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S06.E15: Time Does Not Heal All Wounds

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Asuelu says you don't even need money in Samoa, because you can build your own house and grow your own food. Yet his mother says she needs them to send large amounts of cash, often. I also hate when people throw the "you're not a real/good enough <insert cultural label>" at others. For a dufus, Asuelu is very manipulative. 

When Ronald raised his hand with that laptop in it in anger, that was emotionally abusive--whether Tiffany recognizes it yet, or not. She seems to be one of those people who feels better about herself when she can pick out all the faults of another person, so she's found herself a guy teeming with serious issues, and feeds off it. However, Ronald says and does some scary things, and no kids deserve to be dragged into that.

Oh Juliana, shuffling in like Cousin It's creepy granddaughter, looming over Mike and giving him a victory hug. Mike is a real sad sack. Maybe if he'd stop picking women based on their looks, since he's a plain guy himself, he might not keep ending up with crazies or women who left him for other women. 

Thanks for the laugh, Chuck. 


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1 hour ago, renatae said:

Where to begin?

Asuelu got it right the first time when he ejected his nightmare mom and sister. Then genius Tui shows up and tells him to move to Samoa so Kalani can be exposed to more manipulative Samoan "family values."  Right - your family doesn't have your back or support you, but go live there and allow them to do it full time. And Asuelu is dumb enough to think this is a good idea. Mom didn't mind leaving him behind when she moved here. Why buy into the "You only have one mom and you need a special relationship with her" BS?

Shrugging Mike got the relationship he deserves. Don't forget to call mullet mama on the double.

Jovi - how tone deaf can you be? It wasn't Yara's idea to go to the strip club - you wheedled her into it, then thought it was cool to abuse her by blowing kisses to the stripper. Even mom is telling you to grow up. It's hard to believe that at his age he thinks he is just being himself instead of being developmentally stunted and hugely selfish to expect just to party on for the rest of his semi-adult life.

I thought the coven was bad, but Charlie's wife is an even bigger witch. They must snort together.

Finally, Angela gets a grip. Hopefully, Skyler's nightmare seems to be over.

Definitely time for Tiffany and Ronald to be over. I don't think he's got a prayer of keeping the kids, and the boy wasn't his to begin with.



Obviously Mike wasn’t about to call his mama because his pity party would have turned into a celebration.

Jovi needs to go to his room and suck his thumb and think about his wife and child for a while. 

How convenient was Andrei’s shirt coming unbuttoned lol and more than once lol 😂 

I hope that Dr charged Angela for wasting her time and what’s she gonna do with those wrinkles?

There’s too many delusionals.

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2 hours ago, endure said:


Is the car Natalie is driving her own, maybe she even bought it herself, I don’t know, but why in the previous episode did he have to steal back his red truck when she was at the hospital?


My guess is that they only took the truck when they went together to the hotel in Seattle before Natalie’s surgery and left the sedan back in Sequim 

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Wow, that was a rough last episode to the season!

Tampa Trash - Yo, I didn't have a read on Megan and thought she was just meek, put upon wife to dickheaded Charlie.  Tonight, I see how nicely matched they actually are.  While Chuck and production had to know what could happen, seeing it at this level is pretty bad.  The fuckery was clear when the kids weren't allowed to come, so I assumed a fight was planned, but I do think it got out of hand. Clearly, the other siblings have some issues with Charlie too.  These people aren't loyal to anyone, and have chosen to put their shady business over each other, jockeying for position and money and attention.  Though they feed at the teat, the way these people talk to Chuck is SO DISRESPECTFUL.  I'm an immigrant kid...my parents would have knocked the rice and curry directly out of my soul for talking to them in such a manner.  The man is crying and everyone is going in on him.  Man, I can see why Libby's mom and stepdad are so regularly out of the picture.  I wouldn't want to deal with these people either.  Andrei tunnel visions in his anger...if he's angry, he goes all Hulk and seems to lose his sense of control. It's concerning.  Now, Charlie is a whole other thing...a bitch boy who has been treated as the little Prince because he is the only son, and who seems to have a substance abuse issue and an anger issue. These assholes all have children, so I'm disturbed.

Aseulo has very quickly vaulted himself back to my shitlist.  So, you are doing well with your wife and her family who treat you beyond well from the looks of it, and you talk to one dude from your people and suddenly it's "bitch, I follow my mom no matter what and we are moving"?! Tui is going to get Asuelo buried in the Utah desert. That fact that she's even entertaining going for a couple of months after he nastily insulted her about not being "enough" in their culture is way kinder than I would be.  Kahlani is a Samoan American, so she isn't going to be exactly from the that culture.  Low left that culture for reasons and while I hated on him from being upset Kahlani chose a man from his own culture, I'm starting to see his point of view.  Asuelo is a manipulative asshole, and I can't with him.

Ronald and Tiffany are terrible people.  Tiffany is holier than thou and never takes responsibility for her actions, and she is happy to push buttons and punch; she's got a manipulation factor to her that's gross.  But, Ronald is a whole 'nother vibe.  Honestly, he seems dangerous, and if it wasn't for the cameras and crew, I have little doubt that he could hurt her or do some damage around the apartment to scare her.  He looked ready to throw that laptop either at her or on the floor. 

