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  1. This was a sad episode, Stephanie had a rough life, foster care is awful. Mom wanted so bad to make up for her past failures that she gave in to Stephanie's addiction and fed her anything she wanted. Stepdad Martin was wonderful, but he did as instructed by Mom and Stephanie. The children will follow suit and the cycle will repeat. My parents died when I was a child due to heart attack and cancer. I was lucky because I did not go to foster care, a relative raised me and when I began to enjoy alcohol a bit too much it was squashed. I was also guided through high school, college, first job etc. As I understand it, there is no support in some foster care situations, so I cannot compare. Food must have been her only comfort. The amount of food she ate was grotesque. She is still wallowing in the past, and Mom is enabling. It's lousy to have had a difficult childhood, but you need to piss or get off the pot as my grandmother would say. Do you choose to stay mired in the past or improve yourself? The other issue I see often, is there is no push to better oneself. Was there any education path for Stephanie, or was it always going to be collecting of some sort? She said that after her first child she got a wait list for housing and there she was, same house after the 3rd child. She has never held a job and had to leave the house; she simply had more children. If she went to community college it would clearly help the pounds to come off. I just don't get how she affords all that junk food. I do not understand how she can afford all that food. My husband and I must be very careful with our budget. We made a HUGE mistake this week by not understanding the price of fresh cod. We only buy it about 4 times a year as a treat, but we thought it was on sale. Boy, were we surprised when we paid, so embarrassing to over spend. It came out of our own pocket and of course I pointed out we will freeze, but it's just awful to make a mistake. Her breakfast made me sick. I cannot imagine waking up every day and expecting pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, and sausage. That was a Christmas breakfast for me growing up. Her kids are doomed if they think that’s normal. Stephanie feels she put in a lot of work. Dr. Now sees work as pounds measured on the scale, she lost none. How can this be hard for her to understand? Did she ever watch the show? I'm sad her Stepdad agreed with her that she was wronged by Dr. Now instead of reading her the riot act. Her poor kids, they have such bad examples in life. She will never lose weight, what a shame.
  2. Everything I am thinking. They always made poor decisions in the old show, some just to survive. In the new series it seems no one has learned from past mistakes. I get it, they are living just above the poverty level. But not one of them can make a good choice? I suppose Jackie is doing OK although it seems her business teeters on the edge. If they felt the need to make Harris pregnant then at least show Becky paying rent. It's beyond stupid to think that we would believe she expects to not only pay zero rent, but to have Ben buy her daughter and her friend's school supplies. It's also stupid that they expect us to believe Harris thinks she will have a baby and Ben will get up in the middle of the night to feed it. Not to mention she seems to believe they will clothe and feed it. At lease give us something believable, she is supposed to be an intelligent young woman. The entire family can't be junk at once, it's just depressing. I think the worst part for me was the family heading to Dan's for breakfast. It's such a stupid plot line. Louise is on the road so I think Dan lives there alone with Harris. He would have very little food and they do not live next door. What do they do, come over and clean out his eggs, milk and cereal? They know he is poor. So many plot holes. For me they are making the family unlikable. Dan and Ben need to put their foot down. I don't want them to all of a sudden come into money because as we have seen that was a show killer. But, at least have someone succeed. I hope Darlene's new job is great, Mark gets a scholarship to college, Becky pays rent somehow, Becky shows respect somehow to those that have carried her. They can still have a great show about people living just above the poverty line without making them all such awful individuals.
  3. Duane was trying because if she dies he loses his meal ticket. I knew it was over when her care taker served her the massive portion of fried fish and french fries. She explained it away by saying you need "a little taste" in order to be successful in a diet. She wants to get paid so she is not going to argue with her employer. Latonya didn't try at all, just another one who wanted the magic bullet. I agree with Chatty Cake, why did she bother putting herself through the strain of driving to Houston if she had no intention of following Dr. Now's diet? And then she had the nerve to ask him why he didn't just hospitalize her so she would be forced to lose the weight. Right there she admitted to his face that she would not comply on her own and needed to be forced. It's a waste of his time, step aside and let someone who is willing to do the work take your place.
