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The View: Week of 5/24/2021

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15 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

It shouldn't be expected of her.  The previous Republicans that filled that slot didn't act like that. Ana doesn't act like that.  You can make sparks without acting the way Meghan acts.  Disrespecting your coworkers is wrong no matter what your job is.

It's not a clash of political beliefs - it's a clash of personalities, and 'The View' has had their fair share way before McCain was brought on the show. (Read 'The Ladies Who Punch' for more). Some examples over the years:


Elisabeth's blow-up over the 'day after pill', based on her religious beliefs. She threatened to leave the show that day, but audiences loved the explosion between EH and Joy.

The infamous blow-up between Rosie and Elisabeth on May 23, 2007; a season of tension erupted like a volcano.

The animosity and tension between Joy and Star in the first eight seasons. Audiences picked up on it, and felt very uncomfortable to watch these two each day. They took Joy's side, and Star was fired (her contract was 'not renewed') in 2006.

The disrespect, tension and animosity between Rosie and Whoopi in 2014 -15 before Rosie up and quit mid-season (and to this day, Rosie said it was all because of the horrible treatment she received from Whoopi on the show each day). Those two hated each other on the show, and they didn't cover up their animosity - making it another uncomfortable season.

McCain's behavior on the show is nothing new. It's different, but certainly not new. And this time around, the EPs know how to turn it into a ratings bonanza.


Edited by LetsStartTalking
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5 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

If any of us acted the way she did today (especially to her cohorts), yes we would be fired. But that's because it's not expected of us to act that way to our coworkers, as it's expected of her.

And that's the issue many are having with the show and why many are tuning out.   Her bosses want her to be disrespectful and misleading to drives views.   But long time viewers of this show want to watch grown up discussion about a variety of topics as was the norm for this show prior to MM's arrival.   

I love Sunny.  She manages to be professional and factual the majority of times she speaks.   Particularly loved that she called MM out for repeatedly claiming pro-Palestine demostrators were doing the hate crimes in her examples.   And the danger of her language choice.    But I hate her speaking time has to be used to dispute MM's misleading rants rather than adding more to the conversation with her own thoughts and views.   

I didn't even get the point of MM's rant.  All of the ladies who spoke before her spoke directly against anti-Semitism.    They all spoke against Rep. Ilman when she made her comments.  They praise Rep. Pelosi for her response.   MM keeps bringing up the squad and they all let her, even when it's not relevant to the discussion.   But she wants to be mad that they are discussing MTG?   She made the segment/discussion go longer than it needed to.  

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3 minutes ago, After7Only said:

And that's the issue many are having with the show and why many are tuning out.   Her bosses want her to be disrespectful and misleading to drives views.   But long time viewers of this show want to watch grown up discussion about a variety of topics as was the norm for this show prior to MM's arrival.  

The May 2021 'ratings sweeps' ends this Wednesday. I believe the results will officially be released the day after Memorial Day next week. It will be interesting to see where this show stands in the last important 'sweeps period' for this current season. I have a feeling they will remain #1 in daytime talk show ratings, as it won't matter how many long-time viewers tune out. #1 in daytime talk means they will attract more advertisers paying high prices to viewers sticking with the show and new viewers it attracts. 

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24 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

Meghan is going to continue to act even more unhinged. It has become her brand. At some point ABC is going to have to decide if she is worth it. I never watch the show live because I work during the day.  From reading comments  here I wonder how many viewers are changing the channel or fast forwarding through Meghan's rants.   

I check on this board to see if the show was worth watching.  I have occasionally deleted a week's worth of The View without watching.  When I do watch, I watch Hot Topics, a celeb interview if it's someone that i care about, and that's it.  It generally takes about 18 minutes tops.

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Another reason for the drop in viewers (no pun) is that people are starting to go back to work, not working from home as much.  Our household viewership dropped 50% in recent months. 😄 Meghan’s presence will be tolerated as long as advertising dollars keep rolling in.

Meghan should not be allowed to hijack the conversation by turning it to something she’d rather discuss lecture about, as she did today. Turn off her mike if she can’t stay on topic. 

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I really wish Sunny didn't defend those hate crimes. What happened in Los Angeles going up to Jews asking them if they are Jewish or what happened to the MLS player has nothing to do with Palestine it is pure hatred for Jews. As a Jew in America it's been a scary week for my family and friends. I don't like Meghan has made herself the authority of antisemitism especially when she seems to only care when a POC does it. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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You're pivoting from essentially Who says they dropped to It doesn't matter that they dropped, which are two different conversations.

