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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

As always, no spoilers. No future information from social or other media.  And hey, let's be careful out there!

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I don’t watch all the RH franchises, but I do recall Tamara on RH of Orange County having a big celebration for her Baptism.  It seemed odd, contrived and questionable at the time.  I never could tell if it was a storyline.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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2 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I don’t watch all the RH franchises, but I do recall Tamara on RH of Orange County having a big celebration for her Baptism.  It seemed odd, contrived and questionable at the time.  I never could tell if it was a storyline.  

You are correct - I had forgotten about that whole re-birthing of Tamra!!!  Which was also just another ploy for a storyline.  Tamra's hair was still damp from that full body baptism when she went back to being a nasty, two-faced, sneaky person.  It seems Tamra no sooner found Jesus than she lost him again.

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2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I respect what you’re saying, and I would agree with you in a vacuum.  Like, race doesn’t have to come into the equation.  I get that.  

Anecdotally, though, I get the other side, because I was in this situation where a black friend brought me to see his brother in an all-black neighborhood, and when the brother met me (I’m white), he immediately said, half genuinely, half tongue-in-cheek, “well, we accept all colors around here,” with a big smile, and I was immediately put at ease at the fact that he said it and by the way he thought he could joke with me right out of the gate.  

I don’t think mentioning race is a problem.  I think the fixation on race is a problem, and Eboni is the one who displayed that at every turn this episode.  I stopped counting, as soon as I made the affirmative decision that this show will never be on my DVR again, but, just off the top of my head, she mentioned that it was “good news” that Governor Newsom was considering reparations, she wore a sweatshirt with the names of the Central Park Five on it, she mentioned that she met her boyfriend, in part, through commonality on NFL kneeling, and she went on at length about how black people were welcomed in Sag Harbor in the 1940s, which, according to Eboni, was one generation removed from slavery, which is strange, considering the 1940s were 75 years after slavery ended in America.  I guarantee if another member of the cast had made such an honest gaffe, they would be taken to school at length for their ignorance, and privilege.  

Leah was with Eboni when she wore the Central Park Five sweatshirt, and they supposedly knew each other before, so when they were traveling to Sonja’s party in the car and Eboni asked if Sonja was used to being around “people like [her],” it wasn’t a huge leap to me that Leah would ask a clarifying question to make sure that Eboni was referring to race prior to responding.  I can fault Leah for being gross, having inappropriate moral outrage, for holding different people to different standards, and for wild immaturity, but I don’t have a problem with her asking if someone who has a penchant for talking about race was talking about race before responding in kind. 

All of the racial conversation could have been avoided, but Eboni wants very much to talk about race, which I guess is fine in the greater scheme of things.  But, if Eboni can make allusions to race four times in one episode, I’m not sure why Sonja can’t make one, especially given that Sonja seemed friendly and non-confrontational in what she was saying.  Most of Eboni’s racial speech, on the other hand, seemed designed to be provocative (Sag Harbor as the exception).

And I can’t really blame Eboni completely, because another poster explained Eboni’s history to me over PM, and it’s clear that she was one way once, and now she is getting paid to be Bravo’s woke token “person of color.”  So Bravo is at least somewhat at fault for only offering a position to someone on the cast who falls in line with what they think we will appreciate and will fall in line with our views of how people of certain races should think and act, and, also, for Bravo to atone for what it perceives to be its own racial transgressions, I guess.  So, Eboni is just a pawn in their game.  A willing pawn, but a pawn nonetheless.  

I think it is so sad that Bravo keeps making casting choices in order to pass some type of politically correct litmus test and in order to improve their ESQ score for 💲.  I am so embarrassed for Bravo and its players.  Because Andy is obsessed with appearing woke (I don’t think he is woke at all, and I think he is actually very elitist IRL), he casts Asian and black cast members who act the way he probably expects Asian and black people to act, with zero thought for diversity of opinion.  This is actually kind of racist to me, because white women cast on these shows, while not completely free to act how they want, get a lot more latitude than minority women, who have to pay lip service to certain causes or they will not get or stay cast.  

