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S16.E17: Live Eviction #5; HoH Comp #6

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Anyone else confused as to why Frankie gets such a good edit? Christine too. They are TOTALLY different people. Christine has wanted Amber gone since week 2 because she wants Cody all to herself. Meanwhile, Frankie is 100% vile and mean-spirited. Same with Christine. They're vile human beings, yet Christine talks about wanting to keep Amber in the DR and Frankie says, "Oh I feel bad for Caleb" which is bs.


I get that Frankie has a famous sister and is Team America(because he has a famous sister), but enough. Show him for the vile human he is.

Edited by XtremeOne1
  • Love 3

Yeah Frankie gets a really good edit. Not surprised. Christine is probably the person I hate in the house most tied with Derrick. I'm still waiting for Nicole to realize Christine has been playing her


Amber was very classy about things. I wish she blew up their games though. I'm glad she went out on a good note. But normal, kind people don't win Big Brother unfortunately.


Hoping for Donny for HOH!

  • Love 2

Amber is such a class act.  Unfortunately, she has no clue about the dynamics of the house.  Derrick and Frankie are controlling the house, not Donny.


Loved, loved, loved, Nicole's boots.


Derrick trying to make himself look good by pointing out that Donny is the reason the Team America task did not happen.  He's such a douche.


Hoping Donny wins one of the HoH slots.


Double eviction next week, yay!

  • Love 8

After years of these challenges relying solely on memory, why on earth would they show the houseguests a video first? And then not even have a tiebreaker question planned? Maybe they were tired of the memory challenges essentially being a crapshoot, but I can't help but feel the five-way tie could have been avoided with better production.

  • Love 10


Amber is such a class act.  Unfortunately, she has no clue about the dynamics of the house.  Derrick and Frankie are controlling the house, not Donny.


She seems very kind and sweet, but man does she seem like she was out of her depth.   I actually bristled when she said that Donny was running the House.


I think they should make Caleb hand over her bunny slippers.

  • Love 3

Ack! Shut up Victoria! Shutupshutupshutup!

I would probably be okay with any of the remaining five winning except for Nicole. At least Derrick, Christine and Cody were out. Zach and Caleb might be interesting, but I want Donny to be safe, so pulling for him.


Amber seems like a lovely person, but her exit interview made it clear that she really wasn't any good at the game. Donny running the house, really?

  • Love 2

Amber and Brittany were my faves so it's tough to lose them back to back, but Amber went out with a great interview so I'm not really upset. I don't know who to root for now. Nicole, I guess? I just want the women to start fighting back instead of waiting to get picked off one by one.


Victoria makes herself look stupid and petty with the catty comments when she votes. Donny's goodbye messages always melt my heart. He annoyed me this week but now all is forgiven. 


I had to laugh at Derrick taking the opportunity to call Donny out for not wanting to do the TA mission. He doesn't miss a step!

  • Love 2

Team America, you're a bunch of lily-livered rat bastards. 


I know there's a lot of entitlement going around the house, as always ("I deserve to stay in the house because…"), but Caleb takes the cake. He is outraged that Amber would dare to consider putting him on the block! Sure, he put her up (in his mind), but that's no excuse! 


I am very glad that Julie made no pretense of Caleb's feelings for Amber being anything but one-sided. The early editing of those two made it look as if BB wanted to portray it as a showmance when it was anything but. I'm glad production backed away from that. 


I really hope Caleb goes home next week, and that he is greeted with a chorus of boos. I am thinking they will do away with the two HoH concept next Thursday, because I can't see how they could fit a BoB into the already full lineup of Eviction, HoH competition, Nominations, PoV competitions, and another eviction. 



Noticed that Caleb got absolutely nothing on Amber's way out the door, not even a hug (Yes !!!) -- what will he do now with the additional 23 and half hours a day he spent talking about Amber ?


I second your "Yes!"She barely even made eye contact. I don't envy anyone in the house who has to listen to him over the next week. 

I had to laugh at Derrick taking the opportunity to call Donny out for not wanting to do the TA mission. He doesn't miss a step!


Seriously. And it was a pretty lame excuse, too, because from what I could tell, Donny objected to the part Derrick had cast him in, which was to be the one to do the accusing. 