I was sourcing @TheGreenKnight's assertion that The View's ratings are down — which they are.

The Talk and GMA 3 (broadcast network programming with content more comparable to The View than the syndicated Ellen DeGeneres show which is ending next year) are down too, but they're down less (and actually, The Talk is even with last year in the 18-49 demo and up a tick in the 25-54 demo).

In my opinion, The View only has Meghan McCain as a co-host (as opposed to other conservative commentators), because of her last name, and because often, controversy equals ratings. At some point, she may brew the kind of controversy that drives away viewers, and will be more trouble than she's worth.

I feel like that about the whole show, though. But I feel that way, because she has made the show unwatchable for me.

To the bolded: I had noticed that only this show is suffering that steep a fall, too. I thought last week's dust-ups felt staged, which is leaving me wondering about today's, too. I expect McCain will be acting extra crazy every day for the next month in an attempt to keep those ratings from going down any further.

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3 hours ago, rwlevin said:

dear Meaghan McCain-


i do not need your Wonderbread self to defend my people from antisemitism. And while, yes, Omar Ilhan did conflate Israel with Judaism, she was shown the error of her ways and apologized and hasn’t made any such comments since, MTG has not. In fact, she decided that I, and my fellow Jewish people, stand with her regarding mask wearing, even though wearing masks saves lives while wearing yellow stars inevitably killed people. I’m vaxxed and I still wear a mask. Also, AOC, as a representative of parts of both the Bronx and Queens, has a lot of Jewish constituents who would definitely disagree with you regarding her feelings toward my people.

Finally, antisemitists are simply using the fight between Israel and Palestinians as an excuse to attack us. Once again, as both Sonny and Joy (and Whoopi) said, stop conflating anti-Israel with anti-Semitism. Thank you.

Exactly. We criticize governments all over the world, including our own. For the vast majority of people, it's got zero to do with anti-Semiticism. This concept shouldn't be difficult to grasp for anyone, but conflating the two is done so often. 

I thought Sunny did a great job per usual. It's really ridiculous someone with her brains has to do a show with Meghan dumbass McCain. Meghan did cite hate crimes today, but she has repeatedly said anyone who's simply critical of Israel is anti-Semetic. I'm glad Joy called Meghan out for never respecting her years on the show. Anyone who's familiar with her knows she doesn't have a bigoted bone in her body toward Jews, Muslims, people of color, no one. I remember she and Whoopi walked off the set when Bill O'Reilly said something Islamaphobic. I have no doubt they would have done the same if he had said something anti-Semitic. Now Meghan on the other hand, it would depend on your party, your color, her mood that day. She is not one to bat for minorities out of the goodness of her heart. It's all politics with her. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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3 hours ago, fishsanwitt said:

MeAgain was *completely* unhinged today. Her sneer when she triumphantly said, 'and the Squad is the face of the Democratic Party!' 

Let's test out this new Theory o' Politics presented by The View's resident brain trust, John McCain's Durder!

The Squad as the face of the Democratic Party:  A group of women who are diverse in multiple ways (from background to religious beliefs to personal lives to where they land on the spectrum in the Dem party) some of whom have made huge mistakes (as in tweeting anti-Semitic comments, only to be called onto the carpet by Dem leaders, followed by a public apology).  All mocked repeatedly as un-American by the former president. All returned to the workplace to continue doing the job they were elected to do (Omar's tweet about their relationship: "Our sisterhood is resilient".) Every Squad member has issued a stern condemnation of the recent anti-Semitic attacks (and offered in a respectful way, one that does not co-opt a religion or experience not their own).

Marjorie Taylor Greene as the face of the Republican Party:  A white woman full of crackpot opinions and theories who has taunted her co-workers, has an unearned and inflated belief in her knowledge and superiority over others with genuine expertise,  a woman who refuses to ever admit mistakes, never apologizes and cannot learn. Has repeatedly mocked the media as not being as American as her red, white and blue self, and has gained enormous megaphone and $$ power due to her angry, bitter mouth.  Also possesses a special vision of Jewishness that allows her to speak as an expert on anti-Semitism, from masks to mass murder.

If we use the panel as our test group,  Mad Hatter McCain is (inadvertently) right about something, for once: Marjorie Taylor Greene is absolutely the face of Republican Meghan, and The Squad describes the rest of the panel on The View.


Edited by film noire
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On the view, after returning from the commercial break the spat continued with Sunny Hostin saying 'criticizing the Israeli government and some of its tactics are not the same as being anti-Semitic'.

