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S08.E18: Tell All (Part 1)

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1 hour ago, Xebug67 said:

I wish he had dumped Hazel and hooked up with Minty.  She's absolutely gorgeous and seemingly upbeat and pleasant, whereas Hazel always has a sour look on her puss like she's just smelled something bad.  She's totally joyless and a true Debbie Downer.  I get depressed just watching any scenes with her.  She sucks the life out of every room she's in.  I think that Minty would have brought joy and pleasure into Tarik and his dauther's lives, whereas Hazel seems to me to be just an ungrateful taker.

No I feel this way about Hazel too,  Her whole tone is so flat and nothing, but NOTHING seems to make her happy.  


1 hour ago, Xebug67 said:

Didn't it come out, at the end of their previous season, that Hazel was homeless,

I believe she had to leave her aunt's place to to lack of space and Tarik got her an apartment/room to rent before he left.

  • Love 3

Real Reality said: A lot of people seem willing to rail against Americans who show up to other countries and won't adapt and respect the culture and norms of the country they are in.  So if that's good for others that's just as good for Natalie.  

Many times Natalie has called Mike fat, ugly and stupid have been in the midst of a fight.  So, to me, that's not some irresistible cultural urge, that is someone going for the jugular in a fight.  



I guess for me this show is full of Angelas & Danielles & Nicoles & the arsonist guy from Kentucky, so I assume bad behavior on the part of the Americans & usually they provide it.  The Americans, dangling the green card, are in a position of power, they take full advantage of it in their different ways <shudder> Big Ed <shudder>, so they can be downright abusive, hyperbolic, just false in their accusations.

Natalie may be rude -- & I've known a couple of Ukrainians & from those I will shamelessly & ugly-Americanly generalize about an entire country and say --> Ukrainians are direct. Besides, if she called Mike those names, she was at least factually correct.


Edited by TakeAPinotGrigio
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I still think Amira wasn't telling the whole truth. There were holes in her story.  It went from no texts to some texts to not a phone full of messages. And why would they have each others emails on their phones? I have nothing to hide and I don't have my emails on my husband's phone. I think she saw him back on the dating site because she was on it also. I couldn't understand why they couldn't just have Andrew on stage with his mic off out of sight of Amira. That way after she told her story he could tell his after she was gone. I don't know why that couldn't have been good enough for him. He wouldn't have been able to intimidate her and she wouldn't have had to look at him. 

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

  I think Amira not having a return ticket and not being a good liar about the purpose of her trip did her in.  

She told the immigration attorney she & Andrew consulted that she told Mexican immigration that, though she was travelling on a tourist visa, she was actually going thru quarantine in Mexico so she could travel on to America. The immigration attorney pointed out that this admission of attempted immigration fraud may have been the problem & she shouldn't do it in Serbia. I don't know why the cast was so mystified.

Also, all the, "let Andrew tell his side," nonsense when we had seen his abusive texts from the night before her flight to CA & we saw how he refrained from mentioning them in his non-explanation for why she didn't come. God, I hate Jovi.

Edited by TakeAPinotGrigio
  • Love 15

I seem to remember a prior Ukranian/Russian/Eastern European 90Dayer who mentioned that in (their) country, it is not normal for men and women to be friends and have close, non-romantic relationships.  Maybe Varya?  Maybe Alla?  Jasmine?
Anyway, I feel it's been mentioned and Yara and Natalie might have normally reacted with a "Yeah that's weird to us..." but throw Julia in the mix, where if you tell her the sun came up today, she will reply with "OH NO. The sun NOT come up and Brandon knows it come up and I did not know, I KILL him." and then Yara and Natalie pile onto that emotion. 

I also think a lot of things about Mike that are not new perspectives to anyone here, but I get most ragey that he did Natalie so dirty by not telling her to just stay in Ukraine until they figured things out.  I am not looking forward to his eyebrow shrugs in HEA.  I still have no plans to watch it.  Please don't let me. 

