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"Ickspecially" - Brother Quinn. That's a new one for me.


At least he questioned Erica about having more children when they knew about the cancer gene mutation. I can't even begin to go there on that one.

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No, you can't protect your kids from everything. However, bringing 7 kids into the world knowing it is likely they will get a cancer diagnosis while young is insanity. And a plenty big family is 3 or 4 kids. 7 is huge. 

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1 hour ago, seasons said:

"Ickspecially" - Brother Quinn. That's a new one for me.


At least he questioned Erica about having more children when they knew about the cancer gene mutation. I can't even begin to go there on that one.

A gene mutation that guarantees cancer at a young age not just an increased risk.  It’s likely she will watch four of her children die painful deaths.  How does she live with that?  Twisted people blaming God because he said so. 

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I really don't like her and her defense of why she knowingly kept have children while taking care of her husband during his 8 year illness.  The kissing in front of the kids is abusive to me.  I dont' llike either of them and think there's something sociopathic with both of them. 

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10 hours ago, LEILANI2 said:

I really don't like her and her defense of why she knowingly kept have children while taking care of her husband during his 8 year illness.  The kissing in front of the kids is abusive to me.  I dont' llike either of them and think there's something sociopathic with both of them. 

I feel the same and I really wish they'd stop perseverating on how Aimee died in a wreck 


that he caused because he ran a red light.  Yes, I know accidents happen for all sorts of reasons, but if I were in his place, I wouldn't want to have it brought up constantly....although I halfway raise an eyebrow because *how* the accident was caused is never mentioned.  It's just an enormous proverbial elephant in the room to me knowing that fact.

The only people I have liked in this show are Aimee's parents.  

Spencer and Erica are both creepy in their own ways and her brother needs to mind his own fucking business.  

That being said, I thought Spencer handled the conversation with the brother very well and I thought the brother (whose name always escapes me) made some valid points in his interview segments with Erica about having children who have a 50% chance of dying a slow and painful death at an early age. 

I still don't like either any of them, though.  

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1 hour ago, Shelbie said:

Quinn made some good points but has way too high opinion of himself. He is so sure he knows better than everybody about everything.

I think the only opinion that was ridiculous is thinking the husband should skip work.   11 kids to feed and clothe and shelter.  He can’t afford to be that guy who skips work to accompany his wife to doctors appointments.

He’s saying a lot of what everyone else is thinking.  It was selfish to have children destined to suffer.  And to have 7 kids knowing she won’t have her husband support.   
They sure did find each other though, kids all look alike,  both poor decision makers. 

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1 hour ago, Bluesky said:

I think the only opinion that was ridiculous is thinking the husband should skip work.   11 kids to feed and clothe and shelter.  He can’t afford to be that guy who skips work to accompany his wife to doctors appointments.

Maybe a compromise? He plans to go to the results appointment yearly. I chose to get potentially devastating medical news alone and regretted it

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1 hour ago, jacksgirl said:

Maybe a compromise? He plans to go to the results appointment yearly. I chose to get potentially devastating medical news alone and regretted it

Her parents are there. I would want my mother to be with me.  Not sure why she went alone. 

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6 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

I feel the same and I really wish they'd stop perseverating on how Aimee died in a wreck 

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and depending upon the laws of the state where the accident occurred 


the kids would have gotten a huge payout in a lawsuit against their father for the death of their mother. 


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I watched the first episode because there wasn’t anything else on that I cared to watch.  I made sure I didn’t watch #2 but then ran into it while changing channels.  I watched part of the third one because I heard the brother talking to Erica about why she kept having children knowing that they had a chance of getting a gene that would lead to an early, painful death.  IIRC, she claimed it had something to do with love.  No, Erica.  Love would be adopting children that need homes.  Or being a surrogate for women who can’t carry their own child.  Or fostering children.  Or anything but what you did.  

Someone upthread shared that this couple was married in early 2019.  Isn’t that when this series was first filmed ?  So, one parent dies in 2016.  One dies in late 2017.  The surviving spouses have an interstate, online courtship of approximately 2 months, uproot 4 of the children to move cross-country, and soon after begin filming a reality show ?

I will NEVER watch this show again.  Maybe if it gets poor ratings, TLC will quit exploiting these people (who are obviously all too willing) and let them try to build some sort of family unit in private, as they should. 

Children should never have to support their parents.  


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The sex talk with the daughter was so uncomfortable to watch. And filming it for TV? I feel sorry for all those kids. I agree that the brother is creepy. 

