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S03.E09: Fish Or Cut Bait

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Not much in the 20 minute preview.

Corey has moved out of Raul's place to a new apartment. It has two beds and a smallish kitchen. He has given Evelin space and invited her for dinner - burgers! At least he could have added fries.  She wants a divorce. Probably sees the end of the financial line with him too.

Mama Alina is going back to Russia. Alina, you should have gone with her and asked SteVen to send your suitcase back. SteVen's behaviour in the taxi/Uber was revolting. No mask, offering cookies to everyone, and eating them or something else out of the bag. I was grossed out. He does behave like a child and at his age, should be better than some ill-mannered first year frat boy. Alina's mom is right to be concerned about her daughter, she is right to not like what she sees. However, her daughter is over 18 years old and can make her own life choices and deal with whatever consequences they bring. SteVen has a lot of red flags. Maybe Alina does need to be trampled a few times and learn these very painfu lessons.

Ari, of course, is going to like stay longer, like at home. Yes, I am using like because she and Bini both have a major fondness for the word, like you know. It was annoying me. He seems to be having too much fun with his friends and not missing her and Avi enough. She also isn't happy that he turns his phone off for a few hours a day. Ari, your fiance or whatever he is, like, isn't sewn to you. Give him a break. I half expect that you will also ask him to put a tracking device on his phone so you know where he is every second of like, every single, like day. I doubt that he is goofing off. He does love you and maybe stop being so insecure. You didn't have enough pull to get your son's surgery within a minute. The same surgery that could have been done in Ethiopia. You chose to go home.

Edited by Frozendiva
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  On 10/23/2021 at 12:42 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Family Ari house is a little cluttered and dated.  Cords, knotted up curtains, crooked picture on the wall.

New crossover Mother Sumit visiting Ari and telling her to cut the shit with the 7th grade phone antics and use that time cleaning up after herself, ya freeloader. 


One of the funniest comments, EVER!!  Mother Sumit could easily have a whole crossover series of her own with these people!

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  On 10/23/2021 at 2:10 PM, Chloe Dog said:

One of the funniest comments, EVER!!  Mother Sumit could easily have a whole crossover series of her own with these people!


I want to see her and Pa Summit on Pillow Talk.  If Ma and Pa Brandon can be on PT then I think Sumit's parents deserve a spot.  The question is : will they be in the guest room or lying on Jenny and Sumit's bed?

@Frozendiva did a great summary!!!  I wonder if SteVen  has a habit of snacking when nervous.  He bought those candies for Mama Alina and then ate one.

I watched the show with the bonus sections;  If anyone is interested in lessons by Sumit on how to properly use an Indian toilet, I recommend it.  Otherwise, you didn't miss anything.

  • Love 11

I am not a phone person. I have a land line and I enjoy going out and let calls go to voicemail.

I am also not a huge mobile phone person. I do not like being available 24/7. I do not like people texting me every 5 minutes. They won’t get an instant response. I will respond or call within a short time period if there is a genuine emergency. I make that very clear to folks.

Should Bini have his phone on? Absolutely. For an emergency. And Ari having a plan B in terms of calling one of Bini’s (autocorrect wrote Nini) sisters in case his phone broke or died. Otherwise discuss the use of the phone. Calls can be expensive depending on the phone plan.  Ethiopia is not part of a 500 free mins per month plan. I would not put up with my significant other calling me or texting me at work 50 times a day to keep track of my every move.

  • Love 10
  On 10/23/2021 at 12:42 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Family Ari house is a little cluttered and dated.  Cords, knotted up curtains, crooked picture on the wall.


Ari's mother seems to be the sort to have a very clean home, but also a very outdated one. I imagine something like this: The main living areas very beige-on-beige, afraid to incorporate color anywhere because she doesn't know how. Better safe than sorry. Old family pictures scattered about, including small ones with no clear anchor, floating on a large wall. In addition, some oil paintings here and there of landscaping from some unknown place. Bedrooms: A bed with a lopsided old faded flowered bedspread and some odd-colored throw pillows placed about. A 70's crocheted afghan at the foot of each bed - in each bedroom, because that's all she could come up with idea-wise. Kitchen: outdated and old. But despite all that, a meticulously clean home!

