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Jeopardy! Season 38 (2021-2022)


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23 hours ago, dgpolo said:

I also got Arctic Fox, Major Andre and Rape of the Lock, knew it was a Beat poet but couldn't pull Ginsburg out of my head.

I got Arctic Fox, and Ginsberg miraculously appeared in my mind. As for Rape of the Lock, I didn't get the name, but I remembered the terrible class and teacher I had (in college).

Thursday and Friday's shows were both delayed. The recording for this one started midway in single Jeopard.y :(

Wasn't a great game, but at least I dredged out a few obscure things.

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13 hours ago, Katy M said:

I hated that movie so much.  I think that was a pick by my bf at the time. We were not movie compatible, LOL.    I actually don't think there were any movies that we both liked, but there was one that we both disliked, so maybe that counts for something.


and that's one of my all-time favorite movies

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13 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Just goes to show how mileage varies. I was neutral about it myself - didn't like it, didn't hate it.

I liked it a lot, myself, as it fits my favorite category of movie: well-written drama with heart and a healthy dose of humor. There were elements that I didn’t much care for (really? Another movie where the young woman falls for the old guy which would never happen in real life if he weren’t a rich and famous movie star?), but I thought it was well done, overall.

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1 hour ago, ABay said:

I find Nicholson repulsive so I haven't seen many movies he's in and then only under duress.

I don't find him repulsive but I didn't get what some see in him until the werewolf on...(going to google)... lol, it's Wolf! anyway there was a scene in that where I said to myself Oh! that's what they see in him. But I can take him or leave him.

I thought it was funny that scorpion was an answer after some of us considered Scorpio for the clue the other day about the most number of legs on an astrological sign.

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On 6/19/2022 at 4:10 PM, 853fisher said:

Maybe I'm mistaken and an Anglicized George is common for his name - I'll have to pay attention the next time I get to hear his music performed.

It's not common at all.

On 6/20/2022 at 1:21 PM, Clanstarling said:

I was pissed to see it in romance - but I did understand the difficulty in identifying a genre. Maybe it should have just been put in Fiction. 

I'd have been pissed if we'd had to shelve it in fiction when it was clearly a romance series.

On 6/20/2022 at 2:30 PM, 30 Helens said:

She may have gotten the short end of the stick, but it was still a correct ruling. Those other examples were bad calls, IMO, and I hope that anyone who lost money as a result of those rulings appealed. It should not be enough to say, “Oh, she clearly knew the answer, let’s give it to her.” Part of the challenge is knowing the answer quickly enough to write it down in time, and that should be the only standard.

I still think it was an incorrect ruling because she clearly finished writing Tubman.

On 6/20/2022 at 4:15 PM, Bastet said:

The fundamental question would still remain, though - if they leave off the last letter, so it's clear what they intended but they didn't finish it in time, is it acceptable?  The answer should be no, but if that contestant had typed, rather than written, "John Denve", typing vs. writing isn't the issue.

Also, it's a lot easier to make a mistake in typing than writing (hitting the wrong key, needing to backspace and correct) and maybe not faster enough (especially for those who can write in cursive, which is apparently going the way of the dodo) to make that worthwhile, so I don't know how many contestants would prefer that method.

A keyboard would eliminate the element of someone having squished the last two letters together, which is what appeared to have happened with Sadie.  Completely leaving off a letter with a keyboard would be obvious.

The typing issues you mentioned, however, would still exist, as evidenced by how many times I had to backspace in just the three sentences.

On 6/21/2022 at 5:31 PM, Clanstarling said:

Seems to me that it would be accepted in English - particularly since that's the way I answered it.

I would say it would not be acceptable since that isn't the title of the play Christopher Hampton wrote.  Even though I also answered it in English.

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On 6/21/2022 at 11:21 PM, 853fisher said:

She's definitely been lucky but that's OK by me - I think she's also been good.

My problem with Megan was that, other than her first game, she wasn't good, just lucky.

