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S06.E15: Time Does Not Heal All Wounds

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Just now, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

In Mike's first season, there was a scene with a female hairdresser his age who totally wanted him. He should quit making a fool of himself with younger women and just ask her out.


Don't forget Angela's other daughter being both a felon and a sex offender for something that happened in Angela's home.


I got the impression that after Natalie flies back home, Juliana wouldn't mind getting a phone call from Mike. The "bathroom" ruse was just an excuse to talk to him for a minute alone.

I felt like she could have asked for a drink of water for the same money, she basically went to the bathroom and just flushed and walked right out.

Mike acting sad or mad made no sense because he did not want Natalie to come to the US anyway, I am surprised we did not see him doing cart wheels on the driveway when she pulled away then cut to Mother Mike doing cart wheels on her lawn too,  that would have been more honest.

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10 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

I think on the show she admitted to just one previous marriage.  Wonder if that was what Mike thought too.

I think in their first season she only mentioned one, but I think at some point earlier this season it was mentioned she had two and there were 2 pictures of her in wedding dresses; I don't recall pictures that included the groom, but as I have mentioned I tend to be doing crosswords or cross sums during this  show.


14 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Finally, I’ll take the cute little ratty.  If any of you all ever get to Minnesota, come to my store and I will introduce you to some wonderful little rats. 

I had to work with two lab rats in college;  I named them Shadwell and MacFlecknoe. 


17 hours ago, magemaud said:
18 hours ago, Twopper said:

Ronald and Tiff---- I hate her wardrobe.  She was wearing a pattern my aunt had on her sofa. 

You mean that pink floral monstrosity with the huge ruffle that she wears in her "angry intro" scenes? 

yeah, that was it.  I think the sofa was from 1920ish.  It had little lace doilies on the arms.


10 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:
18 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

How come when Chuck cries there’s no tears?

Since it’s Florida, probably alligator tears.

I thought maybe he had onion juice on his hands because of the cook out, but you win the internet with this reply.


12 hours ago, Maximadc said:


if he doesn’t want his daughter to leave the country - he can stop them at the airport. Not all of them, just The daughter 

I had expected Ronald to tell that to Tiffany, but I doubt Ronald has any desire to care for a toddler himself, but he would probably palm her off to his mother.

I wonder if Asuelo got Kalani and the kids to visit Samoa would he be able to keep the kids there with him if he decided to stay.  

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On 8/9/2021 at 7:04 AM, Joan van Snark said:

I will admit that part of this is Mike's fault.  He wants to score a woman that is more attractive than himself.  Since he really has no money and not much of a personality, the only way he can get what he wants is by looking for a foreign wife.  He may need to rethink his strategy and look for someone that is a better fit for himself.

There's a reason why John Goodman was married to Rosanne Barr on that TV show and not Christie Brinkley.

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14 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Ronald is an addict and thinks and acts like what we call a dry drunk. I hope he’s still going to meetings etc. 

Thank you!!

Edited by Kid
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On 8/7/2021 at 10:03 AM, Frozendiva said:

I would have enjoyed my fling and slowly lost contact with the dude. Him marrying her was not going to change his pumpkin in to Cinderella.

Had I known about either his addiction and/or that he funded that addiction by being a thief, I would never have gotten involved with him in any way, shape or form.  Relationships are difficult enough without knowingly getting involved with someone who has the level of baggage that Ronald comes with.  At the time Tiffany opted to get into a relationship with Ronald, that must have been the best she thought she'd ever get. 

Compare fawning Tiffany from back in their first season to "doesn't give a f***" Tiffany now.  Ronald doesn't stand a chance with her any longer.  She's definitely trying to goad all that nastiness out of him so as to justify leaving him and getting full, if not sole, custody of their kid.

Besides which, Ronald is physically repulsive to me.  To each his own I guess.

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1 hour ago, Twopper said:

I had expected Ronald to tell that to Tiffany, but I doubt Ronald has any desire to care for a toddler himself, but he would probably palm her off to his mother

First “poop diaper” and he’d be outta there. 

