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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

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2 hours ago, Nashville said:

Edited 2 hours ago by Nashville · Reason: Alyssa, not Melissa. Damn autocorrect

Clearly, you have not been posting enough. All I have to type is “al” and my predictive text suggests “Alyssa”. “De” brings up both “Derex” and “Deref”, while “Br” gives me a choice of “Brent” or “Britini”. 

Or should I be concerned?

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Brent's problem (besides his awful personality) is that he, and many other HGs, misunderstand the point of Dan's Funeral. It wasn't a case of a guy talking himself out of certain doom in the game through sheer charisma, it was a guy talking himself out of certain doom in the game by making a deal that MADE SENSE for the other person he was offering to work with. Frank was in a shitty position at that point in BB14. Dan's offer to him was worth taking because without it, he had nothing. It was clear that there was a group of five people working against him, including his former teammate, Ian, and Joe was pretty much not working with him, either (Frank had nominated him just a couple of weeks earlier). It was just Frank and Jenn City. Dan saying he would move from the team of five, which was about to vote him out, to work with Frank and Jenn with Danielle was a better deal than Frank relying solely on Jenn winning HoH the following week. 

Brent, though, thinks that you just charm people and then that's that. No, dude, you have to make the deal make SENSE and his master move here doesn't make any sense. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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22 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Oh great, I'm cool with having the last word on the subject. 😉


That and one must never pass on a good opportunity to virtue signal.😀

10 hours ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

Every time I look at Tiffany I think of a former co-worker....and that ain't a compliment, though I like Tiff and hope she goes far.

I said it in one of the episode threads, Tiffany looks a lot like my buddy's late sister (She committed suicide).  It is almost uncanny and as odd as it is to say, I sometimes find it tough to watch her because of this.

In regards to the feeds, I would never get them because I had them once on a trial run during I want to say BB12 (Whatever season was Enzo's first season.) and I found them to be so boring.  Even when I would watch After Dark, it was boring.  That season was not a boring season but I was still bored to tears.  I can't imagine sitting and watching a boring season of feeds.

I recall Hayden, Enzo, Lane (? The dude who finished in second place) going on and on about how they were going to be famous after the show.  They then started talking about  wanting to rent out a riverboat and invite their fans to travel the Mississippi River with them.  Or some such nonsense.  It was just painful to watch.  The conversation went on for maybe forty-five minutes or so. 

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10 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

I can't imagine sitting and watching a boring season of feeds.

Oh, I agree that feeds are often not fit for sitting and watching. The plot is too derivative, and the acting is amateurish. For me, it’s mostly background noise to have on while I work, and a replacement for other streaming TV shows I listen to the rest of the year.

But sometimes something awesome will happen and it’s worth every penny. Not to mention, it’s fun to have access to the whole story and not the carefully crafted version the broadcast shows give us. I, for one, love seeing how the sausage is made. I only wish Survivor would follow suit and hang cameras in the trees. 

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Claire is telling Tiffany she’s fine with couples going off and doing their obvious couple thing. Go ahead and spend hours with each other, isolating yourselves from the rest of the house, and it will be easy to cut you when the time comes. She mentions Alyssa and Christian, Whitney and X, Ky and Derex.

She forgot one more couple: Tiffany and Claire.

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Tiff and Claire talking about who they want to work with in the future: They would like to have both Hannah and Sarah Beth, but the problem is those two won’t work together. Apparently SB hates Hannah. 

Tiff says SB has very strong opinions. “It’s a good thing she likes me!”

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24 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Claire is telling Tiffany she’s fine with couples going off and doing their obvious couple thing. Go ahead and spend hours with each other, isolating yourselves from the rest of the house, and it will be easy to cut you when the time comes. She mentions Alyssa and Christian, Whitney and X, Ky and Derex.

She forgot one more couple: Tiffany and Claire.

It's so funny, because they ARE great, but holy shit, are they way over-the-top in their belief of their own greatness.

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Deref is cleaning the kitchen. He’s irritated by the overall sloppiness of the house pigs. When he’s HoH, he’s going to make a chore chart.

Meanwhile, Alyssa and Christian whisper about who’s smart and who’s not. SB is smart. Derex is really smart, but he’s not BB smart. The thought of Christian evaluating the intelligence of others just cracks me up.

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2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Brent’s “co-conspirators” ran straight to X. They all laughed, congratulated each other and enjoyed a pre-celebration over Brent’s imminent demise. Double cross backstab blindside!


2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

He thinks it must be because of his big abs.

I didn't think anyone could make me laugh at 5:30 am but I was wrong. This is like something out of The Princess Bride. 😁

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12 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I hear you on this. But I guess the whole thing about his father's suicide is really bothering me. I know how much that damages a family.

