravo will never have a show about us because it would be about us getting drunk and talking about Bravo shows. Boring as shit. So when you have cast members like Heather and Shannon who might behave like adults you have to manipulate that shit! And that's why Tamara and Vicki will never get fired. They never met a hill they didn't want to die on. I actually predict that the adult truce between Heather and Shannon will not last. Hey Andy's got a show to produce. He needs some immature bitches fighting over who did or did not text Happy Birthday. That man's just doing his job.

  • Love 7

This makes me wonder if Tamra was right and Vicki just said that Tamra told her the "take down the Beadors" thing just to get back at Tamra for dissing her old hound dog Brooks. This upsets me because I've never agreed with Tamra before and it hurts me like a spear to the belly.

Not being disrespectful or anything but did Aviva put her wooden leg in the water also? If so, did the fish sit there looking puzzled? (I know...I'm going to hell!)

I could just see Terry practicing his "funny" line in the mirror ad nauseum. I can hear him now:

Terry: "Honey, should I call David a dick or should I say penis? What do you think?"

Heather: (clutching pearls over high collared dress) "Oh my lord, don't say that "D" word, you're a doctor for crying out loud!"

Terry: "Ok. Penis it is!" (fade to black with stupid toothy grin)

T and H are Jewish, right? But "schmuck" didn't come to mind?


I am still dying of curiosity about why Danielle was edited to shreds. I'm hoping loudmouth Tamra will spill the dirt on what happened to make the editors reduce Dani's role. I, for one, don't think it was her being boring, RH conspiracy theorist that I am.


I think Bravo should explain this, maybe at the reunion.   Has she even had a TH this season, or filmed any scene without another HW present? But here she is, in the drama, and we know nothing about her.  Not that they care, but it was unfair to the viewers. 


I doubt "boring" is the answer as well.    Bravo has had plenty of HW's who are boring.  Looking at you, Kathy Wakile.

  • Love 1


She (Lizzie) can not handle NOT being the princess of O.C., and she will fight for the RHOC crown. Good luck girl I am not giving that up without a fight.

I feel like this is some weird thing that Tamra made up in her head.  First of all, does Tamra consider herself the Princess of the OC? LMFAO! Girl, you are way too old to be a princess. Also, everyone knows that Vicki is the Queen of the RHOC, lol!!  I think this is something that she must have brought up at the reunion because after she posted Lizzie's number online, Lizzie said something in her blog last week or two weeks ago like, go ahead Tamra, you can have the show.  I never got the impression that Lizzie was competing to be the HBIC or anything.


I think that Lizzie is probably not being 100% honest about everything but I'm hard-pressed to care about anyone who lies about Tamra because she has it coming so badly. I just can't bring myself to feel sorry for her. I am wondering what goes on with Lizzie at the reunion.  I think they must not have shown anything that disproves what she has been claiming or else she would have been backtracking in her blogs since the reunion was filmed. 


i'm embarrassed that I know so many details about these horrible people. 

  • Love 2
She (Lizzie) can not handle NOT being the princess of O.C., and she will fight for the RHOC crown. Good luck girl I am not giving that up without a fight.

I feel like this is some weird thing that Tamra made up in her head.


Yup.  Shades of Gretchen.  No one should dare to come on this show and be younger, more vivacious and more attractive (YMMV) than that drowned-rat witch.


I read both Tamra and Lizzie's blogs.  I believe Lizzie.  I think Heather is a good friend to Tamra, but I don't think she heard accurately - Lizzie specifically admits to being drunk the night of her birthday, about that 'not going well' or the like, and being sober the night of Heather's Valentine's Day party.  (Heather is also IMO too strategically loyal to Tamra to be credible: asserting 'Tamra doesn't lie' at Lizzie's dinner was a crock.  She has known Tamra to lie.)  I really believe that Lizzie is a mess when she drinks too much, but that she was NOT drunk that night.  I also believe that Teefs told Tamra in small, incidental ways that Lizzie was attractive before the night of Heather's dinner, and that Tamra has had Lizzie in her sights for a long time. 






Vicki and Shannon's blogs.  They are both over Tamra, and both have written this post-reunion.  Long story short, I think there is MUCH more to support that Tamra lies constantly, and that Lizzie does not, but fucks up without that underlying malice.