Although Daniel may be upset to lose the only “Dad” he’s ever known, even though that idea was foisted on him, I’ll bet he’s really going to be relieved they’re not staying. I think he was very uncomfortable in South Africa, but tried to make the best of it for his mother’s sake and because he was desperate for a father figure. He was torn between pleasing Ronald and just wanting to go home where it was safe and familiar. His Spidey Sense probably told him Ronald was not a good role model and wanted him to do things that went against his conscience. That was obvious during the Christmas store scene when Ronald made Daniel choose between getting the small affordable tree or the big flashy one. You could see Daniel knew the logical choice but Ronald really made the decision for him and Daniel was afraid of displeasing him. 

1 hour ago, Xebug67 said:

Besides which, Ronald is physically repulsive to me.

Whenever I see him, I can imagine him in a World War II movie in a German SS uniform polishing his jackboots. 

Edited by magemaud
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19 hours ago, Twopper said:

They seemed bigger but maybe it is because of her clothing;  I wondered if she had put in implants since filming ended.

This season is just horrid.  I cannot stand anyone.   Well, Gwen is okay and Yara is okay most of the time.  

I will start with Mike and Natalie.  

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I knew when she announced she had been married and divorced twice and Mike said he was divorced that there was about a zero chance they would have a happily ever after. 

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  I know I sound like a broken record about them, but I remain convinced that Mike was never going to forgive Natalie for giving back the ring, and Natalie would never forgive him for refusing for so long to give it back to her.  It sounded as though he never expected to see her after he left Ukraine, but her getting the VISA changed things.   I don't know if it made him think she really had a change of heart or he wanted her to come to get another season;  probably a combination of both. 


I'll scoot right in next to you on that broken record turntable.

I totally agree with you.  Further, I don't think Mike ever intended to marry her.  I think he probably planned on getting an "easy" TLC paycheck and let her come over so he could break up with her and send her packing back to her homeland.

I think COVID fucked up his plan and he ultimately had no choice but to go through with the marriage.  So much for that "easy" TLC payday.  


There's speculation that Natalie will be on 90DF Single Life.  I'm wondering if Mike will be on it as well.  


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14 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Kalani’s mother is selling and moving because she no longer wants to live with the little family of four!

I don’t blame her. Enough is enough.   She wants some peace and quiet  

With that said I’m betting they pack up and follow her wherever she goes!

What I don't get is that originally they all lived in California.  Then Kalani & Asuelu decided to move to the parents' Utah home because it was cheaper to live there.  Then the brother moved in, then the parents, then the sister.  Now Mom has decided that she's too far apart from Dad, so she's packing up, selling, and moving closer.  Do they still have the California home?  Why did Mom decide to live in Utah while Dad is still working in California?  Did they not realize the distance until  then?  Could it all be for ratings?

And speaking of ratings, I believe Tammy & Mother Asuelu get a TLC "bonus" every time they bring up "send money."  Mother Asuelu just wants to be able to give more to her church and brag about it.

14 hours ago, Maximadc said:


if he doesn’t want his daughter to leave the country - he can stop them at the airport. Not all of them, just The daughter 

Would he, though?  Because then he'd get AAALLLL the poopy diapers.

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17 minutes ago, Kath94 said:

What I don't get is that originally they all lived in California.  Then Kalani & Asuelu decided to move to the parents' Utah home because it was cheaper to live there.  Then the brother moved in, then the parents, then the sister.  Now Mom has decided that she's too far apart from Dad, so she's packing up, selling, and moving closer.  Do they still have the California home?  Why did Mom decide to live in Utah while Dad is still working in California?  Did they not realize the distance until  then?  Could it all be for ratings?

I thought Kalani said (when she and Asuelo were moving in to the Utah house), that the house was the parents retirement house.

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I can't wait until football starts so I can pay less attention to these people...

Natalie might think she's won until the first time Juliana crawls naked into bed with her.  Nobody wins in this story, except maybe Mike's mom.  But then, maybe nobody deserves to win.

Brandon moving out still hasn't grown up or developed a backbone and Julia has become a demanding jealous woman.  Maybe she was always "my way or the highway" and we were okay with that because we agreed with what she wanted.

Tiffany is so tiresome with her belief that she is perfect, always in the right, and sooo beleaguered.  Ronald is still the man she married.  Actually, he might be a little better.  I think he is trying harder to be a good father.  He was right when he told Tiffany that she wanted to be the queen.  He's still no prize.

Angela is still Angela  Horrible person, but at least she's finding good excuses to not have the baby she never wanted in the first place.  Thank God it hasn't occurred to her (on camera) to get an egg from one of her granddaughters.