McCain, who has been a co-host of the ABC show since 2017, said: 'When anti-Semitism shows itself on the right, it is easy to spot with crazy people and tiki torches. When it manifests on the left, it's a lot more insidious and a lot more sinister and a lot more difficult to define.'

After Joy Behar told McCain she 'resented' her comments, McCain hit back: 'I resent a lot of things, so we're even.' Behar replied: 'I've been talking about anti-Semitism for 25 freaking years. Don't tell me what I'm supposed to be saying, Meghan. 

'You do your thing and we do ours.'

'I'm well aware we do separate things on this show, Joy, okay. I know you've been here 25 years. I've been here for 4,' McCain said.

Behar said: 'That's right. You should have some respect for that.'

MeAgain literally snarled the bolded part, and the way she Joy's name. But for some reason the actual lip snarl didn't make an appearance!

Edited by bannana
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Haha, this is a funny recap!


From the article:


Of course, this is hardly the first multi-headline-making week in Meghan McCain’s career: She has seemingly made a name for herself by being as bombastic and hypocritical as possible. From her recent revelation that paid family leave is, in fact, important and her outrage over not being able to access the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as those who are high-risk, to her defense of the former president’s racist COVID talking points, and her choice to compare herself to Game of Thrones’ character Daenerys Targaryen, McCain’s contribution to The View seems to consist of two things: questionable hairstyles and even more questionable viewpoints.

This is undoubtedly why most View fans often end the show asking themselves one of (or all of) three things: What is McCain going to say next? What is her hairstylist going to do next? And, finally: Why is she still on The View again?


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5 minutes ago, bannana said:

McCain, who has been a co-host of the ABC show since 2017, said: 'When anti-Semitism shows itself on the right, it is easy to spot with crazy people and tiki torches. When it manifests on the left, it's a lot more insidious and a lot more sinister and a lot more difficult to define.'

She had all commercial break and that was the sentence she decided to summarize her argument with.... ?   My thought was the same as Whoopi's response...."OK"

3 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

The May 2021 'ratings sweeps' ends this Wednesday. I believe the results will officially be released the day after Memorial Day next week. It will be interesting to see where this show stands in the last important 'sweeps period' for this current season. I have a feeling they will remain #1 in daytime talk show ratings, as it won't matter how many long-time viewers tune out. #1 in daytime talk means they will attract more advertisers paying high prices to viewers sticking with the show and new viewers it attracts. 

They are #1 in a shrinking field with shrinking viewership across the board.   Yes they will be able to command more than "The Talk" does, but not as much as they used to when they were #1 AND had higher ratings.   Similar to how the Soaps have changed over the years.   Y&R has long been the #1 Soap but it doesn't make near the money as it used to because of declining viewership.   Production costs and salaries have been drastically cut to keep it on air.  

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4 hours ago, Axie said:

After today's performance, I sincerely think Meghan is in need of mental health help.  I think she should be taken off the air and given the time to seek it.  I don't think it's an act, I think something is seriously wrong.

Although I admit to mocking and disparaging this person every chance I get, I do agree with your sentiment. She needs help asap. 

Edited by adore
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4 hours ago, Axie said:

After today's performance, I sincerely think Meghan is in need of mental health help.  I think she should be taken off the air and given the time to seek it.  I don't think it's an act, I think something is seriously wrong.

I propose a topic for a future episode  -  Postpartum bipolar disorder.  How some women who have a biological predisposition to mood disorders go off the rails after having a baby.  

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So Meghan's basic point was that they shouldn't be talking about Marjorie Taylor Greene's anti-Semitism, Instead, they should be talking about 7 other incidents of anti-semitism , that she then rattled off in one log run-on sentence.   OK -  everyone agrees it's wrong.  Is she saying that MTG should NOT be talked about?  that she's not a republican leader who has influence over others?

  Not only were her comparisons to Nazi German AWFUL, but she is also a leader in the fight against taking precautions to not get COVID.  MTG's point was that mask mandates are terrible, and people should fight against them.  she's cheering on all the "Karens"  who go into a store and make a big production over refusing to wear masks and demanding to be served anyway because it's their right.  She is an awful, stupid, obnoxious person who needs to be kicked out of Congress.   Yeah, Meghan can say she has no influence, she was kicked off committees, but she is still in office, still making speeches, still harassing AOC, still representing her constituents and voting on bills. 

Meghan seems to be saying she should be ignored.  no, that's not the way we treat evil, outrageous behavior.  And rattling off a bunch of examples of "other people who did something worse" is not the way to go.  

