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S03.E09: Smoky Mountain Meltdown

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

No future social or other media is allowed in episode threads.  Only discuss what was known at time of filming. 

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I too was so HAPPY to see Chris on the roller coaster ride.  Tammy could learn a lot from him.  He seems to be so good at communicating his feelings.  It was completely understandable to be disappointed when at first it seemed like he wouldn't be able to ride the coaster.  He expressed his disappointment without flying off the handle and ruining everyone else's day.  Then when was able to sit in another seat and ride...well his laughter and enjoyment made me want to cheer for him.  ITA with his sister just hearing him laugh like a little kid was all worth the ride.  

And kudos to the guy working that ride.  He was very patient getting everyone strapped in and seemed to sense how disappointed Chris would be if he wasn't able to fit so HOORAY for him suggesting another seat.  I never would have thought of that.




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2 hours ago, snarkish said:

 but she picked the worst possible drink ever (especially after having gastric surgery! How did she not "dump" afterward??). 

Dumping is rare with gastric sleeve, though it can happen. Gastric bypass patients suffer from dumping. 

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On 1/12/2022 at 1:18 PM, Dirtybubble said:

I too was so HAPPY to see Chris on the roller coaster ride.  Tammy could learn a lot from him.  He seems to be so good at communicating his feelings.

Regarding the attitudes of Chris vs. Tammy, when seeing a photo of them as kids when Amy was young and wearing glasses, Chris was a cute guy--probably not taunted, bullied, and humiliated like Any and Tammy...especially Tammy.  I'd guess the family didn't have enough education or money to have Tammy tested--I think there's a hormone disorder (and she OVEREATS!).

Edited by Back Atcha
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5 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

My family due to cultural and economic reasons took very few photos. However, since cell phones came out it is cheap and much easier to get photos. 

Also..."back in the day," it was RARE to see a color snapshot of anyone.  THAT film/processing was REALLY expensive.  When we finally did take color photos...they eventually faded.😢😢

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52 minutes ago, CapeCodLuv said:

I can't imagine she can bathe herself and judging by the looks of her greasy hair she probably only makes an attempt once a week.

Tammy probably has an out-and-out fit on bath/shower day. A shower means she will need to transport that tonnage to the bathroom, remove her clothes which she probably balks about because of more required movement, then getting her into the shower - I don't want to even imagine it. I don't think keeping clean is a priority. There is also no way a thorough wash can be had. Nightmare time for whoever is helping her.

59 minutes ago, CapeCodLuv said:

I vacation with my whole family at Cape Cod once a year. We do day trips shopping, the beach etc.

I would love that!

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2 minutes ago, Breedom said:

Tammy probably has an out-and-out fit on bath/shower day. A shower means she will need to transport that tonnage to the bathroom, remove her clothes which she probably balks about because of more required movement, then getting her into the shower - I don't want to even imagine it. I don't think keeping clean is a priority. There is also no way a thorough wash can be had. Nightmare time for whoever is helping her.

I would love that!

It's what I imagine Tammy's family was trying to do, make memories on a vacation before it's too late. We have varying degrees of health issues and a wide span of age. We just want to be sure to make lasting memories while we can. Fortunately we are a functioning family, all supportive of one another and none of us asking too much of the others.  One year a sister was going through chemo, we all circled wagons and made sure she could be there with her kids and grandchildren. My sister going through chemo never complained and was so grateful. Such a difference from Tammy and the Slaton's. Honestly though, if we did complain while ill it would be OK as we don't make it a hobby. It's OK to have a hard time and ask your family for help or understanding. It's OK to be sick and need compassion. And sometimes it doesn't get better but the family stands by because you are a good person who cannot help what happened to you. Tammy can help it and she's draining her family. That's a whole different ball game. She's holding them hostage because she refuses to get better. I feel very bad she is addicted to food but she seems content. Why should I or her family worry? It's time they move on with their lives. They need to let go of the show and the money it brings which I think is the biggest sticking point. They need the money and like the attention. Her brother had it when he said ward of the state. She needs to be hospitalized once she runs out of funds. A state run hospital won't accept her as long as she has TLC money, she needs to be indigent before they will accept her.

