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S03.E05: Child Care

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8 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I'm probably just emotionally a Vulcan, but I am not buying or accepting that Grace would be so dramatically upset over an illegitimate child that Judd had years before they met that he wasn't even aware of. It just feels really off for her character. 

Same. It's like the writer never watched the show before. Meh.

  • Love 8

I missed the opening guest star credits, but was that Robyn Lively?

I didn’t figure out the female twist, but I knew that this was going to be some sort of kidnapping (why yes I have been massive binge watching Criminal Minds for over a month now).

I have a theory that evil Billy Burke will be wining and dining Julie Benz to come out in full evil glory in a few episodes to mwah-hah-hah to Owen. I feel she was too big to use for just a couple episodes and nothing else happen. 

But Amy Acker has put a wrench in my thoughts for that, since she’s well known as well. The whole McConaughey thing with them tonight is similar to some of hubby’s and my conversations, although less adversarial. 

Glad Carlos had something else to do besides look pitiful about or happy with TK. 

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I’ve heard of creeps hacking into nanny cams before but it was pretty dark having the kid try to burn her parents to death. The girl was young but would she really just run off rather than to her parents? I think most kids would run to mom and dad. Of course Owen had to be driving by when the kidnapper was going past. Not sure how I feel about Judd’s storyline; can’t people just be happy?

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 7

I don't remember more than a few fragmented moments from before the age of four, but I'm pretty sure that from that age onward I'd have known that a mysterious voice telling me to play a game involving starting a fire in my bedroom while my parents are sound asleep and then running outside in the dead of night would NOT be something I should actually follow through on.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I'm probably just emotionally a Vulcan, but I am not buying or accepting that Grace would be so dramatically upset over an illegitimate child that Judd had years before they met that he wasn't even aware of. It just feels really off for her character. 

15 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Well, it looks like she turned around so I will forgive the whole angry fit. I will say I did overall enjoy this episode, I thought it was a lot more lighthearted even though it was mostly about a child abduction. 

If it was just a week or 2 after the baby was born, Grace's outburst would mirror some of my new-mom daughter's moods. But I can't tell when this show is. Show babies are almost always cast older than their roles.



4 minutes ago, Bruinsfan said:

I don't remember more than a few fragmented moments from before the age of four, but I'm pretty sure that from that age onward I'd have known that a mysterious voice telling me to play a game involving starting a fire in my bedroom while my parents are sound asleep and then running outside in the dead of night would NOT be something I should actually follow through on.

I would have screamed in terror at Mr. Whispers talking out of the Nanny cam.

  • Love 10
30 minutes ago, yourdreamer said:

I missed the opening guest star credits, but was that Robyn Lively?

 Yes, that was her.   I was said 'Hey, Vivian Blackadder.  Long time no see,' when Judd opened the door. 

 I'd buy Grace initially being upset, especially given she came around pretty quickly.  She herself admitted it wasn't rational for her to blame Judd so she was well aware she was operating off pure emotion.  I'm not sure why the writers had to throw this wrench in, though.

Didn't the mother get suspicious when the girl was saying Goodnite, Mr. Whiskers to the camera?  Then again these are the parents who thought it was a good idea to give out their wifi password to any rando working on their kitchen, so. 

  • Love 11
20 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

I’ve heard of creeps hacking into nanny cams before but it was pretty dark having the kid try to burn her parents to death. The girl was young but would she really just run off rather than to her parents? I think most kids would run to mom and dad.

I can believe a child that age could be talked out of the house by an "imaginary friend", that I thought was plausible. Can't see the kid setting fire to the house and not screaming her head off over the fire. 

  • Love 2
30 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I'm probably just emotionally a Vulcan, but I am not buying or accepting that Grace would be so dramatically upset over an illegitimate child that Judd had years before they met that he wasn't even aware of. It just feels really off for her character. 

I said the same thing. Why do writers always make characters go totally out of character when a potential issue arises? Based on Grace's demeanor in the past, I would have thought her reaction would be totally opposite of the way it was written.

  • Love 4
31 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I would have screamed in terror at Mr. Whispers talking out of the Nanny cam.

