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S19.E03: If You Got It, Haunt It

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7 hours ago, HyeChaps said:

Make this show 90 minutes every week!


P.S.  I always enjoyed the Road to the Runway specials where they showed the casting process.

If only we had a Road to the Runway to understand why Darren, Kenneth, and Katie, among others, were selected.  I'm baffled...

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5 hours ago, watch2much said:

I find it hard to look at Katie sometimes.  all the different prints she wears at one time really get to me.  It's like she's just trying to be as outrageous with prints as possible instead of them all working together somehow.

Wasn't it last year that either Christian or one of the judges told the contestant who did patterns that there wasn't anything wrong with putting different patterns together but they had to make sense. That isn't the correct word but I am drawing a blank here. I loved the actual quote because I am a person who loves it when colors and patterns work when they shouldn't and the quote was perfect to get that point across.

All that to say, I have so far liked all the odd pattern lady's designs that she has made so far. She doesn't match patterns well for her own wardrobe but she does a a style that seems marketable. 

I think Bones was going in the right direction with his fabric and that even his mask could have worked if he had been perfection with the dress. That material just yelled "liquid" and with a more experienced designer, or even with Bones if he had been able to get more input from a mentor (I guess in a different setting since Christian is limited with what he can tell them because of the competition element) it would have been a stunning dress. 

Christian's 2022 spring look: He does have a couple outfits that seem like they scream Street Wear (as in a challenge on PR) with loud patterns (that work!) and some of his style this year seems like this year's PR. Yet sadly, a lot of his looks either didn't photograph well  fashion design 101 rule?) or they just were cheap looking in reality. I did not get Italian coastal look anyway. 

I too would love to see more of the pattern making/sewing/fitting/making it work moments and miss having the judges get up close and touch the designs.

eta episode three and a lot of the contestants are still a blur. I saw Shantall during her Christian feedback segment and yet during the runway part I was "Shantall? who the hell is Shantall?" even when they showed her I had no memory of seeing her face even though I had just seen it like 30 minutes before.


Edited by stewedsquash
another thought
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On 10/29/2021 at 8:09 AM, SuprSuprElevated said:

It's true that C's model had trouble walking freely, but I believe the difference is that her dress was very well constructed, and a much better, more imaginative design.  I also enjoy Christian as a mentor, and having watched him as a contestant, am truly surprised at how much he matured as a human.  Tim was just too vague imo.  You're right, Making The Cut (H & T's new show) is unwatchable.

For those unfamiliar with Christian from his PR contestant days, here's an image from that timeframe.  Just oozes brattyness doesn't it?  lol


I always remember when Tim went to Christians studio apartment where he was living and working.  He slept in what looked like a closet.  He did a beautiful collaboration with Chris March on a haute couture piece that was fabulous.  Thinking about what happened to Chris March made me really sad.  RIP

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Wow, never? I guess you don't live in Philly.  I see them all the time.  It's a do-rag (durag, etc. several variant spellings).  

Where I live (south Florida) a doo-rag looks like a piece of pantyhose that gets knotted at the end.  Like a very tight fitting cap.  Bones' head scarf reminded of me of when my friend brought a flat sheet to put over a picnic table for a tablecloth and knotted the ends so it didn't fly away. 

I kinda like all-the-patterns contestant (forgot her name while dodging flying shoes). I like bright colors and patterns and if done WELL, they can look great.  Her dress was certainly different than a lot of the stuff on the runway which looked too much like everyone else. 

And again, I know it's a design show, but I'm still shocked these designers don't understand how to sew correctly.  That's one reason why that red dress was such a hot mess - the fabric was unforgiving.  Don't they know how fabric is constructed and can and can't be manipulated? That a dress cut on the bias will hang and fit differently than one cut on the straight of the grain?  That's Home Ec 101 (yes, I'm dating myself but nowadays the local high school has specific fashion and sewing classes for budding designers). 

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5 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

If only we had a Road to the Runway to understand why Darren, Kenneth, and Katie, among others, were selected.  I'm baffled...

Cannon fodder, cannon fodder, and obligatory weirdo.

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14 hours ago, kirklandia said:

Mondo was one of my all-time Project Runway favorites - he was not afraid of pattern!

Mondo had an exceptional gift for taking patterns that looked like they would totally clash and combining them in brilliant, unexpected ways. I liked Mondo. I miss Mondo. Katie, you are no Mondo.

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Oh I remember Mondo now also and yes he was great with patterns. 