I have to call everyone out, now that I am on a roll.  Luann really wanted to know how Eboni met her new man, and Eboni was listing a bunch of causes that Eboni and the BF had in common, and Luann was just nodding really hard, as if she aligned with these causes too, when, meanwhile, Luann doesn’t give a shit about these causes.  She did an Indian war whoop in a restaurant just to annoy Carole in season five.  But she wants to keep her job.  It’s so gross how Bravo says “jump,” and these aging, divorced women say, “how high?” 

I find Sonja’s throwaway comment a lot more innocuous than Luann’s faux enthusiastic nodding about social justice.  I also thought Sonja’s throwaway comment about the fish was a lot more innocuous than Eboni’s response, which was that Sonja must be body positive, because some of her fish were overweight, the implication being that one is only “body positive” if they embrace extra fat, as if it is just as healthy and attractive as a normal weight.  

Just so much PC bullshit.  I need a fainting couch.  Also, Eboni, put your breasts away!  She made freaking Sonja look demure. Those girls deserved their own tag lines.  Also, Luann, your apartment ain’t all that.  It looked, as another poster up thread pointed out, not very different from Leah’s apartment that Luann dressed down last season (which I agreed wasn’t shit).  But it is rich for Luann to make passive-aggressive comments about the size of Leah’s coffee table, when Luann’s table is a cardboard box!  

I’m also not sure how Eboni was legally practicing law since the age of 23.  She is my age and she graduated from law school one year earlier than I did, and I am young for my age in my grade, and there was still no way I could have practiced law legally prior to the age of 25, so it is just a mathematical puzzle to me how she began practicing prior to 24.  The world may never know.  

I sound like such a hater on Eboni, which is ok, she didn’t leave a good taste in my mouth, and if I held that back because she is black, that would be racist to me.  I did, however, like how she took responsibility for the messes—all of them—in the past, unlike, ahem, someone’s name who rhymes with Bone Ya (and even Sonj seems to have she shit together a little more this episode than previous seasons.  She mentioned the quarantine was good for her twice.  Girl, I’m right there with you).  I also thought it was funny when Eboni said that she was “old as hell” in response to whether she was going to have kids.  Not everyone is Ramona, popping out firstborns naturally at 38.  I admire when women don’t think it is some type of anti-feminist taboo to acknowledge scientific facts.  

In summary, I just have so much more of a problem with Bravo and so little patience for the network, than with any individual player that I am quitting most all of their shows on a dime, and I couldn’t be happier about it. 

Ok, this is going to make me look like the biggest hypocrite ever, since I said I need a PC fainting couch...but when Leah’s father said this, I was turned off.  I was like, “yeah, like there are no Mexican Jews!  Has he not heard of Mauricio?”  It just seems weird to me to assume that everyone in Mexico is Catholic.  I know it’s a joke, but a joke only makes sense if the joker thinks there is something truthful about its core.  Not only are not all Mexicans Catholic, but it is disputed how Catholic a lot of Mexicans who identify as Catholic are, as the Day of the Dead is not recognized by the church.  

It’s not a big deal, but I kind of wish people would be a little more educated when it comes to religion.  I have called Ramona out about this in the past, as well as Jill co-signing an attitude the Count had about Judaism.  Like...if people who practice the religion are ignorant about it—and religion is unlike race, in that it is a choice, it is not immutable—what exactly is happening with our civilization?  

And now that I just deconstructed another Housewife show with so much gravitas, I know it is time I go back to annoying the people on the Jersey board (and possibly BH, that one is on the bubble) and leave the good viewers of RHNYC in peace. 😁

I will agree with you about Lu...she could care less about anybody who isn't rich and famous. She is possibly the most entitled, privileged white woman on this franchise.

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14 hours ago, OFDgal said:

Can't stand Leah.  Picking and choosing which parts of the Jewish religion she will follow is not converting.  I'm confused as to why an Orthodox Jewish rabbi would go along with this.  I was happy when Lu said she wasn't drinking.  Then I saw her on WWHL and she was drunk as a skunk.  Sad.  Ramona looks great.  I hope this isn't another pick on Ramona season.  Love Sonja in the townhouse with her intern.  I wish one of her business deals would work out.  She does seem to work hard on these ventures.  Not sure about Eboni yet.

An orthodox Rabbi would not even have a sit down with her...she has no idea what the hell she's talking about...she's an idiot.

