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S05.E10: Time's Up

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Usman willing to do the deed with Kimbaaally is sad, she wore him down and he gave in even though he has no desire to do it so my thinking is Kimbaallly may not get the desired result, if he can't get it up her internal monologue will be he was so overcome with emotion and her beauty he was stunned or if he does get it up and it is over quickly than she will think he was so turned on by her beauty it was too much for him.  Either way she will spin it in to her victory.  The funniest thing was she wanted Usman to sleep in her bed so badly, he put up a pillow wall...how was that in anyway being intimate on any level?  He really cannot stand the idea of being physical with her and she does not get it, it is so sad.

Why did they have to go to a public place to Zoom with her son?  Why not just do it in her room? 

She says she is ready for the African Lovin' but is wearing zebra leggings and a tee shirt, I thought she would have gussied up a bit to set the mood?  

Ben just met Mahogany, the daughter he did not know he had, that was the vibe I got.

Jasmine has a fit, yelling and screaming about her privacy and how Gino is a sad, broke, small penised man, that has to pay for sex (she does not see the irony in that statement because she would not be with him if he did not pay for stuff), she storms off, drinks, complains to her friend then goes back to his room for her purse, he offers some anemic apology and she accepts with an anemic hug when she realizes two things, one, he is her ticket to a Green Card and two, she can wield this over him for all sorts of goods and services in the future.

Cosplay Girl is nuts, how is she going to function in Dubai or just getting thru the many legged flight she will endure to get there? I just don't see her as a traveller.  Does she understand that Johnny is trying to not get Covid and most of his reasons for not hopping on a plane are not his choice but the country he lives in?  How will he work if he has to quarantine for 5 weeks, he lives with his parents and child and apartments in China are not known for their spaciousness so he is putting his family at risk while Cosplay Girl can hibernate in her purple fantasy land till she gets the all clear and not worry about infecting anyone.

Ximena a model, oh geeze, really? 

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2 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

So over Jasmine and Gino.  If she had actually broken up with him I would totally be on her side, but nope, she showed her true intentions by going back to him.

Jasmine was going overboard with the ongoing reaction. I suspect that she was more angry about Gino reaching out to his ex than the pictures being circulated. She's proved herself to be extremely over-the-top jealous with Gino and other women prior to this, and this scenario fit the bill. She was vicious in her remarks to Gino; this stuff will stay with him for a long while. It bugged me though that Gino just sat on the bed, looking up at her with his sad puppy dog guilty eyes, playing with his fingers and not saying much. Jasmine was essentially fighting with herself while Gino played mute.

Finally, on the walk he said what he should have said long before and she accepted it. I'm in the minority, but I really think she loves him. She went back because she admitted, sincerely I thought, that it was really hard to find love. Jasmine: get into therapy to work on all that jealously. Gino: you know what triggers Jasmine, stop with the ex's talk and communication. It's time to move on and try to make it work with a new partner who loves ya.

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Johnny is worried Ella will be swept up by another suitor if they don’t meet soon?  Haha

So what is the stuff at Memphis hairline?  It looks like another eyebrow.  And yet in her filmed pieces it’s not there.  Weird.

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28 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Ximena a model, oh geeze, really?

she can be the pinup girl for her Baby Daddy's cellblock. 

But really, she's a skanky, greasy-haired hatchet face and those tattoos just look dirty.

I suspect she expects Mike to pay the loanshark for her surgery, claiming that they both will be in danger if he doesn't. Listen to your Grandpa, Mike, it's not a good idea. 

I think we will see Mike doing the Pole Run next week

6 minutes ago, Breedom said:

I'm in the minority, but I really think she loves him.

I think she has convinced herself she does love him, but really only for the things he can give her. And I think she takes advantage of his homeliness, desperation and awkwardness by manipulating him. He will pay forever for those photos! 

Edited by magemaud
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1 hour ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

And her idea of foreplay was to Zoom with her son? What in the actual shit? I guess we can add Jamal to the 90 Day Offspring Support Group that consists of castmembers’ kids who have more sense than their parents. 

I just cant with this shit. It's so fake ass fake. Of course Usman is repulsed by her. She looks like an old horse. The only way he could possibly get the yammy to work with her would be doggie style so he can pretend she's anyone else but herself. And also, I threw up in my mouth just typing that out. I still hold out hope that his posse yam blocks the evening. No yamyam for you Kimbaaaaly! I dont think I can handle seeing her gloat that she got the D in.

