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Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


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It's also the cosmic movie DC fans hoped Green Lantern would be!

It was also a better Star Wars movie than any of the prequels.


The movie was just pure fun, and that might be an understatement.  It's between this and Winter Soldier as to what the best Marvel movie is, yeah I'd put it ahead of The Avengers.  The Star-Lord name being the nickname his mother gave him reveal was great.


Hey Warner Brothers, you see how people are praising this, and it's been a bigger hit than expected?  A big reason is that it's a fun superhero movie.  People want fun superhero movies, so take the message, dark works for Batman, not for everyone.  Fun is good, they're called superheroes, they should be fun and give people hope.

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Don't get me started on Green Lantern. What a pile of disappointment that flick was.


Quick question for any GotG comic fans: What kind of name is "The Milano" for a spaceship? As for what I asked before: here's a link I found that connects Marvel movie McGuffins to Infinity Gems/Stones. Makes sense if you think about it.


Bruinsfan . . . big "ha!" to "Redneck Smurf." Personally, I go with "Blue Space Merle," but that's pretty apt.

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It was also a better Star Wars movie than any of the prequels.


The movie was just pure fun, and that might be an understatement.  It's between this and Winter Soldier as to what the best Marvel movie is, yeah I'd put it ahead of The Avengers.  The Star-Lord name being the nickname his mother gave him reveal was great.


Hey Warner Brothers, you see how people are praising this, and it's been a bigger hit than expected?  A big reason is that it's a fun superhero movie.  People want fun superhero movies, so take the message, dark works for Batman, not for everyone.  Fun is good, they're called superheroes, they should be fun and give people hope.

Amen! Testify! I hate how since The Dark Knight came out, superheros have to be "dark" and "conflicted." While some, like Batman, are suited by that, not all are (looking at you Man of Steel). Being fun doesn't mean you are silly and childish and can't be serious or complex. There is a medium between something like DK or Watchmen and the 60's Batman. Guardians, and the Marvel movies in general, seem to strike a good balance.

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What kind of name is "The Milano" for a spaceship?
Named after Alyssa Milano, who was in Who's the Boss in 1988.




When I first heard that I thought of the sad coincidence Jaycee Dugard, who was abducted when she was 11 and held in a backyard for 16 years since 1993(and had two children by her rapist/kidnapper) had chosen to be called "Alyssa" after her favorite actress Alyssa Milano when she was forced to change her name in captivity.


Sorry to bring the mood down, back on topic!


The makers of the movie are right on when they said the soundtrack helps grounds the movie and keeps it relatable to audiences all the crazy and weird sci-fi stuff. It also makes the movie very fun.

Edited by VCRTracking

Don't get me started on Green Lantern. What a pile of disappointment that flick was.


Quick question for any GotG comic fans: What kind of name is "The Milano" for a spaceship? As for what I asked before: here's a link I found that connects Marvel movie McGuffins to Infinity Gems/Stones. Makes sense if you think about it.


Bruinsfan . . . big "ha!" to "Redneck Smurf." Personally, I go with "Blue Space Merle," but that's pretty apt.


Green Lantern showed me how "serious" DC was about their superhero movies.  It took them YEARS and YEARS to get one of their big non-Superman/Batman superheroes on the big screen.  There was a lot riding on that film as they began to build their cinematic universe.  So instead of trying to knock it out of the park, they took a giant **** and tried to pass it off as entertainment.  Embarrassing in every way.


Agreed with some earlier posters...DC needs to make the JLA FUN and not try to reflect the tone of The Dark Knight.  Dark and gritty works for Batman and would work great for Daredevil.  But Superman is not dark and gritty and Fox...neither is the Fantastic Four.  The Fantastic Four is the opposite of gritty and realistic.  Anyway...


I don't think anything will be Star Wars to me.  Star Wars is Star Wars.  But Guardians is a great film and a lot of fun.  Just saw it for a second time and it's just as good.

Edited by benteen

OMG, just got back.  And like others, I am going to have to sit on this for a few before I can be coherent, because all I got right now is, AWESOME.


I don't think there has been a movie that I enjoyed more, and I have about 50 years of movie going.