Natalie and Mike needed to be done before all this, but the way I cackled when Single Russian Female rolled up in to use the restroom and hug him awkwardly...LOL.  I appreciate learning from posters about rats making good pets, but I'm just leery about it for me personally.  The rat freaks me out, but that's probably Natalie's fault for being weird with Pulya.

Lord, Angela.  I like that there is such little education that a 55 woman with kids and grandchildren hadn't known that IVF and surrogacy and trying to carry a child at 55 might be dangerous and an issue.  She seems so fine to shut down Michael in every other aspect, so I'm confused that she doesn't just put this shit to bed.  If they want a child, they could adopt b/c goodness knows there are kids that need homes, but I wouldn't 1) want to put a child through that and 2) want to let them forget they seem to require "bloodline". 

Jovi was indeed not ready, Miss Gwyn.  And while Yara is coddling a bit, I think she may be sublimating the lost of her family and friends by being super mama bear all the time.  I actually felt sorry for her this episode.  Neither of them seem to be willing to bend or compromise to hear the other person. But, Jovi is too immature and selfish. 

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It was RICH!!!! when Kalani and Asuelo got upset that they were being thrown out of the house.  "It's bad timing".  Yeah.  It was a better time to move out when you first came to the US.  It was better when you knocked her up with #2.  It was better for all that time between arrival in the US and now.  It's called independence dude. 

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What was all that BS in the family Libby fight about texting in the middle of the night??? Right before Andrei was physically shoved out of the house?

Who was the huge guy in the mask pushing him? Was that Jen's husband or crew? 

And why did Danish brother in law/husband Becky flip a shit about someone texting?

I missed ALL of that context- what was all that?

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57 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

What was all that BS in the family Libby fight about texting in the middle of the night??? Right before Andrei was physically shoved out of the house?

Who was the huge guy in the mask pushing him? Was that Jen's husband or crew? 

And why did Danish brother in law/husband Becky flip a shit about someone texting?

I missed ALL of that context- what was all that?

Danish brother in law? I missed the Dane?  

The guy that pushed Andreiii out of the house just swooped in out of nowhere, maybe that was Jen's husband but I thought I heard (a while ago) she was getting divorced, maybe I am wrong?

I missed all the texting, who was texting, what were they texting about, was it posting on social media?

So many questions for this very basic family.

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On 8/6/2021 at 4:25 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Natalie's "friend" Juliana is the weirdest person, ever.  Not because of the Note on a Scandal vibe, but she seems like she is about to vaporize into a crow and fly away.  She suddenly appeared (and I am not spoiling) to ask Mike to use the restroom and it was so odd!!  Me, I am a camper/hiker and I would have gone into the woods to relieve myself before entering that hovel and talking to......him.

WHY did she feel compelled to go speak to Mike at all? The whole interaction was weird as fuck. And Mike? Drunk. 100%

Plus she totally didn't wash her hands. 

On 8/7/2021 at 12:30 PM, Persnickety1 said:


That's another thing about her that pisses me off.  

Yeah, Ronald is a total loser...but as far as we've been shown, he's been this sorry loser since she met him, married him and had a child with him.

I've never seen any surprise revelations.  He didn't hide his past of addiction, thievery, etc., from her.  It's not like she found out these things after the fact.  She'd known all along.  The Ronald we see now is apparently the same Ronald she chose to marry.  It's just too bad kids are being dragged into this bullshit.  I was glad they were with Ronald's mom when last night's shit storm started.    

Tiffany's pure, stainless love was going to save him. Remember? They were SOULMATES. And she just knew that the love of a good woman would be the making of him. She even fell for the "I was wearing my friend's jacket" story! 


Now she doesn't acknowledge her part in this fiasco at all. That's what rustles my jimmies. I might feel something less than utter contempt and loathing for that idiotic slag if she'd just said "I made a mistake. I thought we could work it out but our differences are too great. We rushed into marriage without considering the consequences and now I have regret." But NOOOOOOOOOO. 

10 hours ago, Meowwww said:

 Oh and about rats as pets.  I work in a pet supply store.  We sell rats as pets.  They are clean and funny and so smart.  They can be taught to sit and stay and fetch etc like dogs.  They feel human emotions and will comfort us when sad.  It’s their MO to comfort and heal.  They are truly wonderful.  Don’t Knock them till you know them. 

We had a young woman staying with us for a time who had a pet rat. My husband became quite attached to him. 

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Tampa Trash: Chuck is crying crocodile tears. They all realize Charlie has an issue (drugs). They need to stage an intervention instead of fighting among themselves. I see Andrei with his shirt open and think of @Angry Moldavian and how she's cheering for that shot.

Angela just realized that if she had Skyla's egg she would be mother/grandmother and Skyla would be mother/sister to the child? Comeon, we all know that Angela's family tree is only a single branch.

Mike is a dick. Nat is crazy. But you got to admit he's probably thinking why do I keep losing wives to another woman?! Is it his general shit attitude? His gas lighting? His shit mother? Or is he bad in bed?  Maybe a combo of all above!?!?

Mother Gwen has Jovie's number. And thank goodness she isn't standing up for her baby boy and telling it like it is.

Tiffany and Ronald - I've said it pretty much in my post on the preview.  Feel sorry for the kids. Tiffany made her bed.

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Wow...where to start. 

Natalie's friend walking in and talking to Mike was possibly the creepiest, most messed up thing I have seen on this show. Did she manipulate Nat into leaving because SHE wants a piece of Mike? When she briefed Natalie in the car, she left out the part about telling him to call her whenever. I LOL'd when she said "you will be ok...you have your job.....(looks around the trailer)....and your cat." 

