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S09.E15: Valentines and Birthday Whines

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And in that situation Miss Terry (thanks to whoever coined that gem!) was also the shit-stirrer extraordinaire. 


It was me who coined it - and I cannot tell you how much unending pleasure it gives me to see it used again and again on these forums. Ha!


To be fair, I do believe it was David who first brought up Michigan in relationship to starches. He said, "It's the Michigan in me," and that was what caused Shannon to start talking about the women in Michigan. That said, I totally had a stuffed baked potato last night because that whole conversation got me in the mood for one! I am not sure that was Shannon's intention.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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It was me who coined it - and I cannot tell you how much unending pleasure it gives me to see it used again and again on these forums. Ha!


To be fair, I do believe it was David who first brought up Michigan in relationship to starches. He said, "It's the Michigan in me," and that was what caused Shannon to start talking about the women in Michigan. That said, I totally had a stuffed baked potato last night because that whole conversation got me in the mood for one! I am not sure that was Shannon's intention.


Okay, PhilMarlow, 'fess up...


Are you also the poster who said their biggest wish was for that shrieking barefoot Tamra to be her last scene EVER on the show and she'd have to live with it through eternity?  Whoever wished that must have access to their own genie in a bottle...Nice prediction!


Talk about being careful what you wish for....Tasmanian Tamra screeching YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME AGAIN!!!


Bet she had no idea at the time just how accurate that statement was.


And I'm laughing my ass off, because the reunion is already in the can, and I'm sure that is one of the final scenes of this season's finale.


She really won't ever be seen again.  And I find a lot of poetic justice in that.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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You know what else would be poetic justice? If Tamra had a breakdown from the stress losing this job and her only real source of income. Karmic justice for her making light of mental illness by saying Shannon was having a "breakdown" when she was just frustrated and fed up with Tamra and Heather's crap. I wish Tamra only the worst in her future endeavors.


We'll see how close Heather and Terry REALLY are with Tamra and Eddie when she's no longer on the show. Heather's fake bullshit about how upset she was when she though she was losing Tamra to Shannon's new friendship, how hurt she was, how much she and Terry enjoy Tamra and Eddie's friendship, blah, blah, blah. Bet Heather and Terry drop them like a hot potato (don't tell Shannon). I hope Heather's booted off next.

  • Love 7

I feel like Danielle was going to be a main housewife but due to the situation with her husbands alleged wandering penis, she was cut down to "Friend of" status. Her husband has never said a word on camera ever since the Christmas party. The couple attended Lizzie's birthday party but that footage wasn't shown. The anal sex conversation was awkward as hell too. Not because of the topic but just knowing the rumors and the look on their faces. Poor Danielle....

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Her husband has never said a word on camera ever since the Christmas party.


Maybe not, but he sure was grinning a huge fuckin' grin & his eyes were spinning around like crazy when Eds talked bout anal.  Why did Andy and the other idiot producers cut that off?  Coulda been fun.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Shannon is thin but lacks muscle tone.

I can't believe in her obsession with a chemical free life, holistic and herbal medicine and being in tune with her environment (she refuses to get wi-fi and has crystals in her wall for goodness sake) Shannon never get on the ground floor with yoga or pilates craze. I really get the impression that she is a quick fix person. Like she would rather pop a pill for heart health as opposed to doing cardio for 30-45 minutes a day. She herself has said that she doesn't work out, which does surprise me given that she has tons of time and has a gym in her home. 

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Thank you! I am from Michigan and take issue with Shannon ragging on us gals in the Mitten!  STFU Shannon, you just lost any fans you had in Michigan!


This.  I am from WI (right on the other side of the pond) so I feel the need to chime in.  WI and MI are very similar and we both think we are Mittens!  I'm a little older than Shannon and I look about 15 years younger than her.  Just sayin'.  I've lived in CA - Los Angeles and SF.  IMHO West Coast women of a "certain age" tend to look botoxed and plastic much of the time.  No thanks.  I'll take my beer, fried cheese curds (take that! Shannon), and my daily meat and potatoes any day.  David can come over to my house any time.  He can have his potatoes, chips and salsa, watered-down tequila ....

