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S13.E14: Country Chaos

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I am so glad that Brett FINALLY spoke her mind and let Ryan know how she was feeling and how much she tried. And, also glad that Bao realized that she had allowed herself to be abused and was going to stop it. I sure hope that they ask the women first on D day, so that the guys don't say it first  and then the women have no choice.

I am also frustrated with Ryan that he keeps saying and thinking that he is going to be more thoughtful, but he NEVER SAYS ANYTHING TO BRETT!!! Neither one of them actually speak to the other one. One says something, the other says, "yeah." Now, Ryan is disappointed because he was going to use that weekend as a chance to get things going again - which I don't believe. But, how the heck is Brett supposed to know why he said they could share a bed - he never says anything.

I LOVED sparklers for Baxter. That made me cry. I don't care if it was producer directed, it was still lovely. It would be great if the others really thought of it, but it was a wonderful gesture and I wish I would have thought of that when I lost my sweet girl this summer.

Can Rachel stop talking about how happy they are and actually smile? I don't like either one of them and I don't see a long term future for them, but I don't care, either. I hope they don't end up on Couples Camera, unless it has been more than a year.

Myrla and Gil are OK. I do like their connection, but once you get her out of her house, she offers nothing. She is just so selfish that she seems so inflexible and, yes, negative. She does seem happy with Gil, which is shocking, but long-term, he is a happy guy with friends and likes people and will not want to be stuck at home or going to places he doesn't like just to keep her happy. I do understand being uncomfortable in groups, but she has been with these people for a while now and can do more than sit under a blanket and saying nothing. She, at least, owns her behaviors and know who she is, but she isn't a good match for Gil.

There are no more words for the crazy lady and Zack. She needs so much therapy, but it probably won't help. She says words that she understands her behaviors, but she doesn't really. She keeps thinking that she can say that she's sorry and it is all wiped out. What I still don't understand, though, is why she had to call her sister to come get her. All of the couples are going back to the same place and she could have ridden with one of them or even production. But, it was good that she did leave. She really brought the whole group down. I liked that they had a positive time playing with the baby animals.

ETA - I forgot to say how happy I was to see Hype. He certainly was well-behaved. I wish we had seen more of him. Also was nice to see that video of Baxter playing with Masie. 


1 hour ago, CSunshine76 said:

Those Party City straw hats were doing no one any favors. Production could have stepped it up a. It in the hat department.

In Texas, no less! They should have had MUCH better hats in normal colors.

Edited by Retired at last
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11 hours ago, Spectator said:

Why would anyone with a hurricane-prone personality ever ever ever think going on a reality tv show would be a good idea???? 

She probably got paid extra/bonus for the added entertainment value.  Reality gold, right there!!!

Too bad they couldn't have matched her up with our dear Chris from last season.  Woo-boy, now THAT would have been interesting!!!

Edited by suzeecat
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1 hour ago, GettingGray said:

That's right Brett, not having a relationship for two years is getting along without him (and nobody else)

Do you think that Brett wasn't getting along without Ryan specifically, which is what I wrote? 

I didn't write that Brett was simply hunky-dory being without anyone. She went on this show, duh. 

And let us not forget that she did fall for Ryan, despite their differences and his indifference. 

But people in or seeking a relationship with unrequited feelings from The Other benefit, IMNSHO, from advice to remember their autonomy and their strength before the unfortunate match-up. 

Being alone vs. being made to feel sad and inadequate by an uncaring partner? Yeah, that choice is what's commonly known as a "no-brainer."

One last point: Baxter. I believe that having to accept his death and cope with his absence from her life has aided Brett in knowing now, in her heart as well as mind, that bidding farewell to Ryan will be in comparison a proverbial piece of cake. 

She's zen, and Ryan doesn't like it. 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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12 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

Are you serious? Driving from Brenham to Houston? You’d be on major highways the entire time. It’s not Vidor in the 1960s. Good Lord.

The OP called it "Bumfuck Texas," so I think there was a lack of knowledge of where exactly Zack would be driving.  It won't be long before Brenham is a suburb of Houston.  I am glad they showed Ryan saying he grew up 15 minutes from there--I'd wondered.

And BTW, you might want to update your "Vidor in the 1960s" by at least 30 years.  ☹️

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I love her, too. I hate phonies, ass kissers, bullshitters or people that crave attention. She is none of those things. She is my people. 