14 hours ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

I swear when she walked into the restaurant she was even making sure she hit her mark like a stage actress. That super awkward hug at the car was hilariously cringe. I loved Ben’s disappointment. His pain makes me happy. He’s a shit bag. 

^This, especially the bolded part!^ OMG, this is so damn fake too. She looked grossed out as his eager beaverness (pun intended, it was too easy not to!). He's so clueless too.

12 hours ago, Chicken Fingers said:

Same thing with Memphis. She has no idea what she's doing, adopting a Tunisian boy when she already has kids.

🤣 😂 Yes!

6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Mahog didn't need the filters. Ben could have benefited from some. 

Yeah, he thinks quite highly of himself, doesn't he? He aint all that. Dude needs to be knocked down several pegs. I was soooo disappointed that she showed up at all. Though, she may be someone a producer picked up on the street and offered her money to say she's 'Meeeeowgny'. Also, I too felt her mannerisms and accent were very Americanized. And her replies to creepster were very measured, like she was trying to remember the script she agreed to with producers.

6 hours ago, greekmom said:

I can't believe after all that drama, that Jasmine and Gino made up.  I think she is auditioning for a telanova. Plus I have no pity for Jasmine. Gino did her dirty but she came down on the ex gf hard and called her all sorts of names.  Personally I would be thanking the woman warning me what a creep Gino is.

So Mahogany is real and of course she's not into creepy Ben. Best thing I saw on IG this morning is a photo of Mahogany and the caption: "Her name is Willow and she's an intern at TLC" .

Yeah, she's definitely telenovella crazy. And I too have zero sympathy for her going back to that creep. Also, what is actually wrong with Gino? He has all these nervous ticks and weird facial expressions. I think he has Turette's or something. He's also a total pussy, but I loved her hat pull and his sad little patch of hair on the back of his head. Just shave it all off and own it FFS.

5 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

Stinky Mike is a bumbling fucking idiot. I felt really bad for him when he first went to Colombia. If he's going to continue, she can get his last penny for all I care.

Really, this guy is the epitome of 'schmuck'. His father and grandfather speak truth, she's giving him red flags all over the place and it's not that he isn't seeing them, it's that he thinks she's the hottest woman he'll ever get so he's deluding himself. Can you even imagine her fitting into their house in the States? No way would Dad and Grandpa put up with her bullshit, rolling eyes, etc. I can't feel bad for Mike because he's like Gino and Ben - none of them are a catch in the US and American women find them repulsive and unacceptable so they prey on women from developing countries who need a way out of poverty. It's disgusting, and it's unforgivable that TLC has allowed this show to devolve to this level of what is essentially shopping for sex slaves.

3 hours ago, greekmom said:

You mean Lisa or as she liked to be called Baby Girl Lisa aka Raw doggin!??!?

They got married. She left. The marriage was never filed in the States, she's married to some guy her own age and lost a toe. 

I think Usman's big secret next week is that he's not officially divorced from Lisa.

Please baby jesus, let it be this secret! And the toe just made me crack up...

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24 minutes ago, RedLA said:

So what is the stuff at Memphis hairline?  It looks like another eyebrow.  And yet in her filmed pieces it’s not there.

I've read that that's a deliberate look with some wigs. It's called "baby hair" and can actually be wisps of her own hair plastered to her forehead. Depending on where she sticks on her wig, sometimes it shows. 

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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

The funny thing is that she isn’t willing to give the ultimatum of breaking up just that she would want an open relationship.  She isn’t going to break up when she has few options.

It's called fear-mongering. She thinks she's such a hot commodity that Johnny would finally realize what he has a chance of losing, stop considering his health concerns and hop on the next plane regardless of the consequences. I noticed Johnny and has best friend freely chatting out in public and NOT wearing masks.

Ellie, girl, you have a "love of my life" whom you haven't even met. You seem to have zero qualms of putting your soul mate in harms way as long as you get to be with him for a week or two. You say you are 29 but you don't have the patience and common sense of an adult whose goal is to protect their loved ones. You are all about you and what you want. Johnny needs to take that ultimatum up a notch and end this fairy tale. Go find someone who genuinely cares about you.