Edited by ALittleShelfish
Left out a whole half a sentence. Derpppp.
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36 minutes ago, BravoAddict72 said:

I couldn't understand why they couldn't just have Andrew on stage with his mic off out of sight of Amira. That way after she told her story he could tell his after she was gone. I don't know why that couldn't have been good enough for him. He wouldn't have been able to intimidate her and she wouldn't have had to look at him.

I think you've answered your own question.  My sense was that this is exactly what they offered him.  They wanted him to stay but would not allow him in the studio while Amira was being interviewed.  Thus they must have wanted to have him back on-air after her interview concluded so that he could tell his side.  

The fact that he turned that down (unless there's a whole lot we didn't see) is very sketchy.  

Doesn't this guy work with his mother doing daycare?  Who the hell would leave her child in his care?

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

Re:  Tarek & Hazel vs. Tarek & Minty.

Yes, Minty is prettier, more upbeat, smiles more, is more sexy.

But I love the interactions between Hazel & Auri.  Hazel clearly has love for Auri in a way that most men's girlfriends would not.  She embraced Auri from her very first meeting, and I think Tarek is torn between his attraction for Minty and his love for the way Hazel treats his daughter.  

If Tarek was smart, he'd block Minty forever, and find another woman that he's also attracted to, but that Hazel would enjoy as well.  There's too much secret messaging history for Hazel to ever trust him with Minty, so they need to start fresh.

I do hope he helps Hazel bring her son over, and that her son can be a brother to Auri.  Seems like such a sweet girl.

Me too!  But the way Brandon does it is just plain mean.  Laughing at her while correcting her is just not nice.  Saying, "Oh, here's how you say this" is helpful.  Laughing at her use of the wrong word is not. 

She kept trying to say the word "pregnant", but she kept saying "pregmant", and he laughed.  Um, dude, what's the word for "pregnant" in Russian?  Can you even get close?  Or can you simply pull her aside, off camera, and help her?

When I was in France, I tried my best to speak my American-learned French, and people kept helping me.  They were always kind, and I always laughed, and I'd ask them to repeat the pronunciation so that I could learn.  Not one person laughed at me, or made fun of me (to my face at least! lol).

Yeah, Brandon likes to side eye the camera or his parents like we are all in on a joke at Julia's expense.  

There was this guy on "the other way" from Mexico who spoke PERFECT English.  Alejandro??? 


Anyways, he said he and his sister learned how to speak English from watching TV.  Maybe that would be a fun way for Julia to get some of the syntax down.. I imagine she might like shows like gossip girl or saved by the bell.  

  • Love 3
59 minutes ago, TakeAPinotGrigio said:

Real Reality said: A lot of people seem willing to rail against Americans who show up to other countries and won't adapt and respect the culture and norms of the country they are in.  So if that's good for others that's just as good for Natalie.  

Many times Natalie has called Mike fat, ugly and stupid have been in the midst of a fight.  So, to me, that's not some irresistible cultural urge, that is someone going for the jugular in a fight.  



I guess for me this show is full of Angelas & Danielles & Nicoles & the arsonist guy from Kentucky, so I assume bad behavior on the part of the Americans & usually they provide it.  The Americans, dangling the green card, are in a position of power, they take full advantage of it in their different ways <shudder> Big Ed <shudder>, so they can be downright abusive, hyperbolic, just false in their accusations.

Natalie may be rude -- & I've known a couple of Ukrainians & from those I will shamelessly & ugly-Americanly generalize about an entire country and say --> Ukrainians are direct. Besides, if she called Mike those names, she was at least factually correct.


I think its okay to hold everyone accountable because I believe that most human adults have the power to control their behavior, even if said behavior is cultural or learned.  

No one gave family libby a pass and to me that was absolutely right.  They are all adults who knew how to not say every single thing they were thinking in the rudest possible way.  

They simply chose not to because they didn't want to put in the effort to control their behavior and watch their words.  Likely because they felt that Andrei and his family and all of Moldova was beneath them. 

And I think its a large part of why Natalie says those things to Mike.  She has made it crystal clear in every way imaginable that she thinks he isnt good enough for her.  