I will say this though...what was the most awesomest thing about the whole movie was that my 14 year old daughter knew every song.  AND, she knew who was after the credits.  I was like, you are the coolest kid on earth. 


I will be back.

  • Love 6

That was such a fun movie!  It was so enjoyable!  It made me laugh and made my little dark heart feel ("We are Groot", indeed).


I felt like the cast was great-I've appreciated Chris Pratt since he was Bright on Everwood, so I loved seeing him being such a badass here.  Everyone else, Cooper, Bautista, Gillian, Pace, Rooker, etc, etc, was awesome too.  Nicely done Marvel!  Again!


Disney is damn genius with their marketing and product development, but they really should have had a stand right outside the theater with little sapling Groots that dance in the sunlight.  I would have bought 5 of them.  I do expect that those will be ready soon enough.  

  • Love 5

Just saw it (at a really good theater too), and have almost zero issues--very little but pure enjoyment.


If I had to pick ONE thing it's just that I hate the casual dropping in of modern American colloquialisms into a genre where it makes no sense and would have been so easy to take out.  It made sense a few times to have Quill teach people those, but we had characters who'd never even MET Quill at that point already using them (for example, the Collector guy saying "Chop chop!").


But really I know that's a nitpick and the big thing is how well the film flowed and how fun it was.  Which it was.  In spades.

Edited by Kromm
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Finally saw this today, and I adored it! Kudos to the entire cast, I hope they assemble the same group for the sequel.


"I am Groot" is the best and most convincing dialogue I've heard delivered by Vin Diesel in years! Loved Groot and I was so sad when he sacrificed himself...but we got baby Groot :). Quill was my 2nd favorite character, adored the scene when he distracted Ronan singing "Ooh Child".


My favorite line (aside from "I am Groot") goes to Gamora though; "Who put the sticks up their butts? That's cruel!"

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It's been a week since I saw it, and I am still smiling at the movie (so glad I saw it before the hellacious week that was last week).


I think this is the first time in my life when I have watched an ensemble cast and not be able to pick my favorite character.  During the movie, I kept saying, I like Rocket best, no, I like Groot best, no, scratch that, Quill is great, no wait, Drax is so sweet, no, that's not it, Gamora kicks butt - shoot, I like them all just the same!


It's been a while since I would pay twice to see a movie at the theater, but you know, I am seriously considering seeing this again before I buy it when it becomes available.

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I didn't want to see this movie because it looked too silly for me.  Just not my kind of thing.  My husband took my kids to Universal City Walk to see it on their 7 story IMAX screen and they kept asking if I was sure I didn't want to go.  "Nah, I said--why waste the extra money if I'm not interested".  Big mistake.  Huge!  After hearing how much they liked it and after seeing all of the comments online from non-critics, just everyday people, I went to see it last week with my son and loved it.  Groot is understandably the favorite of most people (it would seem), but I just love Drax. And Quill (that Jackson Pollack joke?  Ew...and lmao!).  Like @BizBuzz said, it's hard to pick a favorite.  "Pelvic sorcery" will be the quote that stays with me the longest, but "who put sticks up their butts" and "nothing goes over my head--my reflexes are too fast and I would catch it", are very strong, too."


I new nothing about the comics, but was spoiled on the Groot ending because too many friends on face book were saying "I want a baby Groot!".  And, as soon as I saw it, I said to my son that they need to make one just like they did with the daisies a number of years ago. 



through it all, you've got a soundtrack that most of the audience is going to know so you've got a great way to connect to the audience in the midst of all of this Out of This World stuff going on. Very cleverly done, I thought.

What I liked is that most of them weren't the same old 70s songs that you hear over and over again.  Can't wait for the sequel to see what's on Awesome Mix Volume 2.

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What I liked is that most of them weren't the same old 70s songs that you hear over and over again.  Can't wait for the sequel to see what's on Awesome Mix Volume 2.


You guys... I have dorkily been working on an Awesome Mix Volume 2.  Like Peter's mom, I grew up in the seventies, so have lots of favorites from that time.  But as Shannon L noted, they weren't the same old tunes for the Awesome Mix Volume 1, so I've been trying to find a nice playlist that's not overly familiar.  I have a Post-It next to my computer, and so far here's some highlights:


Philadelphia Freedom - Elton John

Sister Golden Hair - America

Knock Three Times - Tony Orlando and Dawn

Rock the Boat - Hues Corporation 

Half Breed - Cher (C'mon!  That's funny!)

