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S04.E06: I Want to be Him

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Jamie Jamie Jamie, your beloved dad, you don't know from Adam and he's playing you like a fiddle.

So glad the girls are gone, but I'm bummed about Teeter, she didn't deserve it.

Lloyd, my goodness, get your shit together. Yes, Walker's a dick and yes there were times I wanted to smack his guitar up too but damn.

Poor RIP, he loves Lloyd and didn't want to do it but knew there was no other way.

Carter, dream on, you will never be John.

So what's up with the protestor, we're they the ones cutting the fence? 

I see something bad happening to Kayce and family with them being so far from anyone. 

Beth, if you and Jamie would team up, you two could and would be a force to be dealt with.

Jamie is going to be puppeted by his dad and then he's going to have to kill him.

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I’m sad that Jamie didn’t take his father in. I really wish he wouldn’t have given in there. I can’t imagine being that insecure. Clearly he still loves John, but even if he bought into all Garett’s bullshit, they tried to kill Kayce, his wife and Kayce’s son. Tate is an innocent. If Jamie does not turn him in right now, he will never recover from that with the duttons. He may as well blow his own head off before Beth kills him slowly. 

I didn’t understand why Carter wants to be John. Why did that last scene cause him to say that? Because he sees him as the one in charge?? 

Feel bad for Teeter. She’s done a good job. Honestly, I’m surprised she didn’t kick Laramie’s ass for getting her fired. They never should have allowed the barrel racers to stay on. 

Surprised Lloyd attacked Walker with a knife (especially with an audience). 

I actually felt bad for Rip in the end. But whew is that a violent place to work. Feel like this is just going to turn Carter into a psychopath. 

The show started out like gangbusters…it’s dropping off a bit. 

I am stoked to see 1883! 

Edited by MzLiz
Spelling and I listed the wrong buckle bunny
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I didn't feel bad for Rip because he should have thrown those buckle bunnies out a long time ago.  I will never understand why he and John let them stay there in the first place.  Surely they knew at some point there would be a fight between any of the guys over two women.   It was John himself who said he didn't want an attractive woman working with the men because there'd be trouble, so why let the buckle bunnies stay there?   At least Teeter fit in and was, you know, working.  She didn't deserve to be let go and I was hoping she'd take a swing at Laramie and knock her ass out. 

And speaking of dumb ass Laramie, she could have killed Walker when she pulled that knife out of his chest.

Oh well, at least Walker and Lloyd survived. 

I, too, don't understand why Carter wants to be like John.  

I am not looking forward to more of f-bomb throwing, hot mess Beth.  I'd rather Jamie work with Silver Hair instead of Beth.   

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3 hours ago, Crashcourse said:


And speaking of dumb ass Laramie, she could have killed Walker when she pulled that knife out of his chest.

The fucking barrel racers crack was so accurate when she did that.  

About time someone made the call to get them out of the bunkhouse, but too little too late. I don't understand why Rip didn't make that call ages ago when those 2 came and we causing so much trouble and parked themselves there like it was their home and moved in. Now because of that Teeter who actually had applied for the job, fit in and worked there and has the brand is gone?

Teeter is branded, isn't that against the branding rules? Plus I think the actress is series regular?

Is Lloyd insane, did he care that much for the barrel racer he'd stab someone over it? Nobody will probably look at Lloyd the same again.

Jamie, omg Jamie. He played you like a fiddle and you fell for it. Devil you know, versus who you don't. He tried to kill a child, one for his entire life was his nephew. Jamie I really hope has a smarter plan than listening to daddy.

Monica hated Casey not that long ago, she gets everything she wants including a secluded house and she and Tate are so happy and magically healed?  

At this point Rip and Beth are the only ones who should get the ranch. Jamie left bought his own land, Casey now left, bought his own land. 

Avery! Wasn't expecting her back. Interesting she returned when at same time they were deciding no more girls in the bunkhouse, then we see the first one who was in the bunkhouse.

The protestor is really annoying.  

Edited by Artsda
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The actress who plays Mia is the daughter of Josh Brolin, who appeared in the Sicario movies written by Yellowston creator Taylor Sheridan.

Lloyd looks like a idiot. Laramie is young enough to be his granddaughter.

Edited by BigDfromLA
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I am happy the governor is back!! we can get rid of Piper Ugggggg

The "one-liners" Taylor writes sometimes just leave me cold.  It is like each character actor is just waiting to give their best a the "one-liner".  

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So, Carter, which John do you want to be?  The one who is scheming against the Native Americans, the one who uses the state government to achieve his own ends, the one who orders murders and covers up anything his family does, the one who's boning a woman 40 years younger than him letting a naive young woman stay in his mansion, or the occasional father figure to the ranch hands, supposedly imparting years of wisdom through his actions?