Planting the "Aimee" tree - a nice idea, but Spencer breaking down and crying shows that he is still deep in the grieving process.  Just my opinion.  Erica said that she understood, but clearly she was bothered by his reaction.  Who wouldn't be?

I don't think I will continue to watch.  Those three youngest yelling and jumping on the furniture are too much.

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On 3/31/2021 at 8:33 AM, Persnickety1 said:

I feel the same and I really wish they'd stop perseverating on how Aimee died in a wreck 

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that he caused because he ran a red light.  Yes, I know accidents happen for all sorts of reasons, but if I were in his place, I wouldn't want to have it brought up constantly....although I halfway raise an eyebrow because *how* the accident was caused is never mentioned.  It's just an enormous proverbial elephant in the room to me knowing that fact.


Again, I think there is serious denial involved. He said in an interview that he remembers driving down the road, then waking up in a helicopter. He apparently has no memory of his decision to run a red light or of actually doing it.

Taylor Storch's father did something similar. He wrote a book about how rewarding it was to make his daughter an organ donor. However, he never openly admits that if he hadn't taken her down a slope that was too advanced for someone who was on skis for the first time, she probably wouldn't have hit the tree that turned into an organ donor.

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It’s disturbing to see them filming these children during such a personal, tragic and vulnerable time.  It’s  so cruel that it boggles the mind. Even for TLC it scrapes the bottom of the barrel.  I really feel CPS should look into it. Maybe they already have.  

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I didn't think I would comment again but yes I think it is really selfish and awful that people would continue having children while knowing their children would get the same hereditary gene that basically equates to an early death sentence. Their choice, I guess but it's very morally icky  to me. At this point, the kids are already there so I think they should be at least given as normal a life as possible.

TLC is typically pretty bad/exploitative, but this family reallllly takes the cake. The backlash they are getting is 10000% deserved.

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On 3/17/2021 at 12:55 PM, Calibabydolly said:

I noticed the town they live in is Lehi Utah, same as where the Sister Wives first started off! Is this a fairly large city? I wonder if they are Mormon? 

Erica's brother gives me a bit of a creepy vibe. He also reminds me of Donny Osmond and her sister a bit of a darker skinned Marie! Is she a tanner? Because she looks really dark compared to the rest of that family. 

I don't know....something about this show seems so fake, even more than the rest of the large family reality ones. I don't think it is going to make it! What do you all think?

Well that explains it. I only saw a little bit and I heard the brother say “fillings” when he meant “feelings” and it reminded me of Meri. 

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Happy all scans were clear, but even TLC wouldn't be so cruel as to publicize/exploit a child's possible cancer diagnosis, or would they? These people just aren't really likeable, and toss in their backstories, and I'm done. Will check forum for snark, but nothing remotely interesting here for me.

Edited by jacksgirl
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Those poor kids having to traipse into the conference room to hear the results of their scans.  

I wondered why Erica even dragged them in there to get the results.  If I were in her shoes, I would have gone in and gotten the results myself and handled it from there.  Three of those four kids are likely too young to even process what's going on anyway, and the oldest girl (who is probably the only one old enough to start grasping the situation) was clearly upset sitting at that table waiting to find out her fate.  

And those poor kids get to take a ride on this emotional roller coaster every fucking year for the rest of their lives.  They get the all-clear one year and then do the mental countdown to the next round a year later.  All because their mom and dad decided to leave it up to their "faith" and produce as many offspring as possible before the dad finally succumbed to the disease.  Had he lived another year, I'm willing to bet there would have been an eighth child in the mix.  Ugh.

Also, Erica's whole damned family is so thirsty they'll require IV fluids to quench it.  When Parents Erica showed up at the "family" camping trip, I eye rolled so hard I almost fell off of my couch.  Mother Erica didn't even stay (or at the very least went to sleep in the vehicle) and Father Erica apparently just showed up for...camera time, apparently.  No wonder her brother is all up in his sister's business.  Maybe the more they appear, the more they make.  I was sort of surprised his ass didn't show up, too, so he could tell Spencer how to camp.  

And all of Erica's caterwauling about how she's afraid Spencer wishes Aimee were still alive and he were still with Aimee instead of with Erica.  

Well, Erica, perhaps you and Spencer both should have taken the time to go through the grieving process after the death of your spouses and, most importantly, given those 11 children the proper time to process their deaths of their parents and grieve before you two adults jumped into that marriage.  

I know they're not, but I do hope this family is socking away a lot of the TLC money to pay for the therapy those children are surely going to need.  