This reminds me, yesterday Hannah/Alyssa/Whitney had a little playful-but-not spat with Brent over the broken coffee machine. At one point, Brent swore on his father's grave that he didn't mess it up and he said that now they must feel bad. Whitney was like, "I don't feel bad." It was amazing lol. Brent is insufferable and I am SO glad these women won't have to deal with him for weeks like most women on this show have to deal with a horrible man for weeks and even months.

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10 hours ago, Nashville said:


Okay.  Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but initially I was happy at the prospect of getting the feeds.  Their current reality, though, as been pretty damn underwhelming - enough so that I’m already starting to second-guess my decision to drop the cash for them.  And that makes me sad.  😕

Don't forget that the feeds were just a value-add to your wife's getting the show she wanted.  Unfortunately, the value added turned out to be zero.

For me, I don't contemplate getting the feeds because even when BBAD was on, if I watched it I could not understand a single word when they whispered and it was very frustrating.  I'd be exponentially more frustrated if I was paying to not understand a word they say.  

Which is why, as I try to say at least once a year, I appreciate all the contributors to this thread!  It's the only show where I relish being spoiled!

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Good morning! Britini just got up and is in the bathroom. Now she's in the storage room, I think putting new batteries in her pack. I guess she's back to her room as the cameras.show the Cross and Wave bedrooms.

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Apparently SB hates Hannah. 

Do we know why? I've been busy and haven't been following, apart from reading this thread. Just personalities not clicking?

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I don’t think hate is the right word. Someone talked about the SB vs. Hannah situation earlier in the thread, maybe on the previous page. Basically it boils down to them both being smart and playing similar games and recognizing that in the other and seeing that as a threat.

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Tiffany and Kyland are conspiring. Talking about Sarah Beth, how smart she is, then they move to talking who should the fifth person eliminated. It would be Big D or Azah or Britini or maybe Derek X. Tiffani says they should leave Jokers alone this week.

I am trying to imagine Big D sleeping on the jet ski. If he can remove the divider, the bed with the divider would be his best option. There is another bed against the wall opposite the jet ski. 

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In the Have Not room, the bed against the wall opposite the jet ski is still there. I think it is too narrow to fit him. 

I wonder who Tiffani is closer with, Claire or Kyland. 

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Kyland spilled all to Xavier. Now Xavier is telling Christian to be prepared to have a King go up next week as a pawn.

Christian is vehemently against the idea and is using his favorite 4-letter words to express himself. 

Edited by Lamb18
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13 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Now Christian is thinking Hannah instead of Derek F. 

Okay, now I sort of want Hannah to win HOH and target SB and Christian, which is who I think she would target.  Her goal would be SB going but I suspect she would be fine with any of the Kings going at this point since she has to be aware of their alliance with the Queens/Derex because too many people have let it slip already.

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I wish these hamsters lived more in the moment...or at least the week. I'm sure for their sakes it's smart to anticipate some eventualities, but I really can't be deciding on pawns and Week 9 and sacrificing Kings when there's still pre-eviction action for this week to be had.

(Plus, all their grand plans tend to go out the window when the reality of the actual HoH winner sets in.)

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Hannah says Paul should have won season 18. (Blasphemy!)

Sarah Beth says she's OK with Nicole beating Paul, but Josh should not have beaten Paul. (But that would have deprived us of one of Big Brother's best memes!)

Neither liked The Committee in season 21.

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13 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

This is something I always wonder about…

I think there’s a thing in all big brother houses where they LOOK for reasons that people other than themselves need to leave ASAP 

like whenever someone’s takes cash in a comp, they need to GO or if someone likes to do all the cooking and they aren’t a good cook they need to GO or if they’re using all the good shampoo they need to GO… it just seems like they take offence and exaggerate the problem into something bigger than it really is to keep the target elsewhere.

would they find Brent so horrible and repulsive if they weren’t playing a game?

The “villainization” tactic - a game opponent couldn’t just be a strategic obstacle, they had to be a BAD PERSON as well who deserved eviction - has always been around every BB House in degrees, but it REALLY hit its stride in BB15 and has been a significant factor in pretty much every season since. 

4 hours ago, Jobiska said:

Don't forget that the feeds were just a value-add to your wife's getting the show she wanted.  Unfortunately, the value added turned out to be zero.

Yeah, about that... my wife was jumping up and down saying we had to get Paramount+ because that was the only way she could watch Evil - so I:

  • Set up a P+ account.
  • Bought the deluxe package.
  • downloaded the P+ app onto our smart TV.
  • Got the TV app hooked into our P+ account.
  • Set each of us up with different profiles.
  • Attached Evil (and a few others) to her profile list, so she didn’t have to search around for them.
  • Went through how to pull up the P+ app and watch her shows - more than once.