On 6/22/2022 at 8:36 PM, dgpolo said:

I did spend a moment thinking the poem wouldn't be at all the same with a parrot.

Parrots simply aren't as menacing or disturbing as ravens.  Which are quite large and can make some very strange sounds.  And apparently can talk.

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On 6/23/2022 at 7:41 PM, illdoc said:

As for FJ, I said "We Won't Back Down", which is a Tom Petty song and possibly something a general would say. Do I get points guessing that it was Tom Petty? Album titles are not my thing (most of my albums have titles like "Greatest Hits").

FJ was an instaget for me.  Partly because they clearly wanted a naval-based quote ("a Civil War quote by a Union admiral") and partly because "Damn the Torpedoes" is my favorite Tom Petty album.  Interesting note: the torpedoes in question were not what we now think of as torpedoes but were tethered naval mines.  Still went "BOOM" when hit, though.

On 6/24/2022 at 7:40 PM, ams1001 said:

Heh, yeah, I didn't have high hopes for that category, but I only missed one (Lou Gehrig...for the second time...).

I started rooting for Joe after he pronounced Gehrig ending with a 'g', not a 'k'.

I knew FJ was Jack Nicholson, knew which movies, even though I don't like the two I've seen, and could name the actresses who won Best Actress those years.  (Helen Hunt's Oscar was completely undeserved.)  Which rather surprised me, since I usually say I'm good at Oscars categories only to have the clue be something I don't know.

I did okay Friday night, but not great.  I only ran Baseball Babes and Spies Like Them, and the only stumpers I got were arctic fox, Major Andre, and The Rape of the Lock.

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Today begins the first of three weeks with the current person hosting this show. Ken returns for the last two weeks of season 38. So, I will continue to muddle through for three weeks, then will hop, skip and jump, happily tossing confetti when someone is gone from my teevee screen.

Going back to a past discussion, I watched a PBS show on the Chincoteague ponies this weekend. ALL of the locals said "shin-teeg" like it was two syllables. It took me a bit to catch on what they were saying. But bottom line, MB's "CHIN-ko-teeg" would tag her as an outsider if she ever went to the pony penning. (Can't imagine that's her thing though.) Side note: There is a foundation there that helps fund kids so they can buy a pony for less than the typical $2,000-$4,000 selling prices.

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Man, I was doing so well in the first round - ran Summer and Business Names, missed one in Trees and Science…then More than One Meaning and Grand Prix Sites got me (still got two in each, though; but I usually do better in word categories). Still, 73%; I've certainly done worse. 

And then I did worse. Pretty much tanked DJ. Missed one in Ends in STY, two in Books & Their Movies, Female Founders, and Southern Capitals, four in National League, and completely failed Art. 47%

TSes were Baton Rouge and Tallahassee.

FJ was an insta-instaget. (I even wrote this well before the music stopped, that's how sure I was.)

I just looked at the recap on reddit; laughed at the contestant intro section: "Emma, a writer, couldn't be on the show in the 2000s because she was pregnant with Alex."

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4 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

I actually got it! I was so surprised because I only learned the word 'meme' about a year or so ago and had no idea why they were called that.

LOL. At some point maybe 10-15 years ago, when my mostly-grown-up son was home for a visit, he sat me down at the the computer and introduced me to I can has cheezburger. “Mom, this is called a meme…”

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3 hours ago, PBnJay said:

Going back to a past discussion, I watched a PBS show on the Chincoteague ponies this weekend. ALL of the locals said "shin-teeg" like it was two syllables. It took me a bit to catch on what they were saying. But bottom line, MB's "CHIN-ko-teeg" would tag her as an outsider if she ever went to the pony penning. (Can't imagine that's her thing though.) Side note: There is a foundation there that helps fund kids so they can buy a pony for less than the typical $2,000-$4,000 selling prices.

The Feather Fund! Read Carolynn’s story. https://www.featherfund.net/carollynns-story.html  What was the name of the program? I’ll look for it.

