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S03.E08: A Very Slaton Vacation

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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While Chris makes progress after his surgery, Tammy gets discouraging news. Amy plans a unique bash for Tammy's 35th birthday. The family excitedly plans their first vacation together with all five siblings, but concerns rise about Tammy's mobility. 

Original air date 2022.01.03

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3 hours ago, sadie said:

If Amy keeps eating like she did at the party she’s gonna regain everything she lost and maybe blow her new stomach out, wouldn’t it be ironic if Amy croaks before Tammy. That drink was at least 3,000 calories and you can see Amy’s justifications just keep coming, “I’m eating for two and the baby is craving food”, “I’m too busy being a mom”, “mommy deserves a treat”. Sigh. 

Isn’t she also diabetic? I read that somewhere but it’s seldom mentioned. If true, you cannot eat this way with diabetes. She is risking organ damage, blindness and amputation with the way she eats. She’s also still significantly obese. I’m all for cheering people on when they are trying their best but she’s making choices almost as stupid as Tammy’s. She just comes off better because Tammy is such a mess, if it were just her and Chris, she would kind of be the mess. 

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2 hours ago, Ria said:

Isn’t she also diabetic? I read that somewhere but it’s seldom mentioned. If true, you cannot eat this way with diabetes. She is risking organ damage, blindness and amputation with the way she eats. She’s also still significantly obese. I’m all for cheering people on when they are trying their best but she’s making choices almost as stupid as Tammy’s. She just comes off better because Tammy is such a mess, if it were just her and Chris, she would kind of be the mess. 

My opinion is that Amy only lost enough weight to get pregnant. When she’s done birthin’babies, she may very well gain it all back. And Chris is already not eating as he should. I.e. the beef and gravy.  As much as I hate to defend Tammy, I kind of get it when she gets pissed about their lectures.

Edited by Kid
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3 things ..

Did they really think that Tammy wouldn't give them any issues on a vacation 12 hours away?  Good lord.   I saw that shit show coming from a mile away.  Makes for good tv I suppose.

The only time I see Tammy behave even remotely human, is when she interacts with Gage.  Her face lights up, she's almost normal for a minute.    But that's the only time.

After the 2nd kid, Amy needs her tubes tied.   If she keeps getting bigger  she won't be able to be a good mom to any of them.  

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I'm glad Dr. Smith finally laid down the law and said "Call me when you're ready to do all these things I've asked of you."  It was getting ridiculous for him to continue to give her a goal that everyone knew would not be met.


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From the previews it looks like Tammy went to stay in the production hotel 😳 My guess is she couldn’t do her chat rooms and talk to Phillip if she was in the house with the family, nor could she eat like she wanted to.

I don’t think those tears were frustration about whether she could make it up the portable ramp. I think it was frustration about not being able to do her addictions.

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13 hours ago, sadie said:

So much to unpack.

Every time Tammy said “I need to get back on track”, I screamed at the tv “when were you ever ON TRACK?”. That doctor visit was the most depressing ever. She couldn’t remember to food journal, because she was doing what? The girl literally sits and eats all day, what else is there to do? Glad the doctor finally said enough, don’t come back until something changes which means that’s the last time he will ever see Tammy.

If Amy keeps eating like she did at the party she’s gonna regain everything she lost and maybe blow her new stomach out, wouldn’t it be ironic if Amy croaks before Tammy. That drink was at least 3,000 calories and you can see Amy’s justifications just keep coming, “I’m eating for two and the baby is craving food”, “I’m too busy being a mom”, “mommy deserves a treat”. Sigh. 

The family vacation is off to a stellar start. Tammy who was telling everyone she was gonna fly to Vegas for her BBW hookup can’t even make a car ride and a ramp into a cabin. Delusion thy name is Tammy.

Good for Chris, at least he’s going in the right direction, small mercies with this family.

I like their older sister, though.  And she  looks so much younger & prettier than them,

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1 hour ago, LeesburgLee said:

Tammy: “I know I need to be selfish and start putting myself first.”

