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S12.E01: Smoke, Mirrors and Foggy Diamonds

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38 minutes ago, chlban said:

I thought the most interesting thing was Jennifer correcting facts about the girlfriends profession. No insane denials. I actually rather liked it. Most of the howives  especially Teresa, live in such a state of denial, I found it refreshing and would like to hear more from her perspective. My BFF'S hubby had an affair over 20 years ago, about 20 years into their marriage. He even moved out for a few months, then they did counseling, he moved back home and they are honestly the happiest couple I know. The do everything together-even tested positive for Covid on the same day which I have teased them about-"do you guys really need to do everything together"-I only teased after they recovered from their very mild cases. At any rate  marriages survive, but not if you pretend it never happened. I would like to hear more about the affair, so at least I am interested in something here.

It is interesting that this all happened 10 years ago, and it seems like Jennifer and Bill worked through their issues - which speaks well of both of them, I think. I agree that denying that something happened - and that there was something not working in their marriage that probably contributed to the affair - is not a healthy way to react. 

I also think that the fact that the affair happened probably contributed to Jennifer's attitude towards Margaret - but at the end of the day, Margaret isn't the woman who had the affair with Bill, everyone's situation is different, and Jennifer constantly picking at Margaret is not healthy behavior. I think Margaret is right to say that Jennifer shouldn't pretend like everything has always been perfect with Bill because obviously, it hasn't. But I also think that bringing up this affair at a party is pretty tacky behavior. (I mean, at the end of the day, it was going to come out on camera as soon as Margaret was aware of it, but she could have done it in a less tacky way).

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7 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

When her daughter said you could go as someone botched .... I died and loved her child just a little more

So, next stop Terry Dubrow's show? Or does he still have that show?

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14 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Ummm, your husband is a plastic surgeon and you get a nose job in Turkey?  And then insist on keeping it bandaged when your husband (the plastic surgeon) says you can take it off.  Ok. Nothing weird there Jennifer.

That is one awful ski slope of nose job! She'll be getting it redone in a year.

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15 hours ago, nexxie said:

Yikes - the nose!

You’re not kidding.  As soon as these women get a buck, onto the plastic surgeon.  Teresa was beautiful in the beginning .. now looks horrible.  Jennifer better get her money back.  Ski slope nose.  Why in Turkey?  Melissa doesn’t look too hot either.  Guess 21 is the magic number to become a member of the show.  All the kids will come on one by one.  I don’t know much about Louie.  Is he a crook?


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4 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

The Gorgas should have been fired years ago. How many years have they been renting and building a new house? They bring absolutely nothing to the show.

I get this, everyone has their least favorites, but I can't see how anyone else in the cast brings noticeably more.  The lady with the two adult kids who I couldn't figure out if she had a husband or a boyfriend or both or neither?  The sister with the found-footage Blair Witch Boyfriend? That blond woman who looked like Katherine Helmond from Brazil?  


Edited by Lassus
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I don't think Louie is a crook, word on the street is that he's a successful business man and a legitimate one at that.  But I don't think that's where the concern lies.  Honestly, even Gia seems to be urging caution in her own way.  

JoeGo and Tre are exactly the same person.  Unwilling to see where they make mistakes and unwilling to take ownership and simply say "I'm sorry."  Misguided loyalty or not, the girls are upset about how he's talked about their father - and honestly,  and just want a straightforward apology from their uncle that's not followed by martyrdom, radio silence and then play out on tv drama about how THEIR drama is causing problems ("oh my god, we almost didn't go to this event, Joe didn't want to, but not going would cause such a PROBLEM").  6 months had past.  This should be settled by now.  But without it, Joe and Melissa have no storyline, and I also think that while they can't say it, Gia and Milania are no dummies to what their aunt and uncle are doing.  

And truth be told, Joe screaming that Juicy killed his mother honestly isn't fair.  Even if everything had been perfect, she could have still died when she did.  Was there added stress of Tre going to jail?  Absolutely.  There was probably also the added stress of all the public arguing that took place between the Gorgas and Giudice families as well, so by his logic, did he contribute to her dying too young?  Is the resentment that Tre and her mom lost that time together valid?  Sure.  But he put my mother in the ground?  If he wants to finger point, there's plenty of pointing to go around.