I was creeped out, and it wasn't even talking to me. I'm with Carlos; it was super upsetting. I can't imagine a kid not being bothered, but then again I've met some adults with crappy judgment, so I guess I ought to believe there are kids who are just as crazy.

My theory about why they wrote Grace out of character is that they resent how popular she is and wanted to take her down a peg. But it only succeeded in making me angry at the writers.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, possibilities said:

My theory about why they wrote Grace out of character is that they resent how popular she is and wanted to take her down a peg. But it only succeeded in making me angry at the writers.

Well, I can see wanting her out of her perfect shell because she is a bit overly awesome. But there's no way she'd throw that hissy fit over a kid conceived and born years before she even met Judd. I can see her being upset but not that upset in that I think she knew Judd was a work in progress when they met. Add in the weedy looking kid who isn't after money and I really somehow saw her hugging that kid. 

Also could they have picked a kid less like Judd in looks and build?

  • LOL 2
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2 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I'm probably just emotionally a Vulcan, but I am not buying or accepting that Grace would be so dramatically upset over an illegitimate child that Judd had years before they met that he wasn't even aware of. It just feels really off for her character. 

I buy it. Grace is human. And her husband having a nearly grown kid with someone else is going to take time to process. She came around about it within a day or two. And even as she was reacting she admitted Judd hadn't done anything wrong.

But still. This is a *huge* change in their family dynamic. In the blink of an eye Grace's child is no longer her husband's only child. The whole dynamic she envisioned for Charlie growing up has shifted. Judd is now going to be splitting his attention instead of just focusing on the baby. And in practical terms there are probably new financial worries. At Wyatt's age, with college looming, 'do the right thing' is going to mean money. What if Judd is now on the hook for child support? Not to mention explaining Wyatt's existence to their families. 

So Grace needing a minute to live up to her name is fine by me.

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, anna0852 said:

At Wyatt's age, with college looming, 'do the right thing' is going to mean money.

Not necessarily. The kid said he wasn't after money.

2 minutes ago, anna0852 said:

What if Judd is now on the hook for child support?

That would take a while to legally set up. 

6 minutes ago, anna0852 said:

Not to mention explaining Wyatt's existence to their families. 

Thats easy peasy. "Mom, Dad, almost ten years before I even met Judd, he had a one night stand with a female barrel racer who got pregnant but never ever came looking for him, no doubt because based on how Judd met her - at a bar where she dragged him out and had unprotected sex with him, she really had no idea who fathered her child until the powers of 23andMe brought Wyatt to us."

I mean really, its not like Judd cheated on her and I really doubt they all thought Judd was a virgin when they wed. 

  • Love 5

Are they seriously not going to have Judd do a DNA test? (And no, I don't put much stock in those ancestry tests that are advertised so much.) In the span of two episodes, Judd went from no kids to two. 

As for Grace, I get her initial reaction.  I'm sure it was the shock of the situation that took over.  But, she quickly came back around to being the Grace we know and love.  If any character could welcome a new member into her family, its Grace.  

I liked the interaction between Strand and Amy Acker.  Hope she sticks around.  Was Benz just a one (or was it two) off guest appearance?  Me and Acker are in agreement on McConnaughey's acting abilities.  

When Owen was trying to get on the exclusive dating app and he invited Marjan to dinner and said he decided it was time to thank the person who saved the squad.  My first reaction was "Is Paul coming?" because I distinctly remember it being saved due to the very generous financial donation from the father of the girl Paul saved. 

The nanny cam hack was super creepy. 

All in all, I thought it was one of the better episodes this season.  (Of course, that is a fairly low bar given the ice storm storyline.) 

Edited by Bulldog
  • Love 6

I mean...after the UTTERLY pointless snowstorm arc (besides getting the fire station back), this...wasn't a bad episode to come back to. There were some decent moments, overall. 

I did like Carlos getting his own storyline for what feels like the first time ever (I know he's had a couple of solo storylines, but they're few and far inbetween), although Owen being the person to have the Big Save was annoying as all hell. Because, apparently, Carlos couldn't have this one win where he personally caught the kidnapper after doing all the hard work to find her in the first place. Of course Owen struts in on his white horse...uh, car, with Amy Acker by his side. 