Apparently the healing properties of the Dutton Ranch are magnificent, as Walker, after suffering a 6" deep knife wound in his shoulder area, can still throw a series of exquisite punches.  No doubt Lloyd will be roping just fine with that broken hand.

So the reservation horses have to wait until next time to be rescued? They just sort of dropped that plot, at least temporarily.

I liked how Kayce looks at the land and the dog, and says "We'll take it."

I loved that back and forth between Protester and Gator.  "Anything that didn't have a heartbeat last week?"  "Are your oranges non-GMO" "I just buy a big bag from the grocery store."  "What's gluten?"  Beth, as usual, added nothing but spite to the discussion.

Does Jaime's Office Assistant make appointments without clearance from Jaime, and not put them on his schedule so that he has to be reminded when he walks in?

6 hours ago, toodywoody said:

I see something bad happening to Kayce and family with them being so far from anyone. 

With several automatic weapons, 5000 rounds of ammunition, and flash bang grenades all at his disposal, he'll be fine.


6 hours ago, MzLiz said:

Surprised Lloyd attacked Walker with a knife (especially with an audience). 

I have a feeling that Lloyd's backstory is that he was every bit the convict that Walker is now, and still adheres to the prison code of ethics:  Either finish your opponent or submit to him.  That's probably why he's been at the ranch for 30+ years - he's a murderer and won't fit in at any legitimate operation for long.

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7 hours ago, Artsda said:

The fucking barrel racers crack was so accurate when she did that.  

About time someone made the call to get them out of the bunkhouse, but too little too late. I don't understand why Rip didn't make that call ages ago when those 2 came and we causing so much trouble and parked themselves there like it was their home and moved in. Now because of that Teeter who actually had applied for the job, fit in and worked there and has the brand is gone?

Teeter is branded, isn't that against the branding rules? Plus I think the actress is series regular?

Is Lloyd insane, did he care that much for the barrel racer he'd stab someone over it? Nobody will probably look at Lloyd the same again.


I thought the rules were that you had to go through Rip first if you were to go after any of the branded men. In any case I did not notice the brand during Walker's surgery they might be rebooting that concept. Forcing Jimmy out to the 6666 disciplinary battalion for doing exactly as old man Dutton did coming out of the hospital. Only to have him remove the brace and do the same stuff on the trip to Texas working jail was the first step. 

Interesting they brought the original back to scare Monica, not Kayce's type indeed, but that is the function the women performed. They kept the boys out of the strip club  trips and close ready to fight off the next attack on Yellowstone. 

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I did feel sorry for Teeter for awhile, then I remembered how relentlessly she chased Colby and....she really started this mess, although she and Colby have been considerably more circumspect than the barrel racers and Jimmy/Lloyd/Walker.

Sending Jimmy to Texas to work with unbroken horses when he's supposed to be in a body brace 24/7? I guess when he falls off another horse and is permanently paralyzed it will be a problem for the 6666s, not Yellowstone. 

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8 minutes ago, Raja said:

I thought the rules were that you had to go through Rip first if you were to go after any of the branded men. In any case I did not notice the brand during Walker's surgery

The Y was there but it was thin and faint - not thick like we’ve seen on others. 

Still with Jimmy?! At least they had him in pain after all day riding...although he then gets up and starts practicing roping like he has no issues at all. 

Carter wants to be John who owns all the land and lives in a massive house, and has a crew of men at his beck and call. Okay.

Jamie needs to grow up. So does Beth.

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If the 6666 is so vast and wonderful why does Jimmy live in basically a detention cell ? No bunkhouse like in Yellowstone ? And there is only one other cowboy he rides with ?

Or better yet, stop fucking ramming the spin off series down our throats ?

Jamie's baby - what, its gone already?

Gator's ignorance of modern dietary trends is hilarious. I'd hire him to cook for me anyday. 


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2 minutes ago, Msample said:

If the 6666 is so vast and wonderful why does Jimmy live in basically a detention cell ? No bunkhouse like in Yellowstone ? And there is only one other cowboy he rides with ?

Or better yet, stop fucking ramming the spin off series down our throats ?

Jamie's baby - what, its gone already?

Gator's ignorance of modern dietary trends is hilarious. I'd hire him to cook for me anyday. 


That is Jimmy's drill sergeant/cowboy trainer the rest cowboys of the ranch are presumably working or old guys on pension who have a home on 6666 like the branded are promised on Yellowstone. Assuming they don't kill a branded one out of jealousy.


