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S09.E15: Valentines and Birthday Whines

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Another episode where:

Lizzie shows off her stellar parenting skills. At least her husband combed his hair.

Heather overacting.

Vicki being the voice of reason (where did this Vicki come from?!)

Tamra minimizing her role in the shit stirring.

Hopefully the remainder of this episode is better than the first 10.

Dude so with you on Vicki! I've always had a soft spot for her (I think she tries within her obviously limited emotional and mental wheelhouses to do the right thing. She's like a more narcessitic, more drunken, more general damage causing Alexis in that way), but when VICKI is the voice of reason you need to seriously reexamine your life. I also threw up in my mouth a little when we got the flash back to raging Ryan and Brianna. I'm not usually this hippy-dippy about shit, but that guy just gives off the worst vibe! Anyone want to go all conspiracy theory with me and speculate that Bruanna and Ryan are being moved off the show because the other housewives banded together after last season and refused to film with him? I don't actually think there is a military assignment on earth that would stop that guy from trying to get his ugly mug in camera. I have no doubt that if AC had offered Brianna the spot of the new Housewife ( which is what I think she and Ryan were angling for) he would have done whatever he needed to do to stay on camera.

  • Love 4

I wish Tamra would quit saying Shannon is exactly the same person she was four years ago.  Other than being female and having children and being on RHOC there are no similarities.  Shannon is married to the father of all her children, her husband is successful, Shannon doesn't run around half-naked claiming to be the hottest housewife and most of all Shannon has no desire to get a divorce nor does Shannon have an Eddie waiting in the wings.


Apologize Tamra.  Tamra keeps saying that the night at Lizzie's was a fog due to over drinking yet she seems to clearly remember that David supposedly told her that she didn't make the, "take down the Beadors" comment.  Which is it?  Was she too drunk to remember or was she lucid?

  • Love 15

Just saw the first look.


There is just something so likeable about Shannon IMO.  I thought she was really nice and normal during her phone conversations with Lizzie.  She doesn't shy away from acknowledging her own faults and she gave Lizzie notice that she wasn't coming, which is more than that Tamra did.


Tamra is such a shit stirring witch.  Look, I'm not going to pretend like I am someone who doesn't like to hear gossip.  Ok, I get that.  But, Tamra has no loyalty.  Just like Vicki said (can't believe I am using her as a source), she flip flops.  She just shit stirs for the sake of shit stirring.  It doesn't matter if you're her friend, she'll demolish you.  She is just despicable.  She totally wanted to get Vicki going on Shannon during the walk and further the "OMG Shannon is so crazy" narrative that the three witches were trying to perpetuate and I am so glad that Vicki didn't go for it.  I am not hating Vicki this year. It is really odd.  And OMG can Tamra please stop thinking every married woman she meets is her four years ago??  STFU. Most people aren't raging she beasts, Tamra.  Stop projecting and get over yourself.


Heather, please just STFU.  She is so fake.  She sounds like she's reading lines.  And wtf was that dinner about in the previews?  Don't tell me this is the sequel to the dinner they had with Alexis where they listed all of her faults.  It better not be. Wtf was Heather talking about when she was going on about salvation?  Huh?? Shannon looked as confused as I was.  I just hope that Shannon keeps her cool.  Don't give Tamra and Heather the satisfaction of losing your shit.


I felt bad for Lizzie when she was in the car for her birthday.  I know it's important for the housewives to attend events, but obviously, there are often times that one or more are missing.  I wonder what kind of absences production finds acceptable.  If there is a trip involved, they always want everyone to attend.  But, I suppose in the case of Lizzie's birthday, perhaps they saw more potential for drama if most of them didn't show up.

Edited by Brooke0707
  • Love 9

I wish Tamra would quit saying Shannon is exactly the same person she was four years ago.  Other than being female and having children and being on RHOC there are no similarities.  Shannon is married to the father of all her children, her husband is successful, Shannon doesn't run around half-naked claiming to be the hottest housewife and most of all Shannon has no desire to get a divorce nor does Shannon have an Eddie waiting in the wings.


Apologize Tamra.  Tamra keeps saying that the night at Lizzie's was a fog due to over drinking yet she seems to clearly remember that David supposedly told her that she didn't make the, "take down the Beadors" comment.  Which is it?  Was she too drunk to remember or was she lucid?

