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The View: Week of 5/24/2021

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1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

When Meghan was screaming at Whoopie about being cut off and Whoopie was getting increasingly annoyed, I can’t have been the only one thinking, “Girl, you in danger.”

Yup...me too!!!  And, it was interesting that the producers kept the mics on, after they switched from the hosts' multi screen to "The View" logo screen and we could all hear Whoopi snapping at Meghan.  

This is one of those times that I really, really wish they were in the studio, with an audience, so that maybe we would get some "during the commercial break" backstories.  


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4 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

And, it was interesting that the producers kept the mics on, after they switched from the hosts' multi screen to "The View" logo screen and we could all hear Whoopi snapping at Meghan.  

Yes, I don't think any of the media coverage has noted this, Whoopi clearly thought they were off camera and mikes. So now we know what she sounds like when she talks to MeAgain off camera!  MeAgain should be humiliated just about that fact that everyone in the world can see how Whoopi actually feels about her!

whoopi goldberg ghost GIF

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7 minutes ago, bannana said:

Yes, I don't think any of the media coverage has noted this, Whoopi clearly thought they were off camera and mikes. So now we know what she sounds like when she talks to MeAgain off camera!  MeAgain should be humiliated just about that fact that everyone in the world can see how Whoopi actually feels about her!

whoopi goldberg ghost GIF

Someone should post this meme on Meghan's Twitter!!!   🤣

I also think that the mics did get shut off, but Whoopi was still yelling.  I'm sure there were some choice words that were exchanged during that break.  

Meghan should be forced to offer an apology to her co-hosts and the viewers for the level of disrespect that she displayed.  Instead, she will probably be absent tomorrow, with no explanation.

Edited by njbchlover
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Dr. Nasty Woman 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "It's almost like Meghan McCain goes out of her way to be a bitch every day on The View so she will trend on Twitter. Groundhog day over and over. #TheView" / Twitter

Pam Kling Jones Fully Vaccinated thanks to POTUS. on Twitter: "If you all stopped talking about Meghan McCain every day and the view wasn't trending every day because of her, there would be no Meghan McCain on the view." / Twitter

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4 hours ago, bannana said:

But today, she cited an example of antisemitism in Toronto. I looked it up and there is quite a bit more to the story than the way in which she presented it.


When I drove by earlier in the day, the police had cordoned off streets and kept the two marches, pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel separate.


 a group of what appear to be Palestinian supporters are seen walking in one direction as another group approaches, at least one of whom is armed with what looks like a bat or stick. "You're a tough guy!" shouts one of the men from what appears to be the pro-Israeli side. Seconds later a scuffle breaks out with members of the two groups trading blows as more bats or sticks come into view.

Approximately 20 seconds into the video, a man in a blue and white striped shirt enters the frame holding what also appears to be a bat, raising it and seemingly swinging. It's unclear if anyone is struck.  At least one person involved in the scuffle also appears to be wearing a shirt emblazoned with the logo of the Jewish Defence League, a group labelled a right-wing terrorist group by the FBI in the U.S., but not listed as such in Canada.

It's still under investigation but it looks like a group of Jewish protesters confronted the Palestinian march. If any woman had been sexually assaulted as Meghan said they were, it would have led the news reports. I've heard nothing of it.

Meghan said today that she's always very careful about the examples she brings to the show but in the Toronto situation, she described the opposite of what appears to have actually happened.

Also kudos to Sara for the reminder out that the holocaust also happened to gays, the Roma, and people with mental and physical disabilities.

Edited by statsgirl
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3 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

Please ABC get a regular conservative panel member who understands these things, nuances, how to pronounce and use big words, etc and get rid of the one there now who is just tribe tribe tribe what about what about what about.

I thought that was Ana.


Also, regarding the attack in Canada, I read the original Twitter thread and a girl was sexually assaulted. Essentially, what happened was she tried to intervene with the old guy getting attacked and the attackers grabbed her breasts.

Edited by rwlevin
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5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Also kudos to Sara for the reminder out that the holocaust also happened to gays, the Roma, and people with mental and physical disabilities.

Yes, very good point, and also resisters, many of whom were women. There are several good books about women in the French Resistance. And "communist" sympathizers.