I don't know what to make of this Jennifer come-uppance arc that we are coming up on.  Both Margaret and Jennifer have been pretty nasty to each other, does it even matter at this point of who pulled the trigger first?  Is Jackie, Mel and Margaret and their high school mean girl vibe any better than Tre laughing at Jennifer's impression of Jackie?  Honestly, I think Jen is pretty terrible but I can't get behind this Jackie Mel and Margaret trio either because they are equally nasty in their own way.

As for Jen blurting out that it was the pharma rep...this "Bill has been cheating!" stuff has been around for 3 years.  I think Jen effectively took the wind out of Margaret's sails and said "enough is enough, this is my secret to tell so I'll tell it the way I want to."  Deliberate or not, she took ownership in that moment.


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2 minutes ago, BrindaWalsh said:

JoeGo and Tre are exactly the same person.  Unwilling to see where they make mistakes and unwilling to take ownership and simply say "I'm sorry."  Misguided loyalty or not, the girls are upset about how he's talked about their father - and honestly,  and just want a straightforward apology from their uncle that's not followed by martyrdom, radio silence and then play out on tv drama about how THEIR drama is causing problems ("oh my god, we almost didn't go to this event, Joe didn't want to, but not going would cause such a PROBLEM").  6 months had past.  This should be settled by now.  But without it, Joe and Melissa have no storyline, and I also think that while they can't say it, Gia and Milania are no dummies to what their aunt and uncle are doing.  

And truth be told, Joe screaming that Juicy killed his mother honestly isn't fair.  Even if everything had been perfect, she could have still died when she did.  Was there added stress of Tre going to jail?  Absolutely.  There was probably also the added stress of all the public arguing that took place between the Gorgas and Giudice families as well, so by his logic, did he contribute to her dying too young?  Is the resentment that Tre and her mom lost that time together valid?  Sure.  But he put my mother in the ground?  If he wants to finger point, there's plenty of pointing to go around.

I have no love for Joe Gorga but the one thing I will never give him a hard time for is not sugarcoating how awful his ex brother-in-law is. Those girls know who their father is.  Why should Joe Gorga pretend like their father is some great guy when he isn't? He's not wrong that his ex brother-in-law's actions probably DID contribute to the stress that his mother felt during the last years of her life. And certainly his actions impacted Teresa negatively. So why pretend otherwise? Gia and Milania can love their dad all they want, but they are old enough to know exactly what their dad did, and they should stop trying to punish their uncle for being honest about who their dad was and is.

Also, Melissa and Joe's storyline is ALWAYS going to be about Teresa. The producers know that, Melissa and Joe know that, Teresa knows that.  Their role is always going to be as supporting cast to Teresa and her drama. And that's fine. It's part of the dynamic of this show. IMO, it's unlikely they are ever going to be "fired" because they will always bring some tension to the storyline with Teresa.

With regard to Luis, I really don't care about this videotape and this was a rare time I agreed with Teresa. None of this happened while she was with him, and while the tape and the camp sounds weird, if it isn't coming out in her relationship with him, then no big deal.  I do understand why others might want to tell her to take it a bit slow, since she seems the type who will take a relationship from casual to serious in no time flat. But that seems to me less about Luis and more about Teresa and her being the type who needs to be in a relationship and isn't comfortable being alone with herself. 

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12 hours ago, renatae said:

What is Marge's problem? So vicious. She's always stirring the pot aggressively and this nonsense about Luis' video should be a non-starter. Who cares about an old apology video made for his girlfriend at the time? Annoying.

I think it was Margerude who also deplorably brought up Bill's affair. How cruel.

Bills affair?  I just started watching again when Teresa met Louie.  Where an I find all the dirt I’ve missed the last few years?

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15 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

Did Margaret have a single conversation that was not maliciously gossipy this episode?  And WHAT was up with her hair?  Was that intentional to have her hair be 3 different colors?  It was terrible and she needs to ask for her money back.  It looked like a twist of yarn.  

And Jennifer was right, yes, they were being mean.  That party was an absolute snakepit, I wouldn't want to walk in there.  Jennifer has a lot of flaws but what you see is what you get and this high school mean girls bully vibe can be so psychologically vicious, even in adulthood.  Grow up MJM.  