I didn’t like Myrla at all initially, but I’ve come to love her. She’s unapologetic about who she is and what her goals are. She has enough self-esteem and self-respect to accept criticism graciously and, although she may or may not decide to change, she considers it/doesn’t dismiss it in its entirety and doesn’t get overly defensive.

The homage to Baxter had me in tears. Losing a beloved pet is traumatic. I had to put my 14.5yo dog down in January 2020 and I still miss her every single day. My life revolved around her. I hope Brett gets a new puppy soon. 

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15 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Batshit crazy Michaela is absolutely right.  Why in the bluedillyfuck hell would it make sense for them to get divorced and then "get to know each other" like Zack is proposing?  Like she said, he already knows who she is.  

He’s full of shit.  It’s a way of letting her down easy.  As soon as the divorce papers are signed, she will never see him again.  


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If Brett would give Ryan the boot to his face and keep acting indifferent, he would be shocked and might do a 180.  She’s too easy with him. She acts like a door mat around him.  She already wore her heart on her sleeve, and I think he needs a challenge.  If she thinks he’s worth it.  I don’t know how she took his indifference this long.  He’s a crab.

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I got the distinct impression that Zack (Zak? Zach?) doesn’t want to be married to Michaela (or have anything to do with her after Divorce Day), but that they are having sex and he didn’t necessarily want to stop just because their relationship was doomed.

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I laughed out loud when they were playing the game and the question was "Who is the biggest diva" (I'm paraphrasing) and Bao was writing Johnny's name down and musing about him and his face appeared in the mirror. The editors have a sense of humor.

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17 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

She considers them beneath her. Complains about an activity she wanted.  Couldn’t wear a cowboy hat like the rest of them 

She absolutely considers them all beneath her. Glad to see someone besides me sees it.

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Since pretty much everything has been said about the big drama, I have nitpicks about little things...especially skeet shooting. 

I was horrified at how casual they were with the guns and their lack of any gun safety. It was clear Bao didn't have a ton of gun experience (if any), and nobody (Ryan) bothered to teach her to handle a gun safely, which was dangerous because she was inexperienced and handling it very casually (so casually it went off when she wasn't aiming it or in control of it...at that moment, the gun should have had its safety engaged). This is how gun accidents happen. It's lucky the gun was mostly pointed downrange at that time.

At the very least, big experienced gun guy Ryan should have told her to seat the shotgun against her shoulder when she shot it because it was going to kick like a mule. She made a common beginners' mistake and left a gap between the gun butt and her shoulder, which is why it kicked her so hard. It's evident in the nighttime scene when Zac is trying to leave and Bao has a huge bruise on that arm where the gun kicked her. 

Also - in some ways, I get Myrla. I am also the most likely to leave a party early because I am an extreme introvert, and while I'm social, when my energy is drained by the social situation, I'm just done and need to go poof. It's like hitting a wall. I don't understand the negativity, etc., but I totally get the introversion. 

Edited by NoWhammies
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1 hour ago, psychoticstate said:

I have to say, were I in the market for a home in Houston I would never, EVER call Michaela the realtor after watching her here. 

Ditto. I often wonder what kind of damage the participants do to their careers after showcasing their “crazy” on this show. I would think in Michaela’s case, the damage to her real estate career will be devastating. Who wants a loose cannon negotiating on their behalf when making what will likely be the biggest purchase of their lives? Answer: no one. 

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Michaela’s sister sure does put up with A LOT by having michaela as a sister. I’m a big fan of family supporting family, but there comes a point in time when enough is enough. I think that point came a long time ago with regard to these two. I have a feeling her sister devotes an extraordinary amount of time putting out all of Michaela’s fires since Michaela seems to drag her into her muck regularly (and there seems to be a constant flow of muck in michaela’s life!). Just in the last two episodes, the sister had to cancel the planned zoom call with Zach’s family when Michaela was too deep in her breakdown to do anything herself, including just cancelling the meeting. More recently, she was the one on the receiving end of Michaela’s late night phone call from the ranch as Michaela was having yet another one of her childish outbursts. 

