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S01.E08: Work Family

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When Melissa agreed they were just work friends and that she wouldn't kill for anyone except Barbara, I wanted Janine to ask how Melissa and Barbara had moved past the work friend category to get to real friends.

It's also great that Gregory's kids have all those interesting questions about the math questions, but they're not going to be able to ask any of them during a written test, which is what he's teaching toward.  In fact, the oral practices are probably not the best way to prepare for the test, though they will certainly be of use in the real world.

Those teachers have the longest lunch period ever.  And it made me uncomfortable that Janine didn't offer the janitor/former Olympian some Chinese food.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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8 minutes ago, possibilities said:

But I agree that the way they treat the janitor is lousy. What is his name? Do we know?

I get the feeling that he would have declined the offer of food (even after inserting himself into their game), by saying something like he didn't want any teacher friends, but it's awkward to bring in food for a bunch of co-workers and not offer him any. 

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The segment near the end with Janine’s boyfriend rapping to the kids and Gregory finally getting loose and dancing, followed by his kids joining in, was pretty entertaining. Loved the other teachers getting a kick out of seeing Gregory finally letting loose

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1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

Orlando Jones as Gregory’s dad was great casting.


1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

You spend a lot of time with your colleagues. If people want to become friends, they will. It’ll just happen. Janine was getting on my nerves, to be honest - you can’t force people to be friends with you and my colleagues are not my family. I have a family. (Also 99% of the time, when an employer says “we’re like family here,” they’re going to exploit the hell out of you.)

ITA on all counts. Janine's neediness was off the charts so much this episode that, for the first time, I didn't mind Ava roasting her. She earned it. Her whole "we're family" spiel had me rolling my eyes. Whether it's companies or coworkers, I honestly hate when people push the notion of "family" at the workplace. If we manage to have a good, functional working relationship and a harmonious workplace atmosphere, that's more than enough for me. If deeper relationships develop...cool, but let it happen organically. Besides, just as Empress1 said, 99% of the time, when an employer says “we’re like family here,” they’re going to exploit the hell out of you.

Of all people, I didn't think Jacob would be the one to have to explain the obvious to Janine. Like girl, your 8th grade BF hasn't developed beyond the 8th grade. Maybe it's time to move on. Well done, Jacob.

Like I said last week, Abbott Elementary pulls Gregory in further and further every week. It was nice to see him loosen up and see him and his students having fun.

20 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Ava dancing with that dollar at the end was the best 15 seconds of television this week.

Ava never fails to deliver.



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11 hours ago, JeanJean said:

Now I feel sad for Janine's boyfriend (whose name I can't think of at the moment because I'm old and they haven't said it enough). He's totally unaware of her dissatisfaction and that others are encouraging her to split with him. He was so much fun entertaining the kids. He could actually do that for work - there are people who make their livings entertaining children. He could get some money from arts councils and do fun classes and such in addition to shows, and record songs for kids, as well.

I don't think people dislike Tariq outright, but I think they question if he's right for Janine. Jacob sees that she's the only one with a steady income and that Tariq is totally fine letting her be the sole breadwinner while be raps. And Gregory simply asked if Tariq makes her happy. Barbara, Janine, and Melissa were razzing her for being with the same guy since 8th grade and not dating anyone. Maybe their interactions with her "best friend" Sarah make them question her judgement about old friends.


11 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

I get the feeling that he would have declined the offer of food (even after inserting himself into their game), by saying something like he didn't want any teacher friends, but it's awkward to bring in food for a bunch of co-workers and not offer him any. 

I'm fan-wanking that he did get offered food when he turned in his "secret" but that he turned it down.

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Ava killed it this week…”Are you suddenly Mormon? Just asking cuz you need Mo’ Men!”  Loved that Barbara acknowledged Ava’s sick burn.

Tariq was so engaged with the kids, even if some of his rhymes were inappropriate for the audience.  

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The luxurious length of the lunch hour is the only thing that doesn't ring true about Abbott Elementary.  Teachers have extended lunches on inservice days (and usually obnoxious team-building activities).  Maybe a future episode could be built around an inservice day.

I do enjoy this show so much although Ava is my least favorite character.  Maybe she's there to keep the show from getting too sweetly sappy for viewers who aren't educators.  