Tamara knew Shannon four years ago?  Guess I didn't know that 

Zoeysmom means that Tamra is always prattling on ad nauseum about how Shannon resembles the *Tamra* of four years ago ie Tamra is constantly comparing the Beadors' marital situation to what viewers and Vicki witnessed occurring between the Barneys in season 5 when the similarities are, in actuality, few and far between. Shannon knew none of the women prior to October.

  • Love 1

Maybe Lizzie should get real friends to attend.    That chick and her husband are shady-She films the poopy kid scenes in what appears to be a kitchen/family room area which seems to be on the small side, and she does her THs in front of the fake  crashing waves background.   My guess is  that they're grifters who aren't even as good as the Bellinos or  that skeletor lady.


I would buy that Gizzard's parents are wealthy, but there was a poop ton of rust on the beach house, not just the gate.   There was rust under the balcony, which means the salt has reached the rebar.   Wealthy people who have homes on the beach do yearly maintenance.  Hell,  middle class people who have bungalows on the beach do yearly maintenance.   Lizzie's parents haven't ugraded since Clinton was President?   I think she's trying to run a game, and she's pretty poor at it. 

Edited by Mu Shu
  • Love 1

Maybe Lizzie should get real friends to attend.    That chick and her husband are shady-She films the poopy kid scenes in what appears to be a kitchen/family room area which seems to be on the small side, and she does her THs in front of the fake  crashing waves background.   My guess is  that they're grifters who aren't even as good as the Bellinos or  that skeletor lady.


I would buy that Gizzard's parents are wealthy, but there was a poop ton of rust on the beach house, not just the gate.   There was rust under the balcony, which means the salt has reached the rebar.   Wealthy people who have homes on the beach do yearly maintenance.  Hell,  middle class people who have bungalows on the beach do yearly maintenance.   Lizzie's parents haven't ugraded since Clinton was President?   I think she's trying to run a game, and she's pretty poor at it. 

Hmmmmmm, at the moment I like Lizzie but that is definitely food for thought.

  • Love 3

Zoeysmom means that Tamra is always prattling on ad nauseum about how Shannon resembles the *Tamra* of four years ago ie Tamra is constantly comparing the Beadors' marital situation to what viewers and Vicki witnessed occurring between the Barneys in season 5 when the similarities are, in actuality, few and far between. Shannon knew none of the women prior to October.

Thanks, that explains it

Maybe Lizzie should get real friends to attend.    That chick and her husband are shady-She films the poopy kid scenes in what appears to be a kitchen/family room area which seems to be on the small side, and she does her THs in front of the fake  crashing waves background.   My guess is  that they're grifters who aren't even as good as the Bellinos or  that skeletor lady.


I would buy that Gizzard's parents are wealthy, but there was a poop ton of rust on the beach house, not just the gate.   There was rust under the balcony, which means the salt has reached the rebar.   Wealthy people who have homes on the beach do yearly maintenance.  Hell,  middle class people who have bungalows on the beach do yearly maintenance.   Lizzie's parents haven't ugraded since Clinton was President?   I think she's trying to run a game, and she's pretty poor at it. 

Lizzie's den and kitchen area do seem very small and think they probably live in a modest home near Tamra.  I got the "beach house" was condo or something not the entire multi-story building they were showing and perhaps they had to move the furniture out to accommodate the party.  Beautiful views but if that is the house and not a condo in Laguna, it is worth at least 10 million.  My mind also went to "time share".

I had some thoughts about this episode. However, I'm feeling queasy imagining Heather and Terry having sterile dolphin sex. While Tamra and Eddie do anal in the next room. I just....no. 


Heather and Tamra continue with the narrative that Shannon's a lunatic. I can't wait for Tamballs to run shrieking into the night.


I'm ready for Lizzie to bring it. Earn that orange girl.



  • Love 6

Good set up for the trip next week.  Lizzie's party...sad.  And a little confusing because she said Danielle showed up, but I don't remember seeing Danielle (who should just have been given a damn spot as an HW- it's weird).  I suppose the producers wanted to show that a sexy couples game could be played without violence, so they imported the concept from Atlanta.  Only everyone was seated- nicely done, production. 


I can't get past Tamra in that promo with her comment to Vicki about Brooks.  I have to believe it's a misdirect of some kind.  I also have to admit, she's earning her paycheck this season.  If she didn't stir shit up and, apparently, drink until she blacks out I'm not sure what we'd be watching.  And given how uneven NYC was, and how boring and unwatchable NJ is thus far...I think she's the reason I'm watching any HW show.  Gods forgive me for that, but her plus Shannon is kind of all the franchise has right now, imho. 