With a prequel and a spinoff in the works  I guess a Yellowstone TV universe is here and a Mexican cartel will bump heads with the 6666 version of the branded men.

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9 hours ago, Artsda said:

Monica hated Casey not that long ago, she gets everything she wants including a secluded house and she and Tate are so happy and magically healed?  

Yeah, that "hate" vanished pretty quickly once she saw that house.

I thought it was interesting that they brought Avery back and I wonder if she'll get involved with Kayce.  I wouldn't mind that. 

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This may be a small nitpick, but what happened to Jimmy's REAL cowboy hat? The one he was presented with from the bunkhouse gang? They all paid a weeks salary to buy it for him? Now he wears that stupid baseball cap. Does he have to become a REAL cowboy to wear the Stetson again? 

Jaimie you poor sap! Still afraid of Beth. It is hilarious the way he jumps when he sees her.

Ditto on the protester. She will probably end up like the investigative reporter lady.

That is all for now.

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I think Walker and Laramie throwing their "relationship" in Lloyd's face made him realize just how old he was, especially after Walker called him an old fart.  And it's not just that buckle bunny, I think he realizes that he's getting too old to do a lot of the work that he used to do.  So he flew off the handle with Walker as his main target, but maybe he needs to consider retirement--whatever that means on Yellowstone. 

And while Lloyd is older than Walker I thought the fight was unfair considering Walker had just been stabbed in the chest and should have been weakened by that.  Not to mention the stitches bursting.  Ouch!!  I'm just glad they both survived and Lloyd helped Walker off the ground.

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17 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I didn't feel bad for Rip because he should have thrown those buckle bunnies out a long time ago.  I will never understand why he and John let them stay there in the first place.  Surely they knew at some point there would be a fight between any of the guys over two women.   It was John himself who said he didn't want an attractive woman working with the men because there'd be trouble, so why let the buckle bunnies stay there?   At least Teeter fit in and was, you know, working.  She didn't deserve to be let go and I was hoping she'd take a swing at Laramie and knock her ass out. 

And speaking of dumb ass Laramie, she could have killed Walker when she pulled that knife out of his chest.

Oh well, at least Walker and Lloyd survived. 

I, too, don't understand why Carter wants to be like John.  

I am not looking forward to more of f-bomb throwing, hot mess Beth.  I'd rather Jamie work with Silver Hair instead of Beth.   

I think the whole Buckle Bunny thing was ridiculous...I don't think any reputable working ranch with a payroll like the Dutton Ranch would allow two barrel riders to shack up with a group of working cowboys for an extended period of time. On a real ranch like this Rip would have been called out by the ranch owner for allowing that to remain for such a lengthy time. 

Also, why was the medical emergency being done in the bunkhouse with everyone hovering around yelling and creating a unsanitary environment? Why wasn't he taken into the RV that Walker lived in? And yes, Laramie pulling the knife out was stupid...glad to see her go.

Finally...Beth. Her relationship with Dad is unhealthy. Even Dad knows that. I think she is more of an emotional wife to him...but it definitely has crossed some lines...it's weird. 

4 hours ago, Msample said:

If the 6666 is so vast and wonderful why does Jimmy live in basically a detention cell ? No bunkhouse like in Yellowstone ? And there is only one other cowboy he rides with ?

Or better yet, stop fucking ramming the spin off series down our throats ?

Jamie's baby - what, its gone already?

Gator's ignorance of modern dietary trends is hilarious. I'd hire him to cook for me anyday. 


Love Gator...he's hilarious.

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3 hours ago, margol29 said:

This may be a small nitpick, but what happened to Jimmy's REAL cowboy hat?

I remember that, too.  It's almost as if the writers decided to backpedal on his evolution to real cowboy status, and keep him as the misfit stumblebum just as a plot line.

I liked the fact that Carter asked Lloyd to show him the 'houlihan', which is the overhand throw of the lariat.  While not of the ranching or rodeo life, I do enjoy music that relates to it, and there's a well known western song (I Ride An Old Paint) that uses the lines "I ride an old paint, I'm leavin' Cheyenne; I'm going to Montana, for to throw the houlihan."

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I wish Gator had given that rude, ill-mannered protester bitch a bowl of nuts for breakfast.   I don't care if she's vegan; there was no need to act like that.  That was the one time I would have been in Beth's corner if she'd thrown a bunch of f-bombs at her and had her screaming and running from the table.  

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2 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Or better yet, stop fucking ramming the spin off series down our throats ?