Has anybody besides me ever wondered if Bill is gay?  

Theresa is like a different person.  And I am not interested in Dolores redecorating her home, we had that storyline already.  Joe Gorga and Melissa need to get a storyline or get off the screen already.  You don't actually like Tre, but she is your mealticket.  We get it.  And the whole state knows they are crooks, this is not news. Or scandalous.  It is just a matter of if the feds ever decide to go poking around.  And not much to say about Jackie yet. 

To me, Melissa Gorga always looks guilty for some reason.  Can’t put my finger on it.

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16 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I cannot believe she did that to her face. 

On god, I usually don't feel like I'd even notice a nose job but every time she turned to the side it just looked terrible. It was like a dramatic swoop and then a giant bulb at the end of it. And her regular nose looked just fine to me--certainly much better than my own!


5 hours ago, gaPeach said:

Never saw the video with Luis so at first it sounded pretty bad.  But after it was discussed, not so much.  Sounds like some kind of hippy ritual that people to get rid of emotional baggage?  Who cares? I too believe it is a bit early for Teresa to be buying a home with him. 

Yeah, I watched it and it was like...oh, so it was at some men's retreat thing and that's what they do. So what? Of course it's bizarre, but in a standard way for that type of thing. You can hear the other guy coaching him even. Hardly a red flag. You're supposed to act that way at those things.

Re: the Gorgas, while I don't think Joe should ever have to pretend Juicy is anything but a loser and a crook who ruined his family, I feel like there must be some other dynamics there as well. Like someone said, an apology that isn't followed by martyrdom. Like the girls said his last text was about how he was the worst person ever and their dad was great etc... This is the guy from the Christening, the guy who probably threw himself on his father's coffin after not being able to find time to be with him while he was alive. Nobody should have to talk about Joe Guidice like he's a nice guy, but if the people he hurt the most want to move on, that's not necessarily about them being in denial. Maybe it'll take them a long time to admit to themselves exactly who he was, but as they mentioned here, it's been just the 5 of them for a while now. They've seen Teresa go to jail and hustle to pay bills.

Also made a comment above about the Gorgas kids being boring and it does seem like Teresa's kids inherited "it" from her, doesn't it? Watching them all hanging out together is pretty enjoyable! They all seem to have personalities with good qualities--especially Gia. Not surprised she grew up to be the voice of reason. I think she's been working on that since she was very young. 

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9 hours ago, MsTree said:

I tend to agree, and wonder why she couldn't find a reputable surgeon in the U.S.  Adrienne Maloof's husband, Paul, would have done a much better job!

Yes! He does great natural looking nose jobs. 

I don't blame the ladies for being pissed at Jennifer. She was so mean, malicious and hateful at the reunion. I would never forgive her if I was in her line of fire. The only one she didn't attack was Teresa because she's always up her ass. I have no sympathy for her apology tour now. Jennifer said on social media that her nose was still swollen when filming started, it looks better now. She also said she didn't like the chin implant so she had it taken out. I think that since Teresa had her new nose job these two look like twins now. 

16 hours ago, charming said:

Luis is a manipulator who's love bombing Teresa. It's not going to end well based on his previous relationships.

He is with Teresa because of her fame. He's a famewhore and Teresa is stupid so she believes all the love bombing bullshit he spews. This guy knows she's dumb and knows exactly how to play her. It will be quite a while before the relationship implodes. I'm curious to see how it goes with them and the kids living in the same house. 

 Delores mentioned twice that Frank has a girlfriend. Interesting. He's finally moving on...

Edited by bichonblitz
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43 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

Also made a comment above about the Gorgas kids being boring and it does seem like Teresa's kids inherited "it" from her, doesn't it? Watching them all hanging out together is pretty enjoyable! They all seem to have personalities with good qualities--especially Gia. Not surprised she grew up to be the voice of reason. I think she's been working on that since she was very young. 

This is one thing I like about this show.  There’s a lot of cooking going on in the kitchens .. the women are sort of old school with the house and kids.  They teach their daughters the basics, especially Teresa.

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7 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

It looks like someone had a sale on lip fillers. They all looked ridiculous. Jackie was the only returning HW without pontoon lips, but her lips look wonky to me anyway.