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You know, when MeAgain rat-a-tats her examples of whatever is in her craw on any given day, I usually can't understand what she is saying and I don't bother to actually follow up on it. But today, she cited an example of antisemitism in Toronto. I looked it up and there is quite a bit more to the story than the way in which she presented it. There is actual video showing the man was part of a group that approached the march which was going in the opposite direction. He was carrying a bat and a knife. The two groups clashed verbally and physically. You can see him swinging the bat, and later the knife and you can hear marchers referencing the knife he is carrying.

She made it sound like some old guy was attacked out of the blue. It's still not good, no one should be fighting like this in the streets of TO, but this is what happens when you have demonstrators from opposite sides of an issue.

Obviously her producer, the one she was shrieking about when Whoopi cut her off, gave her these examples and she didn't take the time to google it.


Edited by bannana
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2 hours ago, bannana said:

I think Sunny is the one who really schooled MeAgain today. The media coverage is all about Whoopi's exasperation and Joy's "show a little respect".

But Sunny's comments were clearly about MeAgain saying that they are none of them Middle East experts and it is a complex topic that they shouldn't be speaking about without have Middle East policy experts on the show to ensure that the know what they are talking about. She said she is not a fan of "whataboutism", which is basically what MeAgain's entire rant was about. And she said they shouldn't conflate things and tried to explain that supporters of Palestine are not necessarily antisemitic.

MeAgain is relatively quiet on Twitter today and is definitely not retweeting her usual articles that focus on her.

Sunny is necessary for a proper counter and clean-up of McCain's misinformation. Joy and Whoopi are the only ones who can snap at her in a way that will make headlines though, partly because Sunny's clapbacks are usually calm and thought out rather than quick one-liners and partly because she's less well-known than those two. But, in defense of the media, pretty much all of them gave her a smackdown today--which person to focus on? Even Sara was nodding along as Joy told McCain to have some respect after she was rude to Whoopi and smeared The View / ABC.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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21 minutes ago, bannana said:

But then how do you explain her behaviour over the past four years?


I grant you that Meghan has been AWFUL for a long time.  but recently she's had a new negative energy that permeates everything she says.  like she starts the show ready to fight to the death.  She takes things personally that aren't personal.  she is ENRAGED when anybody criticizes a member of her "team".   even today, her response to the topic of MTG was to announce that SHE doesn't like her, and therefore the topic shouldn't be discussed.  She felt personally attacked by the mention that a fellow conservative said something racist, as if she herself was being called racist by association.  

she is a terrible person.  but lately, there's been an escalation in personalizing topics, and an inability to stop herself from yelling.  She was not being attacked today, and yet she clearly felt that she was attacked and had to defend herself.  I see mental illness in that.  

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26 minutes ago, bannana said:

You know, when MeAgain rat-a-tats her examples of whatever is in her craw on any given day, I usually can't understand what she is saying and I don't bother to actually follow up on it. But today, she cited an example of antisemitism in Toronto. I looked it up and there is quite a bit more to the story than the way in which she presented it. There is actual video showing the man was part of a group that approached the march which was going in the opposite direction. He was carrying a bat and a knife. The two groups clashed verbally and physically. You can see him swinging the bat, and later the knife and you can hear marchers referencing the knife he is carrying.

She made it sound like some old guy was attacked out of the blue. It's still not good, no one should be fighting like this in the streets of TO, but this is what happens when you have demonstrators from opposite sides of an issue.

Obviously her producer, the one she was shrieking about when Whoopi cut her off, gave her these examples and she didn't take the time to google it.


Anti semitism is a huge problem and if she wants to speak against it she might learn how to pronounce words like Kippot/kippah/kippa.  And can she just once speak to the actual question? It was about MTG and what should happen to her and why the party hasn’t said anything like the Dems did with Omar. Not about anti semitism in general…that’s a whole other topic.   And MGT has been removed from committees because of the daily stupid crap she spews and not for one statement.  Omar made the one really bad comment, was taken to task by her party and hasn’t done stupid things since…that’s why she’s still on committees.  Please ABC get a regular conservative panel member who understands these things, nuances, how to pronounce and use big words, etc and get rid of the one there now who is just tribe tribe tribe what about what about what about.  Her behavior is toxic and eventually the novelty of rants and being obnoxious will go away and will start hurting ratings more than helping. 

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4 hours ago, Haleth said:

Turn off her mike if she can’t stay on topic. 