On 5/4/2021 at 10:05 PM, Bronzedog said:

What was the reason Luann gave for giving up drinking this time?  I’m super cheap and have a fan on so I don’t have to turn on the air conditioning and missed what she said.

She was having black outs during the summer when she drank in the Hamptons and it "scared" her...also her daughter quit drinking...she also had an alcohol problem and got a DUI in the Hamptons a few years ago.

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So there is not a single actual housewife on this show, still?

I used to love this franchise. Now, they are all horrible. 

Except Eboni. She is interesting, and accomplished in her own right (not her former husband’s). 

I think I am done. 

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Did Sonja suggest to Eboni that she stop using birth control in order to trap her Beau?

Can you think of a better way for her to trap her Beau?


So there is not a single actual housewife on this show, still?

Well, we do get Holla! Heather back for a bit this year. But yeah, I don't think there has been a married HW on this show since Luanne and Tom got divorced between seasons 9 and 10. Before that, there was Jules back in season 8, and even that imploded while she was on the show.


accomplished in her own right (not her former husband’s). 

Well, Ramona too, no?

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Given all the racism Black people have experienced and the high profile cases in recent years involving people murdering Black people and getting off, I think it's very hard not to be fixated on race.  If group X is constantly being attacked and treated poorly because of being group X, how does it work that group X shouldn't be fixated?  The people being unfair to group X are the ones causing the fixation.  If you didn't like hearing about race so much, imagine how Black people feel being constantly targeted because of it.


Not just Black people, but any marginalized group.

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7 hours ago, Mar said:

Her comment to Tinsley about the turkey baster will forever make her deplorable in my eyes, and her nonstop aggression and hateful behavior towards her makes me want to never see her on my tv screen again.

What are we doing here without Dorinda?

Well, we're not cringing so much. I sure won't miss her completely unintelligible pronouncements. When you need subtitles every time you speak, and even the subtitles can't quite figure out your words, you know you have a problem. 

I wanted to like Dorinda, I really did. She could have made it nice. But then every time I saw her I said to myself "she's starting" and I died a little bit inside for her.

Then there is Leah. I never wanted to like her from the first moment she appeared. No redeeming qualities that I could see. JMO.

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If she had used her place on the show to call attention to black on black crime

If she did, she probably would have had to explain these reasons, and for many non-White people like herself, having to constantly explain things like this to other people can be exhausting after a while.

Who knows, it may come up in the future for her to explain.


I wanted to like Dorinda, I really did. She could have made it nice.

I liked her too, initially. But during her last few seasons, she just stopped making it nice.

I will miss her Berkshire home. It usually made for fun, crazy, and entertaining trips. If only she would rent it out to the current cast for the occasional weekend visit.

Edited by Hiyo
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On 5/5/2021 at 7:59 AM, ChitChat said:

Any young person who can't draw a bath by the time they go to college is doomed anyway!  I could see having an intern if you were an actual business woman doing business-type of work, but this?  It's just plain ridiculous.  

Why does she need an intern in the first place?  For show?  It’s not like she has a big job to go to.  Maybe she’s reliving her past as a Morgan.

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10 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I think that by the time the reunion rolls around and Andy asks her if she has completed her studies and converted to Judaism, Leah will have a whole host of reasons why she dropped the idea, most of which will be bullshit, because I'm thinking she grabbed at this to have a "personal journey" storyline which would secure more screen time for herself than the other housewives (we've never seen any housewife changing from one religion to another, or even delved deeply into their religion - except for the Salt Lake City women).  

As I said in previous posts, she is using Orthodox Judaism and I think it's despicable.  If she was really serious about this, she probably would no longer be on the show, and she would be embracing ALL aspects of the religion, including the head coverings/wigs, the ultra conservative style of dress, studying the Torah, learning prayers and Hebrew.  She would not be prancing around in barely there clothing, being a famewhore on a reality TV show.

For these reasons, I despise Leah even more than I did last year.  I will be the first one to admit I'm wrong if she goes through with this, but I'm about 99.9999999% sure she won't.

(And, I am not Jewish, but I still find this all so horrible!!!)