  • Love 1

Did Amber mean to say Derrick and misspoke Donny, maybe because she had just seen his goodbye message?  It doesn't even make sense that she would think that.  She knows there was an alliance of half the people there since the beginning, and Donny wasn't one of them.  She knows Donny has never been HOH.


Please, please, please let Donny and either Nicole or Hayden win HOH.

Seriously. And it was a pretty lame excuse, too, because from what I could tell, Donny objected to the part Derrick had cast him in, which was to be the one to do the accusing. 


Actually, all Donny would have had to do would be to repeat Derrick's accusation that it was Zach just trying to stir up trouble. Frankie would start the accusations by asking Caleb if he had a change of heart and voted to keep Amber, then Derrick planned to say that it was just Amanda's cousin Zach trying to cause drama, then Donny would agree and say it was Zach.

You know what's bugging me?  The fact that everybody votes the same.  I long for the days when there were more than one faction in the house along with floaters and everybody voted for who they wanted to vote for.  It's way too boring this way.  No matter how they make it look like the other person is going to be voted out..they are not fooling us...


Amber went out with class...


As much as we hate the double HOH I'm liking that all these competitions keep the shows exciting.  I used to hate the Sunday show and now I do want to watch it for the BOTB!

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Amber seems like such a nice, classy person.  She went out with her head held high.  I'm glad she's away from the rest of those jerks.  So now Donny is the only decent human being left in the house.  (Well, except for possibly Jacosta, but she's been such a non-entity).


Caleb is such a massive tool.  The scene of him blowing up over Amber saying she might put him up was rage-inducing.  What a hypocrite... he JUST got her put up on the block for no good reason.  There aren't words in the English language that are sufficient to express how awful he is.  It was sickening to watch Zach and some of the other guys egging him on after they told him that bit of info.  They're all disgusting IMO.


Everytime I think he's hit rock bottom, Derrick continues to sink in my eyes.  Throwing Donny under the bus to America was not cool at all, Derrick.  Not cool.  I for one am glad that Donny refused the mission this week.  It's clear that he appreciates being chosen for Team America, but is smart enough not to let it compromise his long-term prospects in the game.  And he was 100% correct.  The mission would have exposed him and Derrick for sure.  It would have been totally uncharacteristic of him to publicly accuse other people of the hinky votes.  I do think he was a little carried away with himself when he referred to the other housemates as "smart" , but even these dim bulbs would have noticed something was up if they went through with this mission.


So, did anyone else laugh out loud that the broadcast ended in a 5-way tie?!  It's like this group of people are incapable of voting differently from one another!

  • Love 6

I hated to see Amber go, she was such a gracious, genuinely kind, and SANE, presence in that house full of stupid crazy.  But she went out well, and I'm forever grateful that she doesn't have to spend a minute in the jury house with Caleb.  I'm also very glad she will be surrounded by people who love her, and that she will be comforted by a lot of fan support to hopefully take away some of the sting when she sees all the misguided hate and venom the houseguests were spewing constantly behind her back -  on the feeds more than the show, because the bashing they did against her was played WAAAAAY down on CBS.


The dramatic shot of the dead bunny slippers on the floor was funny, but I'm super pissed that Caleb was able to keep Amber's slippers in the end.  Where were the Big Brother rules for that???  The only thing that will make me less pissed will be seeing him sleep with one slipper against his face at night, and the other on his foot.  Lunatic moron.


The only time Victoria manages to be anything more than a dead-eyed, mouth breathing pile of fake hair that uses up more than her fair share of precious oxygen is when she's casting her vote and making bitchy, inaccurate parting shots.  I never saw Amber as fake in any way, shape or form.  Appears to be a lot like jealousy on Victoria, and it's not a good look.


eta:  Maybe when Amber said she thinks Donny is running the house, she meant that he is the one person in there that they all truly like, and that none of them want to be the ones to actually get rid of him. 

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 4
So, did anyone else laugh out loud that the broadcast ended in a 5-way tie?!  It's like this group of people are incapable of voting differently from one another!


Hah! I hadn't thought of it that way.. but I was just pissed and threw down my remote... these people offer nothing that needed to be added to today in favor of getting a vote for HoH settled. This wasn't an endurance comp they knew would rage on through the night. It's shocking they couldn't plan better than this. "Okay we have a five way tie... two people closest to the actual number of this question will become the two HoH's" would have taken nominally longer then "and we have run out of time for today's show". Fuckin' amateur hour man... seriously!!


