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Jeopardy! Season 38 (2021-2022)

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1 hour ago, 853fisher said:

Having happily wasted many hours playing his online game show - esque games, I was glad to see Cory among the contestants this week.  He'll play today.  I'm still on team Amy but if somebody has to beat her, I wouldn't be sorry if it were him.  We've never met but it's exciting to feel I "know" someone on the show again!

Ooh! Bookmarked!

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1 hour ago, 853fisher said:

Having happily wasted many hours playing his online game show - esque games, I was glad to see Cory among the contestants this week.  He'll play today.  I'm still on team Amy but if somebody has to beat her, I wouldn't be sorry if it were him. 

He also (with his team) won $180,000 on the syndicated version of The Chase.  For reference, James Holzhauer's team won $175,000 when he was a contestant.  So Cory's got the skills, and he has the potential to give Amy a real challenge.

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13 minutes ago, MrAtoz said:

He also (with his team) won $180,000 on the syndicated version of The Chase.  For reference, James Holzhauer's team won $175,000 when he was a contestant.  So Cory's got the skills, and he has the potential to give Amy a real challenge.

I'd forgotten that!  I was just reading that he was on "Jep," the short-lived kids version on GSN around 2000.  The experts say he is the first from that show to appear on the adult show, not that there were many of them to begin with.

33 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Ooh! Bookmarked!

Have fun!  I recall more than are listed now, but the end of Flash was tough.

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1 minute ago, 853fisher said:

Have fun!  I recall more than are listed now, but the end of Flash was tough.

Yeah; I used to have a site bookmarked that had Super Mario Bros and Donkey Kong (among other classics) and it stopped working. :( (I found Mario on another site recently, though.) 

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January 12:

70% / 47% / 57%

"That trainee TV host from Seattle, Ken something."

I like how Cory's hair matches his shirt.

I feel like Amy's stories are getting longer.

J!: Not too bad. I was doing so well until Literary Decades. Ran Plates, Pots & Pans, missed one each in We got Stuck, Middle X, and Rom-Drams and two in People in History, but only got one Literary decade. Got the DD but no TSes.

DJ: Ugh. Missed one in Mountains and Plant Terminology and two in Art, but only got two Faiths, one 5-letter word, and totally tanked Albums. Missed both DDs and my only TS was Canadian Rockies.

FJ: Nope.

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On 1/5/2022 at 1:44 PM, dgpolo said:

I might have mentioned this before, I was visiting friends in Houston a long time ago and went to the Rothko Chapel in Houston, based on that one visit I've been able to answer most clues concerning him that have been on Jeopardy since.

I got another one!

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I didn't know.  I said a gavel.  I was fairly confident that was not right.

I got the missed clues of 1920s, 1970s, the Rockies and Buddha.

I got the entire category of faith right.  I would have run mountains, but I always get the Caucaus and Urals mixed up.


Edited by Katy M
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I feel like I was on the right track with my FJ response of prison, but I didn't think prison would be called an object.  Of course, neither would liberty or death.  Not sure I ever would have thought of the correct response.

TS I got were 1970s and Canadian Rockies.

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Can I ask how did they not get Canadian Rockies? That should have been the $400 question (or $200 if it was the first round). 

I felt bad for the other players in this episode, as I feel like they both had moments where they were doing well. And had they just been more lucky would have got the double jeopardy's. 

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33 minutes ago, blueray said:

Can I ask how did they not get Canadian Rockies?

I said Rockies. Asked to BMS, I'd have gotten there.

Hugo = France = Guillotine. Whoot - made my goal of 1 FJ! per week.

Got the ts of Lady Gaga. I stopped paying attention to pop/rock music in the early 80s. Some years ago, I heard the tween grandkids of our neighbor singing and acting "The Edge of Glory" and had to look it up to see what they were singing. Oh yeah, there is some new sensation named Lady Gaga. 😅

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14 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

Got the ts of Lady Gaga. I stopped paying attention to pop/rock music in the early 80s. Some years ago, I heard the tween grandkids of our neighbor singing and acting "The Edge of Glory" and had to look it up to see what they were singing. Oh yeah, there is some new sensation named Lady Gaga. 😅

I was able to name some of the artists, but not the albums. Even though I should have at least known Nevermind.