Tiki Barber's wife (I didn't catch her name) is gorgeous.

In my opinion she is not pretty but you can see MORE of her in Maxim!

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4 hours ago, chlban said:

But he is not her husband anymore and no matter how awful he was, and I detested him from the beginning, he is the girls father and they love him. I think the point is no matter how awful Joe is, time to STFU for the sake if the nieces he claims to love so much.

I think this is the issue now. The girls are not 4 yrs old anymore and making decisions off of stories their parents are telling them. They are hearing things directly from their uncle and reading comments from him in the press and that's just wrong. We've seen the girls check Teresa when she would start getting snippy with their dad (and vice versa), so it's not like they are picking on their poor poor uncle. They don't seem to stand for that shit from anyone. And good for them. They know their dad is screwed up and I would guess cringe when they read things he says, but we dont see their reaction to him because obviously he's not there. We also dont know what really is the truth. Juicy may be speaking the truth about the Gorga's and the kids know it, but rather than back him publicly they say nothing. Tarzan on the other hand, can't handle criticism from a non-entity in their lives. 

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39 minutes ago, mytmo said:

I did a double take when they showed Milania as she has changed so much.  All of Teresa's daughters are attractive.

I wouldn't say that, but I won't say any more.

How gross that Melissa's young son called himself "sexy."  Is that ok these days?  My son is that age and he would never even think that.

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1 minute ago, heatherchandler said:

I wouldn't say that, but I won't say any more.

How gross that Melissa's young son called himself "sexy."  Is that ok these days?  My son is that age and he would never even think that.

Well, look at the Father.  He speaks like that, and worse.

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37 minutes ago, mytmo said:

I did a double take when they showed Milania as she has changed so much.  All of Teresa's daughters are attractive.

I really enjoy the scenes with Teresa and her daughters. Over the last few years I have actually developed an admiration (somewhat) for Tre. I think she is smart but maybe not highly educated or articulate. Her daughters have inherited her smarts but are also articulate. That’s those excellent Northern NJ suburban schools. Teresa is resilient. Most of the rest of the cast could not have com home from “camp” and done as well. Joe Gorga is a clown.

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22 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

This is one thing I like about this show.  There’s a lot of cooking going on in the kitchens .. the women are sort of old school with the house and kids.  They teach their daughters the basics, especially Teresa.

I said to Mr HottestHW last night that for as screwed up as they appeared on camera (and obviously were in real life), the Juicys managed to raise some normal, put-together kids. I know folks who's kids go to school with Gia and she is totally normal and down to earth as are her sisters. Nothing like the persona her mother puts out to the world. Makes ya wonder how much of what we see is an act. I'm always intrigued to see how the offspring of some of the wackiest housewives turn out....because good or bad, it doesn't happen on accident (4xs in Tre's case).

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2 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:


Didn't they address this in like their first 5 minutes on the show? And in this day and age I'd say, who cares. They've been together how long now? 

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1 minute ago, HotHW said:

Didn't they address this in like their first 5 minutes on the show? And in this day and age I'd say, who cares. They've been together how long now? 

 No she tried to down play it like leaving a pregnant women was no big deal because the marriage was over .. forgetting how she got pregnant in the first place with him still having unprotected sex with the woman lol 

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Jennifer posted on Instagram about her nose. Filming started before she was ready. Face was still swollen etc and she didn't like how she appeared on screen. Says her new nose has settled in and she is happy with it and viewers will have to wait and see. She was NOT happy with the chin implant and had it removed.

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28 minutes ago, HotHW said:

I think this is the issue now. The girls are not 4 yrs old anymore and making decisions off of stories their parents are telling them. They are hearing things directly from their uncle and reading comments from him in the press and that's just wrong. We've seen the girls check Teresa when she would start getting snippy with their dad (and vice versa), so it's not like they are picking on their poor poor uncle. They don't seem to stand for that shit from anyone. And good for them. They know their dad is screwed up and I would guess cringe when they read things he says, but we dont see their reaction to him because obviously he's not there. We also dont know what really is the truth. Juicy may be speaking the truth about the Gorga's and the kids know it, but rather than back him publicly they say nothing. Tarzan on the other hand, can't handle criticism from a non-entity in their lives. 