Speaking of that, of course Amy Acker is his new love interest. I didn't MIND their dinner scene, but it went on for way too long. There was a solid two minute conversation just on Matthew McConaughey alone.

Judd/Grace's storyline? Of COURSE there's a secret son twist. Of COURSE we have to see it instead of Judd/Grace being first time parents. Of COURSE Judd doesn't officially take a paternity test to make sure, so Wyatt is probably not gonna be Judd's kid, which will make this storyline pointless once Wyatt and his mom completely disappear once this arc is done in a few episodes. 

That being said, in terms of Wyatt and his mom? I surprisingly didn't hate them. Wyatt seemed shy and reserved (so I hope that's not a fake-out where he turns to be a scheming slimy con artist with his mom) and his mom seems alright, besides the fact that she didn't bother looking for Judd at any point. One night stand or not, I'm sure she could have searched for him.

And Grace irrationally being angry at Judd works for me. I imagine part of it could also be due to PPD or something, but I also don't really blame her for being upset in the moment otherwise. Although, again, don't know why we needed THIS to be their storyline when we could have had happy first time parents and cute baby Charlie storylines instead. 

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Bulldog said:

Are they seriously not going to have Judd do a DNA test? (And no, I don't put much stock in those ancestry tests that are advertised so much.)

Speaking as someone who has done the ancestry tests - relatives popped up pretty accurately. My uncle and cousin who did the test were identified as "probable uncle, probable first cousin" - a second cousin my mom's side registered as "probable second cousin". It even confirmed a few family rumors (grandma's side was more irish than her british sensibilities admitted and a great uncle was indeed an uncle as he'd been born when it was inappropriate for a young girl to have a baby so he was raised as "her brother") Now if Wyatt is suing for child support, yeah, I'd do a paternity test but I am more surprised that Grace and Judd didn't get an email advising them that they had new DNA relatives. I get them all the time. 

I mean, Judd sounds like he was a dog before he met Grace, its a surprise there aren't more kids. 

4 hours ago, ChattyCathyLA said:

This episode seems strangely out of sequence to me.  What happened to the attractive woman who was living near the snowed in cabin?  I really thought that was being set up as a future romance for the Captain!  Disappointed, as I remember the actress from Dexter and really like her.

I liked her too - she played well with Rob Lowe. Who was she on Dexter?

3 minutes ago, gadzooks said:

She played Dexter's wife, Rita.  Definitely recognized the voice.

Thats it! But she was blond on Dexter. But then, I am never any good at this game - I didn't pick up that Serena on Handmaid's Tale was Hannah on Dexter for ages. 

I DID remember Amy Acker from Person of Interest.... and as a Firefly fan I love Gina Torres getting work even though I really don't like the captain of paramedics concept here. If this is how fire depts are organized in Texas, fine, I just don't see why the paramedics are a separate entity in the firehouse with their own captain. 

  • Love 1
39 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Judd also mentioned his brother, considering the barrel racers from Yellowstone this kid could be his nephew not son. He should do another test.

Why mention a brother if they're not going there, right?
But since Judd remembers having unprotected sex with her on one occasion 20 years ago, even if he's the uncle, not the father, he could have been the father if it had been a few days earlier or later. Maybe they will talk about how it takes a village or whatever.


32 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Speaking as someone who has done the ancestry tests - relatives popped up pretty accurately. My uncle and cousin who did the test were identified as "probable uncle, probable first cousin" - a second cousin my mom's side registered as "probable second cousin". It even confirmed a few family rumors (grandma's side was more irish than her british sensibilities admitted and a great uncle was indeed an uncle as he'd been born when it was inappropriate for a young girl to have a baby so he was raised as "her brother") Now if Wyatt is suing for child support, yeah, I'd do a paternity test but I am more surprised that Grace and Judd didn't get an email advising them that they had new DNA relatives.

All true IRL, but keep in mind that this is a 9-1-1 series show.