Jovi and Lara - I was really hoping these two would work it out.  It's not looking good and it makes me sad.  

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13 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

The laziness overpower everything.  Can you imagine her working a full-time job?

Thank you! She would not be able to hold up.

I watched Pillow Talk after the 90 Day Single show. Cousin It/Fred Flinstone (aka Kulani and Asulo) were a few of the commentators. They should be dropped, they offer nothing to this show. Kulani tries too hard trying to look and be "fun" to the stone-faced Asulo. It makes me cringe. I love Robert and Anny on the show. How about adding Eric and Leida?

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On 8/8/2021 at 10:34 PM, Frozendiva said:

She could end up missing or worse. A possible Dateline ep.

Honestly, and I despise this word nowadays, he triggers me and I am starting to feel sick to my stomach watching them. She is playing with fire. I need to stop supporting the exploitation of these obviously sick people (the majority of them!)

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3 hours ago, Xebug67 said:


Compare fawning Tiffany from back in their first season to "doesn't give a f***" Tiffany now.  Ronald doesn't stand a chance with her any longer.  She's definitely trying to goad all that nastiness out of him so as to justify leaving him and getting full, if not sole, custody of their kid.


Totally agree

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1 hour ago, Johann said:

Chuck's family - what exactly do they do for his company?  I know one daughter is a realtor.  Is the other a decorator or someone that stages the houses?  What does Charlie do?  Hire the people who work?  Because I haven't seen any indication that he does any labor himself.  If all he does is hire someone, Chuck can do that and Charlie serves no purpose.  I have no idea what Libby does.  Do they only flip one house at a time?  Chuck has four people working for him (before Andrei) and they all only have minor jobs for each flip.  It takes, what, a month to flip a house?  So the realtor daughter works 3 days a month? 

The daughters said they hadn't seen their dad for weeks.  Don't they have an office to go to?  Even if it's just a room in his house, don't they go there occasionally to talk business, plan their next flip?  They sit around at home for a month waiting for Dad to call to give them a 3-day job?  And Charlie hadn't seen his dad for a month?  Don't they work together?  Why is everyone waiting for Dad to call them?  Don't they have jobs to do? Why aren't they all out looking for other houses to flip?  They could be working on one house while Chuck is teaching the ropes to Andrei on the other house.

I think Chuck could be a billionaire if he weren't paying the salaries for 4 other people that seem to do nothing.  No wonder he seems to enjoy working with Andrei.  Anger issues aside, Andrei seems to be putting in more work than his kids are, combined.

I can't figure out the cook-out.  Charlie comes in calling for the cops.  Because he's calling Andrei a criminal or because he's planning on starting a fight?  Then I couldn't figure out who the sisters were blaming for the fight.  First it seemed like they were blaming Andrei, then Charlie.  Who were they saying needed help?  Charlie? I can't figure out whose side the one sister's husband is on.  Oh, and when Chuck was crying and asked if he was a bad father, Charlie's wife said, "You are".

What happened to the two sisters saying they were going to start a business by themselves?  Did they suddenly realize it would require actual work?

Even if all of this is for show - why would you want to be portrayed like this?  Do any of them think they are coming off as being likable or with ANY positive traits at all?

To quote the immortal Rosanne Rosannadanna (sue me for being old enough to remember this): "You ask a lotta questions for a guy from New Jersey."

But seriously, I wonder about this stuff, too. And yet they're clinging on to their positions in this "family business" (isn't that what gangsters call the Cosa Nostra?) as if they were all CEOs in some kind of Fortune 500 corporation.

BTW, re Andrei's great work ethic, I don't know how much credit he really should get for showing up for a half hour one day to swing a sledgehammer at a fridge and almost blow the place up by knocking out the gas line. What's the hourly rate for that kind of destruction anyway?

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8 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

To quote the immortal Rosanne Rosannadanna (sue me for being old enough to remember this): "You ask a lotta questions for a guy from New Jersey."

But seriously, I wonder about this stuff, too. And yet they're clinging on to their positions in this "family business" (isn't that what gangsters call the Cosa Nostra?) as if they were all CEOs in some kind of Fortune 500 corporation.

BTW, re Andrei's great work ethic, I don't know how much credit he really should get for showing up for a half hour one day to swing a sledgehammer at a fridge and almost blow the place up by knocking out the gas line. What's the hourly rate for that kind of destruction anyway?