In her prior blog, Tamra attacked Lizzie as a mom, and said that while family was everything to her, Tamra, it didn't seem to be so for Lizzie.  I thought of that when I saw the finale preview, when Rapey Ryan is leaving to go upstate to mooch off of his maybe less than stable fiancee and her 3 daughters.  The trashiest grandma the world will every know is again tearlessly crying, and I thought, really, twunt?  You're doing this when he's 28?  Did you fake a sob when you fucking sent him away when he was a little kid to please your brand-new husband?  Mother of the fucking century.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 8

I don't get the incentive to lie when a text can prove otherwise.  I don't think Lizzie is so far gone that she would seek out opportunities to look foolish in front of a vicious slag like Tamra.  I don't think everyone operates even in this arena of cray with the level of vituperative cuntiness that Tamra displays.  Obviously MMV. 

  • Love 2

You know how various housewives join the show and swear they had never watched the show? If Shannon said that I would believe her 100%. She is just so earnest and unprepared for how this show works. I love her because I think she is the closest we will ever get to a normal person thrown in with a bunch of crazy famewhores. I also like that her addition has been seamless. Lizzie girl, I gave you every benefit of the doubt this season with my understanding that you were going to take Tamra down and send her screaming in the night. It was a pact that we made ( ok only I made it) I would support you and you would deliver Tamra's head on a platter. I am angered by your failure to deliver, please pack your knives and go.

  • Love 8

I was so annoyed on WWHL because Heather says its all rumors and a game of telephone, like its the other ladies' fault for stirring up this drama about things Tamara has said. Then a caller has a great question for Terry about why isn't he upset with Eddie since he said the worst things about Heather and was the ring leader about saying nasty things at the hoedown, and Terry responds that they didn't hear David's comment but someone told them. So, when other people get upset about nasty comments they didn't hear firsthand its all "rumors and telephone games", but when the nasty comments are about yourselves its justifiable to go on the attack? Talk about acting like the King and Queen of Penisland (to use your own words).

This is funny given how Heather was going by the alleged words of Nordstrom employees to crucify Alexis. That was 2nd or 3rd/4th hand information or was she claiming to be ducking behind sock displays listening to Alexis and her husband shop or did she actually work in Nordstrom's HR dept to hear it all 1st hand? Gurl, bye!


As for the Shannon apology, on WWHL she explained that Vicki brought up the "Terry is mad at David" issue during the dinner, which is why Heather was discussing it with Shannon.


If this is true then that makes me even madder at Vicki. She can pipe up to talk about the rodeo mess that transpired months ago which can and will re-ignite the Beador/Dubrow feud but can't open her porcine mouth to say that Tamra made the 'take the Beadors down' comment to her too. 

  • Love 7

You know how various housewives join the show and swear they had never watched the show? If Shannon said that I would believe her 100%. She is just so earnest and unprepared for how this show works. I love her because I think she is the closest we will ever get to a normal person thrown in with a bunch of crazy famewhores. I also like that her addition has been seamless. Lizzie girl, I gave you every benefit of the doubt this season with my understanding that you were going to take Tamra down and send her screaming in the night. It was a pact that we made ( ok only I made it) I would support you and you would deliver Tamra's head on a platter. I am angered by your failure to deliver, please pack your knives and go.


I agree with this. I enjoy Shannon so much more than the other ladies. I watched her on WWHL a week or so ago and she had just returned from a long romantic trip with her husband - she seemed so much lighter and happier. Her smile looked very genuine.

  • Love 3

Please know that I am not defending Terry, cuz I can't stand him, but I believe what he meant (and I think even said in the clip they showed) is that construction workers have the reputation of saying sexist or lewd comments to women while on site (in reference to David's mechanical bull comments). So it's not a less respectable profession per se, but the reputation of behavioral taunts.

That may be the perception from long ago, but my husband is a home builder, and if he ever heard a man say anything but something as respectful as he wouldn't mind his own mother hearing, that male worker would be walked off the job, never to return. One of my husband's sub-contractors was laughing at me one day, saying, "I don't know what power you have over him, but he walked up to a bunch of us guys talking about how pretty the new homeowner is, (who was no where around the property) and he (my husband), said, "I'm married, and I don't want to hear any of that on one of my jobs again!" :-O WTG, honey! We cuss like sailors at home though, lol.

