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The View: Week of 11/1/2021

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6 hours ago, MsTree said:

But let's face it, the panel isn't going to like anyone who doesn't agree with them 100% of the time.

I don't think this is true but even if it were as long as they can still act civilly about it and disagree without tantrums and name calling I could live with that.  Anyone going on the show would know beforehand that they are going to get grilled.  Which is fine.

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46 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Like yesterday, when Sunny said "nice dodge, Sara and Michelle'!

You gotta love Sara.  Even after Sunny explains what CRT is, and quotes the Secretary of Education and says there is absolutely no CRT being taught in K-12, Sara still has to cook up an elaborate analogy (using sexism in lieu of racism) to say she's against teaching CRT even though it isn't being taught.  There was once a poster in this thread who kept on referring to Sara as vapid.  That kind of took a back seat upon the arrival of SWMNBM.  Now that she's gone, the vapidity is re-emerging.

It was a false equivalency.  The discussion was CRT and Sara starts talking about how she doesn't want her son told he can do anything and her daughter told she can't do everything.  Or something like that.  It was kinda a word salad.  As I mentioned earlier I like  her but sometimes I can see how the apple didn't fall from the tree given what she has told us about her parents.  I think she is a good person but there seem to be some topics she is incapable of seeing from a different perspective than her own.

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I think both Joy and Michelle are right. The Dems lost because people are getting fed up with inflation, empty shelves, and lack of action to get BBB moving. I hope it’s a wake up call that they have to start pushing things harder. Time for the gloves to come off. 

Edited by Haleth
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7 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

It was a false equivalency.  The discussion was CRT and Sara starts talking about how she doesn't want her son told he can do anything and her daughter told she can't do everything.

I know.  I watched it this morning.  That's why I called her vapid.

1 minute ago, Haleth said:

I think both Joy and Michelle are right. The Dems lost because people are getting fed up with inflation, empty shelves, and lack of action to get BBB moving

Absofuckinglutely.  I would also add gas prices to that list.

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18 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

It was a false equivalency.  The discussion was CRT and Sara starts talking about how she doesn't want her son told he can do anything and her daughter told she can't do everything.  Or something like that.  It was kinda a word salad.  As I mentioned earlier I like  her but sometimes I can see how the apple didn't fall from the tree given what she has told us about her parents.  I think she is a good person but there seem to be some topics she is incapable of seeing from a different perspective than her own.

I haven’t seen it yet, but based on the above, Sara is just contradicting herself here as well.

She had said before how it’s so great that “traditional gender roles” aren’t being taught to children-specifically girls. That unlike how she was raised as to how girls should behave or can accomplish, now they can be taught they can be whatever they want; don’t need to be pigeonholed into “traditional girl roles/behavior”. Or was I hallucinating when she said that and happy that girls had more choices and options now?

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2 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Sara is just contradicting herself here as well.

Wouldn't be the first time.

I think Sara thinks she has to contribute something insightful to every topic they discuss.  Sometimes it's ok to just not say anything.

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Hey, Whoopi, even the lowest paid football player is making a whole lot more money than the average person. (Not to take away from her point that TBI’s are the cost of playing.)

Hey, Michelle, Colin K wouldn’t get picked up by any team if he was the second Brady. Owners see him as a distraction and someone who would drive down ticket sales. It’s a terrible situation but you know it’s what they are thinking.

I miss Carla Hall and The Chew. 

Edited by Haleth
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6 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

I think Sara thinks she has to contribute something insightful to every topic they discuss.  Sometimes it's ok to just not say anything.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

22 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Whoopi, the new governor of Virginia is named Young-kin. Young-kin. It’s not hard. It’s not the weird pronunciation you keep coming up with.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

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22 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

The CRT discussion is so pointless. The only thing anyone can do is keep repeating “CRT is not being taught in public schools, this is a lie” as Sunny was doing… And yet the discussion keeps spinning around as if anything being said is based in fact. Just a very sad state.

As for Sara diverting to talking about how she wouldn’t want her daughter to be told the world is against her… Well, for one, as Sunny said, nobody is saying these things to children in the first place (on gender or race or otherwise). But leaving that aside, I couldn't help thinking that Sara clearly wants her children to be lied to, to present some naive illusion to them that the world is fair and the deck won’t be stacked against some people versus others. As for the guest co-host, for anyone who didn’t watch that was wondering what she was like, I’d describe her as a lighter version of Jeanine Pirro. Something about the way she looked and spoke reminded me of her.