Asuelo is a total jackass....I wanted to smack him when he said his in laws were kicking them out of the house. Yeah....cause they need to sell. You could tell her Mom was choosing her words very, very carefully. I think Lo should have been there too when they had that talk, maybe then Asuelo would have respected the decision more-----Lo as a Samoan man needs his woman near him to care for him. Not caring for her grown ass daughter, two grandkids and mentally challenged son in law. Kalani sort of looked like Oh shit as well.....who will pay for all my stuff? Watch my kids?? AT this point I have zero empathy or respect for her.....kid #2 was easy to avoid having so soon and she continues to coddle and entertain this manipulative, lazy piece of crap man. Cut your losses, get a divorce and send his ass back to Samoa since life there is so great. I sort of wish Low would say the same thing Trish said, "Give him $5000 and send his ass back"


Tiffany and Ronald....oh boy. Neither one is a prize, but she knew what the deal was, as he said, she knew what he was like before so why is she shocked?  I thought he made very valid points when he said when he tries to walk away to cool off, she pushes and pushes to discuss NOW. When she does the same and he tries to go after her it is wrong? I feel for the kids because I think Ronald for all his faults does love Daniel and wants a family and face it, he will never see those kids again once they get on that plane. And I think that realization is sinking in. She was a smug beeyotch too, grinning and laughing it up after the fight, then denying she was doing it. Makes me wonder if 


the headlines I see online are true that she was fooling around with a crew member during filming and that was part of the reason Ronald kept losing his shit. 


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Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I share the sentiments of most of the Pillow Talk couples that are firmly on Mike's side.  Treeeesh should stay out of her son's love life, but I believe she is completely right about Natalie.  If I was a parent it would be hard for me to keep my mouth shut if I saw my child being used for a Green Card.

Natalie is a complete whackjob and so disrespectful to Mike.  I think Mike is a much nicer person than her.  Natalie thinks she's better than him because she's more attractive.  Her, the Wiccan Freakshow and Pulya Pulya belong together.  And Natalie, I guess you are somewhat attractive, but not NEARLY as good looking as you think you are, and you have absolutely no prospects for being on Teevee (except for this show) or whatever career in media she was rambling on to Treeesh about.  A TV station is not going to hire a mush-mouthed nutjob with a very heavy accent. 

I will admit that part of this is Mike's fault.  He wants to score a woman that is more attractive than himself.  Since he really has no money and not much of a personality, the only way he can get what he wants is by looking for a foreign wife.  He may need to rethink his strategy and look for someone that is a better fit for himself.

Edited by Joan van Snark
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5 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Tampa Trash - Yo, I didn't have a read on Megan and thought she was just meek, put upon wife to dickheaded Charlie.  Tonight, I see how nicely matched they actually are.  While Chuck and production had to know what could happen, seeing it at this level is pretty bad.  The fuckery was clear when the kids weren't allowed to come, so I assumed a fight was planned, but I do think it got out of hand. Clearly, the other siblings have some issues with Charlie too.  These people aren't loyal to anyone, and have chosen to put their shady business over each other, jockeying for position and money and attention.  Though they feed at the teat, the way these people talk to Chuck is SO DISRESPECTFUL.  I'm an immigrant kid...my parents would have knocked the rice and curry directly out of my soul for talking to them in such a manner.  The man is crying and everyone is going in on him.  Man, I can see why Libby's mom and stepdad are so regularly out of the picture.  I wouldn't want to deal with these people either.



Lord, Angela.  I like that there is such little education that a 55 woman with kids and grandchildren hadn't known that IVF and surrogacy and trying to carry a child at 55 might be dangerous and an issue.  She seems so fine to shut down Michael in every other aspect, so I'm confused that she doesn't just put this shit to bed.  If they want a child, they could adopt b/c goodness knows there are kids that need homes, but I wouldn't 1) want to put a child through that and 2) want to let them forget they seem to require "bloodline".

Megan also has an Only Fans page.  These people have no shame.  Trailer trash all the way.  Also, Chuck has seven kids and four of them are on the show.  It's known that two brothers have declined and don't want anything to do with it.  Chuck's ex-wife mostly keeps her distance.  Jenn's ex-husband Orlando doesn't want to be involved, probably because he is a local public personality and doesn't want to look like an idiot.  I bet he isn't happy that their daughters are exposed to that garbage.

They would never qualify for adoption.  Even if Michael was American, Angela is too old and they would be at the bottom of the list.

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2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

WHY did she feel compelled to go speak to Mike at all? The whole interaction was weird as fuck. And Mike? Drunk. 100%

Plus she totally didn't wash her hands. 

Tiffany's pure, stainless love was going to save him. Remember? They were SOULMATES. And she just knew that the love of a good woman would be the making of him. She even fell for the "I was wearing my friend's jacket" story! 


Now she doesn't acknowledge her part in this fiasco at all. That's what rustles my jimmies. I might feel something less than utter contempt and loathing for that idiotic slag if she'd just said "I made a mistake. I thought we could work it out but our differences are too great. We rushed into marriage without considering the consequences and now I have regret." But NOOOOOOOOOO. 

We had a young woman staying with us for a time who had a pet rat. My husband became quite attached to him. 

Yup, yup.