Michaela seems to bitch to her sister seeking support in an effort to validate her routinely over the top feelings (and thus excuse her bad behavior). Plus Michaela has become accustomed to her sister cleaning up whatever mess Michaela has made as a result of this bad behavior. Sadly, functioning as Michaela’s life crutch in such a manner has led to reduced accountability on Michaela’s part, so the bad behavior continues relatively unchecked. Dr Viv and the rest of the MAFS team aren’t helping either, as they, too, are regularly trying to explain away her bad behavior.

I would never try to diagnose Michaela from afar based on TV show clips, but it is crystal clear that the girl needs serious help. I hope she gets it.

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What I still don't understand, though, is why she had to call her sister to come get her. All of the couples are going back to the same place and she could have ridden with one of them or even production.

She didn't need to call her sister. She's a drama queen and she wanted to up the ante by involving a third person in the fight. She also was hoping sis would take her side and give Zach a talking to...

That said, I would not have been the first person to step up and volunteer to give Michaela a ride back. I would not want to be trapped in a car with her for any length of time.

Also, why were Michaela's boobs wet when she was having the big fight with Zach (when she was in the pink dress, not the pajamas). 

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Johnny's shorts all look like panties on him. 

Kayla is not well and should be severely embarrassed by last night's show. For one. She should be embarrassed by most of her episodes but last night's was the end-all be-all. Zach is so beta and as annoying as she is.

Myrla does not have time for any of these people.

Gil does alot of criticizing for someone who's clothes are 2 sizes too small for him.

Ryan should have left with Zach because he's useless and I'm glad Brett told him to sleep anywhere but her bed. 

Never noticed til this ep just how small in stature Jose is. That's why he has to control and carry on. 

When Bao starts pontificating it's hard to get her to stop.  Alright Bao. Worry about your own mess of a marriage.

Best thing last night were THOSE BURGERS & TOTS!! I didn't hear a word those people were saying. 

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11 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Also, why were Michaela's boobs wet when she was having the big fight with Zach (when she was in the pink dress, not the pajamas). 

She was sweating under them. Temper tantrums work up a lot of energy! But, I will say that in the past, I thought Michaela was much heavier than she appeared last night, mostly because of what she wears. Last night she looked pretty trim. Crazy, but trim.

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3 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

I will say that in the past, I thought Michaela was much heavier than she appeared last night, mostly because of what she wears. Last night she looked pretty trim. Crazy, but trim.

Yeah, I recall her looking great in her wedding dress.

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3 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Ryan did seem a bit more interested once Brett spoke up. Maybe she was just too nice 

Men like bitchy wives. Ask my husband!  Lol

My husband must have, too! I have a fridge magnet that says "Being a crabby bitch is part of my charm." He never spoke against it! 😄

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19 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I think Myrla's just more laid back than the other women.  I did notice her nodding a little when Bao was talking.  I'd say she's just disinterested.

I think Myrla has a touch of social anxiety. I can relate. I, too, don't like to go to other people's houses and would rather they come to me, or we meet at a restaurant. I am always the one who wants to leave the party first. I am uncomfortable when it's a group of people all talking at once. 
I also made my living on the radio, all alone in a room, communicating with thousands. For someone like that just agreeing to a show like this is a huge thing.

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16 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I guess I don’t understand what the big deal was. If he got tired, he could get a hotel room for the rest of the night.

It’s only about an hour to Houston from Chappell Hill especially at that time of night. 

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1 minute ago, Stinamaia said:
16 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I guess I don’t understand what the big deal was. If he got tired, he could get a hotel room for the rest of the night.

It’s only about an hour to Houston from Chappell Hill especially at that time of night. 

I didn't see the episode yet, I tried but fell asleep. Was he drinking? Could that have been the issue with him driving?

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2 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

Since pretty much everything has been said about the big drama, I have nitpicks about little things...especially skeet shooting. 

I was horrified at how casual they were with the guns and their lack of any gun safety. It was clear Bao didn't have a ton of gun experience (if any), and nobody (Ryan) bothered to teach her to handle a gun safely, which was dangerous because she was inexperienced and handling it very casually (so casually it went off when she wasn't aiming it or in control of it...at that moment, the gun should have had its safety engaged). This is how gun accidents happen. It's lucky the gun was mostly pointed downrange at that time.

At the very least, big experienced gun guy Ryan should have told her to seat the shotgun against her shoulder when she shot it because it was going to kick like a mule. She made a common beginners' mistake and left a gap between the gun butt and her shoulder, which is why it kicked her so hard. It's evident in the nighttime scene when Zac is trying to leave and Bao has a huge bruise on that arm where the gun kicked her. 