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Andrew's a colossal d-bag, but I don't believe Amira either.  There was an article saying the famous ragetexts and plane ticket to Paris were sent to Amira not in response to their conversation about kids but about Amira...


...speaking to and signing with a talent agent in Serbia who said she won't film in the U.S. unless she's given a higher payment from TLC.


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16 hours ago, RealReality said:

Sarah kinda seems like a joyless human being, but, I have to remember that its not just Natalie and Mike who were affected by Natalie's accusations, but Sarah and her husband were too.  

I would be pretty pissed if I my name was being bragged through the mud over this, and being asked to appear on camera.  I know I could say no, and trust me, I would, but I would be like, "Really?  Your unstable Ukraine fling really thinks we did the dirty dirty?  I do not have time for this."

One think I noticed upon watching the tell all a second time (DON'T JUDGE ME!) is when Mike and Sarah were signing off, it came up on closed captioning that they said to each other:  "G'Night B!  G'Night, B!"  Now, what/who is B?  I don't care, neither name starts with a B, it seems like a harmless inside joke that I am sure (hopefully) drives Natalie a little nutty.  "Mickul!  You no need joking with her,  SHE IS A WHORE!"

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5 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

Re:  Tarek & Hazel vs. Tarek & Minty.

Yes, Minty is prettier, more upbeat, smiles more, is more sexy.

But I love the interactions between Hazel & Auri.  Hazel clearly has love for Auri in a way that most men's girlfriends would not.  She embraced Auri from her very first meeting, and I think Tarek is torn between his attraction for Minty and his love for the way Hazel treats his daughter.  

If Tarek was smart, he'd block Minty forever, and find another woman that he's also attracted to, but that Hazel would enjoy as well.  There's too much secret messaging history for Hazel to ever trust him with Minty, so they need to start fresh.

I do hope he helps Hazel bring her son over, and that her son can be a brother to Auri.  Seems like such a sweet girl.

Me too!  But the way Brandon does it is just plain mean.  Laughing at her while correcting her is just not nice.  Saying, "Oh, here's how you say this" is helpful.  Laughing at her use of the wrong word is not. 

She kept trying to say the word "pregnant", but she kept saying "pregmant", and he laughed.  Um, dude, what's the word for "pregnant" in Russian?  Can you even get close?  Or can you simply pull her aside, off camera, and help her?

I absolutely would have to agree with you about this.  As much as I dislike Hazel, I do credit her for seeming to love children, and mothering and relating to Auri as if she were here own child is definitely a plus in her favor.  I suspect Tarik recognizes and respects that about her as well like you said.

  • Love 7
On 4/17/2021 at 9:59 AM, Opine said:

Are you one of my sisters?  That was my experience too.  I remember one day my husband was at work and I was home sick.  I needed to go to the doc and didn't want to take my kid because he had horrible breathing issues and was often hospitalized.  So I asked my mom to watch my one kid.  She lived six doors away.  You would have thought I asked her for a million bucks.  And, the thing is, we had and have a great relationship.  That was just her thing.  No babysitting.

Lol Opine, sounds like we sure could be! I brought my newborn home from the hospital when I was 17(the parents made us get married) and called her because I was afraid to bath my baby myself the first time, pleaded her to come help me. She told me that I made my bed and I can now sleep in it! So everything I did was always by myself after that, but my baby and future kids did survive it all:)

  • Love 1
25 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Andrew's a colossal d-bag, but I don't believe Amira either.  There was an article saying the famous ragetexts and plane ticket to Paris were sent to Amira not in response to their conversation about kids but about Amira...

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...speaking to and signing with a talent agent in Serbia who said she won't film in the U.S. unless she's given a higher payment from TLC.


I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.  I think we've all seen both of them stretch the truth in multiple directions to support their narratives for the people they were speaking with.

We've seen Andrew basically lie about the conversation about children when he was relaying that information to his mother.

We've seen Amira lie about, or at least downplay to both her father and her male buddy all the negative qualities about Andrew that she's now no longer willing to put up with.

She also lied in part 2 of the No-Tell about Andrew demanding that she agree to bear children the instant that she lands in the U.S.