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3 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

I’m wondering if she’s trying to get fired, or not have her contract renewed (I.e. she wants to leave but doesn’t want to quit or be the person who doesn’t renew her own contract).    Then she can play the victim about how they couldn’t handle a real conservative voice, etc.  

If she gets fired I have to wonder if any other show will hire her?  At least the ones in the mainstream, regular network type.  I do have to wonder why she was never hired at Fox; or was she?  I can imagine the blowback ABC will get if they choose not to renew her contract; she will become a martyr.  This show should and could be so much better than this; and has been.  She is like Godzilla stomping all over the show, her co-hosts, the network.   

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17 minutes ago, Kemper said:

If she gets fired I have to wonder if any other show will hire her?  At least the ones in the mainstream, regular network type.  I do have to wonder why she was never hired at Fox; or was she?  I can imagine the blowback ABC will get if they choose not to renew her contract; she will become a martyr.  This show should and could be so much better than this; and has been.  She is like Godzilla stomping all over the show, her co-hosts, the network.   

She was at FOX before she joined this show.

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6 hours ago, adore said:

Although I admit to mocking and disparaging this person every chance I get, I do agree with your sentiment. She needs help asap. 

She needs a good romp.  Trust me that wasn't the word i normally would use. Hah

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If she is trying to get into Fox.  Just go. You call your shots.  If that's what you want, go.  There's no shame in resigning and where youre going is a step up.  Course thats usually meant for us peons so i dont know if it  works the same way. Come'on, I'll get you started.....Dear Mr. View, ...course it would be a man lol. Just resign.quit.

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

If she gets fired I have to wonder if any other show will hire her?  At least the ones in the mainstream, regular network type.  I do have to wonder why she was never hired at Fox; or was she?  I can imagine the blowback ABC will get if they choose not to renew her contract; she will become a martyr.  This show should and could be so much better than this; and has been.  She is like Godzilla stomping all over the show, her co-hosts, the network.   

I wonder if this has to do with her being in NoVa/DC. She might like it there compared to NYC and is trying to get fired so that she won’t have to quit if she doesn’t want to go back to the NY studio. 

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I don't think MM has many options - for going back to the studio (NYC) or having a voice by not doing so.

She grew up with parents separated by jobs and home...she lived in AZ...her dad in DC and traveling extensively.

The flight from NY to DC is not long.

She, imo, is going to stay. If her mental health allows her to.

She crossed the bridge today.



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I don't know why it would be that big of a deal to Meghan to quit.

She has a baby which is a great excuse.  She also has a shitload of money from her father's family.  Oh wait!  It's not because of her sainted father, it's because of her mother's family.

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6 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

I’m wondering if she’s trying to get fired, or not have her contract renewed (I.e. she wants to leave but doesn’t want to quit or be the person who doesn’t renew her own contract).    Then she can play the victim about how they couldn’t handle a real conservative voice, etc.  

I agree 100%....she’ll trash the View wherever she lands next and whine about how badly they all treated her. 

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I've been thinking about this (and, I know - I've given this way too much head space), but Meghan is truly her own worst enemy.  Her disrespect and disdain toward Whoopi and Joy yesterday just really, really upset me.  

At least lately, it seems that she goes off the rails and flips out whenever she doesn't really answer/discuss the actual topic being discussed.  When Meghan decides to go rogue and talk about what SHE wants to, rather than stick to the script is when she seems to devolve into a shouting match or disrespecting her co-hosts.  It's almost manic - she is so involved in making sure she gets her talking points in, going over her allotted time to speak, speaking quickly in long, run-on sentences that usually are filled with half-truths and incorrect statements - that is when the other hosts get frustrated with her, and then, the conversations get heated and she snaps back at them.  She throws a temper tantrum/hissy fit like a two year old not getting a cookie when she wants one.

If Meghan would just offer her opinion on the actual subject of the topic, it would be better for everyone.  Instead, she veers so far off topic that it is hard to circle back.  She derails the entire topic because she feels that her opinion on whatever she wants to discuss is more important than anyone else's.  I think she does this intentionally, the other hosts know it and again, frustration and anger ensues.