I was watching their first season yesterday and immediately after they were married, Tiffany said "We" decided to have a baby/expand our family and how she knew that sounded crazy.

Well, actually, it didn't just sound crazy, Tiffany, it was crazy.

As was she and Ronald going to look at an apartment when neither of them had any income.  Ronald had no job but was planning on going to work for the wellness center at some vague point in the future, and Tiffany had no income at all either.

Seriously, who does shit like that?  "I have no money, no job, no income, 2 adults, a kid, and a baby on the way.  Whatcha got for me to rent?"  

Idiots, the both of them (but I still find her far and away the more dislikeable of the two...ugh).  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 11
47 minutes ago, Joan van Snark said:

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I share the sentiments of most of the Pillow Talk couples that are firmly on Mike's side.  Treeeesh should stay out of her son's love life, but I believe she is completely right about Natalie.  If I was a parent it would be hard for me to keep my mouth shut if I saw my child being used for a Green Card.

Natalie is a complete whackjob and so disrespectful to Mike.  I think Mike is a much nicer person than her.  Natalie thinks she's better than him because she's more attractive.  Her, the Wiccan Freakshow and Pulya Pulya belong together.  And Natalie, I guess you are somewhat attractive, but not NEARLY as good looking as you think you are, and you have absolutely no prospects for being on Teevee (except for this show) or whatever career in media she was rambling on to Treeesh about.  A TV station is not going to hire a mush-mouthed nutjob with a very heavy accent. 

I will admit that part of this is Mike's fault.  He wants to score a woman that is more attractive than himself.  Since he really has no money and not much of a personality, the only way he can get what he wants is by looking for a foreign wife.  He may need to rethink his strategy and look for someone that is a better fit for himself.

I think they're both horrible people, but Mike's gaslighting and general emotional abuse seem worse to me than Natalie's passive-aggressive needling.  I wouldn't want to be in that house either.  I do get some Sapphic vibes from Juliana.

  • Love 12

While I agree that a lot of what goes on with these couples/families is staged by TLC, there’s still a lot of reality in what we’re seeing. First of all, most of them are too stupid to be such good actors, the emotions and feelings are totally real. Being prompted by production isn’t enough to bring out the levels of anger and physicality we’re seeing. These people are truly fucked up in their own right, which is most likely why they were chosen to begin with.

i was truly bothered by the lack of compassion the Potthast bunch showed their father when he was so obviously in despair over what was transpiring in his home. Yes he shows bad judgment frequently, but he obviously loves his children and wants to spend time with them. He lives alone in that big house ffs. If that was my Dad sobbing and begging for it to stop, I would be at his side trying to comfort him, not duking it out with my asshole siblings. But that’s just me.

As the season ends I don’t see a shred of hope for any of the couples, not one.


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7 minutes ago, Mean Jeanne said:

As the season ends I don’t see a shred of hope for any of the couples, not one.


Jovi may grow up.  They seem to have genuine affection, and support from Gwen and his stepdad.  They're on the other side of Lake Pontchartrain, from the looks of it, which would eat into his Uber budget for Bourbon St strip clubbing.   I thought Howdy Doody and Julia would be doing better after finally getting off the (hobby) farm, but I'm not so sure from the tell-all sneak peek.  They seem to have very different life goals.

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16 minutes ago, anoninrva said:

They seem to have very different life goals.

I don't know that Howdy Doody was allowed enough independence know what goals were.  Mommy and Daddy controlled aspect of his life; he still doesn't know how to do it.  Julia probably fended for herself for years before she met Brandon.  NOW he's seeing that he needs to do more than do what his employer tells him and what his parents tell him; most 14yr-olds could handle that stuff.  He has some adult responsibilities.

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Just now, Back Atcha said:

I don't know that Howdy Doody was allowed enough independence know what goals were.  Mommy and Daddy controlled aspect of his life; he still doesn't know how to do it.  Julia probably fended for herself for years before she met Brandon.  NOW he's seeing that he needs to do more than do what his employer tells him and what his parents tell him; most 14yr-olds could handle that stuff.  He has some adult responsibilities.

He has a job.  Pest control may not be the most glamorous line of work, but it's a solid income.  It does look like he still wastes money on motorcycles and cars, and whatnot, but he has the ability to be a grownup.  Not that I disagree about cutting the cord.  He's not on the other end of the earth.  it's only a 45-60 minute or so drive up 85 to 95 (30 if you're reckless - I don't recommend that).  Plus, hobby farm or not, that's a pretty solid set of responsibilities on top of working 9-5.  I don't care for his personalty much, but I don't think it's completely fair to say he's a manbaby.  Socially, he's pretty stunted, though.

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26 minutes ago, anoninrva said:

He has a job.  Pest control may not be the most glamorous line of work, but it's a solid income.  . . .   Plus, hobby farm or not, that's a pretty solid set of responsibilities on top of working 9-5.  I don't care for his personalty much, but I don't think it's completely fair to say he's a manbaby.  Socially, he's pretty stunted, though.

"Glamour" didn't enter into my thoughts or comments.  Brandon's first 26-ish years didn't allow independent thinking, thus his mother's SHOCK at his smallest decisions (which she blames on Julia). Perhaps he has a nit-picking supervisor who assures that Brandon performs the services step-by-step...no-brainer.  His farm responsibilities are dictated by his parents; does he have any choice in what to do or when/how to do it? Farm kids do that on their own at age ten--and get to school on time.