Retro edit: I think it's because Victoria hates everyone in the house for not properly recognizing that she is to be the princess and focal point of the show and her being mostly ignored is driving her crazy as it doesn't match up with her non BB life. But yeah she's just spiteful and mean. Maybe this is why nobody ever seems to talk to her/involve her in their plans.!

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 6

First and foremost I want to thank BIG BROTHER for TRYING to disrupt the block voting by using the Team America angle to spice things up...unfortunatly it turned into an epic fail not seen since the very first season when the producers desperatly tried to shake things up with and attempt to BRIBE one of the boring dullards to leave the house with a suitecase full of $50,000 dollars in order to get in a new houseguest that promised to shake things up. Unfortunatly none of the simpletons of that inaugural season were smart enough to take them up on it.


I hope the producers are annoyed at Donny for being such a pussy that it ruined their plans. Maybe he won't get such a noble edit from now on.


Meanwhile...Donny is running the game?! This lack of perception on Amber's part and some of the "mean girl" comments she made about Caleb during the Chenterview made me not like her as much as I did before. It just seemed a little cruel.


People say Caleb has mental problems but if you look closely its the vile Frankie Grande who is the true sociopath. The way he lies and his manipulation of Caleb (and most disturbingly his GLEE in doing it) marks him as a very questionable person and I wouldn't be surprised if outside "the game" he is like that too...especially if he plays the "I'm Ariana's brother" card.


Nicole was again super sexy in her cowboy boots and shorty shorts. No wonder Hayden is in persuit.


Lastly I wonder if the "to be continued" was planned or not as Julie seemed genuinally suprised how good everyone was.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 2

The HOH ending was funny. Usually Julie catches a clue and goes to the tie-breaker. I'd like to think that she was so sure that these people would absolutely throw it/screw up so she kept plowing ahead. And then probably heard someone in her ear saying "uh, yeah. We have to shut this down now. Oops".

But I have to say, even with them getting to watch the videos, I'm rather impressed with the overall lack of screw ups (not looking at you, Jacosta). I think of myself as a fairly intelligent person, but I would not do well in this particular memory comp. I'm terrible at visual memory. I'm much better at reading something and remembering, but I'm a bit ADD at the visuals. Hell, I don't think I can even mock Jacosta, I might've been out before her.

Amber was a class act until the end, and I do agree that Caleb and his nonsense screwed her over, but I also think that her having women parts instead of men parts might have something to do with it. I am not really happy with the path this season is currently taking.

Eta: I have no problem with Donny refusing the mission and certainly do not think he's a 'pussy' for saying no. The fact is, this house is group think with the votes so far, and he would get a target for trying to stir things up, which would be so out of character for him. He's here to win $500k, not be "America's" puppet and risk getting booted for $5k.

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 11
In BB Canada, when the house guest doesn't perform their secret mission, the house gets a punishment.  With two failed TA missions in a row, I feel as if two punishments are in order.  Can we make this happen?  Someone start a letter-writing campaign.  I'd do it but I'm too busy refreshing the Joker's homepage.


That would be good if the entire house got a punishment and TAFY couldn't tell anyone why they were getting the punishment.

Having to live with a guy who wears zipper-up onesies with the hood up but zipper down past his waist, indoors, is punishment enough...


But yeah, I'm glad TA decide to say "F this..." to the 'mission'. The punishment is not getting the 5 grand... I wouldn't expect anyone to act out of character and jeopardize their game and chance to win $500,000. I mean if Victoria was on TA I'm sure she'd do it as her position in the house can't sink much lower... but all of TA is doing well game-wise with smart decisions and waving off this "assignment" was one of them imo.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 2
I hated to see Amber go, she was such a gracious, genuinely kind, and SANE, presence in that house full of stupid crazy.  But she went out well, and I'm forever grateful that she doesn't have to spend a minute in the jury house with Caleb.  I'm also very glad she will be surrounded by people who love her, and that she will be comforted by a lot of fan support to hopefully take away some of the sting when she sees all the misguided hate and venom the houseguests were spewing constantly behind her back -  on the feeds more than the show, because the bashing they did against her was played WAAAAAY down on CBS.