Chris, to the doctor, about Tammy: “She needs to focus on herself.”

Did I miss something? Has Tammy been a font of altruism and generosity all this time and it slipped by me? On the show I’ve been watching, Tammy has “selfish” and “focus on herself” down pat. Maybe I’ve been watching a parallel universe version...

If Tammy thinks she hasn’t been selfish so far, I can’t imagine what she’ll come up with once she “starts” putting herself first!

I don't think Chris meant what Tammy meant.  I'm thinking Chris meant Tammy has to focus on herself instead of focusing on people she meets over the internet.

Edited by Gemma Violet
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15 hours ago, Kid said:

Tammy about the harassment, “It adds to the stress.”  WHAT stress???

Tammy about the consequences of the “added” stress, “I’ve given up on the diet.”  WHAT diet.

Good old Tammy. Never let a crisis go to waste.

Or waist. I'll sit in the corner.

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2 hours ago, GaT said:

Tammy gets to the cabin & immediately wants to go home. It was just a couple of weeks ago she wanted to travel & go to Vegas, & now she wants to be home. WTF is wrong with her?

I think @RedDelicious explained that perfectly.  She could not indulge in her addictions with the family around.

That family circles around her like a bunch of moons around the planet.

What I don’t understand is (if they don’t just dump her ass and let her fend for herself) why they don’t just take that phone away from her. She would not be able to order food and she would not be able to pick up men with fetishes. She is as addicted to that phone as she is food and, most likely, drugs and alcohol. She might as well have it implanted in her hand because it never leaves it.

Edited by Kid
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7 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I'm glad Dr. Smith finally laid down the law and said "Call me when you're ready to do all these things I've asked of you."  It was getting ridiculous for him to continue to give her a goal that everyone knew would not be met.

He tried as hard as he could.  How typical is it that what Dr. Smith said was heard through Tammy's filter as an "ultimatum".  No.  it was more of a pause, waiting for her to care about herself.   I do not think it means what you think it means.

Tammy told the doctor that she had no signal in order to do a Zoom meeting with the therapist.  WTF?  Is she not on her phone, YT and the internet all day long?  She didn't like that therapist, it happens, but I think she's using that to completely dismiss all therapy.  She doesn't want to get better, and I actually understand that.

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5 hours ago, GaT said:

Bologna salad sounds seriously gross.

It was what my mom made for us when I was growing up, because bologna was cheaper than ham. She never put cheese in it, tho. 

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7 hours ago, xls said:

I like their older sister, though.  And she  looks so much younger & prettier than them,

I think she's pretty too. Maybe she is just a half sister to T&A? We already know brother Chris has a different last name than Slaton. 

I only watched the first half of last night's new episode. Tammy whining "I want to go home" on the road trip that just started was too much. I had to change channels.

5 hours ago, GaT said:

Tammy walked!!! I kept waiting for the heavens to open & the angels start to sing. I guess Tisa is gone.

Yes! What an amazing miracle! 😂 I think it was too little too late for Big T to walk into her doctor's office without her walker for weigh in. But it is proof she CAN walk on her own if she puts her mind to it. Glad her doctor told her to call him when she is ready to do what she needs to do. She's a waste of time.

8 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

From the previews it looks like Tammy went to stay in the production hotel

What is "the production hotel"? Does production stay at a Ritz Carlton and the Slaton's stay at a Motel 6?

And which one of Tammy's slaves gets to wheel her 700+ pounds around on this "vacation"? Probably Michael. What a miserable life he has.

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Tammy is repulsive, inside and out.  If what I read in the spoiler thread is true, she's in danger of being slapped with a libel/slander lawsuit. 

Chris is heading in the right direction, but I was waiting for Dr. Smith's head to explode when Chris described his diet of beef and *GRAVY*!  Since when does ANY diet include gravy?????????????

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3 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

Tammy is repulsive, inside and out.  If what I read in the spoiler thread is true, she's in danger of being slapped with a libel/slander lawsuit. 

and I'm sure TLC will be named in the lawsuit as well. As they should be.