THIS x1000!!!!  I swear I'll never watch another Taylor Sheridan show, after he ruined this one.  Is the guy who plays Jimmy his secret love child, or his secret lover, or he is blackmailing Taylor??  'Cause I can't think of a good reason he gets so much screen time on a Kevin Costner show!  Oh, he's sad in his dismal apartment. Oh we get to see him ride through some scenery, big whoop!  Oh his back hurts, big surprise!  But now we have to watch him learning to rope because he is so special.  And the actor looks unhealthy, like he lost 20 pounds over the break.  If I have to see someone I have no interest in, at least make him eye candy.  I would FF through all his scenes but DH only likes to skip through commercials.

And yes to those who are finding the Beth-John relationship unhealthy and uncomfortable to watch.  

There are so many ridiculous plot points this season: buckle bunnies living in the bunkhouse, Jamie's GF and son showing up just in time to save his bio-dad, a severely wounded guy able to fight a good fight the next day, and of course the continued existence of jimmy.  

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The bunnies are gone. Jimmy is not. I guess we can't have everything.

I'm not sure who to root for on this show.... dog?

This week in toxic masculinity:

After a back-breaking (literally) day that aggravates a serious injury, real men stay up all night learning to rope.

Real men wolf their food down like soldiers in a mess tent. 

Real men must settle their score with fists! 

Then to make sure the whole staff is on the same page, Human "Rip"sources gives out... more fists! 

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5 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I liked the fact that Carter asked Lloyd to show him the 'houlihan', which is the overhand throw of the lariat.  While not of the ranching or rodeo life, I do enjoy music that relates to it, and there's a well known western song (I Ride An Old Paint) that uses the lines "I ride an old paint, I'm leavin' Cheyenne; I'm going to Montana, for to throw the houlihan."

Thanks for explaining that!  I know that song, but never knew what the houlihan is. 

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New to posting here but I’ve been lurking for ages—sorry about that. However, I must ask about something that has me worried. I’ve been reading many excited clips about the woman who plays the blonde protester in other places as if the actress is some sort of a big deal. She looks vaguely familiar to me but can someone tell me who she is? I mean what is her background and why the excitement about her joining the show? The reason I ask? Because I’m concerned that if she’s a big name actress, it might mean we’re stuck with her as a major character and for the life of me, I can’t figure out why this storyline even needed to come about. 🤷‍♀️ 


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While I am looking forward to "1883", my first post re episode 1 I was already complaining about the plethora of ads for that,  & "King of Kingston" -I know that's not the true title but my ears won't accept any more--  they literally added extra time to that episode, not for Yellowstone but due to all the damn commercials for the other shows!

 I'm concerned about Sheridan branching out like this (not to mention his new show on CMT "The Last Cowboy" -- I believe that's the title -- about those million dollar fancy cutters recently featured on Yellowstone).

 Since I'm pretty terminally old and have been an avid television watcher awa having various family folk in that industry in many different occupations I can say my concern here  has been bourne  out many times over past years. When a good writer gets it right and produces a great show then for some reason -- ego, over-eagerness, pent up frustration to make some long-delayed dream project, whatever --- the good writer decides they have the talent, managerial skills, super powers to do it all & all at once. And the original great show inevitably begins to go from great, to good, to ok, to so-so, to "eh", to "Is that still on?"

 So I'm now officially starting to worry for Yellowstone.

First sign that brings the brow furrowing:

  Did the writer forget that "wearing the brand" means a permanent place on the ranch? Teeter wears the brand. And she met Johns criteria of "mean or ugly" when hired. And she's a great hand. And she was attacked and injured on behalf of the ranch. And she participated in the murder of the attackers thus holding secrets that heretofore leave on the long black train.

  So does that brand stand as the big bad deal we've been told it does? Or does this turn of tale indicate an oversight by a distracted writer with attention spread too thin to properly attend to story details? Or worse, think viewers forgot?

The need for some suspension of disbelief has always been a feature of Yellowstone but this sort of stumble interferes with the overall flow like an annoying pebble in your shoe. 

One pebble is not a huge deal but if there are consistent pebbles and eventually rocks of distraction? Well, then the viewers just tell the show to kick those down the road.

  I'm concerned.🤔


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The writers really hate women.

The useless bunnies hanging out at the ranch.  Teeter was alright but not good enough a character to keep.  Send her packin' with the rest of the cartoon characters.

Monica, along with being generally annoying, is suddenly so jealous of Kayce talking to an old friend she can't sleep.

Beth.  The foul mouthed, chain smoking, whisky guzzling, revenge seeking woman with daddy issues.  And it all comes from not being able to bear children.

There is no one, male or female, that is redeemable on this show.  (The only worse family is on Succession.)

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I wish "I hope you get ass cancer" had been the title of this episode.  I know a lot of people despise Beth, but she gets the best lines.