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Watched the preview. You guys who missed it didn’t miss anything. Borey and Skeevelin – Three guesses whether Borey grovels while Skeevelin tortures him. He cooks her dinner, buys her flowers, and dresses nicely to have her over for dinner at his new studio apt., and she sits there the whole time like there's a bad smell under her nose. I bet she's got his replacement lined up. 

SteVen and Alina – He does behave like a child. He is often compared to Jeff Spicoli, but in this episode SteVen makes the “real” Spicoli look like Cary Grant. Alina’s mother can’t do anything except what all of us have probably done at least once, try to talk some sense into a relative or friend pursuing a bad relationship choice.

Areola – Care for some cheese with that whine?  And is she serving up the whine…She looks so different depending on the filter used, time shot, the last time she saw a hairdresser, other appearance changes, etc., it's bizarre to watch...I don't like having a cell phone myself although it does come in handy at times and for safety (as a woman alone) but it's hard to get away from it, baffling to me to operate, and I don't think our society is always the better for it... Jeez, can't she be okay with Bini turning his phone off once in awhile to have some fun with friends (have a backup emergency person); he seems devoted to his fiancee and kid. Someone wanting to check in multiple times a day would drive (and has driven) me nuts. Bini did object in this epi to her bossing him...so she pulled out again "I do SO much for you and have given up so much, and you don't do anything for me." Family home is dowdy and very beige...in some homes it’s the man who doesn’t want anything changed.  

There is a very short clip of the Tell-All, mainly a few shots of Liz apparently separate from and angry at prEd and his saying “I screwed up.” Liz has gone solid dark brunette and her whole look was older. and sadder (if that’s possible), than what we've seen.

Edited by Tuneful
  • Love 8

Corey and Evelyn - Don’t care.

The Sanctimonious Shit and Alina - Can he get physically more close to her in that car - makes my skin crawl!  Her mother is gone so now they can work through their issues - translation - “Now I can con her and gaslight her. “  Run, Alina, run.

Bini and Ariel:  Ariel, DO YOU WANT SOME CHEESE WITH THAT WHINE??  How does Bini stand it?

The Tool and the Liar:  She is such a tool.  His mother was absolutely right about the snotty tissues. Evidently, she never learned any manners.

Kenny and Armando:  Armando can do better.  He is crying AGAIN!!  AGAIN!!!

Edited by Kid
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Impulsive borderline personality disorder is among the four subtypes of BPD. This particular subtype of BPD is the most charismatic of all four. The impulsive subtype is said to have much in common with histrionic personality disorder, according to psychologist Theodore Millon.

Signs and Symptoms for Impulsive BPD
A person with impulsive borderline personality disorder often displays the following signs and symptoms of the subtype:

  • Flirtatious with others, sometimes without even realizing it
  • Captivating, able to act with a natural magnetism
  • Elusive and mercurial
  • Superficial, easily entertaining others on a surface level but avoiding more meaningful interactions or relationships
  • High levels of energy and easily bored
  • Thrill-seeking and risk-taking behaviors without regard for consequences
  • Attention-seeking behaviors
  • Charismatic and charming
  • Dramatic
  • Highly manipulative of others, particularly in order to position oneself as the center of attention
  • Complaints of chronic or recurring illness

These signs and symptoms of the impulsive subtype overlap with or complement some of the more general BPD symptoms.

(Source:  https://www.google.com/search?q=personality+disorder+poor+impulse+control&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA912CA912&oq=personality+disorder+poor+impu&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j33i22i29i30l8.14161j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 )

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Doesn't this sound like Steven?  People with this sort of psych disorder have zero impulse control.  Usually these types spend most of their lives in-and-out of prison.

This young, naive Russian girl should pack her bags and RUN, RUN, RUN!  I wonder if she is looking to launch some sort of social media or influencer "career" out of her exposure on this show.

  • Useful 5
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  On 10/24/2021 at 10:34 PM, Kikiki said:


Impulsive borderline personality disorder is among the four subtypes of BPD. This particular subtype of BPD is the most charismatic of all four. The impulsive subtype is said to have much in common with histrionic personality disorder, according to psychologist Theodore Millon.