It would be interesting to see if the producers actual keep track of how many topics she derails, doesn't answer or goes completely off-topic when she does answer.  Or, how many other lighter topics she just refuses to join in, because they "bore" her or she says she has no interest in.  She is just so close-minded that she can't even be willing to open up to maybe enlighten herself on something new.  As a poster commented upthread, that is such spoiled brat behavior, plain and simple.  

Meghan would be better served to just try and get her own one-woman show somewhere, where she can control the narrative.  She can talk as much as she wants about whatever SHE chooses, she can have a guest or two who are cherry-picked to make her shine.  (Kind of like a female Rush Limbaugh.)  Then, she could spout her politically-driven drivel to those who would like to hear it and discuss Real Housewives and pop culture gossip ad nauseum.  Problem is, I honestly don't think that she would generate a very big fan base because I don't think she is very well liked or well respected anywhere.  She's not as popular or impressive as she likes to believe, unless it is to leave a bad impression.

Maybe she should take a step back from network TV and start a Youtube show or a podcast.  

I'll be curious to see what happens today.  


Edited by njbchlover
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19 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

  It's almost manic - she is so involved in making sure she gets her talking points in, going over her allotted time to speak, speaking quickly in long, run-on sentences that usually are filled with half-truths and incorrect statements

Maybe someone is paying her by the word.

20 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Meghan would be better served to just try and get her own one-woman show somewhere, where she can control the narrative.  She can talk as much as she wants about whatever SHE chooses, she can have a guest or two who are cherry-picked to make her shine.  (Kind of like a female Rush Limbaugh.)  Then, she could spout her politically-driven drivel to those who would like to hear it and discuss Real Housewives and pop culture gossip ad nauseum.  Problem is, I honestly don't think that she would generate a very big fan base because I don't think she is very well liked or well respected anywhere.  She's not as popular or impressive as she likes to believe, unless it is to leave a bad impression.

She would love her own show.  But like you said nobody is ever going to offer her that because she wouldn't draw an audience.  At least not one that would justify having her own show.

21 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Maybe she should take a step back from network TV and start a Youtube show or a podcast.  

She could do that but I think she thinks that would be beneath her.  

10 hours ago, Kemper said:

She is like Godzilla stomping all over the show, her co-hosts, the network.   

This is a good description of her.  ABC is complicit in her obnoxious behavior. They let her get away with it for so long she thinks she can act even worse.

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I knew she was going to go off by the way she was looking at the countdown timer and the way her eyes were twitching like a mad man.  I have been erasing full week of the show from the DVR and not even watching them anymore.  I only record for nostalgia purposes, she's ruined the show for me.  

And I think I heard Whoppi say the F word right before her mic was cut/went to commercial.

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3 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I knew she was going to go off by the way she was looking at the countdown timer and the way her eyes were twitching like a mad man.  I have been erasing full week of the show from the DVR and not even watching them anymore.  I only record for nostalgia purposes, she's ruined the show for me.  

And I think I heard Whoppi say the F word right before her mic was cut/went to commercial.

Yeah. I deleted all of last week's episodes. I may just watch, through my fingers, to see Whoopi and Joy try and school the narcissistic twat.

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18 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I knew she was going to go off by the way she was looking at the countdown timer and the way her eyes were twitching like a mad man.  I have been erasing full week of the show from the DVR and not even watching them anymore.  I only record for nostalgia purposes, she's ruined the show for me.  

And I think I heard Whoppi say the F word right before her mic was cut/went to commercial.

Good point - I guess that is Meghan's "tell".  When she finally gets to Vegas, she better not play any poker, because she'll be losing big time when the other players figure that out.

I noticed her eyes twitching and darting to side, as usual, but didn't even put the two things together.  I just thought she's always trying to view herself on a screen that is off to the side of her camera.

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1 minute ago, njbchlover said:

Good point - I guess that is Meghan's "tell".  When she finally gets to Vegas, she better not play any poker, because she'll be losing big time when the other players figure that out.

I noticed her eyes twitching and darting to side, as usual, but didn't even put the two things together.  I just thought she's always trying to view herself on a screen that is off to the side of her camera.

I don't know for fact that its a countdown timer, I just figured it was....your scenario makes sense too  :) 

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11 hours ago, ForumLou said:
18 hours ago, adore said:

Although I admit to mocking and disparaging this person every chance I get, I do agree with your sentiment. She needs help asap. 