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2 hours ago, suzeecat said:

Chris is heading in the right direction, but I was waiting for Dr. Smith's head to explode when Chris described his diet of beef and *GRAVY*!  Since when does ANY diet include gravy?????????????

Yes, I was like wait, beef and gravy? I like gravy, but it's not on my list of things to lose weight. He didn't say grits and gravy, which can be any leftover meat in a white sauce.

Edited by nokat
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3 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

What is "the production hotel"? Does production stay at a Ritz Carlton and the Slaton's stay at a Motel 6?

It looked like Tammy went to stay at a local chain hotel where the production crew was presumably staying. The family was in a big rented cabin that looked really nice. 

How Tammy managed to fenagle that, I have no idea. My guess is it was about not having to go up steps (it looks like she had a ground floor room), privacy for her phone usage and accessibility to food without her family finding out what she was ordering.

ETA: Next week it looks like there is an intervention of sorts and I AM HERE FOR IT.

Edited by RedDelicious
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2 hours ago, suzeecat said:

Tammy is repulsive, inside and out.  If what I read in the spoiler thread is true, she's in danger of being slapped with a libel/slander lawsuit. 

Chris is heading in the right direction, but I was waiting for Dr. Smith's head to explode when Chris described his diet of beef and *GRAVY*!  Since when does ANY diet include gravy?????????????

Yes I was wondering why we never see any of the doctors talk about nutrition.  Dr. Smith told us, the audience,  his concern about the gravy but he really didn't say anything to Chris that we saw.   Amy seems to have zero knowledge about what she should and shouldn't eat as well, or maybe she just doesn't care.  Anyway she's still very heavy and out of shape so she really had no business drinking all those huge sugary drinks. 



 She lost some weight and she's smaller than Tammy but like someone else said, if Tammy wasn't such a mess Amy wouldn't look so good.

I'm glad the doctor told Tammy to come back when she actually wants to loose weight.  I kept thinking back to the first season she was down to 550 at the end and walking around a supermarket buying vegetables.  Why did she just throw that away?  She's had so many chances to change and she just refuses.  I really think being on this show has done her more harm, she's getting paid for doing nothing but indulging her addictions and we're watching for entertainment. 

Edited by SevenCostanza
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Sometimes I don’t know why I still watch this.  (Well besides coming here of course.).  Delusional Tammy of the Million Excuses continued her refusal to take any responsibility at all.  Loved seeing her cut loose by Dr Smith.  “But I’m a Mom now” Amy isn’t much better, I feel bad for that poor child.  She will never lose any weight and soon will be right back up to her starting weight (or more).  Both of them seem to have forgotten everything they learned in season 1 about healthy eating.  Chris having gravy is ridiculous.  Beef, fine it’s protein.  But gravy is not.  If he stays on this path I see his success being about the same as Amy’s (ie not very good).  

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1 hour ago, Caoimhe said:

Sometimes I don’t know why I still watch this.  (Well besides coming here of course.).  Delusional Tammy of the Million Excuses continued her refusal to take any responsibility at all.  Loved seeing her cut loose by Dr Smith.  “But I’m a Mom now” Amy isn’t much better, I feel bad for that poor child.  She will never lose any weight and soon will be right back up to her starting weight (or more).  Both of them seem to have forgotten everything they learned in season 1 about healthy eating.  Chris having gravy is ridiculous.  Beef, fine it’s protein.  But gravy is not.  If he stays on this path I see his success being about the same as Amy’s (ie not very good).  

I feel the same way, and I think the reason I still watch is because I want to see them have a REAL Come to Jesus with Tammy. Not this namby pamby stuff in the doctor's office. And Amy for that matter. I think Amy would take it and do something with it (maybe). But Tammy really needs to have her ass handed to her. She can "shut down" and pout all she wants, but she can't close her ears and she can't really get up and walk away, sadly. 

I want to see a Come to Jesus and an ultimatum. Tammy either knocks off these unhealthy habits that *will eventually take her life, or she faces the music and gets real help for her addictions, and that includes the chat rooms and the feeder boyfriends. All the food addiction rehab in the world isn't going to help her if she doesn't start with her mental health.