In regards to Andrew & Amira's K-1 journey, this is definitely a case of two lying liars who lie.

And as if it hasn't been said enough, I effing HATE Amira's high-pitched, whining, fingernails-on-the-blackboard, sing-song voice.  HATE IT!

  • Love 12
4 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

No I feel this way about Hazel too,  Her whole tone is so flat and nothing, but NOTHING seems to make her happy.  


I believe she had to leave her aunt's place to to lack of space and Tarik got her an apartment/room to rent before he left.

Mrs. Hanson, thank you for the clarification.  I thought there had been some such issue about her not having a place to live that did kind of touch my cold, icy heart during their prior season wherein I hated everything about the two of them, LOL, that made me feel the most wee bit of sympathy about the poor girl.

What made me loathe her during that prior season was my feeling that she didn't give a hoot about Tarik at all, and was merely using him for a green card, when what I saw from him during their prior season was a guy who was bending over backwards, sideways, and upside down for this seemingly ungrateful, unpleasant girl.

I had to give him credit for enduring that crazy and insanely long religious ceremony that her parents were participating in, in an effort to demonstrate his respect for what was important in her parents and Hazel's lives.

I was shocked this season to see what appeared to be a complete turnabout of her feelings towards Tarik, because in their prior season she seemed to not be able to abide the site or feel of him in any way whatsoever, and I didn't attribute that behavior on her part to shyness or coyness.  Rather, to me it seemed like she had an absolute revulsion towards him.

To reiterate, I don't particularly like either of them, but I do respect Tarik as a father and as an empathetic, caring, loving person towards Hazel and her son.

  • Love 8
16 hours ago, RoxiP said:

I had a Ukrainian music minister a couple of years ago who bluntly corrected me on some singing habits I had and really hurt my feelings. Especially because he was 100% right, but his delivery left a lot to be desired. I chalked it up to cultural differences. 

Russian ballet teachers.  They will not coddle 12 year olds who think they are the next Baryshnikov or Misty Copeland.    

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On 4/18/2021 at 8:05 PM, LEILANI2 said:

The Tarik/Minty/Hazel stupid storyline seems crafted to cause drama and get them another season.

Hell all of them want another season on the many different spinoffs, this is why the show has gotten boring.

And I hope Rebecca didn't pay for any of her surgeries because she doesn't look any slimmer.  It's crazy she spends so much time on filters and 'surgeries' and gives no thought to styling her hair or buy volumizer at least.


All of that money went to all of that work, yet she wore a very bad skirt for her figure and sat like she was wearing jeans, just a huge mess. Big Z is going to be having a wandering eye, checking out the girls nearer his own age, probably sooner than later.

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On 4/19/2021 at 7:47 AM, spunky said:

I personally think Tarik loves Hazel as a person  but is in love with Minty.  His refusal to cut ties with her says it all. I don't see Hazel sticking around after she's found a girlfriend. 

 From what we saw Andrew seems like the verbally abusive type.  Amira found herself another American,  hopefully he's better than Andrew.  See seems to easily fall in love.

Julia was giving her best pillow talk audition.  Maybe the extra income will help them move out of his parents house.  


Totally agree with your post. And I don't, for one second, believe that there was no sex when the 3 of them got together!! Tarik liked what Minty had to offer there, and wants more of her!

Edited by mittsigirl
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9 minutes ago, mittsigirl said:

All of that money went to all of that work, yet she wore a very bad skirt for her figure and sat like she was wearing jeans, just a huge mess. Big Z is going to be having a wandering eye, checking out the girls nearer his own age, probably sooner than later.

That whole outfit was unfortunate.  I turned the corner on Rebecca.  She needs to become an ambassador for stitch fix so someone can find her a decent outfit.  

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21 hours ago, RealReality said:

I am so glad to have been wrong about Rebecca.  I made a total 180 on her....okay maybe a 164.  She TOTALLY had Andrew pegged and saw through him.  So proud of her for seeing it and speaking up.  

That almost forgives that terrible outfit and hair.  Do better Rebecca!