ICAM. While I'm sure $500k would have been a highly appreciated reward, I don't think it was worth it for her to have spend another hour inside that house with that nest of sociopathic vipers. She was never going to be able to sink to the level she'd need to in order to be successful there. And I don't have a problem with Donny refusing the mission. I think he's the only truly decent person in there.

  • Love 4
Having to live with a guy who wears zipper-up onesies with the hood up but zipper down past his waist, indoors, is punishment enough...​

You speak the truth.  


I have no problem with Donny refusing the TA task.  It could have been a real risk for him, and he's trying to play a long game, eye on the big prize.  And, I think he really likes the game and wants to play according to his strategy.  Getting a "physical threat" like Amber (still can't stop laughing) nominated or encouraging Zach to pick a fight doesn't directly affect Donny's game.  Requiring Donny to act out of character had the potential to make folks suspicious.  Like he said, if it was just voting against the house, it wouldn't be that big a deal, but making him call someone out would definitely raise eyebrows.  Donny is a listener, sitting quietly during a lot of the house dust-ups; Donny is not Zach.  Maybe he could have quietly suggested to Nicole or Hayden or Cody that Caleb voted against the house, but to publicly accuse someone would be completely out of character, especially if Derrick and Frankie were doing the same thing.  It would, at the very least, make people suspicious that the three of them had an alliance, which I don't think is on anyone's radar just yet.  


That said, I am sick of all the unanimous votes.  I get not wanting to stir stuff up early on, but the numbers are getting lower, and there is a clear power imbalance in the house - a power imbalance that could be shifted, IF the ones not in power act before their numbers are completely decimated.  

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 1

This lack of perception on Amber's part and some of the "mean girl" comments she made about Caleb during the Chenterview made me not like her as much as I did before. It just seemed a little cruel.


I thought Amber was right on with her comments about Caleb.  She told the truth, that she wasn't interested in him and wasn't going to pretend interest for any amount of money.  I didn't see anything "mean girl" about it.  The controlling, egomaniac put her in an uncomfortable position on more than one occasion and interfered with her enjoyment of the opportunity she had been given.  The fool still thinks they'll exchange numbers and go out after the show.  Delusion, thy name is Caleb.

  • Love 22


Meanwhile...Donny is running the game?! This lack of perception on Amber's part and some of the "mean girl" comments she made about Caleb during the Chenterview made me not like her as much as I did before. It just seemed a little cruel.


WHAT?? Mean girl comments? Not that I recognized any but I think she'd get a pretty big pass if she chose to unload on that freak.

  • Love 10

This lack of perception on Amber's part and some of the "mean girl" comments she made about Caleb during the Chenterview made me not like her as much as I did before. It just seemed a little cruel.



This makes me feel like I need to go lie down for a while with a cool compress on my forehead and maybe some nice, ambient music playing softly in the background.

  • Love 11
This lack of perception on Amber's part and some of the "mean girl" comments she made about Caleb during the Chenterview made me not like her as much as I did before. It just seemed a little cruel.


Yeah, I don't get that either. She didn't call him an obsessive loser bunny boiler creepy sub-human piece of pond scum, any of which I could make a good case for. She just pointed out that she wasn't interested in Caleb, and didn't make it personal as it would have been so easy to do. 

  • Love 7

I wish Jocasta would realize that she's on a game show and not in church. She seems to assume that everybody believes the same way she does and wants to be preached at.

I for one am sick of hearing that shit every tine she opens her mouth.

I'm about done with this season anyway. Its pretty much a guarantee that Frankie will at least make final 2 and he'll be sitting there next to another guy because these women are idiots.

My final bitch is Nicole's voice. It makes me cringe.

  • Love 3

This show has a habit of not showing people as they really are.  Do you remember Evil Dick?  I rest my case with that one.


I hated Dick, and that was before I read the forums.  I heard nothing about his behavior on the feeds, yet I found him grotesque.


You know what's bugging me?  The fact that everybody votes the same.  I long for the days when there were more than one faction in the house along with floaters and everybody voted for who they wanted to vote for.  It's way too boring this way.  No matter how they make it look like the other person is going to be voted out..they are not fooling us..


For a long time I've wished that both BB and Survivor only announced who's evicted - not what the vote count was, or who else got votes.  That would give people more courage to vote "against the house" and it would rattle some people, because they'd never be sure if they got any votes.