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Re-posting because I made a spoiler error. Sorry.

This is embarrassing but I will share anyway, sorry if it is too much.  I suffer from Crohn's disease. When I go on a long drive I wear Depends just in case. I truly only need them if I am having a flare up but I never want to be caught unaware. I typically have a spare pair of Depends, toilet paper, underwear and baby wipes on me at all times. In the 20 years I have had this disease I have only had two accidents, once when I was alone and close to home and another with my husband where we were able to find a rest stop pretty quickly so that I could clean up. It's humiliating, but it is a fact of my life and if I want to go anywhere I need to accept it and be prepared.

I vacation with my whole family at Cape Cod once a year. We do day trips shopping, the beach etc. Everyone is aware of my problem and would never make me feel bad if I did have an accident. I never bring the family down due to my issue, we go about our day and don't make a big deal out of my situation. If I cannot attend a planned outing I make sure they know I don't mind and am so excited for them all. It doesn't happen often but I usually say how excited I am to stay home and read a book, do a manicure etc. and see photos from the day when they get home. The world doesn't revolve around me and my illness.

Many of us have been on car trips with a baby who soils their diaper. You laugh, say how stinky and clean the baby. My point with Tammy in the van is that she seems willing to sit in her own filth. And the others must be accustomed to her stench. There is no way she did not go while she sat in that van, and she was content to sit in it. I feel unwarranted shame and immediately seek to clean myself. How low have you sunk if you can sit in your own filth? This is her normal. Imagine how much the furniture stinks when she sits upon it daily covered in body odor and crusted, soiled under garments. Add on the fact that the cockroaches from Amy's apartment are most certainly in Tammy's as well, shitting and pissing on the walls and fabric.

I can't imagine she can bathe herself and judging by the looks of her greasy hair she probably only makes an attempt once a week. I noticed the show never let's us see her bathroom. Amy also appears to have greasy hair although Gage appears clean. Lazy people don't like to take the 15 minutes it takes to shower until they absolutely reek. I imagine for Tammy though the 15 turns into a one hour plus chore.  Someone up thread pointed out how she takes selfies of herself to post as though she's a beauty queen. I think the feeders have her convinced she is.

Tammy has chosen her destiny and the family needs to pull back and only assist when convenient for them. I think there is love spurring them on to continue helping, but I also think it's in part due to the fact that she is a cash cow. Pun intended.

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9 minutes ago, CapeCodLuv said:

Re-posting because I made a spoiler error. Sorry.

This is embarrassing but I will share anyway, sorry if it is too much.  I suffer from Crohn's disease. When I go on a long drive I wear Depends just in case. I truly only need them if I am having a flare up but I never want to be caught unaware. I typically have a spare pair of Depends, toilet paper, underwear and baby wipes on me at all times. In the 20 years I have had this disease I have only had two accidents, once when I was alone and close to home and another with my husband where we were able to find a rest stop pretty quickly so that I could clean up. It's humiliating, but it is a fact of my life and if I want to go anywhere I need to accept it and be prepared.

I vacation with my whole family at Cape Cod once a year. We do day trips shopping, the beach etc. Everyone is aware of my problem and would never make me feel bad if I did have an accident. I never bring the family down due to my issue, we go about our day and don't make a big deal out of my situation. If I cannot attend a planned outing I make sure they know I don't mind and am so excited for them all. It doesn't happen often but I usually say how excited I am to stay home and read a book, do a manicure etc. and see photos from the day when they get home. The world doesn't revolve around me and my illness.

Many of us have been on car trips with a baby who soils their diaper. You laugh, say how stinky and clean the baby. My point with Tammy in the van is that she seems willing to sit in her own filth. And the others must be accustomed to her stench. There is no way she did not go while she sat in that van, and she was content to sit in it. I feel unwarranted shame and immediately seek to clean myself. How low have you sunk if you can sit in your own filth? This is her normal. Imagine how much the furniture stinks when she sits upon it daily covered in body odor and crusted, soiled under garments. Add on the fact that the cockroaches from Amy's apartment are most certainly in Tammy's as well, shitting and pissing on the walls and fabric.