I don't particularly care if they are or are not picking on their poor uncle with regard to Teresa. I do care that they seem to be more protective of their father, who is awful, over both their mother and uncle. I hope that they do take their father to task for all of the awful things he says in the press. 

Edited by eleanorofaquitaine
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Joe Gorga's fatal mistake is shit talking his nieces father ON CAMERA. Stupid move. Talk crap all you want to Tre about her ex, I'm sure she would agree with most if it, just don't do it where the kids can see/hear it. It's called respect, for chrissakes. 

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While Marge and Melissa have legitimate reasons to be mad at Jennifer, their Mean Girls routine just looked ridiculous, especially when they walked past her just to make fun of her nose.  They smelled weakness and pounced.  Jennifer was a jerk, but she doesn't owe them a rundown of her husband's infidelity, and she did apologize.  If the apology wasn't good enough, just tell her that and keep your distance, ladies.  But then again, if they were capable of acting like reasonable people, they wouldn't be Housewives.  Jen's nose job is unfortunate, though.  Her nose reminds me of Arthur Christmas.  

image of Arthur Christmas wearing a red crown on his head





As for Luis, Teresa should be cautious about him, but not because of the weird video.  He seemed embarrassed by the video, so who could blame him for trying to avoid the topic?  He doesn't owe you a press conference, Marge.  Normally, I like Marge, but I didn't like her behavior this episode.  

Edited by Vanderboom
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26 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

No she tried to down play it like leaving a pregnant women was no big deal because the marriage was over .. forgetting how she got pregnant in the first place with him still having unprotected sex with the woman lol 

I remember it was a pretty big scandal at the time. Wasn't Tiki fired for that little indisgretion? 

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28 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I remember it was a pretty big scandal at the time. Wasn't Tiki fired for that little indisgretion? 

She babysat their kids … she plotted to get him … it’s kinda gross she tried to sweep it under the rug like it was nothing. 

here is talking about the interview he did where he was bragging about hiding in a attic with her when they were screwing around on his wife and comparing it to Ann Frank. 


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Meh.  I'm in the "ten years ago, who cares" camp here.


EDIT: That's not quite right.  I'm sure some of the relevant parties still care.  However, I do not.

Edited by Lassus
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18 hours ago, Emmeline said:

No wonder Jennifer was tipping a few last season.  I think blurting out Bill’s affair was cruel and unusual punishment.  I have to agree that Jennifer’s new nose is terrible.  She has an Instagram post up about the surgery in Turkey, she also got a chin implant.  She said she just had the surgery 4 weeks prior to the show and was still swollen.  It is very odd that her husband would not have insisted that she have the surgery done here by someone he recommends.  I wonder if Jennifer and Bill have some kind of arrangement.  Maybe they stay together for the kids and he does as he pleases?

Right? She flies to Turkey and has a nose/chin job? During a global pandemic? Dr. Bill doesn't have a colleague or two that could have performed this surgery stateside??? All of these women are obsessed with plastic surgery...Teresa and Gia had nose jobs too...and Melissa has had something done to her face last summer...yikes! Delores has had so many procedures done, who can keep up with it. Jennifer's nose is just awful...she didn't need a nose job. There was nothing wrong with her old nose. 

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Yes! He does great natural looking nose jobs. 

I don't blame the ladies for being pissed at Jennifer. She was so mean, malicious and hateful at the reunion. I would never forgive her if I was in her line of fire. The only one she didn't attack was Teresa because she's always up her ass. I have no sympathy for her apology tour now. Jennifer said on social media that her nose was still swollen when filming started, it looks better now. She also said she didn't like the chin implant so she had it taken out. I think that since Teresa had her new nose job these two look like twins now. 

He is with Teresa because of her fame. He's a famewhore and Teresa is stupid so she believes all the love bombing bullshit he spews. This guy knows she's dumb and knows exactly how to play her. It will be quite a while before the relationship implodes. I'm curious to see how it goes with them and the kids living in the same house. 

 Delores mentioned twice that Frank has a girlfriend. Interesting. He's finally moving on...

Does Delores still have the Doctor Boyfriend?