  4. Unless I misunderstood she cannot have the surgery without the therapy, which means to me that this therapist has to give the green light from her end. From what we have seen there is no way that will happen. Even if Tammy hates therapy she should know she has to play the game in order to get the surgery. Therapist: "Let's talk about your weight." Tammy "I gained 10 lbs so I am disappointed and sad but I know where I went wrong and am going to get back on track." Therapist "Why do you think you drank?" Tammy: "I was depressed and lonely so I fell into bad habits, I now realize it only made me more depressed. I don't intend to back slide, I only want to move forward in a positive manner." She could burp and fart to make sure the therapist believed she was sincere and not just saying the words. She doesn't have to mean it, just say it you big dummy. Of course I wish she would actually participate, but we all see she already knows everything and will make no effort. She is her own worst enemy.
  5. I was wondering why she would even wear such a heavy, tangled and fake looking red colored wig? Perhaps she has issues with her hair and if so that's a shame, such a difficult thing to deal with for men and women, especially women. She certainly is a good worker but I wish she didn't feel it's necessary to be so vulgar and trashy. It might be projection, thinking acting so confident and bold will cover up for her her insecurities. I think she is confusing confidence with being vulgar, loud, cheap and inappropriate. I really hope Alissa doesn't start on her but if she does I am sure Haley will hold her own. I hope she gets some relief now that Camilla is gone. Everyone was dumping on her while she kept working. Fraser, Alissa and Camilla all whining about each other to her and being the victim while she kept working, I could see she was exasperated. Plus she has a relationship off the boat and these boatmances (quickies) must be so boring to her. I also could be full of crap and attempting to analyze a girl who really is confident and doesn't give a crap what anyone thinks. If so good for her!
  6. I wonder if at Tammy's rehab they are only allowed to order 3 meals? I have spent a couple of weeks in hospital where meals were served only 3 times a day. I was allowed to order cookies or cake for dessert and set them aside for later. I was not there for a weight problem, I was in fact underweight. Knowing now that Windsor is in fact for overweight people I imagine even their "fattening" foods are somewhat healthy, It would be odd if they were not. In Tammy's case control is the key, at home she ate crap all day. At least at Windsor she is limited to only their offerings. I understand they want the residents to make their own choices, they are putting in all this work in the hopes that when the patient is released they have changed their habits. As far as Amy hoping for a girl, I do not blame her, many people hope for one of each. The problem is mature, intelligent parents understand it truly doesn't matter in the end. It's OK to wish but it' never OK to be sad at the results publicly in this day and age, with a camera on you! Healthy is all that matters. Amy is not mature. I once worked with a woman that wanted a boy desperately, when the ultrasound showed it was a girl she went off the rails. She told everyone the machine was defective and made a second appointment at another facility. When it showed the same results she said her dreams were ruined but she would be OK, she would learn to deal with the results. She did not even attempt to hide how upset she was, everyone at work was horrified. I asked her privately if she shouldn't be careful so her daughter didn't eventually find out she was unwanted. She told me she was sure no one would ever tell the child and she would grow to accept that she had a girl. I was so glad when they fired her, what an idiot. I hope Amy does not try for more kids, she seems to understand she can only afford 2. I do think Amy will love the child the same as Gage, I just wish she had not expressed publicly that she wanted a girl and appeared disappointed to learn it was a boy, it's supposed to be a private wish that you get over right away once you know you have a healthy baby.
  7. Amy is a hypocrite, I think she does love Tammy but as long as Tammy is doing worse she can point the finger at her as a way of letting others know things could be much worse. She is better than Tammy, let's pile on Tammy and ignore me. I agree that Tammy is nasty but Amy is so hypocritical. In many ways she is worse, she is supposed to be getting healthy not just for her own sake but for these children she insisted on bringing into the world. Gage might be a healthy weight now but if Amy doesn't make a change he will suffer the same fate as Amy, Tammy and all the siblings. The baby does not need extra salt and sugar. The old "eating for two" thinking went out the window many years ago and only the ignorant carry on with the saying and giving into every craving. Of course you need to eat well and not skip meals. Of course you should allow yourself to give in to the occasional craving. I did. But cramming your face with every junk food you can get your hands on is irresponsible and bad parenting. Isn't she diabetic? She could kill herself and her baby. Where would that leave Michael and Gage? She needs a doctor to tell her she is flat out harming the baby. I cannot believe she is allowing a 2 year old to have sweet tea. Water, milk and limited amounts of juice. As I understand it Tammy is not at a rehab center for weight loss. It's to regain mobility and to be able to breathe on her own. The patients are given a menu and can order what they want, along with being able to order takeout and have relatives bring food. Although we are seeing overweight patients I imagine there are some who are thin. I wonder if there are even rehab facilities for obese people where they can deny food requests, would that even be legal? I have seen patients on My 600 lb. life who were hospitalized and had food delivered in or brought by family. To be honest, for Tammy's size and lengthy stay her weight loss does not seem that amazing to me. She should have easily lost 200 lbs by now if she was following a strict calorie diet. I give her credit for trying but I think she is going for "getting out of this place" instead of a life change. She's probably only allowed to order 3 meals a day and I am guessing she doesn't choose the healthy diet menu. Just the fact that she cannot eat all day long is probably helping her to lose weight, but I doubt she is sticking to a low 1500 calorie a day menu. Even if she can only get 2500 calories a day off off the menu it's better than the probably 8000 she was eating at home to be over 700lbs. I imagine she realizes if she goes home no one in the family is going to provide daily care and feeding. One thing that is good is that Amy will not be next door to provide daily crap meals, pretending she was forced into it while all the while eating the same crap. Amy is not smart, but every episode we see her play it up for the camera. She is given information by Doctors and pretends not to grasp what she is being told. Yes, she is dim but she knows enough to try and point away from herself and toward Tammy, or how cute Gage is and how "great" her life is. She brought life into this world and should be doing everything she can to stick around until her child no longer needs her. At the rate they are going I predict neither sister lives to see 50.