I didn’t comment on yesterday’s show, but I enjoyed the interview with Abedin. I didn’t think I was going to get to see it since the press conference cut in. Thankfully, the show was back before the guest was introduced.

Good description  of Michelle.  She is rude and over dramatic. She cuts people off, interrupts  and  loud.  Trying to get a job there?  Not on my TV please.  Cannot wait for this week to be over. 

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8 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Hey, Michelle, Colin K wouldn’t get picked up by any team if he was the second Brady. Owners see him as a distraction and someone who would drive down ticket sales. It’s a terrible situation but you know it’s what they are thinking. 

He could probably play better than some starting QBS right now.  Michelle is being disingenuous if she is saying it's anything other than owners afraid of fan backlash as the reason Colin K isn't currently on a team roster.

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Probably the worst quality of the guest is she already self-victimizes herself. She was already doing it halfway through her first day, when she was commiserating with Andy Cohen when he came out. Now more of it today. I mean, if you can't take it, then get a different job?

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22 hours ago, Haleth said:

I’m sure it’s an UPO but I didn’t mind Tafoya. At least she was engaged and wasn’t intimidated by Whoopi. Of course SWSNBN set the bar so low for what is acceptable as a cohost, anyone is an improvement. 

Well, I watched cohost to be sure I was giving her a fair chance.  It took great strength for me to do it after 10 minutes of her arrogance and  rudeness.  It is going to be a LONG WEEK.  You were kinder than me in being openminded.  I doubt Whoppie and Sunny are happy!

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22 hours ago, KittyQ said:

So far, I don't mind her either (although the show isn't over yet where I am, so that might change). However, it seemed to me that Sunny and Whoopi are determined to intimidate anyone who has a different perspective and talking over them. Talk about dodges - Tafoya was making a point about vaccines and Whoopi was the one to bring abortion into it, changing the conversation instead of sticking with the vaccination topic. Of course, abortion and vaccination are not the same thing, but I think what Tafoya was getting at was that anytime the government presumes to dictate what you can and can't do medically, it makes some people stubborn because they don't like being told what to do. (I also don't like being told what to do, but primarily in response to people I know).

I definitely  see some  of Michelle's points....but hate her delivery.  Very rude

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16 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I don’t care who it is.  I hate cooking segments.

If I want to see a cooking segment, I watch a cooking show. You and this guest host have encouraged me to change the channel. I feels shades of McCain in this host whose name I do not care to learn.

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6 minutes ago, GiveMeSpace said:

If I want to see a cooking segment, I watch a cooking show. You and this guest host have encouraged me to change the channel. I feels shades of McCain in this host whose name I do not care to learn.

I think, given time, this host, whoever she was, might be worse than Megaphone.

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On 11/1/2021 at 7:14 AM, Jaded said:

Tameron Hall being on is interesting considering what's rumored to be going on behind the scenes at her show and who the executive producer that quit is.

I didn't know Tamron Hall filmed in the same building as The View. What's going on at her show?

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3 hours ago, Haleth said:

I think Sunny and Joy love a good debate. 

I am not so sure about that. Whenever someone takes a position or makes a statement contrary to what they believe, they jump in and start talking over them. That doesn't sound like a civil debate to me. At least let the person finish their point before you tell them how wrong they are.

Is there anywhere where the polls that they keep quoting are identified? At one point today Sunny said that 55% of white women in Virginia said they voted Republican because they didn't want CRT in the schools. No one else mentioned CRT before she brought up this statistic, which then moved the discussion back to CRT (again). I'm curious about this poll, and I'd like to know what the percentages of other demographics were in regard to CRT as well as the economic issues.

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1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

I think, given time, this host, whoever she was, might be worse than Megaphone.

Yeah as time went on i cared for her less and less.  When Sunny brought up Kaepernick you could just see Tafoya thinking Yes a sports question, that's my forte.  Sorry rooting for Sunny in that arguement.

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1 hour ago, KittyQ said:

I am not so sure about that. Whenever someone takes a position or makes a statement contrary to what they believe, they jump in and start talking over them. That doesn't sound like a civil debate to me. At least let the person finish their point before you tell them how wrong they are.