How is it that Lloyd is allowed to stay on the ranch?  I get that it's the Duttons, and they don't believe in the law unless it suits their purposes, but Lloyd should be in jail for attempted murder.  He actually tried to kill Walker.  As far as I'm concerned, he should be dismissed for good.  John implied to Lloyd that if he didn't play nice, that they were going to "take him to the train station". I wish they had.  I'm tired of seeing 65 year old Sad Sack Lloyd being all jelly that a 30 year old is sleeping with a 25 year old.  As John said, Lloyd ran the ranch for 30 years and it's only within the last year that he's lost his mind.

I'm not convinced that the women are gone for good, but if they are, then good.  I hope we never see Mia or Laramie again, but I'm with Rip... Teeter is useful, she is branded, she should be allowed to stay.   When John said "get the women out" he should have meant the useless moochers.  Not someone who is pulling her weight.  And I also don't understand why Rip paid Laramie and Mia.  Why?  "Thanks for mooching off us, doing zero work, and causing fights and problems?"

On 12/6/2021 at 12:01 AM, Artsda said:

Avery! Wasn't expecting her back. Interesting she returned when at same time they were deciding no more girls in the bunkhouse, then we see the first one who was in the bunkhouse.

I have zero recollection of this woman.  Who is she and when did we see her last?

14 hours ago, MBayGal said:

THIS x1000!!!!  I swear I'll never watch another Taylor Sheridan show, after he ruined this one.  Is the guy who plays Jimmy his secret love child, or his secret lover, or he is blackmailing Taylor??  'Cause I can't think of a good reason he gets so much screen time on a Kevin Costner show!  Oh, he's sad in his dismal apartment. Oh we get to see him ride through some scenery, big whoop!  Oh his back hurts, big surprise!  But now we have to watch him learning to rope because he is so special.  And the actor looks unhealthy, like he lost 20 pounds over the break.  If I have to see someone I have no interest in, at least make him eye candy.  I would FF through all his scenes but DH only likes to skip through commercials.

And yes to those who are finding the Beth-John relationship unhealthy and uncomfortable to watch.  

There are so many ridiculous plot points this season: buckle bunnies living in the bunkhouse, Jamie's GF and son showing up just in time to save his bio-dad, a severely wounded guy able to fight a good fight the next day, and of course the continued existence of jimmy.  

I am beyond tired of Jimmy, and I too am debating whether the actor that plays Jimmy has naked pictures of Taylor Sheridan or whether he is related to Taylor Sheridan.  Must every single episode begin with Jimmy being Sad Sack Jimmy, moping about under the wide expanse of a peaceful Montana sky?  I was actually quite surprised that the episode didn't bookend with him again and he has the last scene too.  But I've taken to fastforwarding through his scenes and I don't think I have missed a thing.  "The Education of Dumbass Jimmy" is not a show I signed up for.

8 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I thought Dutton was supposed to be about 70.

I could see him being the same age as Costner, who I think is about mid 60s,.  Jamie (even though adopted) is the second son, and this season he said that he is 41 years old.  I'm not sure how much older Lee was, but Lee could have been 42 if he was still alive.  Costner and Gretchen Mol could have had Lee at 22 if they started early.

Regardless, I think the conversation was originally that Costner is 40 years older than Piper Perabo, and there's no way.  She has to be at least 45 now.  So I think a 20 year difference is more accurate.  Still a significant difference.  I am not liking Summer at all, and I hope Beth chews her up.

I have absolutely zero interest in whatever is going to happen to Kayce and Monica.  Monica has always been useless on this show and Kayce is getting there this season.

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Two things I say every week that probably drives Mr Mytmo nuts is get the broads out of the bunk house and get rid of Monica.  I hate they have an Asian girl playing a Native American but really her character sucks. 

Edited by mytmo
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Too many loose ends.

Avery disappeared now she is back? why?

Monica being jealous? not believable in the slightest.

Jaimes girlfriend and child? back then gone?  

Carter? enough. I literally do not care.

Never-ending Jimmy, which could be interesting but there is too much going on in Yellowstone that is not being developed.

So glad useless girls gone but not Teeeter!  She is branded and far from useless.

Lloyd seriously? I mean ridiculous story line.

Summer? And next week the governor is back are  we going to get another cat fight?

The real story is Jaime, Beth, Rip, Kayce and John. Let's get back to basics.





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I really hate when shows try to force us to watch their spin-offs, its fine when they do the one episode backdoor pilot or a crossover once in awhile, but I cant stand when they try to force us to watch their show. I have no desire to watch the Jimmy show and I want it to stop interrupting the show I am actually trying to watch. Its like a backdoor pilot that will never end, like its a whole backdoor season. 