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I think a missed DD and a TS are quite different things.  Between knowledge gaps and brain farts, a contestant missing a DD that one or two of the others would have come up with had they been the one to land on it is unremarkable.  But all three contestants not coming up with something is notable.  It's why I think I've only been surprised by a missed DD once or twice ever, while a number of TS have truly shocked me.

No big surprises for me tonight, but I wasn't expecting 1920s to go unanswered; it's not often $200 clues are TS.

Romance is not my genre, so I dreaded Rom-Drams, and indeed it turned out I'd only seen one film (Dirty Dancing), but I only missed two clues.  I had a good first round; other than that, I just missed one each in stuck (flypaper stumped me, too) and X (I knew I'd heard the hair growth ingredient stated in commercials, but couldn't remember that it was minoxidil).

But I didn't run anything in DJ.  I almost ran albums, but joined the contestants in being stumped by the Lady Gaga title.  I also got all but one in mountains.  Of course I bombed faiths, but not as bad as I feared; I got two, including correctly guessing on the Buddha TS.  Modern art was another "oh no" category, in which I also missed three.  I missed another three in words, which ticked me off as I typically sail through vocabulary categories.  In plants I missed two, so I barely cracked 50% for the round, but I'm okay with that in DJ.

I didn't get FJ, though.  I was trying to think of an object that was in the title of one of his works or what one of his stories was about, and came up with nothing that fit; when the correct answer was revealed, I read the clue again and thought, "Oh, yeah, those words clearly point to the thing used for capital punishment in his day."  But that thought process did not happen other than in hindsight.

"Jurisprudence, call her Pru?" was funny quick thinking by Clark in response to Ken's follow-up interview question about a legal-themed name for a baby.  (But, yeah, would not recommend having one as a 2L, especially with a due date during finals.)

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13 minutes ago, Leeds said:

Anybody else say "inexact" for the "means the opposite of exact with an x in the middle" clue?

That seems like it would fit the clue. 

I wondered if anyone had said toxic vs toxin (or was it the other way around?)   I think that would have qualified as well. 

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9 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

That seems like it would fit the clue. 

I wondered if anyone had said toxic vs toxin (or was it the other way around?)   I think that would have qualified as well. 

I don't think so, since they were looking for antonyms.  (I think - my aging brain has already let the specifics go.)

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8 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

I wondered if anyone had said toxic vs toxin (or was it the other way around?)   I think that would have qualified as well. 

The clue said "Poison aka" with the answer of "toxin". Poison is a noun, toxin is a noun. Toxic is an adjective, so toxic doesn't aka poison.


1 minute ago, Leeds said:

since they were looking for antonyms.

No - the clue says aka - also known as.

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2 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

The clue said "Poison aka" with the answer of "toxin". Poison is a noun, toxin is a noun. Toxic is an adjective, so toxic doesn't aka poison.

I was trying to work through all that. Poison can also be an adjective. Poison pen? I’ll have to go back to the archive tomorrow and decide if I want to defend my position or slink off. 

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5 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

The clue said "Poison aka" with the answer of "toxin". Poison is a noun, toxin is a noun. Toxic is an adjective, so toxic doesn't aka poison.

Yeah, if it had said "poisonous" as the synonym, "toxic" would have been the correct response, but with "poison", it's "toxin".  Or so I thought when this question was raised, but, looking up "toxic", it's listed in multiple dictionaries as also being a noun, usually used as a plural (so, a synonym for "poisons").  They might have had to accept it. 

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Still no FJ this week. 
TSs of 1920s, 1970s, and Rockies.

1 hour ago, chessiegal said:

The clue said "Poison aka" with the answer of "toxin"

I guess the clue-meisters get credit for writing a confusing (at least to me) clue with just 2 words.

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Some people confuse poisonous with venomous when speaking of animals. Rule of thumb: If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. It if bites you and you die, it's venomous.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

I think a missed DD and a TS are quite different things.  Between knowledge gaps and brain farts, a contestant missing a DD that one or two of the others would have come up with had they been the one to land on it is unremarkable.  But all three contestants not coming up with something is notable.  It's why I think I've only been surprised by a missed DD once or twice ever, while a number of TS have truly shocked me.

I think of them as being a little different, too, which is why when I list my TSes I note if one was actually a DD.

1 hour ago, SoMuchTV said:

I wondered if anyone had said toxic vs toxin (or was it the other way around?)   I think that would have qualified as well. 

I said toxic first then changed to toxin then thought either works because poison is also a noun and an adjective. (One of Merriam-Websters examples is "poison tongue" and one might call a person like that "toxic"...)