I can't imagine she can bathe herself and judging by the looks of her greasy hair she probably only makes an attempt once a week. I noticed the show never let's us see her bathroom. Amy also appears to have greasy hair although Gage appears clean. Lazy people don't like to take the 15 minutes it takes to shower until they absolutely reek. I imagine for Tammy though the 15 turns into a one hour plus chore.  Someone up thread pointed out how she takes selfies of herself to post as though she's a beauty queen. I think the feeders have her convinced she is.

Tammy has chosen her destiny and the family needs to pull back and only assist when convenient for them. I think there is love spurring them on to continue helping, but I also think it's in part due to the fact that she is a cash cow. Pun intended.

Thanks for sharing, my good friend has Crohn’s as well. She never complains or whines as much as Tammy and if she needs to cancel outings I completely understand. She also isn’t angry if she is unable to attend an event due to her health and we have fun without her.  She has a colonstomy so I know it can be very painful and difficult for her but she is always clean and well groomed. Tammy uses her weight and her health as an excuse to be an asshole. Period.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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19 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Thanks for sharing, my good friend has Crohn’s as well. She never complains or whines as much as Tammy and if she needs to cancel outings I completely understand. She also isn’t angry if she is unable to attend an event due to her health and we have fun without her.  She has a colonstomy so I know it can be very painful and difficult for her but she is always clean and well groomed. Tammy uses her weight and her health as an excuse to be an asshole. Period.

Thank you for your kind words Sainte, I am so sorry for your friend, I have not reached the point where I need  a colostomy and hope I never do. I am always making sure I am clean but I do not have the girth Tammy has, it must be brutal for her to bathe. Add fear of falling or slipping in the shower and I am sure it doesn't happen often.

I would do anything if they said there was a cure, it woulds be so great if I could do something so that I didn't always have to worry about going out. I know I could have something so much worse so I am grateful, but watching someone like Tammy bugs the crap out of me. She COULD solve her illness and has been offered help. She refuses and is so nasty and entitled. She has just accepted she will die but expects people to cater to her every need until the time comes. Again, her family is being held hostage but they allow it. It's as others have said, we are watching a train wreck.  Tammy could change her future, her family could change theirs. And we could all stop watching but we don't...

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1 hour ago, Breedom said:

Tammy probably has an out-and-out fit on bath/shower day. A shower means she will need to transport that tonnage to the bathroom, remove her clothes which she probably balks about because of more required movement, then getting her into the shower - I don't want to even imagine it. I don't think keeping clean is a priority. There is also no way a thorough wash can be had. Nightmare time for whoever is helping her.

I don’t think she could fit in a standard-sized shower, and I doubt that she has upgraded her apartment with an extra-large shower. Maybe she’s just doing sponge baths. 

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5 hours ago, MagicEyes said:

 Maybe she’s just doing sponge baths. 

Maybe she's just going to the pool & soaking in it. The chemicals they put in the water should kill off a lot of germs on her body. Of course, it probably makes it unusable for anybody else, but I'm sure she wouldn't care.

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Most of the pools I’ve been to strongly encourage you to shower before getting into the pool.  I don’t think it’s for filth though, but for things like lotions, oils, etc that people have on their skin.  I bet Tammy doesn’t though.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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12 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Good luck on this happening.  Not sure about Kentucky but in my area there are zero nursing homes taking patients from home and some won't/can't even admit them from a hospital release.  In fact there are 200 patients in the university hospital system that are basically parked there because of lack of nursing care beds.  

Its  the same only with mental health patients in my state (wv)

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11 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

I too was so HAPPY to see Chris on the roller coaster ride.  Tammy could learn a lot from him.  He seems to be so good at communicating his feelings.  It was completely understandable to be disappointed when at first it seemed like he wouldn't be able to ride the coaster.  He expressed his disappointment without flying off the handle and ruining everyone else's day.  Then when was able to sit in another seat and ride...well his laughter and enjoyment made me want to cheer for him.  ITA with his sister just hearing him laugh like a little kid was all worth the ride.  

And kudos to the guy working that ride.  He was very patient getting everyone strapped in and seemed to sense how disappointed Chris would be if he wasn't able to fit so HOORAY for him suggesting another seat.  I never would have thought of that.




