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S09.E17: Eat, Pray, Run

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Seriously, what a loser.  If you looks at Heather's face in the background, she's all "Yikes!" in her facial expression.  She usually appears to  be backing Terry up 100% but it looks like even she thought that was stupid. 

I think even Heather was tired of picking fights with Shannon.  They had basically made up and then Terry (by his own admission last night on WWHL) ruins it.

I had to laugh about the scene with the durian (fruit) b/c I learned a long time ago that it smells like rotting corpses and shit when you slice it open and have no doubt the simple farmer who offered it to them knew what would happen and pulls it on stupid tourists all the time.


I found it appropriate that Tamra and Vicki flinched like vampire or demons at the holy water. Ha!

The durian fruit is not allowed in hotels because of the smell. I actually thought Heather and Tamra pulled it off better than I would have thought.

I didn't think Lizzie was being disrespectful about the dance really.  And I admit I laughed when she busted out with the "Chaka Khan" at the end of her TH.  LMAO.


I forgot about that!  I was irritated as she was just "chaka"-ing but I too laughed out loud when she said "Chaka Khan."  Glad I'm not the only one.


The durian fruit is not allowed in hotels because of the smell. I actually thought Heather and Tamra pulled it off better than I would have thought.

That vendor was cracking me up, the way he smiled into the camera after they walked away.  You rock, random Balinese dude!

  • Love 5
Terry was upset about the "spread your legs" comment but it was okay for him to ask Slade to rate Laurie and Gretchen's bedroom performances? He's a pig, he should own it.


Ugh, you are so spot on. He is a hypocrite of the highest order. I swear, he was just LOOKING for reasons to not like David after the night at Lizzie's. And I wouldn't be at all surprised if Tamra told him about the bullriding thing right before this year-end party, so she could have the Dubrows firmly in her camp. It appears her never heard David's comments the day they actually happened, so this whole thing is a bit suspect to me. 

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WTF is a family van???  I remember Vickie bitching about one on her way to Mexico or something (Woo-Hoo!!!)  I was like... doesn't she mean mini-van?  NEVER heard that term before Vickie.


Am I the only person annoyed as fuck when I hear Vickie's voice?  It's almost like she has dentures that don't fit quite right and she's had this wierd muffled clicky thing going on.  Also, the way she says Brianna's name... "Bree-ahhh".


Her intro...  "I make my own REWLS." 


I think Vicki uses affected speech. That is, I think she tries to sound very dainty and feminine, in the same way that she tries that mincing walk. I don't think either is working for her. Better to own your power as a woman than to pretend to be all dainty and feminine, when you're not naturally that way. And I don't think there's anything at all wrong with not being dainty. I'm happy to say that I'm not.

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Also, with the previews of Terry's rant about David being in "construction"....Well, that rant is going to say a whole lot more about who Terry is than David.


What's funny is David probably makes more money that Terry even though Terry's a (in his mind) big shot important doctor.


Lizzie looked like she was wearing a maternity dress at the dinner.


The scenery at the rice patties was breathtaking! The colors were so vivid it's hard to believe it's real! I wonder if the other women were sorry they didn't go along after they saw the footage. I'd love to spend the day at the pool or a day at the spa but you can do that at home or on vacation in Mexico. They missed what will likely be a once in a lifetime opportunity.


I'm not buying Heather's tearing up at the dinner or in Tamra's room. Remember, she's a trained actress and can pull out any emotion on cue. She's only 'friends" with Tamra for screen time and story lines. SHe knows she's a liar and shit stirrer. In real life she would never put up with a woman like Tamra.


Heather got her revenge for Terry making her look like an ass on a few occasions by her WWHL reveal that Terry watces himself over and over on Botched. He was visibly embarrased and even blushed.


Edited by happykitteh
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Vicki's voice always has the sound of someone who's lying flat on her back and talking while trying to look at something on her chest. Just has a weird quality to it, like her throat isn't relaxed or something.

(And LOL if you are actually trying to do this.)

Lol, you caught me! And you are so spot on -- what a fabulous description!