Signs and Symptoms for Impulsive BPD
A person with impulsive borderline personality disorder often displays the following signs and symptoms of the subtype:

  • Flirtatious with others, sometimes without even realizing it
  • Captivating, able to act with a natural magnetism
  • Elusive and mercurial
  • Superficial, easily entertaining others on a surface level but avoiding more meaningful interactions or relationships
  • High levels of energy and easily bored
  • Thrill-seeking and risk-taking behaviors without regard for consequences
  • Attention-seeking behaviors
  • Charismatic and charming
  • Dramatic
  • Highly manipulative of others, particularly in order to position oneself as the center of attention
  • Complaints of chronic or recurring illness

These signs and symptoms of the impulsive subtype overlap with or complement some of the more general BPD symptoms.

(Source:  https://www.google.com/search?q=personality+disorder+poor+impulse+control&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA912CA912&oq=personality+disorder+poor+impu&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j33i22i29i30l8.14161j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 )

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Doesn't this sound like Steven?  People with this sort of psych disorder have zero impulse control.  Usually these types spend most of their lives in-and-out of prison.

This young, naive Russian girl should pack her bags and RUN, RUN, RUN!  I wonder if she is looking to launch some sort of social media or influencer "career" out of her exposure on this show.


Sounds like Stephanie. Did you know she has an illness?

  • LOL 16
  On 10/24/2021 at 2:40 AM, Tuneful said:

Jeez, can't she be okay with Bini turning his phone off once in awhile to have some fun with friends


I don't get any of the 90 Day F's, they are involved with someone on the other side of the world with a huge time difference so sometimes someone might be sleeping or in the bathroom, showering, their hands are full or in a bad cell zone...Angela, Baby Gut Visa and now Ariel all lose their shit because their partner did not pick up the phone, if you don't trust them then you should not be in a relationship with them. 



  • Love 23

I have a feeling it was Sumit's idea to have his parents move in.  He probably told them this is one way to try and get rid of Jenny.  

Bini doesn't look as broken up as he would have Ari believe.  Avi is so darn cute!

I can't help but wonder what Alina sees in SteVen.  It's one thing if she wanted a green card.  Unless she is planning the long con - America down the road.  

  • Love 2

Sumit is a supreme jack ass. He strings Jenny along for years, refuses to marry her, now tells her his dream is to live with his parents. Expectations for such a living arrangement varies from family to family as well as socioeconomic background, as it does in every culture. Sumit claiming “that’s how it is in India” is a vast over generalization. Jenny needs to go home, but she won’t. I have no sympathy for her either, given that she secretly had jiggy jiggy with Sumit in his parents’ house years ago while pretending to be just his platonic friend, then bragged and giggled about the deception on national tv. His mother was no doubt humiliated and angry when the truth came out so Jenny’s shock at Sumit’s mother’s attitude towards her is ridiculous. 

  • Love 20

Jenny's in her 60s, yes? So she's actually of an age where people should be starting to help her out with things, a little more and more as more and more time passes. She definitely shouldn't be expected to pick up after or cook for a 30 year old (lookin' at you, Sumit). And a 30 year old can damn well cook his own favorite dish.

I feel like Sumit is using the skills he picked up in Catfishing School to deflect her objections.

And while I tend to like Ari and Bini equally, and get annoyed with them equally,  it was pretty skeevy of her to not set up the baby's operation date while still in Ethiopia. By not doing that, she prolonged the separation. And from what I remember, Bini's parents died when he was a child, so he likely has bad separation anxiety and abandonment issues, even without a first wife who took his child away.

Edited by JeanJean
  • Love 13

Hi all! I just finished the repeat of tonight's episode, and am so weary. I know I dozed off somewhere, maybe when Kenny was talking to his daughters online. Could have been during Corey and Evil-in's couples' therapy session. Which he paid for. We unpacked that she had a bad car accident and he didn't rush to be by her side. He was probably afraid she'd make him buy her a new car. Maybe it was during the Alina and Steven segments. I don't remember anything new happening other Mom Alina went  back to Russia.