Yess! I love how kind & helpful he was!

Edited by xls
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A poster mentioned up thread that Tammy's ride back was the day before they were supposed to leave so why bother having that guy come get her if only a day earlier.   I think its because none of her siblings wanted to ride home with her in the car.  Can you imagine THAT ride?  No one could talk about the great vacation they just shared or the memories they made.  Tammy would piss on their ride home just as she pissed all over their trip to the mountains.

And I agree that Tammy must have a clause in her contract that she is not to be filmed eating.  Which we know she is eating and consuming 5K to 7K in calories to maintain that weight.

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27 minutes ago, gaPeach said:

A poster mentioned up thread that Tammy's ride back was the day before they were supposed to leave so why bother having that guy come get her if only a day earlier.   I think its because none of her siblings wanted to ride home with her in the car.  Can you imagine THAT ride?  No one could talk about the great vacation they just shared or the memories they made.  Tammy would piss on their ride home just as she pissed all over their trip to the mountains.

And I agree that Tammy must have a clause in her contract that she is not to be filmed eating.  Which we know she is eating and consuming 5K to 7K in calories to maintain that weight.

Maybe she makes internet fetishists pay for videos of her eating so doesn’t want to give it away for free.

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I still think the most absurd part of the episode was Tammy claiming she couldn't breathe at the altitude of the cabin location. The quality of the mountain air had to be far superior to what she was breathing in the van, the hotel (recycled a/c air) and her own home.

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14 hours ago, BAForever said:

Late to the party. Just popped in to say they should have left Tammy at the hotel and picked her up on the way home. She's unredeemable.

How 'bout this:   Late to the party. Just popped in to say they should have left Tammy at the hotel. and picked her up on the way home. She's unredeemable. 

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31 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

I still think the most absurd part of the episode was Tammy claiming she couldn't breathe at the altitude of the cabin location. The quality of the mountain air had to be far superior to what she was breathing in the van, the hotel (recycled a/c air) and her own home.

That I could actually believe. I am not sure of the elevation in the area they were staying, but altitude can really effect how well people breathe. If you are fit and healthy you might not notice unless you go for a run (or engage in high intensity cardio) but if you have some type of breathing issue, you'll notice the change in altitude right away. So yes the air may have less pollution but the oxygen saturation is different. 

Tammy is still awful and there was a way to communicate that to her siblings without acting like a petulant brat.

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3 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Maybe she makes internet fetishists pay for videos of her eating so doesn’t want to give it away for free.

ewwww I know its  a thing but I got a mental picture and now I have to lay down and recover.

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3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

That I could actually believe. I am not sure of the elevation in the area they were staying, but altitude can really effect how well people breathe. If you are fit and healthy you might not notice unless you go for a run (or engage in high intensity cardio) but if you have some type of breathing issue, you'll notice the change in altitude right away. So yes the air may have less pollution but the oxygen saturation is different. 

Tammy is still awful and there was a way to communicate that to her siblings without acting like a petulant brat.

Just for kicks, the mountains near Gatlinburg are around 3,000-4,000 feet above sea level, *if they were staying at the top of one of the highest immediate local points. I remember Chris saying they were 10 minutes or miles from the hotel. Gatlinburg proper is around 1,300 feet above sea level. Altitude sickness isn't really a factor until you reach approximately 8,000 feet above sea level, and it takes quite some time to develop. Pretty slick on Tammy's part to come up with that one though 😜

Edited by RedDelicious
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On 1/12/2022 at 9:56 AM, mytmo said:

Just the fact that they had not had a single family photo since they were kids shows complete family disfunction.  Can't blame Tammy for all of that!

To be fair - not a lot of families take photos together. Especially since there’s such a range of ages bw the siblings. But having said that I do agree there’s hella dysfunction in this family. If you want to go down rabbit holes and are willing to truly despise Amy, Michael and even Chris - just google them pre-fame. All of their skeletons will make you wonder how TLC thought this family was worth a tv show. But I guess there weren’t many super duper morbidly obese sisters  willing to act like clowns on YouTube. Oh - and TLC doesn’t really care about looking too deep into backgrounds or even caring when skeletons are unearthed. The Duggars are a prime example of that.