Runaway - Jefferson Starship (Augh!!!  SO MANY FEELS WITH THIS SONG!!!! IT WAS "OUR" SONG!)




(This is NON-NEGOTIONABLE. It MUST be on the Awesome Mix #2!)




Chevy Van - Sammy Johns


What do y'all think?  Any additions you'd recommend?

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Just saw it this weekend and I loved it. I don't think it was the greatest super hero movie ever but I didn't need it to be. Sometimes you just want to be entertained and I was. My mom loved it too and wants the soundtrack. I've never seen Chris Pratt in anything previously but I liked his character a lot. My mom was so excited when she saw Vin Diesel's name in the credits and then when Groot came on she was not happy to find out that was VD, but she wound up loving the character. And Bautista was good "nothing gets over my head, my reflexes are too quick". Loved it. I'm in for the sequel.

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Rocket and Groot were awesome, and dancing Groot at the end was adorable.


Drax was also surprisingly compelling, suprisingly because Dave Bautista isn't an actor.  He did a much better job than Zoe Saldana, that's for sure.


Zoe Saldana as Gamora was the only weak link in the main cast.  There are problems with her in both the writing and the acting.  First, she (being the lone woman on the team) wasn't funny in a team full of men who are funny.  For being a cold, hard edged assassin for most of her life she was damseled too many times, and by common Mooks as well.  And I didn't like that she basically begs Quill to act altruistically and turn the Infinity Gem over to the Nova Corps (this was an execution matter: there are ways Gamora could have compelled him to that course of action which were flavored with cold pragmatism  rather than selfless altruism).  Remember?  Assassin.


Compare Saldana's performance to Emily Blunt's in Edge of Tomorrow.  Blunt sold her character's tragedy while still retaining (and never losing) her hard-as-nails personality.  Saldana played Gamora as too "soft female lead", which is a problem when the character in question just so happens to be Thanos' pet assassin who has just gone rabbit.


Ronan the Accuser was a disappointing villain (especially since Ronan becomes something of an antihero in the comics) but I really liked Karen Gillian's Nebula (*punch* "MINE" *hijack*) and Michael Rooker's Yondu.

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I just got back from this movie, and I have to say, maybe my expectations (which had initially been low) were artificially pumped up by the really positive reviews, but I found Guardians underwhelming--it was fun, but I didn't think it was crazy fun. It seems obvious that Marvel's target audience was the 9-12 year old range, definitely younger than the rest of the MCU movies. The humor was often a little too forced, and while it sometimes worked--I was howling at Drax's "Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast!" line as well as Gamora's "Who puts sticks up their butts???"--too often the movie tried too hard to be funny and didn't quite hit the mark. And--I say this with affection, because it doesn't necessarily make it a bad movie--it was a deeply, deeply silly/stupid movie.


Ronan was just as blah as previous MCU villains (Pace brought the quiet menace in the first scene or two, but after that was very paint by numbers crazy megalomaniac--I fault the script for that though) and the film needed more Nebula; her relationship with Gamora was one of the movie's (and sequel's) potentially most interesting storylines. And poor Zoe Saldana; she gets cast in all of these interstellar space movies and they tell her she's going to be a badass, and then they damsel her character 4693046405 times. I actually thought Pratt and Saldana had chemistry, but jfc, Gamora had to be the most incompetent "badass"/"universe's most dangerous woman" ever. It was actually a little insulting to the character. Memo to the writers: if you have to constantly make your female badass a damsel to push the male hero, you're doing it wrong. (However, I loved her exasperation with the others--one of the film's funniest moments was when Quill was waxing on about finding his heroism and she's all "Yeah yeah, where's the gem?" "WHAT? You lost it??" And I loled at her "I'm going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the universe.") Pratt was fine but unmemorable--I've never really gotten the attraction to him--though I did tear up a little when his mom called him "Star Lord" in her letter and then he cried when listening to the second mixtape.