  • Love 6

T and H are Jewish, right? But "schmuck" didn't come to mind?

They're Budah-Jewish.


Oh yeah, and "highly spiritual".


I don't think Danielle has had a TH.  I don't think it's because she's boring either.

Maybe she threatened to sue Bravo.

Was it she who had the preemptive press release announcing that her husband isn't gay?

Edited by Ubiquitous

Also, with the previews of Terry's rant about David being in "construction"....Well, that rant is going to say a whole lot more about who Terry is than David.

Yeah, as if installing funbags is somehow a prestigious vocation. David may have said some inappropriate things, but Terry is an elitist bag of cocks.

And yes, the Dubrows' reactions to losing the poll were hilarious. Terry looked crushed.


I'm totally lost on the whole "marry/shag/kill" controversy.


Heather named some kind of filler she gets when she's "looking skinny". She may not be anorexic, but something is suspect there. Someone with healthy eating habits would just take in more calories, not inject their face with poison.


I can't believe the finale is next week. Was this season shorter than the others?


Shannon is the bomb dot com.




  • Love 5

I think Big Pig was expecting a limo and was trying to put emphasis on the fact that something far beneath her stature (in her feeble little mind), was sent. Just typical overly dramatic illogical squealing to try to make a point. I think nitwit meant a "mini-van," but, (as always), was too illiterate and inarticulate to use correct terminology. I remember thinking when it happened that it was an indication of how little this ape travels. Most of us are familiar with the term, "Airport Limousine," but I think it knocked dum dum for a loop.


I don't think she was expecting a limo. IIRC there were a lot of people to pick up and  a metric F-ton of luggage to haul and they sent a mini shuttle and not a bus. I could be wrong. Still there was no reason for her to screech like a banshee.

Exactly, the issue was that she wanted one of those commercial vans that has 5 or 6 rows of seats, and instead they sent a minivan that a family might buy as their regular mode of transport.  An easy mistake, I would imagine, someone in booking probably just got the number of passengers wrong.  It was inconvenient, but she reacted as if the poor van driver had just accused her of sleeping with multiple partNERSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHH!!!  SCREEEEECH!!

  • Love 2

I'm convinced that Tamra is a sociopath or has some other sort of severe mental illness going on.

I was a lurker at TWOP during the last few months before it folded. Glad to see so many familiar posters moved here.... That said, I remember an astute poster at TWOP thought Tamra had a borderline personality disorder. IMHO, whoever wrote that hit the nail on the head. Among the symptoms that people with BPD experience are: an intense fear of abandonment (like when her parents got divorced, and her father left her, when she was what - 25?); impulsive behaviors (including running away); extreme emotions; feelings of victimization; suicidal behaviors; manipulation of others; and splitting as a defense mechanism (AKA black-and-white thinking, eg. One day it's "You're good. She's bad." Next day it's  "No, she's good and you're bad."). All of this naturally affects their inter-personal relationships. Now of course we're not in a "legitimate" position to diagnose Tamra, but BPD sure sound like her to me.

Edited by Mannahatta
  • Love 4


I'm convinced that Tamra is a sociopath or has some other sort of severe mental illness going on.

I agree.  Sociopaths are masters at manipulation and reading people.  Tamra could tell immediately that shit was up when she sat down at the table.  Her adrenaline started pumping, and in her urgency to quell the impending shit storm, she resorted to her "Let's go to the ladies room" damage-control mode immediately.  I think panic set in and she fled to the bathroom sans Vickie hoping she would follow.  Countdown until Tamra loses all of her HW "Friends" and Eddie too.

Edited by BitchOnWheelz

Oh my GOD, yes, he totally does look like Ruth Buzzi.  Thank you for that, I have been wondering for years now who it is he reminds me of.  I just googled her for images to refresh my memory because it's been a while since I've seen her, and now all I can see is Terry in drag (no offense to Ruth intended).  I am going to be laughing about this all day! 

  • Love 2

He looks like Ruth Buzzi.