I also find something a bit off this season like others have expressed and can't quite put a reason to it (as others have also expressed). 

I dislike when anyone paints fabric. Don't they at least have one of those popular now Cricut machines to use? It would be a gratuitous product placement, ha.

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I really dislike the fact that Kenneth should have been eliminated last week but due to his "sob" story about being bullied (when in my opinion he also played the part of a bully) only to be eliminated this episode.  And, I found it extremely telling when one of the judges was telling the guest judge about his awful look from the previous runway.  They knew he should have been eliminated but fell into the trap of feeling sorry for him.  How is that fair to the designers who are eliminated because they don't have a sob story that the judges think they should get behind because it sounds "woke"?

It was very interesting to me that many of the designers who considered themselves artists rather than designers were in the bottom (and also in the safe group) because of their...designs.  

One thing I did like about the new Heidi and Tim show was having the designers design the runway look and the mass market look.  I wouldn't mind seeing that on Project Runway (and, by the way, there was very little I liked about that show).

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On 10/31/2021 at 12:37 AM, qtpye said:

I’m sorry, but it really did look like an upside down trash bag. I also thought it was very derivative and not fresh at all.

I thought that when I saw it in the work room and the first time I saw it on the runway.  I replayed it a few times --thanks to my dvr-- and I think maybe it was the way he had the model's hair style that made the difference and maybe the mask as well.  Her hair looked like a very small trash bag on top of her head.

For me, Bones had too much going on.  The dress might have worked with a simpler mask or the fancy mask would look better with a simpler dress.  For some reason his mask made me think of the movie Amadeus.

Katie---  she reminds me of a woman who dressed somewhat similarly on What Not to Wear who wore clownish clothes.

This used to be must see tv for me, but I missed the last season. 

I hate mixing in the plus size models with the skinny ones.  I think they should have one or two challenges where all the models are pears or all are apples.  I say this as an apple who is also a grandmother so it isn't like I am their desired customer.   But I do like to imagine how these designs would have looked on me 50 years ago when I was a size 2 or4 in the days before we had size 0.   Are we into negative sizes yet?  

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On 10/30/2021 at 2:13 PM, DEL901 said:

Perfect for the six breasted alien in Total Recall. 

If that woman's breasts were allowed to assume the position she would have achieved by wearing a bra, there would have been two nipples poking out right in the middle of the cutout.


On 10/30/2021 at 6:59 PM, T Summer said:

So just to make it crystal clear in case anyone from Bravo or Project Runway reads here  looking for feedback...

Viewers here (lots of us) have indicated we wouldn't be bored seeing  much more of what goes into creating the designs in the workroom and we'd like the judges to examine the workmanship of the garments close up. Those one minute  or less looks at each design while it's on the runway are just not enough. The designer's name isn't even displayed the whole time!

I really don't see how anyone can take in each contestant's look and remember what they liked about it, who made it, how the workmanship compared to the others, which ones they  may have liked even more and whose should be in the bottom three. Especially when the field of contestants is so large. That's why we're discussing services where you can freeze frame and replay the runway!

Many of us are on record here stating we'd prefer PR spend time on these elements  rather than these little fake dramas and exploring everyone's feelings.

please and thank you!


Really?  I agree that I would like a longer look at the garment going down the runway, but I always thought the judges' scrutiny of the construction was patently unfair.  Those designers would never send something out stuck together with scotch tape and chewing gum if they weren't under ridiculous time constraints.  It's about the design aesthetic*, not the tailoring.

Yesterday, on an episode of Chopped, the judges complained that the cheftestant should have allowed the dough to rest, ideally chill a bit in the blast cooler.  FFS, people, she had 20 minutes to get an appetizer on the plate.  No resting!  No chilling!


*I can't believe I said "design aesthetic."  

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In regards to the Tim vs. Christian argument, I think the difference lies in their background. Tim came from a teaching background; Christian is a working designer. Tim always had some esoteric critique that seemed designed to make the designer think and ultimately make the decisions about their garment themselves; Christian is much more direct about what is wrong with the garments and gives much more practical advice for fixing it. It's also their personalities. Tim gives off a warm supportive vibe; Christian is naturally snarky. Apples and oranges. I like them both, but I appreciate Christian's more direct approach. Besides, I've always loved him. My favorite moment with him from his season was him helping a fellow designer because he was already finished and then his talking head sighing and (in his bitchy voice) saying something like "you try to help people, but they still end up in the bottom"......Ha!