Drax & his literalness was fantastic. His slightly wooden style worked perfectly for that.

I did laugh at Drax a lot, and I think you're right--they took a potential actor limitation and made it work for the character.


Groot and Rocket were definitely the highlight of the movie. I got a little teary when Groot sacrificed himself ("We...are...Groot!") and Rocket was crying, demanding why. Pretty much everything either did was pure gold. I haven't seen it mentioned yet, but I thought Rocket's "I didn't ask to be made!" breakdown was very poignant, too.


Overall, an enjoyable summer popcorn flick, but eminently forgettable once you're out of the theater. Aside from Winter Solider, Marvel's post-Avengers movies continue to be very blah, imo.

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My verdict: I loved it. In musical terms, they had me from the first strains of "I'm Not In Love" to the last notes of "I Want You Back." It was perfectly cast, perfectly written and perfectly directed. First of all, Chris Pratt is "Star-Lord." He's funny, smart, tough when he has to be, sweet when he wants to be and sexy the whole time, like Han Solo in his prime. During the scenes when Peter's mom was dying I thought she was an alien, but his dad's being one was a nice twist. If it was Yondu, I wouldn't be surprised.  


 As Gamora, this is Zoe Saldana's best work, so far by far. She manages to be both equal to and better than the idiots she's surrounded by. "Also: "We are all Kevin Bacon" and "Who put the sticks up their butts?" Bradley Cooper's Rocket and Vin Diesel's Groot touched my funny bone and my heart. Rocket's calling a toddler "a gargoyle" and telling him to "walk on [his] own" was hilarious, but when he admitted how hurt he was about being called "a rodent" or "a monster," I felt sorry for him, when he didn't make me laugh my ass off. Vin Diesel's Groot is a sweetheart. Like Peter, I thought that I would be annoyed by "I Am Groot" the whole time, but Groot eventually grew on me, no pun intended. "We are Groot" made me cry too, like Groot's dying, but L'il Groot and his dancing made me smile all over again. As Drax, Dave Batista was great. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson couldn't have done better. The soundtrack was awesome, too.  I not only want a sequel, it had better be as good as the first. Howver,with the same people involved, I think/hope that's a safe bet.

Edited by DollEyes
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Just saw it and loved it. Didn't expect Batista to be so funny. Of course the Rocket got most of the good lines but plenty were saved for the rest. I not only want a sequel i want to see these idiots mesh with the other Marvel heroes or even better Agents of Shield.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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How many viewings has everyone had? I've seen it twice non 3D. So obviously third viewing must be 3D. I bought the soundtrack like August 2. The major emotional moments have been discussed but I was really touched by the earlier scene where Quill was trying to get his Walkman back from a Kiln guard. Between the "it's mine" and listing Blue Swede stats, I just felt everything this guy has lost. It kinda resonated with me the way splitting up families at Concentration Camps are portrayed in movies.

I also have to say that the way we are introduced to Rocket with a snarky VoiceOver, is pure perfection. Oh yeah, the fact that they have a burlap sack to stuff people into completes the wacky doodle vibe. It's too bad Vin is getting all the voice acting attention because Bradley brought it too. I nerded out and watched a bunch of cast interviews. They seem like such a great group of buddies now. When they team up with The Avengers, there is going to be a charisma supernova.

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I love going into a movie with low expectations then having them blown away. This is hands down my favorite movie so far this year. It was so nice to laugh throughout a superhero film and not have be all deep and brooding.


All of the characters had their moments but I think I laughed hardest at Drax and his literal interpretations of everything. When Peter was giving his 12% plan and Drax was like "sorry I wasn't listening, I was thinking of something else" I was dying laughing.

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So I almost wish the movie had ended like that. Best dance off since Zoolander. "They're breakdance fighting!"


Realising I hadn't posted in this thread before now, so I'm just going to say I loved all the Marvel easter eggs in this movie. This was probably the most 'for the fans' Marvel movie to date.


Cosmo the Psychic Space Dog, who still lived in the head of a long dead Celestial. Also, the oblique introduction of the Celestials themselves, which was an amazing moment. Yondu, one of the original Guardians of the Galaxy, back in the 70s. Adam Warlock's cocoon. The Nova Corps reimagined as standard space cops, rather than the Green Lantern ripoffs they are in the comics. Howard the freakin' Duck too. What blessed genius signed off on that one?