Most of my thoughts about this episode have already been posted by others, so I'll just chime in that the look on Danielle's face when she insisted, "She said 'marry'" to an incredulous, furious Tamra was pure glee. She was so damn happy to be all up in the drama.

I was glad to see Tamra on the receiving end of the kind of bald-faced, gas-lighting crap she pulled on Shannon. The only problem was that Lizzie and Danielle forgot there was a corroborating witness (Heather) who heard the original exchange and knew the truth of what Lizzie had said. Oops. It would have been epic if, during Tamra's scuttling exit, Shannon had intercepted Tamra, grabbed her face, and shrieked, "Stop it!!!!" over and over.

Edited by canter
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I though it was shitty of Heather to bring up David's "Spread your legs" comment at the hoedown during the dinner from hell... after she and Shannon made nice with one another.  It was totally off-topic and what a kick in the teeth!  She should have spoken with Shannon in private. Although highly inappropriate at a party with kids (and also inappropriate at an adult party), I would not hold Shannon responsible for what her husband says.

I didn't hear her say it, but I don't doubt it.  She is bricks.


It was explained earlier in the thread (via either a blog or from Heather on WWHL) that Vicki is the one who brought up the fact that Terry was upset. But they only show Heather talking about it on film. 


Tamra deserves to get "gang-banged" by monkeys and have her feet eaten off by fish.



No.  That's not OK.  Think of the poor monkeys??!!   :*(    


Omg, I've done one of those fish pedicures before and, whilst I think a few of the women over-reacted, I will vouch that is a VERY weird and unsettling sensation, especially the first 5-10 minutes.

Edited by Duke2801

Heather has most definitely had a tummy tuck.  In the bikini scenes (which admittedly, she looks great for a 40-something), her tummy has that fake tight look.  It's too flat and too unmoveable.  Leave it to Terry to eff up his own wife's tummy tuck.  

And I have to say entire episode made me laugh so hard that my husband came into the room to see what the hell I was watching.  The monkey scene, my hat off to the producers.  This is why people love the RH franchise.  

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I was so annoyed on WWHL because Heather says its all rumors and a game of telephone, like its the other ladies' fault for stirring up this drama about things Tamara has said. Then a caller has a great question for Terry about why isn't he upset with Eddie since he said the worst things about Heather and was the ring leader about saying nasty things at the hoedown, and Terry responds that they didn't hear David's comment but someone told them. So, when other people get upset about nasty comments they didn't hear firsthand its all "rumors and telephone games", but when the nasty comments are about yourselves its justifiable to go on the attack?

Don't forget as Alex Mccord has said in her RH reviews, producers will also tell you things that were said to stir the shit even though you've  never heard them   personally said.

She opined that she thought a producer probably got  Lizzie stirred up about Tamra's dress dissing, as in, 'Are you going to let Tamra  get by w/saying that?"


     I think Heather is playing the game of not breaking the 4th wall.

Edited by sheetmoss
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I normally take no issue with Terry Dubrow, I actually kinda like him for the most part, but his comment about David being in construction pissed me off.  I don't like anyone who looks down on another person's profession.  My husband is an Electrician, so I take offense to Dr. Terry's insinuation that working in construction is somehow a less respectable career. 

  • Love 10


Heather has most definitely had a tummy tuck.  In the bikini scenes (which admittedly, she looks great for a 40-something), her tummy has that fake tight look.  It's too flat and too unmoveable.  Leave it to Terry to eff up his own wife's tummy tuck.

 I thought her belly button looked wierd and kind of crooked, like off center. On WWHL Terry said he did a hernia operation on her after her pregnancy. I wonder if while he was in there he did a liitle tuck or if the hernia operation is why her belly button looks odd, since I think women get hernias in that area.


Lizzie's Chaka Khan TH was the funniest moment of the episode.

 That and Vicki saying with a straight face while they drove through town, "There's a whole section in Pier one with this stuff."