Also - in some ways, I get Myrla. I am also the most likely to leave a party early because I am an extreme introvert, and while I'm social, when my energy is drained by the social situation, I'm just done and need to go poof. It's like hitting a wall. I don't understand the negativity, etc., but I totally get the introversion. 

Every point you made is well taken and important!!

Why they didn't edit out the parts of the skeet shooting scenes to avoid the horrendous safety issues you pointed out is disturbing.  I was sitting there watching this potential "accident" (like a slo-mo re-enactment of a car chase) with gritted teeth and a clenched fist!

I also get Myrla and, like you, loathe social gatherings (ESPECIALLY "parties") where I sense the free flow of alcohol (that I don't participate in drinking) causing a lot of conversational/emotional "chatter"/ behavior that makes me very uneasy.  I become socially isolated (by choice) and leave early for my survival as a sane person.

Watching these couples (misfits) try to wade through the somewhat ridiculous stunts production is putting them through to head toward DD is tedious and tiresome.  Most seem like they're being held hostage to the requirements of the show.  This season has really been dreadful (last season no better).  

I sincerely believe the pool of participants for this show is shrinking in direct proportion to the mismatches that seem to be more and more prevalent.   Regardless of DD, I don't see ANY of these couples making it in the real world (irrespective of their desire to extend the TLC pay check into the "couples cam" arena).

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2 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

Since pretty much everything has been said about the big drama, I have nitpicks about little things...especially skeet shooting. 

I was horrified at how casual they were with the guns and their lack of any gun safety. It was clear Bao didn't have a ton of gun experience (if any), and nobody (Ryan) bothered to teach her to handle a gun safely, which was dangerous because she was inexperienced and handling it very casually (so casually it went off when she wasn't aiming it or in control of it...at that moment, the gun should have had its safety engaged). This is how gun accidents happen. It's lucky the gun was mostly pointed downrange at that time.

At the very least, big experienced gun guy Ryan should have told her to seat the shotgun against her shoulder when she shot it because it was going to kick like a mule. She made a common beginners' mistake and left a gap between the gun butt and her shoulder, which is why it kicked her so hard. It's evident in the nighttime scene when Zac is trying to leave and Bao has a huge bruise on that arm where the gun kicked her. 

Also - in some ways, I get Myrla. I am also the most likely to leave a party early because I am an extreme introvert, and while I'm social, when my energy is drained by the social situation, I'm just done and need to go poof. It's like hitting a wall. I don't understand the negativity, etc., but I totally get the introversion. 

I agree!  I'm not a gun person and have never shot one, but even I could tell how casually they were treating the skeet shooting.  I was very nervous the whole time.  And I noticed Bao's bruise, but thought it was a bug bite.  Forgot about the gun kick.  

Extroverts generally don't understand introverts and in my experience, they don't have much patience for our ways.  At first I thought Myrla was a snob (and she is in many ways, like insisting on the finer things) but introverts get drained by crowds and a lot of socializing.  Doesn't mean they don't like people or think they're better.  Doesn't mean they're not social, just means they need their alone time to re-charge.  I see that in her for sure. 

Edited by greeneyedscorpio
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4 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Ryan did seem a bit more interested once Brett spoke up. Maybe she was just too nice 

Men like bitchy wives. Ask my husband!  Lol

Absolutely correct.  Men like a challenge.  She was too easy in every way and should never have said she’s had trouble before.  Ryan in the car going to the ranch was so crabby.  I would have made him turn around and go home.  Who wants to be with a crabby ass like him for the weekend?  She should ignore him like he ignores her.  Right now, the only ones I like are Jose and what’s her face.  He made a mistake and learned from it.  I hope.  Myrla is a pain in the ass.  She’s always on that phone like she’s bored. She didn’t like the cabin either.  What exactly does this Primadonna want?  Hi class everything?


3 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I hope Zac is using some kind of protection!  Can you imagine being tied to Michaela forever!

OMG, you are right.  I think she’s desperate enough to trick him.

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21 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Johnny Johnny Johnny suck it  up and sleep in the bed. It won’t kill you 

This guy is fucking annoying.  One minute he’s sleeping with Bao, the next he’s sleeping in another room.  He doesn’t know what he wants.  Not marriage material at all.  He’s wasting her time.  Very immature.