And turn off her mic when she hits the 2-minute mark.  If she cannot get her point across in her 2 minutes, she should seek a different job.  Real pundits know how to fit their key points into whatever time they are given, be it 30 seconds or a minute. And they stay on topic.  2 minutes is actually a long time.

Edited by deirdra
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Meghan may be more unhinged than usual today because Rachel Campos was hired by FOX to replace Jedediah Bila on FOX and Friends weekends?  Meghan really wants to be hired by FOX, that is why she keeps spewing their talking points.  Her husband has been on the network recently and I think her dream would be to host her own show  with Ben.  She wants to be a FOX version of Joe and Mika.  

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5 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

Meghan may be more unhinged than usual today because Rachel Campos was hired by FOX to replace Jedediah Bila on FOX and Friends weekends?  Meghan really wants to be hired by FOX, that is why she keeps spewing their talking points.  Her husband has been on the network recently and I think her dream would be to host her own show  with Ben.  She wants to be a FOX version of Joe and Mika.  

I’m wondering if she’s trying to get fired, or not have her contract renewed (I.e. she wants to leave but doesn’t want to quit or be the person who doesn’t renew her own contract).    Then she can play the victim about how they couldn’t handle a real conservative voice, etc.  

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Add me to the list who thinks Meghan has some sort of mental illness going on.  Pregnancy hormones can change you.  I had been clinically depressed for years. Once I got pregnant with my son and gave birth the depression was gone.  I was told by my current shrink the hormones could have fixed whatever was causing my depression.

Or maybe Meghan is just mad because her team lost.

11 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

Meghan may be more unhinged than usual today because Rachel Campos was hired by FOX to replace Jedediah Bila on FOX and Friends weekends?  Meghan really wants to be hired by FOX, that is why she keeps spewing their talking points.  Her husband has been on the network recently and I think her dream would be to host her own show  with Ben.  She wants to be a FOX version of Joe and Mika.  


4 minutes ago, Rainyhawk said:

I’m wondering if she’s trying to get fired, or not have her contract renewed (I.e. she wants to leave but doesn’t want to quit or be the person who doesn’t renew her own contract).    Then she can play the victim about how they couldn’t handle a real conservative voice, etc.  

Or this is also a possibility 

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5 hours ago, Axie said:

After today's performance, I sincerely think Meghan is in need of mental health help.  I think she should be taken off the air and given the time to seek it.  I don't think it's an act, I think something is seriously wrong.

May is mental health awareness month.  ABC should have her evaluated and keep her off the air until at least June 1st.

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2 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Meghan may be more unhinged than usual today because Rachel Campos was hired by FOX to replace Jedediah Bila on FOX and Friends weekends?  Meghan really wants to be hired by FOX, that is why she keeps spewing their talking points.  Her husband has been on the network recently and I think her dream would be to host her own show  with Ben.  She wants to be a FOX version of Joe and Mika.  

Isn't Campos the one who competed with Hasselbeck for a seat on The View years ago? Or am I thinking of someone else?

2 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

I’m wondering if she’s trying to get fired, or not have her contract renewed (I.e. she wants to leave but doesn’t want to quit or be the person who doesn’t renew her own contract).    Then she can play the victim about how they couldn’t handle a real conservative voice, etc.  

Could be. Then she could do the media rounds and lecture about "Cancel Culture," lol. Can't you just imagine? I'm sure we've all known that whenever she's fired--whenever that merciful day finally comes, be it this year or years from now--that she will of course act like she was a victim, that she was fired for being conservative, and talk shit about ABC in the press nonstop. That outcome is and always was inevitable.

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

You know, when MeAgain rat-a-tats her examples of whatever is in her craw on any given day, I usually can't understand what she is saying and I don't bother to actually follow up on it. But today, she cited an example of antisemitism in Toronto. I looked it up and there is quite a bit more to the story than the way in which she presented it. There is actual video showing the man was part of a group that approached the march which was going in the opposite direction. He was carrying a bat and a knife. The two groups clashed verbally and physically. You can see him swinging the bat, and later the knife and you can hear marchers referencing the knife he is carrying.

She made it sound like some old guy was attacked out of the blue. It's still not good, no one should be fighting like this in the streets of TO, but this is what happens when you have demonstrators from opposite sides of an issue.

Obviously her producer, the one she was shrieking about when Whoopi cut her off, gave her these examples and she didn't take the time to google it.


This is what makes her so dangerous she misrepresents facts to push her agenda and her agenda today was to derail the conversation about Marjorie's anti-Semitism in order to blame the left, the squad and her co-hosts.  

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