LOL! I see the Gomer Pyle resemblance. So much so that I just want him to bust out and say 'well golllyyyy!' However, I never thought about Ruth Buzzi, but damned if it ain't true. I think he has Jim Nabors face with Ruth Buzzi's french bread chin. How dreadful!


Back to Heather's hyprocrisy. Whatever happened to the whole if everyone says your dead than your dead and why does it not apply to her or her 'good friend' Tamra? 

  • Love 2

I loved seeing Vicki and Shannon goofing off in the pools and the ice room.  They are hilarious together.  I think Shannon is a genuinely kind person and I feel that she and Heather would make great friends... so long as Heather ejects Tamra from her life. Tams really made Shannon's life hell, but I think she'll get over it with Vicki and Heather's support.  Although next episode doesn't look promising on that front due to Miss Terry's penis comment.


I loved that David comes right back at Miss Terry by accepting blame for being both drunk and stupid, but Queen Terry couldn't resist calling David a penis.  David is quicker and wittier than Queen Terry on his best day.  I'm excited to see how that plays out.

  • Love 3

Danielle's husband.  Am I the only one who thinks he's gay as a 3 dollar bill???  Not that there's anything wrong with that and I'm sure he's a wonderful guy, but it was glaringly obvious (to me at least).  When we were introduced to him at the Ugly Sweater party, I thought... "Wow, he's Danielle's super gay stylist" or something, but then she identified him as her husband.  Interesting.  Maybe he and Eddie hooked up and Tams had Danielle's HW status revoked.  She is the Princess of RHoOC, after all!


I was also under the impression at first that Danielle and Lizzy were sisters.  I thought that Lizzy said that but maybe I'm wrong.  They do look a bit alike.

Edited by BitchOnWheelz

You know how various housewives join the show and swear they had never watched the show? If Shannon said that I would believe her 100%. She is just so earnest and unprepared for how this show works. I love her because I think she is the closest we will ever get to a normal person thrown in with a bunch of crazy famewhores. I also like that her addition has been seamless. Lizzie girl, I gave you every benefit of the doubt this season with my understanding that you were going to take Tamra down and send her screaming in the night. It was a pact that we made ( ok only I made it) I would support you and you would deliver Tamra's head on a platter. I am angered by your failure to deliver, please pack your knives and go.


I came to this same conclusion awhile back.


I think Shannon really is so naive that she actually believed all of these get-togethers with the other women was a real bonding experience and looked on these hags as friends rather than extremely competitive co-workers well-versed in how the Bravo machine operates.


I believe her reaction to the leaking of David's email was authentic and genuine hurt.  Despite the fact she discussed it on camera with Tamra, it was Shannon's story to tell at the appropriate time.  In fact, up until that point, I think she probably would have shared the contents of that email with the other women because she was misguidedly thinking they were all her friends....but then Tawdry Tamra beat her to the punch and decided to spread the gossip as quickly as possible and Heather followed suit at her non-Bravo luncheon.


I think poor Shannon must have felt like she had fallen down the rabbit hole when she realized she wasn't amongst friends here....she was swimming with bloodthirsty sharks.  


Unless something drastic happens at the reunion, I enjoyed Shannon this season.  Her gullibility was refreshing and I hope to see her back next season.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 4


Heather named some kind of filler she gets when she's "looking skinny". She may not be anorexic, but something is suspect there. Someone with healthy eating habits would just take in more calories, not inject their face with poison.


For some women as they age they lose the facial fat they had in their youth. In order to have that youthful plumpness to your face you have to put on so much weight you become overweight which is not healthy. A famous actress, I think it was Catherine Deneuve, once said,  "After a certain age you have to choose between your ass or your face."  Obviously, at least to me, Heather has gone overboard with the facial filler, her cheeks are too plump, but I think the risk of being overweight is more detrimental to the health of those over 40 than an FDA approved filler that had been used for years without any sid effects - if used properly. Then again, one could just let nature take it's course.

  • Love 1

I can't wait for the Terry/David confrontation next week. You know Terry was THRILLED when the producers told him what was said so he had a reason to pitch a fit and get some screen time. It looks like David remains cool as a cucumber, making Terry look even more ridiculous.

Also, shouldn't Troy still be in a rear facing car seat?