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1 hour ago, RedDelicious said:

Just for kicks, the mountains near Gatlinburg are around 3,000-4,000 feet above sea level, *if they were staying at the top of one of the highest immediate local points. I remember Chris saying they were 10 minutes or miles from the hotel. Gatlinburg proper is around 1,300 feet above sea level. Altitude sickness isn't really a factor until you reach approximately 8,000 feet above sea level, and it takes quite some time to develop. Pretty slick on Tammy's part to come up with that one though 😜

Oh I didn't know that. I am a Chicago gal, so all things "mountain" excite me. Something in the sky that is not a building is thrilling. So it seems as if Tammy was just being awful as always?

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5 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

I still think the most absurd part of the episode was Tammy claiming she couldn't breathe at the altitude of the cabin location. The quality of the mountain air had to be far superior to what she was breathing in the van, the hotel (recycled a/c air) and her own home.

I think Tammy can only breathe fart filled air at this point.

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6 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Maybe she makes internet fetishists pay for videos of her eating so doesn’t want to give it away for free.

*Slaps my forehead* Of course, your right.

And me, thinking she had a 'No Eating in Front of the Camera' clause because she was too embarrassed or mortified to be seen eating. I really gave her too much credit.

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4 hours ago, GaT said:

I think Tammy can only breathe fart filled air at this point.

Yes, her whole world is eating, farting, laughing at farting, commenting on farting and inadvertently teaching Gage to one day do the same. Lotta class, this one.

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On 1/11/2022 at 10:38 PM, swankie said:

What really kills me is the way Tammy was taking those selfies in the hotel like she's America's Next Top Model.  I know she uses those app filters to make her photos look less like Quasimodo and I think she's starting to believe she really looks that way.  

America's next top model ...😂that made me laugh out loud.

   I don't know why people need to take thousands of selfies.  It comes off as being very narcissistic...  and egotistical....not to mention, weird.   I think Tammy thinks she's gorgeous in those pics,  but filters can only do so much, honey....and it's fake.

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On 1/11/2022 at 2:45 PM, RedDelicious said:
On 1/11/2022 at 2:10 PM, magemaud said:

IIRC, Amanda went first and also ordered something in a lettuce bowl. Amy ordered something with bacon and a lot of cheese. (I think it was the  Myers BBQ& Blue) 


Thank you for sharing - I love reading menus from restaurants shown on tv. Chris had the Godzilla Pork and Tammy had the Chucky's Inferno.

I love cheeseburgers but try to keep it healthy with a lettuce bun and/or salad instead of fries. There were literally no healthy options at that place, except for lettuce instead of a bun, but that gets canceled out by all the junk they load on top. I probably would have gotten the Gremlin Sliders 😊

Am I going crazy, or is there no Chucky's Inferno on the menu anymore? I've read it like 5 times looking for it and I don't see it. The Jack Skellington Bones sound amazing.

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On the supersized episode, there were two bonus scenes:  (1) The family going on a different ride at the park and (2) Amy giving a tour of the cabin with her camera. 

TLC must have shelled out a pretty penny for that cabin.  I don't know if Amy is exaggerating, but she says it has ten bedrooms and 4-5 baths.  (All they would have needed was five bedrooms--or really four without Tammy.  Maybe the couples wanted their own separate bedrooms.)  It also has a full kitchen, jacuzzi, movie theater room, and game room with pool table. 

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2 hours ago, Breedom said:

Yes, her whole world is eating, farting, laughing at farting, commenting on farting and inadvertently teaching Gage to one day do the same. Lotta class, this one.

And pouting and calling people "bitch."


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5 hours ago, Breedom said:

Yes, her whole world is eating, farting, laughing at farting, commenting on farting and inadvertently teaching Gage to one day do the same. Lotta class, this one.

Actually, Amy is just as bad with the farting comments. 


4 hours ago, Giuseppe said:

Am I going crazy, or is there no Chucky's Inferno on the menu anymore? I've read it like 5 times looking for it and I don't see it. The Jack Skellington Bones sound amazing.

I looked several times, too. Maybe Chucky's Inferno was a special that night and not on the online menu. 