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One of my irritations with this season is how Terry and Heather do this "it is like a game of telephone, folks" and try and write the whole mess off when they are guilty as all get out of spreading and creating gossip.  The other person who passed the info on to David Beador did not have the story Heather put out there.  The reason Tamra and Heather constantly stir it up and then claim it is their perception or a twist or taken out of content (sic).  Heather has been caught numerous times lying and has simply said-"it is my perception".  Try running a red light on camera and telling TPTB, "it was my perception the light was green."  Tamra went out with Danielle and Heather and said point blank-"everyone in town says Shannon is crazy."  That is not a twist nor is it a game of telephone.  Tamra still writes about Shannon being a drunk.  Yet, there has been nothing to indicate her behavior is under the influence.  Au contraire it is Tamra who season after season gets drunk and attempts to excuse either her behavior or statements with the booze excuse.  I still want to know why routinely doing shots is okay and drinking big glasses of wine is okay but vodka and water on the rocks is the sign of a real drinking problem.


Vicki and Tamra were mad at Heather at the Thanksgiving and it was Shannon who said you need to talk with her.  Heather was mad because she was not invited (forget she was in NY) to a USC/UCLA game with Heather McDonald, Tamra and Shannon.  I find in entirely likely that Tamra said she rarely does stuff with Heather Dubrow and probably cited the desperate bridesmaid appearance by Heather. 


Heather claims she said-"pick a lane" not "pick a side"- it means the same damn thing.  Shannon may seem like a nag but I don't think she lies.  Tamra on the other hand has consistently lied as have Heather and Terry.  Maybe the reason they use the telephone game excuse is that they regularly misrepresent situations. 

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I normally take no issue with Terry Dubrow, I actually kinda like him for the most part, but his comment about David being in construction pissed me off.  I don't like anyone who looks down on another person's profession.  My husband is an Electrician, so I take offense to Dr. Terry's insinuation that working in construction is somehow a less respectable career.

Please know that I am not defending Terry, cuz I can't stand him, but I believe what he meant (and I think even said in the clip they showed) is that construction workers have the reputation of saying sexist or lewd comments to women while on site (in reference to David's mechanical bull comments). So it's not a less respectable profession per se, but the reputation of behavioral taunts.

  • Love 2

I normally take no issue with Terry Dubrow, I actually kinda like him for the most part, but his comment about David being in construction pissed me off.  I don't like anyone who looks down on another person's profession.  My husband is an Electrician, so I take offense to Dr. Terry's insinuation that working in construction is somehow a less respectable career. 

BTW David's construction company was awarded $50 million in contracts recently.  Terry on the other hand has "Botched" and a few malpractice suits to contend with. 

Please know that I am not defending Terry, cuz I can't stand him, but I believe what he meant (and I think even said in the clip they showed) is that construction workers have the reputation of saying sexist or lewd comments to women while on site (in reference to David's mechanical bull comments). So it's not a less respectable profession per se, but the reputation of behavioral taunts.

Terry has said some rather inappropriate things about his wife and others on camera.  Far worse than Eddie or David.

  • Love 5

From Tams blog


"She (Lizzie) can not handle NOT being the princess of O.C., and she will fight for the RHOC crown. Good luck girl I am not giving that up without a fight."


What crown would that be?  The Trashiest HW Ever crown?


She also apologizes to Alexis


"At that moment I had a flashback of Alexis in Costa Rica -- and I want to publicly apologize to Alexis for being any part of that night. I had no idea how bad it hurt to have so many people coming at you like that while being so far from home. But now I do and have learned so much. Like that saying goes -- "karma is a bitch!""


Seriously - Alexis was in tears that night, and Tamra is just now learning how much it hurt?  She lived it and rewatched it on TV and again, just now realizes she hurt Alexis?   What about the night Alex left Cut Fitness in tears because Tamra ripped her apart? 


Please, Bravo, spare us from a season of having to deal with what Tamra "has learned".  I don't think I can take it, because in the final analysis, she's learned nothing. 

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The reason that it appears Tamra cut and run right away is because the majority of the time Tamra and Danielle were fighting.  You could tell that the fight was going to start when Tamra looked at Danielle, called her a liar then started to say she now could see why no one liked her and then the focus changed.  The big Bali blow up was between Tamra and Danielle.. not between Tamra or Lizzie nor Tamra or Shannon.

  • Love 5

I think the whole dinner was set up. Tamra knew right away something was going to go down. That is why she kept begging Vicky to go to the bathroom with her. But the biggest clue was right at the beginning, you could hear someone (Heather?) saying something like "We need champagne for this" I can't remember the words, but you can hear the calls for alcohol. 