Oh Jamie, I don't like that he fell for his bio dads manipulations, but I'm not surprised. He is so desperate for love that he is even willing to give this asshole, who beat his bio mom to death and tried to have his adopted family, including a kid, murdered, a chance. I guess this is what he has to choose from, a trashy murderer holding his own kid as basically collateral, or his adopted family who's feeling towards him run towards borderline indifferent to outright dislike. I hope that he is actually playing the guy or realizes what a manipulator he is, I still see this ending with Jamie shooting him in the head, he's clearly only in this for himself. He did make a decent point about how John uses people though, considering how he basically forced Jamie to go to law school, which he didn't want to do, because he wanted a lawyer on retainer. 

It sucks that Teeter got kicked out along with Laramie, she's done good work and hasn't created any more drama then Lloyd and Walkers stupid fighting. All of this for a buckle bunny? This is all really on Rip for not kicking the freeloading girls out ages ago and letting the situation escalate, at any real ranch they would have been kicked out ages ago, even beyond the girls causing drama between the ranch hands they aren't contributing anything to the ranch, they just taking up space and resources. 

Not surprising that the kid wants to be the guy who lives in the big house considering he currently lives in a damn barn. 

Of course all of that "hatred" that Monica supposedly had towards Casey disappears the second she sees the big house he is getting for her, which is presumably paid for with his families money, that family she hates so much. I guess she doesn't hate them enough not to take their money to buy her dream home. 

I love Gator. "I just get them in big bags from the super market." 

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2 hours ago, blackwing said:


I have zero recollection of this woman.  Who is she and when did we see her last?

I am beyond tired of Jimmy, and I too am debating whether the actor that plays Jimmy has naked pictures of Taylor Sheridan or whether he is related to Taylor Sheridan.  Must every single episode begin with Jimmy being Sad Sack Jimmy, moping about under the wide expanse of a peaceful Montana sky?  I was actually quite surprised that the episode didn't bookend with him again and he has the last scene too.  But I've taken to fastforwarding through his scenes and I don't think I have missed a thing.  "The Education of Dumbass Jimmy" is not a show I signed up for.


In season 1 she was a stripper and Rip recruited her to work the ranch near the end of the season. I have forgotten why he took that chance. In season 2 it turns out she had ranch skills and sort of partnered up with Jimmy. The last I remember was her using bear spray on the drug dealers trying to get to Jimmy.  Besides that fight she was long gone before all the ranch hands, not just the branded soldiers got into the gunfights

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I noticed that the logo on the truck says "Yellowstone Dutton Ranch".  Has the Dutton always been there?  I could have sworn in prior seasons that it just said "Yellowstone Ranch".  Did they add the Dutton because it was confusing if people thought the ranch was affiliated with the national park?

The ranch is somewhere near Bozeman, which is somewhat near Yellowstone National Park, right?  I guess we will get the full backstory in "1883", but I am assuming the ranch takes its name from either the park or the river.  I'm curious as to why it wasn't called Dutton Ranch from the beginning, other than the fact that "Yellowstone" makes for a better TV show title.

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10 hours ago, BlueHawk said:

 I'm concerned about Sheridan branching out like this (not to mention his new show on CMT "The Last Cowboy" -- I believe that's the title -- about those million dollar fancy cutters recently featured on Yellowstone).

Sheridan is also working with another writer on some mob show called Kansas City starring Sylvester Stallone--also on Paramount+.  I don't plan on getting Paramount+ but it does seem like he's spreading himself too thin, to the detriment of Yellowstone. 

Edited by Crashcourse
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Jamie out-Fredo's Fredo.  A true moron.

The contrast in the dynamic between the evil bio-dad/Jemie and Rip/Lloyd is staggering.  The latter was ever so much stronger and real/congruent.  They really do love each other, as best they know such.  The former is twisted and literal insanity in action.   

The "fight it out" arc would have seemed stoopid to me if I had not experienced something like it when I was in middle school (absent the "finisher").  For whatever reason, this kid would not get off of me.  Most every day, he would pick on something and mock me.  Finally, I had my fill and challenged him to a fight to take place just across the street from school grounds so as to avoid punishment for fighting on school property.  

Quite the crowd showed up and we had at it.  Then, an unexplainable and amazing thing happened:  We became great friends almost immediately.  It was entirely weird to me (and him).  But, there was something ancient inside each of us that somehow required a physical solution.  I promise that I do not understand it.  I do know it was very, very, real in my life.  