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Last night on the show, Michaela (I think it was her) once again alluded to the yet-to-be-actually-spelled-out incident that happened the first time she tantrumed (the “traumatizing” dog daycare situation). There must have been something REALLY bad and sketchy that she did they was never shown nor discussed with any specificity whatsoever. Maybe she hit him? Or threw something at him? Or acted even crazier than we’ve seen since? I’d love to know the facts.

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21 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I think Myrla's just more laid back than the other women.  I did notice her nodding a little when Bao was talking.  I'd say she's just disinterested.

What are her interests anyhow?  She doesn’t seem to like much.

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Michaela most definitely needs a tranquilizer , however what Zack said would have pissed me off too . Let’s get divorced then date that way we can try to make it work . Wtf ?  Yes , Michaela is loud and explosive , but he’s very immature and I think he’d fail in any marriage he was in . He even said as much in the convo with Dr. pepper . If things aren’t perfect , he runs . I think he’s loving that she’s giving him a valid reason to run , that way it’s not his fault that it didn’t work out . 

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3 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

What are her interests anyhow?  She doesn’t seem to like much.

Fashion? Fine dining? Travel? And if she can afford them, I don't see why any of those are less valid than any other interests.


I think Myrla's just more laid back than the other women.  I did notice her nodding a little when Bao was talking.  I'd say she's just disinterested.

I don't think that Myrla is disinterested or that she thinks the other people are beneath her. I think that she is very introverted and something of a homebody. I also think that this group hasn't really formed the friendships that the people on other seasons have and that sort of makes sense to me. The only thing that they have in common is being on the show. I think that Myrla has her friends and her family and her life and she was interested in adding a husband to that, but not necessarily a friend group and a whole set of additional activities. 

Truthfully, aside from that amazing house and the activities, that weekend seemed like another circle of hell. Half the couples aren't getting along and some of the individuals are downright unpleasant to boot. I'd be pretty quiet and keep to myself with that crowd too.

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3 hours ago, Retired at last said:

She was sweating under them. Temper tantrums work up a lot of energy! But, I will say that in the past, I thought Michaela was much heavier than she appeared last night, mostly because of what she wears. Last night she looked pretty trim. Crazy, but trim.

I think she needs a hair intervention . She looks like a legitimate clown with that hair .. and I think it makes her look heavier than she is 

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50 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Last night on the show, Michaela (I think it was her) once again alluded to the yet-to-be-actually-spelled-out incident that happened the first time she tantrumed (the “traumatizing” dog daycare situation). There must have been something REALLY bad and sketchy that she did they was never shown nor discussed with any specificity whatsoever. Maybe she hit him? Or threw something at him? Or acted even crazier than we’ve seen since? I’d love to know the facts.

When they were discussing what happened, Michaela called Zach "a mutha fvcking liar."  There is absolutely no coming back from that.  Especially from someone you just met.  

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37 minutes ago, Jax7917 said:

I think she needs a hair intervention . She looks like a legitimate clown with that hair .. and I think it makes her look heavier than she is 

There was a scene in Mikaela’s and Zack’s apartment when Mikaela was sitting at a table and Zack complimented her on her natural hair and natural look. He was right. She looked great that day and I’ve never seen her sport that look since. Her hair was styled plainly around her head, without extensions or the hair bands and clips that make the “poodle ‘doo” she’s been showcasing lately (where her hair is basically pulled flat as a pancake on the top of her head then breaks into a huge puff at the back….Not good). I think her hair would benefit from a lot less tension. funny enough, so would her personality and demeanor, for that matter.

Almost every guy I know prefers women with a natural look. All the time and money we ladies spend on our hair and makeup, and men seem most attracted to us when we are chilling out, hair down and make up-free, in shorts snd a t-shirt. Go figure. Lol

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19 hours ago, thatsall said:

I couldn't get behind Gil's lecturing of Myrla tonight. He doesn't have to like that she's particular, maybe even "bratty", in his estimation. He doesn't have to like that Myrla is clearly an optimizer and freely states ways in which she sees situations could be improved for everyone, or how they could be more to her liking (if Gil was really listening, perhaps he could learn something about how to please his partner!?). I can see how the continual critiques would be a buzz kill for a partner, nothing wrong with him communicating that if it's true.