I think Chasity deserved to win, but I am over all these sheer unlined garments. It really detracts when I can see the model's undies and pasties covering up their bits. It just looks unfinished to me. And her preference for hand sewing is going to get her into trouble one of these challenges......

I feel like I am in the minority, but I hated Anna's. The ginormous veil was creating the drama, not the dress, and that was a piece of fabric she brought from home that she did nothing to! Again, another sheer unlined dress.......

And then Octavio - I'm sorry, but the model is the reason that dress didn't look like a garbage bag. She WORKED it.

I would have put Aaron (robbed again!) and Coral, or gasp! Katie in the top over Anna and Octavio.

I think there were many contenders for bottom 3, but I have no problem with who was there, and the absolutely correct person went home. Again, another unlined sheer dress. Ugh!

Hopefully tacky, thirsty Darren can go next.....

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7 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

I think Chasity deserved to win, but I am over all these sheer unlined garments. It really detracts when I can see the model's undies and pasties covering up their bits. It just looks unfinished to me. And her preference for hand sewing is going to get her into trouble one of these challenges......

I feel like I am in the minority, but I hated Anna's. The ginormous veil was creating the drama, not the dress, and that was a piece of fabric she brought from home that she did nothing to! Again, another sheer unlined dress.......

Agree on both points, ESPECIALLY the underwear showing. I mean maybe if they were black lace that was (kinda) supposed to be visible. But plain off-white jocky?

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34 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

I think Chasity deserved to win, but I am over all these sheer unlined garments. It really detracts when I can see the model's undies and pasties covering up their bits. It just looks unfinished to me. And her preference for hand sewing is going to get her into trouble one of these challenges......

I hate those, too.  It's unfinished, but lining it would completely change the look, so...who is going buy that and wear it anywhere but at home as lingerie for their lover?  Again, they are praising art rather than design.

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2 hours ago, candall said:


If that woman's breasts were allowed to assume the position she would have achieved by wearing a bra, there would have been two nipples poking out right in the middle of the cutout.


Really?  I agree that I would like a longer look at the garment going down the runway, but I always thought the judges' scrutiny of the construction was patently unfair.  Those designers would never send something out stuck together with scotch tape and chewing gum if they weren't under ridiculous time constraints.  It's about the design aesthetic*, not the tailoring.

Yesterday, on an episode of Chopped, the judges complained that the cheftestant should have allowed the dough to rest, ideally chill a bit in the blast cooler.  FFS, people, she had 20 minutes to get an appetizer on the plate.  No resting!  No chilling!


*I can't believe I said "design aesthetic."  

We got off on a whole string of posts about those services where you can freeze frame and replay because many many people stated that less than a minute look on the runway was just not enough to take it all in. That's most important. Totally agree with that!

One person reminded us that Zac Posen was practically always first up off his chair  to start touching and checking out the garments when that used to be part of the show. 😊Now granted, the design aesthetic is most important as plenty of people can sew but coming up with truly fresh garments that people want to wear is artistry.

That's a totally valid viewpoint if you don't think they should consider the quality of the sewing under those very short time constraints... just the overall look. However if they have time to ask the contestants  about these hyped up, made for TV mini dramas in the workroom like we had in week 2, I for one stick by preferring to see everything related to fashion on PR  over that BS.

Then another consideration might be when   there are two  contenders  for the winning look  and one is beautifully sewn and  one is tied, tucked or taped. Should the workmanship enter into the competition then? 🤔

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8 hours ago, izabella said:

It's unfinished, but lining it would completely change the look

If they used a nude liner it wouldn’t change the look other than making it actually wearable in public and eliminating the distraction of visible underwear…..I wish the judges would call them out on this. I don’t think most of them are doing it as a design choice but more because they run out of time to line it. And in most cases it looks unfinished and tacky.

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2 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

If they used a nude liner it wouldn’t change the look other than making it actually wearable in public and eliminating the distraction of visible underwear…..I wish the judges would call them out on this. I don’t think most of them are doing it as a design choice but more because they run out of time to line it. And in most cases it looks unfinished and tacky.

I dislike the sheer gown look also, agree they are only wearable as sexy lingerie for one's lover and would be aghast if I ever saw someone wearing such a thing in person.  With that in mind, I'm looking for clarification on your vision, when you say nude lining are you thinking something like a nude bodysuit or more of a gown lining?  Because those would be very different looks one highlights the human form and the play of light and shadows and is a little scandalous (which I think is what the designer is going for) whereas the other highlights the gown.