I am utterly astonished and shocked that Eddie likes anal.  Said no-one, ever.


Eddie giving or Eddie receiving?  Tamra is just vile.  God.  And she sure like wieners!  She references them a lot!  Plastic baby Astro-wieners, elephant wieners.  We get it Tamra.  You like wieners.  And the poster up thread who referenced it was better for Tamra to be called a spinner vs. a fluffer?  Well, you just won the internet today.  Shut it down.  Thanks, we're going home.  Fell dead to da bed on that one.

Edited by beesknees
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Maybe Lizzie should get real friends to attend.    That chick and her husband are shady-She films the poopy kid scenes in what appears to be a kitchen/family room area which seems to be on the small side, and she does her THs in front of the fake  crashing waves background.   My guess is  that they're grifters who aren't even as good as the Bellinos or  that skeletor lady.


I would buy that Gizzard's parents are wealthy, but there was a poop ton of rust on the beach house, not just the gate.   There was rust under the balcony, which means the salt has reached the rebar.   Wealthy people who have homes on the beach do yearly maintenance.  Hell,  middle class people who have bungalows on the beach do yearly maintenance.   Lizzie's parents haven't ugraded since Clinton was President?   I think she's trying to run a game, and she's pretty poor at it.

Actually, I think Lizzie is a breath of fresh air. I liked Lydia last season and am sorry she isn't around, but Lizzie grew on me. I would rather see someone living in a modest home than a gargantuan behemoth and its Porte Chere, or however you spell it...

  • Love 5

Just when I think I can't hate Tamra any more than I already do and always have, I go and read her blog. When I read this:



It was OK for her to get involved in my marriage to Simon and not like him, but I am a horrible person for not being accepting of Brooks in the past and now she is going to try and make me pay for it?

I was livid.


So, does she not acknowledge that the only reason Vicki was involved in her marriage to Simon was because Tamra pulled her in? She was constantly bashing Simon to Vicki and asking Vicki's advice and pretending to take it. Then she would turn around and tell Simon everything that Vicki said as though Vicki said it unprompted, so Simon would hate Vicki. Then she would pretend that she was somehow stuck in the middle between her husband and her friend. It was the most disgusting display of playing the victim I had ever seen and now she is using that as a reason to call Vicki a hypocrite? Bitch, we know Vicki is a hypocrite, there is a ton of valid evidence to support that. Don't use some shit you started as a way to try to prove that well worn point.

Edited by MatildaMoody
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I feel like Danielle was going to be a main housewife but due to the situation with her husbands alleged wandering penis, she was cut down to "Friend of" status. Her husband has never said a word on camera ever since the Christmas party. The couple attended Lizzie's birthday party but that footage wasn't shown. The anal sex conversation was awkward as hell too. Not because of the topic but just knowing the rumors and the look on their faces. Poor Danielle....

I don't know what happened in Bali between her and Tamra, but these two came out and made a public statement that he is not gay.  So I wonder if there was a mutual agreement between them and Bravo to cut them.  Makes you wonder why she was promoted as a full-time HW from the get go and then cut.  What heinous thing did Tamra do to them.  Based upon Tamra's post about wanted a more peaceful life and loving eddie's support, you can bet that she knows her days are numbered, especially if Bravo had to edit out a HW from nearly every episode.

Bravo is soooooo fuckin' secretive.  Whatever the story is on Danielle & her gay hubby Joe, damn, they are keeping it very, very, very tight.  What did she do that they went to such great lengths to edit her out?  It almost feels like the producers wanted to put an X over her & make viewers just completely forget she's there.  Er, why?


Aw c'mon, I totally wanted Tams to ask Joe what he thinks of anal.  I know -- a bit too obvious, eh?  But still, all we got was Joe grinning broadly & his eyes darting around like crazy during the anal discussion.  Not enough!  Damn you, producers!  Talk about missed fun opportunity -- sheesh!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs

From what I hear, Tamra lays into Danielle and throws out some stuff about her that may or may not have been true.  Apparently, there was a mutual agreement between Danielle and the producers to cut her out as a full time housewife.  Which could explain why all the scenes of Danielle at Lizzie's birthday were cut out yet in the first trailer for season 9, Lizzie is crying in Danielle's arms that this is the worst birthday she ever had.