  • Love 3

In her blog, Lizzie explained that she always has to plan her own parties because Christian doesn't do anything for her. She was pregnant the last couple of birthdays so she wanted something special this time. I also thought there was a preview of her cursing out Christian in the bus but it wasn't shown. Or maybe that's coming in another episode. I think if she comes back next season her storyline will be her unhappy home life.


Tamra doesn't have anything to lose so she doesn't mind getting her hands dirty. She needs this show.

Edited by charming
  • Love 1

Vicki is the same old Vicki, except she's better at covering her shit. She knows if she starts some, there will be some, and she doesn't want an argument to begin with her, and end with Brooks. So she saves her shit-stirring for one-on-ones, Tamara's her girl but she spends some time every episodes slamming her in her THs, or trash talking her to everyone else. She also still stupidly talks trash too loud. If she were really a changed person, they wouldn't have caught her nasty comments about Lizzy 10 seconds before she climbed aboard all smiles proclaiming to love her. And she wouldn't feel the need to stir the Tamra pot.


Tamra sucks, but Vicki does too - if she's mad behind the Brooks shit, she should own it and stop acting like her best friend when they're together and telling everything she says when they aren't.

  • Love 13

I have thought Shannon was a dingbat from the word "go."  I am firmly in Camp Heather, as least as far as it applies to Shannon being a gullible dipshit who will patronize any snake-oil salesman who rolls his wagon into town.  Tonight she made me livid, disparaging the women of Michigan vis-a-vis their carbohydrate intake.  When she said we should compare her and her friends to Michigan women and we would see who looks "...younger" she clearly meant "thinner" but knew that would play poorly.  I hope even she's not moronic enough to think she looks young.  She has the classic OC plastic surgery face, where age becomes irrelevant because 30-year-olds, 40-year-olds, and 50-year-olds ALL look 50.  (Note: I'm not from MI, but as far as she's concerned, I might as well be.  I'm a fat, but I look a hell of a lot younger than I am.)

  • Love 19

I have thought Shannon was a dingbat from the word "go."  I am firmly in Camp Heather, as least as far as it applies to Shannon being a gullible dipshit who will patronize any snake-oil salesman who rolls his wagon into town.  Tonight she made me livid, disparaging the women of Michigan vis-a-vis their carbohydrate intake.  When she said we should compare her and her friends to Michigan women and we would see who looks "...younger" she clearly meant "thinner" but knew that would play poorly.  I hope even she's not moronic enough to think she looks young.  She has the classic OC plastic surgery face, where age becomes irrelevant because 30-year-olds, 40-year-olds, and 50-year-olds ALL look 50.  (Note: I'm not from MI, but as far as she's concerned, I might as well be.  I'm a fat, but I look a hell of a lot younger than I am.)

Thank you! I am from Michigan and take issue with Shannon ragging on us gals in the Mitten!  STFU Shannon, you just lost any fans you had in Michigan!

  • Love 5

My favorite moment of this episode was Heather blathering on about Shannon and why Heather is in no way responsible for their issues and she is going on and on and on....and in the background Eddie Judge gets the giggles and has to put his face in his hands.    

I'm so glad I have you guys to fill me in on this stuff... I can't be bothered to actually WATCH the show, so I listen while I goof around on the Internet.  I miss all the funny shots!

  • Love 2

I have thought Shannon was a dingbat from the word "go."  I am firmly in Camp Heather, as least as far as it applies to Shannon being a gullible dipshit who will patronize any snake-oil salesman who rolls his wagon into town.  Tonight she made me livid, disparaging the women of Michigan vis-a-vis their carbohydrate intake.  When she said we should compare her and her friends to Michigan women and we would see who looks "...younger" she clearly meant "thinner" but knew that would play poorly.  I hope even she's not moronic enough to think she looks young.  She has the classic OC plastic surgery face, where age becomes irrelevant because 30-year-olds, 40-year-olds, and 50-year-olds ALL look 50.  (Note: I'm not from MI, but as far as she's concerned, I might as well be.  I'm a fat, but I look a hell of a lot younger than I am.)

Shannon has one of those old fashioned 1970's nose jobs. You know the ones where the nose is too thin and the nostrils flare out. You can spot them a mile away. Didn't she also say in a previously episode that she had her chin done, too? Yeah, Shannon, it's just that clean diet that makes you look sooo much younger. 