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7 hours ago, sharkerbaby said:

I dislike the sheer gown look also, agree they are only wearable as sexy lingerie for one's lover and would be aghast if I ever saw someone wearing such a thing in person.  With that in mind, I'm looking for clarification on your vision, when you say nude lining are you thinking something like a nude bodysuit or more of a gown lining?  Because those would be very different looks one highlights the human form and the play of light and shadows and is a little scandalous (which I think is what the designer is going for) whereas the other highlights the gown.

I mean a lining in the gown. There are a lot of illusion dresses out there - I don't think adding a lining would alter the look of the gown much other than making it actually wearable in public. Heck, even for the show - I sometimes feel bad for these models with what they are required to wear. They may not have known they might be walking down a runway on national tv with their bits hanging out for all to see.......

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On 10/31/2021 at 8:23 PM, ItsHelloPattiagain said:

And again, I know it's a design show, but I'm still shocked these designers don't understand how to sew correctly.  That's one reason why that red dress was such a hot mess - the fabric was unforgiving.  Don't they know how fabric is constructed and can and can't be manipulated? That a dress cut on the bias will hang and fit differently than one cut on the straight of the grain? 

I would think they would need to know this stuff anyway, even if it is a design show, given that's how they plan on making their money. I can design the most beautiful dress in the world, but if I don't know what fabric to use or how to have it sewn correctly, it will never come to fruition correctly.  On paper and on a person are two very different things. 

On Making the Cut (Tim and Heidi's new show), they do get seamstresses but they have to be the one to pick the fabric, cut the patterns and pin it together.  The seamstress literally only sews exactly what they are given to sew with the instructions they are given. I think that's a good example, even if they weren't skilled seamstresses, they have to be able to tell the seamstress what they want and how it should be done. 

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22 hours ago, T Summer said:

Then another consideration might be when   there are two  contenders  for the winning look  and one is beautifully sewn and  one is tied, tucked or taped. Should the workmanship enter into the competition then? 🤔

Of course it should. Fabric is not static - it has shape and movement on its own. To know how to manipulate fabric by cutting and sewing is as important as picking the correct fabric. How many nice designs have been ruined by improper hems or uneven improperly sewn tucks? 

3 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

I would think they would need to know this stuff anyway, even if it is a design show, given that's how they plan on making their money. I can design the most beautiful dress in the world, but if I don't know what fabric to use or how to have it sewn correctly, it will never come to fruition correctly.  On paper and on a person are two very different things.

Absolutely. While I'm not a seamstress professionally, I have sewn other things for money (drapes, costumes, seat covers, dresses, quilts, pillows, etc). A design can be ruined by not cutting on the grain correctly or using the wrong kind of fabric.  Plus if you're sewing things on a more see-through fabric, you best be hand sewing or else the fabric might be torn up in the process. How do you think Chasity was able to make such a beautiful gown? 

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Maybe it is the times we are in, or the extremely diverse set of contestants or the fact they kicked the season off with a whole racial issue but the judging seems so gentle and nice. The gushing on the top garments and the carefully couched criticism of the bottom garments is making it like a whole different show. 

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2 hours ago, graybrown bird said:

Yes, it's hard to get used to a gentle, tactful Nina.

This is where we miss Heidi. No pandemic trauma or social justice zeitgeist would have held her back.
What would she have had to say about some of these garments? I’m going to start “fantasy Heidi” judging, coming up with what she would have said 


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35 minutes ago, novhappy said:

This is where we miss Heidi. No pandemic trauma or social justice zeitgeist would have held her back.
What would she have had to say about some of these garments? I’m going to start “fantasy Heidi” judging, coming up with what she would have said 


“I question your taste level.”

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4 hours ago, novhappy said:

What would she have had to say about some of these garments? I’m going to start “fantasy Heidi” judging, coming up with what she would have said 

I already had my fantasy Heidi comment on episode one - if you look at my comments on that thread I wanted her to tell Darren he was a surprise second elimination for making nothing ;-p

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So glad Kenneth is gone. Anyone else notice that he ditched that freaking annoying baby voice he kept using in all of his ‘poor attacked me’ speeches in the previous episode?

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I thought Anna's should have won, her look was super chic and gorgeous.  I thought Chasity would be in the bottom--her look was gimmicky and crafty, those looked like actual cheap fans glued onto a dress.  Bones's dress was also better then hers.

Edited by Glade
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On 11/1/2021 at 3:14 PM, stewedsquash said:


I also find something a bit off this season like others have expressed and can't quite put a reason to it (as others have also expressed). 