You have stated exactly what I came here to say much better than I would have said it. Melissa Gorga and her imaginary sister, 4th kid and fake marriage problems, Brownwind (OC) and her sobriety, sudden change in sexual preferences and totally fake sudden wokeness were all sad and pathetic attempts at storylines and Brownwinds were offensive for their mockery of real issues. But, using a religion to grab more air time is especially despicable. Perfect for despicable Leah. Can someone explain to me why article's refer to her as "fan favorite Leah"? Where are these fans?

Edited by chlban
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14 hours ago, Mar said:

Her comment to Tinsley about the turkey baster will forever make her deplorable in my eyes, and her nonstop aggression and hateful behavior towards her makes me want to never see her on my tv screen again.

I enjoyed Dorinda during her early years on the show.  However, I applauded Bravo for giving her the can after the last season.  Rewatching the reunion episodes again on Tuesday, Dorinda repulsed me.  She gave a disingenuous apology and then doubled down on her behavior and lied.  By the third reunion episode she started using the renovation, the rib, and the breakup, as her excuse.  Yes renovation is difficult.  I’m sure much of it was covered by insurance and Richard left her plenty of money to get through.  There are people out there trying to figure out how to pay their rent and I just can’t be sympathetic.

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On 5/5/2021 at 7:57 AM, StevenGuy said:

Could it be possible and I’m throwing this out there as a complete guess by that intern seemed more like a serious student then some of Sonya’s previous fashionista-like interns who may have been fans of the show, unless they were interns for her fashion business....but could this person be an intern for Shed Media, the production company, and asked to film the Sonya scenes as “her” intern? I mean who knows? I’m sure no college will approve being Sonya’s personal minions but either it’s from her “company” angle and she makes them do her personal biddings or the production company set it up for sake of some storyline? But yes, Sonya needs to draw her own bath. She’s “the only one” who can hose down her precious stones correctly. 

You could be on point about that.  If I recall correctly, it came out Tej (not Raj) did not work for the property as they led us to believe, but worked for production or some such thing.

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Housewife watchers,

Issues surrounding race were mentioned on the show.  We are not here to debate every issue ever discussed regarding race.  Let's keep it to the show. If you would like to take something to Small Talk, that should be done without posting everything that fits in Small Talk in the episode thread. Thanks!

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I think I'm the only one that likes Leah, warts and all.

Love Lu's place.  I wish she'd cut her hair though!  I think she needs to go back to the short layered hair cut that showed off her high cheekbones.

Not sure what the fuck is going on with Sonja's face but she looks so overfilled.  She was, what I would call, a handsome woman before.  And I miss the Sonja that wasn't trying to be Grey Gardens -- she was funny, didn't come off as stupid, and had a certain charm even when a little vulgar.  Now she's just straight vulgar w/o the charm or humor.  Kinda like Bethenney during her comeback tour.

Eboni has the perfect voice for broadcasting.

Ramona, I will always love her.  Thought she looked great coming into Lu's.  I'm enjoying their friendship.

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13 hours ago, Blueeyedgirl said:

So there is not a single actual housewife on this show, still?

I used to love this franchise. Now, they are all horrible. 

Except Eboni. She is interesting, and accomplished in her own right (not her former husband’s). 

I think I am done. 

I feel that way at times....then I get sucked back in.  Was planning to let go earlier, then covid.  Now.....I guess Eboni has aroused my interest.  Depending on how things pan out, I may really walk this time.   

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1 hour ago, Boo Boo said:

I think I'm the only one that likes Leah, warts and all.

Love Lu's place.  I wish she'd cut her hair though!  I think she needs to go back to the short layered hair cut that showed off her high cheekbones.

Not sure what the fuck is going on with Sonja's face but she looks so overfilled.  She was, what I would call, a handsome woman before.  And I miss the Sonja that wasn't trying to be Grey Gardens -- she was funny, didn't come off as stupid, and had a certain charm even when a little vulgar.  Now she's just straight vulgar w/o the charm or humor.  Kinda like Bethenney during her comeback tour.

Eboni has the perfect voice for broadcasting.

Ramona, I will always love her.  Thought she looked great coming into Lu's.  I'm enjoying their friendship.

Eboni's voice is amazing.  I actually prefer the long hair on Luann, I adore it.

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17 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

 I also thought it was funny when Eboni said that she was “old as hell” in response to whether she was going to have kids.  Not everyone is Ramona, popping out firstborns naturally at 38.  I admire when women don’t think it is some type of anti-feminist taboo to acknowledge scientific facts.  