I didn't use the term "manbaby," but I enjoy it. He has finally realized that being taken care of (and ADORED) by Mommy is his preferred way of life.  If Julie could find a way to "adore" everything about her husband (🤢🤮🤢), things might run smoothly...but never as perfect as Life with Mom and Dad.


Edited by Back Atcha
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10 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

She could end up missing or worse. A possible Dateline ep.

It's also in a foreign country.   I think Tiffany is another American who thinks her rights in the U.S. are still available in S.A.      S.A. will have to survive with only their women having cold shoulders, and won't see Tiffany's shoulders and huge boobs hanging out again. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 hour ago, anoninrva said:

I think they're both horrible people, but Mike's gaslighting and general emotional abuse seem worse to me than Natalie's passive-aggressive needling.  I wouldn't want to be in that house either

Me neither, Anoninrva! Things got off to a bad start ... made worse by MamaMike's putting a HALT to the wedding and turning into MeanGirl every time her baby calls.  I wonder if Mike's mother didn't raise him as the loving/supporting mommy she is now.  Mike's behavior seems to be desperate for a wife who will be a loving mother to him--no questions asked--no matter how he behaves.  I'd bet she was a pretty cruel taskmaster.

Could any of us trust her to be a supportive mother-in-law--even not meddlesome?  She can't do it.  Mike and Brandon and their mommies make a good case for appearing on "I Love a Mama's Boy."

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On 8/7/2021 at 12:22 PM, Kid said:

Everything you guys say about Ronald it true.  BUT, Tiffany is never, ever wrong EVER!!!  Which is interesting since her behavior is beginning to make him look good.

I'm unnerved by how he gets mad and says, "So I'm wrong?"  Yeah, people are wrong all the time, but I get the feeling it's something extra significant to him.

21 hours ago, Breedom said:

I think we are all done with the cold-shoulder look except for Tiffany. This look is extremely unflattering on her. Please stop.

This reminds me of how kids are taught that when you're writing, you can't start a sentence with "and."  Of course you can.  But if you tell them that, they will start EVERY sentence with "and."  Their "What I Did On My Summer Vacation" will be:  "We went to the Grand Canyon.  And we stayed in a motel.  And we swam in the pool.  And my sister got carsick."

I feel like someone one time told Tiffany that her best feature was her shoulders. 

7 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Lord, Angela.  I like that there is such little education that a 55 woman with kids and grandchildren hadn't known that IVF and surrogacy and trying to carry a child at 55 might be dangerous and an issue.  She seems so fine to shut down Michael in every other aspect, so I'm confused that she doesn't just put this shit to bed. 

I don't think she ever intended to tote anybody's baby, but it was a dealbreaker for Michael so she let him believe she would so she wouldn't lose him.  Then she got some "fame" and thinks she can do better than him and in any case doesn't want him if it meant she really did have to tote a baby.  But she needs a storyline.  That's why she doesn't just put this shit to bed.

Now to Family Libby.  Anybody else notice the musical cars in the driveway?  Andrrrrei and Libby were the first to arrive, and Andrrrrei backed his car into the driveway, blocking another car in.  When they left, his car was fronted in, and the car it had been blocking had disappeared, but the way the drama played out for our eyes, there wasn't an opportunity (or reason) to be playing musical cars.

7 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

The fuckery was clear when the kids weren't allowed to come, so I assumed a fight was planned, but I do think it got out of hand.

Good point.

7 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Andrei tunnel visions in his anger...if he's angry, he goes all Hulk and seems to lose his sense of control. It's concerning. 

And Libby doesn't help.  She was ragging on that one sister and her husband (I can't tell the sisters apart) about standing when they arrived, saying, "You don't want to sit with us?"  Jesus.  Just let them stand or sit or whatever, especially when you've got Andrrrrrei around.

7 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

The man is crying and everyone is going in on him. 

I'll admit that I was kind of believing Chuck's tears, but decided that what he's actually thinking is, "I can't believe my family has sunk this low in order to become reality TV stars." 



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1 hour ago, Mean Jeanne said:

Being prompted by production isn’t enough to bring out the levels of anger and physicality we’re seeing.

Even Andreiiii and Charlie?  That seemed pretty heated and real to me.  Wasn't that a crew member who had to get into the middle of things.

I usually believe everything is scripted and staged...but not this time.

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

"Glamour" didn't enter into my thoughts or comments.  Brandon's first 26-ish years didn't allow independent thinking, thus his mother's SHOCK at his smallest decisions (which she blames on Julia). Perhaps he has a nit-picking supervisor who assures that Brandon performs the services step-by-step...no-brainer.  His farm responsibilities are dictated by his parents; does he have any choice in what to do or when/how to do it? Farm kids do that on their own at age ten--and get to school on time.

I didn't use the term "manbaby," but I enjoy it. He has finally realized that being taken care of (and ADORED) by Mommy is his preferred way of life.  If Julie could find a way to "adore" everything about her husband (🤢🤮🤢), things might run smoothly...but never as perfect as Life with Mom and Dad.


I don't mean to ascribe any motive here.  I was referring to Julia, not you, with the glamour snipe.  To quote Shelia E, "She wants to lead the glamorous life".  Although I don't know how she reconciles that with motherhood.  I think we agree he's not very emotionally mature.  As to how micromanaged he is at work, who knows, but it's not unlikely he's sent to his own jobs, with his own equipment, and has to do the work all by himself.  Didn't they show a clip once of him in a crawlspace spraying for termites?