I hear that a lot of Tamra vs Danielle will be cut out of the Bali episodes.  Based on the brief preview scene on Hulu for episode 16, you can tell that Danielle was cut out.  Plus, a skimish between Danielle and Shannon was cut as well. 

Bravo is soooooo fuckin' secretive.  Whatever the story is on Danielle & her gay hubby Joe, damn, they are keeping it very, very, very tight.  What did she do that they went to such great lengths to edit her out?  It almost feels like the producers wanted to put an X over her & make viewers just completely forget she's there.  Er, why?


Aw c'mon, I totally wanted Tams to ask Joe what he thinks of anal.  I know -- a bit too obvious, eh?  But still, all we got was Joe grinning broadly & his eyes darting around like crazy during the anal discussion.  Not enough!  Damn you, producers!  Talk about missed fun opportunity -- sheesh!

They claimed LuAnn was a friend and now she is front and center.  My problem with Danielle is she is so stealth.  I got the impression she just couldn't bring it at the right time.  I also think she was not keen on the alcohol.  maybe she clung a little bit too much to Lizzie and didn't integrate enough with the rest. 

Just watched this show.  The bus scene had to be producer driven right?  It's hard to imagine everyone except for Vicky and Brooks not showing up and then not calling.  And then acting like it wasn't a big deal -- that they weren't rude for telling her ON HER BIRTHDAY they couldn't make it.


Lizzie...I'm sorry.  I can't stand her face.  That sounds terrible to say but there is something about her face that just is so harsh and strange to me.  I don't think she's remotely attractive.


And it seems like her husband only speaks when it's time too awkwardly toast.  


The anal dinner conversation.  Probably the only way Eddie can do Tamra.  And yes, Danielle's gay hubby seems ways to interested in Eddie. 

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In her blog, Lizzie explained that she always has to plan her own parties because Christian doesn't do anything for her. She was pregnant the last couple of birthdays so she wanted something special this time. I also thought there was a preview of her cursing out Christian in the bus but it wasn't shown. Or maybe that's coming in another episode. I think if she comes back next season her storyline will be her unhappy home life.


What's funny to me is that a grown woman feels like she needs a party for her birthday?   Most couples I know don't organize special parties for their spouse.  I'm sure he does something nice for her birthday but draws the line and every year having to have a big production over an adult's birthday.

  • Love 4

I also could not believe the potato discussion.  Can you imagine living with that? If David doesn't have someone else on the side giving him pleasure, at this point I'd feel sorry for him.  


And Shannon, sorry honey, you look every bit your age, despite whatever cosmetic fillers you use.  In fact, you have the look of a much older woman.  Whatever holistic crap she's on isn't making her look healthy.  


Did she also say that one of the set of pills she was sending with her kid was great for anxiety?  Doesn't see to be working for her.  Not to mention, I'd worry  a bit about the interactions with all of the holistic stuff she sent her packing with.


I still can't help but like Shannon, but I can't imagine how anyone lives with that type of neurosis.  I mean, a potato for fuck's sake?

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I agree with you about the potato bitchery and she was out of line harping at him about munching chips a while back to. Idiotic things to nag about and excuse me but when did David stop being a grown ass man and Shannon become his mommy? I can tell you my husbands reaction would be quite different if I came at him the way she does. I think a lot of spouses would hate to be critiqued and bossed at that way and would either shut it down in a cold way or lash out back.

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My opinion is that OC has lost so much ground with the viewers because the women are so toxic and vile that they will only show it once.  Perfect example:  episodes from Khandi's wedding were on probably five times a week, mostly in prime time.  OC doesn't get any air time except for on Monday night and then only for a couple of hours.


The whole franchise is just sour.  The producers need to fully re-engineer this or shoot it and put it out of our misery.