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4 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Women on shows like The Bachelor who are 22 or 23 will frequently say they have never felt so strongly about a person in their “whole entire” life.  Their lives are just starting; how many relationships could they have had?

Ha! Or on the current Love is Blind--"oooooh I've never been this close to anyone in my life!!!" Girl, you've known him for five days and never met in person! Do you have no family or friends?! Past relationships?! WTF!

Back to Ellie, who I suspect has very low intelligence..."I want someone to love me for me! RIGHT NOW!" Come ON. She must have been very spoiled by her parents. Hubs said she sounded like Veruca Salt 😂 Buy me a Chinese boyfriend, daddy!

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1 hour ago, gingerella said:

I loved her hat pull and his sad little patch of hair on the back of his head. Just shave it all off and own it FFS.

We were laughing about this and I made the same comment. Mr. GP (who is bald and extremely hot!) reminded me how much work it is to shave your head every single day and that Gino is probably too damn lazy to do it. Sounds about right.

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5 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I know this is Usmans second go round. I can see an older blonde he was with before but can’t remember how far they got and how that one ended?

Aren’t there any younger American women on these dating sites or just old women?

Doesn’t Usman want a hot dancer?  He’s not all that bad so why old American women?

I had a British friend who would say who looks at the mantle when poking the fire  but Lordy Bethany and those dark circles / bags under her eyes  ( my mom would  call them  luggage not bags ) if I were a man I’d not be able to work myself up to even to do half the African sex,  what ever that is. 

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In this week's edition of the loves of my life who come and go with regularity....

Ella and Johnny: You have been waiting 29 years for the love of your life? Seriously? Except for maybe being a flower girl at 4 years old, chances are you didn't think of getting married til at least 16-18 years old, and even then, that is just a fantasy. Covid hit most of the world - hard. Johnny has to support his child and his parents. Significant quarantine time would have a major effect on his job and earnings and home. Sure, go and selfishly plan a trip to Dubai to meet the 'love of your life'. You can have an open relationship because you and Johnny are not exactly dating and exclusive. You haven't even met each other. Ella, your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship of all.

Memphis and Hamza: Hamza, your mom is right. It may be too soon to marry Memphis. How she is right now is how she will be when you are married to her. If you are not sure, either postpone a wedding or break it off. If no one is working, how does one afford the wedding attire? Memphis, you spend too much time talking about bodily functions.

Mike and Ximena: There is no true love! Ximena has lost that loving feeling. Or felt she had another month or so to psych herself up for Mike's return. So now she needs plastic surgery to increase her chest size, get rid of some fat and so she can then be a model. Uh, I'd like to see some photos. Maybe she is more photogenic than she seems. No idea what kind of modelling she intends to pursue. Her tattoos will get in the way. And why should Mike have to pay for it? His dad and gramps are right. Don't let her bleed you dry. Once Mike pays for her enhancements, she will be long gone. She didn't respect that you had a long flight and wanted to go clubbing. She then toddles home at 9 am. Mike, that is your real 'fiancee'. Her body language has changed, she has become cold. Maybe she has a new guy she is fishing for and hopes to ghost you at the altar.

Jasmine and Gino: Maybe she is trying out for a telenovela and is hoping to submit her acting reel with this show. All the screaming and ripping the hat off his head, going to the bar to drown her sorrows, seeing if the plane will come to take her back, and then going back to the hotel room, and then accepting Gino's 'apology'. Being very pretty, she could probably attract a better dude than Gino. Maybe he is willing to put up with her. Gino, she is your ideal woman? One who is volatile, screams at the drop of a hat, you have no idea what she is really doin or saying and you want *more*? Then maybe this was scripted or you are just an idiot.

Kimbaaaaly and Usman: Given that you are only on a two week trip, things that should happen naturally are being given more of a push. Usman liked the electronics more than you, Kimbaaaaly. He is now sort of in a corner. He thought he could maybe string you along for another couple of visits (at your expense). And yimmy on the yammy. But now he has to go through with it or faces losing his superfan and embarrassing himself on international television. Good bye non existent international superstar career. I have no idea what amounts to 'African style' and would like some idea before I consent. I still do have boundaries and I do not consent to any sort of assault or pain. No need to high five the guy. You are an adult woman and begging him for intimacy is not cool. He isn't ready, he is not an escort. I have no idea what he has to offer you in terms of being a boyfriend or any sort of relationship. Unless it is for you to hook up with a singer. I would go home and ask him to look me up if he visits the US and invite me to one of his shows.