LOL, Rosanne Rosannadanna.

Did I say Andrei had a great work ethic?  If so, I misspoke.  I only meant that I think I have seen him work more than the others, and that's not saying much.  I also got that impression by Chuck seeming to be impressed that Andrei stopped by the house they were working on.  Chuck seemed surprised that someone did something without him "calling them."

Or, as the great Rosanne Rosannadanna would say, if I misinterpreted everything, "Nevermind."


Edited by Johann
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14 minutes ago, Johann said:

Did I say Andrei had a great work ethic?  If so, I misspoke. 

No, you definitely didn't. I also meant that by comparison he had what might look like a work ethic. If you don't look too closely.

17 minutes ago, Johann said:

Or, as the great Rosanne Rosannadanna would say, if I misinterpreted everything, "Nevermind."

I think that was Emily Litella. Another great one.

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On 8/8/2021 at 11:03 AM, Breedom said:

I think we are all done with the cold-shoulder look except for Tiffany. This look is extremely unflattering on her. Please stop. I am sick of this one-dimensional fashion choice that Tiffany insists on. Try something, anything new.

Natalie should be ashamed of herself, making love to that stupid rodent like that after telling Mike she's leaving. "Pulya, Pulya, Pulya". Makes me sick to watch her behave like that in what should have been an important conversation. And Mike needs to speak up. He clearly loves her, but he isn't able to talk about his real feelings, just this "so that's it" sort of mentality. She's in the driver's seat and he's totally floundering in not being able to verbally express himself. If he would just say something before it's all over. That would be a start. Then if Natalie could be empathetic towards Mike, in other words try and see things from his view and not always focusing with her "me, me, me" mentality. I guess this is all too much to ask for, so the relationship is kaput. But  for sure, both need a lot of self-work to sustain a successful relationship/marriage in the future.

That was such an uncomfortable scene.  I wonder if she had ever been even remotely as gushy with her affection towards Mike as she poured it onto that poor little rat.  That was so totally deliberate on her part so as to torment him some more before she finally left and so as to leave him feeling like even more shit than he already does.

And the WAY she was saying "Pulya, Pulya, Pulya" with those gritted teeth of her made me want to throat punch her it was so grating.  Now we know she has no other manner of speaking than by gritting her teeth.

It also seems like the nose surgery DIDN'T WORK because she sounded so stuffed up.

What was super-creepy was "Single White Female" Juliana creeping into Mike's house and asking for permission to use the bathroom.  The worst was that God awful attempt at a hug and then patting him on the arm before he left, and whatever the f*** she said to him (it definitely was NOT "stay strong," unless editing cut that out).

Mike may not see it in the moment, but he's so much better off without that hag of a user in his life.  If this turns out to be his having been left once again by a wife for another woman, however, I believe that will absolutely destroy him.

If Natalie thinks she's such a hot commodity for the open singles market, she'd best think again.  She's not as good looking as she thinks she is (she was at one time in her life stunning - in those old photos of her where her hair was straight and her honker of a nose was photographed at just the right angles as to give an attractive sharpness to her features.  She was also super-skinny back then.)  Now she's nothing but a lumpy potato faced, matronly body hag with gross hair and a shitty attitude and personality to match, who can't talk like a normal human being if her life depended on it.  WTF kind of newswoman was she ever or ever will be with her manner of gritting/grinding her teeth when she speaks.  No one can understand an effing word that she says.

She's just a cold-hearted beyotch that I hope gets deported back to Ukraine.

This phony vegetarian, phony animal lover (she left her rat behind as if it meant nothing any more), phony wife, phony POS can't get off my screen soon enough.

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On 8/8/2021 at 11:45 AM, magemaud said:

Inquiring minds want to know if Angela's outrageous boob flashing at the Tell All will be blurred out on Discovery+. If not, please someone take a screenshot for us non-subscribers. 

Even though the flashing nude part was so fleeting and you couldn't see them, the part where she was dressed and flaunting the cleavage of them left me with the impression that they're still quite large and not as small as I was led to believe they had become.

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On 8/8/2021 at 7:57 PM, Meowwww said:

Stupid ass Jovi.  He expected her to be all turned on by the stripper (I mean, I don’t know any woman who is) and is pissed because she ruined his fantasy.  Maybe pre baby they had some fantasies about this, but having a baby shot Yara straight into reality.  Jovi lost the plot and I hate him for it.  