Likewise, Brandon and momma is kinda gross (not as gross as Mike and momma), particularly if he's not the only child.  I'd hope there would be different dynamics with Julia, and, as you note, she doesn't fawn over him.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

Even Andreiiii and Charlie?  That seemed pretty heated and real to me.  Wasn't that a crew member who had to get into the middle of things.

I usually believe everything is scripted and staged...but not this time.

Apparently that was the one Coven Sister's ex husband, the one who refuses to let their kids be filmed.   I thought it was a crew member too, but others said it's not, but the ex.      Apparently crew member, who wanted to spoil our fun by breaking up the fight.    It's entirely logical that it was the crew member, because why would someone who didn't have to be at Chuck's fake BBQ show up unless they're paid to be there?   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • LOL 1
5 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Now to Family Libby.  Anybody else notice the musical cars in the driveway?  Andrrrrei and Libby were the first to arrive, and Andrrrrei backed his car into the driveway, blocking another car in.  When they left, his car was fronted in, and the car it had been blocking had disappeared, but the way the drama played out for our eyes, there wasn't an opportunity (or reason) to be playing musical cars.



I think that was production magic, but that leads to the suggestions here that this is all fake.  My better half and I noticed Chuck's eyes seemed pretty dry when he was crying his crocodile tears.  I'm honestly more interested in the bouncer who was checking Andreeeei than anyone else in that family.

  • LOL 2
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Someone should make a movie out of Natalie's suffering. Oh, how she's suffered with Mike. She just went through so much, all that suffering. No one has such a story to tell. Oh, how the public feels for her. NOT. Go away. I am done with you.

Libby and Andrei: What a family. This whole season was about family fights. What a bunch of losers, all feeling fully entitled to Daddy's money. The siblings even turned bully against Chuck. So demanding! Why don't these losers go get a job and stop depending on their dad's business to  make a living. Go out into the real world where this kind of behavior would get you immediately fired in a real workplace. I feel bad for Chuck who clearly hasn't a clue as to how to bring his family together. He just doesn't get it. Along with the ex-wife they raised a family of selfish, greedy, bullies. I hate to see how their own kids turn out having parents with this kind of mentality.



  • LOL 1
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Jovi - how tone deaf can you be? It wasn't Yara's idea to go to the strip club - you wheedled her into it, then thought it was cool to abuse her by blowing kisses to the stripper. Even mom is telling you to grow up. It's hard to believe that at his age he thinks he is just being himself instead of being developmentally stunted and hugely selfish to expect just to party on for the rest of his semi-adult life.

I know Jovi can't have fun without alcohol but come on - can't he at least plan a fun night with his wife that doesn't involve strippers? It's Miami for God's sake. Go to a club and dance. Take a moonlit walk on the beach. Go for a couples massage. 


Asuelu says you don't even need money in Samoa, because you can build your own house and grow your own food.

You can't grow your own Cheetos.


I'm honestly more interested in the bouncer who was checking Andreeeei than anyone else in that family.

I also assumed Tiny was a bouncer/production security but does anyone know for sure?

  • LOL 2
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11 hours ago, Chicken Fingers said:

Oh Juliana, shuffling in like Cousin It's creepy granddaughter, looming over Mike and giving him a victory hug. Mike is a real sad sack. Maybe if he'd stop picking women based on their looks, since he's a plain guy himself, he might not keep ending up with crazies or women who left him for other women. 

That's so funny because I always equated Kalani in the Cousin It category with that hair. Long hair doesn't always translate to having beautiful hair. It's too long and way too much. At least style it in different ways besides the occasional ball on top of your head. Straighten it, put it in a cute ponytail. If she cut it to shoulder length it would be so much better.

I just don't see Natalie as being anything close to attractive, not even a little. I can't imagine anyone being attracted to her. Besides everything else, she's just plain mean.  IMO Mike isn't bad looking but definitely needs to work on communication. As I used to say to my kids, "use your words". Same for Mike.

  • Love 7

I ised to watch this show for entertainment but that ship has sailed.  The misery on the show has been magnified so much I cannot imagine any of these couples ever being together, ever, and after last night it appears most of them won’t be.

I felt kinda sorry for Yara last night.  Imagine having a husband gone for months at a time, you are at home with a baby and when he comes home he doesn’t want to hang with his own little family, he wants to get out there and get drunk and blow kisses to strippers (since his preferred venues of entertainment are strip clubs).  I am not sure many wives would find that an attractive quality, and the relentless harping about “not being fun” would work my nerves pretty quickly.  He has arrested development, he is an overgrown frat boy.  I hope the best for them, but we’ll see.  Jovi would have to undergo an entire maturity program first.  Kudos to Gwen for holding his feet to the fire.

I am confused about Mike and Natalie.  He has been such a total jerk to her, (and I give no sympathy to Natalie, either) and now he looks devastated that she leaves.  He has “tried and tried and tried”.  I don’t see it.  One would think he’d be leaping for joy that she has cleared out.  For the record, my kids had pet rats and they are cute and social.  We held little funerals and burials when they died, they don’t live more than a few years.  I never thought I could see a rat as cute but I did. Juliana needing to use the bathroom and then knocking Mike’s hat off hugging him was a weird twist.