Ben and Mahogany: She is sort of real, but only slightly looks like her airbrushed and filtered photos. She meets your physical requirements - how nice that your God gave you a beautiful young girl. Uh, God gives out lessons and rewards. You do have to do some work. Your idea of God may also have a sense of humour or want you to learn a valuable lesson of what love really is. Maybe not bring the interaction of a beautiful young plaything for you. Choose a woman who you would not normally be attracted to. See the beauty within. No idea if this Mahogany is the girl he was talking to who promised to show him real love and shares his love of his Jesus. This girl looked out of place, had no idea who he was, no idea what to say to him and just wanted to leave. And now he wants to meet her parents. Surely he could see that the online connection had no basis in reality and that he was either being played and catfished or that the online attraction did not happen in reality. The girl is very much a young girl who would have no interest in Ben unless he was some rich celebrity.

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19 minutes ago, glitterpussy said:

Ha! Or on the current Love is Blind--"oooooh I've never been this close to anyone in my life!!!" Girl, you've known him for five days and never met in person! Do you have no family or friends?! Past relationships?! WTF!

Back to Ellie, who I suspect has very low intelligence..."I want someone to love me for me! RIGHT NOW!" Come ON. She must have been very spoiled by her parents. Hubs said she sounded like Veruca Salt 😂 Buy me a Chinese boyfriend, daddy!

And resembles the Blueberry girl.

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1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

One who is volatile, screams at the drop of a hat, you have no idea what she is really doin or saying and you want *more*?

All her screaming couldn't get that hat off Gino's head! 

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5 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

She says she is ready for the African Lovin' but is wearing zebra leggings and a tee shirt, I thought she would have gussied up a bit to set the mood?  

Well, she already got herself all dolled up in the Walmart pajamas and wasted that outfit!  She probably thought they'd just be all-naked-all-the-time by this point of the trip.

Meanwhile, they haven't even kissed.

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5 minutes ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

Kimbaaaly looks like my sleep paralysis demon. Let us pause and give thanks for the dominance of the genes of Jamal’s father. 

I hate to say this because Kimbaaaaly looks ragged without her estrogen, but her son looks like her.  She may have been nice looking back in the day.  

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9 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Women on shows like The Bachelor who are 22 or 23 will frequently say they have never felt so strongly about a person in their “whole entire” life.  Their lives are just starting; how many relationships could they have had?

For me it's the 13 and 14 year olds on The Voice who have been working for this "their entire life!!".

Isn't Idaho Falls where David from the M600PL lives?  I seem to recall that he was into all of that video game stuff as well.  Maybe they could give each other a shot (if Mom Robin would allow it).

Edited by Sile
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TO  Gino and Jasmine

FROM Sharp Productions

Hey, you guys!  How are things going?  Look, some shit hit the fan (what's new, huh? LOL) and we had to nope out of Caleb and Alina early.  We're trying to drag out what lame footage we have left to fill in, but it's SO boring, KWIM??

We've only got two episodes left and just need a little bit of filler in there that will actually give us some whammies instead of the same old, same old.  Usman refuses to give up any more yammy, China finally kicked us out and I don't think the world can take any more Memphis voice than me already got.  SWIDT? 

So, we would RLLY RLLY appreciate it if you two would add a little bit on to your story.  We're coming up dry for any believable reason you'd get back together (great sell on those not nudes, kids!), but maybe a quick location shoot with family?  Having Mom shut down the whole thing has worked well in the past. amirite?  So do you think you could work with us on that, Jas?  We generally just go scale on these things, but with the urgency of the sitch, we could go a little higher if she could do us a solid.

Let me know ASAP if we can get this done.  You two are LIFESAVERS!!!


Associate Producer for Postproduction Services


Edited by Sile
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13 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

When Ximena says she wants to be a model, I think she actually means "model" as in not a model (maybe cam girl, porn, etc.).