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Chris' reaction to Tammy's saying that Phillip has been harassing her was interesting.  I got the feeling he really didn't believe her.  I get the feeling that she has made similar claims before.  Normally I say believe women.  In Tammy's case, she has lied about so many things that I am very open to other possibilities. 

I liked how the doctor addressed Tammy, pointing out that they are driving four hours to see him without her doing any of the work she needs to do. It is clear that she doesn't want to put any effort into weight loss.  Why should others waste their time?  They would all be smarter to simply let her do what she wants and stop fighting her.  

Just want to say that I am tired of drag queens on reality TV shows.  Tammy is pansexual, so let's go to a drag show - WTF.  Ugh.  I also question Tammy's "good friends" they met up with.  How exactly does she have good friends?  She doesn't go anywhere or interact with others other than online.  And she has a horrible personality.  The things people will do to be on TV. I did enjoy how the folks in the background were simply enjoying their brunch and chatting with each other.  

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22 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Chris' reaction to Tammy's saying that Phillip has been harassing her was interesting.  I got the feeling he really didn't believe her.  I get the feeling that she has made similar claims before.  Normally I say believe women.  In Tammy's case, she has lied about so many things that I am very open to other possibilities. 

I liked how the doctor addressed Tammy, pointing out that they are driving four hours to see him without her doing any of the work she needs to do. It is clear that she doesn't want to put any effort into weight loss.  Why should others waste their time?  They would all be smarter to simply let her do what she wants and stop fighting her.  

Just want to say that I am tired of drag queens on reality TV shows.  Tammy is pansexual, so let's go to a drag show - WTF.  Ugh.  I also question Tammy's "good friends" they met up with.  How exactly does she have good friends?  She doesn't go anywhere or interact with others other than online.  And she has a horrible personality.  The things people will do to be on TV. I did enjoy how the folks in the background were simply enjoying their brunch and chatting with each other.  

Yeah, pretty sure Chris knew it was all an excuse. And I don't know how much "harassing" Phillip could do that Tammy could not block, considering he is physically 2000 miles away from her. If you have a landline, you block them from your online account (I do it all the time). Cell phone, you can block them right on your phone. Same for all social media platforms and message boards and presumably chat rooms. If he says he's going to break down her door, he has to spend an entire day traveling to get to her, and an entire day traveling to get back. I'd say that's a lot of cost and effort. To intimidate Tammy Slaton. Who lives on a busy road (meaning it's more likely someone would notice if there was a problem). 

I wondered about Amy's correlation too. Judging by the expression on her face so did Tammy. One doesn't automatically make me think of the other. You don't have to be LGBTQ to do drag. We have a stiletto race for Big Brothers/Big Sisters and all the guys dress in drag regardless of their orientation. Fishnets and all. Huge LGBTQ population where I live too and the LGBTQ folks fully support it. They help out with the shoes which is really kind of them to do. But it did look like a fun brunch and not all stuffy like the tea.

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I have zero sympathy for Tammy, she's spoiled narcissist who uses her weight to control everyone. My guess is, the pansexual label is just another addiction - she'll take sex from anyone, any time and anywhere - just like food. Her family needs to cut her off if they really want to save her life, stop bringing her food, stop justifying her actions, let her try living her life dependent on herself for once. Food addiction is a true struggle, but they aren't even portraying that here, they're just showcasing a self centered woman with no desire to make a change. I know, I know...change the channel - I'm such a sap I'd like to see her succeed. Then every time I watch, Lucy yanks the football away yet again...

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14 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I don't think Chris meant what Tammy meant.  I'm thinking Chris meant Tammy has to focus on herself instead of focusing on people she meets over the internet.

Just want to clarify my post above.  I'm quoting myself because I went back and listened to it again and Chris actually followed up the "needs to focus on herself" comment with the comment about not focusing on people she meets online.  I hadn't remembered that he had actually said both things in the same sentence.  That's why I posted "I'm thinking Chris meant...."  I'm now correcting that to say, that's obviously what Chris meant.  lol

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I didn't know that I can have gravy on my diet! TLC really is the learning channel.