And while I am not a Tamra fan, I do agree with the other poster. It was kind of crappy to gang up on her on the trip. I know they were feeling angry, and betrayed, and it was heated, but the better want to confront her would have been for everyone to cool down, go home, and then talk to her. Plus, it ruins the trip for everyone, and it doesn't give anyone a place to have privacy or time away from the others. You are stuck at the same resort, stuck doing the Bravo tasks (otherwise, suddenly you might find a hefty bill for the trip at your door) and stuck on the same plane home.


But, this is why I won't sign up for a reality show! :)

How scripted was this?   Down to Heather at the end.  "We go home.   We...go home".    That'll do, Madame.  That'll do.


Methinks Shannon is a bit of a liar as well, or has a different way of seeing things.  It's obvious her marriage was on the skids long before she met Tamra.   Same for Vicki.   Her relationship with Brianna was crap for a long time.    Tamra and Bri both  just happen to dislike Brooks.   Neither talked the other into it.    Lizzie is definitely a shitty shit stirrer, and Bravo should send her and Danielle a bill for the trip, as both were useless.  


Tamra and Heather have been planning and rehearsing their story lines together.    I buy that they are real life friends, and both are much savvier about their characters than the rest.


I wouldn't have gone to that stupid monkey place.    Those damn things are dangerous and unpredictable.   No thanks, I'd really rather not have a creature that can blind me near my face. 


Blah, blah, Bali is sooo spiritual.   So is Sedona, and it's closer.    I find these exotic vacations tedious.  

  • Love 2

The reason that it appears Tamra cut and run right away is because the majority of the time Tamra and Danielle were fighting.  You could tell that the fight was going to start when Tamra looked at Danielle, called her a liar then started to say she now could see why no one liked her and then the focus changed.  The big Bali blow up was between Tamra and Danielle.. not between Tamra or Lizzie nor Tamra or Shannon.

..this was my perception for a while.  Pre-season it was said Danielle was the one to get into it...I wonder what happened to make her Lizzie's shadow...

  • Love 1

The reason that it appears Tamra cut and run right away is because the majority of the time Tamra and Danielle were fighting.  You could tell that the fight was going to start when Tamra looked at Danielle, called her a liar then started to say she now could see why no one liked her and then the focus changed.  The big Bali blow up was between Tamra and Danielle.. not between Tamra or Lizzie nor Tamra or Shannon.

I do remember reading about them fighting in Bali. I'm both pissed and dying of curiosity to know why Danielle was cut out of the show. Bravo would sell their own mothers for ratings, so something serious must have occurred for them to edit her out.

Also something's up with not seeing the Marry, shag, kill game. We know the cameras were there. Why would they stop filming before the party ended? Maybe well see the scene in lost footage, but this has been the oddest editing I've seen on a HW season.

  • Love 1

Lol, you caught me! And you are so spot on -- what a fabulous description!

Most of my thoughts about this episode have already been posted by others, so I'll just chime in that the look on Danielle's face when she insisted, "She said 'marry'" to an incredulous, furious Tamra was pure glee. She was so damn happy to be all up in the drama.

I was glad to see Tamra on the receiving end of the kind of bald-faced, gas-lighting crap she pulled on Shannon. The only problem was that Lizzie and Danielle forgot there was a corroborating witness (Heather) who heard the original exchange and knew the truth of what Lizzie had said. Oops. It would have been epic if, during Tamra's scuttling exit, Shannon had intercepted Tamra, grabbed her face, and shrieked, "Stop it!!!!" over and over.


Or called an ambulance for her, hehe.



Please know that I am not defending Terry, cuz I can't stand him, but I believe what he meant (and I think even said in the clip they showed) is that construction workers have the reputation of saying sexist or lewd comments to women while on site (in reference to David's mechanical bull comments). So it's not a less respectable profession per se, but the reputation of behavioral taunts.


I found the comment totally elitist and I think Miss Terry realized his alligator mouth had overloaded his hummingbird ass on that one.  