Edited to add: on re-watching, it was Tammy who ordered Chucky’s inferno with bacon AND queso. Amy ordered some kind of “trio” that I don’t see on the menu. 

Edited by magemaud
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Just watched the "Supersize" version of this train wreck tonight.

Did anyone notice when they were at the theme park Amanda was wearing a t-shirt, with three books on it.  On each spine of the book was a word.  Read together it said "Let's Stay Home".  Subliminal message Amanda?  Sorry, I don’t give her that much credit!  TLC messing with us....yeah, that sounds about right!

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10 hours ago, Breedom said:

Yes, her whole world is eating, farting, laughing at farting, commenting on farting and inadvertently teaching Gage to one day do the same. Lotta class, this one.

Damn.. I wouldn't want to be within a mile of her when she farted.  The whole sissuasion is just GROSS.

5 hours ago, magemaud said:

Just wanted to post the “last family photo” which Amy claims was taken when she was in middle school. 


Oh.. NO!  There is no hope for that cutie-pie Gage.  SO SAD

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7 hours ago, auntjess said:

And pouting and calling people "bitch."


"bitch", farting, burping.  It's like a redneck party.  And I use the redneck word in a good way, i.e. Jeff Foxworthy.  Again, just gross people they are; putting it all out there

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On 1/12/2022 at 6:21 PM, CapeCodLuv said:

Re-posting because I made a spoiler error. Sorry.

This is embarrassing but I will share anyway, sorry if it is too much.  I suffer from Crohn's disease. When I go on a long drive I wear Depends just in case. I truly only need them if I am having a flare up but I never want to be caught unaware. I typically have a spare pair of Depends, toilet paper, underwear and baby wipes on me at all times. In the 20 years I have had this disease I have only had two accidents, once when I was alone and close to home and another with my husband where we were able to find a rest stop pretty quickly so that I could clean up. It's humiliating, but it is a fact of my life and if I want to go anywhere I need to accept it and be prepared.

I vacation with my whole family at Cape Cod once a year. We do day trips shopping, the beach etc. Everyone is aware of my problem and would never make me feel bad if I did have an accident. I never bring the family down due to my issue, we go about our day and don't make a big deal out of my situation. If I cannot attend a planned outing I make sure they know I don't mind and am so excited for them all. It doesn't happen often but I usually say how excited I am to stay home and read a book, do a manicure etc. and see photos from the day when they get home. The world doesn't revolve around me and my illness.

Many of us have been on car trips with a baby who soils their diaper. You laugh, say how stinky and clean the baby. My point with Tammy in the van is that she seems willing to sit in her own filth. And the others must be accustomed to her stench. There is no way she did not go while she sat in that van, and she was content to sit in it. I feel unwarranted shame and immediately seek to clean myself. How low have you sunk if you can sit in your own filth? This is her normal. Imagine how much the furniture stinks when she sits upon it daily covered in body odor and crusted, soiled under garments. Add on the fact that the cockroaches from Amy's apartment are most certainly in Tammy's as well, shitting and pissing on the walls and fabric.

I can't imagine she can bathe herself and judging by the looks of her greasy hair she probably only makes an attempt once a week. I noticed the show never let's us see her bathroom. Amy also appears to have greasy hair although Gage appears clean. Lazy people don't like to take the 15 minutes it takes to shower until they absolutely reek. I imagine for Tammy though the 15 turns into a one hour plus chore.  Someone up thread pointed out how she takes selfies of herself to post as though she's a beauty queen. I think the feeders have her convinced she is.

Tammy has chosen her destiny and the family needs to pull back and only assist when convenient for them. I think there is love spurring them on to continue helping, but I also think it's in part due to the fact that she is a cash cow. Pun intended.

Hugs from a mama of 2 sons with Crohn’s. 

Please don’t be embarrassed to tell your story. There’s a whole aisle of disposable underwear at the store because there’s a demand for them, for all kinds of reasons (I’m included here because I have urinary incontinence issues). The more we can share and normalize conditions we didn’t ask for and can’t control, the more others will understand that we’re just going to live our lives with dignity and without limits. 