Tammy was relieved when she learned that she doesn't have to go back to the doctor until she is ready to lose weight. It really looked like her face soften when the good Dr. told her to come back and see him when she is ready. This is a wash, rinse, repeat scenario for Tammy. I wonder how many doctors or medical professionals that she has seen and ignored before being released. 

Amy clearly is not on a diet so she doesn't care how many sugary drinks that she has. 

It is interesting to me that they always meet up in Tammy's apartment instead of Amy's.


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I was glad to meet Amanda. It was nice to see her concern for Amy without Tammy involved. She also gave some insight into the family tree. Chris and Misty were probably out of the house before Amy and Tammy were teens. It makes sense that Amy would be so devoted to Tammy.

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1 hour ago, slasherboy said:

I cringed so hard when Amy put poor little Gage on the carpet without first putting a blanket or towel underneath him. Just from Amy's dirty bare feet alone, that carpet has got to be nasty.

I was cringing when Gage was on his back on the floor with a whole cracker/biscuit in his mouth. I eat a couple of saltines and I need something to wash it down.

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36 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Same.  Also, drag queen show at brunch???

Are drag brunches not a thing where you are? They've been around for years and they're SO much fun! And NO you do not need to be pan to enjoy one. 

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1 hour ago, nokat said:

I was cringing when Gage was on his back on the floor with a whole cracker/biscuit in his mouth. I eat a couple of saltines and I need something to wash it down.

Is that what it was? I couldn't figure it out and finally came to the conclusion it was a slice of cheese, but a cracker seems to make more sense. Now I can relax.

HAHA  I just realized I sound a bit obsessed with this show and really, I'm not. I just stare at Tammy's face and shudder thinking what a crapshoot life is when it comes to looks. No offense ... I'm no prize myself ... but man, she scowls and I feel the Earth shake.

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1 hour ago, monagatuna said:

Are drag brunches not a thing where you are? They've been around for years and they're SO much fun! And NO you do not need to be pan to enjoy one. 

We have them near where I live but I’ve never been able to go to one. Soon, I hope!

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2 minutes ago, Kbo said:

Had to laugh when Chris was complaining about Tammy’s couch not having any support. No sofa in the history of the world was built for what the Slatons have put it through. 

I've tested couches. Can I fall asleep on it? Will I be able to get up?

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6 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

You don't have to be LGBTQ to do drag. We have a stiletto race for Big Brothers/Big Sisters and all the guys dress in drag regardless of their orientation. Fishnets and all. Huge LGBTQ population where I live too and the LGBTQ folks fully support it. They help out with the shoes which is really kind of them to do. 

That sounds like so much fun! Wish we had something like that where I live.

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6 hours ago, NJbutNoHousewife said:

Her family needs to cut her off if they really want to save her life, stop bringing her food, stop justifying her actions, let her try living her life dependent on herself for once.

They cannot save Tammy anymore than Dr. Smith can save Tammy.  She is an adult; they can't take away her phone  or commit her to a rehab against her will etc. 

I think they all realize she isn't going to be around much longer and I kind of love how they are rallying around her, to spend time with her and trying to give her some happy times.   I wish she could get out of own misery long enough to appreciate that. 

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10 hours ago, Caoimhe said:

Sometimes I don’t know why I still watch this.  (Well besides coming here of course.)

This is why I've watched the 600lbers for so long.  I LOVE the chat here.  In fact sometimes, you don't have see the show, just read the chat.

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5 hours ago, nokat said:

I was cringing when Gage was on his back on the floor with a whole cracker/biscuit in his mouth. I eat a couple of saltines and I need something to wash it down.

That poor little guy, I worry for his health and safety, even though Amy means well.
I'd like to see someone call Tammy out for the ungrateful bitch that she is.   Turn the car around, and take her home.
And did anyone else wish that Momma was on the trip, with her resting bitch face?
I'm wondering how many will leave in body bags, as it is.

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