I think what he was really saying, before he caught himself, was that David is simply an ill-educated "blue collar" type of guy who doesn't have the well-educated "white collar" class of Miss Terry himself.  In other words, "below" his perceived societal ranking.

  • Love 4

I normally take no issue with Terry Dubrow, I actually kinda like him for the most part, but his comment about David being in construction pissed me off.  I don't like anyone who looks down on another person's profession.  My husband is an Electrician, so I take offense to Dr. Terry's insinuation that working in construction is somehow a less respectable career.

Yeah, Terry's being a huge snob about people he considers laborers as if stuffing tits with silicone is an honorable pursuit. I hope David continues to keep his cool.

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I was so annoyed on WWHL because Heather says its all rumors and a game of telephone, like its the other ladies' fault for stirring up this drama about things Tamara has said. Then a caller has a great question for Terry about why isn't he upset with Eddie since he said the worst things about Heather and was the ring leader about saying nasty things at the hoedown, and Terry responds that they didn't hear David's comment but someone told them. So, when other people get upset about nasty comments they didn't hear firsthand its all "rumors and telephone games", but when the nasty comments are about yourselves its justifiable to go on the attack? Talk about acting like the King and Queen of Penisland (to use your own words).


See, now I didn't get the impression that she was blaming the other women on WWHL. It seemed more like she was explaining that a lot of the arguments that occur on the show are a result of production whispering things into people's ears to stir the pot. (Well, no kidding, Heather.) She carefully avoided saying who was responsible, but it seemed pretty obvious she was referring to crew/producers as being the source behind a lot of the comments people were hearing, both in the case of Tams and Terry's silly freakout at David. 

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Terry was upset about the "spread your legs" comment but it was okay for him to ask Slade to rate Laurie and Gretchen's bedroom performances? He's a pig, he should own it.

Why didn't Tamra ask Vicki to be in her wedding? I don't get that at all. Vicki is the one who peed on Tamra's bed, how much closer can two women be?

I don't want to say Lizzie is dumb, but, she isn't the one to take down Tamra. Lydia or the new Countess LuAnn would do a better job. Unfortunately, Tamra will end up winning again.


I hate that I know this, Vicki was in Tamra's wedding.

I am still dying of curiosity about why Danielle was edited to shreds. I'm hoping loudmouth Tamra will spill the dirt on what happened to make the editors reduce Dani's role. I, for one, don't think it was her being boring, RH conspiracy theorist that I am. 


I'm totally on board with those who think the actual dinner fight was between Danielle and Tamra, not Tams and Lizzie. There was some utterly strange chopping in that whole scene.

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Tamra and Heather have been planning and rehearsing their story lines together.    I buy that they are real life friends, and both are much savvier about their characters than the rest.




I agree with this. As another poster up thread pointed out, there is zero upside for Heather being friends with Tamra if she is in any way trying to be strategic. Zero. Tamra didn't become the gal she is today this season. It has been going on for a long time. 


Going into this season, I was still on the fence about the reality of their friendship. As I have said before, it is the main thing that makes me question Heather. She could have all of the personality traits that she has on the show, and I think most folks would throw her a fucking parade if she used her smarts and her logic to take on Tamra. I thought that this would be the season she would do the Lisa V flip on the friendship if she was being strategic and realized that the friendship was doing her no favors in terms of garnering viewer support. While Bravo has disabled the comments on the viewer blogs for the 2nd half of the season, the results have been clear for years - folks want to see Tamra pay for her sins. This was the perfect season for Heather to do it. It could have looked less like she was dumping her because of fan reaction, and doing so because of the way Tamra had treated her, and the things she had said to her and about her. Heather had a legitimate reason to be the one to take on Tamra this year, but she didn't do it. 


I don't buy the theory that Tamra has something on the Dubrow's. We watched Tamra systematically try to take down Gretchen for years. She acted like it was her job to destroy this girl, contacting past boyfriends and other acquaintances to try and taint her to the viewers. While lots of folks had issues with Gretchen, it wasn't because of Tamra, who most people decided long ago was to bitter to be credible. I think it would be the same with the Dubrow's. She would come out looking like the bitch if she tried to sully them in some manner. 