Tiffany gave me some serious manipulation vibes.  Her incessant whining about her martyred self, when she has people helping her everywhere, has hit the limit.  I can’t really blame Ronald for lashing back at her, not sure if he is dangerous, but how many men would not get a little pissed off after dealing with her?  If what the previews are saying is true, there is more going on.

The Libby family BBQ.  What to say.  Well, I can say that Charlie is not normal.  In fact, the whole family fails to be able to simply be in the same room without sticking out their fingers to push buttons.  But Charlie is in a category of his own, and his wife is deranged.  Felt bad for Chuck but he did not once set his own son straight on his behavior.  I would have thrown everybody out and tell them to lose my number until they can conduct themselves like adults.  And don’t come to work either, I am hiring new people, fend for yourselves you ungrateful hateful nitwits.

I’m going back to bed to sleep this off.

  • LOL 2
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3 hours ago, Joan van Snark said:


I will admit that part of this is Mike's fault.  He wants to score a woman that is more attractive than himself.  Since he really has no money and not much of a personality, the only way he can get what he wants is by looking for a foreign wife.  He may need to rethink his strategy and look for someone that is a better fit for himself.

Mike cast his net to Ukraine in hope that he would score a hot blonde, who was so desperate to escape her life there that she'd put up with anything. I waste no tears on Mike. He's an abuser. I don't care how crazy Natalie is. Being disrespectful does not mean that someone gets to emotionally abuse, browbeat, and gaslight you. 

And as I said in the live chat, Mike has proved that he's that "nice guy" who, when a woman refuses to give him her number, calls her a fat ugly bitch. Then goes out and keys her car. 

2 hours ago, anoninrva said:

   I thought Howdy Doody and Julia would be doing better after finally getting off the (hobby) farm, but I'm not so sure from the tell-all sneak peek.  They seem to have very different life goals.

Brandon wants sex on demand, but he for sure doesn't want a wife. He seems to know nothing about partnership. He throws Julia under the bus at every opportunity, mocks her, undermines her. He talks to her just like Ron talks to him. Tells her she's not smart enough, her English isn't good enough, farm chores are fun! What's wrong with you? He blames her for any problem. "I don't want to leave the farm! Its Julia!" I don't blame her for getting mad. He just smirks that smirk on his stupid ferret face and looks at the camera like "Chicks! Am I right?" Not once has he stood up for his wife. 

  • LOL 2
  • Love 14
18 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

He throws Julia under the bus at every opportunity, mocks her, undermines her. He talks to her just like Ron talks to him. Tells her she's not smart enough, her English isn't good enough, farm chores are fun! What's wrong with you? He blames her for any problem. "I don't want to leave the farm! Its Julia!" I don't blame her for getting mad. He just smirks that smirk on his stupid ferret face and looks at the camera like "Chicks! Am I right?" Not once has he stood up for his wife. 

I thought the exchange with his female friend was pretty disgusting.  Was shocked to see her at his housewarming, but I guess he doesn't have any actual friends.

  • LOL 1
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On 8/7/2021 at 12:39 PM, greekmom said:

Right?! It's not like Some meat who revealed he's married. Tiffany knew exactly who she was getting involved with (maybe she didn't know about how controlling he is but still - addict, thief). She could have had a nice fling in SA and then gone along her merry way, kept in touch for shits and giggles. Girlfriend thought she can change him. *sigh*  I can't with these women.

He may be controlling, but she is a nag, nag, nag and because It cannot be said enough, she is an idiot, annoying, thinks she is always right, is always correcting him and NEVER owns up to her own faults.  I actually can take him more than I can take her.  There, I said it!

  • Love 11

Serious question…what’s up with the “no bills” in Samoa. Does everyone in Samoa live off the grid? They all have solar panels, windmills, their own livestock, farm animals, fruit orchards, veggie gardens, etc.??? I’m not sure if that’s super primitive or super progressive, but I’m intrigued.

(unless, of course, man-child Asuelo simply just doesn’t fully comprehend that funds are actually required to live in Samoa, the way a small child might not understand that…never mind…question rescinded…)

Edited by Spectator
  • LOL 5
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The fight at Chuck's house and the fighting between Tiffany and Ronald was some very disturbing TV. And how weird was it that Tiffany was grinning like the Cheshire cat? Ronald is deluding himself if he thinks he can keep the kids by any way other than abduction. And, hello? Daniel is not your son and while he loves you he has made it clear that he doesn't want to live in South Africa.

Natalie's friend is the fucking weirdest. So is Natalie, cooing at the rat in the midst of a serious discussion about her dissolving marriage. WTF?!?

I still have hope for Jovi and Yara, but he def has some growing up to do. Love how his mother chooses reason over blood and is not coddling him. 

Asuelo also was showing some bad signs, trying to act like he's all in charge. Both of them need to get real jobs, stat. Kalani must have some major issues because she doesn't possess an iota of independence. 

Angela's just now realizing that Michael's child would be her grandchild? What an idiot!


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*The fight was 100% planned. I don’t see how Charlie wants to fight the eastern-European bouncer on his own risk.

*Andrei swears in Russian at least twice every sentence… I just hope his daughter doesn’t learn this kind of language as a required part of speech.

*What has Andrei done to make Chuck to change his opinion about him? It has been a few month since the purchase of the house and they’re just starting looking for stuff to start renovation? I always fought that the idea of flipping is that it has to be done vey-very fast, this is how you make money.