It was good to see that the comment just rolled off of Eboni's back and that it didn't bother her. I'm probably overly sensitive about this because I'm Eboni's age and I'm pregnant with my first. So many times I'd have friends and family members press me about when/if I'd have children and I'd act like it didn't bother me, but in reality I'd feel a jumble of negative emotions and would wonder why people think it was at all helpful to me to bring up my freaking biological clock as if I wasn't already well aware of it.

That being said, I acknowledge that I don't think that the ladies were deliberately trying to be insensitive to Eboni when the topic was brought up. I think they were just trying to get to know her better and since this is a reality show, no topic is really off limits. 

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6 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

Why does she [Sonja] need an intern in the first place?  For show?  It’s not like she has a big job to go to.  Maybe she’s reliving her past as a Morgan.

That's what I thought about Luann having an assistant.   What does she need an assistant for?   She doesn't even have a job.    Or is assistant the new housekeeper?   

Sonja explained a long time ago she gets these "interns" as free "assistants." 

That said, I don't think Sonja's act is an act.  I think she's a genuine wackjob - one that  I mostly find entertaining.  I cracked up when she was in the garden going on and on to the florist about how tacky runners are and plastic on the furniture etc. while the florist quietly tucked Sonja's tag back into her dress.  


Edited by Cosmocrush
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9 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

That's what I thought about Luann having an assistant.   What does she need an assistant for?   She doesn't even have a job.    Or is assistant the new housekeeper?   

Sonja explained a long time ago she gets these "interns" as free "assitants." 

Lu "needs" them for her caberet gigs...although with COVID that pretty much ended that for awhile. 🙏

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4 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Lu "needs" them for her caberet gigs...although with COVID that pretty much ended that for awhile. 🙏

Oh yeah, I forgot about that, not sure how lol.    Probably one of the few benefits to quarantining.  😉

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Posts regarding Leah's premiere party have been moved to the Media thread.   Why? Because the premiere party did not happen during the episode.  Please restrict the discussion in the episode thread to what happens in the episode.  No future information. No recent social media. No other media (unless the media existed prior to the date that the episode was filmed).  

Any discussion of Watch What Happens Live belongs in the WWHL thread. Why again? Because it did not happen in the episode. 

Questions? PM @PrincessPurrsALot. We do not discuss moderator actions in the forums. 

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1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

Sonja explained a long time ago she gets these "interns" as free "assistants." 

I still don't know why she needs an assistant/intern in the first place.  And please I am praying to every reality tv God above DO NOT show more scenes of Sonja naked body being lowered into a bath tub!  GROSS!  I am so sick of this disgusting woman!

This episode was boring--I'm out for the season *yawn*

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I have always suspected that Sonja's interns are children of people she knows that want a free (or really cheap) place to stay in NYC. She calls them interns as a way to justify asking them to do all kinds of things no one would ask of a housemate or house guest and to make herself sound important.

I did enjoy Sonja explaining how important it was to know how to draw a bath, then spraying herself in the face.  She so wants to be a lady of leisure.  I suspect that's the first time she has used the bath tub in a very long time. I'm surprised she didn't ask the intern to peel some grapes. 

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On 5/5/2021 at 4:28 PM, teapot said:

Why I will never not love Sonja, or stop watching:

“I never take the tags off, in case I decide not to keep (what she’s wearing) it.”


She is so gross. She wears a bathing suit and a short romper leaves the tags on and returns them without laundering them after she has sweated in places that I don't won't mention. Does she think the stores should put them back on the racks and resell them just because she left the tags on? Don't for a minute think that she would not do this,

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4 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

She is so gross. She wears a bathing suit and a short romper leaves the tags on and returns them without laundering them after she has sweated in places that I don't won't mention. Does she think the stores should put them back on the racks and resell them just because she left the tags on? Don't for a minute think that she would not do this,

But that's Morgan groin sweat!  We should all be honored to be so close the the Morgans!  🤮

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8 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

She is so gross. She wears a bathing suit and a short romper leaves the tags on and returns them without laundering them after she has sweated in places that I don't won't mention. Does she think the stores should put them back on the racks and resell them just because she left the tags on? Don't for a minute think that she would not do this,

I also think it's really really disgusting that Sonja buys clothes and wears them and keeps the tags on and apparently returns them.  It's repulsive, it's turning my stomach.  Trying them on once (with the appropriate clothes or undergarments on underneath) is one thing.  But WEARING them then returning them?  Oh my god.....