I second your "Yes!"She barely even made eye contact. I don't envy anyone in the house who has to listen to him over the next week. 


Seriously. And it was a pretty lame excuse, too, because from what I could tell, Donny objected to the part Derrick had cast him in, which was to be the one to do the accusing. 


I really appreciated the fact that Amber wasn't doing all the fake kissing and hugging that usually occurs.  Of course she ruined it a little by repeating how much she loved everyone.


Like others, I didn't appreciate Derrick's attempt to shift the blame for the TA refusal on Donny.  It would have been interesting if they switched things up by having "America" vote again for the team.  That way, Derrick could be punished for being sneaky, and surely Frankie would not be re-elected.  It would also leave the members not re-elected in the quandary of whether or not they accuse other of being on TA.  They would have to admit that they themselves had been on the team.


I thought Amber was right on with her comments about Caleb.  She told the truth, that she wasn't interested in him and wasn't going to pretend interest for any amount of money.  I didn't see anything "mean girl" about it.  The controlling, egomaniac put her in an uncomfortable position on more than one occasion and interfered with her enjoyment of the opportunity she had been given.  The fool still thinks they'll exchange numbers and go out after the show.  Delusion, thy name is Caleb.


I wasn't a fan of Amber's, but I grew to respect her by the time she was evicted.  I admire her for not crying when Zach went off on her (unlike Nichole).  She calmly confronted Caleb and didn't attempt to use tears to manipulate him.  She told Frankie the move was personal, and again didn't attempt to cry or make them pity her.  I thought it was great that she did not make Caleb feel better after he apologized.  I always accept apologies because I'm too wimpy not too.


Frankie acts like he's a sixteen year old starring in a Disney show.  I can't believe people are falling for his fake reactions - shock at Victoria being vetoed, etc.


I'm seeing more and more why Victoria is not liked.


When Caleb stormed out of the HOH room, after learning that Amber wants him out, the guys got so worked up.  Cody said the house was "blown up", and yet ....... absolutely nothing happened.  What was that about?

  • Love 1
When Caleb stormed out of the HOH room, after learning that Amber wants him out, the guys got so worked up.  Cody said the house was "blown up", and yet ....... absolutely nothing happened.  What was that about?​



I think that was about Caleb being a Dumbo (tm Donny).  Actually, Cody probably expected a huge fight or something between Amber and Caleb, but I'm guessing Amber really just did not care enough to even engage with Caleb on that level, and so instead we got her relatively calm reaction and walking out of the room.  I loved when Caleb tried to talk to her again, and started with "Can we talk?  And you won't walk away again?".  Yeah, Caleb, you begging her to talk to you really shows that you're putting her right in her place... But I cringed so hard when the two of them were talking and he said something like "I want to apologize, with you looking me in the eye" - he said it like it was an order, and it was creeeee-py.  

Eta: I have no problem with Donny refusing the mission and certainly do not think he's a 'pussy' for saying no. The fact is, this house is group think with the votes so far, and he would get a target for trying to stir things up, which would be so out of character for him. He's here to win $500k, not be "America's" puppet and risk getting booted for $5k.



I have no problem with Donny refusing the TA task.  It could have been a real risk for him, and he's trying to play a long game, eye on the big prize.  And, I think he really likes the game and wants to play according to his strategy. 

After Derrick threw Donny under the bus and blamed the failed mission squarely on Donny, my concern is that now Donny will become a target for Derrick and Frankie - where I think the TA thing had Donny kind of protected by those two before now.  So it was risky for him either way - maybe he should have thought about it a little longer before telling the guy running the house (Derrick) that he was declining the mission. 

Edited by Cosmocrush

I think the reason why the Bomb Squad and its 2.0 incarnation the Detonators has been so effective is that the random combination of alpha males with a gay male as well as a geeky female completely throws people's preconceived notions of who probably would be grouped together so the rest of the house doesn't really clearly sense their threat.  I think that's why the First Five in BBCanada also did well because it wasn't a group that you'd think of bonding together so they were able to use their double agents to gain a lot of early power.  The other problem is that the rest of the players don't really have a lot in common so instead of one large group  (the female alliance that first Joey, then later Amber tried to rally) ...you have these factions  (Nicole, Hayden, Christine or the older players like Brittany, Donny and Jocasta) that often overlap allegiances with other Detonators rather than with each other. 