Oh, I did stay awake to see Ari blast Bini for turning his phone off, or not having it in the area that he could be reached. She was sounding a lot like Angela. Just as mean, too.

Of course, I was fully awake for Jenny and Sumit's segments. His mom is too devious, with the insulting while smiling bit. That is enough right there to get most of us (even hanging in after 10 years of waiting, plus surviving an arranged marriage) to leave her son alone, and not look back.



  • Love 11

Jenny and Sumit and Sumit's new verbalized dream of returning to his parents home and living like one big happy family, hmmm.  I can think of two things about that, one is Jenny's money and how his parents would expect some sort of monetary input from Jenny for living expenses and two, I don't think Mr. & Mrs. Sumit would allow co sleeping under their roof if they are not married so Jenny will just be a live in maid, no perks of sex just cooking and cleaning and probably paying for that pleasure.

Has Sumit said anything about if Jenny passes his mother's daughter in law tests they could get married?  I am more convinced then ever Sumit has asked his parents to help get Jenny packed and out the door and back to the US.

Evilin and Corey bore me. She is not cute enough to demand he worship her blindly and he is simpy enough to do it anyway.  She walks in to some Airbandb with two rooms, a bedroom/living room combo and a kitchen in a closet and she asks why he has two beds and how many women will he have there, did she think it would be a sleep over in separate beds with no sex? Idiots.

Ari and Bini, yeesh. Ari demands Bini is available 24/7 to support her emotionally and to somehow help with the baby, she lectures him about how he has to be "there" for them at this difficult time but so far the baby has not had the surgery, right? So what is it that Bini has to be available 24/7 for? Even if the surgery is actively going on what is Bini supposed to do for Ari?  What has he done to suggest he has cheated on her? Was that his ex girl friend sitting around the bonfire?  

SteVen and Alina are wasting our time, "SteVen, delete your sochul medya to prove you love me," just seems stupid, how about closing the accounts...I can delete my facebook account from my cell phone but I still have an account.  SteVen is right, Masha contacted him, not the other way around, he was polite but did not try to have a relationship with Masha.  Frankly if I were Alina I would be more concerned about how SteVen would make a living because where I sit, heading in to a country where jobs are scarce if not just low paying and that is WHEN he would be allowed to work would make me wonder how I would pay rent and feed myself.  SteVen does not seem to be very educated which will make it that much harder to live any kind of lifestyle other than hand to mouth.  Both of them are so boring, other than talking about SteVen's social media flirting what do they talk about?

Show of hands of who wanted to see Steven and Alina sitting in the Hamman quietly talking and then Darcey and Stacey show up for their Turkish bath experience!  

We were spared matronly Ellie and Chin Braid of The Isle of Providencia.

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  On 10/25/2021 at 12:41 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

I am thoroughly sick of Kenny's whiny, spoiled, unsupportive daughters. Jesus fucking Christ. They're all long faces and tears and laying on the guilt with trowels. Why, if they supposedly love their dad sooooooo much, do they sabotage his happiness? Knowing how tearful and sensitive he is, why so gleefully rub salt in the wounds? Because they are spoiled and selfish. Doesn't the preggo one have a husband or partner? Why does she need her dad by her side throughout her pregnancy? Because he's the only one who'll let her get away with this shit, probably. 

And of course Kenny is almost certainly, in addition to being the provider of free child care on demand, also a source of constant cash. You just know that the daughters are spendthrifts who "run low" around rent day. Plus he'll fork out for all the most expensive, trendy baby gear. "Daa-ad! Your grandchild can't ride in a common umbrella stroller!" Lord I cannot stand them. 


He whined about "missing milestones" yeah well when you move two thousand miles away, that will happen.  Life is full of choices and you made yours.

Funny, when my mom wanted to buy the baby something we went to a garage sale or Once Upon a Child (recycle store - not sure if it is around anymore.)

  On 10/25/2021 at 11:26 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

"SteVen, delete your sochul medya to prove you love me," just seems stupid, how about closing the accounts...I can delete my facebook account from my cell phone but I still have an account. 


She is.....not saavy.  He could keep his FB and OG accounts and block her so she can't find him, and he could block of all her her friends from finding him too.  Why am I thinking this hard on a Monday morning about these two???