I think that Tamra and Heather are actually friends. I also think that Heather was hurt at the idea that Tamra had asked her to be in the wedding as a publicity deal, and hurt that Tamra might reveal private conversations they might have had about any potential eating issues that Heather had. I just cannot see any other explanation.  

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I'm not sure why Tamra's focusing on the "Little Green Martians" quote. She's been shown on camera saying many other horrible things about Shannon who did nothing to her. I don't know why she's trying to be found not guilty on a technicality. She talks trash all the time about anyone to anyone. Even if Lizzie is lying or exaggerating we've all seen that Tamra does hurl these insults.


This season has been thoroughly entertaining to me and I'm sad that next week's the finale.

From Tams blog


"She (Lizzie) can not handle NOT being the princess of O.C., and she will fight for the RHOC crown. Good luck girl I am not giving that up without a fight."


What crown would that be?  The Trashiest HW Ever crown?


She also apologizes to Alexis


"At that moment I had a flashback of Alexis in Costa Rica -- and I want to publicly apologize to Alexis for being any part of that night. I had no idea how bad it hurt to have so many people coming at you like that while being so far from home. But now I do and have learned so much. Like that saying goes -- "karma is a bitch!""


Seriously - Alexis was in tears that night, and Tamra is just now learning how much it hurt?  She lived it and rewatched it on TV and again, just now realizes she hurt Alexis?   What about the night Alex left Cut Fitness in tears because Tamra ripped her apart? 


Please, Bravo, spare us from a season of having to deal with what Tamra "has learned".  I don't think I can take it, because in the final analysis, she's learned nothing. 

You mean the lessons Tamra learned (and seems to have forgotten) last season?

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Heather sucks up to Tamra because she knows that will get her air time.  She wants to be besties with Tamra and Vicki because they're the real stars of the show.  I'm sure she's gagging at them behind their backs.  She's as two faced as they come.  I cant see her being hurt at anything these two would say to her.  I agree with above poster that this is a gig to her to promote the Dubrows.


Poor Shannon, once again she apologizes to Heather who thanks her for the apology as if it's 'owed' to her.  Sigh..   Then Heather doesn't immediately apologize for her own bad behavior until later at the table where she has an audience to bring up the terrible offence that David did to her.  Cant wait to see the doc stamp his high heels and snarl out that David is a  PENIS.  (gasp-- such language!)   I cant imagine how fast Miss Terry would run if David came at him with his dukes up.

Edited by stcroix
  • Love 7

Heather sucks up to Tamra because she knows that will get her air time.  She wants to be besties with Tamra and Vicki because they're the real stars of the show.  I'm sure she's gagging at them behind their backs.  She's as two faced as they come.  I cant see her being hurt at anything these two would say to her.  I agree with above poster that this is a gig to her to promote the Dubrows.


Poor Shannon, once again she apologizes to Heather who thanks her for the apology as if it's 'owed' to her.  Sigh..   Then Heather doesn't immediately apologize for her own bad behavior until later at the table where she has an audience to bring up the terrible offence that David did to her.  Cant wait to see the doc stamp his high heels and snarl out that David is a  PENIS.  (gasp-- such language!)   I cant imagine how fast Miss Terry would run if David came at him with his dukes up.


How has Heather been two-faced to Tamra or Vicki? She's prissy and pretentious, sure, but she's been quite loyal to both Tamra and Vicki. It's easy to speculate about their real motives, but I've yet to see her actions indicating that she is befriending them for airtime. She's never said anything rude about Brooks, for example. And she wasn't really sucking up to Tamra in Bali, she made a point of calling out Tamra on badmouthing Lizzie's dress via text.


Heather spins things around and harps on non-issues (let's down a flute of champs every time she says "yelled"!), but she's been fiercely loyal to her friends on the show. (Or "friends" if you prefer. Although weirdly enough I also think her friendship with Tamra is real off-camera.)


As for the Shannon apology, on WWHL she explained that Vicki brought up the "Terry is mad at David" issue during the dinner, which is why Heather was discussing it with Shannon. Given how choppy the editing was during that part of the episode and how random that conversation was, seems plausible enough to me.

Edited by KFC
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