Jimmie is Juice from SOA, minus shrewdness.  I wanted to throw something, too, when we saw him earnestly practicing roping with passion.  Then, when we had a similar utterance from the kid, I wanted to hurl.  Jimmie had that conversion as he became a rodeo rider.  Now, he's supposed to be re-born again?!  Ay yi yi.

I very much enjoyed Kayce's amusement over Monica's jealousy.  I guess it's too much to ask that he wake the F up and realize she is just a ridiculous creature who will destroy him and his son.  One thing, among many that I just do not get, is why Rainwater did not pressure her to come home to the Rez.   Why did she not demand that Kayce build a home in Confederation territory?

The buckle bunnies will never catch a better break for the rest of their lives than being booted off, with a stipend, the Y.   

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I am truly hoping that Teeter is not actually gone.  Maybe Rip tells John, she's got the brand, she's a good worker, she's not like them.  Please?

The buckle bunnies did help out with some things, not the heavy duty cowboy stuff, but I do remember seeing Mia doing something?  So yeah, here's a couple bucks, get the hell out.

Summer is every damn vegan I hate.  How hard is it to say, "I don't eat meat or dairy,  can I have some vegetables or fruit?" instead of being an asshole.  Gator, tho, gotta love him.

Jamie is so frigging stupid.  Yeah, he's needy but damn, have some balls!  And he is the Attorney General and knows a crime has been committed and does nothing but hug the perp?  WTF?  God help him when John and Beth (especially Beth) find out.  He's supposed to report back, right?  He's going to lie?  That'll go well.

Don't care about Kayce or Monica.  They can both just live in their little house paid for by daddy's money and never show up again.

Same with Jimmy.  Everyone upthread who said about Sheridan spreading himself thin is 100% right.  Something's going to suffer and I'm sure it'll be Yellowstone.

I don't care, I'm loving Beth.  She gets all the best lines.  "God gave me these and looks like he gave me yours, too."  Her relationship with John is odd, but I think she's looking out for him.  

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On 12/7/2021 at 9:22 AM, rhygirl720 said:

Avery disappeared now she is back? why?

Monica being jealous? not believable in the slightest.

I remember reading the actress asked to be written off the show because she was up for some part on Disney and thought the Yellowstone connotation could cost her the job. Perhaps she didn't get the job anyways and wants back in? Doubtless she's someone else with whom Taylor Sheridan has some kind of personal connection.


And I absolutely believe Monica could get jealous, if only because that character lives for reasons to be pissed off about something. She could get everything she asked for and she'd still find a way to bitch about something.


This season has absolutely sucked so far. I think Taylor Sheridan only had enough material for 2 seasons, because 3 and 4 feels like a retread of season 2, only with a bunch of new characters added that basically just feel like scene fillers.


If Piper Perabo is to become a series regular I am out. The character feels completely shoehorned in and the actress irritates me.

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On 12/7/2021 at 8:51 AM, blackwing said:

I could see him being the same age as Costner, who I think is about mid 60s,.  Jamie (even though adopted) is the second son, and this season he said that he is 41 years old.  I'm not sure how much older Lee was, but Lee could have been 42 if he was still alive.  Costner and Gretchen Mol could have had Lee at 22 if they started early.

I believe they said in the first season that Lee was 38, Jamie was 36, and Beth was 34. Kayce's birth year was given in one of the episodes as like 1989 or 1990, which would have made him significantly younger than Beth and I think that was a screw up because in the flashback, Kayce and Beth appear to only be a few years apart. Maybe it was the second season they said Beth was 34? (It was the episode where Beth calls Jamie to come pick her up at some bar and Jamie says something like, go ahead and act like the only 34 year old on spring break, or something to that effect). I don't remember how Jamie's age came up but I think in the pilot Beth or Kayce said something about Lee being 38 and never having a girlfriend or a family because he was married to the Dutton ranch.


I think John is supposed to be about mid 60s. He scoffed when Piper called him 50 something. Piper is probably supposed to be mid/late 30s because the actress is about the same age as the actress who plays Beth, who they recently said is 37 now.


Rip told the two girls to do something in one scene, so they were actually helping with Rip's blessing. Whether they were actually getting paid or just given room and board is unknown. I can see getting rid of the people who can't do 100% of the duties, but Lloyd acting like an asshole is his own fault, not Laramie's.

17 hours ago, madmax said:

The buckle bunnies did help out with some things, not the heavy duty cowboy stuff, but I do remember seeing Mia doing something?  So yeah, here's a couple bucks, get the hell out.

Edited by Tatum
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37 minutes ago, Tatum said:

This season has absolutely sucked so far. I think Taylor Sheridan only had enough material for 2 seasons, because 3 and 4 feels like a retread of season 2, only with a bunch of new characters added that basically just feel like scene fillers.