So - given all that, wanna guess how many episodes of Evil she’s watched to date?  😆

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Christian is adamant that zonkeys (zebra and donkey) and ligers (lion and tiger) exist. And I guess they do. Alyssa and Whitney don't believe him. He is emotionally involved in this argument. Then someone mentions a turducken as an animal and is corrected by the others. Hannah tells Christian that it's turducken, not churducken. So then they start talking about what a churducken would be - a churro inside a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey. The churro is cinnamon, the turkey is bacon-wrapped and glazed with barbecue sauce.

Now Christian is asking everyone who comes into the bathroom if they've ever heard of a zonkey. 

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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Hannah says Paul should have won season 18. (Blasphemy!)

Just when I was starting to like her...  She's dead to me now!


1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Sarah Beth says she's OK with Nicole beating Paul, but Josh should not have beaten Paul.

Just when I was starting to like her...  She's dead to me now!

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2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I wonder who Tiffani is closer with, Claire or Kyland. 

Ky, which is quite the mistake on her part because Ky will drop her as soon as he possibly can lol. Claire doesn't want to be in F2 with her either but she's a much more passive player than Ky so she is less likely to do anything about Tiffany until it's too late anyway.

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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Christian just cut his hand with the nail clippers. Now he's clipping his fingernails and scattering them all over the bathroom.

I have been advocating for an eyeroll emoji, but right now I’d trade that for an ewww..nasty emoji.

38 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

And the churducken is sprinkled with BBQ Pringles crumbles.

Yeah, that’s the one.

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2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Hannah says Paul should have won season 18. (Blasphemy!)

Sarah Beth says she's OK with Nicole beating Paul, but Josh should not have beaten Paul. (But that would have deprived us of one of Big Brother's best memes!)

Neither liked The Committee in season 21.

OK - they can both go home now.

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2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Hannah says Paul should have won season 18. (Blasphemy!)

Sarah Beth says she's OK with Nicole beating Paul, but Josh should not have beaten Paul. (But that would have deprived us of one of Big Brother's best memes!)

Neither liked The Committee in season 21.

In their defense, picking between Paul and Nicole or Josh is making a decision where either choice ends up with you being the loser.

1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Christian is adamant that zonkeys (zebra and donkey) and ligers (lion and tiger) exist. And I guess they do. Alyssa and Whitney don't believe him. He is emotionally involved in this argument. 

I'VE SEEN A ZONKEY. It was about as awesome as you'd think, which is very. I understand Christian being emotionally invested in this, because: zonkey.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
worded things better. at least, i think i did.
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3 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I wonder who Tiffani is closer with, Claire or Kyland. 

45 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Ky, which is quite the mistake on her part because Ky will drop her as soon as he possibly can lol.

I would have guessed Claire, because I see Tiff talking to Claire all the time, and only occasionally to Ky. But Ky is in the Cookout alliance, which appears to be a  higher priority for Tiffany.

I wonder, though, how loyal Ky is to the Cookout. He doesn’t seem to be as committed as some of the other members (Tiff, X, Deref).

12 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Edited 2 minutes ago by Alice Mudgarden · Reason: worded things better. at least, i think i did.

I love this thread. Even the editing reasons are entertaining.

Also: I want a zonkey.


Edited by 30 Helens
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On 7/26/2021 at 4:05 AM, Brian Cronin said:

Oh great, I'm cool with having the last word on the subject. 😉

Your own definition notes that segregation can be voluntary. That's the key here. Minorities voluntarily deciding to be in a minorities-only group is fine. It is different than the majority forcing them out of groups. That is the segregation that is a problem. It's also the segregation that we routinely see on Big Brother, where the minorities are treated as "others" by the White-ruled groups. 


White supremacy is the overall problem with systemic racism and thus, White-only groups only exist in terms of White Supremacy, while minority-only groups are in existence in OPPOSITION to White Supremacy. That is why they will never be the same thing and one is okay and the other is not. Never be on the side of White supremacy, basically.

"If you view the world as racism being in every facet of the world and white supremacy lurking around every corner, then what you are saying is correct." That is precisely WHY what I am saying is correct, because that is what systemic racism IS. 

It is why being "colorblind" is so unintentionally offensive. I get that you don't mean it in a bad way at all, and I know you absolutely mean well, but to say you just judge people by being people is ignoring the shared awful experience that minorities deal with everyday. When you are "colorblind," you're erasing that trauma and lived experience that people deal with. Because reality is NOT blind to color, so trying to pretend otherwise is offensive to those that deal with it every day of their lives.