Oh and about rats as pets.  I work in a pet supply store.  We sell rats as pets.  They are clean and funny and so smart.  They can be taught to sit and stay and fetch etc like dogs.  They feel human emotions and will comfort us when sad.  It’s their MO to comfort and heal.  They are truly wonderful.  Don’t Knock them till you know them. 

Once again Mrs. Gwen wins the day.  Can you imagine Debbie or Trish ever talking about their golden children the way Mrs. Gwen, the best mother-in-law in the world, does about Jovi?  I don't think any mother-in-law to date has ever, or will ever in the future speak as nicely about her daughter-in-law as Mrs. Gwen did when admitting to having been wrong about Yara early on, and seeing her own flesh and blood as the problem.

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Would he, though?  Because then he'd get AAALLLL the poopy diapers.

I don't think that Ronald thinks that far ahead. I do think that he would try to keep the baby just to spite Tiffany.


What does Charlie do?  Hire the people who work?  Because I haven't seen any indication that he does any labor himself.

So... having lived through a pretty significant home renovation, I have a little insight. I don't know that Charlie does anything but in theory, he is the project manager for the renovations. It's common for renovations to have a PM and their job isn't to do the manual labor; it's to make a workplan with a budget for everything that needs to be done, create a timeline, hire contractors to do the work, and keep them on time and within budget. Of course, any work they do themselves, like demo (which Andrei seems to enjoy) is something they don't have to pay a contractor to do but it would also take time away from their PM responsibilities. It's actually a lot of work, particularly when the real estate market is strong and there is a lot of competition for good contractors. They all specialize too, so you hire one person for electric; one for painting; one for drywall; one for plumbing; etc. And the work needs to be done in a specific order (e.g. flooring last so the floors don't get damaged while you're installing drywall). Budgeting is critical as are timelines. If one thing gets done late, it pushes the whole timeline back. When you're flipping a house, you want to get it sale ready and on the market as soon as possible so you aren't sitting on the mortgage for a property for very long. The more PMs Chuck has on the payroll, the more houses he can have in renovation at one time; having good ones working on multiple properties could allow him to significantly grow his experience if he has sufficient working capital.


I have no idea what Libby does. 

Again, I don't know what Libby actually does but in theory, I think that she manages properties that Chuck owns that he rents out. So she would collect the rent, manage repairs, make sure the units stay occupied, etc. I guess if Chuck owns enough of them, that would add up to a full time job.

As for the realtor daughter, I think that her job is to find properties that they can buy and then to sell the properties when they are renovated. I imagine she advises on which neighborhoods are selling fast; which ones are a good investment; maybe she gets a heads up on properties that are short sales or foreclosures and could be had at a good price. Again, if Chuck is doing a sufficient level of business, I guess that could be a full time job but I'd think that realtor-daughter would maintain her own listings as well.  Realtor daughter may also handle rental listings?

The big limit I see to Chuck's business is working capital. At any given time, he has to have sufficient funds to put down downpayments on these properties and pay monthly mortgages until they sell. He also has to finance the repairs and pay all the offspring he employs. Like a lot of the folks on this show, I think that the family's finances are a house of cards, with a lot of debt and a lot of flashy living that isn't fully paid for. Even in a robust market, flipping houses is a hard way to earn a living and there are a lot of opportunities for error. 

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2 hours ago, Breedom said:

Thank you! She would not be able to hold up.

I watched Pillow Talk after the 90 Day Single show.  I love Robert and Anny on the show. How about adding Eric and Leida?

Don't even joke about that.

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2 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

And yet they're clinging on to their positions in this "family business" (isn't that what gangsters call the Cosa Nostra?) as if they were all CEOs in some kind of Fortune 500 corporation.

And NEVER go against The Family! 

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1 hour ago, Xebug67 said:

Even though the flashing nude part was so fleeting and you couldn't see them, the part where she was dressed and flaunting the cleavage of them left me with the impression that they're still quite large and not as small as I was led to believe they had become.

I might be imagining this, but I thought I recalled something that the doctor said about them not looking full right after surgery (after all, they've been compressed by bandages) but with time they would perk up and she'd be at least a DD. 

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

So... having lived through a pretty significant home renovation, I have a little insight.

Thank you Johann for asking the same questions that I was thinking.