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On 3/24/2021 at 8:08 PM, Fostersmom said:

I question both her brother and her parents too. It's like they are actively trying to break them up. Her brother can claim he's worried about her all he wants, but he acts like a jilted ex and it's just creepy.

I don't think they need any help in trying to break them up. It's inevitable this marriage will implode all by itself. I think Erica is depressed and trying to pretend all is well but I see cracks with all the pressure of the decisions they made while barely knowing each other. She's also jealous of Spencer's dead wife. He moved all the way from VA to UT with no job? and 11 kids to support? What kind of job does he have now that he can support 11 kids and his stay at home wife? 

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Thank you all for saying what I was thinking. When they were shopping for toys after the MRI's, I couldn't believe Erica put her oldest son on the spot- "Are you worried? ARE YOU SURE? Are you just saying that or do you really believe it? Cause I just act tough sometimes." Good lord woman, I thought your intention was to not scare the kids.

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2 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

And those poor kids get to take a ride on this emotional roller coaster every fucking year for the rest of their lives.  They get the all-clear one year and then do the mental countdown to the next round a year later.  All because their mom and dad decided to leave it up to their "faith" and produce as many offspring as possible before the dad finally succumbed to the disease.  Had he lived another year, I'm willing to bet there would have been an eighth child in the mix.  Ugh.

What really gets me is that this tragedy was entirely preventable. There were lots of options for Tony and Erica given the LFS issue. Donor sperm. IVF and screened embryos. Adoption. And yet they decided to bring children into the world knowing that there was a 50/50 chance they would be virtually guaranteed to die young from cancer. Tony made it to 31, but one of Tony's relatives had their two LFS-positive children die from cancer before the age of 25. I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemy, let alone a child. It just blows my mind.

I have no idea who thought that this family would be a good idea for a reality TV show, given the LFS elephant in the room. It's just so infuriatingly tragic.

Edited by Eyes High
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7 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

And those poor kids get to take a ride on this emotional roller coaster every fucking year for the rest of their lives.  They get the all-clear one year and then do the mental countdown to the next round a year later.  

They really aren't getting an "all-clear." It is more of a "not visible." If they have an aggressive cancer that is too small to show up on an MRI this year, it is still possible that by the time they have their next scans a year later it will be too far gone to be treatable. Their gene makes this disease REALLY AGGRESSIVE. That is why they have a 99% chance of dying from cancer. The 1% who don't die from cancer are those who are killed by something else before the cancer gets them. There is no silver lining. They're doomed, it sucks, and they have their parents to blame for it.

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I don't think I can watch anymore of this, shame on Erica and Spencer. Erica knowingly giving her kids this horrific gene and Spencer for running a red light. I really wonder what Amy's parents think of him after being reckless and taking their daughter and unborn child away from them, plus the 4 kids. They seem like loving grandparents and probably that is the only reason they can even stand to look at him. That being said, the kids are adorable, well except for the oldest girl. She really is quite mean to Spencer's girl. It broke my heart to see Tanner all upset about his big brother not spending as much time with him, hopefully that will change. 

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I have zero tolerance for Quinn. He has no experience, but TLC is editing him as the a$$hole know-it-all. Could do without him sticking his nose into places it doesn't belong. 

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On 3/20/2021 at 2:38 PM, seasons said:

So Spencer was driving, made the left turn during a red light and they were hit by the truck that had the green light? So he is at fault?!?

And why is he still allowed to drive and basically suffered no legal consequences whatsoever? He basically killed his wife and their unborn child, as well as risked killing their four children. I feel like I'm really missing something here.

Do not get me started on Erica and Tony's selfishness at bringing those kids into this world doomed to a life of cancer. I'm a breast cancer survivor, and believe me when I say I got off easy because it was caught so early, I did. And it was still emotional hell for me. Their religion makes more ill than my cancer ever did.

I can't stand Erica's brother either. He's creepy, overbearing, pretentious, rude, and condescending. I get a jealous vibe off him. He just plain sucks.

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2 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

And why is he still allowed to drive and basically suffered no legal consequences whatsoever? He basically killed his wife and their unborn child, as well as risked killing their four children. I feel like I'm really missing something here.

You don't get your license revoked, or go to jail, simply for being negligent. Unless he was impaired, texting or going way over the speed limit, the only "legal consequences" are that his insurance company paid a shitload of money to the children (to be held in trust until they are adults) for the loss of their mother. 

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8 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

And why is he still allowed to drive and basically suffered no legal consequences whatsoever? He basically killed his wife and their unborn child, as well as risked killing their four children. I feel like I'm really missing something here.