As to Daryl Davis, sure, whatever, Daryl Davis can do whatever he feels like, and and if another Black person doesn't want to hang out with the freakin' KKK, and wants to hang out with people with similar life experiences in reaction to White supremacy instead, then that is fine, as well. In other words, we don't get to tell minorities whether it is okay for them to be in minority-only groups or not. 

This is such a thoughtful response that for the life of me I can't understand why anyone would dismiss it as virtue signalling. But mileage varies, I guess.

Edited by Auntie Velvet
leetle tweak
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6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don’t think hate is the right word. Someone talked about the SB vs. Hannah situation earlier in the thread, maybe on the previous page. Basically it boils down to them both being smart and playing similar games and recognizing that in the other and seeing that as a threat.

They were talking about that on RHAP too and came to the same conclusion.

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This is why I get the feeds - I am LIVING for this Xavier/Azah talk right now.  Not about anything serious, just about how badly the last two comps went - the HOH for all the Jokers, and the Veto for Derek F.  And how pissed off he was, but was in that tutu, and they are cracking up, and I'm cracking up just listening to this, and it will never be on the show.  THIS is why I love the feeds.

And I can't have nice things, because...wait for it....We'll Be Right  Back!

Edited by Katesus7
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HAHAHAHAHA!!! Again, good feeds right now.  Earlier, Tiff was talking to Christian about Brent, but told him she was making an effort to hide her mouth from Brent because he told her how he can read lips.  And just now, as Brent is talking to his huge "ally" Hannah, talking about who "they" can trust (Ky) and who would be stupid to vote him out (everyone), he said Tiff was being so sketchy because she was clearly trying to keep him from reading her lips earlier.  I live for this stuff, y'all. 

Edited by Katesus7
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3am BB time… I’m checking in on the hamsters, and DO THESE PEOPLE EVER SLEEP? I mean, I’m up too, but I won’t have a producer shouting in my ear in 6 hours.

Whitney comes out of the bathroom stall and wonders aloud if microphones are turned off while they’re in there. Hannah doesn’t know. BB voice is no help: “YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT PRODUCTION.” Don’t worry, Whitney, your poop sounds did not transmit.

Speaking of sounds, Alyssa and Christian are crunching cereal so loudly they are triggering my misophonia. Sounds like gravel in a garbage disposal. After, they sneak into the pantry to make smooching noises. Then it’s off to bed to giggle and chat with Brent. Something about a broken coffee maker and octopus hot dogs.

Brent would like us to know that he is highly educated in many fields. He wants to know if he really comes off like an idiot. He is insulted that people don’t believe he can work a coffee maker. He does it for a living, y’all! (Is that one of his fields of education?) Out of nowhere, he “jokingly” makes a reference to Alyssa being a gold digger, and she’s done talking.

“Zonkeys are real,” Christian mumbles, as he drifts off to sleep. I KNOW! And I still want one.

Good night, hamsters. Sweet zonkey dreams.

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27 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

3am BB time… I’m checking in on the hamsters, and DO THESE PEOPLE EVER SLEEP? 

I was wondering this the other night, when it was 5 am for me and you were still reporting events. Mind you, we're on opposite coasts so I guess it's just late night for them. 

27 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Zonkeys are real,” Christian mumbles, as he drifts off to sleep. 

I really hope they work this whole zonkey storyline into the show, with graphics so Christian can yell "I told you so!" 

Then again, it's hard to have time for zonkeys when the show has so many alliances and plots to keep tabs on. Not complaining though. Remember the seasons when the editors had to show fly and bird footage just to fill the episode because otherwise nothing was happening on the feeds whatsoever? I don't miss that. 

Edited by Melina22
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A fascinating wrinkle about all of this is that we get to see sort of a time travel deal back to the days when everybody didn't have a super-fast computer in their pockets that could resolve stuff like "Are Zonkeys real?" in an second. 

Back before smart phones, it really was sort of a case of just being the most convincing person in the room for whether people would believe any given factoid. 

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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

Back before smart phones, it really was sort of a case of just being the most convincing person in the room for whether people would believe any given factoid. 

Or who had the best set of encyclopedias 😁

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Yeah, Tiff is ALL OVER the place.  She's going to play herself right out of this game with her NEED to play the game constantly.  Quite frankly, I think Claire would be better off without her, and I'm a Tiff fan!

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13 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Yeah, Tiff is ALL OVER the place.  She's going to play herself right out of this game with her NEED to play the game constantly.  Quite frankly, I think Claire would be better off without her, and I'm a Tiff fan!

So, Tiff is Frenching it up all over the place?  🤬

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