I think the word we're all looking for is "boring".

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On 10/30/2021 at 5:20 AM, dleighg said:

She was one of the stars of Hidden Figures.

And regarding Christian's spring collection-- I thought *generally* he did pretty well with women with breasts, but lordy what woman would want her chest to look like THIS? 

Screen Shot 2021-10-30 at 5.15.15 AM.png

Answer: Brett, from "Married At First Sight"! 

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On 11/2/2021 at 3:34 PM, seacliffsal said:

I really dislike the fact that Kenneth should have been eliminated last week but due to his "sob" story about being bullied (when in my opinion he also played the part of a bully) only to be eliminated this episode.  And, I found it extremely telling when one of the judges was telling the guest judge about his awful look from the previous runway.  They knew he should have been eliminated but fell into the trap of feeling sorry for him.  How is that fair to the designers who are eliminated because they don't have a sob story that the judges think they should get behind because it sounds "woke"?

I guess, in theory, you could say that Meg was already eliminated because she made nothing.  I really think that they should only allow the contestants to talk about the clothes.  They should know that ANY work-room drama is just that - work-room drama.  And it STAYS THERE.  Rather than simply announce that there would be no elimination, but still give a valid criticism of the crap several of them turned out (and letting them know that they were VERY lucky that Meg had already eliminated herself) they allowed all the DRAMA to overtake the designs.

On 10/31/2021 at 6:10 PM, stewedsquash said:


I think Bones was going in the right direction with his fabric and that even his mask could have worked if he had been perfection with the dress. That material just yelled "liquid" and with a more experienced designer, or even with Bones if he had been able to get more input from a mentor (I guess in a different setting since Christian is limited with what he can tell them because of the competition element) it would have been a stunning dress. 




On 10/31/2021 at 9:23 PM, ItsHelloPattiagain said:


And again, I know it's a design show, but I'm still shocked these designers don't understand how to sew correctly.  That's one reason why that red dress was such a hot mess - the fabric was unforgiving.  Don't they know how fabric is constructed and can and can't be manipulated? That a dress cut on the bias will hang and fit differently than one cut on the straight of the grain?  That's Home Ec 101 (yes, I'm dating myself but nowadays the local high school has specific fashion and sewing classes for budding designers). 

I would have LOVED to know what type of fabric Bones was using.  I sew a bit and agree the look of Bones' fabric was drapey but don't know if it actually was.

And taking out the bottom tulle was NEVER going to change the fact that the model said the red dress was uncomfortably tight so she couldn't walk.  It was never about her feet!


On 11/2/2021 at 4:48 PM, Ilovepie said:

I think Chasity deserved to win, but I am over all these sheer unlined garments. It really detracts when I can see the model's undies and pasties covering up their bits. It just looks unfinished to me. And her preference for hand sewing is going to get her into trouble one of these challenges......

I feel like I am in the minority, but I hated Anna's. The ginormous veil was creating the drama, not the dress, and that was a piece of fabric she brought from home that she did nothing to! Again, another sheer unlined dress.......


I thought that maybe I was just getting old and dowdy, as I was really distracted by all the completely sheer dresses.  You'll notice that all of the models in these clothes were also really thin.  Don't know why I think that's relevant, but somehow I do.

I 100% agree about Anna's veil.  She benefitted from having/using gorgeous fabric - so OK step one - pick the right fabric was done well.  But she really didn't do much with it.  

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The haunted mansion portion went too long.  Hard to sit through the bunch of them competing for sound bytes.   Topped off by Christian's vanity vampire act.   Christian was really "on" in this episode, something I don't recall ever thinking about Tim Gunn.  Tim was a lot of things but he always seemed to understand this was the designers' opportunity to shine, not his.

It was nice to see the spotlight shift to some of the women designers in this episode.  Chasity's gown was stunning, Anna's was sublime.   Anna just radiated happiness.   I didn't like the guest judge much but I was moved when she gave Chasity the score card with OMG scrawled on it, especially since Chasity admired her so.  It was a lovely gesture. 

Bones thinks he's pretty fucking great, doesn't he?

I can't like anything Ottavio does just because of the red mustache.  Whatever he makes, I see a red mustache superimposed on it.   His model this episode was exquisite.   I wish the camera would linger on her more often.

The models seem more prone to performance art this season.  Do they come up with those moves on their own?  Do the designers tell them what to do?  Are they coached? I'm curious how that works.

The clown lady's husband must really love her.

I sorely miss Karlie.


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