  • Love 2


Re: Heather's botox, I did notice that her eyebrows are lopsided when she makes expressions so I wasn't surprised when she fessed up to that (she kinda had to :-/).

 IIRC, the first season she was on she was showing some of the women the Botox she had in her fridge so Terry could do touch ups for her. Her eyebrows are waaayyyy too high on her forehead, the result of poorly done Botox.

  • Love 1

Finally watched this week's episode in Bali.


Sheesh, what more can be said about their awful behavior while touring around the country. 


Maybe this....while Vicki keeps repeating her snotty referral of Lizzie and Danielle as dumb and dumber, I am calling Vicki and Tamra, crude and cruder. 


Tamra's calling that gorgeous temple "stone with moss growing on it" ; then Vicki acting like giggling tween or some hick from the sticks, hayseed from nowheresville. Oh the irony, for the two of them to believe that they are the real stars of the the OC show; they are the two that are most clueless, narrow minded, incurious, non intellectual, CRUDE, bumbling idiots.


Like many here, I also cringed at seeing/hearing their remarks and just awful behavior in that paradise. 


Oh and last week's episode, I also had to fast forward through the elephant ride scene. Those poor magestic animals. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 11

For some women as they age they lose the facial fat they had in their youth. In order to have that youthful plumpness to your face you have to put on so much weight you become overweight which is not healthy. A famous actress, I think it was Catherine Deneuve, once said,  "After a certain age you have to choose between your ass or your face."  Obviously, at least to me, Heather has gone overboard with the facial filler, her cheeks are too plump, but I think the risk of being overweight is more detrimental to the health of those over 40 than an FDA approved filler that had been used for years without any sid effects - if used properly. Then again, one could just let nature take it's course.

To some extent you are correct however; studies have found that people who fall into the slightly to somewhat overweight, not morbidly obese, have lower mortality and morbidity rates than people in the "healthy" weight range.


Edited by Higgins
  • Love 2

I'll take boyfriend, over Vicki calling Brooks her lover ewwww! I don't want to hear her say that.


Hell, I'm still trying to get the visualization of "Girth Brooks" out of my brain.


Some things are truly better off left unsaid.  Sexual and/or genitalia descriptors for either Vicki or Brooks being some of those things.



  • Love 4

The deal with Danielle is perplexing.  The first I ever heard about her was the fact that she was denying rumors that her husband was gay. I immediately assumed that this must have been a result of something that had happened on the show. 


The article below, as well as all that I could find, are from early March, which would have been not long after the whole Valentine's Day Dinner deal. I wonder if something was said on the show around this time that made her address these rumors so publicly. I cannot imagine who else would have been talking about this stuff, if it hadn't come up on the show. Maybe the stuff was really ugly or hurtful, and Bravo felt they had no need but to cut her out? Her husband hired a crisis management team to deal with it.  Weird.



  • Love 2

The deal with Danielle is perplexing.  The first I ever heard about her was the fact that she was denying rumors that her husband was gay. I immediately assumed that this must have been a result of something that had happened on the show. 


The article below, as well as all that I could find, are from early March, which would have been not long after the whole Valentine's Day Dinner deal. I wonder if something was said on the show around this time that made her address these rumors so publicly. I cannot imagine who else would have been talking about this stuff, if it hadn't come up on the show. Maybe the stuff was really ugly or hurtful, and Bravo felt they had no need but to cut her out? Her husband hired a crisis management team to deal with it.  Weird.




In the Housewives Fantasyland in which my brain resides, I'm so wishing this was about some shit Tamra had pulled out of her ass on camera and they were checking into pursuing legal action against her for defamation.


Or at least a "cyst and decease" order.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 3


To some extent you are correct however; studies have found that people who fall into the slightly to somewhat overweight, not morbidly obese, have lower mortality and morbidity rates than people in the "healthy" weight range.



A few years ago studies showed bring slightly underweight or cutting calories by 20% resulted in a longer life so who knows. Since life insurance companies use actuarial tables and stats to figure longevity maybe the women could have Vicki run their numbers. Latest thinking is your waist-to-height measurments is the best indicator of a healthy weight since BMI doesn't take into consideration muscle mass which weighs more than body fat.

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