Can I just sneak in here real quick to say how annoyed I am when I'm looking on Bravo for RHOC shows, and gotdamn How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is on, for the umpteenth damn time?

How to Lose a Viewer in 10 Seconds, Bravo.


I am cracking up because I've often wondered who it is at Bravo that loves that move that fucking much!

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Shannon is an ass.  Cannot stand her.  The Michigan-potato thing was totally idiotic.

Thank you, Copa!  This woman is such a moron.  It seems to me she never can resist the temptation to bash everything David, especially in front of his children - this time it was his "meat and potatoes" meal preference, as if there is something terribly wrong with it. 


Shannon obviously believes that David needs to be reminded every day that they are "raising three girls" - like he doesn't know this?  God forbid those girls get the idea that a properly balanced diet DOES include carbohydrates. 


I could see the older daughter's eyes glazing over when Shannon went on and on about holistic this and pro-biotic that.  I could tell the daughter was giving lip-service to exactly what she knew her mother wanted to hear but didn't believe a word of it herself.  I hope the kid opens her luggage when they get to the airport and trashes all the pills & crap Shannon packed. 


And lordy-be, we mustn't even THINK about wearing the same pair of jeans TWICE on a trip.  Absolutely no thought was given to the hassle of re-packing and dragging all that stuff around on a trip - traveling light and buying THERE whatever you didn't pack (I mean, since money's no object for them, right?) is out of the question because then Shannon wouldn't be able to cram her bizarre new-agey beliefs down the throats of everyone in her family. 


Her neurotic self-centeredness is just disgusting really.  No wonder David wants to move out.  Better yet, just send that drunken nutbag to rehab and then everyone in that house can breathe a sigh of relief.

Edited by Anne Thrax
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While I understand that every religion has its cultural aspect, it still bugged me to hear Heather refer to the Hindu culture, rather than the Hindu religion. 


But it could be because Heather and Tamara are majorly bugging me this season, Tamara especially. I know she brings the drama, but I would be totally fine with her not being on the show anymore. 

Plus the fact that Heather was WRONG.  Bali is in Indonesia, which is a MUSLIM country - it just so happens that the island of Bali has a large Hindu population.  Get your facts straight Heather.

Edited by Anne Thrax
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I also could not believe the potato discussion.  Can you imagine living with that? If David doesn't have someone else on the side giving him pleasure, at this point I'd feel sorry for him.  


And Shannon, sorry honey, you look every bit your age, despite whatever cosmetic fillers you use.  In fact, you have the look of a much older woman.  Whatever holistic crap she's on isn't making her look healthy.  


Did she also say that one of the set of pills she was sending with her kid was great for anxiety?  Doesn't see to be working for her.  Not to mention, I'd worry  a bit about the interactions with all of the holistic stuff she sent her packing with.


I still can't help but like Shannon, but I can't imagine how anyone lives with that type of neurosis.  I mean, a potato for fuck's sake?

Substitute  potato for a side piece who doesn't bitch and shriek about potatoes and actually enjoys doing fun things.    I think that's the answer.   

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I just can't get into Lizzie on this show.  I actually like her scenes and think a younger early 30s gal is necessary to keep it real.  But she just doesn't have any connection to the other howives, based on age.  I'm guessing Danielle was originally slated to be a full time wife, and those two were show besties, and something happened last minute to Danielle.  That's why it doesn't make sense at all when Lizzie tries to get tied into the show and it doesn't work. 


Why isn't Danielle on the show, I can't remember?  And what was her epic meltdown I see referred to?  

Edited by foodie
Did I miss this? I watched the ep twice and all I saw was the guy laughing along with the rest of them, nothing crazy obvious.


There was a very quick shot of Danielle's hub Joe during the anal discussion & he had a pretty big grin & his eyes were darting everywhere -- spoke volumes to me.  Sheesh, they just don't let the guy speak.  He's been edited to the point of being a non-entity.  So ya kinda have to invent your own story on him, since he is there, even if only in quick shots, but they won't show him saying anything.