3 hours ago, PBnJay said:

Going back to a past discussion, I watched a PBS show on the Chincoteague ponies this weekend. ALL of the locals said "shin-teeg" like it was two syllables. It took me a bit to catch on what they were saying. But bottom line, MB's "CHIN-ko-teeg" would tag her as an outsider if she ever went to the pony penning. (Can't imagine that's her thing though.)

Well, pretty much anything is better than my guess when I first saw the book as what what would probably now be called a tween. “Chin-to- gue”?

I joined the contestants in being stumped by estivation (never even heard of it that I can remember), and missed two in Grand Prix - which is three fewer than I feared I'd miss based on the category - but got everything else in the first round.

In DJ, I only ran founders, but I did well overall.  My only bad category was art (not at all unexpected), in which I missed three.  I got all but the sacistry (which I had to look up on the archive, as I didn't understand what Armand said) TS in the vocabulary category, and missed two each in the rest.

But FJ?  I just sat here utterly baffled.  I wouldn't have come up with that in a million years.

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48 minutes ago, Leeds said:

I know a lot of people here hate Mayim, but I like her and I thought she looked vey pretty tonight in her pastel outfit.

I can only speak for myself, but I’m pretty sure I also speak for several others: We don’t hate her, we just don’t think she’s a very good Jeopardy host.

I was baffled by FJ. My only sad guess was “dox”, although I was sure it was wrong. I wouldn’t define meme as “a unit of cultural transmission”— if fits, I guess, but the wording seems clumsy.


Following her husband's assassination in 1968, she founded a center for nonviolent social change in Atlanta

Armand: “Who is King?”
Mayim: “Yes, who is Coretta Scott King.”
Me: “Wait, just ‘King’ is enough? There are other ‘King’s!”
Mr. Helens: “Could have been Billie Jean.”



In 1973, the year she beat Bobby Riggs, she founded the Women's Tennis Association

Helens household, in unison: “Who is Coretta Scott King!!”

  • LOL 17
15 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I was baffled by FJ. My only sad guess was “dox”, although I was sure it was wrong. I wouldn’t define meme as “a unit of cultural transmission”— if fits, I guess, but the wording seems clumsy.

The primary/original definition of meme is "an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation." Coined by Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene, 1976; he meant it to be analogous to a gene (though obviously not spread in quite the same way).

According to wikipedia:


The term meme is a shortening (modeled on gene) of mimeme, which comes from Ancient Greek mīmēma (μίμημα; pronounced [míːmɛːma]), meaning 'imitated thing', itself from mimeisthai (μιμεῖσθαι, 'to imitate'), from mimos (μῖμος, 'mime').

The word was coined by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene (1976) as a concept for discussion of evolutionary principles in explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena. Examples of memes given in Dawkins' book include melodies, catchphrases, fashion, and the technology of building arches. The word 'meme' is autological in nature, meaning it's a word that describes itself; in other words, the word 'meme' is itself a meme.

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10 hours ago, Bastet said:

…My only bad category was art (not at all unexpected), in which I missed three..…

I was very sleep deprived and distracted yesterday, so only got Jeopardy! clues that are very familiar to me, which should include most of Art History.  
But those were all obscure tidbits in the ART LOVERS category, with the DD of Perfect Harmony being my only instaget because of my knowledge of some areas of music.  
I barely recognized the Van Gogh by his technique, and missed the other 3 entirely.

10 hours ago, Bastet said:

…I got all but the sacistry (which I had to look up on the archive, as I didn't understand what Armand said) TS in the vocabulary category, and missed two each in the rest.…

I too was happily calling out the ENDS IN "S-T-Y" category answers until “sacristy,” and I too checked J!Archive because I thought Armand was correct and expected the judges to give him an additional $4K, which would have put him on par with the other players going into FJ, but apparently not.

10 hours ago, Bastet said:

...But FJ?  I just sat here utterly baffled.  I wouldn't have come up with that in a million years.