As another poster said, I don’t think he could be banned from driving forever. HOWEVER, I find it cringey when they show him driving that giant van loaded with all those kids and his new wife, while filming a reality show and continuously turning his head to talk to his wife or the kids in back. The distracted driving, given his history, is hard to watch!

He doesn’t seem to have any fear of driving or an overly cautious approach. If that had happened to me, and if I could ever get behind the wheel again, I would drive like a little old lady going to church.  And if I was his second wife, I would insist on doing all the driving. 

Edited by Cancun
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52 minutes ago, Cancun said:

As another poster said, I don’t think he could be banned from driving forever. HOWEVER, I find it cringey when they show him driving that giant van loaded with all those kids and his new wife, while filming a reality show and continuously turning his head to talk to his wife or the kids in back. The distracted driving, given his history, is hard to watch!

He doesn’t seem to have any fear of driving or an overly cautious approach. If that had happened to me, and if I could ever get behind the wheel again, I would drive like a little old lady going to church.  And if I was his second wife, I would insist on doing all the driving. 

I wonder if that was the cause of the wreck in which his pregnant wife died.

They apparently had all just gone out for ice cream so I'm sure the kids were excited and chatty in the backseat.  My sister was what I refer to as a "rearview mirror" driver whenever her daughter or her stepson were in the backseat, and it drove me fucking nuts riding with her.   

I was relieved he wasn't driving them to the camping site.  *shudder*

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7 hours ago, Quof said:

You don't get your license revoked, or go to jail, simply for being negligent. Unless he was impaired, texting or going way over the speed limit, the only "legal consequences" are that his insurance company paid a shitload of money to the children (to be held in trust until they are adults) for the loss of their mother. 

Ins had to also pay a wad of cash to the other vehicle in the accident  - as Spencer was at fault.

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7 hours ago, Quof said:

You don't get your license revoked, or go to jail, simply for being negligent. Unless he was impaired, texting or going way over the speed limit, the only "legal consequences" are that his insurance company paid a shitload of money to the children (to be held in trust until they are adults) for the loss of their mother. 

Exactly. Accidents are just that... accidents. Some are just more tragic than others. I feel I'm pretty sure there's very few perfect drivers out there... never ran a red light, missed a stop sign, went over the speed limit, looked down at the radio, or their directions. We've all done it, we've just been lucky to not hurt someone or ourselves in the process. 

Erica and her well god will take care of us attitude about her and her dead husband's decision to basically give 4 of their kids death sentences was beyond irresponsible. If anyone should be in jail for bad decisions, I'd go with her over Spencer's car accident. She knowingly passed a deadly gene down to not one, not two, but SEVEN kids when her husband was dying of cancer. He was just as irresponsible, if not even more, but yeah, he's not around to deal with it. 

I did have to laugh at the MRI impersonations. That's exactly what it sounds like. I have MS, so I've had like 4 or 5 MRIs over the years. I can pretty much tell the nurse what to write the order for ... head, neck, and c-spine, with and without contrast. The last MRI I had had an added bonus. The machine also had a a new noise, it sounded like birds were chirping. I had all my other MRIs at the same doctor's office, and had never heard birds before so when the nurse pulled me out of the tube to inject me with the contrast dye, I mentioned there must be a ton of birds nesting outside. She just laughed and said that it was the machine and they had done an update and it sounds like birds. I mean, they do usually turn music on for me with their headphones I have to wear anyway, but the birds were new for sure.

Hello Erica.... you should probably stop encouraging Spencer to not go to work with 11 kids to support. I could see if his business had been long established, but it's not and blowing off paying work is not exactly going to get a good word of mouth going. 

And maybe it's me, but the constant do you miss Mommy, do you miss Daddy questions and reminders for little kids, who let's be honest most likely barely have any memories, seem just mean and twisted. Asking a child that young, over and over, just makes them sure they must be missing them and like they are doing something wrong when they aren't. 

I know people think Emma is being mean to Harper, but Harper is a nasty little brat all the damn time to Emma and Erica. Poor Tanner isn't struggling with being in a blended family.... he's struggling with being 6 with a 12 year old big brother who now sees him as a baby and doesn't want to hang out with a little kid anymore.


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25 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

Hello Erica.... you should probably stop encouraging Spencer to not go to work with 11 kids to support. I could see if his business had been long established, but it's not and blowing off paying work is not exactly going to get a good word of mouth going. 