  8. If I lived in Montana I would hate this portrayal of my state. John is voted in as governor because he wants to protect HIS ranch and HIS family. Never mind that he knows nothing about any issues and Montana is not a state comprised solely of ranches. There are actually cities. There are very real issues beyond land preservation and John's farm. Beth is a very tiring character. She is so outraged she cannot be a mother yet when given the chance to mother a child who desperately needs her she treats him like dirt. She would be a horrible mother and only wants a kid because she thinks it's what RIP wants and because she thinks Jamie took the option away from her. The writers have made her such a caricature, the "bitch in the boardroom." I'm embarrassed for her and cringe when she does her strong woman routine. I really don't understand her hold over Jaime. He should just say enough and call her bluff. If I understand correctly she just told him she was going to let him serve her needs for a bit and then ruin his life. I'd just tell her to go for it after talking to Dad. My husband broke his ankle and is stuck in bed. He asked me if he should start watching "this show Yellowstone." I was honest and told him I hate watch it now when I am bored. He did decide to start and is on Season 1, episode 7. I imagine it won't be long before he gives up.
  9. I wonder if that spot in Alaska with the playground was the last time she was truly happy? Little kids don't know any better but at a certain point / age I imagine Bird became disenchanted with Billy dragging them from hovel to hovel and babbling on about HIS dreams. There was no stability and until they went from zero to making money from the show. Billy fashioned himself as this man capable of living off the grid in the wild, but which of his hair brained ventures actually succeeded and provided his family a good home, education, guaranteed meals, friends etc? None until the show, and all we've seen is fake and failure. They love him and I have no doubt he loved his kids, but he was a very selfish man who put himself first. The results of his failed attempt at providing a life for his family are his failed children. If he had really been all about this of the grid life style he never would have put his children on camera for money. I will say, Bam really seems to be thinking about what will make the farm profitable. I have always got the feeling he thought his Dad was a bit of an ass. I believe he really wants to make it his permanent home and would gladly do away with the cameras if he and the rest of the family didn't need the income. Maybe Bear and Amy can stay and listen to Bam in order to make a working ranch. I can't figure out Gabe. I think he wants to live in town and just drive up the mountain for the show. Maybe he can do make up tutorials on Utube? Noah wanting to move back to Alaska to make a better life for his family with a REAL house is a good sign. He is not afraid to move away from the clan in order to do what is right. I'm not sure what his plan was for work once there but being away from the rest of the family is a good plan. It will be interesting to see what happens when the show ends. I don't know if any of the kids banked enough money so that they never have to work a real job for the rest of their life. Once the tiny bit of fame and money stops I think some of the boys may find themselves single again. Bear's wife clearly does not really want to be there, she just wants to be on TV and not have a real job. She's just too young and dumb to realize the money he made won't go as far as she thinks. I watched an excellent movie called The Glass Castle with Woody Harrelson and Naomi Watts as parents who never wanted to live a traditional life, meaning they didn't want to work real jobs. It's based on a book written by one of the couples 4 children. I highly recommend it. A true story about what instability can do to a child.