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Ref. Comments about how none of the NYC housewives are married....maybe Bravo figures it doesn’t matter, because even if they get those who are married....they won’t stay that way.  Lol. 

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On 5/5/2021 at 2:34 AM, MrsWitter said:

I want to know Coco’s regimen. I know smaller dogs live longer, but that girl is 17 and has quite a lot of pep in her step! Mr. Witter (who occasionally pops in to watch) looked up at the tv and said: “I don’t know how Ramona has managed to keep a dog alive for 17 years.”

Go Coco!!! ❤️

Okay.  I admit it.  Best part of this 1st episode of RHONYC was the opening shot of Coco striding along in front of Ramona. This lil fur gal deserves her own APPLE!  She's no doubt a product of love and good genes!  (One of my Tzu was over 18, & he had all his marbles!  He even had a doggy Agent in NYC and did SNL & other shows.  What a character!  :-D  So very missed...  😢   (I join MRSWITTER in a "Go Coco!!!")  🎬 

 One final thought for Ramona -- & all lovers of Shih Tzu...Have fun reading the below article about pronunciation of the breed:  http://www.allshihtzu.com/how-to-pronounce-shih-tzu

Or simply remember this quicky way to say Shih Tzu:   "There is heavy emphasis on the first syllable…The “She”...followed by the second syllable, the “dzoo”. When said as one single word, the 2 syllables (Shih Tzu) flow together, thus making the pronunciation: Sheedzoo."

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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I also think it's really really disgusting that Sonja buys clothes and wears them and keeps the tags on and apparently returns them.  It's repulsive, it's turning my stomach.  Trying them on once (with the appropriate clothes or undergarments on underneath) is one thing.  But WEARING them then returning them?  Oh my god.....


I agree....now I am just so grossed out about clothing in the stores.  I have been doing lots of online shopping for the past year or so, and really appreciate it when I get clothing that is still in the individual plastic bags!!  

Just one more thing to worry about - that someone wore something you bought for a party or something! 

I had an aunt who did this all the time with formal/cocktail dresses.  My Mom and my other aunts would see her tags peeking out of her sleeve or neckline.  One time, one of my other aunts (they were sisters), went up to her to give her a "hug" and pulled the tag off, so she couldn't return the dress.  There was quite a bit of unfriendliness for a long time between them after that!!  


Edited by njbchlover
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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Ref. Comments about how none of the NYC housewives are married....maybe Bravo figures it doesn’t matter, because even if they get those who are married....they won’t stay that way.  Lol. 

Have a vow renewal with this franchise and you're guaranteed a divorce!!

As with all new HWs, I give them a few episodes before I give them a thumbs up or a thumbs down.  Leah was a definite thumbs down pretty much from the get-go, but I gave her a chance and realized my initial instincts were correct.  I wish her well, but I'm not a fan.

With Eboni, I used to see her on various Fox News shows.  She was impressive with her talking points.  I feel like she's a little bit "on guard" as she is navigating this dopey group of women, but who wouldn't be!!  I reserve the right to change my mind though as to whether she's HWs material or not.  ;)

Edited by ChitChat
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12 hours ago, chlban said:

You have stated exactly what I came here to say much better than I would have said it. Melissa Gorga and her imaginary sister, 4th kid and fake marriage problems, Brownwind (OC) and her sobriety, sudden change in sexual preferences and totally fake sudden wokeness were all sad and pathetic attempts at storylines and Brownwinds were offensive for their mockery of real issues. But, using a religion to grab more air time is especially despicable. Perfect for despicable Leah. Can someone explain to me why article's refer to her as "fan favorite Leah"? Where are these fans?

I think these "fans" are Bravo, Andy Cohen, Shed Media, etc. (or whoever it is who has casting power).  They're the one who are trying to make Leah happen. 

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15 hours ago, njbchlover said:


I agree....now I am just so grossed out about clothing in the stores.  I have been doing lots of online shopping for the past year or so, and really appreciate it when I get clothing that is still in the individual plastic bags!!  