She needs a good romp.  Trust me that wasn't the word i normally would use. Hah

Works for me.  I've been thinking that all those pregnancy-baby hormones are long gone.  MEGHAN'S BACK!

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5 minutes ago, Sharper2002 said:

Sarah is out today but MeAgain is there? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Ugh. 

I agree.  Meghan should never be there.  I saw on Instagram that Sara is in California filming her other show.

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9 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I don't often think about what they wear, but Sunny looks very pretty today!

Yup....and if anyone knows the make/designer of her necklace, please let me know!  I am coveting it.  (Sunny does have great jewelry!!!)  

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14 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Meghan said today that she's always very careful about the examples she brings to the show but in the Toronto situation, she described the opposite of what appears to have actually happened.

Maybe she's "always very careful" to have printed notes she can read word for word.  Does anyone know who researches/creates her notes or how reliable her husband that assistant is?

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What a weird topic. In case of Zombie Apocalypse, I think McCain would be one of the first to die. She would be that type that thinks they’re immortal and untouchable because they have a gun in their hand, only to get mauled trying to show off what a “badass” she thinks she is. At least the zombies would eat good off her, I guess, lllol, which would give other people time to get away.

For anyone here who’s watched The Walking Dead, Sunny is definitely the Carol type. She would do whatever needs to be done.

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So does this mean when MeMe goes back home to Sedona, she has her own home there?  The fishing, shooting , drinking and just downright bad-assing is not under MyFathers roof?  Because I thought this topic was about visiting adult children sleeping with significant others.  (But I really don’t know. I only half paid attention to the entire show. Pretty much the same as the hosts did) I should add. I only tuned in for the announcement that MegaMouth wouldn’t be there anymore lol

Edited by 2JEWELL
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3 minutes ago, 2JEWELL said:

 Because I thought this topic was about visiting adult children sleeping with significant others.  (But I really don’t know. I only half paid attention to the entire show. Pretty much the same as the hosts did)

Lol!  No, the topic was surviving in the wild.

The show was so boring it made me want to crawl under my house. No, really, I left Joel McHale to climb under my house. 

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What was so uproariously funny about everything that Joel McHale said or did?  I think Megzy must have taken some meds before the show because she was falling down laughing at everything and it was not that funny, was it?

And was Megzy saying something like there was no reason for a 24 year old to live at home with the parents? Maybe other people don't have the financial backing from their rich parents that she does? Totally clueless about the rest of the world.

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1 hour ago, Sharper2002 said:

Sarah is out today but MeAgain is there? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Ugh. 

It is why I chose not to watch today.  As usual she gets away with her atrocious behavior.  The producers of this show are condoning this and if ever any of the other ladies really go off on Megan for disrespecting them.  It will be their fault.

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6 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Lol!  No, the topic was surviving in the wild.

The show was so boring it made me want to crawl under my house. No, really, I left Joel McHale to climb under my house. 

I would leave a Joel McHale interview to apply Preparation H.  I can’t stand him.

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9 minutes ago, cinsays said:

And was Megzy saying something like there was no reason for a 24 year old to live at home with the parents? Maybe other people don't have the financial backing from their rich parents that she does? Totally clueless about the rest of the world.

Coming from an heiress it does seem ridiculous.  But coming from someone who left their parents' home at the age of eighteen, it doesn't sound that crazy.  If you can't support yourself at 24 there's a problem.

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1 hour ago, Pearson80 said:

It is why I chose not to watch today.  As usual she gets away with her atrocious behavior.  The producers of this show are condoning this and if ever any of the other ladies really go off on Megan for disrespecting them.  It will be their fault.

Same here; it's not even an interesting trainwreck anymore.  I'd have a lot more respect for Meghan if she ever apologized for attacking her coworkers.  I understand that "making sparks" is part of the job, but implying that your coworkers collude in antisemitism is much more than that.  Argue about policy if you want, and I'm well past the point of expecting Meghan to actually address the given issue.  Making false accusations and strawman arguments about the people who have to talk to you is a step too far.

As for the Joe McHale gigglefest, it's part of Meghan's ongoing desire to act as if she belongs at the cool kids table.  Remember how she acted when Howard Stern was on? 