  10. It really is a great question. This show gave her some fame and money, but at what cost? The first season was so much fun, but like any reality show the first season is usually the only time we see mostly "real" life. I think Whitney was always outgoing and confident, the show was the perfect vehicle for her boisterous personality.. As I said earlier,I loved her message that she was going to live her life and not hide away because she was obese. She was going to work toward better health and weight loss while having a blast and helping others along the way. Her friends and the members of BGDC added to the fun, as did her family. As happens with reality shows it was decided that her real life was too boring to carry a series. It's a shame because I would rather only 3 or 4 seasons of real over 11 seasons of fake. I watch My 600 lb Life and love cheering people on, the follow ups are my favorite. Even if people don't meet their goal weight they often make a big enough change so that they can truly LIVE their life. It's so inspiring. With Whitney's Fabulous life she forgot the original message, it became an afterthought. Only her biggest fans believed all of the scripted story lines you listed BAForever, her new every year romantic interests were the most painful. The more time we spent with her once she switched to scripted episodes the more it became apparent that she isn't fabulous, nor is her life. She went from endearing to obnoxious. This part is confusing to me, was she always annoying or did the show cause her to become so extra? We see that even though her friends still appear on the show some have pulled away, only popping in for a paycheck. It makes me wonder how much she has changed from the girl they knew before the show and the girl we all saw in Season 1. Maybe she was always a spoiled brat who needed to be the center of attention and they've just decided that it's too much as she nears 40? She has spent years now cultivating fake relationships. How many chances to connect with someone real did she miss all because it wouldn't work for the show? She could have been trying online dating, singles clubs, blind dating etc. but I highly doubt any man she met using one of these avenues would have wanted to be on the show. I think she put the idea of meeting someone real on the back burner in favor of scripted relationships. What a waste of her 30s. And as BA said, how many missed real career opportunities? This show will end. Perhaps she has saved enough money and will continue to make money using the various social media avenues, so she's not concerned about cash. I truly wonder what her life will be minus the show. As I said, there are years of her antics captured for any new employer, friend or suitor to view. I do wish her all the best but I think it' time for her to hang it up and start living her real life. Perhaps she can get back to losing weight and caring for her health. It's obvious she can no longer move the same way she did when the show started. Her age is catching up to her and I am certain every doctor she has had advised her this would happen as she aged and carried so much weight. I am so longed winded, I am Dorit from RHBH. Sorry....
  11. I thought Todd "accidentally" left his passport at home?? And Heather let everyone know she had Covid early enough for them all to repeatedly test, luckily she was the only one who got it. I think it's funny that none of us pay close enough attention to get the "facts" straight. Obviously this show is not a priority for anyone here. I use my DVR and watch the next day, but it's back ground noise while I work from home. I did pause the Lenny bedroom scene, the beach oil catastrophe and Lenny dancing with the "other woman." I was busy with customer issues and wanted to be certain I could pay attention to these pivotal moments in the script. I knew there would be great snark here and didn't want to be completely out of the loop. : -)
  12. I know everyone here watches for laughs but I wonder how many of her actual fans truly believe her relationship with the French Man was real, and that this new Lennie story line is also real. I Googled the cast salaries and while I know they aren't 100% accurate I was surprised, I thought it would be more. They estimate Whitney makes between 5-10K per episode while her friends make around $1,500K. I can definitely see it being worth it for some of the friends as long as they can take the degradation. Their family and real friends must know the truth from the acting. Jessica probably earned more for airing her wedding, and I bet her salary paid for her wedding. Buddy and Courtney might be thinking the same but are trying to limit screen time as much as possible. I do think Heather had Covid but it's also possible she didn't want to or couldn't leave her kids this season. I don't think a comparison to lying about cancer is the same as lying about Covid SunnyBeBe, at least not in the minds of younger people. The majority recover so quickly. Unless they know someone who was not lucky they might equate it to the flu and not see it as more than a little white lie. If she felt threatened Hilda could have slowly walked away from Whitney and never fear she would catch up with her to "kill her." I did love Lennie's joke about Whitney needing a bigger jet ski. I think Whitney saw how many people knew the French Man was fake and it angered her so she dug her heels in deeper. Instead of creating a story line that would be believable such as the distance being too much she went with an open relationship. This allows for the added subplot with Lennie. Will she need to tell the French Man that she succumbed to Lennie's charms? Will this force a complete break up as Lennie refuses to share her with another man a million miles away? The drama of it all, stay tuned viewers for next season! The guys on the beach were either paid or came because they saw cameras and wanted to be on TV. I am going with paid. It's tit for tat made up TV drama. She