As for the text messages, I think its entirely possible that both stories are true.  When I was in Central America, the cell phone service just wasn't as good as it was in the states, so when I tried to send messages to the guy I was dating at the time they sometimes didn't go through.......even if it kinda looked like they did.  So on my end it would look like I had sent a message and on his end he didn't get anything.  

But those three piddly ass messages Andrew said he sent are barely a defense.  I'm happy Amira found someone else - I don't hate her at all.  I believe she does have pretty bad anxiety and is a little fragile in that way.  I completely believe what she says about Andrews behavior because he has had flashes of rage and anger that I can see in his eyes.  

I'm so glad they let that greasy sweat stain have his temper tantrum and go home.  

Also, on my computer this website seems very narrow.....I've tried increasing the font side but its just pretty small...am I doing something wrong?

Mine is all of a sudden very narrow too!, Glad I am not the only one, tried everything but can't change a thing. Better narrow than not being able to read snarks at all!

Edited by mittsigirl
My last few posts are not posting, telling me to edit them! Don't have a clue why.
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20 hours ago, RealReality said:

I don't know how common polyamorous relationships are, but I think it probably a lot like trying to swim in a gator filled pit.  In the ones that I've seen, there seems to be one person who is pushing the multiple partners and the other person is just along for the ride or is pretending like they are into it.  

And here is my controversial hottake.   I think a person who agrees to be the third person, or the subordinate in someone else's marriage either has issues or is looking for something.  This means that it is likely that feelings WILL be hurt.  I just don't think people like playing second banana and the understudy is always secretly hoping the lead will get food poisoning.  Its possible there are three people who find each other and are on the same page.....I just think more often than not, it doesn't work out. 


Julia doesn't have an original thought in her head.  

That whole "men and women can't be friends because one of them will be in love with the other" schtick has been around since like the 80s.  How many times has it been said?  How many movies have been based on that premise?

I'm was not a fan of Rebecca until tonight.  I do not know if her humor would translate to the Pillow Talk show because I don't watch it.  BUT, she saw something that no one else saw, so she may have a fresh perspective and see things that other cast members may miss.  

She really needs a stylist, that outfit was so damn tragic. 

Maybe Tarik and Hazel would do better being on the other TLC show called Seeking Sister Wife?

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6 hours ago, ALittleShelfish said:

I seem to remember a prior Ukranian/Russian/Eastern European 90Dayer who mentioned that in (their) country, it is not normal for men and women to be friends and have close, non-romantic relationships.  Maybe Varya?  Maybe Alla?  Jasmine?
Anyway, I feel it's been mentioned and Yara and Natalie might have normally reacted with a "Yeah that's weird to us..." but throw Julia in the mix, where if you tell her the sun came up today, she will reply with "OH NO. The sun NOT come up and Brandon knows it come up and I did not know, I KILL him." and then Yara and Natalie pile onto that emotion. 

I also think a lot of things about Mike that are not new perspectives to anyone here, but I get most ragey that he did Natalie so dirty by not telling her to just stay in Ukraine until they figured things out.  I am not looking forward to his eyebrow shrugs in HEA.  I still have no plans to watch it.  Please don't let me. 

Right?! When I watched Nat's call to Mike, telling him that she was coming to see him, I could tell that he really did not want her to come to him,  not even a little bit! Just wish he would have had the balls to tell her to stay in her own country for now, because he was not ready for her to make that trip to America. His own damn fault that she showed up, not like she just flew over and surprised the guy!

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On 4/20/2021 at 7:49 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

I am not trying to be contradictory, but I swore we saw shots of her walking in the streets.  But I could be wrong, and again......why do I care? I would like to see passports as well.

Per Brandon possibly correcting her, I have a MIL who corrects my grammar on front of people and it makes me 1) horribly embarrassed and 2) makes me not want to talk.


We saw Amira walking in the streets to get some dinner or lunch at one time. 

13 hours ago, Shauna said:

It it were me, I would want my partner to school me so I could learn to speak the language correctly. 