Happily for me, I am very familiar with the term “meme,” which I guess is one of those Either You Know It Or You Don’t kind of terms, so FJ was one of my rare instagets.  
I even had time to instaguess that champ Joe, “a technology professional,” would instaget FJ too.



10 hours ago, Leeds said:

I know a lot of people here hate Mayim, but I like her and I thought she looked vey pretty tonight in her pastel outfit.

I too thought Mayim’s dress and blazer looked great. I especially loved the pattern and colors of the dress and wonder if it was expensive or not.

Having seen and heard Mayim so much now, I feel about her much as I do about my sister: I certainly do not hate her, but it’s a guarantee that she will always say something that bugs the heck out of me, as well as anyone else listening, which then embarrasses me on her behalf, which bugs me even more.

Edited by shapeshifter
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19 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

I started rooting for Joe after he pronounced Gehrig ending with a 'g', not a 'k'.

That's funny; I heard him pronounce it with a final "k" sound, and wondered if anybody here would complain about it!

G and K are basically the same sound; it's just that the former is voiced and the latter unvoiced.  Voiced sounds can become unvoiced when they're influenced by other unvoiced sounds around them.  I wonder if the natural vocal rising that happens when you make something a question would tend to make the voiced G sound drift towards an unvoiced K sound?

As far as "meme" goes for FJ, I got it immediately.  It's one of those things where the original, technical meaning has been overlooked or forgotten by a lot of people.  So many people nowadays think that "meme" means "a picture with some snarky text," but that's not what Dawkins had in mind when he coined the term.

There was an episode of The Big Bang Theory where Amy (Mayim's character) and Sheldon tested the theory of memes by starting a rumor and tracking how quickly it spread.

@shapeshifter, Armand did say "sacristy" correctly.  Unfortunately he didn't phrase it as a question, and in Double Jeopardy they don't give you a reminder about that.

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14 hours ago, Bastet said:

I joined the contestants in being stumped by estivation (never even heard of it that I can remember

I thought it might be etevation, since summer in French is été. I would have been correct if someone had not thrown that s in there.

16 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

LOL. At some point maybe 10-15 years ago, when my mostly-grown-up son was home for a visit, he sat me down at the the computer and introduced me to I can has cheezburger. “Mom, this is called a meme…”

It wasn't so long ago, but it was also my son who told me what a meme is.

I'm still surprised that I managed to pull it out for FJ though.

Otherwise a rather thin game for me.  I did get the missed dd of No Country for Old Men and maybe a ts or two but that was it.

Edited by Trey
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19 minutes ago, Trey said:

I thought it might be etevation, since summer in French is été. I would have been correct if someone had not thrown that s in there.

If you could trust the French here we would have hivernation instead of hibernation. Good effort though -- I have heard of estivation but could not summon été let alone aestas to get to it.

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3 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

G and K are basically the same sound; it's just that the former is voiced and the latter unvoiced. 

Not to me, they aren't.  G and K are two distinctly different sounds.  Joe definitely used the G whereas Megan previously used the K.

I did rather well Monday night.  I ran 3 categories in the J round: F Grand Prix Sites, Business Names & Summer's Here, and almost ran I Speak For The Trees (missed As You Like It).  No first round stumpers, though.

DJ, I only ran Ends In S-T-Y, but got Tallahassee, Montgomery, Baton Rouge, Communist Party, sacristy, and Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.  I missed Jackson in State Capitals by adding "ville" to the end.

As yes, Mayim did mispronounce Pre-Raphaelite.  At least according to all my art history professors and every show I've ever watched about the Brotherhood.  Raphaelite is 4 syllables. Ra-fe-a-lite. Acceptable alternative: Ra-fay-a-lite, based on the pronunciation of Raphael's name, although that one is much less common when used regarding the artistic movement.

I had no clue on FJ, although it made perfect sense when the correct answer was revealed.

14 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I can only speak for myself, but I’m pretty sure I also speak for several others: We don’t hate her, we just don’t think she’s a very good Jeopardy host.