  • LOL 3
11 hours ago, possibilities said:

My theory about why they wrote Grace out of character is that they resent how popular she is and wanted to take her down a peg

Really? Is the character popular? I can't stand her, know-it-all, so perfect and strong. I am surprised I am alone. I don't care much for the show but I think they could take her down, period.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, anna0852 said:

Not to mention explaining Wyatt's existence to their families. 

Grace's father better not say one word about it after Judd saved his ass from that diabetic coma in a hotel room with his mistress.


3 hours ago, Ailianna said:

I couldn't help it. I could only think that it's all a big Angel reunion there, with Gina Torres, Julie Benz, and now Amy Acker.  Is Eliza Dushku about to appear (no complaints)? Charisma Carpenter (even fewer complaints)?

Likewise for J. August Richards if he's available. But please Tim, no Vincent Kartheiser!

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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Speaking of that, of course Amy Acker is his new love interest. I didn't MIND their dinner scene, but it went on for way too long. There was a solid two minute conversation just on Matthew McConaughey alone.

That went on FOREVER. I finally fast-fowarded. I cannot for the life of me figure out why they thought we wanted to sit through all of that.

Maybe it's like all the Owen Saves the Day scenes—included courtesy Rob Lowe's ego rather than because it serves the narrative?

I suppose I do get that something needed to tie the kidnapped child case back in to the rest of the characters, rather than just having Carlos spin off into his own story that didn't involve any of the firefighters/EMTs. But couldn't Marjan or Tommy have been walking by that fast food restaurant when Mr. Whispers peeled out of the drive-thru?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, circumvent said:

Really? Is the character popular? I can't stand her, know-it-all, so perfect and strong. I am surprised I am alone. I don't care much for the show but I think they could take her down, period.

I like her but I agree she's always perfect and strong in contrast to Judd's and everyone else's emotional dumbassery. Personally I'd like to see her have something of a crisis of faith not related to Judd maybe cheating or doing something dumb. Something work related perhaps. 

I'd like to see Carlos make detective if just to show someone on this show being career conscious and ambitious. Strand as the captain might be  making a decent wage but average firefighter salaries in Texas are 46k-56k, paramedics a little less. Not to rag on my gender but Marjan as a woman just isn't going to last as long as a guy in an everyday firefighter role. 

  • Love 1

I guess the writers of Yellowstone got brought in for this episode, both shows are trying to teach that hooking up with barrel racers will only lead to problems. Of course this show decides to give Judd a long lost kid, because we just haven't had enough melodrama lately. They couldn't have found a kid who looks even a little bit like Judd? He doesn't even look much like his mother. I didn't really mind Grace's reaction, it seems like a pretty understandable reaction. It through her for a loop, drastically changed their family, while also admitting that she knows that she has no reason to be mad at Judd, he hasn't actually done anything wrong. Grace is so often the voice of reason, so I like that they let her be a bit more flawed, and she did come around quickly. I really don't know why this has to happen though, I just want to watch Grace and Judd and their cute baby.

Owen doing a bunch of dating apps had some funny bits, especially Mateo telling him that he is totally being catfished (so that's why they wanted all of my pets names) and I always like seeing Amy Acker, but I was so not interested in giving him yet another hero moment. I think it would make more sense for it to be Carlos who saved the girl, he was the one who was chasing the lead and getting invested in the case. 

"Its full of smart people who walk and talk very fast." Yeah, we see what you did there, show. We see you.

That plot with the little girl was really creepy, if my kid had an imaginary friend named "Mr. Whispers" I would totally have a lot of follow up questions. I wish Carlos had gotten to save the girl, but I did like him doing a lot of good work, I hope he becomes a detective, he would be good at that.

A pretty good episode, although after the never ending snowstorm, just about anything would be an improvement.

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I mean...after the UTTERLY pointless snowstorm arc (besides getting the fire station back), this...wasn't a bad episode to come back to. There were some decent moments, overall. 

I did like Carlos getting his own storyline for what feels like the first time ever (I know he's had a couple of solo storylines, but they're few and far inbetween), although Owen being the person to have the Big Save was annoying as all hell. Because, apparently, Carlos couldn't have this one win where he personally caught the kidnapper after doing all the hard work to find her in the first place. Of course Owen struts in on his white horse...uh, car, with Amy Acker by his side. 