I didn't spot any reference to Uatu yet, but I'm hoping there's one in there somewhere. It's such a shame that Fox still owns the rights to Galactus and The Silver Surfer.


Also, if they wanted to semi-redeem Nebula in the sequel, I would be fine with that. Karen Gillan was sexier than any woman with a shaven head, covered in blue makeup and cybernetic prosthetics has any right to be.


And who fancies their very own Rocket Raccoon?

Edited by Danny Franks
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Well, lost whatever I was posting here, so here are the basics: 

Didn't think I would like it until I saw the trailer, then loved it, Rocket is my favorite, liked how he didn't need the metal leg or prosthetic eye and how funny he thought that was.  It was just a lot of fun.


Wished Djimon Hounsou had been the main villain (way more personality than Lee Pace) and liked how excited Quill was the he called him "Starlord".


The Honest Trailer is pretty funny too. "You want more pedigreed actors, we'll put them in stupid outfits and make them say space bullshit" LOL.

Edited by raven

I just watched it and...I want my $5.99 rental and 90 minutes back. I only know the Marvel movie universe, never followed any of the comics, but after all the hype from everyone I know telling me to see this, the ONLY thing I liked about it were the tunes and Groot. I love all of the other MCU movies but this did nothing for me at all. Maybe I'll try it again some other time.


New definition: When you put on the blockbuster and make the audience wait through the credits for a cameo from

Howard the motherfucking Duck

. That takes balls to bring in perhaps the greatest failure in the history of Marvel Comics and movies. And it makes sense, too!

What makes it even funnier, is that Disney at one point filed a lawsuit against marvel because Howard the Duck, looked too much like Donald Duck.  In the end I believe they settled out of court, and one of the changes they had to make was that Howard had to wear pants. Disney of course owns marvel now and Howard in the movie is wearing pants.



 (Also, the fact that the Kree were mentioned rather significantly not just with Ronan makes me hopeful hopeful hopeful that we're going to get Carol Danvers at some point.)


I hope we get Mar-vell at some point too. A Kree who turns on his people could be fun. His son Genis-vell could be fun too.


He lost something like 60 pounds over six months to get to that shape, but James Gunn was so impressed by his audition, he was going to cast him even if he couldn't do it.  He'd gotten into similar shape for Zero Dark Thirty, but then had to gain a bunch for that Vince Vaughn movie he was in.

I loved it when they brought up his weight change in Parks and Recreation. It was just a little scene with him and Adam Scott, and when he was asked how he lost so much weight he just said "I stopped drinking beer".




I know Galactus and probably also the Skrulls are tied up with the rights to Fantastic Four, but if they don't add either Captain Marvel or Super-Skrull for the next one, I'm going to be disappointed.

I once read a comment somewhere online about how it would be cool if marvel could get the Fantastic Four rights back. Not for the Fantastic Four themselves (which could easily be shelved). But for everything else that comes with it: Galactus, Silver Surver, Skrulls, Dr. Doom and Namor. While that FF wouldn't really excite me, adding any of those guys could be really fun.


But man, Feige must have balls of steel to do this. Take basically a no-name director, to direct a movie staring B-level actors about at best C-level characters from the 60's, set it in Space, and release it at the end of Summer.... and get one of the biggest hits critically and hopefully monetarily from the Marvel Movieverse out of it. Everyone involved are stars now as far as I'm concerned, but that this movie was greenlit and made this way was incredible. 

This is also the guy who said to two brothers whose previous credits had been episodes of Community and Happy Endings: "here is 170 million dollars, go make a crazy action movie that completely turns the MCU on its head and stars Robert Freaking Redford".


I did laugh at Drax a lot, and I think you're right--they took a potential actor limitation and made it work for the character.

That was pretty brilliant. Of all the wrestlers turned actors I have seen, that was probably one of the best. And writing the character like that was a great way to get around an actor with not a lot of experience. I also liked that in their fight, Ronan totally owned Drax. Nice way to set up how strong the Kree really are.

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