Is there anywhere where the polls that they keep quoting are identified? At one point today Sunny said that 55% of white women in Virginia said they voted Republican because they didn't want CRT in the schools. No one else mentioned CRT before she brought up this statistic, which then moved the discussion back to CRT (again). I'm curious about this poll, and I'd like to know what the percentages of other demographics were in regard to CRT as well as the economic issues.

I'm not sure about the white women segment, but in the more recent polls prior to Tuesday, Education jumped over the economy to be the #1 issue.  I had read that when McAulilffe made the comment about parents and schools (essentially in response to Youngkins spouting about CRT, etc.) is when he started losing his fairly good lead in the race. All of the R candidates across the country have been pushing the disinformation about CRT being taught (we had it here in the Pac NW with school board candidates).  From what I've read, this was one of the hot button of disinformation that was being used on purpose in these races. I consider it also a dog whistle.

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Tafoya is loud, opinionated and doesn't back down.   Therefore ABC will likely try to hire her.    I don't know if it would be a good career move for her though.  She's respected as sports reporter where being loud and aggressive is beneficial.   Doesn't translate as well in the View's format.   

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4 hours ago, Axie said:

Sunny just seems to be looking for a fight these days. 

Well, like with Sara yesterday, I imagine the show is pushing Sunny and Sara to add "sparks" to the show while the conservative seat is empty for there to be some back-and-forth. Sunny has always had opinions that differed from the others in minor ways, but before now I think she always shied away from voicing them too loudly because of Whoopi hating her and looking for any reason to steamroll her. So it clearly must be some kind of directive from the people behind-the-scenes for Sunny to voice her differences more this season because Whoopi has been allowing it without going crazy for the most part. I personally enjoy the show more for it.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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2 hours ago, leftlane said:

I didn't know Tamron Hall filmed in the same building as The View. What's going on at her show?

I replied to you earlier but my post disappeared I guess due to it not being discussed on the show. Use the following all at once in a search online...

 ABC, Harassment, Talk Shows and Tamron Hall

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1 hour ago, After7Only said:

don't know if it would be a good career move for her though.  She's respected as sports reporter where being loud and aggressive is beneficial.   Doesn't translate as well in the View's format.   

I really don’t think most of these guest hosts are serious about auditioning. Maybe the younger conservative ones (to fill the demographic) but I doubt Tafoya is and certainly not someone like Conde Rice. 

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Michele Tafoya was not only overly aggressive during discussions, but especially on her second day, she turned and addressed the audience several times, arms outstretched. It looked for all the world that she wasn't getting the validation she sought from the other women on the panel, so she turned to the public. The public who had come to to see the ladies of the View. I don't think it worked out well for her.

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2 hours ago, After7Only said:

Tafoya is loud, opinionated and doesn't back down.   Therefore ABC will likely try to hire her.    I don't know if it would be a good career move for her though.  She's respected as sports reporter where being loud and aggressive is beneficial.   Doesn't translate as well in the View's format.   

Or does it?  Not what most viewers want, but we had to endure four years of it before . . .

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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

I really don’t think most of these guest hosts are serious about auditioning. Maybe the younger conservative ones (to fill the demographic) but I doubt Tafoya is and certainly not someone like Conde Rice. 

Nah, Michell Tafoya isn't after a spot on  The View.

She is all over the place with Sunday Night Football. I doubt she would intrested in NY, since she lives in Minnestoa.

I think this was just something to do for two days!

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2 hours ago, After7Only said:

Tafoya is loud, opinionated and doesn't back down.   Therefore ABC will likely try to hire her.    I don't know if it would be a good career move for her though.  She's respected as sports reporter where being loud and aggressive is beneficial.   Doesn't translate as well in the View's format.   

I will not watch another rude, obnoxious host a la McCain. I will quit this show and never look back. But this board? You know I can't quit you.

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48 minutes ago, Rightside said:

Nah, Michell Tafoya isn't after a spot on  The View.

She is all over the place with Sunday Night Football. I doubt she would intrested in NY, since she lives in Minnestoa.

I think this was just something to do for two days!

A failed something to do for two days.

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I’ve always liked Tafoya as a sideline reporter but this appearance changed my opinion of her, and it wasn’t for the best.