The only person I could see able to upset the balance of power might be Donny, but he seems to be brought closer to the Detonators by the Team America tasks rather than to the players on the outside.  Nicole will be useless as long as she's under the spell of Christine... and any moves she might be involved in would be immediately relayed to the Detonators.  Jocasta, Caleb and Victoria are horrible players so the only way I can see anyone beating the Detonators is if Zach causes a rift in the group and then blows up their play.  Still, the opposition is so gullible, I could see Frankie, Christine, or Derrick still talking their way out of any fuck up that Zach might cause.


Generally, I like to root for nice people and the underdogs... but honestly I just don't see how any of them will be able to mount a defense against this group.  Nicole seems like she has some hidden intelligence...(she answered all the HOH questions faster than any of the other players) but unless she can break away from Christine and ally with Donny and Hayden and gather the rest of the floaters... I see 5 detonators fighting it out at the end and that's when an otherwise dull season will finally get a little interesting.

  • Love 1

Amber seems like such a nice, classy person.  She went out with her head held high.  I'm glad she's away from the rest of those jerks.  So now Donny is the only decent human being left in the house.  (Well, except for possibly Jacosta, but she's been such a non-entity).


Caleb is such a massive tool.  The scene of him blowing up over Amber saying she might put him up was rage-inducing.  What a hypocrite... he JUST got her put up on the block for no good reason.  There aren't words in the English language that are sufficient to express how awful he is.  It was sickening to watch Zach and some of the other guys egging him on after they told him that bit of info.  They're all disgusting IMO.


Everytime I think he's hit rock bottom, Derrick continues to sink in my eyes.  Throwing Donny under the bus to America was not cool at all, Derrick.  Not cool.  I for one am glad that Donny refused the mission this week.  It's clear that he appreciates being chosen for Team America, but is smart enough not to let it compromise his long-term prospects in the game.  And he was 100% correct.  The mission would have exposed him and Derrick for sure.  It would have been totally uncharacteristic of him to publicly accuse other people of the hinky votes.  I do think he was a little carried away with himself when he referred to the other housemates as "smart" , but even these dim bulbs would have noticed something was up if they went through with this mission.



Yes, I have been very "meh" about Amber, but these past few episodes have put me in her camp.  Yeah, maybe she played the game terribly, but she tried.  She just put her trust in the wrong people (mostly Christine) in trying to form an all girls alliance.  And it sounds like the other women didn't like her because she is prettier than they are, so I don't think even in a perfect situation she would have been able to pull off an all girls alliance.  Although, I think if it weren't for Caleb, she could have been in the Detonators, but they put her and Caleb together and just decided the two of them were too much drama.  


But she was all class in how she left, and in her exit interview, and in the way she dealt with Zach (and BTW, can they please stop rewarding Zach's behavior by constantly playing his goodbye messages, they are all mean, and they aren't even unique, its always the same thing "I'm glad you're gone and I hate you").  I was very proud of her...but girl, just let Caleb have those bunny slippers, he is going to read you wanting them back as you wanting him to deliver them to your house while you're sleeping or something.  And besides, he is probably in the bathroom having sex with those slippers so you do not want them back.  Just go out and buy another pair.


Derrick knows full well he didn't want to do that mission either, for all the intelligent reasons Donny stated, I'm not sure how it advanced his game to blame Donny during the eviction...but I guess it will be a good excuse for him and Frankie to get rid of Donny when the time comes, and they want an excuse that they think won't make America absolutely hate them, "well America, we are voting out Donny, but he wasn't even willing to do the Team America task even though we were totally willing."

  • Love 4

I'm fine with Donny refusing the mission but I think he could have made it work for his game if he could get the DR to agree to a loose definition of "accuse". Donny's right that he's not the accusatory type but I could buy him listening to Derrick and Frankie's accusations and adding a calm agreement that could go far to fuel the fire against Zach.




I agree. This season has had its best competitions.


 It would have been interesting if they switched things up by having "America" vote again for the team.  That way, Derrick could be punished for being sneaky, and surely Frankie would not be re-elected.  It would also leave the members not re-elected in the quandary of whether or not they accuse other of being on TA.  They would have to admit that they themselves had been on the team.