Jacob was also a bit of a stereotype until last night's episode.  I liked that they gave him more depth.  I also liked the development in Gregory's story.  I'm glad he's finally realizing how important he is to the littles in his classroom.   

In my district, the elementary teachers and staff were really close.  Just last weekend, they had pictures all over their Facebook pages of the latest long weekend they enjoyed away from work.  We high school people were too cool (or stubborn) to build too many relationships outside of school.  

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1 hour ago, possibilities said:

I'm thinking Janine is so needy toward her coworkers because her bf is who he is, plus we saw her "friend" last week was also a dud. She isn't getting her emotional needs met elsewhere, so she's trying to force it at school. The chicken/quizz thing was really obnoxious, though. 

Yes.  I think if she had just bought everyone lunch as a kind gesture and didn't force it with "you have to tell everyone about yourself!" it might have been better received. 

2 hours ago, LydiaMoon1 said:

If we manage to have a good, functional working relationship and a harmonious workplace atmosphere, that's more than enough for me.

I was right there with Barbara - good work colleagues are great! And then you go home.  Amen. 

Does Tariq have a job? I'm thinking no, but I binged the 1st few episodes and might have missed that detail.  I remember she was trying to talk to him about a budget, and he wasn't interested. Jacob was very kind with the "it's no one's fault, sometimes you outgrow someone" perspective. I disagree - Tariq is absolutely old enough to have a job, generate his own income, buy his own damn car, or hell at least pay for gas.  He's not even doing the bare minimum. 

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"I wouldn't kill for any of you. Except for Barbara." 

Another great episode, this show, alongside Ghosts, is definitely one of the best new sitcoms to come out of the networks in quite some time. I feel a bit bad for Tariq, he doesn't seem like a bad guy and he did actually do a good job at entertaining the kids, but he hasn't matured much since he and Janine started dating in either grade. Sometimes relationships just run their course, its rough, but you sometimes really need to call it. Maybe dating and finding a more fulfilling relationship more would make Janine at bit less painfully needy? She is so desperate for connections with people that she tries to force relationships with her co-workers and sticks with people like Tariq and Sarah when they clearly aren't good for her. I wonder what her family is like?

Loved Barbara giving Ava a somewhat reluctant high five. That was actually pretty clever, especially by Ava standards. Also loved Jacob giving Janine some surprisingly insightful advice on her relationship and Gregory letting loose and getting his students to have fun dancing.

Great to see Orlando Jones, he's great casting as Gregory's dad. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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We're getting to see why Janine might not have many friends...she is very needy and somewhat controlling (along with her great heart and eagerness to help). She's a real human, as are her colleagues. It takes a LOT for her to give up on someone (like Sahar and Tariq).

I hope we get more of her background; why is she so nerdy & sweet? Did she grow up in Philly or a suburb? What do her parents do? 

All of this makes me feel like I'm going to enjoy watching the show for a long time.

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2 hours ago, Phebemarie said:

In my district, the elementary teachers and staff were really close.  Just last weekend, they had pictures all over their Facebook pages of the latest long weekend they enjoyed away from work.  We high school people were too cool (or stubborn) to build too many relationships outside of school.  

Totally agree. Part of it is the matching grade level shirts we all get, the dress up days, the help with unruly kids or covering class while your hall buddy runs to the bathroom. Some of my best friends are my workplace proximity associates. Thanks Ron Swanson!

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5 hours ago, JeanJean said:

He was so much fun entertaining the kids. He could actually do that for work - there are people who make their livings entertaining children. He could get some money from arts councils and do fun classes and such in addition to shows, and record songs for kids, as well.

He'd need to be supervised, though; he said so many inappropriate things! That said, "If somebody try to give you drugs, punch 'em in the face!" is still going through my head today.

4 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Ava was in rare form. When she asked for a chair so she could fall out of it, I cackled.

And then a "fresh chair" so she could do it again. This episode is the most I've laughed at her. I think I was able to enjoy her more this time because her being principal wasn't part of the story.

Jacob knows Janine well enough to know her questions about the boyfriend would be height, dog/cat, and spelling.

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7 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Orlando Jones as Gregory’s dad was great casting.

Melissa asking “Is the guy rich?” had me rolling.