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1 hour ago, cinsays said:

And was Megzy saying something like there was no reason for a 24 year old to live at home with the parents? Maybe other people don't have the financial backing from their rich parents that she does? Totally clueless about the rest of the world.


1 hour ago, sugarbaker design said:

Coming from an heiress it does seem ridiculous.  But coming from someone who left their parents' home at the age of eighteen, it doesn't sound that crazy.  If you can't support yourself at 24 there's a problem.


52 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

NO reason?   Sorry, apartment rents are ridiculous, kids graduate in debt and end up with entry level jobs or unpaid internships.   Both my kids graduated college at 22 and lived with us for a few years to find jobs, save money and begin paying back student loans.  They became completely independent, one at 25, one at 26.  

Meghan simply cannot see a world past the end of her nose.  She graduated college without having any student loans so of course she has no idea about those that do have student loan debt.  And not everyone has a trust fund.  And not everyone has a job that pays them enough to live independently.  

When Meghan came back from maternity leave didn't she say something about living with her in laws while her and Ben are living "in the beltway"?

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4 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I don't know for fact that its a countdown timer

Last week MeAgain wasted the last 15 seconds of one of her lectures saying she could see the timer and wouldn't be able to explain something completely when she could have spent those 15 seconds finishing her explanation.  Her mic should be shut off when her time is up.

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I think HerProducer keeps her informed about how much time til commercial. But that begs the question why she had such a hissy fit about Whoopi cutting her off yesterday. 

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1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

NO reason?   Sorry, apartment rents are ridiculous, kids graduate in debt and end up with entry level jobs or unpaid internships.   Both my kids graduated college at 22 and lived with us for a few years to find jobs, save money and begin paying back student loans.  They became completely independent, one at 25, one at 26.  

 It's not always so simple.  There's no one-size-fits-all answer. 


54 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

Meghan simply cannot see a world past the end of her nose.  She graduated college without having any student loans so of course she has no idea about those that do have student loan debt.  And not everyone has a trust fund.  And not everyone has a job that pays them enough to live independently.  

When Meghan came back from maternity leave didn't she say something about living with her in laws while her and Ben are living "in the beltway"?

Agree with the above. It costs a lot of money just to have a roof over your head in a safe area. That's why people much older than 24 often have roommates even if they moved out of their parents' homes. I don't expect someone who hasn't been out of college very long to be completely independent when they often are in debt and oftentimes not making much money either. The ladies as a whole sound very touch of touch with regular people. Meghan comes from money, and the others are much older and have had a lot of money for many years. None of them know what it's like to be a regular 24-year-old in this economy. 

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4 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

None of them know what it's like to be a regular 24-year-old in this economy. 

Or a regular 52 year-old. I am the same age as Sunny and a few weeks ago when she dismissed that extra $300 a week people were receiving with their unemployment as not that much I was stunned.  I read her book. She grew up poor.  I would have expected her to have remembered what that was like.

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27 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

Or a regular 52 year-old. I am the same age as Sunny and a few weeks ago when she dismissed that extra $300 a week people were receiving with their unemployment as not that much I was stunned.  I read her book. She grew up poor.  I would have expected her to have remembered what that was like.

I know. I think sometimes they mean well and want Americans to get more unemployment, but they talk like $300 a week is pocket change. TV hosting pays so much, so we'll never have a host who can truly speak for average Americans.

Meghan talks like she has friends from all walks of life and is the voice for the working class, but it's abundantly clear she has no one in her life who's regular shmegular. Even if her friends aren't heiresses like her, they must all have money. In the world of regular people, living at home at 24 isn't uncommon. There are people Meghan's age who live at home. I'm sure she'd call it a "failure to launch," but stuff happens.

A lot of 18-year-olds have no idea what they want to do with their lives and pick majors that don't result in high earning jobs. Meghan herself has a bachelor's in art history. She didn't go to school to become a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. Does she really think a person from a normal background would end up making the kind of money she did out of school with the same degree? Does she really think she's just that much smarter and that much more hard working than everyone else and that's how she got glamorous gigs so young? I wish nepotism Barbie would at least spare us with pretending she has a clue what it's like to pull herself up by her bootstraps. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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