IMO, I don't think your partner should be your language teacher. Instead Julia should get online and find a language exchange partner. She can teach someone Russian and they can help her out with her English (this is something a lot of my friends in bilingual relationships do). 


  • Love 3
18 hours ago, mittsigirl said:

Totally agree with your post. And I don't, for one second, believe that there was no sex when the 3 of them got together!! Tarik liked what Minty had to offer there, and wants more of her!

This is actually why I believe Tarik when he said there was no sex.  I think Tarik lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw Minty in person and that is when Hazel shut everything down and became angry with Minty.  I don't think Hazel liked how much Tarik was into Minty and vice versa.  I think she realizes those two could really fall for each other and she was going to have none of it.  

  • Love 6

A few things made me cringe during the Tell All Pt. 2.

1. I'm sick of Shaun Robinson. She doesn't ask the questions we want to hear. A more aggressive host is needed to get those questions answered. Get Shaun out of there with her softball questions.

2. Amira doesn't want to see Andrew. He's a lying gaslighter and probably worse than what was shown on TV. Everyone trying to convince her to talk him was unreal. She doesn't have to prove to them she's not lying. He was allowed to tell his side, but he chose not to because he wanted it his way. She wasn't comfortable with that. Just because she's dating again doesn't make her a liar. He can move on but she can't? He clearly makes her uncomfortable and I'm glad she stood her ground. Those jackasses thinking they're owed an explanation or else that makes her a liar had me boiling.

3. Hazel and Tarik are never going to work and honestly I hope we don't see them on a future season of Happily Ever After or What Now? Tarik may actually love Hazel but she doesn't feel the same way about him. She's here for the green card and the freedom to pursue other women, period.


  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Rebecca said she was ready to go home. She wants to get back to her light ring and filters; her comfort zone.

LOL.  I always look so awful on zoom calls that I'm m considering getting a light ring. I just truly look awful on video calls.  

Maybe as a secondary benefit I can snag a guy 20 years younger than me without TECHNICALLY catfishing him. 

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1 hour ago, RealReality said:

LOL.  I always look so awful on zoom calls that I'm m considering getting a light ring. I just truly look awful on video calls.  

Maybe as a secondary benefit I can snag a guy 20 years younger than me without TECHNICALLY catfishing him. 

I feel you on the Zoom calls! That is why I also don’t take selfies. In the mirror I think okay looking good. Then in a selfie I look like Shrek! Might get one for me so I can find a man who thinks I am mach sexy!

  • LOL 6
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On 4/20/2021 at 8:13 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Me too.  Things went down between them and she seemed afraid.  That is all we need to know and the cast can stop badgering her.  I went on Andrew's IG and it seemed to be 80% ass licking of him and his endless selfies and 20% calling him a turd.

Even if Amira is totally unreliable, Andrew is still a turd. His behavior has been abysmal. 

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On 4/20/2021 at 10:31 AM, AZChristian said:

When there's nothing else on the DVR, we sometimes catch a couple of episodes of "To Catch A Smuggler."  While the show is set in US airports, the detainment process is similar to what you describe. 

If a person is not allowed into the country for non-felony reasons (overstaying a prior visa, trying to deceive the immigration folks, etc.), they are put into a detention area until the next available flight back to where their incoming flight came from.  They are never released into the US (at least not on that trip).  I think Amira not having a return ticket and not being a good liar about the purpose of her trip did her in.  

In reality, the Mexican authorities did her a big favor by not allowing her to meet up with Andrew.

Yep! I've seen that happen as well.

My husband got detained for 24 hours once when he was entering the country. His passport name didn't have a hyphen in it but his ticket did. Nobody else had noticed that. It IS like jail. And I could imagine how much worse it would've been if he didn't speak the language. 


  • Useful 1
On 4/20/2021 at 10:55 AM, Shauna said:

It it were me, I would want my partner to school me so I could learn to speak the language correctly. 

My mother teaches ESL. She also teaches GED classes in our detention center. There are far more fights between partners "correcting" each other in the language class than between inmates in the prison. As others have pointed out in this conversation, there are other ways of sharpening your language skills. 