That's the camp I'm in.  She's not terrible and I don't hate her, but she's not good at this hosting thing.

8 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I am very familiar with the term “meme,”

I'm familiar with it, I just didn't know what it meant, exactly.  And I will probably have forgotten by the end of the week.  But I can haz cheezeburger. ;-)

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I thought of "tweet" for a monosyllabic noun that represents a unit of cultural transmission, but I knew I was missing something.  A meme is something I can't define, but I know it when I see it.  It will be fascinating to see how these things are described in 25 or 50 years.  It makes me smile to think that, the way I've asked relatives if they remember their local phone exchange, I may one day be asked for my dankest memes.

14 hours ago, Leeds said:

I thought [Mayim] looked vey pretty tonight in her pastel outfit.

I did too!  I'm glad you said something.  I decided not to, because I thought it might seem condescending to compliment just her outfit.

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5 hours ago, ABay said:

Unless you're referring to the California city of San Rafael, Raphael is pronounced with 3 syllables.

I grew up in Great Britain, admittedly a little later than the pre Raphaelite Brotherhood, founded by English artists etc, and have never heard it pronounced with anything other than three syllables.

Edited by Leeds
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20 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

The Feather Fund! Read Carolynn’s story. https://www.featherfund.net/carollynns-story.html  What was the name of the program? I’ll look for it.

Yes, the Feather Fund! Kids who received grants bid on their pony by holding up a big feather, which clues adults to not bid against them.


Check your local PBS station for air times, plus you might be able to view it online. It's really good, especially if you like ponies! Shin-teeg ponies!

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Rather consistent tonight - ran one category in each round (12 Letter Words, Government Programs), missed one each in two categories in each round (phobias and Shoes, Biographies and "Shot"), two each in two categories in each round (50's and Emmys, Archaeology and Hit Me), and three in one category in each round (Shakespeare, Map of Europe).

If I had gotten FJ my score would have been 70% / 70% / 70%, but I also guessed Byron so my overall score was 69%.

TSes were computer, thunder, microsurgery, and Rubáiyát.

Guess Pete's orange tie worked...

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I was going to say Byron, but I thought he died earlier than that (I'll have to check out the accuracy of that), so for lack of a better answer, I said Tennyson. Worked out well.

I got the missed clues of computer, Knesset, Doc Martens, microsurgery, thunder, work, Rhone, Wallis simpson and stone/iron/bronze.

I got the entire categories of 12 letter words and best shot right.  And there were 6 categories I only missed one clue.  I had a great night.  Although in the interest of full disclosue, I'll say that I only got one right in hit me.  And that was the Monkees.  How embarrassing. LOL.

Edit: Byron died in 1824.

Edited by Katy M
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Good for Pete!  I thought he said he wears his orange tie for "depositions, interviews, and boring events" but I knew that couldn't be right.  I went back a few times until I heard "important events."  I'm afraid I thought Joe looked like he was dressed more for a long bike ride than to appear on Jeopardy.

I knew the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam from the mystery of the so-called Somerton man, whose body was found on an Australian beach in 1948.  A snippet from Fitzgerald's translation of the Rubaiyat was found on his person.  Despite some intriguing clues, the man has not been identified to date.  It's a fascinating and haunting story.

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16 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

I knew the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam from the mystery of the so-called Somerton man, whose body was found on an Australian beach in 1948.  A snippet from Fitzgerald's translation of the Rubaiyat was found on his person.  Despite some intriguing clues, the man has not been identified to date.  It's a fascinating and haunting story.

Have you ever watched Answers with Joe? He did a video on this.

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1 hour ago, secnarf said:

I got a big kick out of knowing the Othello DD (jealousy), because I learned it from watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Never studied Othello in school, never read/watched it.

The "green-eyed monster that doth mock the meat it feeds on" is so deeply embedded that I had to concentrate to be sure they simply wanted jealousy here. 

I knew Tennyson because I read Anne's House of Dreams too many times while my brain was still developing. 

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