It has to be organic. You spend a lot of time with your colleagues. If people want to become friends, they will. It’ll just happen. Janine was getting on my nerves, to be honest - you can’t force people to be friends with you and my colleagues are not my family. I have a family. (Also 99% of the time, when an employer says “we’re like family here,” they’re going to exploit the hell out of you.)

That's true.  I do have a few excoworkers I would kill for , because our friendships grew so deep!

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I started watching this after the Jeopardy College Championship and I really like it. I could relate to Janine when I got my first job. I'm glad she isn't a know it all and doesn't dress like a model. Thank you show for not having Jacob be over the top like Cam from Modern Family.

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Co-sign to all of the praise upthread!  I really love this show.  I liked how they didn’t go the typical sitcom trope of making Tariq an obviously bad choice and fleshing him out so you could (or at least I could) understand what Janine sees him and why she continues to date him.  That little scene of them doing their elaborate pre-show handshake made me realize that they probably have thousands of inside jokes, little rituals, etc because they’ve been together since the 8th grade which makes it so much harder to think about hurting and losing the other person.   He’s her big old baggy, holey cardigan that is out of style but comfortable.   Unfortunately she needs a sleeker sweater set.   Anyways it’s freezing cold here hence the sweater analogy. 

The jokes were on fire but my favorite throwaway line was from Jacob when Tariq was calling him ‘Jake’ and Janine told him it was ‘Jacob’ and then Jacob pipes in from the back seat “people sometimes forget the Ob”.  I have no idea why I found that so funny.

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17 hours ago, Phebemarie said:

I wonder if there's a chance that Abbott Elementary and Ghosts, with their breakout first seasons, will have a chance at some Emmy nominations this year.  (I'm a big fan of Ghosts, too).  

I doubt it, but I'm really hoping!

This episode did wonders for Jacob and Gregory. I liked Jacob before but he was pretty one-note and this episode just made him more real and it was wonderful. I haven't really warmed to Gregory but this episode has me getting there.

Also, I thought Gregory and Janine were fine and he's at his best with her but I wasn't necessarily invested in them but when he ran out and put the umbrella over her ... SWOON!

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I doubt it, but I'm really hoping!

This episode did wonders for Jacob and Gregory. I liked Jacob before but he was pretty one-note and this episode just made him more real and it was wonderful. I haven't really warmed to Gregory but this episode has me getting there.

Also, I thought Gregory and Janine were fine and he's at his best with her but I wasn't necessarily invested in them but when he ran out and put the umbrella over her ... SWOON!

I love Gregory's journey of falling in love with the kids and with teaching. I'm so glad they are doing it so that the Gregory-Janine storyline it seems they're aiming for kind of takes a back seat to Gregory's journey.

I wouldn't be surprised if this show makes many people want to teach. It has that effect on me.

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Another topnotch episode!

I was ready to cringe when Tariq started his rap, but he was somewhat entertaining and the kids were having lots of fun. Granted, some of the lyrics weren't so kid-friendly but they did make me laugh. 

Regarding Tariq and Janine, I can imagine Janine clings to him and their relationship because it's familiar. They've been together for a very long time and she's never been with another guy. And Tariq isn't awful; he just lacks ambition other than rapping. Janine can't carry the heavy load forever. And I liked how Jacob gently implied that some relationships just aren't meant to be. 

It was cool to see Gregory come out of his shell. He looked like he had a lot of fun dancing around. Who knew he could break a smile?

And though Ava would irritate me if she was my boss, I thought she brought a bunch of hilarious bits-wanting a chair to fall out of, shaking the dollar bill as Gregory was dancing.

This show continues to impress me. It's giving the characters layers and the stories are very well-written.

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1 hour ago, Ailianna said:

Honestly, about the only thing I don't really love about this show is the constant barrage of sexual harassment Gregory is exposed to. I think there's been something every episode. And they make Ava funny while doing it, so people don't realize as much. But then they cut to Gregory who definitely doesn't find it funny. I'm really hoping they do something meaningful with it; it's too pervasive otherwise.

I hadn't even thought of this!! Which may go to show how men sometimes aren't looked at with the same protective eye where this is concerned. I'm kind of annoyed at myself for not being aware enough. Good point.