This is BRANDON. His grammar hasn't been great, either. The only advice I'd take from him is how to remain a weasly  manchild into my 30's. 

  • Love 8

Further, if Brandon did take it upon himself to "correct" Julia's grammar or usage, you know he'd do it in the most mocking, snarky way possible. He's shown no hesitation in throwing Julia under the bus, not coming to her defense, and letting her twist in the wind when she's upset. He would not gently correct her with an eye to being helpful. He's laugh at her and then go all wide eyed and "who me?" if she got upset. Grr, I hate him.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Further, if Brandon did take it upon himself to "correct" Julia's grammar or usage, you know he'd do it in the most mocking, snarky way possible. He's shown no hesitation in throwing Julia under the bus, not coming to her defense, and letting her twist in the wind when she's upset. He would not gently correct her with an eye to being helpful. He's laugh at her and then go all wide eyed and "who me?" if she got upset. Grr, I hate him.

“Julia, honey, it’s ‘They are swingers’, not ‘Them is swingers’.”

Edited by Gobi
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19 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

I feel you on the Zoom calls! That is why I also don’t take selfies. In the mirror I think okay looking good. Then in a selfie I look like Shrek! Might get one for me so I can find a man who thinks I am mach sexy!

When I am teaching via Google Meets over a laptop, all I can think of is:  When did I become 80 years old?  Does my neck really look like that?  Am I wearing mascara?  What is my hair doing?  Geez, I really tried to look good today but the lighting is NOT helping, lol.

Edited to add:  On the doc cam my hands look like I am 105!!!

And I am 56, lol.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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7 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Further, if Brandon did take it upon himself to "correct" Julia's grammar or usage, you know he'd do it in the most mocking, snarky way possible. He's shown no hesitation in throwing Julia under the bus, not coming to her defense, and letting her twist in the wind when she's upset. He would not gently correct her with an eye to being helpful. He's laugh at her and then go all wide eyed and "who me?" if she got upset. Grr, I hate him.

Same. Does it seem that this season's cast is extra douchey? I can't remember disliking so many people at once. Even a lot of the supporting cast members are assholes. 

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28 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Same. Does it seem that this season's cast is extra douchey? I can't remember disliking so many people at once. Even a lot of the supporting cast members are assholes. 

Yes they have really raised, or lowered the bar this season.  I thought Geoffrey was bottom of the barrel but man......all the players are lame.  Jovi's friends, Julia came off poorly in the Tell All, and I have no more words for Andrew or his weird and mean family.

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4 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

I am actually a little surprised his mother or sister weren't there in studio or on a screen via zoom to chime in and defend their little prince. 

They were probably somewhere in the wings, ready to ambush Amira so it could be the three of them ganging up on her.  

I like how her dad and friend wanted nothing to do with this show. 

23 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Same. Does it seem that this season's cast is extra douchey? I can't remember disliking so many people at once. Even a lot of the supporting cast members are assholes. 

I have the memory of a goldfish.  But while Jovi was doing the most, I still like Jovi and Yara.  

I kinda wish there was some update on stephanie/ryan/harris. Is there a couples page?  If one of you is in the know, can you put it in a spoiler if that's allowed?

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On 4/22/2021 at 9:18 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

When I am teaching via Google Meets over a laptop, all I can think of is:  When did I become 80 years old?  Does my neck really look like that?  Am I wearing mascara?  What is my hair doing?  Geez, I really tried to look good today but the lighting is NOT helping, lol.

Edited to add:  On the doc cam my hands look like I am 105!!!

And I am 56, lol.

Same!! I am afraid to zoom talk to my grandkids because I think I look like the wicked witch from one of their scariest fairy tales! Hell, the one time I was going to and saw myself, I scared myself!

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On 4/22/2021 at 3:21 PM, mamadrama said:

Same. Does it seem that this season's cast is extra douchey? I can't remember disliking so many people at once. Even a lot of the supporting cast members are assholes. 

Rachel.. the worst.. Just can't understand how she thinks she looks so good.  Good News:  I finally got my first (Pfixer) shot today in Massachusetts.  It took so long

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