Anyone else think that once Ximena does start up her OnlyFans, she’s going to make Mike pay full price to view her content?

12 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Aren’t there any younger American women on these dating sites or just old women?

There is Ella. Or there might be. I’m not yet convinced that Ella isn’t an SNL character poking fun at Americans.

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23 hours ago, Inga said:

100% Mahogany is scammer. She is the one who sent him extremely face tuned pictures and communicated with him like that. She definitely speaks extremely fluent English. So much so, she had to remember to speak Spanish. She actually seemed like she preferred/wanted to speak English the whole time but she knew she better speak Spanish mostly. And then her trying to speak like broken English was so fake. Ben is gross but she is just so fake fake fake. She was probably like, well I’ll go and see what happens and took one look at that wonky eye and said, nope 

I agree w the brilliant uptrend assessment that she is being Isaac Newtoned. A traditional International scammer has been corresponding w the I love yous. Production found the real person and paid her and said what the heck I'll go and try it out. Ben the shit bag is not in on it. 

21 hours ago, Shelbie said:

In that final hug by the car Mahogany looked like she was hugging the father of one her friends who just paid for dinner. Didn’t know how to refuse so barely did it out of politeness.

I completely disagree on Jasmine and the pics not being a big deal because she walks around in skimpy clothes. I'll get back to the Mahogany hug in a second.  CONSENT!  Gino did not have Jasmine's consent to share those photos with anyone ! Please please teach your young teens about consent. Consent is not just saying yes or no to intercourse or sex acts.  Jasmine can run around in any skimpy attire she wants and still be entitled to the dignity and respect of consent. If Magogany felt more empowered about consent she would NEVER have hugged Ben in the first place.  She didn't owe him a thing. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I completely disagree on Jasmine and the pics not being a big deal because she walks around in skimpy clothes. I'll get back to the Mahogany hug in a second.  CONSENT!  Gino did not have Jasmine's consent to share those photos with anyone ! Please please teach your young teens about consent. Consent is not just saying yes or no to intercourse or sex acts.  Jasmine can run around in any skimpy attire she wants and still be entitled to the dignity and respect of consent.

Yes, yes, yes 1000% ! this needs to be the lesson here for all watching....even if she wears skimpy clothes, that doesn't mean you can assume she won't care if the world sees the pics. And, Gino damn well KNEW she would not be ok with it because he lied and denied when she first asked...if he really thought he hadn't done anythign wrong, he would have said, yeah you looked hot so I shared them baby, what's the big deal? But, nope, he said he "darn sure didnt' do that". 

I dont' agree with Jasmine cursing out the other woman, she should have been a little more appreciative of her showing her the real Gino, like the one woman who Colt dated after Larissa and all the women sent her screenshots of his DMS and she confronted him. 

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We re-watched this last night.

When Ximena said she wanted to go the club the night Mike arrived, she didn't invite him along.  He assumed she meant both of them and invited himself.  

I don't think Ximena intended for Mike to go.  I think she was going to leave him at home the entire night, which is pretty much what she did when he left at midnight and she didn't drag ass home until 9 am.  

Mike has had an entire football field full of red flags and yet next week we get to see her shopping for a wedding dress which she intends to use as blackmail tool to get Mike to pay for her surgeries.  

She's a piece of work, that's for sure.  

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1 hour ago, Persnickety1 said:

Mike has had an entire football field full of red flags and yet next week we get to see her shopping for a wedding dress which she intends to use as blackmail tool to get Mike to pay for her surgeries.  

Does Mike even see all the red flags or is he living with blinders on to protect the reality of this relationship? Does he think that continued giving on his part (paying rent, etc.), saying it's just fine if she continues to party until 9:00 in the morning once he's gone will get him the "in" he so desperately wants and that will make a successful relationship? I think either he's seriously not paying attention (choosing to see what he wants to see) or is so extremely naive as to how a relationship works. Has he considered what she's putting into the relationship at all? Her big talent is holding out her hand and having Mike fill it with $.

I feel bad for Mike. She's so apathetic towards him yet he doesn't seem to notice. If I fly for 11 hours to see someone and they don't even bother coming to the airport to pick me up, that alone tells me a lot. Then she goes and parties all night without him and in the morning is all eye rolling and has that "you are a pest" attitude. Mike, go home and cut her off. She will make your life miserable with what seems to be her lifelong poor judgement. I feel bad for the boys but I would also feel bad for Mike if he as a nice average guy ends up wasting years of his life with X. There is no "love of my life" story here.