Why would anyone want to do business with this group of losers? Does Chuck not realize that he is jeopardizing his business? There are viewers of the show out there, Chuck, and they decide what sort of people they want to work with. Most people want to hire mature, responsible, capable, knowledgeable, respectable and calm people. This group is the exact opposite.I have zero respect for any of these people except for Andrei, who got caught up in this mess.


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Jovi blowing a disgusting kiss at the stripper in front of his wife was all I needed to see to hate him for eternity. I'm not for physical violence but Yara slapping him was everything!  Why couldn't going out to the a nice dinner with your wife, then stopping for a drink somewhere in South Beach, then taking a walk on the beach before going back to the hotel enough for him? Nope. He had to go straight to the strip bar after dinner. He is such a POS.

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This episode was awful. Too many people yelling and cursing. I’m not against swearing but the Libby/Andre segments were unwatchable with all the bleeping. 

Tiffany is awful and condescending but Ronald is scary. When she had the argument with Ronald outside, I think she caused a scene so she had an excuse to go back so she could hang out with production. Looks like she sat down to a table with a bottle of alcohol and they had a little drinking session before they took her home. She’s probably upset she didn’t get her usual vacation in SA but instead has to play house with perpetually broke Ronald. 

side note: my dad has a similar set up to Ronald with all the security cameras around his property. He’s even sent me video of people casing his home.

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13 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

I'll scoot right in next to you on that broken record turntable.

I totally agree with you.  Further, I don't think Mike ever intended to marry her.  I think he probably planned on getting an "easy" TLC paycheck and let her come over so he could break up with her and send her packing back to her homeland.

I think COVID fucked up his plan and he ultimately had no choice but to go through with the marriage.  So much for that "easy" TLC payday.  

  Reveal spoiler

There's speculation that Natalie will be on 90DF Single Life.  I'm wondering if Mike will be on it as well.  


My thoughts that after she dissed him and threw the ring at him in the Ukraine he was done. He never got back in "that space" with her, and he did seem tortured most of the time she was at his place. She kept chasing him and trying to convince him to chase her, with her, "I'm very intelligent, I'm so beautiful, I was on TV in Ukraine" constantly letting him know how desirable she thought she was.

I think what she ended  up doing is just solidifying Mike's opinion of her as a snob, and given his laid-back country life-style, he knew she would never be happy. 

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17 hours ago, Kid said:

That dress did her body NO favors!!! 🤣🤣

I've been watching The Other Way re-runs, and Tiff has really packed on the pounds since then. She was still rocking the bare shoulders and ample boobage, but she also wore slacks. And she looked good. I didn't watch much because of knowing what a horrific train wreck from hell the whole debacle became **cringe**

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8 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

I think what she ended  up doing is just solidifying Mike's opinion of her as a snob, and given his laid-back country life-style, he knew she would never be happy. 

Didn’t we see this on Green Acres?

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On 8/9/2021 at 9:21 AM, Dobian said:


They would never qualify for adoption.  Even if Michael was American, Angela is too old and they would be at the bottom of the list.

Yes, Angela is too old to be an adoptive mother. Is Michael aware that she already has a full gaggle (?six) of little kids that she's already raising? Do they really need more? Can she/they support more children? 

Angela's two daughters are probably still fertile, and it's highly likely they'll be dropping off a few more bundles of joy on Mama/Mee-Maw because, WTH, we know she has no boundaries. 

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12 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Jovi blowing a disgusting kiss at the stripper in front of his wife was all I needed to see to hate him for eternity. I'm not for physical violence but Yara slapping him was everything!  Why couldn't going out to the a nice dinner with your wife, then stopping for a drink somewhere in South Beach, then taking a walk on the beach before going back to the hotel enough for him? Nope. He had to go straight to the strip bar after dinner. He is such a POS.

Bless his heart, he’s not very bright, is he? He kind of reminds me of my ex-husband. He wants sex so badly, but he tries to get it in the worst possible ways and he’s completely selfish about it.

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11 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

My thoughts that after she dissed him and threw the ring at him in the Ukraine he was done.