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When I got the first look at Jennifer's new nose, I immediately thought about the I Love Lucy episode with William Holden.  Lucy was trying to disguise herself so she made a fake nose with a bulbous tip.  Lol, when Lucy accidentally set it on fire, while lighting a cigarette....so damn funny!  I kept thinking about Lucy's nose and laughed every time Jennifer was in a scene.   Oh boy, I hope the nose does look better now.

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3 hours ago, Vanderboom said:

Jen's nose job is unfortunate, though.  Her nose reminds me of Arthur Christmas.  

image of Arthur Christmas wearing a red crown on his head





Arthur Christmas!! I was wracking my brain trying to think why her nose looked familiar.

I legit gasped when I saw her nose on profile! Her chin looked unnatural as well, and I'm glad to hear she removed the implant. 

Why do these woman do these things to themselves??

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6 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Why should Joe Gorga pretend like their father is some great guy when he isn't?

There's a vast difference between pretending Juicy is a good guy and screaming on camera that he killed your mother. I believe the Giudice girls would be happy if he would just keep his mouth shut. It's no lie that The Gorgas have ridden this storyline for years in order to keep on the Bravo payroll. 

Not a fan of Jennifer's new nose & chin but I agree that it's a bit rich for Margaret's critique.  She's pulled so tight I get a headache looking at her. Plus, put the damn boobs away once in awhile.

Edited by snarts
Wrong mother
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Tikis wife sounded like a gold digging slut while explaining their relationship. Don’t care it was 10 years ago. What gross trash! She’s not even pretty! 
Margaret, Melissa and Jackie were like a bitter botched coven going after Jennifer. Yes, Jennifer’s nose was terrible but each one of them is uglier and faker looking than Jennifer. Yes, Jennifer was mean to Margaret but Margaret’s gross! She admitted last year that dumb Joe had to shower before leaving her. I can’t imagine how bad she smells. 
Juicy was certainly a dick to Tre on and off camera. However, she finally divorced him and has moved on. Why keep taking about him on the show and in the press? It’s not like other dumb Joe cares about his sister. He’s just bitter that his parents liked Juicy better than him. 

Edited by Chatty Cake
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10 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

The Gorgas should have been fired years ago. How many years have they been renting and building a new house? They bring absolutely nothing to the show. Jennifer read them correctly. They are shady, crooked, and still need Tre for a storyline. 

Joe Gorga is just like my nasty old narcissistic grandmother - a martyr on the cross should you call her out for any misdeeds. I said over a decade ago, when everyone blamed Juicy and Tre for Gia's tears over the family rift, that one day Gia and the rest of those girls would grow up, see the Gorgas for what they were, and distance themselves for Uncle Joey and Aunt Mel once they were old enough to process the truth. Joe Gorga cannot stop running his mouth about a man his sister divorced and who literally cannot get back in the country. Move on. Find another storyline. If he respected his nieces at all, he'd just keep quiet or speak about his issues privately. Instead, he puts it on TV and in the press. After spending almost 10 seasons proclaiming how much he loves his nieces - on camera.

How adult and mature, filming a scene complaining that his young nieces should call him. What a sick, self-obsessed fool. He's still the same insecure, jealous man-child he was 11 years ago when they filmed the Christening. He truly does think he's an angel from God. He's not funny. He would poke his eyes out if his sister was happy. He doesn't want the best for her - quite the opposite. He's spent the last decade collecting a check with the express purpose of making her as miserable as possible. At least Mel never pretended to care about Tre or her nieces. Truth is, no matter how many surgeries Mel has to look like J. Lo, she's fake and boring and even her kids have no real personality - it's all a put-on so Mel can live out her fantasy of a life on camera. 

Teresa owes those coattail-riders and troublemakers ABSOLUTELY NO APOLOGIES. That shady bitch (Joey) and the vapid nonentity he married should send Tre a fruit basket every week an episode airs, because they have zero purpose without her. 

Margaret is a snake, but she's in your face about it. She's happy to be vicious and stir the pot so she can keep her place on the show. She's kind to Jackie because she views Jackie as weak and knows she has a built-in sycophant to help her. The minute Jackie ever turns on Marge, Marge will eat her for breakfast.

I like Jennifer. ::Shrug::

Is Dolores there? 

Is Jackie there?

I know everyone thinks this cast is gold, but that was 3 years ago. Time to switch it up.