Also you can’t tell me Kaepernick wouldn’t have been better than what the cowboys had playing in place of Dak last year. He was never going to get that chance because Jerry won’t allow Kneeling. It’s never been about his talent level because he definitely could be a backup. Unless he’s refusing to be a backup.  

Edited by Stuffy
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2 minutes ago, Stuffy said:

I’ve always liked Tafoya as a sideline reporter but this appearance changed my opinion of her, and it wasn’t for the best.

Also you can’t tell me Kaepernick wouldn’t have been better than what the cowboys had playing in place of Dak last year. He was never going to get that chance because Jerry won’t allow Kneeling. It’s never been about his talent level because he definitely could be a backup. Unless he’s refusing to be a backup.  

Her remark about there being a lot to the story we don't know about really irritated me. What the fuck else do we need to know? 

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2 minutes ago, GiveMeSpace said:

Her remark about there being a lot to the story we don't know about really irritated me. What the fuck else do we need to know? 

She isn't going to say anything against the NFL owners.  The NFL could pull her access.  

1 hour ago, Sue in her 60s said:

Michele Tafoya was not only overly aggressive during discussions, but especially on her second day, she turned and addressed the audience several times, arms outstretched. It looked for all the world that she wasn't getting the validation she sought from the other women on the panel, so she turned to the public. The public who had come to to see the ladies of the View. I don't think it worked out well for her.

That was shades of Meghan chastising the audience for not agreeing with her.

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19 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

She isn't going to say anything against the NFL owners.  The NFL could pull her access.  

That was shades of Meghan chastising the audience for not agreeing with her.

Her comments on CK were really uncomfortable.  Not sure if she’s protecting her job or simply doesn’t believe the facts sunny was stating.  Either way it wasn’t a good look…and Whoopies response was great.   

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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

I really don’t think most of these guest hosts are serious about auditioning. Maybe the younger conservative ones (to fill the demographic) but I doubt Tafoya is and certainly not someone like Conde Rice. 

Totally agree with this. It would be shocking if the new cohost didn’t fit the younger demo. The average age of the panel is skewing older and they need that younger voice for a more well rounded panel. Whoopi & Joy already fill the same age demo otherwise they could be more lenient.

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I think they also need a new, younger host because I assume at some point, Joy and Whoopi are going to want to retire.  At least Joy.  Whoopi may have to wait until some one else in the family gets a job.  You don’t want another host who’s also retirement age.

Edited by Bronzedog
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17 hours ago, Haleth said:

I think both Joy and Michelle are right. The Dems lost because people are getting fed up with inflation, empty shelves, and lack of action to get BBB moving. I hope it’s a wake up call that they have to start pushing things harder. Time for the gloves to come off. 

Does nobody ever wonder why it's always the Dem's fault when in reality it's the Republicans who refuse to vote for any of the bills that would provide the solutions Joy and Michelle are looking for?

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18 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

This isn’t true. There have been times when Sara and Sunny have disagreed; when Ana and others have disagreed. Whoopi disagreeing with Sara or Sunny.


Yes, but Sarah & Sunny already have the job. I'm talking about anyone new, trying out for the vacant seat. And lately, Sunny's side-eye is really irritating me.

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17 hours ago, Tammy12 said:

Well we have 100% arrived at my least favorite guest host. Can't wait for tomorrow when she's gone.

What's this "we" stuff?

15 hours ago, Axie said:

Sunny just seems to be looking for a fight these days. 

Thank you! 

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16 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I think, given time, this host, whoever she was, might be worse than Megaphone.

I don't think so. She's not talking about her father, and she's not talking over the panel. She's nothing like Meghan except for (maybe) her politics. And isn't that the whole point of the show?!? You know, women with different opinions....

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2 minutes ago, MsTree said:

I don't think so. She's not talking about her father, and she's not talking over the panel. She's nothing like Meghan except for (maybe) her politics. And isn't that the whole point of the show?!? You know, women with different opinions....

Ditto. She's not my pick to replace Meghan and I haven't agreed with a lot of stuff she said, but she doesn't remind me of Meghan. 

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18 hours ago, Tammy12 said:

Well we have 100% arrived at my least favorite guest host. Can't wait for tomorrow when she's gone.

Same here. Please, show, don't bring her back!! Her taunting the audience was so blonde who shall not be named-esque. 😡😡😡😡😡

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