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I find Shannon fascinating in a crazy kind of way. She seems like a bundle of neuroses. An her cognitive dissonance knows no bounds. She is concerned about being holistic and the environmental effects of toxins on health, yet she drives a huge SUV and drinks vodka which kills brain cells, all the while screaming about potatoes. THen she tells her kid she can't wear the same jeans twice! Really? Doesn't she realize that laundry soaps are bad for environment? And send her to Europe with a suitcase of herbs and supplements? Kids don't need that shit. 


I don't mind Lizzie and she will speak the truth, but I hate the sex kitten (or whatever it is) swimwear she constantly shills. THat nobody went to my b-day party had to be a set up. What adult rents a party bus to go to dinner? And her dress was awful. 


Tamra is beyond disgusting. Can't wait for next week when she tells Vicks that Crooks wants her. I don't care for Crooks, but he doesn't seem remotely interested in Tams. Nobody wants your disgusting ass Tams. 


I am so disgusted that these women who do nothing but act like fools are rewarded with a trip to Bali. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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I just can't get into Lizzie on this show.  I actually like her scenes and think a younger early 30s gal is necessary to keep it real.  But she just doesn't have any connection to the other howives, based on age.  I'm guessing Danielle was originally slated to be a full time wife, and those two were show besties, and something happened last minute to Danielle.  That's why it doesn't make sense at all when Lizzie tries to get tied into the show and it doesn't work. 


Why isn't Danielle on the show, I can't remember?  And what was her epic meltdown I see referred to?

TPTB keep trying to bring in younger blood on this and other franchises but it just never seems to be a good fit because the wives with young kids are in a very different place in life and it makes authentic relationships tough (not that there's to many authentic ones anyway). Shannon is a great fit because she straddles being a mom of younger kids with also being in a more mature place in life.




Her neurotic self-centeredness is just disgusting really.  No wonder David wants to move out.  Better yet, just send that drunken nutbag to rehab and then everyone in that house can breathe a sigh of relief.

I just wanted to point out that people don't use the phrase "drunken nutbag" quite as often as I would like. 

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This epi reinforced for me again that the only wife I actually like is Shannon. I love her interactions with her kids, who are adorable. I don't mind Lizzie, but I hate any scenes with her older son. Neither her or her hubby have any control over him, and in general I find scenes with bratty kids annoying (yes, I am looking at you too, Heather). I do like that Vicki is trying to be a peacemaker  (who knew that was possible) but I was ticked off that she did not call Tamra on the 'take the Beadors down' comment when the two of them were walking.


And it is in Tamra's contract that she has to lie at least once an epi (not that that would be hard - keeping it to one lie might be hard). When Lizzie told Tamra that she was hurt that Tamra waited until the last minute to tell her that her daughter was sick so she wouldn't be able to attend Lizzie's party, now all of a sudden her daughter has been sick for a week. If that were true Tamra, why wait until the last minute?  I just hate that no one calls Tamra on her crap!

Edited by UsernameFatigue

Did I miss this? I watched the ep twice and all I saw was the guy laughing along with the rest of them, nothing crazy obvious.

The thing with the reaction shots is that you don't know from when in the evening they were actually taken. Ever. The producers like to pop whatever reaction they want to get across in at key moments.


Maybe it's just me, but I didn't think Joe looked gay at either the Valentine's dinner or Lizzie's dinner. I also didn't see him showing any excitement from the 'reaction' they showed of him after Tamra asked Danielle her crass question. What was really disturbing was Terry's excitement after hearing that Tamra does anal. His incredulous "You do anal?" after hearing it was...weird.

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His incredulous "You do anal?" after hearing it was...weird.

If he's gone for Heather-types most of his life, my guess is he probably reacts much the same to a lot of things even less... intimate, along that same vein.

I think that was more of...he attends the Heather Dubrow School of Bad Acting...

Or that. You know, keep the classy line of conversation going on cam... Really though, I think he enjoys torturing Heather with that kind of stuff.

I'll say a nice thing about Heather. There's a very scarce amount of housewives who I think have lovely taste in clothes, and she's one of them. I do like seeing her outfits.

Edited by Souvlaki
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