Just one more thing to worry about - that someone wore something you bought for a party or something! 

I had an aunt who did this all the time with formal/cocktail dresses.  My Mom and my other aunts would see her tags peeking out of her sleeve or neckline.  One time, one of my other aunts (they were sisters), went up to her to give her a "hug" and pulled the tag off, so she couldn't return the dress.  There was quite a bit of unfriendliness for a long time between them after that!!  


years ago, Marshall Fields would put a bright yellow tag in a prominent place on the dress that said "special occasion wear" and unless you have one of the price tag gun things, you couldn't hide the tag, wear the dress and return it.  It makes me so pissed when Sonja does this and BRAGS about it.  

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19 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I also think it's really really disgusting that Sonja buys clothes and wears them and keeps the tags on and apparently returns them.  It's repulsive, it's turning my stomach.  Trying them on once (with the appropriate clothes or undergarments on underneath) is one thing.  But WEARING them then returning them?  Oh my god.....

I’m not a fashionista, but doesn’t Leah dress weird?  A white blouse with black things on it with a plaid skirt?  WTF?

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“It makes me so pissed when Sonja does this and BRAGS about it.”

Can you imagine her reaction if people did that with her clothing?

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22 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I also think it's really really disgusting that Sonja buys clothes and wears them and keeps the tags on and apparently returns them.  It's repulsive, it's turning my stomach.  Trying them on once (with the appropriate clothes or undergarments on underneath) is one thing.  But WEARING them then returning them?  Oh my god.....


5 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

years ago, Marshall Fields would put a bright yellow tag in a prominent place on the dress that said "special occasion wear" and unless you have one of the price tag gun things, you couldn't hide the tag, wear the dress and return it.  It makes me so pissed when Sonja does this and BRAGS about it.  

My cousin used to work at a high-end department store over 20 years ago.

Even back then, she said the customers (at least 90% of which were women) would bring back a pricey garment to return.  

She said it was so gross because you could see pit stains, sometimes spilled drink or food stains, and would sometimes even have aroma d'BO emanating from it.

Because these customers had money (which makes it even more ironic that they were returning the clothing in the first place), to keep their business the sales associates were instructed to accept the return and credit their account without argument.  The returned items weren't put back on the rack, so I'm assuming they were a write-off for the store.

I'm pretty sure that's same type of privilege Sonja gets when she pulls her wear-and-return fuckery.  The stores don't want to offend her and lose her business, so they let her pull this shit on the chance that she may keep a few of the expensive garments.  

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2 hours ago, Hiyo said:

“It makes me so pissed when Sonja does this and BRAGS about it.”

Can you imagine her reaction if people did that with her clothing?

haha, it's not like they set the table with a runner or anything.

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On 5/5/2021 at 9:47 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

I think that it's so interesting that so much care and respect is paid to Judaism whether we are Jewish or not but a Black woman just being herself is shoving race down people's throats, apparently.  Wearing a sweatshirt is not talking about race.  It's championing a cause silently.  Everyone has causes that they care about.

None of what Eboni talked about bothered me.  Nothing about it was weird or over the top for me, except for the aforementioned "bitch" in every sentence which I didn't care for and am definitely not used to.  

I know a lot of people who are proud of who they are, and their background, and it flows in and out of the conversations naturally.  Sonja does it about being a Morgan all of the time.  Bethenny talks about her parents and their racehorses or whatever. I know wayyyyy too much about her life.  When Eboni talks about her life she's going to talk about who she is and what she cares about.  

Leah is not even Jewish yet she spoke about religion for probably 15-20 minutes of the episode yet Eboni talking about who she actually is is weird?  Not to me.

This. As a POC my damn self and the mother of A Black young lady, it has destroyed parts of me, the things I have had to argue and engage in defenses of. Yet religion is usually tip toed around. It speaks to the Privlege many in this lovely nation refuse to want to accept they have.

Now on to Leah. She is the worst damn dresser I have seen in ages on these shows. This chick is in Fashion? I don't know if its just me but it has always seemed to me this show has always tried to cast a "Carrie Bradshaw" type chick, Bethany, Carole now Leah. Except she is Carrie,, when Pat Field came in to work drunk ever day. 

Edited by lamujerdecente
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