Edited by readheaded
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10 hours ago, Giuseppe said:

Am I going crazy, or is there no Chucky's Inferno on the menu anymore? I've read it like 5 times looking for it and I don't see it. The Jack Skellington Bones sound amazing.

I saw it here: https://monstermashburger.com/menu-1

My search term on Google was monster burger gatlinburg if the link doesn’t work.

I like the names they made up too 😊 Except I’d prob order from the kids menu or get the Gremlins.

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9 hours ago, magemaud said:

Just wanted to post the “last family photo” which Amy claims was taken when she was in middle school. 


I’m guessing very late 90s or maybe 2000 on this, judging by Misty’s hair and Amanda’s hair and top. Amy looks to be about 13-14-15 maybe?

None of them look a thing a like.  The closest resemblance I can see is between Amy and Misty, and possibly Amanda and Tammy, but I don't know who shares the same father. Amy seems to look the most like Darlene.

Edited by RedDelicious
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So I guess Tammy would have been in high school in that photo.  I can only imagine the teasing she received at school, not only about her weight, but the forehead bump as well.  For some reason, I had thought the bump came later in life.

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4 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

I saw it here: https://monstermashburger.com/menu-1

My search term on Google was monster burger gatlinburg if the link doesn’t work.

Who knew Monster Mash Burgers was a local chain! I had originally posted the menu for their Morristown, TN, location, but the family must have gone to the Sevierville one. The menus are similar but Chuckey's Inferno only is on this menu. I'm still not seeing the "trio" that Amy ordered. 

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5 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

I saw it here: https://monstermashburger.com/menu-1

My search term on Google was monster burger gatlinburg if the link doesn’t work.

I like the names they made up too 😊 Except I’d prob order from the kids menu or get the Gremlins.

I'm just so glad to see they offer DIET PEPSI!! Whew!!!!!

ETA: I am diabetic, so I drink Diet Pepsi and Coke all the time. Not knocking it at all, just struck me as funny when I perused the menu!!


Edited by lilysmom
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5 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

Thanks for posting this, RedD.  There are several things I'd order...and the prices are lower than our Phoenix Metro area.

1 hour ago, magemaud said:
1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

For all Tammy’s talk about sex I wouldn’t be surprised if she is a virgin.

Just thinking of the logistics, I'm sure you're correct. 

I don't agree, but I'm not that innocent.  Which means, I read A LOT!

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On 1/12/2022 at 3:45 PM, Breedom said:

I don't think keeping clean is a priority.

Not for the faint of heart   Not only is it a priority, it's imperative!  Tammy has innumerable nooks, crannies, and folds (THOSE FOLDS!) that are dangerous when not kept clean and DRY.  I won't go into the severe problems/rashes (horrible rashes)/ulcers/infections from bacteria, fungi, fecal matter, etc. if morbidly obese people can't/won't take care of their skin.  And...the odor!  THE ODOR!!!

On 1/12/2022 at 3:45 PM, Breedom said:

There is also no way a thorough wash can be had.

Incorrect.  There may be no way with Tammy's attitude that a "thorough wash" will happen, but she will suffer for it.  A bariatric practice probably has loads of info on keeping one's body clean and dry.

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7 hours ago, readheaded said:

Hugs from a mama of 2 sons with Crohn’s. 

Please don’t be embarrassed to tell your story. There’s a whole aisle of disposable underwear at the store because there’s a demand for them, for all kinds of reasons (I’m included here because I have urinary incontinence issues). The more we can share and normalize conditions we didn’t ask for and can’t control, the more others will understand that we’re just going to live our lives with dignity and without limits. 

This not embarrassing.  My mother won't even LET THE THOUGHT of Depends enter her mind.  Yes, she pees her pants.. so do i sometimes.. and so do my friends.  She can deal with it however she wants.. but I wanted to say.. I was flipping thru QVC the other day and THEY are selling incontinence panties (nothing for the guys, of  course - we can't talk about that).  I have a friend with Crohn's.  It is only an issue if YOU MAKE IT AN ISSUE, she says.  God Bless.

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6 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

For all Tammy’s talk about sex I wouldn’t be surprised if she is a virgin.

God help us all.  JMO  so many questions that i can't even find answered here.  

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