1 hour ago, SoMuchTV said:

I was trying to work through all that. Poison can also be an adjective. Poison pen? I’ll have to go back to the archive tomorrow and decide if I want to defend my position or slink off. 

The clue was just "Poison aka" and x has to be in the middle. I say both work.


Edited by ams1001
also + too is redundant
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12 hours ago, chessiegal said:

Hugo = France = Guillotine. Whoot - made my goal of 1 FJ! per week.

Pretty much my thinking - though I did include the era in my thinking. I still wasn't convinced I was right. But yay!

12 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I was able to name some of the artists, but not the albums. Even though I should have at least known Nevermind.

I suck at album names - even for the musicians I loved when I was young. I didn't buy many albums, so I keyed into the names of songs and the musicians rather than the album names. A few stood out because either their album cover design (Sticky Fingers by the Rolling Stones, I was 16 and it was kind of ... intriguing) or albums that were named for the big hit (Hotel California, Eagles). All this is the long way around saying I didn't do well  - had another reverse run.

Otherwise I did fairly well. I ran Mountains - highly unusual for me being, in general, a geographic idiot.  I was a decade too late for Hemingway, and a decade too early for Silent Spring.  Did fairly well in Rom-Drams. To me these weren't romances as much as stories that had a romantic element - or maybe that's my excuse since I tend to dislike romance books and films and liked most of the films on the list - though I have always thought The Time Traveler's Wife was kind of creepy and not at all romantic (both the book and the film).

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Did I miss comments re: Amy's 32nd win? Ties with James? Kind of interesting, when James lost, I was happy. There were several things about him I found annoying. But while I'm getting tired of runaway games, Amy doesn't annoy me the way other contestants have. Should this go in another topic?

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Eh... First round decent, second round, not so much.

73% / 53% / 64%

Ran Oats, missed one in Fear, Songs, Holland, Characters, and International Orgs.

My TSes were terror, meusli, Queen Beatrix, Robert Englund, Sydney Carton, and Midnight's Children (an absolute guess based on the time and the word babies), and Hawaii!!

My only FJ of the week and it was an asterisk and an Amysterisk! (I know it can't be one without being the other, but still. Yay, me.)

And Amy pulls ahead of James in games won. Woohoo!

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The ruling of "Sorry, too much time" seems very different now compared to the Alex era. It feels like only one second goes by before Ken says no. I swear it's a lot quicker. Just me? Or maybe it's the way the show is edited.

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Seriously! We went from "Amy almost always gets FJ right" to "Amy missed 4 of the 5 FJ this week". Give the girl a break! She's exhausted. And, given she's just passed James in games won, how many more does she need to pass Matt? Didn't he only (ha!) have 38 wins?

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Have I been wrong for all these years or is Ken mistaken?  (Don’t answer that!)  He referred to a FAQ as a “fack”.  All this time I’ve thought it was an F-A-Q. Or is this something like the .gif (jiff vs ghiff) disagreement?  I just don’t think I’ve ever heard it as “fack”. 

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I got FJ, but I doubted myself the entire time -- I thought it couldn't be that obvious, but I really couldn't think of another possibility.  I'm not surprised the contestants missed it.  I suspect they all overthought it.

I also got the TS of Robert Englund, Robert Hays, and Chase Manhattan, although that one was a total guess.

15 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Have I been wrong for all these years or is Ken mistaken?  (Don’t answer that!)  He referred to a FAQ as a “fack”.  All this time I’ve thought it was an F-A-Q. Or is this something like the .gif (jiff vs ghiff) disagreement?  I just don’t think I’ve ever heard it as “fack”. 

I usually say "fack", unless I think the person to whom I'm speaking won't know what I'm talking about (such as my mother).  Then I'll say F-A-Q, or even "Frequently Asked Questions".

And hooray for Amy!  She passed James!

Edited by Browncoat
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41 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

I thought FJ! was the easiest answer ever. Maybe it helps if you've been there?

Nope, never been there and still thought it was the easiest ever. Maybe that was the problem? they thought it was too obvious. I even told my daughter the clue, the one who isn't into trivia and she got it. I got Chase too.


27 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Have I been wrong for all these years or is Ken mistaken?  (Don’t answer that!)  He referred to a FAQ as a “fack”.