I'm still bitter about BB8 where the majority of the voters in these things were very susceptible to the storylines given by AG, so I actually think Frankie would be voted back into TA. Derrick maybe. Donnie would be a yes unless the show tried to undermine his popularity.


But the drama potential would be amazing.

Well, I'm sure Amber is relieved to be away from Caleb right now, but I really wish it were the other way around. That girl had poise and character for days. I was very impressed by how she went out. I just found it so shitty that people would question HER loyalty when they didn't even bring her into the secondary alliance. And, what? She can't hang out with the "other side" of the house? That's just ludicrous. 


I did find hilarious how easily Frankie can manipulate Caleb. Frankie grates, but he's not a half-bad player. 


I'm curious to see if having Amber out makes Caleb even more crazy, or takes the crazy down a notch. I thought for sure he was going to flip out on her when he heard that she was going to target him. I mean, when the bunny slippers come off....look out! I will say this, God sure wasted that pretty face on Caleb. He is batshit crazy, but he is a cutie. 


Man, Donny always has the best goodbyes. I just love him so much. He seems like the kind of person who can connect with anyone and really tries to find the good in people. I hope he's around for the long haul. 

  • Love 1

I was sorry to see Amber go. I still think that Caleb is pretty to look at but he really has a lot of serious growing up to do.


I have no problem at all with Donny not wanting to do the TA challenge.  I don't blame him.  I wouldn't have either.


I think that out of everyone in the house, I want Donny to  win.  And I know that you all don't like Derrick, but I think he's playing the game really well.


And Zack.  He's nuts.  But I can't help but like him.  Weird.

Edited by Biosynth
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I really want to know what happens if someone walks away from their cube without resetting the answer block.


Julie yells at them and they go up and fix it.


I don't understand why the judges are so bad that they can't just scan the answers that are in front of existing players. Is it really that hard? They spend a lot of time telling the departing players to reset their blocks.

Good on you, Amber - you may not have been able to keep your bunny slippers - but at least you got to keep your dignity.  And your life.  (Caleb is slowing morphing into a maniachle, scary creep - and it's gotta keep the editors on their toes, because they are barely able to hide his batshit insanity through what borderline non-creepy footage he gives them in the house.)  I would be interested to hear her take on what she really thought of the Caleb stuff now  that she has safe distance from that worthless pile of abuser crap.


Zach - I just don't get it - are you trying to be a comedian?  Reality star 'bad boy'?  You aren't even enjoyable evil - you're regressive/juvenile stupid...and that's not much fun to watch.


Frankie - Whoever upthread said you DR like you're auditioning for a diney show - they were 100% correct...and go read that again...and again..and again.


Donnie:  Good on you for playing your long game, and not being the TAFY fallguy.  (Also, bucking up against Derrick, even slightly, was awesome.)  Good on your sweet country boy self for having the smarts to know Frankie's hands would have been clean in that scenario, knowing what Derrick would have done, and you not allowing yourself to be their pawn.  My guess is I would NEVER want to play poker with you!

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I am SO glad that we've got a double eviction next week. Both because it means we get rid of two idiots instead of just one and get things moving a little bit faster, but also because the double eviction is a good place for things to get a little crazy. When they've only got a commercial break to strategize, you see who's really good at playing the game. I'm really just hoping that we can lose one of the Dumbinators because it's getting really boring in this house with everyone in that alliance thinking they run the house and then being proven right by the unanimous votes.


Remember when there were two powerful alliances and the power would shift back and forth from week to week? And the votes weren't all unanimous and there was actually some suspense on eviction nights?


Yeah, me neither.

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I really want to know what happens if someone walks away from their cube without resetting the answer block.

They should read their contract - that's grounds for summary execution.

Just thinking that invoked a Blazing Saddles flashback:

"Chewing gum in line, eh? Well, I hope you brought enough for everybody!"

"Uhhh... I didn't know there was going to be so many!"


"Boy, is he strict!"

I'm curious to see if having Amber out makes Caleb even more crazy, or takes the crazy down a notch.

Keep in mind the only thought in Caleb's mind is the last thought someone else put there. I think Frankie did some whispering in BMBB's ear last night, so he appeared relatively chill - so far.

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