Speaking of that, of course Amy Acker is his new love interest. I didn't MIND their dinner scene, but it went on for way too long. There was a solid two minute conversation just on Matthew McConaughey alone.

Judd/Grace's storyline? Of COURSE there's a secret son twist. Of COURSE we have to see it instead of Judd/Grace being first time parents. Of COURSE Judd doesn't officially take a paternity test to make sure, so Wyatt is probably not gonna be Judd's kid, which will make this storyline pointless once Wyatt and his mom completely disappear once this arc is done in a few episodes. 


And Grace irrationally being angry at Judd works for me.

I hope you're right. I hate the storyline and I want Grace and Judd back to being happy. They're my comfort food out of tv shows. ;)

And I too get why she was upsett. I would be too. But still she was the one to ask the kid for the phone number.

The only thing I liked about this is that Judd didn't hide from Grace.

  • Love 3

I have to admit, Mateo's psychoanalysis of Owen's "deep emotional pain' was kinda funny.  Actually I find the Mateo and Owen pairing oddly appealing.  I think the show inadvertently hit on something there.

That nanny-cam child thing was freaky as hell. It just plays up all the scary things about kids and electronics and people not being good as passwords. etc.  But I did like that is was a good Carlos storyline away from TK.  Nice to see Tamala Jones again.

I am a stone cold Grace and Judd groupie.  On the one hand, I kinda hate this storyline for them. It interferes with my Grace and Judd love and rainbows life.  On the other...oooh soaptastic juicyness.  I am ok with soaptastic juicyness as long as it does not harm or signal real danger of the longterm viability of the love and rainbows.  

I completely understand Grace's anger/upset.  Her speech to Judd made it clear she knew she was being irrational.  I loved how she said it was unfair to everyone, even Judd and the kid.  And that she knows he is not to blame.  But she can't help herself.  She really would have been superhuman, imo, to have just taken the news and was immediately understanding.  She had to progress through her own emotions on it and she did.

The kid Wyatt seemed really nice.  I loved his 'sirs' and 'ma'ams.'  He was very respectful and he came off as really sincere. And then his mother also seemed sincere.  It seems so far (knock on wood) that they seem to be writing this storyline as thoughtful and possibly the way people IRL would approach it if everyone's motives were pure, rather than it just being tv sensational.  If they keep it that way it should be an interesting storyline for Judd and Grace to navigate.  I will say, Grace as a character is a really good rep for day-to-day living with your religion (ditto with Marjan) as both go about it so you are aware, but it is not too in your face but rather quietly so.  Tv is typically not really good at really representing that brand of simply existing in your religion often.  A lot of times on tv, religion is portrayed as in your face preachy or beatifically special or, in the case of Christianity in particular, strident and restrictive.  So I see her accepting of this as a way of her living her values.  It is a nice space to walk for the show.  Judd, otoh, I am not so sure he is as ok as Grace.  His last look he still seem troubled.  So I am very curious where they are gonna go with this.

Surprisingly I did not hate Amy Acker.  I usually do.  But I kinda liked her here.  Also, she looked fantastic!  Did hate the pointless "argument" over Matthew McConaghey.  Ugh.  It felt  so very 'Steve Buscemi how do you do fellow kids' gif.   Also <she says unenthusiastically> "ooh look, Owen to the rescue.  Again.  That never happens on this show."

Nice change up from the snowstorm.

ETA:  I liked that Wyatt's mother thought to ask if they even drank when she handed over the wine.  I have been watching Single Drunk Female on Hulu and it is crazy I never realized until then how many people hand people alcohol assuming they do drink.

  • Love 9
49 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

The kid Wyatt seemed really nice.  I loved his 'sirs' and 'ma'ams.'  He was very respectful and he came off as really sincere. And then his mother also seemed sincere.  It seems so far (knock on wood) that they seem to be writing this storyline as thoughtful and possibly the way people IRL would approach it if everyone's motives were pure, rather than it just being tv sensational.  If they keep it that way it should be an interesting storyline for Judd and Grace to navigate.