Agreed.  Season 3 ended with huge cliffhangers.  Like 1980s Dynasty-like cliffhanger (I still remember the season that Emma Samms was trapped underground, Blake got shot, and Alexis and Dex were falling off a balcony).  But then we got zero payoff at all.  None of the major players was hurt or seriously injured.  The only significant event was that Rourke was killed.  And then they just fastforwarded a few months and all is well and back to normal.

Ironically, it appears that Rourke and Market Equities had nothing to do with the hit.  It was all Jamie's birth dad.  Frankly, I think the primary reason why this show sucks this season is because there has been a curious fixation on 1) Sad Sack Jimmy and 2) Sad Sack Lloyd and the buckle bunnies.  I really hope Taylor Sheridan or someone on his team reads boards like this one because I am willing to suggest that 90% of viewers really hate these two storylines.

27 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I believe they said in the first season that Lee was 38, Jamie was 36, and Beth was 34. Kayce's birth year was given in one of the episodes as like 1989 or 1990, which would have made him significantly younger than Beth and I think that was a screw up because in the flashback, Kayce and Beth appear to only be a few years apart. Maybe it was the second season they said Beth was 34? (It was the episode where Beth calls Jamie to come pick her up at some bar and Jamie says something like, go ahead and act like the only 34 year old on spring break, or something to that effect). I don't remember how Jamie's age came up but I think in the pilot Beth or Kayce said something about Lee being 38 and never having a girlfriend or a family because he was married to the Dutton ranch.


I think John is supposed to be about mid 60s. He scoffed when Piper called him 50 something. Piper is probably supposed to be mid/late 30s because the actress is about the same age as the actress who plays Beth, who they recently said is 37 now.

This season established Jamie's age as 41.  It was after he bought his ranch.  He was looking out at the land and said to birth dad something like "I'm 41 years old and this is the first time in my life that I have ever owned anything of my own".  

So if he and Beth were two years apart in Season 1, then something is wonky if they are now four years apart.  Unless maybe she is just lying about her age.  The show seems determined to have us believe that Rip has no idea when his birthday is or even how old he is, so it seems we are just supposed to handwave the scrutiny of their ages?  If so, then they shouldn't have the characters say things that establish exactly how old they are.

Season 1 premiered in summer 2018.  It's now 3 and a half years later in real time, but perhaps more time has passed on the show than in real time, because the characters seem to have aged faster?


Edited by blackwing
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12 minutes ago, blackwing said:

 The only significant event was that Rourke was killed.  And then they just fastforwarded a few months and all is well and back to normal...

Ironically, it appears that Rourke and Market Equities had nothing to do with the hit.

Season 1 premiered in summer 2018.  It's now 3 and a half years later in real time, but perhaps more time has passed on the show than in real time, because the characters seem to have aged faster?



It's probably just continuity errors, but it's difficult to tell how many years/months have passed in Yellowstone years. If Beth crying to Jamie was in season 2 (the episode where they flashback to the mother's death and her cold treatment of Beth on the day she died), then Beth could have been 33 season 1. I don't remember what season that was, S1 or S2.


Also, killing Rourke was pretty harsh considering they had zero evidence he was involved in all the hits. Even if Market Equities was involved, that doesn't mean Rourke necessarily had anything to do with it. But I guess doing anything John Dutton doesn't like is enough to damn him. Although, silver haired lady indicated she thought Market Equities was involved, so not sure if that will come out later this season or it was just a throwaway line and will never be mentioned again. The writing is all over the place this season.


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20 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I was thinking of the character, not the actor, being around late 20s-early30s. 

I would add a decade to your estimation.


18 hours ago, madmax said:

Summer is every damn vegan I hate.  How hard is it to say, "I don't eat meat or dairy,  can I have some vegetables or fruit?" instead of being an asshole.  Gator, tho, gotta love him

I was kind of hoping that Gator would have grabbed a head of lettuce from the fridge and dropped it onto her plate.

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3 hours ago, Tatum said:

Also, killing Rourke was pretty harsh considering they had zero evidence he was involved in all the hits. Even if Market Equities was involved, that doesn't mean Rourke necessarily had anything to do with it. But I guess doing anything John Dutton doesn't like is enough to damn him.

I was under the impression that Rourke was killed for his hiring of the "Wade & Son" characters and what for what happened to the ranch hands and the chaos they caused.

I will also add that I have not really watched the last 2 episodes. I half watched them both and the show I loved is gone. I used to watch the episodes at least twice but now I can't get through one episode.


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