Alina, people have been cheating and/or making their partners uncomfortable LOOOONG before social media.  Ya don't trust him, ya never will, GO HOME.

  On 10/25/2021 at 2:42 AM, Mrs. Landingham said:

Sumit is a supreme jack ass. He strings Jenny along for years, refuses to marry her, now tells her his dream is to live with his parents. Expectations for such a living arrangement varies from family to family as well as socioeconomic background, as it does in every culture. Sumit claiming “that’s how it is in India” is a vast over generalization. Jenny needs to go home, but she won’t. I have no sympathy for her either, given that she secretly had jiggy jiggy with Sumit in his parents’ house years ago while pretending to be just his platonic friend, then bragged and giggled about the deception on national tv. His mother was no doubt humiliated and angry when the truth came out so Jenny’s shock at Sumit’s mother’s attitude towards her is ridiculous. 


100%^^^^^^.  That is saying "That is how it is in Minnesota."  No, northern Minnesota:  cabin and lakeshore culture.  You are cleaning cabins ALL SUMMER LONG.  Southwest Minnesota:  Farm culture.  Learn to farm and drive a tractor.  Way north:  Iron and more farms.  Get used to hard work, 24/7.  The "cities" as we call them, and the suburbs can vary greatly and I have a meeting so I can't go into it, lol.

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Many months ago, I saw pictures on this blog of Ari playing on the grass at her parent's home with Avi. He was 1-2 years old in those pictures. His skin was almost white, and he had blond hair. Now we see Avi, and he is a beautiful baby, but he  definitely looks biracial. I can't believe his coloring changed so very much as he grew older a few months later? I am wondering if it is the same child that we saw in the later pictures? Also, it seemed odd for a baby Avi's age to be passed around strangers like he was at the dinner table and not cry? I wonder if he has any bond with his mother at all? Maybe the nanny did all of the child care?

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I’m assuming Ari is going out and seeing her friends and family but she is incensed that Bini dares to have any kind of fun. Total control move on her part.
I don’t think she has realized that what she is actually encouraging him to do is lie to her about what he is doing. Just like parents who demand to know everything a teen is doing often get a sanitized version of what is going on Bini may soon start to lie by omission. He shouldn’t have to but they both lack the maturity to behave like adults. 
Angela behaves exactly the same way. 

  • Love 8
  On 10/25/2021 at 1:34 PM, Shelbie said:

I’m assuming Ari is going out and seeing her friends and family but she is incensed that Bini dares to have any kind of fun. Total control move on her part.
I don’t think she has realized that what she is actually encouraging him to do is lie to her about what he is doing. Just like parents who demand to know everything a teen is doing often get a sanitized version of what is going on Bini may soon start to lie by omission. He shouldn’t have to but they both lack the maturity to behave like adults. 
Angela behaves exactly the same way. 


Well this franchise is full of people who can't find someone to date in their own community (there are a few exceptions) so they go online to find a financially vulnerable person to exploit date.  Why else would you set yourself for such hard work?  These people have SEVERE control issues and they need therapy, not a boyfriend or girlfriend.

You are right - they do not have the ability to function as adults and now there is a little baby/toddler in the middle.  Luckily, there seems to be support from Ari's family but sadly dad will be a google chat.

  • Love 6

I could be mistaken, but was generally shocked when I saw Ari care, hold Avi. I believe it was the first time we (I) saw her take on the mother role.  Even when Bini was talking to Mother Ari via Skye, he was concerned with who would help Ari with the baby.

There are single parents all over the world caring for their babies, alone.  Surely Ari can do it for a month or two.  But let's be real, she'll have her family there to help and so she won't really be doing it alone.

Ari looks vastly different in her talking heads.  She looks ill. 

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  On 10/25/2021 at 6:27 AM, maxmama said:

Watching Jenny make a fool of herself and Sumit and his parents make a fool of her is just sad.  Go home, Jenny, rebuild your life.  He really is too young for you, and the cultural issues are a hill you will never be able to get over.  What was up with Sumit’s greasy hair tonight? 