And I was starting to warm up to X when I thought she showed some caring in a prior show! She is showing Mike who she is and he needs to open his eyes and notice.

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15 hours ago, Sile said:

Isn't Idaho Falls where David from the M600PL lives?  I seem to recall that he was into all of that video game stuff as well.  Maybe they could give each other a shot (if Mom Robin would allow it).

But David isn't Asian which is the first box on Ella's checklist

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4 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

I dont' agree with Jasmine cursing out the other woman, she should have been a little more appreciative of her showing her the real Gino,

She curses out the ex wife who did nothing to her unless you count selecting paint colors.  She is batshit.

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When Benjamin was hugging Mahagony it was creepy. It was like he was hugging his teenage daughter or one of her friends. What a lecherous, disgusting pervert. 

Ella telling Johnny she bought a ticket to Dubai and he better be there when she gets there or else reminds me of Benjamin and the other creepy guy that went to Ukraine completely uninvited or encouraged by the object of their desires. It's the same vibe. Demanding and unwilling to accept the answer or what Johnny's trying to tell her. She's a controlling witch. Johnny is in no hurry to meet up with her. Don't blame him.  

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I think Hamza realized big boobs aren't worth someone who is a total fucking drag and that he can't live with that vocal fry for the rest of his life.  Also, her reveal was so stupid.  We've already seen these unnecessary reveals (like Nicole).

Gino/Jasmine -- I truly believe this is all scripted. I can't imagine in the day of revenge porn laws that someone would openly admit to this on TV.  He hasn't been arrested right?  Jasmine seems to want to be on a telenovella.

Mahogany is def an actress.  There's nothing genuine there.  The only thing genuine there is Ben's stupidity.

Edited by Boo Boo
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7 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I completely disagree on Jasmine and the pics not being a big deal because she walks around in skimpy clothes. I'll get back to the Mahogany hug in a second.  CONSENT!  Gino did not have Jasmine's consent to share those photos with anyone ! Please please teach your young teens about consent. Consent is not just saying yes or no to intercourse or sex acts.  Jasmine can run around in any skimpy attire she wants and still be entitled to the dignity and respect of consent. If Magogany felt more empowered about consent she would NEVER have hugged Ben in the first place.  She didn't owe him a thing. 

THANK YOU. Every time I see a poster here complaining that Jasmine shouldn't be upset about having her nudes shared, it makes me so mad. Jasmine CONSENTED to being shown in a bathing suit on TV. She CONSENTED to sharing her nudes with Gino. She did NOT consent to have her tits blasted out to strangers who used to fuck her man! How do people not see the difference here? That's like saying because you have sex with someone once that you should be OK with someone using binoculars to watch you shower. Apples and oranges, consent/no consent. Jasmine is absolutely 100% in the right here and Gino deserves the tongue lashing he got. You may not like her, you may think her bathing suit is unflattering, you may think she's dumb to take Gino back, but at the end of the day she is 100% entitled to being upset he shared her photos without consent. It's a SERIOUS crime in some places, and it doesn't matter if the perpetrator is someone with whom you shared those photos with willingly--they are private and not to be shared with ANYONE without consent. I don't know why this is so hard for people to wrap their heads around. How do you not see the difference between a bathing suit and intimate photos?

Every last one of these couples are fetishists and sex tourists.

Gino is a sex tourist.

Mike is a sex tourist.

Ben absolutely would be a sex tourist if he could. Same with Kimbaaaly (well, I guess she officially is now with the bestowing of the yammy yammy). Ella is fetishizing Johnny, and he could be interchangeable with any other Asian man and she wouldn't care. Caleb and Alina probably fetishize each other for different reasons. 

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Uninvited stinky Mike shows up with shit on his shoe. When Eczema says something he takes it off and sets it about one foot away. The bumbling moron probably put the same shoe back on to go to the club.

Hueles a caca!

Edited by Mr. Miner
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8 minutes ago, monagatuna said:

Every last one of these couples are fetishists and sex tourists.

Gino is a sex tourist.

Mike is a sex tourist.