Right,  we are supposed to believe this guy is doing so well in his newly started business that he can afford to hire someone to manage it for him or take on some of the physical workload or whatever he needs an additional employee for? That's got to be at least $40,000- $50,000 out of his pocket so he can be home more and help Erica? I don't believe it for a minute. Maybe it's the extra TV money that is affording him to work less hours, I'm doubtful it's his flourishing business. Anyway, aren't half of those kids at school during the day when he's at work? He can help make dinner and put the kids to bed when he comes home. Buckle up and grow up, Erica. It's not going to get any easier. 

Erica said during their camping trip heart to heart that she's basically overwhelmed and is at a breaking point. Basically she can't handle what she has gotten herself in to. Didn't one of them say something about the honeymoon phase being over? This is headed for disaster. 

On a nicer, more shallow note, I think Erica is beautiful. I noticed when she was talking to Spencer sitting on the rock with her hair in a ponytail. She hardly had any makeup on, her skin is flawless, her teeth and smile is gorgeous and her hair is really pretty when it's down. 


Edited by bichonblitz
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Wasn't gonna watch, but lesson planning with this on in the background. Yay inperson teaching! Bexley aka 💩 boy looks just like his dad. I like Emma, she's a sharp one. So they aren't as conservative as I thought. Afternoon delight and lots of drinks at the girls get away.  Spencer and Quinn sure made up fast. Still don't care for them....

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Lordy be with Donnie Osmond in that drag get up! I almost did a spit take! Quinn just gets under my skin. I'm sure others see it too.

And that sex talk with her friend....the older kids know about it, gross! Quickies at lunchtime. I'm guessing when the sex life gets old, these 2 will be over with. So immature.

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4 hours ago, Calibabydolly said:

And that sex talk with her friend....the older kids know about it, gross! Quickies at lunchtime. I'm guessing when the sex life gets old, these 2 will be over with. So immature.

Yikes! I hope my ears never have to hear about the intense unbelievable sex life of these two and their afternoon delight! 

Seriously, another baby? Shut up,  spa friend. Don't put any ideas in Erica's head. She's drowning with the 11 she's got. No need to add another innocent child to this mess. 

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Erica trying to sell Emma that adoption mess with "when we go to the dr and our names don't match" just stop! Good grief, they've lost their dad, you marry and move in 5 more people, they are dealing with some major issues and y'all are just trying to Brady Bunch them all together. & it's not working. 

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2 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

Erica trying to sell Emma that adoption mess with "when we go to the dr and our names don't match" just stop! Good grief, they've lost their dad, you marry and move in 5 more people, they are dealing with some major issues and y'all are just trying to Brady Bunch them all together. & it's not working. 

Regarding how much easier it'd be at the doctor's office, Emma said under her breath "That'd make your life easier, not mine..."   Poor kid. 

And to blindside the kids like that?!  How awful. 

2 hours ago, Calibabydolly said:

Oh! And don't forget mommy and daddy dressing up as Mike & Carol Brady for Halloween! Her wig and his hairy chest!!!

That was so ridiculous.  The kids didn't even know the show, they only knew that they're being compared to them (The Brady Bunch, that is).  How can 2 parents be so uncompassionate and blind?  No matter what Erica says about not going ahead with the name changes if any of the kids aren't happy with it, she's full of it.  She will guilt Emma into accepting it. She will paint it in pretty words, and in the end, she and Spencer will do what THEY want.  They're forcing all of the children to fit their "new, happy family" mold. 

Edited by ShowsILoveToHate
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2 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

Erica trying to sell Emma that adoption mess with "when we go to the dr and our names don't match" just stop! Good grief, they've lost their dad, you marry and move in 5 more people, they are dealing with some major issues and y'all are just trying to Brady Bunch them all together. & it's not working. 

That was such bullshit, I couldn't stand it. Hell, my mom got remarried when I was like 12... so 32 years ago. We never had any questions about her last name being different. We did have a doctor ask once if my sister and I had the same father, we had the same last name but my sister got all my mom's skinny blond pale genes and I got all my dad's heavier brunette darker genes. I thought my mom was going to take a swing at her, but instead she shot back, yeah, why, don't yours? I had 1 teacher ask about my stepfather's signature on my weekly band practice log once, only because he had never signed it before, but that was it. So yeah, I'm NOT buying medical offices even question Erica's last name in this day and age. 



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23 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Nostalgia maybe? Brady Bunch is iconic TV. To me, the whole thing is exploitive.

However, in 1969 a large, blended family was unusual. Fifty+ years later, it is fairly commonplace. If TLC did want to go there, I'm sure they could have found a better family than them.

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