  • Love 5

Shannon has one of those old fashioned 1970's nose jobs. You know the ones where the nose is too thin and the nostrils flare out. You can spot them a mile away. Didn't she also say in a previously episode that she had her chin done, too? Yeah, Shannon, it's just that clean diet that makes you look sooo much younger. 

YAAAASSSS.  Even she knows it's horseshit, though.  "younger" is code for "thinner."  You could tell by the way she was stressing out about raising girls.

  • Love 2

My favorite moment of this episode was Heather blathering on about Shannon and why Heather is in no way responsible for their issues and she is going on and on and on....and in the background Eddie Judge gets the giggles and has to put his face in his hands.    

This was hilarious. Especially when Heather started pontificating about how there's a disconnect between the image Shannon projects and the image she wants to peddle to everyone. It's mind-boggling that Heather would even venture into that terrain after attempting to sell the premise she's a harried "working mom" who doesn't get any support from her husband.


Terry is nauseating and uncouth. How did anyone else in attendance keep their dinners down when he tried his hand at risqué humor?


So Shannon graciously moves on without demanding an apology from either Heather or Tamra, but Heather, once again, had to get in another remark about "yelling." For the superficial patina of sophistication she cultivates, she really is just trash with no idea of how to conduct herself in social interactions. It's like she has some variation of Tourette's that compels her to have these assholish outbursts and fixate on inane points of contention.


Per a recent Radar story, the Tamra vs. Lizzie feud heats up because Tamra claims that Lizzie asserted off-camera that Eddie wants to fuck her. So I assume the clips from the next ep depicted Tamra attempting to commiserate with Vicki ie "How would you feel if I said, 'you're just jealous because Brooks wants to fuck me?'"

  • Love 12

Shannon has her nerve being critical of people who eat potatoes because she has no problem taking them in the liquid form.

Oh my god, this is wonderful.  Thank you!

All I got from this episode is that Tamra takes it up the butt and Heather doesn't. No surprises there.

Sorry, I keep thinking of that stick that Heather is supposed to have somewhere.

All I got from this episode is that Tamra takes it up the butt and Heather doesn't. No surprises there.

Guess that frequent characterization of Heather as having a stick up her rear end will have to endure some revision in light of this specific information directly from the source.

  • Love 2

I related to Lizzie tonight. My birthday was last Wednesday and it was the worst one I've ever had. I cried all day and haven't stopped crying since.

Ok. Pity party over.

I just do not like Shannon. She just reminds me of a jumpy mouse. I don't find her likeable in the least. I think she's a fucking nut job.

If I were Lizzie, I sure as hell wouldn't have let the dumb and dumber comment go. I'd have called her ass out on it the second her ass stepped on the bus. I can't believe she shined that on but confronted Tamra.

I'm actually at the point where I don't like any of these women.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 5

I was mortified for Sophie when Shannon commented on, to put it delicately, Sophie's status of "becoming a woman."  Irrespective of her status, that would have KILLED me at 12 to be broadcast on national television.  Hell, I probably would have hid in my room for the better part of a day from that conversation without tv cameras at that age.


There are so many "look at me" moments on the RHW shows, but Eddie having flowers delivered to Tamra at Heather's Valentine's Day dinner?  What in the everloving F was that?



Vicki was on WWHL tonight and AC asked her how Brooks/Brianna are doing with each other. Is Vicki not dating that lawyer guy anymore?

  • Love 8
I related to Lizzie tonight. My birthday was last Wednesday and it was the worst one I've ever had. I cried all day and haven't stopped crying since.
Ok. Pity party over.

Sorry your birthday sucked. Mine was pretty bad also this year. I think birthday parties that your parents plan beyond the young adult stage are rediculous unless you plan them yourself and do just as you wish on your day. Edited by Lisin
Fixed quote
  • Love 4

Lizzie's den and kitchen area do seem very small and think they probably live in a modest home near Tamra.  I got the "beach house" was condo or something not the entire multi-story building they were showing and perhaps they had to move the furniture out to accommodate the party.  Beautiful views but if that is the house and not a condo in Laguna, it is worth at least 10 million.  My mind also went to "time share".

Could their "smallish" main house be a rental just for the tv show, as some of the NY housewives have done?

At least her husband combed his hair.


Idk, his hair still looked like a absolute mess to me.  Do you have a job, dude?  Comb your fuckin' hair!  What is it with these 2?  Are we being punked?  Cuz these 2 look as poor & desperate as Gretchen & Slade.  She dresses like shit & so does he.  Their place looks tiny & he looks like he's permanently stoned.  WTF is up with these 2?