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2 hours ago, Ailianna said:

Honestly, about the only thing I don't really love about this show is the constant barrage of sexual harassment Gregory is exposed to. I think there's been something every episode. And they make Ava funny while doing it, so people don't realize as much. But then they cut to Gregory who definitely doesn't find it funny. I'm really hoping they do something meaningful with it; it's too pervasive otherwise.

I agree. The flirty comments are bad enough, but waving the dollar bill was too much. I get that they are using it to show how inappropriate Ava's behavior is, but it's flagrant enough that they need to address it.

I was pleasantly surprised that they had Jacob be the mature voice of reason. He's been a little one note with his overeagerness, so it was nice to see a different side to him.

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5 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

Another topnotch episode!

I was ready to cringe when Tariq started his rap, but he was somewhat entertaining and the kids were having lots of fun. Granted, some of the lyrics weren't so kid-friendly but they did make me laugh. 

Regarding Tariq and Janine, I can imagine Janine clings to him and their relationship because it's familiar. They've been together for a very long time and she's never been with another guy. And Tariq isn't awful; he just lacks ambition other than rapping. Janine can't carry the heavy load forever. And I liked how Jacob gently implied that some relationships just aren't meant to be. 

It was cool to see Gregory come out of his shell. He looked like he had a lot of fun dancing around. Who knew he could break a smile?

And though Ava would irritate me if she was my boss, I thought she brought a bunch of hilarious bits-wanting a chair to fall out of, shaking the dollar bill as Gregory was dancing.

This show continues to impress me. It's giving the characters layers and the stories are very well-written.

I think Janine is starting to view her relationships with fresh eyes. I was impressed that she realized that Sahar wasn't her friend last week. If Tariq really cared about her he wouldn't take advantage of her kindness. Janine may believe that no one else could be attracted to her.

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9 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

I agree. The flirty comments are bad enough, but waving the dollar bill was too much. I get that they are using it to show how inappropriate Ava's behavior is, but it's flagrant enough that they need to address it.

Ava often touches him, she talks about his looks constantly, asked him if he's a stripper, and is aggressively pursuing someone who not only has displayed no interest but is very vulnerable regarding his employment. He's still a substitute and has very little job protection. It's really nothing like flirting. She doesn't care if he wants the attention; she's going to keep acting as if she has a right to treat him as a sexual object. If Ava was a guy and Gregory was a woman, it wouldn't be flirting or funny, just abusive.

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Tariq is in no way a jerk.  It's not exactly Roy on The Office.  

So he doesn't have a job is that right?  Does Janine support him?  Do they live together?  How is he selfish?  (I honestly have missed some stuff).

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43 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

So he doesn't have a job is that right?  Does Janine support him?  Do they live together?  How is he selfish?  (I honestly have missed some stuff).

I think he must have a job or else I don't see how Janine could have been expecting him to pay the bills. Unless she just meant she wanted him to just go to make the payments with her money, I guess.

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I have been watching this show since Ep 1 came out because I kept hearing the comparisons to Parks & Rec, which is my favourite comfort-watch. While I've enjoyed it so far, this episode is the first one to make me laugh (Ava falling off the chair, then asking for a fresh chair). I know all shows take time to find all of the characters' voices, so I'm really looking forward to seeing how all of these characters settle in. 

Edited to add: I'd been rewatching Moesha shortly before starting AE, so I was thrilled to see Sheryl Lee Ralph, who has barely aged since the '90s.

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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Tariq is in no way a jerk.  It's not exactly Roy on The Office.  

So he doesn't have a job is that right?  Does Janine support him?  Do they live together?  How is he selfish?  (I honestly have missed some stuff).

Yeah, the show has not 100% established that Tariq has a job. But in the lightbulb episode when we first meet them, she is trying to get him to look at the budget but he is resisting and it is inferred that he has been resisting for a long time.  She mentions that the lease is only in her name so....she is the one that bears ultimate responsibility for the rent.  Also he talks about having a show that sold out ... only the capacity is for 15 people.

I personally characterized him as selfish because he took her car and drove it so it was almost out of gas, and then told her she would need to get some gas for it. 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think he must have a job or else I don't see how Janine could have been expecting him to pay the bills. Unless she just meant she wanted him to just go to make the payments with her money, I guess.

He did get some money for the show at the school, enough for a Coney Island trip.

Oh my goodness, I had completely forgotten that Sheryl Lee Ralph was on Moesha.

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