Hear hear!! I said it all along too that the  Gorgas were pea green when Teresa got the show and she became famous. Ate up with jealousy. Joe Gorga is a big talker now that he will never be face to face with Joe Giudice again. He's going back to him poor me b/s. They need to go. 

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44 minutes ago, snarts said:

Plus, put the damn boobs away once in awhile.

I usually love all of Delores' dresses but her and Margaret looked so sloppy with their boobs floping out of their dresses.

My husband walked in to the room when they showed Jennifer's nose and said "what a horrible nose job, she looks awful," I was so proud of him.  He also thinks Teresa looks like Joe in a wig.

These women that get all that work done all look so generic, I noticed even Gia has gotten fillers...why??

Louie is not a looker.  He is a love bomber and with Tre for fame and maybe a way to promote his real estate business, did we ever learn what that real estate business is exactly?  Have we gotten a glimpse of the new love nest Tre and Louie will be moving in to?  Do they think it will be the Brady Bunch sort of harmonious existence with the kids, I don't.  Those videos made him look so insecure, like he was begging for forgiveness and the one he was talking to Tre about coming back and getting engaged, blah, blah, blah, was that a break through for him because I am pretty sure that was the road they were on and talked about it, right?

So it is out there that Bill had an affair 10 years ago, how did it come to light, who spilled the beans? Was this from last season?

Did Joe think his comedy routine was funny?  The little that I heard was so basic and cringe worthy.  



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It feels like Margaret is desperate to usurp Teresa's position as the doyen of RHoNJ and her latest strategy is to be the prime villain.  She gets less likable by the season and has never had any interesting side stories.  Love her or hate her, Teresa has always added something to the show. What has Margaret really brought?  Her toady husband? Pass. Her maid who likes the camera? Pass again.  Her mother? Hard pass. That ugly house? Hell, no!  Her two show buddies seem to share a similar desire though.  Those three together bring to mind, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend.".  

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5 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I’m sure every woman who was cheated on while pregnant cares weather it was 10 years or 10 mins ago. Shows the kind of man he was 

I think the point is that if trying to make that a "thing" now, after all this time, it's going to be pointless, as its basically old news. Which they're not hiding from. 

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25 minutes ago, HotHW said:

I think the point is that if trying to make that a "thing" now, after all this time, it's going to be pointless, as its basically old news. Which they're not hiding from. 

It’s not making it a thing now because she brought it up and again downplayed what happened trying to make herself the victim of “rumors” (his wife wasn’t 8 months pregnant (she was) but 8 weeks because that’s makes it so much better?) when she was the one totaly in the wrong. Lie or try to fudge about your position in the affair 10 years later on National television and yes it becomes a topic again especially with the receipts all over the internet proving what she was saying was a lie to make her look less like a homewrecker who babysat the man she was fucking kids while he and his wife went out (who does that?) she was never the victim in this his ex and her kids are…the gossip was from the dude she was having the affair with bragging about it to publications … but her trying to frame it like it was gossip that wasn’t true was fucked up …but let’s end this topic here and let’s agree to disagree :) 


Edited by Keywestclubkid
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i feel like Marg went after bill and his affair because Jennifer brings up Margaret cheating every chance she can get...and condemn her for it...lyes portrays her husband as the salt of the earth. Yet he essentially was doing exactly the same thing as Marg....but gets a pass because he pays her bills and gives her a high end lifestyle. 

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Jennifer seems to think that defending yourself is saying a bunch of nasty stuff. That is called retaliation... and what a mean girl gives, a mean girl group will give back tenfold.

The red flag about Luis' video for me is that he's screwed up with this woman so badly, and continually, that his last hope to win her back is a big show of this dude interlude that has supposedly changed him in only 1 week. That said...Tre was treated so poorly by juicy it doesn't take much to keep her in the love bubble, so as long as the girls like him...what ever.

Tarzan has no real reasons for the 180 on Luis. I didn't hear that Luis was rude or did anything in particular to him, or anyone else, so why not save the angst for when and if your suspicions are proven true? 

Delores misses Frank and fears he'll be packing up and moving to Texas. The new gf is younger and might want kids. She'd be old aunt D.

Jackie is so happy to be on the inside this year. I just can't stand her.

I wonder what Marge sees when she looks in the mirror. Does she have cataracts? 

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