Ben absolutely would be a sex tourist if he could. Same with Kimbaaaly (well, I guess she officially is now with the bestowing of the yammy yammy). Ella is fetishizing Johnny, and he could be interchangeable with any other Asian man and she wouldn't care. Caleb and Alina probably fetishize each other for different reasons. 

And this is why this show is so fucked up. Big Ped was a sex tourist too. So was creepy David. So was Babygirl Lisa and Big Angie. So was Mike (Natalie), Stephanie (Ryan), Colt, Geoffrey, Deavon, Paul, Ariela, Mark (Nikki), Steven (Alina), Molly, Tarik, Ellie, Rebecca, Ashley, Larry, Nicole, Darcy, Brittany, Tim (Melyza), Tim (Jennifer), Eric (Leida beast), David (Lana), Jorge, Jonathan (Fernanda), Courtney (Antonio)...the list goes on. It's beyond gross when you see how many 'couples' are basically sex tourists. Some of the other sides got lucky, like Fernanda got to stay in the US and make a new life after she left Jonathan. Leida is making Eric's life a living hell, hopefully, on the daily. But how this show is allowed to exist is beyond me, when all it does is glorify sex tourism and taking advantage of those who live in poverty, for the most part.

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21 minutes ago, monagatuna said:

THANK YOU. Every time I see a poster here complaining that Jasmine shouldn't be upset about having her nudes shared, it makes me so mad. Jasmine CONSENTED to being shown in a bathing suit on TV. She CONSENTED to sharing her nudes with Gino. She did NOT consent to have her tits blasted out to strangers who used to fuck her man! How do people not see the difference here? That's like saying because you have sex with someone once that you should be OK with someone using binoculars to watch you shower. Apples and oranges, consent/no consent. Jasmine is absolutely 100% in the right here and Gino deserves the tongue lashing he got. You may not like her, you may think her bathing suit is unflattering, you may think she's dumb to take Gino back, but at the end of the day she is 100% entitled to being upset he shared her photos without consent. It's a SERIOUS crime in some places, and it doesn't matter if the perpetrator is someone with whom you shared those photos with willingly--they are private and not to be shared with ANYONE without consent. I don't know why this is so hard for people to wrap their heads around. How do you not see the difference between a bathing suit and intimate photos?

Every last one of these couples are fetishists and sex tourists.

Gino is a sex tourist.

Mike is a sex tourist.

Ben absolutely would be a sex tourist if he could. Same with Kimbaaaly (well, I guess she officially is now with the bestowing of the yammy yammy). Ella is fetishizing Johnny, and he could be interchangeable with any other Asian man and she wouldn't care. Caleb and Alina probably fetishize each other for different reasons. 

You're welcome. 🙂 Thank YOU for a well stated co-sign! 

 Consent is a big topic in health class for teens these days for a reason. ✔️ 

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1 minute ago, MrBuhBye said:

Maybe Panama hasn’t adopted these laws yet.  

Would that matter? The photos were sent to his ex in the US, which I think would grant jurisdiction.

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On 2/21/2022 at 10:54 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I think with Ella, some of the issue with parents is because she's had at least one failed relationship, where she was going to meet the man from India in Thailand.   I'm wondering there are other failed relationships for her too?   

Ella can be feminine and charming when she's made up.  She has a sweet face and I think that's what he gets on his video.

She's not at all attractive when we see her in men's clothing working the ranch..

Ella and Johnny are really into showing their privates on the screen.  That's their big relationship draw to each other!

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19 hours ago, Sile said:

For me it's the 13 and 14 year olds on The Voice who have been working for this "their entire life!!".

Isn't Idaho Falls where David from the M600PL lives?  I seem to recall that he was into all of that video game stuff as well.  Maybe they could give each other a shot (if Mom Robin would allow it).

Actually whenever Idaho Falls is mentioned I think of all the missing and murdered from tbere!  I'm a true crimes kinda person and I believe there's a lot!  Kelsey Berreth, Angie Dodd,  JJ  Vallo and Tylee,  Deorr Kuntz.  Michael Vaughn and those are just the tip of the iceburg!

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On 2/21/2022 at 7:35 AM, greekmom said:

Ximena - no one is going to take you as a model even with a boob job, nose job, tummy tuck, the works, etc.  First, you look like you've been ridden hard and left wet.  Second, your fucking tats makes it impossible to get any work.  