Sure, it was mean of Vicks to say they're dumb & dumber but it gave me a giggle & boy, were they right.  Lizzie is a dumbass & what's even worse is she doesn't seem to know it.  In fact she seems to be under the impression she's smart.  Um, hate to break to ya Lizzie, but no, you're a moron & your husband talks like his brain is fried.


When she said we should compare her and her friends to Michigan women and we would see who looks "...younger" she clearly meant "thinner" but knew that would play poorly.  I hope even she's not moronic enough to think she looks young.


I've been trying to pinpoint what it is about Shannon that makes her look like an elderly woman -- in spite of all the work she's had done.  I believe she's 50.  But if I didn't know it, I would guess she's a woman of at least 60 & possibly much older -- and I'm completely serious.  When they showed her walking into the restaurant for the last scene, it hit me.  Her neck looks horrible.  Probably the results of starving herself thru various eating disorders & idiotic dieting.  Yeah, she really has it over Midwestern women.  Sure, Shannon, you keep believing that, you fucking nutcase.  


And Shannon also has what looked to me like an old lady hunchback.  That's in addition to her old lady walk that reminds me of Grandma Yetta on the Nanny.  Real hot, Shannon.  I did not like that comment at all about midwest women.  I suspect she's gonna get a lotta flack for that.  And you can bet she's gonna pass on these wacky ideas to her daughters & drive them nuts and/or to the point of eating disorders that she's surely had & probably still has.  That older daughter looks like she's turning into the jittery neurotic loon Shannon is.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 5

I felt bad for Lizzie when she was in the car for her birthday.  I know it's important for the housewives to attend events, but obviously, there are often times that one or more are missing.  I wonder what kind of absences production finds acceptable.  If there is a trip involved, they always want everyone to attend.  But, I suppose in the case of Lizzie's birthday, perhaps they saw more potential for drama if most of them didn't show up.


How far apart were Lizzie's birthday party and the party from last week where Shannon had her meltdown?  I probably wouldn't have attended either.  I would be thinking, "Damn, how many of your friggin parties do I have to attend?"  Especially if I have to bring a gift each time.


In her blog, Lizzie explained that she always has to plan her own parties because Christian doesn't do anything for her. She was pregnant the last couple of birthdays so she wanted something special this time. I also thought there was a preview of her cursing out Christian in the bus but it wasn't shown. Or maybe that's coming in another episode. I think if she comes back next season her storyline will be her unhappy home life.



Lizzie keeps saying Christian does nothing but then they pan to Christian who seems to be doing everything from handling the kids to cooking, to keeping party guests entertained, to being the voice of reason and the list goes on.  Lizzie is just a spoiled, rich little pageant kid and expects everyone to cater to her.  That's the way I'm seeing it anyway.  Maybe she sees how much screen time Shannon is getting with her marital woes and decided to shoot for the same storyline. 

  • Love 8

Have to say, Danielle's presence at this point is just strange.  Why did they go to such lengths to edit her out?  They almost completely edited out her gay husband.  Why?  He looks fun.  They're both there, but they've been edited out in such a way we hear hardly anything from them.  Why, producers, why???  I kinda wanna hear from Danielle's gay hubby.  He's gotta be more interesting than Christian.  Hey, Christian is a nice enough stoner dude with fucked up hair, and he did OK last ep by shutting down the Heather bullshit toast to herself (for herself) & Tams' crap about calling an ambulance for Shannon, but the guy is such a bore.


One more thought -- Heather & Tams are vicious, exceptionally nasty c*nts.  That's all.  Came to that conclusion, watching them deciding whether to invite Shannon to Bali with them.  Ugh.  Was so hoping Shannon was gonna kick her in that Madame the puppet head of hers.


So far, I'm still not overwhelmed by Lizzie.  Some shots she's almost borderline homely.  She sorta reminds me of Lea Michelle.  They're both super confident & think they're super hot & yet they're both kinda homely.  WTF?  I don't get the appeal of either one actually.

  • Love 8

While I understand that every religion has its cultural aspect, it still bugged me to hear Heather refer to the Hindu culture, rather than the Hindu religion. 


But it could be because Heather and Tamara are majorly bugging me this season, Tamara especially. I know she brings the drama, but I would be totally fine with her not being on the show anymore. 

  • Love 2

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