It seems that Sumit's parents don't mind making fools of themselves letting the whole world see who raised their loser of a son.  For all the bad things I can say about Jenny, she's not the one reflecting on the total failure they are as parents.  But I guess a few TLC dollars to pay for lunch from McCurry's once a week is hard to pass up.

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  On 10/25/2021 at 2:24 PM, Shauna said:

I could be mistaken, but was generally shocked when I saw Ari care, hold Avi. I believe it was the first time we (I) saw her take on the mother role.  Even when Bini was talking to Mother Ari via Skye, he was concerned with who would help Ari with the baby.. 


And she was clumsy in handling him, and looked very uncomfortable. She is not used to providing day to day care for her own child. I'm sure her mother is right behind her.

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Evelin and Corey:  I can't stand the double standard with this bitch and nobody ever mentions it. Not even Corey. Stand up for yourself, man! Oh, and they were on a break. She broke up with him during that time, right? Isn't that why he went to Peru? 

Ari: BS on needing another 6 weeks away. She's just not ready to go back to Ethiopia. Now she has an excuse not to because Bini is being a bad boy and not following her instructions. 

Sumit is over Jenny. Stop being a pussy and just tell her, already. 

  On 10/25/2021 at 4:37 AM, JeanJean said:

Jenny's in her 60s, yes? So she's actually of an age where people should be starting to help her out with things, a little more and more as more and more time passes. 


I'm in my 60's and my house is clean. I don't need any help. Jenny is still too young for that. Maybe in 10 yrs or so but not now she seems to be in good health. She just doesn't see the need to have a clean kitchen. A lot of people are like that. Gross but true. 




Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 9
  On 10/25/2021 at 2:49 PM, Dobian said:

It seems that Sumit's parents don't mind making fools of themselves letting the whole world see who raised their loser of a son.  For all the bad things I can say about Jenny, she's not the one reflecting on the total failure they are as parents.  But I guess a few TLC dollars to pay for lunch from McCurry's once a week is hard to pass up


This should be the last straw for Jenny. It won't be, of course.  I would not stand for anyone humiliating and degrading me in my own home. Tradition or not, mama Sumit overstepped. Jenny looked a fool, like she was a young teenager being taught the ropes by an elder and she went along with it. There was even comical background music provided by Sharp.

Go, Jenny, go back home. Starting over is better then this, girl. I can't imagine giving up my freedom to go and live with my in-laws in the role that she is going to be given. I want better for myself. Plus, I don't see any real love or a soul-mate connection between Jenny and Sumit. Do they ever go or do anything for enjoyment?

  • Love 7
  On 10/25/2021 at 3:00 PM, bichonblitz said:

Evelin and Corey:  I can't stand the double standard with this bitch and nobody ever mentions it. Not even Corey. Stand up for yourself, man! Oh, and they were on a break. She broke up with him during that time, right? Isn't that why he went to Peru? 



According to Corey, she "kicked him out" of fucking Ecuador! And he of course meekly left Ecuador. 

And if I live to be a hundred I will never understand this "on a break" business. You're either in or you're out. Break up or stay together. But you don't get to break up and act like you're still together when it suits you. Sheesh.

  • Love 12

I continue to believe that Alina has a long-term goal (most likely to come to the U.S.) as she keeps putting up with Steven's antics and looks like she can't even stand him.  I think Steven has lived a life manipulating others (i.e. his parents tolerance of his behaviors-he has trained people how to view his "uniqueness" and he told us in the very first episode how he is so special and doesn't follow rules).  Unbelievable that he took Alina to a sauna when he has stated his areas of 'weakness' and how hard it is for him to stay in the same apartment with her.  It's amazing to me that he is so willing to demonstrate his hypocrisy-especially when he confessed that he thought Alina would be happy with his stating that he would delete his accounts without actually having to do so.  He really uses word salads to try to get out of any responsibilites.  I see his behaviors as intentional (to get attention, divert attention, get out of responsibilites) rather than any type of diagnosable disorders.  However, Alina is choosing to stay with him so I have no sympathy for her.  Her mother clearly explained Steven's issues and why Alina should return to Russia.