*Chuck - just hire professionals and I think your business is going to be much more successful. Let Andrei work as an entry level real estate agent first to pay off this nice Mercedes he drives.

*Libby - less animal print, please… 





  • Love 3
2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Now to Family Libby.  Anybody else notice the musical cars in the driveway?  Andrrrrei and Libby were the first to arrive, and Andrrrrei backed his car into the driveway, blocking another car in.  When they left, his car was fronted in, and the car it had been blocking had disappeared, but the way the drama played out for our eyes, there wasn't an opportunity (or reason) to be playing musical cars.

I didn't notice the musical cars, dammit.

I was too busy perseverating about how Chuck was cooking the burgers and brats without bothering to turn on the grill.

I think the Potthast fuckery is 90% fake, 10% real when they're all plastered and their inhibitions are down.  

I wish TLC would just give them their own show a la Family Chantal so I can choose not to watch them.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Useful 1
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*Ronald *

My arm chair diagnosis - He has some very serious mental issue. Gambling is just it’s manifestation. Tiffany is too stupid to realize that she is playing with a fire, because It can end up very badly. I think when she was in the US, he had a remission; now with all the triggers he is reaching  his breaking point. 

She needs to leave ASAP however I’m not so sure she can take Carly with her, if he contacts the passport control to keep his daughter in the country. 

32 minutes ago, Maximadc said:

What has Andrei done to make Chuck to change his opinion about him? It has been a few month since the purchase of the house and they’re just starting looking for stuff to start renovation? I always fought that the idea of flipping is that it has to be done vey-very fast, this is how you make money.

Andrei "hinted" that immigration would kick him out of the U.S. if he couldn't prove that he had a job.  Chuck doesn't want his daughter & granddaughter moving to "Maldova" so he's bending over backwards to employ Andrei.  And Andrei is too far up Chuck's ass.

16 minutes ago, Maximadc said:

She needs to leave ASAP however I’m not so sure she can take Carly with her, if he contacts the passport control to keep his daughter in the country. 

Tiffany gave birth in the U.S.  Who is to say that Ronald is even on the birth certificate?

Edited by Kath94
  • Love 4
32 minutes ago, politichick said:

Natalie's friend is the fucking weirdest. So is Natalie, cooing at the rat in the midst of a serious discussion about her dissolving marriage. WTF?!?

This is why I cannot be sympatric to Natalie.  She is just strange and very passive aggressive.  She acted terrified in the car with her weird friend, to go into the house with Mike.  Creeps in all wide eyed waiting the the boogie man to jump out.  Then flips that switch only Natalie knows, and is cooing, at the table with Mike sitting right there.  WHF?  She has done this the entire time they have been together.  Let's not forget about the fight before his flight back and her throwing the ring at him, only to talk baby talk in the cab to the airport and hanging on him before he boarded.  His body language was screaming "leave me alone!" 


  • Love 8
3 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Anybody else notice the musical cars in the driveway? 

I did. Plus it got dark awful quick then light again.  The editing on reality shows sucks, pay attention to any food/drink scenes.  The fight was planned of course, but I think Chuck’s upset was kinda real.  Dad’s overweight and probably has more money and life issues than the show wants to reveal.  Is the stress worth  the TLC pay cheque I wonder?

The pointing finger daughter in law seemed to want star billing this episode.

  • Love 4
On 8/7/2021 at 12:00 AM, magemaud said:

Tiffany smiles coyly at the camera after Ronald leaves in a huff. Edited to add: this was immediately after she laughed and said “loser” to the camera 


On 8/7/2021 at 12:00 AM, magemaud said:

Tiffany smiles coyly at the camera after Ronald leaves in a huff. Edited to add: this was immediately after she laughed and said “loser” to the camera 


Cannot stand this nagging biatch.  I don't like to see anyone slapped but this one deserves it!!! if i had to listen to her all day i would either shoot myself or her - she never stops with the whining - STFU

Edited by leann12158
  • Love 9
9 hours ago, Opine said:

It was RICH!!!! when Kalani and Asuelo got upset that they were being thrown out of the house.  "It's bad timing".  Yeah.  It was a better time to move out when you first came to the US.  It was better when you knocked her up with #2.  It was better for all that time between arrival in the US and now.

And what's keeping Kalani and Asuelu in Utah anyway? There are yogurt stands everywhere for Asuelu's cuh-rear. Why can't they also move to the house "near, but not in California," with Lisa and Lo? If they want their own place, I guess they don't have enough money to take over the mortgage on the Utah house, or pay rent to her parents but that might be the only reason to stay in Utah. 

  • Love 5
19 minutes ago, gaPeach said:

This is why I cannot be sympatric to Natalie.  She is just strange and very passive aggressive.  She acted terrified in the car with her weird friend, to go into the house with Mike.  Creeps in all wide eyed waiting the the boogie man to jump out.  Then flips that switch only Natalie knows, and is cooing, at the table with Mike sitting right there.  WHF?  She has done this the entire time they have been together.  Let's not forget about the fight before his flight back and her throwing the ring at him, only to talk baby talk in the cab to the airport and hanging on him before he boarded.  His body language was screaming "leave me alone!" 


Natalie is a psychopath - at least Mike is somewhat normal.  I hope this is it for the couples on the show - so boring and so acted out this season.

  • Love 6

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