I suspect there will be a point where "the poop hits the fan" and the kid and mother will turn out to be NOT so nice and understanding.  They could have been on a reconnaissance mission. These shows are notorious for playing up the drama to the Nth degree.

I like Rob Lowe, but Owen is looking more and more ridiculous with his Dylan McKay 'do and open shirt revealing a medallion. 

I kinda liked the West Wing callback.

It was pretty clear that chick would want to go out with him after he hijacked her car to save the kid. And of course Owen saved the day once again.

I actually thought Grace's anger toward Billy when he came to her house/she was in labor was also out of character -- I mean, of course I get why she was pissed, but she was really hateful toward him and that didn't seem like her. So this week's anger tracked for me. At least they're making her more human. 

  • Love 2

I'm not sure what has changed but I am not enjoying this season. The show has always been...not great, but lately it's worse than usual.

Judd having an unknown kid. I mean it's not unrealistic, but it's very soap opera.   However, I noticed he said he was there with his brother, so I predict the kid is his bothers. Also, what idiot doesn't take a paternity test?

Mateo needs to shut up! Owen is letting him live with him that does not give Mateo the freedom to comment on his boss's love life. Also, if I was Owen and I found out Mateo was blabbing what I was doing on my personal time to people at work we would be having a serious issue and Mateo would be looking for somewhere else to live. Of course, I would never invite an employee to live with me in the first place. 

Not interested in seeing Owen date....

Owen looked hotter in the snowstorm episodes with his beard and cowboy hat.

Marjan is annoying me, and I don't really know why. 

  • Love 3

I lost some respect for Owen in this episode. First of all, hooking up with girls young enough to be his daughter is really creepy to me. I know Rob Lowe looks great for his age, but it's still all kinds of ick. I also hate to think Owen really believes Matthew McConaughey is the greatest actor of all time. Yikes. Matthew McConaughey always plays some version of Matthew McConaughey. I've never seen him lose himself in a role and become someone else. 


This episode seems strangely out of sequence to me.  What happened to the attractive woman who was living near the snowed in cabin?

Owen had moved to his remote cabin to live off the grid when he quit the force. Now that he's back on, he's living in Austin again so that woman is no longer his neighbor. I don't know if the show had any plans for Julie Benz beyond the four-part opening arc this season.


If it was just a week or 2 after the baby was born, Grace's outburst would mirror some of my new-mom daughter's moods. But I can't tell when this show is. Show babies are almost always cast older than their roles.


How old is Baby Charlie at this point?  Shouldn’t she be at minimum 6 months, maybe even a year old by now.  That brand new fire house was not built by magic.  It would probably take close to a year to get it rebuilt, up and running and staffed again.  That baby was like “TV 6 weeks” old.


Given that TK's organs were shutting down and now he's back on the force it has to be a good six months, at least. I don't think the station had to be rebuilt, they never tore it down. But Charlie did look like she was about 6 months old to me.

This episode was strangely police work-centric and firehouse light.

  • Love 2

It still cracks me up that all the male firefighters (plus Carlos) are wearing super-tight, super-short sleeves to show off their bulging biceps, while all the female firefighters and police are wearing long sleeves. I think Ryan Murphy must have designed the costumes. They look more like "male stripper fireman outfits" than the real thing.

Edited by iMonrey
  • LOL 4
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44 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

It still cracks me up that all the male firefighters (plus Carlos) are wearing super-tight, super-short sleeves to show off their bulging biceps, while all the female firefighters and police are wearing long sleeves. I think Ryan Murphy must have designed the costumes. They look more like "male stripper fireman outfits" than the real thing.

I was also noticing the way the young male firefighters were posed in those tight t-shirts. I felt a little embarrassed.

9 hours ago, Fireball said:

Marjan is annoying me, and I don't really know why. 

She's too cool for school. She never has any problems, she's super pretty, she's got a vast social media empire and she never has consequences for being out of line or putting herself into stupid positions.  I like Marjan but she comes across a wee bit arrogant. Arrogant and untouchable. 

Edited by EllaWycliffe
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