Ari has such nerve-she even admitted that she was frustrated that she didn't have total control over Bini.  And just stop with the medical emergency sob story/justification-it's very clear that it wasn't an emergency in her mind as she was in NJ for over a month without the surgery and expected it to be another month.  Avi should have had the operation in Ethiopia.  After all, Ari had her emergency c-section and Avi had his circumcism all while Ari was complaining and in near-hysterics.  If that doesn't prove the expertise of the Ethiopian doctors, I don't know what would.

Jenny and Summit are nearing the end.  Jenny seemed really old in this episode and I think it's starting to sink in that Summit won't marry her.  I think Summit is tired of doing all of the cooking and bathing (for Jenny) and wants to be waited on again by his mom.  Loved how Father Summit just sat there trying to get out alive.

Kenny and Armando?  Same old, same old.  Like others, I believe that he was too indulgent with some of his children as they cannot conceive of any way to be an adult without him.  

Still fast-forwarding through Eveline and Corey.  Really, really don't care.

  • Love 17
  On 10/23/2021 at 3:25 AM, Frozendiva said:

Ari, of course, is going to like stay longer, like at home. Yes, I am using like because she and Bini both have a major fondness for the word, like you know. It was annoying me. He seems to be having too much fun with his friends and not missing her and Avi enough. She also isn't happy that he turns his phone off for a few hours a day. Ari, your fiance or whatever he is, like, isn't sewn to you. Give him a break. I half expect that you will also ask him to put a tracking device on his phone so you know where he is every second of like, every single, like day. I doubt that he is goofing off. He does love you and maybe stop being so insecure. You didn't have enough pull to get your son's surgery within a minute. The same surgery that could have been done in Ethiopia. You chose to go home.


Am I the only person that noticed when Ari talked about scheduling Avi's surgery she referred to Avi as "her"- waiting a month to schedule "her" surgery. I rewound twice. It bugged me!  

  • Useful 4

I was rewatching scenes while Pillow Talk was on and I am figuring this is how the whole thing went down.

Sumit admitted he likes white blond women.  No younger woman caught on to his cat fishing but he settles for Jenny thinking that Jenny is the next best thing (mom in the kitchen, wife in the bedroom deal). He won't have to worry about kids since hey, Jenny is old and he can get another woman on the next round.

Anyhoo, cut to Jenny coming and living. Jenny is lazy. Jenny is insecure to the point Sumit can't even get a job if he wanted one cause Jenny needs him for company, translations, etc.  Next best idea Sumit has.  He gets the rents to accept Jenny and they all live together as other Indian families. So he has oldie in his bed and mom to cook. Plus he might be able to go out more and work or see friends without Jenny.

Jenny ain't having this though because she's an AMERICAN. And in AMERICA you leave the nest.  But Jenny honey, you is in India and the traditional norm is that all households are multi generational.

Also, I do know that <spoiler> 

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I was curious about the whole Evil and the car wreck. Did she actually tell Corey she was in a bad auto accident? Or was he suppose to read her mind?

SteVen is crusin for a brusin.  And the hamam thing was a set up. As the poster above said, bet after they cut these two, Darcy and Stacey came in for their spa day.

Ari I don't care about since I know how that turns out.

  Reveal spoiler

Glad big forehead and chin braid wasn't on.

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  On 10/25/2021 at 4:37 PM, greekmom said:

Sumit admitted he likes white blond women.  No younger woman caught on to his cat fishing but he settles for Jenny thinking that Jenny is the next best thing (mom in the kitchen, wife in the bedroom deal). He won't have to worry about kids since hey, Jenny is old and he can get another woman on the next round.

Anyhoo, cut to Jenny coming and living. Jenny is lazy. Jenny is insecure to the point Sumit can't even get a job if he wanted one cause Jenny needs him for company, translations, etc.  Next best idea Sumit has.  He gets the rents to accept Jenny and they all live together as other Indian families. So he has oldie in his bed and mom to cook. Plus he might be able to go out more and work or see friends without Jenny.

Jenny ain't having this though because she's an AMERICAN. And in AMERICA you leave the nest.  But Jenny honey, you is in India and the traditional norm is that all households are multi generational.


Don't forget the money that Jenny is bringing in - Social Security and TLC pay.

(Still can't believe that after all this time she hasn't learned any Hindi.)

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