I agree. This is my theory: I think Natalie's ring returning ploy backfired when he shrugged and walked away instead of begging her to reconsider. When she realized her ticket to America had gotten away, she launched Plan B (Or actually C because I think Plan A was to get pregnant while still in the Ukraine) which was to convince Mike they hadn't really broken up and to continue the process of obtaining the K1 Visa. Mike was DONE, but couldn't resist the idea of getting more TLC money and figured he'd bring her over for 90 Days of filming fake drama before sending her packing back to the Ukraine. Covid derailed those plans and the only way to continue the whole farce was to marry her. 

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I can just look at Charlie and tell he’s a raging alcoholic. He’s a total piece of shit. When even the sisters, who’ve been beefing with Andrei and Libby the whole season, are saying he’s the problem, something is wrong. And his wife is crazy. I feel like he and Megan should just be cut off. Libby coming in and saying, “Yeah, and you getting fucking dropped to the floor” and then calling Charlie a loser was amazing.

And I’m sorry, but I don’t feel bad for Chuck. He stirs the pot and then gets upset when the inevitable happens. He’s always poking the bear and then cries when everyone gets pissed. He allows everyone to walk all over him. Manage your family, FFS!

Didn’t Mike just tell Natalie to get with the program or get out? So why is he upset that she’s doing just that? Many of us had forewarned in the live chat that Mike will play the victim once Natalie leaves and here we are.

I don’t know if I’ve laughed harder in a 90 Day scene than when Juliana comforted Mike. The bathroom, the fact she mentioned he has things to live for (You have your job, you have your...looks around apartment...cat), and that hilariously awkward hug. 

She busted into Mike’s house, demanded to use his shitter, then popped his hat off and awkwardly put it back on. That was a power move from Juliana. “I stole your woman, now I shit your house.” Just gold. The BEST moment of this season and perhaps much of the series.

But I think the most disturbing part of this episode is we don’t know what happens to the rat. Poor Pulya.

Angela: “I don’t want anything to jeopardize Skyla’s health. Also Angela: smokes in front of Skyla for 30+ years

Jovi is a child, and I’m glad Miss Gwen can see the truth about her loser son. He just wanted a party traveler girl but not enough to wear a condom, so now he’s pissed that she’s being a mom. His refusal to give up partying in his mid 20s because it wasn’t his idea to have a child this soon is seriously the most immature shit I’ve seen on this show, and that’s saying something. I really feel for Yara. 

Tiffany: “I have it pretty good back at home.” Right after yelling at Ronald that her life is not easy because she has to do everything on her own. I’ve definitely seen a different side to her during this episode but it’s weird because it’s always been there. She really is controlling and she loves to throw in really harsh words to a guy who clearly has anger and addiction problems. He clearly has issues that he needs to work on, but how the heck is it helping him to keep making him feel like a “loser” (she called him) and telling him he’s never good enough for her? That’s really mentally draining.

My favorite moments this episode: Tiffany saying Ronald’s behavior is “directly linked to stupidity”, Charlie’s wife poppin’ off (I’m doubting whether this scene was even scripted), Juliana saying to Mike, “You have your job, you have your...cat.”

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2 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

Yes, Angela is too old to be an adoptive mother. Is Michael aware that she already has a full gaggle (?six) of little kids that she's already raising?

Oh yes, they all regularly video chat with "Papa Michael" so he is fully aware of them. But not only is Angela too old, NOBODY would allow her to bring more children into that household, even if the adoption or foster agencies were desperate for placement. And having one daughter who is a registered sex offender would certainly work against her applying, too. But I did read somewhere Angela got a puppy so she was allowed to adopt a living creature. The article makes you think at first they actually got a baby:  “Well here is [our] baby boy. Meet our son Tekashi. See I kept my word. We are proud parents,” Angela, 54, captioned the photos of one of her grandchildren holding up the precious pooch."

Edited by magemaud
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41 minutes ago, magemaud said:

And having one daughter who is a registered sex offender would certainly work against her applying, too.

WAIT what?  Did I miss something?

And Angela never had any intention of having baby in any shape or form.  She has let this go this long because she promised Mykul's mother she would have a family with him so his mom would approve the marriage.  Now she will play the health card.  

And her pretending to "worry" about how Mykul is going to take it.........PLEASE she give no shits about what he thinks.  I see her going on Single Life very soon.

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1 minute ago, gaPeach said:

I see her going on Single Life very soon.

To quote Florian, "Oh lord jesus"......pls TLC, no, just no...

I would LOVE to see her Michael on Single Life, with the goofballs helping him find his next international or even Nigerian bride

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