Mike - get a clue man.


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3 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

She curses out the ex wife who did nothing to her unless you count selecting paint colors.  She is batshit.

ON reddit the person claiming to be the ex who sent the messages to Jasmine also posted what she says were Jasmine's messages back to her...basically calling her a whore that was just jealous because she is old and Jasmine is young prime beef (or some stupid shit like that) and a reality tv STAR. 

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On 2/20/2022 at 8:07 PM, nutella fitzgerald said:

Is Jamal the best-looking person to ever appear on any 90 Day show? And he has common sense! 😍

Right??!!  I was thinking this handsome fella shares DNA with Kimbaaaally???!!  Poor thing can't help what she was born with but please, quite begging for (apparently very small) yam!  Have some pride!!!  

On 2/20/2022 at 8:29 PM, Adeejay said:

Ximena being in a club until closing time is very concerning.  Wonder who is watching her kids.  Run, Mikey run!

Kimbaaly finally got the yammy.  Wonder what made Souja change his mind.  

So, it's okay for Jasmine to walk around with her boobs and butt out on National Television; however, she draws the line at her boobs being on the internet.  Got it.


Playstation games



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On 2/21/2022 at 6:34 AM, seacliffsal said:

When Ximena says she wants to be a model, I think she actually means "model" as in not a model (maybe cam girl, porn, etc.).  It looked like she slept in a separate room from Mike-she really didn't want him to come as it so interfered with her surgeries.  She has too many criminal connections for her to not be involved (IMO)-especially going to a loan shark to get money rather than, you know, actually working to get money.  She also didn't even greet her son who was on the floor when she first got up-she was able to present herself as a loving mom and potential spouse the first time Mike visited but couldn't be bothered to do so this time.

So over Jasmine and Gino.  If she had actually broken up with him I would totally be on her side, but nope, she showed her true intentions by going back to him.

Memphis looked shocked when Hazan said maybe they were rushing too much.  She complained to her foster sister that she didn't really know him and I was all "hmmmmmm, wonder why..."

And Ella, no, you haven't been waiting for the love of your life for 29 years.  For the first 6-9 years of your life I would wager you didn't even give it a thought.  So, no, not for your own life-I understand it makes you seem like a "victim" because you use your actual age, but just stop.  It's like when someone says 'I've worked for this my entire life' and it's more like they worked for it for 5-10 years. It's not the same thing.

I really, really, really wanted Ben to be stood up.  But, since he wasn't, I got the next best thing in Mahogany not really being into the relationship as much as Ben. 

Ella is a big ole baby who uses manipulation and tantrums to get what she wants.  If he doesn't come see her she is going to start dating others?  Hmmm.  If they were lining up to date you why are you looking overseas?  Threats never endear you to someone.  

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18 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

If he doesn't come see her she is going to start dating others? 

She threatens that they will have an "open relationship." Doesn't she realize that works both ways and that Johnny can also see (and screw) anyone he wants? 

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22 hours ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

Kimbaaaly looks like my sleep paralysis demon.

I've been laughing for a full 20 minutes because of this genius quote! 

However, I'm now more than a little concerned at the thought of going to sleep tonight. 

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3 hours ago, Gobi said:

Would that matter? The photos were sent to his ex in the US, which I think would grant jurisdiction.

The victim is not in the US and the pictures were not sent from anywhere in the US.  Even if it is a US crime because the recipient was in the US I doubt a prosecutor would pursue it under those facts.  Which is not to say that he shouldn’t be prosecuted I just don’t think it’s feasible here. 

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Assuming that the ex is in Michigan where Gino lives it appears under Michigan law it has to be done with the intent to shame or humiliate the person.  So if prosecutors or the fact finder believed him that he was bragging about her looks it might not be a crime in Michigan.

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3 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Actually whenever Idaho Falls is mentioned I think of all the missing and murdered from tbere!  I'm a true crimes kinda person and I believe there's a lot!  Kelsey Berreth, Angie Dodd,  JJ  Vallo and Tylee,  Deorr Kuntz.  Michael Vaughn and those are just the tip of the iceburg!

Run, Johnny, Run!!!  And don't look back!

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