But not in the way he does, which sounds like a parent lecturing a child. Regardless of Gil's need to let her know how she's coming off to him, he does not need to take that tone with his partner. It doesn't show him as a loving partner and will cause resentment. In the producer interview, I was surprised that Myrla didn't take that opportunity to say she didn't appreciate his tone...made me wonder if, despite her independent personality, she might have some ideas about deference. I did appreciate her "I receive it." neutral reply...it was the most gracious way to respond at the moment without causing a scene. I do wish she'd call him out on his lecturing her about behavior he does not appreciate and ask that he converse instead as though he was speaking to his superior at work...that might give the conversation the proper tone.

I agree.

Myrla had previously shared her love of horseback riding with Gil, and, yes, it was an A-plus that he took on the sport as a fun challenge!  But, then, I had to say "WHOA!" when he critiqued her for wishing it was a longer, more frisky trail ride!  Gil -- That is NOT being "bratty!!!"  If you truly love the sport (as Myrla appears to), then a better compromise would have been for Gil, after a satisfying ride, to head on back to the corral, while Myrla and the trainer took off and enjoyed a more adventurous outing.

Of course we are NEVER in on the real 'editing,' but from the way their outing was filmed, it seemed like Myrla was a real good sport.  🤠

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1 hour ago, Jax7917 said:

I think she needs a hair intervention . She looks like a legitimate clown with that hair .. and I think it makes her look heavier than she is 


Her disorganized mind seems symbolically reflected in her hair style she chose to wear at the ranch. 

However, there have been other times when she has chosen other hairstyles that have been much more flattering to her face and her enviable figure.

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What's so great about Zack's bed??? I think it's BS & he just goes to his apartment to top her. He counters her sleeping apart request he dislikes with sleeping at his apartment which she dislikes. He wants a lose-lose where no one gets what they want. So juvenile. They're working separately, so it'll never work! 

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4 hours ago, Retired at last said:

She was sweating under them. Temper tantrums work up a lot of energy! But, I will say that in the past, I thought Michaela was much heavier than she appeared last night, mostly because of what she wears. Last night she looked pretty trim. Crazy, but trim.


4 hours ago, ByTor said:

Yeah, I recall her looking great in her wedding dress.

Michaela is actually fairly petite in her build, she seems a little bigger due to her square shoulders.

I am glad she is not large because that nice place would have been torn up.

Edited by qtpye
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3 hours ago, ByTor said:

I didn't see the episode yet, I tried but fell asleep. Was he drinking? Could that have been the issue with him driving?

Driving While Black.  How soon people forget.....He’s upset and just might start speeding.  If he gets pulled over things could escalate just the way things escalate with Michaela. Those Texas highway patrolman can be a danger to a black man pulled over on the side of the road when nobody is watching.

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24 minutes ago, Lindz said:

What's so great about Zack's bed??? I think it's BS & he just goes to his apartment to top her. He counters her sleeping apart offer he dislikes with sleeping at his apartment which she dislikes. He wants a lose-lose where no one gets what they want. So juvenile. They're working separately, so it'll never work! 

 It will never work because Michaela is crazy and Zach is traumatized from past relationships with women like Michaela.  He’s been in relationships with crazy destructive evil “ladies”. What’s better about Zack’s bed? It’s nowhere near Michaela who might wake up in the other room and try to actually hurt him. You really don’t know how unstable she is. Only her sisters know.   He probably also has one of those $3000-$4000 beds. Hotel beds are only so good. I’d like to be at my home with my dog and my lock on my door if I was dating a Michaela. And I did have a very short experience with someone who turned out to be extremely unstable and it was frightening.That kind of temper can just explode I hate to have her have a bad dream and think that it was real.  He doesn’t even know which Michaela he would wake up to. She’s so impulsive she could do something in reaction that could be quite damaging. Once you’ve been around someone who is truly crazy I mean truly crazy you know that you could be in danger if they have some crazy thought and feel like they have to punish you right now. He doesn’t even know which Michaela he would wake up to.

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17 minutes ago, Kira53 said:


Driving While Black.  How soon people forget.....He’s upset and just might start speeding.  If he gets pulled over things could escalate just the way things escalate with Michaela. Those Texas highway patrolman can be a danger to a black man pulled over on the side of the road when nobody is watching.

And I think that's why Michaela didn't want him driving at night.  She might be crazy, but I do believe she was concerned about his safety.   

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