was jealous Lennie danced with a woman and he was jealous two men singled her (out of all people available on the beach) to oil them up. Sigh. The scene where Hunter burst into the hotel room with cameras in tow was hysterical. Whit and Lennie are clothed and obviously wide awake even though they pretended to be sleeping, all prepared for this shocking reveal. That bathing suit in the hot tub. Whitney in the hot tub. My eyes! Tal really is working over time, he definitely read the script and is 100% committed. I think the fact that he needed a place to live ensured he was going to do whatever it took to stay in her good graces. Hunter is a wanna be actor so he's definitely on board with the script, plus it's his sister. He wants her to have money coming in and make some himself, and I'm sure he hates that people mock her even though he knows the show is scripted. I stumbled upon this show in it's first season and loved Whitney's message. She was morbidly obese and she knew it. She knew she didn't look great physically and knew the extra weight was bad for her health. She wanted to change that and help others too, but she was sending the message that it was OK to live in your overweight body while you worked toward better health. She was vocal about how unfair it was for people to be judged as they worked out, danced, shopped for clothing and did normal activities. She wanted to make a change in her life and help others along the way. I thought this was fabulous, she was sending a message to get out there and exercise no matter what shape you were in. Ignore the haters because they are morons and don't know you are on a journey that takes time. Well, we are on Season 10 and it's been about 8 years. The only change is that the show now seems to be a poorly written hour sitcom. Whitney hasn't lost any weight and exercise and diet are barely mentioned. When we do see her exercise she seems to just move her arms around. This is now about her made up life. When the show ends maybe she will face actual reality and her life will improve. She can't meet a man for her real life if each year she commits to a new fake boyfriend. I also imagine a real suitor wouldn't be to keen on appearing on camera in this fiasco of a "reality" show. I truly wonder what will happen when the show ends, she's got years of this stupidity on camera for anyone to view. It would make anyone think twice about becoming her significant other or even a friend. Thank you to anyone who read through my babbling. I obviously needed to unload. : - )
  13. I'm still watching but I feel like it's the sunken cost fallacy. I've spent so many years so I'll see it to the end even though I no longer enjoy. I don't watch live anymore, I set my DVR and watch while working from home or whenever I get a chance, background noise. I only care what happens to the few long time characters and since there are so many spin offs planned the mystery as to whether they live or die is kind of lost. I guess I kind of want to see how it wraps up and how they will get started on their next journey, but I will not be watching any spin off to see how that journey goes. I hope they end it with a safe home for those that want it. I have no idea what the end of the world would be like but if I just went off my small town and the neighboring towns there certainly wouldn't be so many heinous villains. But then I guess there would be no show. I did get a chance to watch Season 1 on AMC a couple of weekends ago, man that was good TV!
  14. Natasha is an idiot. From the texts they've shown us, her boyfriend is verbally abusive and manipulative. He demands she respond to his texts immediately as though he doesn't understand she has a service job. Would he expect the same if she were a waitress at a busy restaurant? Does he not understand or care about her job? We know she does not understand or care about her job, and she clearly loves drama. I think she feeds off of these men pining over her even though both relationships are clearly unhealthy. She's very immature and I hope she smartens up before she finds herself in real trouble. As someone else said, she needs to take a break from dating and get to know herself. She's giving Kye permission to slack off because she needs a partner in crime. Her big doe eyed display with Sandy when she was confronted was ridiculous, it was bad acting. She KNOWS she isn't performing her job up to standard, she just hoped she could slide by unnoticed. Instead of blaming herself for her own actions she blames Natalya. It's pathetic. She needs some introspection in both her personal and private life. I agree with others, there was no need to declare a lead deck hand. There are only a couple of charters left. Give Mzi and Courtney great recommendations for their next job and leave it there, this was only done for drama. Jason was kind of a jerk but he went out on a high note. From what we have been shown Courtney had no real reason to complain about him toward the end, this is reason enough why she shouldn't be lead. I hate to say it but this season could have used micro managing Sandy.
  15. I don't even know how one would make an attractive boot. I did think there were a few good attempts and I loved the feather on the winning entry. But honestly, no one would ever order that from a bakery! I think Justin may go next. He's failed twice trying to make a sponge (I think?) cake which I would think would be baking 101 for a pro. I am guessing what he does for work is bake a classic (basic) tasty cake and then wow his customer's with his decorating skills. I believe he said his business is horror themed cakes so I doubt anyone contacting him is looking for a key lime pie, croquembouche, genoise, cheesecake etc. You get the idea, LOL. I could not find a website for his company but I'm sure he has one. I would love to see because I bet he delivers tasty horror themed cakes, just not sure he is a great all around baker.
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