I thinks it's just part of the evolution of words. I've heard people pronounce l-o-l as if it was a word lol. I think they go for the line of least resistance. One syllable as opposed to 3? OK has even been shortened to just K.

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FJ was an instaget, but my parents lived there for 30 years. Mom even learned to speak Hawaiian. Still, I'm guessing Amy was tired.

I missed just one in WORDS & PHRASES, OATS, and FROM "C" TO "Y". 

My TSs were muesli and Chase.

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1 minute ago, dgpolo said:

Nope, never been there and still thought it was the easiest ever. Maybe that was the problem? they thought it was too obvious. I even told my daughter the clue, the one who isn't into trivia and she got it. I got Chase too.


I thinks it's just part of the evolution of words. I've heard people pronounce l-o-l as if it was a word lol. I think they go for the line of least resistance. One syllable as opposed to 3? OK has even been shortened to just K.

Yeah, Hawaii seemed so obvious I kept second guessing myself, but couldn’t settle on anything better. 

And lol is something I don’t think I’ve ever said out loud. Years ago, “lolcats” were a thing, but other than that, I think in my head it’s L-O-L. Kthxby. 

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1 minute ago, SoMuchTV said:

Years ago, “lolcats” were a thing,

Apparently, they still are, including the baby-talk "LoLSpeak."  I have quite a few cats as friends on Facebook (I'm there as my cat, Stella) and otherwise intelligent people post that stupid baby-talk LoLSpeak. I once mentioned that I could understand *speaking* like that, but when they're typing, why can't these cats be literate?  I got unfriended by the naked Sphynx cat.  No big loss.  But there are times I struggle to interpret what they're trying to say.

At warrenzevon.org, we have a FZQ - Frequent Zevon Questions.

5 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

How 'bout asterisk cookies?



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I initially thought Hawaii for FJ (volcanoes in US = Hawaii in my mind) but then debated if it could be Washington state or something else along the west coast. Luckily I settled on my gut which was Hawaii.

So happy Amy won today - she looked so thrilled!!


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Anyone who has watched the Hawaii Five-O reboot got Friday's FJ easy peasy. Steve McGarrett went to that cemetery about every other week for nine years. Guessing none of today's three players watched that show, obviously.

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46 minutes ago, secnarf said:

I initially thought Hawaii for FJ (volcanoes in US = Hawaii in my mind) but then debated if it could be Washington state or something else along the west coast. Luckily I settled on my gut which was Hawaii.

I briefly thought Washington because of Mount St. Helens but then I thought that's probably not a cemetery. Also it's still an active volcano.

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FJ was so obviously Hawaii that I kept thinking it couldn't be that easy. But 1949, just four years after WWII ended? It couldn't be anything else.

I'm not sure I want to live in a world where Robert Redford is a Triple Stumper.

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Wow.  Not only was a FJ an instaget for me, I found it a truly surprising TS.  As others have said, they must have thought a FJ clue wouldn't be that obvious.

I laughed at Ken's glee at Amy tying, and then surpassing, James's record.

I also enjoyed Rachel's laugh at her "carolology" guess for the study of bells.

I only ran oats and words & phrases in the first round, but I only missed one each in the rest.  I was cocky that I was going to run the songs category, but then they got to the last one and I didn't recognize it at all.  I looked it up during the break, and still don't recognize it; I don't know that I've ever even heard it.  (I really don't know much by ELO other than "Don't Bring Me Down".)

I had a good DJ round, too.  I ran organizations and actors - the latter only because the category spotted me the Robert, so I could correctly guess Redford as the legend, since I know nothing about the film.  I missed three in World History (if it had been titled War History, I'd have known going in it was not going to be a good category for me), but other than that I did well, missing two each in centenarians and characters, and just one in C-Y (the campanology TS; I would never in a million years have come up with that).

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17 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I only ran oats and words & phrases in the first round, but I only missed one each in the rest.  I was cocky that I was going to run the songs category, but then they got to the last one and I didn't recognize it at all.  I looked it up during the break, and still don't recognize it; I don't know that I've ever even heard it.  (I really don't know much by ELO other than "Don't Bring Me Down".)

It was a moderate hit for ELO in 1978, only making it to #35 in the US on the Hot 100 chart. It did get a good deal of airplay on AOR radio stations, or at least it did in the NYC Metro where I lived.

The song had something of a resurgence in 2017 when it was prominently featured in the opening scene of James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2.  I've also heard it in some commercials over the past few years. 

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